• 2 days ago
El Presidente | Stool Scenes
00:00Get a bigger horn than this one?
00:18We're feeling good.
00:19We're feeling loose today.
00:20It's hot out today.
00:21It's going to be like 95 degrees already.
00:24Cut the sleeves off so I don't die of heat exhaustion in the crowd.
00:27Went down to the old Texan department store, Cavendish.
00:30You walk in there and it's literally just cowboy hats, boots, bolo ties.
00:35You're going to run up a sack there.
00:38They got cowboy hats in there for like 500 bucks.
00:41Boots for a G note.
00:43Didn't spend that much, but we got a good value buy here on this old cap.
00:47Dave, how was the food yesterday?
00:54Fried pickled pizza, couldn't eat it.
00:57Cheeto corn dog, couldn't eat it.
01:01The funnel cake, good.
01:03That one was good.
01:05There was something like Japanese.
01:08I don't know what that was.
01:09That was good.
01:10But like the traditional crazy ones, couldn't eat it.
01:14You still feeling good today?
01:16My stomach's a little off, but gross.
01:19But I knew it would be gross going in.
01:21It was gross coming out.
01:23That was what everyone was like.
01:24If you have one thing out of the turkey, that's like the staple.
01:27A couple of them, the owners, the problem was the owners were all right.
01:31Yeah, just over and over again.
01:32And like a couple of them, I couldn't even, the food was in my mouth.
01:35I'm like, oh, this is something, man.
01:38You could tell I couldn't eat it.
01:43It's something.
01:44You just eat it straight.
01:47Oh, it's a hot dog.
01:54It's not what you expect, so.
01:56I don't know what I expect.
02:05What's up?
02:06What's up?
02:07It's pretty awesome.
02:09Try that, it's unbelievable.
02:14I'm just so excited.
02:15That's awesome.
02:17How did you even eat it?
02:20It's so messy, but like what you're doing is just, but it's fucking really good.
02:28They brought that one in like special.
02:30I don't know what made that.
02:31That's good.
02:32So good.
02:35I love when people get to visit my culture.
02:39How are y'all eating it?
02:40Just go for it.
02:41That's exactly what I said.
02:42Put your mouth around it.
02:43Just go for it.
02:51Smells phenomenal.
02:52They called it Texas bistro.
02:54Mets, Yankees, there's a legitimate chance Tommy or KFC would kill themselves if their team loses.
03:01Tommy, you should have seen Tommy when Lindor hit the Grand Slam, Tommy was more upset than Philly.
03:07Yeah, he was more nervous about the Mets than the Yankees than what.
03:11Like he hits the Mets like more than the Red Sox.
03:13I'm not even thinking, I don't give a fuck about who wins.
03:16Just the pain for the loser would be so off the charts.
03:19That's almost why I don't want to play the Mets.
03:21Yeah, no.
03:22If we lose, it's like you lose like fuck.
03:24It's Duke, UNC, and the Final Four.
03:26Even if the Yankees lost, if the Mets just win the World Series, I'd be like fuck.
03:29Because then I'd just have to hear their shit for a year.
03:31Hear the Mets out against us.
03:33Let's win some shit.
03:46Good job.
03:48Good job.
03:49Yeah, that one.
03:50We did.
03:51Alright, thank you.
03:52We did.
03:53Let's go.
03:54I thought I was getting the big one.
03:55What the fuck?
03:56I want to go for the extra large one.
04:00Alright guys, we need at least one more racer, one more chaser now for that extra large size pie.
04:05Grab a seat, grab a gun.
04:06He'll go too.
04:07Get in, get in.
04:09Alright, right now we're at the extra large that's at the side walls.
04:12Would you guys like to join in?
04:14Here we go.
04:15Get it all out, screen TV.
04:17He better not embarrass me.
04:18This guy, if he can't shoot a piece of water stream into a hole this big, he's fired.
04:23One, shoot him.
04:27Oh, down at the end, number 14.
04:30He's won it, he's done it.
04:32Good job.
04:33The first three seconds, it was near the hole.
04:35Are you still surprised?
04:37Yeah, what the hell happened?
04:38I hit it the whole time.
04:40You want to play again?
04:43We got cheated on that.
04:44That little kid.
04:45Mike, get up there.
04:46It's not possible.
04:47You can't win this game.
04:49Yeah, you can.
04:50Go do it.
04:51You know it's impossible, right?
04:54Impossible is nothing.
04:55NYPD shooting, I think it'll be way off.
04:58I want to win this for my kids.
05:00It's a card he scammed.
05:03Come on, Mike.
05:04We might get fired if he don't get it.
05:07He just got scammed again.
05:09There's always one little piece of the red always showing.
05:11It's not possible.
05:12It's not possible.
05:13It's the mic.
