La promesa - Temporada 3 - Episodio 393

  • 3 months ago


00:30Santos test of us condo vera
00:39Justamente yo también quería hablar contigo
00:46He estado pensando lo nuestro
00:52Me he dado cuenta de que he obrado mal
00:56Muy mal
00:59Es un canalla y no te mereces un trato tan despreciable y miserable como el mío
01:10No sé muy bien qué decir es que no tienes que decir nada
01:17Solo quiero que me perdones
01:20Necesito que me perdones
01:23Quiero cambiar de acuerdo quiero hacer las cosas bien
01:35He hablado con el señor baeza y y me ha ayudado a abrir los ojos
01:42Ahora veo las cosas de una forma completamente distinta
01:47También he hablado con mi padre
01:50Hemos decidido dejar nuestros rencores atrás
01:53Eso está muy bien
01:58Queremos intentar arreglar nuestra relación
02:03Y me encantaría hacer lo mismo con la nuestra
02:08Te prometo que no voy a volver a obligarte a hacer nada que tú no quieras
02:14Y tu secreto está salvo conmigo no voy ni a contarlo ni ni amenazarte con hacerlo
02:22Pero te suplico te suplico que me des una segunda oportunidad en el amor
02:42Tú es que no entiendes lo que yo siento al venir aquí y sin darme ni siquiera ninguna explicación
03:10Pero que de verdad un fantasma si quieres puedes darme un abrazo para comprobar que soy de carne y hueso
03:32Yo ni se lo imagina
03:38Pero y que haces aquí es que ha pasado algo en realidad si doña pia que
03:46Habría vuelto
03:50Claro por eso está usted aquí no
03:54Que está huyendo de ese demonio
03:57Pero eso ha sido su muerte
04:00Bueno maría porque no te lo explicamos ahora
04:03Vamos a meter todo lo que hemos traído
04:07Entonces mejor
04:38Santos no sé no no es que no te creas
04:42Es que se me hace complicado
04:43Creer que vayas a cambiar en un santiamez te aseguro que ya no soy el mismo que he cambiado
04:48y avergüenzo del antiguo santos que te
04:51amenazaba y te trataba mal
04:54Bueno, pero pero tienes que entender que para mí no es tan fácil olvidarlo todo así sin más
05:00Entiendo que tengas reparos
05:05He sido un miserable y un canalla contigo
05:12Santos me has chantajeado me has acosado no sé
05:17Lo sé
05:21Pero he hecho propósito de enmienda
05:24Te prometo que
05:27Que ya no voy a forzarte nunca más
05:30Que voy a hacer todo lo posible para ser merecedor de tu amor
05:35Te suplico
05:38Te suplico
05:40Que necesitas una segunda oportunidad
05:45Santos es que yo no puedo dar una oportunidad a un amor que nunca he sentido
05:51Y prefiero serte sincera y no mentirte para que no te hagas falsas ilusiones
05:58Te pido por favor será que me perdones de verdad por favor te lo pido
06:04Santos por favor
06:08Incluso es que en el fondo siento pena por ti
06:12Pero eso quiere decir que te importo
06:22Entiendo que que no puedas olvidar todo lo que te he hecho
06:28Simplemente te pido que que seamos amigos
06:36Por favor verán sólo eso ser amigos
06:49De acuerdo
06:56Ahora me tengo que ir
07:08De verdad y están bien los dos perfectamente y no le faltará tienen los dos brazos las dos piernas canela no se aburra
07:15El señorito curro como don manuel vienen los dos de una pieza eso sí no presentan el mejor aspecto posible
07:22Pero vamos que los dos gozo de buena salud es un día feliz para esta casa pues sí hay motivo para celebrar
07:28Yo prefiero a ver a los señores con mis propios ojos usted siempre tan desconfia no veo no lo creo
07:34y han llegado así de repente señor pellicer
07:37y como han llegado en un avión como el de don manuel
07:41no porque lo habríamos sentido que esos motores monta una escandalera que para que bueno yo estoy un poquito de niente yo tampoco he
07:47escuchado nada que no han llegado por aire han llegado en locomotora
07:51más seguro a ver si van a sobrevivir a la guerra y después se van a pegar un castañazo en el aeroplano eso sí
07:56ha debido de ser un viaje largo y penoso lo importante es que ya están en casa
