• 4 months ago
Joey Camasta | Joey Camasta
00:00I wonder what's happening in there.
00:01We should get a GoPro in there
00:02to see how they're wiling out.
00:03Do you think those girlfriends are like,
00:05friends that are like, oh my God,
00:06they know they're gonna die,
00:07and they're like all talking to each other in there?
00:08Like his wife is in there, like the kids,
00:10like where's Abigail?
00:11Hey everyone, welcome back to Kiki Cuisine,
00:13I'm Joey Camasa.
00:14Today we're having our very first P&P party.
00:16Now in some circles that means something
00:18completely different, but here today,
00:19it means pasta and pinot grigio,
00:21one of my favorite nights.
00:22Who doesn't love to have a friend over
00:23and have wine and pasta?
00:24It's the most fun, comforting, easy meal,
00:27and it's, you know, it's a crowd pleaser.
00:28So tonight we're making my favorite,
00:30spaghetti and clams.
00:30Now traditionally it's linguine and clams,
00:32but I hate linguine.
00:33It's too flat, it's a textural thing.
00:34I love spaghetti in everything,
00:35it's my favorite shape of pasta.
00:37So we're using spaghetti,
00:37but use whatever your heart desires.
00:39Just not like a gluten-free pasta.
00:42I mean, do what you want,
00:43but just don't tell me about it.
00:44So all you're gonna need for this ingredients list
00:46is pretty simple.
00:47You see some spaghetti, fresh manila clams,
00:49soaking in water.
00:50We have some chopped clams.
00:51We have some garlic, parsley,
00:53Calabrian chili paste, butter, and white wine.
00:56So the first thing you guys wanna do
00:57is put your pot of water on,
00:58start boiling,
00:59the sauce is gonna come together in about 10 minutes.
01:01So you want everything to kind of be done at the same time
01:03so you could mix it all together
01:05and serve it piping hot right off the stove.
01:07So what I did with my clams here,
01:09they're purging in water.
01:11So this is the third purge, okay?
01:13What you wanna do is,
01:14first you have to go through all the clams first
01:16and scrub them.
01:16They're all sand and dirt and all the shit all over them.
01:19So you scrub them, you know, with a clean sponge
01:22and get all the outside dirt off,
01:23and then you rinse them,
01:24and then you keep rinsing them until the water runs clear.
01:26Once the water runs clear,
01:27you put them in a bowl of water into the fridge
01:30and let them sit,
01:31and they're gonna purge.
01:32Basically they're gonna burp up all the sand
01:33that was in there.
01:35Some people put baking soda in the water,
01:37but I didn't have any,
01:38and I really don't care if there's sand in the food,
01:40no one's eating this.
01:41But the water's a little bit murky still,
01:43so we're gonna give it a quick rinse again,
01:44and then we're gonna get our sauce started.
01:47Now our clams are looking delicious.
01:48Look at all these different textures they have.
01:50These are called manila clams.
01:51All different shapes and sizes.
01:52The thing with this is,
01:53with any kind of shellfish like this,
01:54you wanna make sure they're closed.
01:55If they're open,
01:56that means they're dead,
01:57and then you're gonna eat them
01:58or you're gonna shit yourself.
01:59So you have to make sure they're all closed.
02:00If one's like half open, half closed,
02:01squeeze it back and forth,
02:02and if it closes,
02:03that means you woke up,
02:04said, bitch, get back to bed,
02:05and she goes back to sleep
02:06and shuts her little cage.
02:09But yeah, make sure you go through,
02:10make sure there's no broken shells,
02:11no other weird shit.
02:12Set those aside.
02:13In your deep, high-sided skillet, like this,
02:16you need to be like a long pot
02:17because you're gonna mix the pasta
02:18and everything's gonna go in this pot,
02:19so get the biggest pot that you have high sides in.
02:22And also you wanna have a lid to fit it
02:24because you have to steam the clams open,
02:25so get something with a lid as well.
02:27So to start, we're gonna do some garlic and oil
02:29in the pan right here.
02:30Turn your pan on medium high.
02:32Do a nice big glug of olive oil.
02:35Cover the whole bottom of the pan with this
02:37because this is gonna mix with the pasta water
02:39and create that luscious, silky, juicy sauce.
02:43And now we're gonna do garlic.
02:45I like to do my garlic sliced for this.
02:46You can mince your garlic too,
02:47but I think the slices in here
02:48are gonna be really super thin.
02:50It melts into the olive oil
02:51and it tastes really, really,
02:52tastes really, really good.
02:54Let me get my favorite tool in the kitchen.
02:55If you've been watching Kiki Cuisine,
02:56you know that this is like my go-to girl.
02:58I use this thing for everything.
03:00I'm gonna go on the thinnest setting
03:01and we're just going to shave our garlic
03:04right into the olive oil like this.
03:07Super thin like this.
03:08And once it gets cooking,
03:10it's just gonna infuse the garlic into our olive oil
03:15and it's gonna make it super flavorful.
03:17I'm doing about four big cloves,
03:19but you know, garlic you measure with your heart.
03:21Swirl it around and let that go.
03:24We're also gonna add a little bit
03:26of Calabrian chili paste.