05:15Let me see that.
05:17Does this count or is this no good?
05:20All that has to be out.
05:30I'm going to go jumbo.
05:31That's 40.
05:32Hit it.
05:33All right.
05:34I don't know what's happening here, but I got it.
05:38I'm going to stop at jumbo.
05:40Yeah, let's stop at jumbo.
05:41Come on, guys.
05:42All right, go.
05:44I got the extra large.
05:45Yeah, jumbo.
05:47I got the jumbo.
05:48I'll take that.
05:49I'm going to get that blue one.
05:51The dinosaur?
05:53This is not for my kids, by the way.
05:54This is for me.
05:55You've got to ask.
05:56I have a sports card.
05:57I'm a martial sports.
05:58That's right.
05:59Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:00We're doing a live shot.
06:01Where's Casey at?
06:02Right around the corner.
06:03We're doing a live shot.
06:06We won something.
06:07I'm going to get some fried salt, anything.
06:21They catch bouncy.
06:22That one guy got me so good.
06:24He saw how mad I was about losing the water game.
06:28He was like, come over here.
06:30And he was like, guaranteed winner.
06:31And then he was like, pay me after.
06:34So I hit one.
06:35He was like, all right, that was 10.
06:37He's like, go again.
06:38I hit another.
06:39He's like, that's 20.
06:40I hit another.
06:41He's like, that's 30.
06:42He just kept on going up.
06:43And I just kept on throwing.
06:44He's like, now you've got the biggest prize.
06:45Which one did you get it from, the official official?
06:49I think it was official official.
06:51Which one?
06:52It was right over here.
06:53I love funnel cakes.
06:54Go ahead, have some.
06:56Funnel cakes are the best.
06:57What's going on in the games?
06:59Rocket arm.
07:00That's how I want them.
07:01Did you have a funnel cake yesterday?
07:03Yeah, I had the original.
07:04I hope it was the original.
07:06Oh, well.
07:07I think it is.
07:09It was a pill.
07:16Funnel cake.
07:17Oh, I know.
07:18You don't have to like shovel it in your mouth like that.
07:24You can take a bite at a time.
07:28I mean, that was crazy.
07:30It was like he's never eaten before.
07:32How are you feeling about tonight?
07:35I just want to see Tate have to do one of those.
07:37That's so funny.
07:39Peeps is bad.
07:40What's his Oregon one?
07:42If Oregon wins the game, every point they score, you have to eat 10 Peeps.
07:46Each one sitting?
07:48So if they score 30, he's got to eat 300.
07:54That's not going to fall on us during the show, is it?
08:05There's two turkey legs in there.
08:10What's up?
08:11Ready to go?
08:16That's winning?
08:18What's the Peep update?
08:20We are at 62, but we're going big tonight.
08:25I'm doing tonight, tomorrow night, and then I'm having a Peep show Wednesday from my hotel room.
08:29All right.
08:30So how did this come about?
08:31Ohio State lost to Oregon.
08:32No, I didn't decide it.
08:33Ohio State lost to Oregon, and I said I would eat 10 Peeps for every point Oregon scored,
08:37and they scored 32 points.
08:40What's up, boss?
08:41It's only me tonight.
08:42There's eight Yankees fans in me.
08:44Oh, Nicola and Bob Fox?
08:47Nicola and Bobby Fox are in the pen?
08:52Can I be honest?
08:53You can have some if you want some.
08:54Oh, I think you're going to die.
08:57I'm not even joking.
08:58I said today I think you're going to die.
09:00I'm cheering as hard against the Mets as I've ever cheered for the Yankees.
09:03How do you not want that stream?
09:04If it was Yankees-Mets, you guys would be...
09:06I'll tell you what.
09:07There's a sick little part of me that if you guaranteed me a Dodgers-Guardians World Series,
09:11I'd be like...
09:13That's crazy.
09:14That's actually the craziest thing I've ever heard.
09:16And I've lived through four Red Sox World Series.
09:18Still here.
09:19I don't know if I could live through a Mets World Series.
09:21And if they did it against the fucking Yankees, I'd be like...
09:24Still here.
09:25And if they did it against the fucking Yankees...
09:27But I also like the idea of just sweeping them and fucking spanking them.
09:31But at a certain point, if they just keep winning, then nobody is.
09:40A billion dollars!
09:41One billion dollars!
09:46What's going on?
09:47What's up?
09:48I heard Ohio State is coming today.
09:51What are your thoughts?
09:53We've all heard it.
09:55I don't know.
09:56I think I can just ignore him forever.
09:58We don't have to speak.
09:59We don't have to talk to each other.
10:01He's going to be eating Peeps, which is disgusting.
10:03Honestly, I'm repulsed even before he's here.
10:06So I'm just going to steer clear.