08:02alegra sacada verá que don manuel señorito curro están de vuelta de verdad y que está bien
08:10flojillo pero bien pero vamos que con descanso y buenos alimentos
08:14seguro que recupera las energías un parquete
08:16lope habrá que pensar los menús de los próximos días que tengan platos contundentes para ayudarles a volver a su ser
08:22Ya de cría más grande de verdad
08:25supongo que la que más contenta estará ser a la señora con el regreso de su hijo estaba radiante
08:29fue a parecer don manuel por la puerta y ella se le iluminó el semblante y se abalanzó sobre él
08:34un reencuentro entre madre y hijo fue un abrazo muy emotivo
08:37bueno la señora marquesa solamente tenía ojos para don manuel
08:40ni siquiera se percató que estaba allí su sobrino un hijo es un hijo
08:44yo no quiero ni pensar la de horrores que habrán visto esos muchachos en el frente
08:48Yo a un día de hoy me levanto muchos días con pesadillas de la guerra de áfrica
08:53sé perfectamente que estas imágenes les acompañarán toda la vida por desgracia
08:58pero bueno con la vuelta a casa y el cariño de los suyos se recuperarán
09:01ustedes me apoyaron mucho el mejor bársamo es el amor y también un buen descanso
09:06he ordenado que les preparen un baño bien caliente a cada uno de ellos les va a saber a gloria bendita
09:12Así se quitan la roña y le pasa también los malos recuerdos
09:16quedará como nuevo el señor fue lo primero que don manuel pidió nada más llegar a la casa a un baño
09:22me solicitó que se lo pidiera a la señora de arriba
09:27Le ha contado usted la verdad no no fue el señor marqués
09:31y tanto don manuel como el señorito curro se quedaron impactados con la noticia del fallecimiento de doña pio
09:36pobrecito que tenga casa después de tanto tiempo y lo primero de todo
09:41enterarse de una noticia tan espantosa pues tendrán que acostumbrarse porque no queda otra yo a día de hoy no lo he conseguido
09:48ha dejado una huella muy honda en el servicio
10:06No sabes lo que se agradece el contacto humano y el poder charlar con alguien
10:12que los días hacen eternos
10:14lo puedo imaginar
10:17Mi por desgracia no me hace falta imaginarme lo porque lo sé muy bien maría
10:22perdona perdona perdona porque yo al menos tengo comida
10:26tengo agua y alguien que se preocupa por mí desde afuera lo tuyo debe de ser un infierno perdóname
10:32bueno para ser un infierno doña pia hay que estar muerto
10:36lo cierto que yo estaba en cadena aquí
10:39esperando a morirme
10:41Tuvo que ser horrible
10:44Pues si fue espantoso jana por nada el mundo hubiera vuelto yo aquí
10:49María siento mucho hacerte revivir todo esto de verdad que era el único sitio que se me ocurrió para que doña pia estuviera a salvo
10:56No te preocupe
11:00Además el lugar que más angustia me provocó ahora me ha dado una de las mayores alegrías de mi vida
11:06María sé que habéis sentido mucho mi muerte jana me lo ha contado todo y
11:11Y siento mucho de verdad haberos provocado ese dolor
11:17Bueno cuando regrese todo el mundo lo entenderá como lo entendió yo
11:22Que era lo necesario para despistar a ese monstruo
11:26Pues muy bien lo hemos despistado
11:29Porque ha vuelto a aparecer
11:31Ha vuelto porque Petra le ha avisado
11:33Pero el plan sigue adelante. Pero si Petra ha hablado con él es porque sospecha algo jana. Pues que sospeche lo que quiera doña pia
11:40El plan está muy bien atado y lo único que puede descubrir ese hombre es que usted murió en su pueblo nada más
11:46Pues ojalá sea así. Hemos arriesgado mucho para llegar hasta aquí
11:51Bueno pronto se acabará esta pesadilla. Ya lo verá
11:55Tiene que hacerlo porque lo cierto es que está usted
11:59De mejora
12:01Sí, bueno no estoy en mi mejor momento María Fernández. Eso es porque está en soledad y está aquí encerrada
12:10Pero por eso hemos venido nosotras para cuidarla
12:16¿De verdad?
