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Donny Enriquez | What's For Lunch
00:00Yo Skip, what's for lunch? How about egg white omelette? I love egg white omelettes.
00:07All right we're doing breakfast for lunch. Let's get cooking.
00:16Guys welcome back to What's for Lunch. We're doing breakfast edition. We're
00:19joined by the legend Skip Bayless. Skip, welcome to the kitchen. Thank you.
00:23Quick story, I was actually the black sheep of my extended family because
00:28everybody cooked except me. So this is a little surreal for me because I was
00:34forced to work in my parents restaurant, just a little hole-in-the-wall barbecue
00:38restaurant on the south side of Oklahoma City, and I despised anything cooking
00:44such as what they call preparation work, which involved often green peppers such
00:49as these, which I was forced to wash and then take a big old ugly looking
00:55butcher knife and chop, there was no machine at this point, and chop and chop
01:01and then then take it sideways and do this to make it into little green bits
01:06to put into the, I think it went to potato salad. Okay. So one fateful day I
01:11washed and it was slippery and as I went with the butcher knife it went and
01:15slipped right off because I I was sort of half-heartedly doing it. Yep. And this
01:20finger, I just slashed it seriously. I looked down and I could see my bone. Oh
01:26my god. So I walked into my father who's getting ready to open the restaurant at
01:3011 a.m. and I said you did this to me because he made me work there and he was
01:36like oh god let's go to the emergency room. So I went and got I don't know eight
01:40or ten stitches and yet I still eat green peppers but I've never tried
01:45to chop one or watch anybody chop one. This is the first time? First time since. Wow
01:50that that is big. Is that the scar? I think I saw the scar on your finger right there.
01:54All the way across. That's crazy. You know what I don't prep work is the worst
01:57work in the kitchen. All right so we're gonna get to the chopping of the pepper.
02:01We're gonna we'll do redemption here. I'm gonna show you the easiest way to do it.
02:04With this we're just gonna hold the knife thumb and finger here. Okay. You
02:07don't really need the handle and then you're gonna take it around this pepper
02:10and just kind of follow the natural curve just around the seeds. Okay. We're
02:14gonna start there that's step one. Okay. You know we don't need and then take the
02:20seeds off. Okay. You're just gonna keep it so we're not chopping any fingers this
02:23time. Fingers stay tucked in and you can just roll it like this. Okay. It's that
02:27easy and then now now we're gonna give skip the the knife and I'm not sure I'm
02:32capable. Roll it around. So I'm gonna do fingers here. Perfect. Perfect. I'm gonna go
02:37sideways. Perfect. Yep and I keep this hand over here just to yep yep perfect.
02:42Go down through it. Down through it and kind of just now guide it around that core
02:47of that. Boom. Perfect. All right now rotate. Yep. You got it. Look at that. Look
02:51at that. How many years has it been since since that day? What how old were you
02:54back then? I was in seventh grade so it's a long time ago. Almost like what over 50
02:59years? Yeah it would be over 50 years. Wow and now we're back. Look at that.
03:06Redemption. Okay. All right. Phase two. Okay. Keep that. Now the hands if you never
03:12cut yourself because this knuckle see it's like it's the guide on that and
03:16then and then you'll just do this it's kind of slicing motion. It's like you've
03:19done this before. A couple times. Oh a couple times. Yeah okay. While you do
03:23that I'm gonna whisk up our egg whites here. Okay. And we'll get going. So now are
03:29you are you a fairly healthy eater? Yes. It seems like it because you're in
03:32immaculate shape. Thank you. I appreciate that. So how what's your what's your diet
03:36like? Has it always been strict? You know I would say for 30 years I've been what
03:44most people would say strict. I have a few faults but for the most part I try
03:52to stay away from oil, butter, dairy, sugar, fried. Yep. Try to stay
04:00away from those and red meat. Red meat. Okay no red meat. No red meat. Okay. Do you ever
04:06have a cheat meal or like something that you sneak a couple sweets here and there?
04:09What's your go-to for that? Friday night we each have one slice of pizza. Okay one
04:17slice. I like that's that's got to be the hardest thing just having one slice
04:21because you know you want that second or want that third. But you can buy it if
04:25you go to the right place. You can buy just the slice and bring it back.