10:07Wait, Keegs, do you know the bet?
10:11Tate has to eat 300-something Peeps.
10:14But if he walks up to you and he says,
10:16Kelly Keegs, my queen, will you please eat this one Peep?
10:21He has to say something of that effect.
10:22I don't remember the exact words.
10:25He has to go up to Kelly Keegs and ask her nicely.
10:29And if Kelly Keegs says she has to say these exact words,
10:32I'm eating this Peep for Tate, and then eats an entire Peep,
10:37that will count 100 Peeps off of his total.
10:40There's 0% chance this happens.
10:42Because Kelly will not.
10:44And she has rightful hate.
10:48It's almost like I just want to see the exchange where he's asking.
10:54If Kelly gets to someone sending this clip to Kelly,
10:56what Kelly needs to do is eat the Peep but not say the words,
11:00because it won't count.
11:01I've made it very clear.
11:02The words have to be said.
11:03I will eat this Peep for Tate.
11:05If she does not say that, she can eat 100 Peeps,
11:09and they won't count towards his total.
11:11I think there's a higher percent chance of Kelly Keegs stomping a hole
11:15in Tate's throat with a stiletto.
11:17I think that that's probably more likely than her cooperating.
11:21I mean, not a fucking chance.
11:22Like, absolutely no.
11:24I don't want, first of all,
11:25I don't want any Peep that's close to his grubby fucking fingers.
11:27But I also just wouldn't do that.
11:29Why would I help him out?
11:30In what world?
11:31Who made this bet?
11:35Shame ritual or something like that,
11:38where he has to, like, stand, like, in the corner and, like, ring a bell
11:41and, like, say that, like, like, strip down and, like,
11:44cover himself in duct tape or some freak shit.
11:46Tarred and feathered.
11:47Tarred and feathered.
11:49Tarred and feathered.
11:50Tarred and feathering.
11:51If he agrees to be tarred and feathered, then Charlie the Peep.
11:54You should do a Nate Friday.
11:55You should sit in between us and mediate, Frank.
11:57God, that sounds like torture.
11:58If you're not actually sorry, she's not going to eat the Peep.
12:02I am sorry.
12:04Look, I'm, like, trying to help you here, man.
12:06You're not taking this.
12:07Listen, she ain't going to eat the Peep.
12:10I think there is a way that you could draw up a contract that she would say,
12:17you know what, I'll eat that Peep for you.
12:20Do you believe that?
12:21You would have to give a lot.
12:24Every man has a price.
12:26I don't even know what the requirements of that contract would be.
12:30You only refer to her as Queen Kelly.
12:32You admit all fault and you call yourself maybe...
12:34But the thing is, I don't even think she would accept...
12:37I think she's just like...
12:40Nah, it's fine.
12:41Eat the Peeps.
12:43She's willing to discuss.
12:45Do you think if she could hit a button and you would die,
12:48do you think she would hit that button?
12:50Because that's kind of what you're saying this is.
12:53No, that's a little dramatic, don't you think?
12:56I think she would hit the button.
12:58I think she would.
13:00I have no hesitation.
13:01I have no hesitation.
13:03Like, how many times can I hit it?
13:05I'd rather watch him like, you know, die of his sugar,
13:07like his heart stops because of all that sugar.
13:09I'd honestly rather that.
13:12He came here and hit it.
13:15The Peeps thing is going to hit.
13:17All I was doing...
13:18They relapsed on work hard this morning.
13:20That was a great idea.
13:21No, the Peeps thing is great.
13:22I never said it was bad.
13:23So what did I do to that?
13:25I'm the first one here.
13:26I didn't even do that.
13:28Now I will say, he didn't really do that because he didn't...
13:31Take, like, a photo of the office, like, look at New York.
13:34He was trying to get in.
13:36Listen, if I...
13:37Like, nobody takes a photo of, like, Chicago at 2.30 on a Friday.
13:40Like, I mean, like...
13:42Because Big Cap said you're not allowed.
13:44That's when they do basketball.
13:46I mean, I think if you're going to call people out for not working,
13:48I think you've got to call out...
13:49The people at home?
13:50The people...
13:51I'm not calling out anyone.
13:52All I did today...
13:54All I did today was call them.
13:56And it's got everyone up in office.
13:58You don't get points for doing that.
13:59Yeah, you don't get points for calling them out.
14:00The peep stuff is great.
14:01The Ohio State, like, listing, great.
14:07In my opinion, I would say it's great.
14:09Feeling mutual, Jack.
14:10Feeling mutual.
14:11It's a great idea.
14:12I had to script hard this morning.
14:14I don't understand what you're saying.
14:15I'm laughing.
14:16I thought it was good.
14:17True story.
14:18I walked in...