12:18Nos quedaremos aquí con usted unos días para que no esté sola y
12:22hasta que todo se arregle a ver cómo evoluciona
12:26Muchísimas, muchísimas, muchísimas gracias
12:54Te veo comer con mucho apetito Manuel
12:57Como una fiera hambrienta madre. Mi voracidad no tiene límites
13:01La mía tampoco. Es más, es ver tantas villanas tan sabrosas que hasta me pongo nervioso
13:06A ver si vais a enfermar de tanto comer
13:09Lo dudo mucho. Creo que me entra todo lo que hay sobre la mesa, incluso más. No, no primo, comparte que no sólo para ti
13:16Pues yo creo que estáis llenando el ojo antes que la tripa
13:19Tenéis mejor aspecto después de una noche de descanso. No hay nada como 10 horas seguidas de sueño reparador. No conozco mejor medicina
13:27Aquí traemos más dulces por si gusta. Pensé que traerían hambre acumulada. Ya ha pensado usted bien, rómelo. No, pero déjelos por aquí
13:35Es tan deliciosos. Creo que como la promesa no se desayuna en ningún lugar del mundo
13:40Me alegro que sean de su agrado, señor. Transmitiré sus parabienes de cocina
13:44Y señor Baeza, transmita también nuestro más sentido pésame por la muerte de doña Pía
13:50Anoche la noticia nos dejó completamente sorprendidos
13:56Sí, yo también me uno a las condolencias. Siento de corazón tan sensible perdida
14:01Así lo haré, señores
14:05Rómulo, pida que traigan más fruta, que estoy segura de que no la han visto en mucho tiempo
14:11Sí, además será mejor que nos alimentemos de algo más sano. No podemos estar continuamente comiendo pastelitos
14:16Sí, yo la última fruta que recuerdo fueron aquellas moras que cogimos en los arbustos, en Ibgez, en México. ¿Te acuerdas?
14:24Como para olvidarlo, primo. Fue la noche antes de una de las peores batallas en las que hemos formado parte
14:29Sí, he leído sobre ello. Allí es donde los alemanes utilizaron un gas terrible contra las tropas aliadas. ¿No es cierto?
14:37Claro. Y eso que nosotros tuvimos la suerte de taponar nuestras vías respiratorias con unos pañuelos húmedos porque de lo contrario habríamos muerto allí sin lugar a dudas
14:47Menos mal que pudisteis mojar esos pañuelos en agua
14:51Bueno, en realidad no pudimos. Lo tuvimos que hacer con nuestra propia orina
14:57¿De verdad era necesario dar ese dato en la mesa?
15:01Rublo, será mejor que traiga ya esa fruta. Y un poco más de café, si puede ser. Está riquísimo
15:09Vaya huellos suizos. Por cierto, ¿cuánto va a tardar Martín en bajar a desayunar? Sé que le encantan
15:22¿Qué ocurre?
15:27¿Sucede algo con mi prima?
15:30Martina no está en palacio. ¿Y dónde está?
15:35De viaje. Con unas amigas. Volverá en unos días
15:44¿Y mi hermana Catalina? ¿Aún no ha desayunado? Suele ser muy madrugadora
15:49Catalina está en el hangar
15:53¿En mi hangar?
15:57¿Y qué hace allí?
16:20Buenos días
16:21Buenos días
16:24¿Ya era hora, dormilón?
16:30Anoche me acosté muy cansado. Ambos nos acostamos muy cansados
16:43¿Usted está bien?
16:45¿Me vas a seguir tratando con tanto formalismo? Después de lo de anoche
16:49Ya. Es raro, ¿no?
16:56Creo que han sido uno de los mejores despertares de toda mi vida. Si no, el mejor
17:02Y la mañana es buena porque la noche ha sido maravillosa
17:18Podría estar besándote todo el día
17:22Ahora, ¿qué pones de hacer otras cosas, no?
17:26Sí. Supongo que sí
17:31¿Sabe? No sé cómo se han disipado las nubes tan rápido
17:37Hace unos días estaba en la peor etapa de mi vida, en un callejón sin salida
17:44Y llegas tú y lo cambias todo
17:52Sí. Ese préstamo del banco te tenía muy angustiado
17:58Sabes de sobra que no es eso
18:00Mi corazón estaba parado, Catalina. Y tú lo has revivido
18:08¿Sientes lo mismo que yo?
18:10Desde luego
18:14Y hacía tiempo que no dormía tan a piernas sueltas
18:21No sé si eso responde a mi pregunta, pero...
18:25Se ha dormido bien
18:26Supongo que ahora estás agusto
18:28Lo estoy. Mucho
18:32Si fuera por mí, hubiese seguido en la cama
18:39Sintiendo su cuerpo junto al mío
18:48Habrá que recoger la cena
18:50Antes de que venga alguien y nos sorprenda
18:53¿Pero si no va a venir nadie?
18:56Todo el mundo sabe que no le gusta la visita
18:58Pero al final siempre acaba viniendo alguien por sorpresa
19:03Espero que alguna sorpresa sea agradable, ¿no?
