• l’année dernière


00:00 "We need to have sandwiches" said Owl.
00:05 Yes. Oh, I know what Cat said. I know. I know. Cat said that...
00:08 Hang on a second, old negro. Let me read it.
00:11 Oh, sorry. Sorry, Rondo.
00:12 Okay.
00:13 Go ahead.
00:15 Okay.
00:16 "Sandwiches would be nice," said Cat.
00:20 "No one makes them as delicious as you do, Owl.
00:26 Why don't you make some sandwiches?"
00:29 Hey, guys. Time to get ready for school.
00:32 Okay, Dad.
00:33 But Daddy, not yet, old please. Rondo can't stop yet. This is the best part.
00:38 How about when I walk Allegra to daycare, I'll read to her some more. Is that okay?
00:42 Okay.
00:43 I was asking Dad, silly.
00:45 Sure, that's okay. You know, Rondo, I am so proud of what a good reader you've become.
00:52 Thanks, Dad.
00:53 Hey, you want me to read the words on the cereal box at breakfast?
00:57 Again? How about trying the jelly label today?
01:02 My brother Rondo can read.
01:10 Oh, he didn't used to ever be able to read, but now he can.
01:13 He can read stories and cereal boxes and everything.
01:17 Oh, boy. I wish I could do that.
01:20 Do you think I'll ever learn how to read?
01:25 Allegra!
01:27 Come on! I'm going to read the jelly label.
01:30 Oh, boy! Oh, hey, gotta go! Hey, don't start without me!
01:35 There's a three feet world outside
01:39 Allegra's window
01:41 You never know until you try
01:43 Allegra's window
01:45 It's so much I want to know, so much to see and do
01:49 And I learn so much by looking through
01:52 Allegra's window
01:54 It's so much I want to know, so much to see and do
01:57 And I learn so much by looking through
02:00 Allegra's window
02:02 Each day we're finding something new
02:05 And you'll find it by guess who?
02:10 Me! Allegra!
02:12 See you later, Dad.
02:17 So long, kids. Have a great day.
02:19 Okay.
02:20 See ya.
02:21 Okay, where was I?
02:23 Somebody mentioned sandwiches!
02:24 Hiya, Lindy.
02:25 Oh, are you guys making sandwiches?
02:27 No.
02:28 Will you make me a meatball one?
02:29 They're my favorite! They're great!
02:30 Lindy, the sandwiches were just part of the story.
02:34 Story?
02:35 Rondo is reading me a story.
02:38 Rondo can read? All by himself? Without a grown-up?
02:42 Yes, he can. Yes, he can. He learned how to read now.
02:47 Really? Oh, Rondo, you can just look at a bunch of letters like B and X and J
02:51 and make them into words?
02:53 Yeah, that's right. But Q and Z and K, they're my real favorite letters.
03:00 How'd you do it, Rondo? How'd you learn to read?
03:04 I learned at school.
03:06 Now, you see, this says "cat" and this one says "owl."
03:11 It's easy, Lindy.
03:13 Well, I can't do it. At least not yet.
03:16 Well, I can't do it either.
03:18 Oh, come on, Rondo. Show Lindy how you read, okay?
03:21 Yeah, go ahead.
03:22 Come on, Allegra. I don't want to show off.
03:25 Please, do it, do it, do it.
03:27 Yeah? Well, okay.
03:30 "Owl made Cat's very favorite tuna sandwiches."
03:40 And then she woke Cat up.
03:44 That's not the end, is it? Is that the end?
03:46 No, it's not. There's a lot more. We've got to get going.
03:49 Come on. I'll keep reading on the way.
03:51 "I have made six tuna sandwiches," said Owl.
03:54 "We can go on our picnic now, Cat."
03:56 Oh, lots of sandwiches. It sounds like a great picnic.
03:59 Bendy, is that all we're going to eat, asked Cat?
04:03 I thought we had cookies, too.
04:05 Oh, that lazy old good-for-nothing Cat. Now he wants cookies, too.
04:09 Oh, Lindy, it's just a made-up story.
04:12 I know, but I like that owl, but that is one pushy Cat.
04:17 What's going on here?
04:20 Is this like a meeting of the I Hate Cats Club or what?