14:19He was just, like, itching to do it.
14:20I was told...
14:21I was told on my trip here that the cards worked at both spots.
14:26I told you, do not expect Chicago standards.
14:28And then...
14:29There's people who work here who can't get in on the weekends.
14:32He was confused.
14:33He had to buy his own lunch today.
14:34He had no choice.
14:36He didn't have to do what?
14:39I'm not insulted by that.
14:40I wasn't insulted.
14:41I tried to get in.
14:42I couldn't get in.
14:43There was traffic, whatever.
14:44You think there was an underlying tone of people don't work here and that's why you...
14:48I don't understand what anyone's saying.
14:51He thought it was a dog whistle, but that's fine.
14:53Jack knows dog whistles.
14:54Very true.
14:55No, that's you.
14:56You are peak dog whistle.
14:57No, Peeps is not.
14:58Peeps is great.
14:59And my walker, Peeps, was a hat tip to walking bets.
15:02And she's like, what's her name?
15:07Peeps is great.
15:08As long as it doesn't kill you.
15:09You have like 200 more left.
15:10No, no.
15:11I feel good.
15:12I feel good.
15:13Peeps is the best.
15:15I'm on still scenes today.
15:16What's going on?
15:17Yeah, right.
15:18Camera doesn't even have a battery.
15:21Hobbes, anything for still scenes?
15:23Sandwich is amazing.
15:25Good stuff.
15:28I also got a sandwich.
15:29It was amazing.
15:30All right.
15:31New York office is rocking.
15:32One hour later.
15:33Your sandwich is taking the internet by storm.
15:35My sandwich has taken the internet by storm in a way that I never could have anticipated.
15:40Prime rib on bread.
15:42That's all it is.
15:43That's all you need.
15:44Came back here.
15:45Took a picture of it.
15:46Wanted to boost it out to the whole world.
15:48Tell people how good it is.
15:51I mean, Dave acknowledged how insanely good that sandwich looked.
15:54I'm just here for the ride and the experience.
15:56I was happy to just come along with these two.
15:58It was tremendous.
15:59No one's talking about Glenny eating a whole chicken.
16:05Herb marinated.
16:08You just got a whole ass chicken?
16:10We're trying to be hot, so I saw it and I was like, why not?
16:14Look at that.
16:16I'm just not getting enough talk right now.
16:20He just devoured a whole bird.
16:22Whole bird just went down Glen.
16:24That sandwich is great, though.
16:25I'm going to have it probably in another two days.
16:27We can get an update on the vinyl sandwich.
16:29It's still going off.
16:31He hasn't changed at all.
16:32He's still like super chill, super down to earth.
16:343.8 million views.
16:35It's been posted on a couple of the biggest New York Instagram accounts.
16:39Just the picture I posted there, like, check this out.
16:42One of New York's best sandwiches.
16:44I think the line out the door in Eataly is going to be insane today.
16:48Thank you so much.
16:50To make this my thing, to just go for lingerie, it's a $30 sandwich.
16:55I can't afford to be the prime rib guy.
16:58People want to see you do the... I mean, think about Dana's liver.
17:02Dana's liver is in shambles.
17:04Your bank account can take a $30 hit every day.
17:07$30 every day is crazy.
17:10But, you know, you got to do what you got to do to be the prime rib guy.
17:13And for everyone wondering, we are on stream with the prime rib sandwich guy.
17:20You may have seen him going viral on Twitter today.
17:23Millions of views.
17:27Oh, that's a $20 check from me.
17:28Hold on, for sure.
17:29Yeah, oh yeah.
17:32I forgot about this.
17:33Didn't you too?
17:34Yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:35You said you now respect me as a man.
17:37I didn't like... I liked Rob Eaton.
17:40And now respect.
17:42I want the sandwich.
17:43No, you guys, this is...
17:45Poor guy is going to die of prime rib?
17:47This is sad.
17:49I'm going to die of bankruptcy before I die of prime rib.
17:52This guy gets one prime rib and everyone is begging for him to go.
17:56Give him a day off.
17:57You see how good that looks?
17:59No, you got to go with the prime rib guy.
18:01They should give you a day off.
18:03I'm down for whatever the office wants.
18:05This guy is going to have the meat sweats by the end of the day.
18:09We want the prime rib now.
18:11Not tomorrow.
18:14That would be a nice thing.
18:15That would be a good compromise.
18:16You know how often I get excited about food?
18:19I actually want this sandwich.
18:20I'm actually excited for lunch for once.
18:22This is a good thing.
18:24Honestly, it's sad to see.
18:26No, no.
18:27There's something going on.
18:30We didn't have it yesterday.
18:33I was selfish.
18:34We didn't have it yesterday.
18:35So it's not...
18:37You got lunch plans today?