19:11Yo me voy a poner a recoger
19:13Que está todo desperdigado y manga por hombro
19:48¿Qué te han dicho en el sanatorio?
19:50Han sido muy amables acertando la conferencia telefónica
19:53¿Pero cómo está Martina?
19:55Martina está bien, Margarita
19:57No debes preocuparte. Evoluciona favorablemente
20:00¿Y has conseguido hablar con ella?
20:02No. Sabes que sería contraproducente para su recuperación
20:05Pero el director del centro me ha tranquilizado mucho
20:08Así que deberías sosegarte tú también
20:10¿Y de lo que te dijeron ayer?
20:11¿Qué hay del tema de la pelea?
20:13Es cierto que Martina tuvo un altercado con otra paciente
20:17Pero nada grave. De verdad, Margarita, confía
20:20Está en buenas manos
20:22¿Con ella qué se debió ese altercado?
20:24Pues no me ha especificado, pero puede ser cualquier cosa
20:28Piensa que ahí también hay gente con problemas diferentes a los de Martina
20:31O sea que es hasta cierto punto normal que haya algún roce
20:34No, no, Ignacio. Tiene que haber una causa, lo sé
20:37No le des más vueltas, Margarita
20:38No le des más vueltas, Margarita. Fue un altercado sin importancia
20:42Bueno, se supone que he ingresado a mi hija en ese lugar para que su espíritu se serene
20:47Y no para que entre en peleas
20:49Que no puedo ni imaginar que mi hija esté viviendo con miedo en ese sanatorio
20:54Siéntate, por favor
21:01¿Qué puedo hacer para que te temples?
21:03He hablado con el director del centro
21:05Me ha dicho que extremará sus cuidados hacia Martina
21:08Y que estará especialmente vigilante en cuanto a la gente que se puede acercar a ella
21:12No lo sé, Ignacio, no lo sé
21:14Veamos la parte positiva
21:16Gracias a este desafortunado episodio
21:20Martina tendrá un trato todavía mejor y una atención más personalizada
21:29¿Por qué no dejamos de hablar de este asunto?
21:31¿Y cambiamos de tema?
21:35Además, tú y yo tenemos algo importante pendiente
21:42¿Quieres decir casarnos?
21:45No, prefiero así, casarnos
21:50No lo sé, Ignacio, de verdad no lo sé
21:53¿Me debo empezar a preocupar por esta falta de ilusión?
21:56No, claro que tengo ilusión
21:58Pero con estas circunstancias es que es muy complicado
22:00Precisamente, las circunstancias son inmejorables
22:02Ahora podemos arreglar nuestra situación mientras Martina se cura
22:07Podemos centrar nuestra atención en preparar esa ceremonia
22:11No puedo esperar más
22:13Quiero casarme contigo
22:16Te quiero, Margarita
22:23Así me gusta, con una sonrisa en la cara
22:27Sabes, no le he dicho nada todavía a mis hermanas Angelines y Pilar
22:31Pero en cuanto lo sepan, se pondrán como locas sabiendo que por fin siento cabeza
22:35Te llevas una buena pieza
22:38Has cazado a un solterón empedornido
22:42Bueno, Ignacio, de todos modos prefiero que no le digamos nada a nadie todavía hasta que no lo tengamos más cerrado
22:47Pero Margarita, mi amor
22:49Ignacio, te prometo que quiero casarme contigo
22:52Pero sabes que no lo puedo hacer a espaldas de Martina
22:54Y yo necesito que lo comprendas
22:58Así que si te parece, vamos a dejar este tema a un lado y a darle el protagonismo a Manuel y a Curro que acaban de volver de la guerra
23:06Además piensa que lo que se hace de esperar luego se disfruta con más intensidad
23:14Ignacio, quiero darte las gracias por llamar al sanatorio
23:17Porque, aunque no lo parezca, me ha dejado mucho más tranquila
24:02¿Qué pasa?
24:04¿Qué pasa?
24:05No, no, no, no, no, no. No. No. No. No, por favor, no me hagas nada. Por favor. No, no, no, no
24:13No te preocupes, todo va a estar bien
24:15No, no, no, lo suplico, por favor, no, no. Por favor, por favor
24:19Por favor, que no, que no
24:21Por favor, déjenme
24:22No, no, no!
24:24No, no, no!
24:29No, no!
24:31No, no!
24:49I don't know what I'm doing.
24:51I don't know what I'm doing.