04:28You're not tempted by the rest of the pizza. That's fair. Does your wife cook? Does she
04:33like to cook? You know I think I think I chose her because she doesn't cook.
04:39Really? I actually like that because everybody in my family, my mom, my
04:42grandmother, obviously my brother, my father, my grandfather, everybody cooked
04:48and took great pride in it and I couldn't compete with that. Right. So you
04:53don't like any oil? No olive oil? No. I mean if you have extra virgin. Yeah I have
04:57extra virgin. Well I actually have a primal kitchen. This is keto paleo
05:01certified. This is the best of the best. This is avocado oil. This is the stuff
05:05to use. So we're gonna put just a little bit of that in there and then with the
05:08whites you can do a couple things. So the more you denature the proteins the more
05:12that you you scramble these the fluffier it gets. So if we wanted to I could do
05:16this for ten minutes and get super fluffy like a souffle and you pour that
05:20into like the Japanese style of omelets and it's like thick and jiggly. It can be
05:24a little a little intense. So we're gonna do like right in between. So a
05:28couple egg whites. And are you a three meal day guy? Do you like
05:32breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Three square meals? I'm more five meals a day.
05:36Five meals? I'm doing small meals. Okay. Yeah. We might go out on a Saturday and
05:42do this. This would be a Saturday staple. Okay. But in general I'm doing
05:47versions of white meat turkey and broccoli and rice, brown rice, and beans.
05:53Some kind of black beans. Yep. I'm doing that two big times a day and the rest is
06:00supplemented with protein bars and shakes. You're a turkey guy. Do you like a
06:04Thanksgiving meal? What's that? I guess most people don't like turkey.
06:09It gets about old hat by Thanksgiving. I eat it twice a day. Right. It's not as
06:13exciting. Most people it's a once a year occurrence. And then I love a
06:18little fresh basil. Do you want some fresh basil in there? Yeah. We'll do a little fresh lime. A little black pepper. Okay. And we're gonna let that finish cooking and then we'll give that a
06:25flip and we'll be good. Back in the day before you were on the more of this
06:30diet, what was like a typically your favorite meal? Were you eating red
06:35meat? Did you like big steakhouses back back then or what was that kind of like? I had
06:40no rules and no scruples. No rules. For a long time. And back in my marathon days I ran
06:46ten marathons. Wow. Ten marathons? I had no eating rules so I would pig out because I
06:55thought well I ran whatever in training you know sometimes 20 miles a day to get
07:00ready for a marathon and I think well I can eat anything and the truth is you
07:04can't. That there's no amount of running that you can do to defeat total pig out
07:11because you just can't overcome the amount of fat and calories that you're
07:18intaking. Mexican food was always my downfall but it was my Valhalla. I would
07:23have run so far I thought I can get away with that and I was actually in worse
07:29shape in my marathon days than I am now because of the intake of the diet. Really? Wow. I would see
07:35well a lot of people are gonna be disappointed to hear that you can't
07:38overcome the... I used to think too the more I work out I can just eat anything.
07:41That's been my mentality but you heard it here first from Skip you can't.
07:45You can't. Can't defeat it. Hit me between the eyes at 30 that you only get one
07:52body right? Right. You're not gonna get another one. Right. You can try to fix it
07:57and you can try to replace this and that but in the end you really just get one.
08:01That's some great life advice right there. I mean it is true. That's just me. If you
08:06want to look like Skip as good as he looks at your age is incredible. How old are you now?
08:1072. That's amazing. Well there you go that's in the
08:13blueprint right there. Start eating how you want to look and how you want to
08:16feel so at certain point 30 so I got two more years but everyone out there at 30
08:21you got to start really thinking about what you put in your body because if you
08:24want to look great take it from Skip. Thank you. On that note let's try this thing.
08:28Let's try it. I like the basil. I can taste the basil. Very good. That was fun
08:39and we got a lot of great insight and you got redemption on the green pepper
08:42so. I defeated them. Defeated it. They will never get me again.
08:46Love to hear it. Skip way to go. Thank you very much guys we'll see you next time.