18:38You already got lunch plans?
18:39No, I got no lunch plans.
18:40Why do you want to go tomorrow?
18:41It's the Yankees play tomorrow.
18:43What's the real reason?
18:45What's the real reason?
18:47Alright, so Robbie.
18:48Prime rib king.
18:49Do we go today or tomorrow?
18:52What is the vibe of the office?
18:54Do you guys want to go today or tomorrow?
18:56Are we getting prime ribs?
18:57Let's go get some prime ribs.
18:59My king.
19:01I love a good prime rib.
19:02And it's always nice to not have to worry about what to get for lunch.
19:06This is like a huge win.
19:07Like I knew I was getting lunch yesterday.
19:09This is a great thing.
19:10New York City fact.
19:11Kelly Osbourne, Peter Pan said that Starbucks.
19:14Great fact.
19:15Great fact.
19:17Great fact.
19:19He wouldn't let me use the toilet.
19:20I had to pee my pants.
19:23Great fact, Robbie.
19:26Great fact, Robbie.
19:29Prime rib king.
19:31Prime rib king.
19:32I'm feeling great.
19:33Just to be in the prime rib king's presence.
19:35I said it's like getting a beer with Dana.
19:38It's the same level of anticipation.
19:42He's just been great.
19:43He can sing.
19:44He's giving us New York City facts.
19:47Robbie owns this fucking city.
19:48Move over, Sass.
19:49There's a new king of New York.
19:51There's actually a story behind it.
19:53Yesterday was Grandpa Della Bella Day.
19:55My grandpa, my mom's dad, the day he passed away,
19:59she said, here's what we're going to do.
20:01Every year on this day, we're going to celebrate his life.
20:04So I woke up yesterday morning to a text.
20:06Happy Grandpa Della Bella Day.
20:08I sent you something on Venmo.
20:10Get yourself something on Grandpa.
20:12So I said, my Italian-ass grandfather,
20:16what would he appreciate?
20:17An Italian-ass lunch.
20:18Let's go to Eataly.
20:19Let's get my favorite sandwich in the city.
20:21Celebrate Grandpa Della Bella.
20:23And then it's turned into a viral sensation.
20:25I even put him in the blog.
20:27So thousands of people now have seen my grandpa's photo.
20:29That's awesome.
20:31Yeah, a little sentimental about the prime rib, you know?
20:33It's going to be a long line, to be honest.
20:364.8 million views.
20:37There's going to be a fucking wall.
20:42Moment's happening.
20:43I don't want to screw it up.
20:44You're heart beating.
20:45So fast.
20:46So fast.
20:47Robby's about to show her the tweet.
20:52This is the bird.
20:53This is the bird that Glenny took down yesterday.
20:55It's the whole goddamn chicken.
20:57Whole thing.
20:58Just fucking ripped into it.
20:59I like a rotisserie, but when you've got a prime rib sandwich right in front of you,
21:02you don't get a rotisserie.
21:03No, I'm not nervous.
21:04I'm excited.
21:05I can already smell the fresh beef.
21:08I can smell the bread.
21:09Oh, I'm so ready for this.
21:11My Italian heritage is happy.
21:13It's crazy.
21:14It's my first day ever being a food influencer.
21:16The prime rib.
21:17It got 4 million views.
21:19No, no.
21:21Thank you very much.
21:22You're welcome.
21:23For real.
21:24Oh, yeah.
21:25Next time.
21:26Next time.
21:27It's sold out, so you're going to have to come back next week.
21:28Yeah, I know.
21:33Enjoy the prime rib.
21:36I know that's why they're there.
21:37I'm stealing Robby's tweet from yesterday, bar for bar.
21:41As if I never saw it.
21:43Robby, lead us in, please.
21:44Of course.
21:45Yeah, yeah.
21:46I'll lead the way.
21:47I get so lost without you.
21:54Got everybody?
21:55Oh, my God.
21:56You're so protective.
21:57I know.
21:59Look out for my ribby sandwich.
22:03Oh, my God.
22:05Did you hear that?
22:07This is a big deal.
22:08Dion is going to be devastated when he finds out I've taken prime from him.
22:12Dion's been real quiet at the last minute.
22:14He's been slacking.
22:15You are the true prime.
22:16He's probably whipping up a press release right now.
22:19Can you let Robby leave the door?
22:20Hold the door.
22:21Yeah, hold the door.
22:23Man out of breath.
22:24Is that because of you?
22:28Hold on.
22:30Tie it together.
22:31Oh, yeah.
22:32This is strong.
22:33Oh, yeah.
22:34This is strong.
22:35Wait, did I sell it out?
22:36It doesn't even count.
22:37It's like a variant.
22:38It's like one you can't try.
22:39I like Spider-Man.