24:53I don't know what I'm doing.
24:55I don't know what I'm doing.
24:57I don't know what I'm doing.
24:59I don't know what I'm doing.
25:01I don't know what I'm doing.
25:03I don't know what I'm doing.
25:05I don't know what I'm doing.
25:07I don't know what I'm doing.
25:09I don't know what I'm doing.
25:11I don't know what I'm doing.
25:13I don't know what I'm doing.
25:15I don't know what I'm doing.
25:17I don't know what I'm doing.​
25:19I don't know what I'm doing.​
25:21I don't know what I'm doing.
25:23I don't know what I'm doing.​
25:25I don't know what I'm doing.
25:39Is anyone here?​
25:41Do I have someone among you?
25:43Why did you call for me?
25:45You all have a habit of thinking I'm a dreamer.
25:47What a surprise! I didn't know you were back.
25:50Yesterday, Curro and I came back after several days of travel.
25:53And is Curro okay?
25:55Yes, yes, yes. This morning, he had breakfast for ten.
25:59You have a bad face.
26:01Well, somehow I had to justify that I come from the war, don't you think?
26:06I see you haven't lost your good mood.
26:08I'm here. And I'm alive. What else can I ask for?
26:16You're right. Sometimes we get distressed by insubstantial things and we forget the fundamental.
26:22Health, money and love. Although we've never lacked money.
26:31Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend, sister?
26:34Yes, yes, of course. It's Adriano, a farm worker.
26:40Ah, Adriano. Manuel de Luján, at your service.
26:45Nice to meet you, sir.
26:48Well, I'm leaving. I guess you have a lot to talk about.
26:54It's not necessary.
26:56Thank you, Adriano.
27:04You don't know how much I missed you.
27:07I want to thank you for your effort.
27:09Mr. Curro and Mr. Manuel showed up out of the blue.
27:12And I know you had to prepare the rooms in a hurry and in a hurry.
27:18Can you tell me where Juan and María Fernández have gone before?
27:23Do you think these are ways to enter the office, Mrs. Arcos?
27:27Do you know or don't you know?
27:30You can leave and continue with your duties.
27:34Thank you.
27:38No, no, I don't know.
27:40I don't even have the farthest idea where they could be.
27:43I don't believe you.
27:45Well, you better look around the palace before accusing me of being a liar without any basis.
27:49Those two maidens should be working and they have disappeared.
27:54Well, I say that two maidens will not be lost like the one who loses two buttons,
27:58that they will be somewhere.
28:01But it is strange, because they are unconscious and crazy heads.
28:05But not stupid to finish off.
28:08And what do you want me to do?
28:10If I have not given you permission,
28:12I can only imagine that you have given it to Mr. Baeza.
28:16Again, you accuse me again.
28:18I don't know anything about this matter.
28:20So leave me alone.
28:22We are not all as twisted as you are.
28:25You are not acting behind my back, are you?
28:27And they have given you permission to leave without me knowing.
28:30Are you able to get the most tempered out of here?
28:32I was alone.
28:34Mrs. Alcos, excuse me, but your voices can be heard from the corridor.
28:38I was the one who authorized those two maidens to leave the palace.
28:42Without consulting me first, Mr. Baeza?
28:45Because I remind you that I am responsible for those two maidens.
28:48This is all urgent.
28:50I received an order from Mr. Marquez at the last minute.
28:53I didn't have time to notify anyone.
28:55I assure you that I did not know about that order from Marquez.
29:00And why did he require them so urgently?
29:04A friend of Mr. Marquez received an unexpected visit
29:07and required a pair of maidens at the earliest.
29:10Can you tell me who that friend is?
29:15Don Gabriel López Carrillo, Duke of San Rafael.
29:19Colonel of the Honorable Spanish Army, for more information.
29:23Do you have any more information?
29:42Look how many hours I have spent in this hangar.
29:45And I never imagined that it could become a home.
29:48Here I lead the life I want, without anyone's intervention.
29:54You know?
29:56When I was at the front, I longed to return to La Promesa
29:59and meet the routines again.
30:02What I didn't know is that the routines had jumped through the air.
30:07I understand that it is difficult for you to accept so many changes at once.
30:12Especially if it sounds worse.
30:24What has pushed you to join the hangar, sister?
30:30It has something to do with my mother.
30:33Am I wrong?
30:35No. You are not wrong.
30:39And you're not going to tell me?
30:42I think you should ask your mother.
30:44Yes, when I have the least chance.
30:53Listen to me.