04:23 No, I'm just reading him a story. You see, it's about this owl.
04:27 Who hates cats, am I right?
04:29 No. Hey, could you do me a favor, Riff? I've got to go to school.
04:33 Finish reading him this story for me, okay?
04:35 You want me to read?
04:39 It's only three pages. See you guys later, okay?
04:43 So, what happened?
04:46 Yeah, Riff, read the story.
04:48 Okay, okay, don't rush me.
04:51 Um...
04:53 "All rigged Cat said, 'Owl, owl,
05:03 "then I will..."
05:08 "Then I will make the cookies for our picnic."
05:11 I know! What happens after that, Riff?
05:15 "Owl...
05:18 "Owl...
05:23 "Well, you see, Owl goes off to do his own thing,
05:26 "but Cat says, like, 'Give me a break here, oh wise one.
05:30 "It's no big deal whipping up a few little picnic munchies.
05:34 "I already made the catnip tea and the tuna fish doughnuts.'"
05:38 Yeah, and then he goes like, "Three cheers for the cat!"
05:42 "And they all lived happily ever after. The end."
05:47 Great story, huh?
05:48 That is not the story, Riff.
05:50 Hey, that's what it says here.
05:52 Oh, it does not.
05:53 Oh, yeah?
05:55 Show me what I read wrong. You show me.
05:58 Oh, I can't.
06:00 So, what are you saying? That Riff the Cat can't read?
06:03 Is that it? This is just a little kid's book, you know.
06:06 It's easy. I could read books with a lot bigger words than this one.
06:11 So why don't you try reading it again?
06:14 Nah, that's it. I'm out of here.
06:17 Hey, but...
06:18 Now, brother...
06:20 You know, I like the way Rondo read it better.
06:22 Me too.
06:24 Oh, boy.
06:25 Okay.
06:26 I wish I could read, huh?
06:28 Oh, yeah. Wouldn't that be great?
06:30 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:31 Then that old cat would have to do a lot more work,
06:33 and he couldn't sleep in the tree all day.
06:35 No, no, no, no, no. It doesn't work that way.
06:38 It doesn't?
06:39 No. You have to read what's on the page, you see.
06:41 You know, like in Little Red Riding Hood?
06:43 Uh-huh.
06:44 When the wolf comes?
06:45 Yep.
06:46 Well, you can't change that part.
06:48 Oh, I get it.
06:50 You have to read what's on the page.
06:53 Right. That's reading.
06:55 Oh, wow. Neato.
06:56 Okay, when Rondo comes home,
06:58 will you please come and get me?
06:59 'Cause I really want to hear the rest of the story.
07:01 Okay, I will.
07:02 Okay, bye.
07:03 I'll come get you.
07:04 Okay, bye, Lindy.
07:05 Oh, boy.
07:06 I wish I could learn to read myself.
07:09 I'm three years old, and I can't wait any longer.
07:12 I want to read now.
07:14 ♪ I want to read ♪
07:15 ♪ I want to learn to read ♪
07:17 ♪ Same how I learned to walk ♪
07:19 ♪ I want to take a look at what's inside a book ♪
07:22 ♪ And know how I can change it to talk ♪
07:24 ♪ I want to read ♪
07:25 ♪ I want to learn to read ♪
07:27 ♪ I want to read all by myself ♪
07:29 ♪ And if I wanted to, I could read to you ♪
07:32 ♪ Any book that you see on the shelf ♪
07:34 ♪ I want to read about the owl and all about the cat ♪
07:37 ♪ And the picnic and the sandwich ♪
07:39 ♪ And everything like that ♪
07:40 ♪ I want to read ♪
07:41 ♪ I want to learn to read ♪
07:42 ♪ Some people say I'm not the right age ♪
07:45 ♪ But I'm old enough for learning ♪
07:46 ♪ And I'm sick of only turning ♪
07:48 ♪ Yeah, I'm sick of only turning the page ♪
07:50 ♪ I'm old enough for learning ♪
07:51 ♪ And I'm sick of only turning ♪
07:53 ♪ And I'm sick of only turning the page ♪
07:55 ♪ I'm ready for reading ♪
07:57 ♪ You know just what I'm needing ♪
07:58 ♪ I really want to learn how to read ♪
08:00 ♪ I want to read ♪
08:02 - Coo... Cook?