03:27If you have this, I like this better
03:28because it has much more flavor to it.
03:31The red crushed chili flakes are nice,
03:32but they're dried and they kind of like,
03:34you know, they don't have such a punch of flavor.
03:35This has a nice round kind of flavor.
03:37They're sitting in oil here
03:38and they're just more flavorful and bright, if you will.
03:42So I'm gonna add a little bit of this.
03:43Let Nana get a spoon.
03:44Look at this spoon I have.
03:45I found this on the ground.
03:47I don't know what it is.
03:47If you know what this spoon is
03:49and if it's worth money,
03:50anyone from the Antiques Roadshow
03:51watching the program right now,
03:53please let me know if this is worth money.
03:55So I need to get my knees done.
03:56Imagine this is an ancient spoon
03:58that they've been looking for for 35 centuries
04:00and I found it on the ground.
04:01But I'm putting one spooky spoon
04:03of Calabrian chili paste.
04:04Add more if you like it,
04:05but I just want a little bit of heat.
04:06Give this a quick stir.
04:08Now watch this garlic.
04:09You don't want this to burn
04:10and you don't want it to get brown, really.
04:11You just want it to kind of become translucent.
04:15So I'm gonna lower the heat a little bit.
04:16Oh my gosh, now she's popping.
04:19The flavors are jumping, jumping.
04:23Wait, if I get burned here,
04:24will Dave Portner pay for it?
04:25Will it come into Miss Peach's college fund?
04:30This is enough.
04:32I'm putting the clams in.
04:32Now you put your clams all in at once.
04:35It's gonna, my bite starts screaming again.
04:40Get them going here.
04:42Get it well covered.
04:43Add a guzzle of white wine.
04:45Now you cover these hoes.
04:47We all almost died.
04:49And just let that go until they all open.
04:51And when they open,
04:52they're gonna release all their juices
04:53and that's like liquid gold.
04:55Now you might be wondering why I have
04:56all these extra clams here is because
04:57I like a lot of clams in my pasta sauce.
04:59And a lot of times you just get linguine clams.
05:01It looks like a lot of clams,
05:02but once you take them all out of the shell,
05:03it only comes out to be like two teaspoons of clams
05:05because it's like the shells are taking up all the space.
05:08So I like a lot more clams in it.
05:09So I get these ones here.
05:11I get these frozen.
05:12I get the canned ones.
05:13Just make sure you're getting good quality canned ones.
05:15So go to a nice Italian grocery store
05:16and get the canned clams.
05:17They're always fresh and chopped.
05:19They have great flavor.
05:20This beefs up the dish and makes it taste
05:22so much more clammy and yummy.
05:24In the meantime, you pour yourself a pinot grigio.
05:25This would not be a pasta and pinot grigio party
05:28without pasta and pinot grigio.
05:29This is fading sparrows.
05:31Thank you, Caitlin Bristowe.
05:35I'm gonna take some parsley and just chop this up.
05:37Fresh parsley.
05:38You have to use flat leaf parsley.
05:39Curly parsley is just to decorate things
05:41in bad neighborhoods.
05:43And again, if you've been watching the show,
05:45you know that I like to do not a lot of ingredients,
05:47but I get quality ingredients with less steps,
05:50and it just makes the food so much more delicious.
05:52It's like, you know, don't put a ton of shit in there.
05:54Just use a few ingredients and make them all good quality.
05:57And that's how restaurants do.
05:58And that's why our food always tastes good when you go out.
05:59You know, you get what you pay for.
06:01No need to put it all up with all these powdered spices
06:03and weird shit.
06:06I wonder what's happening in there.
06:08We should get a GoPro in there
06:09to see how they're wiling out.
06:10Do you think those girlfriends are like friends
06:11and they're like, oh my God, they know they're gonna die.
06:13And they're like all talking to each other in there.
06:15Like, claim it, girl.
06:16Like his wife is in there with the kids.
06:18Like, where's Abigail?
06:19Where's Abigail?
06:21And they're all looking for each other, like a massacre.
06:24I'm gonna get one of those ones that go like this.
06:27If anyone knows where I can get one, comment down below.
06:31Our water's boiling.
06:34Literally, now we just wait.
06:36Be right back.
06:39Okay, our water is boiling away.
06:40We have to heavily salt it like the ocean.
06:42A lot of people say it's too much salt, too much salt.
06:44Listen, girls, I'm the famous chef.
06:47Just trust me.
06:48You wanna put like a half a cup of salt.
06:50Like, you want it to taste like the ocean.
06:52Like when you get banged by a wave in your face
06:54and the water goes up your nose,
06:55you want it to be that salty.
06:57Nice spaghetti.
06:58And we're gonna crack it in half.
07:00I'm only kidding, never fucking do that.
07:02That is the sacrilegious thing to do in any household.
07:05If anyone does that, I would leave right away.
07:07Pasta goes in.
07:09And we're not gonna cook this all the way
07:10because we're gonna finish cooking in the sauce.
07:12Let that go in.
07:13Let's check on the clams, see if they're opening up.
07:14Ooh, there they are, look at them.
07:17They're opening for our very eyes.