30:55I'm going to do everything I can to fix the problem you both have.
30:59Whatever it is.
31:01There are unsolvable issues, Manuel.
31:05I come from the front.
31:08From being with hundreds of people agonizing around me, Catalina.
31:13When you come from a war, any dispute
31:16becomes almost a children's game.
31:20You may be right.
31:24And you have a vision that I am not able to adopt.
31:28Trust me.
31:37And as for this man who was here ...
31:40Adriano is his name, right?
31:42That's right.
31:44I was not pleased to meet him.
31:47He is Jesus' son.
31:49One of the landlords of La Promesa who died recently.
31:56It seemed that you were quite close.
31:59Tadeo encouraged me to ...
32:01to help him because he was going through a rough patch.
32:06That you will help him.
32:08Well, yes.
32:10Yes, it is true that I am away from the farm but ...
32:13but I could give him advice on how to take care of his land.
32:17He is a good boy.
32:19Only he has no experience because his father was in charge of everything.
32:23And he asked for a loan from the bank but he was not able to pay it, so ...
32:27Catalina, Catalina.
32:29Don't worry.
32:30You don't need to tell me everything.
32:34From what I see, you are unable to forget your obligations, whatever happens.
32:39That's me.
32:47Thank you.
32:58Maria Antonia.
32:59Maria Antonia.
33:01Are you feeling better this morning?
33:03Yes, thank you.
33:05I guess you just needed rest and a restful sleep.
33:08It seems so, yes.
33:10So ... so we can ...
33:13resume our pending conversation.
33:16I guess you must have rested too, right?
33:19You must feel a great peace with the return of your son Curro's war.
33:23Yes, yes, although ...
33:25Peace ...
33:27may not be the word that best defines my state.
33:31Let's get to the important thing.
33:33Do you agree?
33:35I was stunned when you confessed to me last night that my brother-in-law Alonso kissed you.
33:42Did I tell you that exactly?
33:44Well, I don't know, I think maybe you misinterpreted my words, right?
33:48Maria Antonia, in the phrase, Alonso kissed me,
33:51there is no possible double interpretation.
33:53It happened or it didn't happen.
33:55And I have the feeling that it did happen.
33:58That last night you wanted to vent and today you are retreating.
34:01Is that so or not?
34:03Honestly, it's a topic I prefer to talk about.
34:05I should never have told you anything, I missed it, I'm sorry.
34:08You can't throw a stone and hide your hand.
34:11What's going on between my brother-in-law and you?
34:13Really, right?
34:14Maria Antonia, please.
34:20Let's say that for a while he is away.
34:24He is showing excessive interest in me.
34:29Excessive and inappropriate. He is a married man, for God's sake.
34:32Can you imagine what a violent situation, because for me he is the husband of my best friend.
34:37It is very hard for me to pretend in front of Cruz that nothing happens.
34:41Well, you've already done it.
34:43I was perfectly aware of what happened to you.
34:45Do you understand me now?
34:47How could I do something like that?
34:50Well, these are things that happen.
34:53I really prefer not to stir them up.
34:55It is inadmissible.
34:57Please, let's let it go.
34:58You would never have imagined something so scandalous.
35:01I had my brother-in-law for an untouchable moral man,
35:03and now it turns out that he lets himself be carried away by his low passions.
35:07I ask you, please, to be discreet, Lorenzo.
35:10For nothing in the world I would like Cruz to find out.
35:13It would be a terrible disappointment for her.
35:15Don't worry, it's a disappointment for everyone.
35:18Can I trust you, Lorenzo?
35:20Maria Antonia, not all men are the same.
35:23I have seen myself.
35:26You haven't answered my question yet.
35:29Can I or can't I trust you?
35:40A month later
35:58Have you spoken to Santos?
36:00Shall we continue later?
36:05Well, have you managed to put an end to the pressure he's putting on you or not?
36:09Yes, I did it yesterday,
36:11before Mr. Pellicer announced to us the return of the warlords.
36:14Why haven't you told me anything? I've been all day.
36:16I see, I see, I'm sorry.
36:18Well, tell me, what did he say? How did he react?
36:20Fine, fine.
36:22Are you sure?
36:24Because it doesn't seem like it from your appearance.
36:27Look, don't lie to me, did he force you again?
36:29No, Lope, no, calm down.
36:30Are you sure?
36:31Yes, quite the opposite.
36:34Well, I don't understand, what's going on?
36:37I don't know, it was ... it was a delicate and painful conversation.
36:43Yes, especially for him.