08:05 Coo?
08:06 Co... Cook... Cookies!
08:09 I... I will make the c... cookies
08:13 for our p...
08:16 p...
08:18 (grumbles)
08:19 Forget this!
08:21 - What's the matter, Riff?
08:23 - Eh, nothing.
08:24 - Nothing, huh?
08:25 Nothing's the worst.
08:27 - What do you mean?
08:28 - Well, when you ask what's the matter
08:30 and someone says "nothing,"
08:31 that means they probably are feeling something.
08:34 You know what else it means?
08:36 - No, what?
08:38 - It means they need a lap talk.
08:40 You need a little lap talk with me, Riff?
08:42 - Nah, not really.
08:44 - Yes, you do. Come on, now.
08:46 - Nah, I'm okay.
08:47 - All right, then. Maybe I was wrong.
08:49 - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I do!
08:51 I... I do need a lap talk.
08:53 - All right, then. Come on.
08:55 (Riffle)
08:57 There you go.
08:58 - See, Rondo asked me to read this book
09:01 to Allegra and Lindy, and, well, I couldn't.
09:05 It was too hard.
09:06 How come Rondo reads better than I do, Ellington?
09:09 - Well, some people just learn slower than others,
09:12 but it doesn't matter.
09:13 You just go at your own speed,
09:14 and you don't worry if it's too fast or too slow.
09:17 You just keep on working on it,
09:19 and you'll learn to read as good as Rondo.
09:21 - But... but how can you be so sure?
09:23 - How? - Yeah.
09:24 - You see these flowers? - Mm-hmm.
09:26 - They were just tiny little seeds when I planted them,
09:30 and now they're flowers,
09:31 some growing faster, some slower.
09:33 But sooner or later, when they're ready,
09:37 every one is gonna blossom.
09:39 - Blossom? - That's right.
09:41 Each one is gonna blossom and become a beautiful flower.
09:45 ♪ I got some seeds in the pocket of my shirt ♪
09:50 ♪ Clear out the weeds and plant 'em in the dirt ♪
09:55 ♪ Sooner or later, they're gonna blossom ♪
10:00 ♪ Sooner or later, they will blossom ♪
10:05 ♪ Some come up quick and others come up slow ♪
10:09 ♪ There is no trick for telling when they grow ♪
10:14 ♪ Sooner or later, they're gonna blossom ♪
10:19 ♪ That's just what they do ♪
10:23 ♪ Sooner or later, they're gonna blossom ♪
10:28 ♪ Same thing goes for you ♪
10:33 ♪ Sooner or later, you're gonna blossom ♪
10:37 ♪ Just like flowers do ♪
10:43 (sifflement)
10:46 (rire)
10:48 (sifflement)
10:49 - Look at this color.
10:50 This is a nice color, too, that blue.
10:52 That's terrific. - I used it last night.
10:55 - Oh, yeah. - Miss Melody?
10:57 - Yes, yes. - Miss Melody?
10:58 - Yes, Allegra. - I wanna read,
11:00 and I want to learn to read right now.
11:03 - Oh, well, learning to read takes time, you know.
11:05 - Oh, it does? - Mm-hmm.
11:07 - Oh, well, that's okay. I have all day.
11:09 - Well, it takes a little longer than that.
11:11 First, you have to learn the alphabet,
11:13 and then you learn how letters make words.
11:15 You can't do it all at once.
11:17 - Well, but my brother Ron-no-no's how to read,
11:19 and he can read stories, and I wanna do it, too.
11:22 - Hmm.
11:24 I know how we can get started. - How?
11:26 - By looking at some pictures.
11:28 - Pictures? Oh, they don't-- that's not reading.
11:32 - Oh, no? - No.
11:33 - Well, look, why don't you start by trying to read--
11:36 oh, these two pictures you drew last week.
11:38 - Those? Yeah, but they're-- oh, all right, all right.
11:41 Let me put these down.
11:43 Okay, that's a picture of me and Rondo,
11:46 and Rondo is really mad at me
11:48 because I broke his new RoboBug Boy.
11:50 - Oh, and what about this one?
11:52 - Oh, well, that's a picture of me and Rondo again,
11:54 but this is after we fixed RoboBug Boy,
11:56 and see? He has a happy face.