22:41That's exactly like Spider-Man.
22:43Here we go.
22:44For me?
22:46For me.
22:47For me.
22:48For me.
22:49For me.
22:50For me.
22:51For me.
22:52For me.
22:53For me.
22:54For me.
22:55For me.
22:56For me.
22:57For me.
22:58For me.
22:59For me.
23:00For me.
23:01For me.
23:02For me.
23:03Here we go.
23:04For me.
23:05All right, let me just take a look.
23:06Yeah, rinse his teeth with sugar first.
23:14Oh, yeah.
23:20All right, it's the Prime Rib Guy here telling you guys about Pink Whitney.
23:24This fall, Pink Whitney is going to be the go-to shot for a whole new generation of drinkers,
23:28and they've got a very fun contest and sweepstakes for everyone.
23:31So if you enter the sweepstakes, they're sending one grand prize winner to Nashville
23:35for a weekend full of Pink Whitney fun, and then 11 contest winners will also get Pink
23:40Whitney Western merch.
23:42This stuff is the best.
23:43The party pack here has 20, 50-milliliter nips.
23:46The shots, the convenience, everything about it is awesome.
23:49Pink Whitney is my favorite drink in the world.
23:52So go to PinkWhitney.com slash Nashville, one grand prize winner again, you're going
23:56to be sent to Nashville for a weekend full of fun, and then 11 people will get awesome
24:00Pink Whitney Western merch.
24:02PinkWhitney.com slash Nashville.
24:04Take your shot now.
24:05Tate, what's going on?
24:07Listen, we just had a bunch of conversations about how people aren't blogging enough.
24:10Nate was saying, how can we get more people to blog?
24:13I'm going to start a new tradition in New York.
24:15When you submit a blog for review to our great editors, you go ring the cowbell.
24:19We're going to try it for the first time.
24:23USC Trojan blog done.
24:25Whoa, whoa, whoa.
24:26Most of the day.
24:27Look at that.
24:28Whoa, whoa.
24:29Yeah, yeah.
24:30I'm going across.
24:31That would never be.
24:36You can ignore that.
24:37I'm blog done.
24:47All right, so I introduced the blog bell yesterday for people to ring when they finish a blog
24:51in the office as a way to kind of raise the spirits up around here to get people excited,
24:55to get people celebrated and rewarded for working hard.
24:59I thought it was a good idea, but apparently they didn't because I just finished my first
25:03blog today and it's nowhere to be found.
25:05We checked with security.
25:07Someone threw away my blog bell.
25:09It's a damn shame.
25:10But listen, when they go low, we go high.
25:13So what I'm going to do since I have some time on my hands is I'm going to see if I
25:16can find another bell and bring it back here to use today.
25:19Blog submitted.
25:36what are you doing, Billy?
25:41I just want to see it.
25:45Where is it?
25:47I have no idea.
25:49I didn't touch it.
25:50I just wanted to see it.
25:53Someone's back.
25:56You think I would steal it of all people?
25:58It can't be stolen.
26:00I had to have misplaced it.
26:04Was the horn stolen?
26:07I didn't have anything to do with it.
26:09I swear.
26:10Also, that makes me think that someone stole it.
26:11Wow, that sounds like somebody stole it.
26:15I was playing nice since I got here.
26:18If someone went into my bag and stole something, I'm not playing decent.
26:22It was not me.
26:24Did someone take it?
26:25I'm going to be honest.
26:26I was sitting right here.
26:27No, no, no.
26:28I wouldn't look at yourself, but you've been sitting here.
26:30I honestly haven't noticed anyone walk by.
26:35It has to be in my bag.
26:37I've just been diligently.
26:40I'm just making sure I'm not getting framed right now.
26:43I'm not getting framed.
26:46I have no idea.
26:48I wouldn't tell you if I did, though.
26:50But I literally have no idea.
26:52This is going to be a turning point of the trip.
26:55I'm excited now.
26:58Oh, shit.
27:01Who took it?
27:02I don't know.
27:03Oh, I thought Billy was just like.
27:04No, I looked.
27:06He wanted to hit the horn.
27:08Someone took it.
27:10Let me say this.
27:11Gia knows who took it because she's been sitting here.
27:13I literally swear on my life.
27:14I don't know who took it.
27:15I've been sitting here with Gia.
27:16And I went to go check in the control room where.
27:21I was going to record today.
27:23I swear, I have no idea.
27:26Billy, why don't you ring the bell?
27:28I'll ring the bell for now.
27:29Then I got to go right.
27:35Why did you stole it?
27:36Doesn't like the sound of cowbell.
27:39I mean, that's fair.
27:40All right, I gotta go to work.
27:43I haven't done this one.
27:47Do you still have the horn?
27:49Do I still have the horn?
27:51Oh, okay.