07:21What's happening in there is all the clams are opening up
07:24and releasing their juice.
07:25That's all that juicy, delicious clam juice
07:26that tastes like the sea.
07:28Salty, briny, delicious.
07:30It's mixing with the white wine,
07:31reducing with the olive oil,
07:33and becoming this kind of thick, yummy sauce
07:35that we're gonna coat with the pasta.
07:36And everything's gonna come together
07:37like one luscious, delicious sauce
07:39with the starchy pasta water.
07:41But the only thing you have to do
07:42is make sure these all open up.
07:46There's nothing better.
07:48You can't buy that.
07:49You can't buy that flavor in a can.
07:53It's salty, it's briny, it's sweet.
07:56I love clams.
07:57It's fucking perfection.
07:59We're gonna take these clams out and put them in a bowl
08:01so I can mix all the pasta in
08:03and get these other clams going.
08:05I want one more for myself.
08:08Oh my God.
08:09The reason I'm taking them out
08:10is I want to be able to stir all the pasta
08:12inside this yummy sauce and have it coated nicely.
08:15And the shells are just gonna cut up the pasta
08:17and make it a big mess.
08:18So, it just makes it easier.
08:20I take these out.
08:21They're not gonna overcook now.
08:24And then I can top them later
08:26on the platter when I make it.
08:29There's our clams.
08:30You have that chilies in there.
08:31Delicious, delicious.
08:32Now we're gonna add our parsley to this.
08:36Our frozen clams.
08:38And we're gonna stir this all up
08:41and let this reduce.
08:41We want this to come to about half its bulk right now,
08:44just kind of tighten up.
08:45You want to cook your pasta just shy of al dente.
08:47So it says like, whatever it says, 11 minutes on there.
08:49Do it for like eight minutes or 10 minutes.
08:52Okay, I have to switch things up.
08:53So you know what happens with fucking stoves?
08:55There's one big one on that side
08:57and the little ones are over here.
08:58I always feel natural because I'm a righty
08:59to work over this way.
09:01But now I need the big burner from there
09:02because I need this to reduce more.
09:03So I'm gonna move the pasta back,
09:06move the clams here,
09:08and then move this over.
09:13That's the professional way, use tongs.
09:15This pasta's almost al dente.
09:17We're gonna put this in there.
09:19Don't worry about drying it off
09:19because you want that pasta water
09:22that has all that starch in there.
09:24And this is gonna reduce now
09:25because we want this to all get nice and cooked.
09:27And we want this to reduce to a nice thick sauce.
09:29We're gonna stud it with butter.
09:30Now this is a secret restaurant ingredient,
09:32no one tells you.
09:33Every restaurant, even no matter who they are,
09:35they always finish their pasta with a tab of butter.
09:38This makes the sauce all come together.
09:40And if they're saying there's no butter in it,
09:41they're lying to you.
09:43Trust me, this makes it silky, velvety, delish.
09:47You guys know this is about to be ready.
09:48Once you see the sauce starting to reduce and thicken up,
09:50you can pull it back and you see
09:51it comes in a nice thick, creamy consistency.
09:53That's the butter broken down.
09:55That's the wine reducing.
09:56That's just clam juice becoming concentrated and yummy.
10:01Look at this.
10:02Silky, glossy, beautiful.
10:05Perfectly al dente, perfectly incorporated.
10:08And we're gonna put this on our platter.
10:13We're gonna stud it all around with our clams.
10:17This looks unbelievable.
10:19Top with some fresh parsley and just a little extra chili.
10:22This is how they do it in Italy.
10:23My friend Lorenzo from Antica Pasta in Brooklyn
10:25showed me this.
10:26They just cut a little bit of a chili,
10:27Italian chili here, over with a scissor
10:30to give a fresh, yummy bite.
10:33If you like spice, you can do this individual portions
10:34or on its own.
10:36And that's it.
10:37How easy was that?
10:38It is to taste for all year round.
10:39It's my favorite pasta dish
10:41and it's definitely a crowd pleaser.
10:42Definitely Kiki cuisine.
10:44Now I'm serving it family style on a big platter,
10:45but you can do individual portions,
10:47however you like to Kiki.
10:48But this is how I like to do it.
10:49Just put one big pot out.
10:51Everyone helps themselves.
10:53Ooh, that's gonna be hot.
10:55Let's give it a try.
11:00It is so salty and briny and fresh.
11:03It tastes like the ocean, but not overpowering.
11:06A little fruitiness in the spice and the Calabrian chili.
11:08The parsley's just giving this lemony bite to it.
11:10The butter is making it luxurious and anxious.
11:14These clams are so juicy, not overcooked.
11:18The white wine is giving this a little acidic to it.
11:20It is a perfect dish.
11:22Well, that's it for my pasta and pinot grigio party.
11:24You guys have to make this.
11:25Please tag me, tag Kiki cuisine.
11:26It's my favorite meal.
11:27It's gonna be a crowd pleaser.
11:28Make it any time of the week
11:29and your guests are going to love it.
11:31Make sure to like, comment,
11:32and especially subscribe down here
11:33and we'll see you next time on Kiki cuisine.