11:58 - I can see that. He's smiling.
12:00 - Yes. - You know what, Allegra?
12:02 - What? - I think these two pictures
12:04 tell a story, don't you?
12:06 - Well, uh, yeah! I guess they do.
12:09 I like that story, Miss Melody. It's a happy ending.
12:12 - Yes, you know, almost any picture we draw
12:14 or look at tells a story.
12:16 All you have to do is listen for it.
12:19 - Listen to a picture? - That's right.
12:22 ♪ Listen to a picture ♪
12:25 ♪ Listen with your eyes ♪
12:27 ♪ Pictures tell a story ♪
12:29 ♪ It's a wonderful surprise ♪
12:31 ♪ Go on and pick out any color ♪
12:34 ♪ Make a little picture ♪
12:36 ♪ And tell us what your picture's telling you ♪
12:40 ♪ Go on and pick a color ♪
12:43 ♪ Pick out any color ♪
12:45 ♪ Make a picture ♪
12:47 - Here, I made a picture.
12:49 - Look, I made a picture of the old piano tree.
12:53 Maybe Reed will come along and play a song for me.
12:57 - ♪ Come on and listen to the picture ♪
13:00 ♪ Come and gather 'round ♪
13:02 ♪ Do you hear the picture make a sound? ♪
13:05 - Yeah!
13:07 - ♪ Plink piano ♪
13:09 ♪ Plinky plink piano ♪
13:11 ♪ Plink piano ♪
13:13 ♪ Plinky plink piano ♪
13:15 ♪ Listen to a picture ♪
13:17 ♪ Listen with your eyes ♪
13:19 ♪ Pictures tell a story ♪
13:21 ♪ It's a wonderful surprise ♪
13:23 ♪ Go on and pick out any color ♪
13:26 ♪ Make a little picture ♪
13:28 ♪ And tell us what your picture's telling you ♪
13:32 - Yeah!
13:34 - ♪ And tell us what your picture's telling you ♪
13:37 (all laughing)
13:39 - Hey, I have an idea.
13:41 Why don't we all work on drawing a story together?
13:44 - How are we gonna do that, Miss Melody?
13:46 - Well, we should think about the things we do every day at Little Blue.
13:49 Can you remember any, Ryan?
13:51 - Yeah. - Yeah? Like what?
13:53 - Hmm...
13:55 Make masks?
13:57 - That's right! We do! We do make masks.
14:00 What about you, Kathleen?
14:02 - Yes. - I remember you playing
14:04 in the play kitchen. - Yeah.
14:06 And I remember when we were looking for goblins.
14:09 - That's right. - Oh, yeah!
14:11 - Play with us! - Oh, I like snacks.
14:14 - Yes, you always like snacks. That's right.
14:16 - Oh, and you know what I like, too? - What?
14:18 - I like story time.
14:20 - Well, why don't we all draw a picture
14:22 of the favorite things that we like to do,
14:24 and then we'll put all the pictures together,
14:26 and then you know what we'll have? - What will we have?
14:28 - A book that tells the story of our day at Little Blue.
14:31 - Yeah! That is neat!
14:34 (giggles)
14:36 (magical chimes)
14:38 - Nice book, Ellen. - Wow!
14:40 - What happens in your picture book, Ellen?
14:42 - Well, open it up. No, no, turn it around.
14:44 Go just that way. Okay.
14:46 Well, first thing that happens
14:48 is Kathleen said, "Let's play hide-and-seek."
14:51 And so Ryan hid behind the piano tree,
14:54 and Micah hid near the flower bed.
14:56 You see over behind the fence?
14:58 But where's Elegra?
15:00 - Now let me get my glasses. - Oh, oh!
15:02 There she is! Look, look!
15:04 - Yeah! - She is peeking out
15:06 from behind the piano garden!
15:08 - Yeah! Okay, turn the page. - Okay.
15:10 - That's it.
15:12 Great! Now, who's that?
15:14 Reed, playing the piano.
15:16 And we sang some songs.
15:18 - What songs did you sing?
15:20 - Um... Oh, well, maybe...
15:22 (Reed laughing)
15:24 - What are you laughing at, Riff?