27:52Yeah, he's still got the horn.
27:53Still works.
27:55Well, but then.
27:57Oh, I hear Clemmer.
27:58Oh, yeah.
28:03Beckon Christopher.
28:05Christopher over here.
28:06Yeah, I mean.
28:09And that.
28:10So then Billy finished the blog and came over to do it.
28:14And it was stolen.
28:17So now I have to.
28:19I've been playing nice.
28:20And now I have to write a blog.
28:26I'm anti-tate.
28:31Hold on.
28:32I do the airpot thing.
28:33I told you I got a horn.
28:39Yeah, you're Ebony.
28:40You could.
28:41You could tase him.
28:42If he horns tase him.
28:44Wait, wait.
28:45I got it on camera.
28:46Big cat's not going to tase his ass.
28:49No, I said you could tase him.
28:52She will tase him.
28:53Oh, she will do it.
29:01What are your thoughts on Tate?
29:02I think Tate's a bitch.
29:09He wouldn't do any of this stuff in Chicago.
29:11I asked him that.
29:12Yes, he would.
29:13He did do it.
29:15He did do the same thing the first day.
29:25May I speak?
29:28The narrative was Tate's afraid to go to New York.
29:30He won't do it in New York.
29:31I came to New York.
29:32I've done the same thing.
29:33I beat him 20 on 1 from my living room in Ohio.
29:36And now I'm beating him 20 on 1 here.
29:38I've got.
29:39Do you see all the content coming out in New York right now?
29:41There's 10 cameras around here.
29:43Clemmer's here.
29:44It's because you're talking out loud in the middle of the office.
29:50Very loudly.
29:51Clemmer, listen to me.
29:52Get a bigger horn.
29:57Get a gong.
29:58Get a bigger horn?
30:02That was aggressive.
30:03Oh, fuck.
30:06I don't think it's going well.
30:07I don't think it's going well.
30:08I don't think it's going well.
30:11Bitch, didn't I tell you to stop blowing that shit?
30:13That wasn't me, Ebony.
30:15That was Clemmer.
30:16That was Clemmer.
30:17That was Clemmer.
30:18I don't see Clemmer, bitch.
30:20Blow that shit again.
30:21Blow that shit again.
30:22Where that shit at?
30:23Clemmer almost just got me murdered.
30:24Where that shit at?
30:26Give me that shit.
30:27She don't want it.
30:28She can have it.
30:29That's Clemmer.
30:31Fuck y'all.
30:32I'm not going to lie.
30:33I'm doing y'all a favor.
30:34I'm doing y'all a favor.
30:38What's up, dude?
30:39What's up?
30:40What do we got cooking right now after Ebony took the air horn?
30:43Are we vlogging?
30:44Well, is this for something that's going to go out in two seconds or later?
30:47Because I can show you what I'm cooking up, but you can't steal my surprise.
30:52It goes out Friday.
30:54Oh, fine.
30:55Well, first thing I'm doing is, I don't know.
30:57You can't put this on social because it's...
30:59No, I wasn't going to.
31:00You can watch it if you want.
31:02I don't know if you just heard Clemmer scream 10,000 times
31:05that no one is rattled by me,
31:07but I'm making a little Puppet Master meme right now
31:11saying, dance for me, New York.
31:13And then I have a blog coming out,
31:16a way to revive this dying office.
31:20All it needs is a little CPR.
31:23Content creators, people held accountable,
31:26and rewards for people who work hard.
31:29So, I don't know.
31:31I'm going to probably write a blog, hang these up around the office,
31:34and try and revive this place.
31:38I just think, if you apologize, I will accept, and we're fine.
31:43No, I'm not going to apologize for that.
31:45I do mean what I said, though.
31:46If you were a normal person the rest of the week,
31:47I would gladly take you out for a sandwich on Friday.
31:50If I'm a normal person, and you apologize for blowing it in my ear,
31:55I will accept and allow you to buy me a sandwich.
31:57No, I don't.
31:58That's not the offer.
32:00It was loud, though.
32:01It hurt my ear, too.
32:02Pointing in my ear and hurt your ear?
32:03I know.
32:04It must have really hurt your ear.
32:05No, I'm fine.
32:06A little different.
32:07Chicago tough?
32:09Does your ear hurt?
32:11Whitney, I'm not joking when I say this.
32:13I'm not wearing this for a bit.
32:14My ear, I think I have to go to the doctor.
32:16That is absolutely impossible to believe.
32:18What do you mean?
32:19I think an air horn in your eardrum will fuck up your ear.
32:23Dave, let's talk about that.
32:24I mean, that was truly assault.
32:26I think my ear is permanently damaged.
32:28I mean, that's so annoying what you were doing.
32:31I don't really think it's that ridiculous what Klemmer did.