36:45He was very affected by the words I said to him.
36:47Well, I don't feel any pity.
36:53I don't know, Lope, he told me he regretted his behavior, he apologized to me.
36:59Yes, you should have seen him.
37:01And he wouldn't be pretending to apologize?
37:03I doubt Santos is such a good actor.
37:06And what did you tell him?
37:08Well, at first I acted tough.
37:10I couldn't forget all the horrible things he had done to me.
37:13Normal and logical. Berate has been blackmailing and forcing you.
37:16Yeah, I know, but ...
37:18No, there are no buts. There are not.
37:20Lope, my soul broke when I saw him so vulnerable, so broken.
37:24Listen to me, you can't be so good to him, he doesn't deserve it.
37:27Yeah, I know.
37:29And I made him see that I was not going to give a second chance to a relationship that had never existed.
37:33That's right.
37:35And don't forget that if you were with him, it was because he was blackmailing you.
37:38And I don't do it, I assure you.
37:40And I made him see that there was not going to be a relationship between us.
37:44I don't want to feed false hopes.
37:48And did he take it well?
37:52He told me that he was satisfied with a simple friendship.
37:56I don't know, Lope, I'm going to be as cruel as not to forgive him.
38:01And besides, Santos is no longer going to be an obstacle in our relationship.
38:06That's the important thing, isn't it?
38:10Yes. Yes, yes, of course.
38:15You have been the bravest woman in the world.
38:17It was not easy to have Galles to face that man.
38:20Well, in the end it has not turned out to be as fierce as it seemed.
38:24You don't take away the merit either.
38:40Come in.
38:42I warn you that whatever you ask of me, you will have to wait.
38:46Mrs. Petra has overloaded me with tasks and ordered me to finish them before dinner.
38:51Don't worry, I won't entertain her too much.
38:53Don't worry, I won't entertain her too much.
38:55Take a seat.
39:01Is it because of the way I cool the floors? Have I made a mistake?
39:04No, it's not a matter of work.
39:09It's about your visit to Wuhan when you told me to bring the ink and the dry paper.
39:14Wasn't it the ink you wanted?
39:16According to what you told me, you met with Don Fermin to talk about your work, right?
39:20That's right, I did.
39:22Why did you lie to me then and lie to me again now?
39:25Me? Lie to you?
39:28I know for a fact that Don Fermin has not been in town for several days,
39:31so it is impossible for him to meet with you.
39:34Why did you lie?
39:36Well, precisely, my idea was to go talk to Don Fermin about the job,
39:41but once I got to Elysium, I found out that he was not there
39:45and I ended up talking about the matter with Mrs. Felipa, the woman who takes care of him,
39:49and precisely I am going to replace him.
39:51But you told me that you met with the parish priest and it was not like that.
39:54Well ...
39:55That's what you call lying.
39:57Let's see, what I meant was that I had talked about the subject of my job.
40:02The truth is that I did it with Mrs. Felipa and not with Don Fermin as planned,
40:06but I promise you that I had no intention of cheating him.
40:10Maybe if I take it literally, yes, but nothing further from my soul.
40:18Well ...
40:21You can go back to your work.
40:23I don't want you to get carried away by entertaining her too much.
40:27Don't worry, Mr. Pellicer.
40:30I have assumed that I will still be angry.
40:33And ... thank you very much.
40:47Manuel and Curro have gone for a ride on the farm.
40:50Ah, blessed youth.
40:53The truth is that they have an enviable energy.
40:56I am not surprised that after so long trapped in a trench,
41:00listening to the bullets whistling around them,
41:02they want to feel freedom and fresh air.
41:05Yes, with the tranquility of knowing that you do not have someone stalking you who wants to kill you.
41:09Of course.
41:11The truth is that since Manuel and Curro have returned, another environment is breathed, the promise.
41:16What do you mean?
41:18Well, just that there is more serenity, more joy.
41:21Yes, I agree. And that has come in handy for all of us.
41:24Because we were already very distressed.
41:27I was desperate, thinking that the boys could have fallen into that bombardment of Alsacia and Lorena.
41:35Yes, the truth is that we all had bad moments.
41:37But they have completely dissipated.
41:39And I can't get my smile out of my mouth even if I want to.
41:42What a pair of big heads!
41:44What's up, Lorenzo?
41:46It's my son and my son-in-law who have insisted on going horseback riding, disobeying my recommendations.
41:50What's wrong with that?
41:52It's too soon, they have to recover.
41:55In my opinion, they will recover before feeling the fresh air on their face riding on their mounts.
