• 2 days ago
Donny Enriquez | Tasty Tailgating
00:00Guys welcome back to Tasty Tailgating presented by Pepsi. Today we're making the ultimate game day
00:05breakfast burrito. Let's get cooking.
00:17All right guys sometimes game day start a little early, you miss breakfast, you run into brunch,
00:21you run into the game, but you forgot to eat. So this breakfast burrito is the perfect thing to
00:24grab on the go. Pretty simple all we're going to need. Tortilla obviously. I have some frozen
00:29hash browns. You can find these at any supermarket. We're just going to put them in some oil, fry them
00:33up. Then we're going to make a quick pesto. This is optional. You can get your own pesto. I have
00:37some peppers, some eggs, and some bacon here that I've diced up and just rendered out. But that's
00:42pretty much it. To get started we're going to get these peppers cooking off in the pan. You go like
00:47medium high heat and this is a key. We're going to save some of that fat that came off the bacon.
00:52We're going to put a little bit in there. We're going to cook our eggs in this and we're going to
00:55cook our peppers or saute the peppers in there. That's going to be delicious. I just had some
00:59leftover green peppers, orange pepper. That's all going to go in. You can use whatever you want or
01:03you can skip this. You just want to do regular scrambled eggs. Skip this step, but those are
01:07going to go in the pan first. Perfect. Okay now let's make our pesto. Very easy. We have pine nuts,
01:13we have garlic, we have basil, a small of oil, two cloves of garlic. Just take the ends off.
01:20Okay and then to a food processor we're going to add that garlic. We're going to add our pine nuts,
01:26fourth cup, half a cup, some olive oil,
01:32all that basil, and that's really how easy it is. We're just going to blend this up and there you go.
01:40I'm going to throw a little bit more basil in there.
01:43And this is why you don't want to salt it yet. We're going to add the cheese and then we're
01:48going to salt it after because parmesan cheese is very salty so you're not going to need as
01:52much. So put this in first. We'll try it and we'll adjust accordingly.
02:02Look at that. Perfect pesto right there. Let's give that a try.
02:09Nice. So now we add salt. We have some mayonnaise going in,
02:12a couple roasted red peppers. Those can go right in. And then I like a spicy sauce especially with
02:18any breakfast burrito. So I have a can of chipotle peppers that I opened for something I made last
02:23week and these keep for a little bit so I want to make sure I use the rest of these.
02:26And now these are spicy and smoky so these are all going to go in. So it's going to have a little
02:30bit of a kick. If you don't want the kick in there just do the roasted red peppers.
02:33Look at that color. Beautiful. Looks perfect. And then just like that we have our sauce. There we
02:40go. Give that a try. Perfect. That's what we want. Okay. Set this aside. Let's get back to cooking.
02:48I'm going to go to like a medium heat. I'm going to add about a tablespoon of butter. With eggs
02:53you always want a good amount of butter. That's going to go in. And while those are going I'm
02:57going to take our frozen tomatoes and I'm going to cut them in half. And then I'm going to add
03:02I'm going to take our frozen hash browns. Drop these in hot oil.
03:05Let these start to go. Those will fry up nice. Just whisk these up.
03:14Pour these right over the peppers.
03:18And these were just not going to take long to cook. We really don't want to overcook these
03:21eggs. It's basically like you're making like a soft scrambled egg. You don't have to go that
03:25low and slow but we want low medium low heat and just keep stirring it. Once we build this burrito
03:30we're going to cook it again to seal it all in and melt the cheese in there. So if you overcook
03:34the eggs now they're still going to keep cooking. Eggs cook at a very low temperature and even off
03:38the heat they'll continue cooking. So we really just want to take these to basically done and
03:42they'll finish cooking when we wrap that burrito. I'm just going to take the pan off the heat.
03:46Those will continue to cook even though they're not on the temp. I'm going to salt these.
03:52And then I'm actually going to take all that bacon we cooked now.
03:56Just drain off any of the grease and we're going to fold these bacon bits
04:00right into the eggs and we'll save some for the topping.
04:04Those are nice and crispy there. That's some good texture in there. Hash browns are done.
04:10Just to drain off any of the excess grease. A little bit of salt of course. Okay I'm just
04:16going to use the residual heat from this just to warm that tortilla up a little bit here. Okay
04:21once that tortilla is warm and pliable we can start. So base layer good old American cheese
04:27here. And we're going to start towards the back end because we're going to wrap it. So if you
04:31start in the center you're going to have to shift everything back. So start towards the rear of any
04:35any kind of burrito. There we go. Hash browns. Going with some of that pesto.
04:48Now this is where you run into trouble. You don't want to over stuff a burrito. It's easiest thing
04:51to do is you look at you go I could probably use a little bit more and then you go to wrap it and
04:55then you're out of luck. So just you got to find that balance. This is looking perfect right here.
05:14Look at that. Now we're talking. Now we're looking good here. Finish with just a little
05:17bit of cheddar cheese on top. Now we're not going to go crazy but just so both sides can
05:21have a little bit of cheese that melts. There we go. That's perfect right there.
05:26Just fold the sides in until you hit that. Those hash browns are a good guy. Don't rip it.
05:33And then keep the tuck.
05:34Just like that. They're set. Now we toast it off and then we're done. Pan medium high heat.
05:47Once that's hot we'll go and just put that sealed side down first and just you don't even need it.
05:52You can put some butter on if you want some light oil. You don't really need it. Give that a flip.
05:57Okay we have a perfect seal now. That cheese is melted. Let's give the other side a little bit
06:01of a kiss. All right look at that. We have a perfect toast now on both sides. I'm going to
06:06give this a perfect slice at like a 45 degree angle. It's a pretty nice looking burrito. I
06:16don't know about you guys but that looks pretty good. That is a nice way to start your game day.
06:20I'll tell you what it's not going to fall apart but just to make sure you can stick a nice little
06:24toothpick in there. We have our, god that's just it has a good weight to it. That's how you know
06:31it's going to be a good day and a good burrito. Got our slices in there. We'll do it with a side
06:36of that aioli because why not? You can never get enough of the sauce. And there you go. That is
06:40the perfect game day burrito. There's only one thing left to do and that's taste it. And remember
06:45every crave worthy bite tastes better with pepsi. I have a pepsi zero sugar here. My favorite. All
06:49right enough talking here we go. I'm going to give it a dunk.
07:01That's incredible.
07:06Wow that's good. Guys that's going to do it for this episode of Taste the
07:08Tailgating. We'll see you next time. I'm Donnie. Peace.