15:26 - (laughing)
15:28 You, Elegra, you're faking.
15:30 You don't know how to read.
15:32 - I know how to read this book, Riff.
15:34 - Oh, yeah?
15:36 - Yeah. - Show me.
15:38 - Well, okay. We just look right here.
15:40 There.
15:42 - Wait a minute. What is this?
15:44 It's only pictures. There aren't even any words.
15:46 - That is because
15:48 it is a picture book.
15:50 Now, can you tell me what's happening in this picture?
15:52 - Well, of course.
15:54 Uh, well, there's, uh,
15:56 these little squiggly things there.
15:58 - Those are my friends.
16:00 - Yeah, right.
16:02 Your little squiggly friends.
16:04 - Yes, and just what are they doing?
16:06 You tell me what they're doing.
16:08 - Eating bananas? - No!
16:10 They're playing kazoo!
16:12 See? It says right there.
16:14 - Right. I used to play the kazoo.
16:16 - Yeah, big deal, bananas, kazoos.
16:18 - Oh, well, let's see.
16:20 - Hey, what's that goofy-looking blue thing
16:22 up in the tree there?
16:24 - That's, um, you.
16:26 - You're kidding.
16:28 That's me? - Yep.
16:30 - I'm in a book? - Yep.
16:32 - What am I doing? - Uh, taking a nap.
16:34 - Yes, sir, that's you all right.
16:36 - Oh, boy, think of it.
16:38 I have finally made it.
16:40 The Riffster is in an actual book.
16:42 - Yeah.
16:44 Let's see. Let's see the next one.
16:46 - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
16:48 Hey, is that a picture of me too?
16:50 - Yep, it sure is.
16:52 I drew that one.
16:54 - I look kind of scary.
16:56 What am I saying there?
16:58 - Oh, what are you saying?
17:00 You're saying this is just a little kid's book, you know,
17:02 and you don't even know how to read it, do you?
17:04 Yep, that's right.
17:06 - Yeah, well, you know, I was just kidding
17:08 when I said that.
17:10 Hey, let me read it, okay?
17:12 - Um... okay, okay.
17:14 - Okay, let him read it.
17:16 - So, Riff the Wonder Cat
17:18 looked down from the piano tree
17:20 and saw the little kids
17:22 eating their bananas.
17:24 - Kazoos!
17:26 They're playing kazoos! - Whatever.
17:28 And he felt good.
17:30 He jumped off of the piano
17:32 and saved the kids from the giant alligator
17:34 who had wandered into the garden.
17:36 - What? - Allegra?
17:38 - What? - Is he reading it right?
17:40 - Well, no, not exactly, but I want to hear it anyway.
17:42 - Okay, okay.
17:44 - Go ahead, Riff.
17:46 - And then the giant slimy alligator
17:48 ran away and jumped into the river.
17:50 Thanks to the very brave and very blue
17:52 hero of our story,
17:54 Riff the Wonder Cat.
17:56 (laughter)
17:58 - Hi, guys, what you doing? - Shh!
18:00 Can't you see?
18:02 - We're reading!
18:04 - Whoa!
18:06 (upbeat music)
18:08 - (laughing)
18:10 - What's this picture for, Allegra?
18:12 - Oh, this is for my new book.
18:14 It's about me and Lindy and the things
18:16 we like to do together. - Yeah?
18:18 What's it called? - Uh, it's called
18:20 "Me and Lindy and the Things We Like to Do Together."
18:22 - Mm-hmm.
18:24 - Hmm, cool. Catchy title. I like it.
18:26 Yeah, way to go, sis.
18:28 Ah, hey, tomorrow,
18:30 why don't we take turns reading to each other?
18:32 - Oh, great! Thanks, Rondo.
18:34 - Yeah. Night, Allegra. - Night.
18:36 (sighs)
18:38 - My book isn't a word book
18:40 like Rondo can read, but when I get older,
18:42 I'm gonna make one like that, too.
18:44 Yeah.
18:46 I just love to read.
18:48 Don't you?
18:50 Ah, come on,
18:52 said Lindy. Let's go fly our kite.
18:54 (upbeat music)
18:58 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:02 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:04 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:06 Sous-titrage ST' 501
19:09 ...
19:38 ...