42:01You've never been in a war, have you?
42:03I know what I'm talking about.
42:07Well, I still don't understand what's wrong with going horseback riding.
42:10Nothing, brother-in-law. There's nothing wrong with it.
42:14You don't have to rush a recovery when you arrive from such a terrible place.
42:18You never come back unharmed from a war.
42:22The worst wounds are the ones you don't see.
42:24The sequels of the mind.
42:27I have many companions who have still recovered from the anguish and fears they acquired on the front.
42:34Well, thank God, it seems that this is not the case with Curro and Manuel.
42:39No. They look active and excited.
42:42Don't be a whiner.
42:44I'm not a whiner. I'm cautious.
42:47By the way, Curro mentioned something about Martina traveling with some friends.
42:54Was it you who told her that lie?
42:57Well, at that moment I couldn't think of anything better to say.
43:04And what do you think, I don't know, having told her the truth?
43:08Yes, why did you lie to her?
43:11Well, the truth, Alonso, because the fact that my daughter is locked up in a sanatorium makes me feel like a horrible mother.
43:19On the contrary, what you want is for her to recover.
43:23No, I don't feel that way.
43:25I feel a deep shame that Martina is locked up there.
43:41A month later
43:52Have you seen Alonso around here?
43:56Well, wait, aunt, I'm leaving now.
44:00I would like you to have a digestive with me.
44:03Since I arrived, we haven't had time to talk to each other.
44:07Do you agree?
44:14You don't know how lucky I feel to be able to be back.
44:18In fact, this afternoon I was able to ride with Manuel on the farm there.
44:23This is how I imagine the age.
44:25Many trees, the wind, the sun, freedom.
44:32Don't tell me that war has made you a poet.
44:36What happens is that when you return home, you realize how good it is to be in it.
44:41And if you liked it so much, were you here?
44:43Why did you have to go to that damn war?
44:47I was confused.
44:50And at that moment I thought it was the best way out.
44:55Aunt, this is not a time for reproaches.
44:59The important thing is that Manuel and I have returned safe and sound from that hell.
45:03Besides, after everything that has happened, he will not give me the slightest chance to get along.
45:09I'm not going to forgive you for dragging my son with you.
45:12Well, that's unfair, because I didn't ask him to come with me.
45:15You know him perfectly well. You know that he would do anything to protect you.
45:19Well, like everyone here. Everyone treats you as if you were a little boy.
45:22Well, I thank my cousin ...
45:23A spoiled brat.
45:26I don't understand anything, aunt.
45:29How can you know that he comes so calmly?
45:30You are a spoiled brat, Curro.
45:32Everyone treats you with hot cloths and half-truths so as not to hurt you.
45:36And the truth is that you don't deserve any of those looks.
45:39Why are you saying that?
45:42I'm not a spoiled brat.
45:44Then why did your aunt Margarita lie to you?
45:47Martina is not traveling. She is in a asylum.
46:03To be continued...
46:06Do you know what María Fernández has done to the house of that friend of Marqués?
46:10No. I barely had time to say goodbye to her when she left with Jano.
46:15And don't you find it strange that they left with nocturnality and so suddenly?
46:21I don't have to heal from anything!
46:24I hope it's the last time she raises her voice to me.
46:29For the moment, she will continue with the treatment.
46:32She will take the pills that are given to her and she will obey the nurses in everything.
46:37That boy doesn't deserve you.
46:39And the way he has had to reject you, all he has done is confirm it.
46:44Vera has been playing with you all this time.
46:49What do you know?
46:51If you left, it was because you wanted to. Nobody forced you.
46:53You weren't even defending our flag.
46:55Flags mean nothing to us.
46:57And why did you get ready, asshole?
47:01Next time, control your whims.
47:05Or at least assume the consequences of what you do.
47:10What can I do to give you back that smile I had?
47:15See? I've already recovered it.
47:19And how are you?
47:24There's something I'd like to tell you, but I don't know how to do it.
47:28I called the palace by phone and they confirmed that our maids never got there.
47:33But how dare you? Who do you think you are to bother the dukes?
47:37What matters is knowing where our maids are.
47:40What did Aluján do when he said he was going to talk to Don Fermín?
47:44I was with Niño Felipa, the woman in charge of taking care of the priest.
47:48When Mr. Pellicer told me his version, I went to Aluján myself.
47:57Don't hurt me, please. I'm not going anywhere. Don't hurt me.
48:01I'm not going to hurt you. I have something for you.