32:34He has to do that.
32:35If you're doing that shit like that all around the office,
32:37first you say nobody's doing anything, then he does something,
32:39and then you're like, why did he do that?
32:41If we don't see the difference.
32:42What is his option?
32:44The difference between you blowing an air horn and him blowing an air horn?
32:46Not really.
32:47He's not putting it in your ear.
32:48I'll open up the playbook and start running those types of things.
32:53It's like if someone brings a gun in the office,
32:55and there's a scramble for the gun, and someone gets shot.
32:57It's like, well, you brought a gun into the office.
32:59You guys don't actually believe that me.
33:01I only did it once.
33:02Blew it into the air one time straight into the air.
33:04Wait, time out.
33:05Did you only blow it once?
33:07I blew the horn one time.
33:11One time straight in the air.
33:13Got on the yak.
33:14Klemmer blows it into my ear.
33:15Yeah, so that's all different.
33:16I did think you were blowing it like every time you wrote a blog.
33:19I certainly didn't intend to hurt him,
33:21but I wanted to just knock it off.
33:23It's fucking annoying.
33:24He's just being annoying.
33:26It's tough because everything's a bit.
33:28It's like Klemmer's looking at Klemmer in the mirror.
33:32I don't think so.
33:35I certainly don't.
33:36I disagree.
33:37Klemmer's just that weird.
33:40This is fair.
33:43Tate is a walking bit.
33:44It's working.
33:45It's good for him, but it's not fair.
33:47And it does very well.
33:50You're not you.
33:51And here's the thing.
33:52You say we don't blog here,
33:54but you don't say that about Chicago,
33:55and they blog less than we do.
33:56Why is it always about us?
33:57I think, and you can watch the yak history.
33:59Dan said it.
34:00I run the same plays in Chicago.
34:03No, you don't.
34:04That's a fucking lie.
34:05Where are these videos of you shitting on people in Chicago?
34:08Did you see Brandon Walker spike the controller in our Xbox game?
34:13Where are you calling him out?
34:15I missed that one.
34:16It was great.
34:17I will say, I think Dan told him not to.
34:21Didn't Dan say, like, everyone's going to hate you?
34:24Well, privately.
34:25Yes, he did.
34:26Dan told you privately.
34:27Let me say what he said.
34:28I know.
34:29It was when I was doing the same thing I'm doing here,
34:31like showing up and making videos.
34:33Dan was like, if you want to play that game,
34:35you're going to lose.
34:36Like Dan's there.
34:37You're right.
34:38Dan's there.
34:40And you put your little binky in your mouth,
34:41and then you did with your boss.
34:43Like you're a bad boy in New York.
34:44In Chicago, you're a little puppy.
34:46You keep saying, like, what did they do?
34:49Well, they took your bell.
34:50So I got an air horn.
34:51Then they fucking you in.
34:52It's like you're saying they're not doing anything, but.
34:55Well, you brought a bell.
34:56They took the bell.
34:57So you walked it to an air horn.
34:58So then they took the air horn.
35:00Well, I agree with Kirk.
35:01I really don't have a problem with Klemmer put in your ear.
35:05You can't get.
35:06If you want to continue doing the bit, you want to do the.
35:08Like, totally fine.
35:09But then when somebody bites back, it's going to be like, all right.
35:12That's fine.
35:13Kirk, I do have a question for you.
35:14And I get that we don't see eye to eye.
35:15That's fine.
35:16You have to give me at least a little bit of a hat tip that your whole time.
35:20It's been.
35:21He won't go to New York.
35:22He won't do the same thing.
35:23The first day I was allowed to go to New York.
35:25I came here and I did the exact same thing I was doing from afar.
35:30Yeah, sure.
35:31But there's nobody there.
35:32Somebody there told you not to do it.
35:33Who was above you.
35:34You would fucking crawl around.
35:36They told you to do it.
35:37I mean, if Dave, Dan, KFC were like, hey, this is this is my company and we're not doing this anymore.
35:43Yeah, I'm going to listen to Dave.
35:44Oh, good for you then.
35:46All right.
35:47Let's move on.
35:48You guys are going to watch the episode.
35:51Almost definitely not.
35:52But you guys get such good mileage off those clips.
35:59He's the best guy I've ever met.
36:01The football hunting shit.
36:04So funny.
36:05He hated that so much.
36:07We cut around it and he was like, he was like, this is the least funny thing I've ever heard
36:12in my entire life.
36:13Because usually you can't sniff out bits.
36:15But like the fact that he sniffed out the bit, he was like, oh, I know what this is.
36:20I'm like a Dodger fan, but I can't say it because I'm wearing this.
36:23I live in a Dominican neighborhood.
36:25I have to wear this, but I'm with you.
