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#shrikhandrecipe #kesarshrikhandrecipe #kesarishrikhand
Learn how to make "Kesar Shrikhand" A Delicious Shrikhand Recipe Flavored With Saffron

Camera Person - Nidhi Parekh

Presenting GG's Platter, an unique cookery show with a superb blend of Instant Recipes, Culinary Expert Tips, Fun & Amusement with the - winner of MALLIKA e KITCHEN 2012 ("Celebrity Chef Garima Gupta)".

GG's Platter is available on You Tube and various Internet and Mobile Platforms. We also invite other Celebrity Chef’s & Television/Bollywood actors in our episodes.
00:00 [Music]
00:10 Hello, Namaste!
00:12 Garema Gupta welcomes you again to G-T-Standard.
00:15 And today we are going to make a very very easy, break in, dish which we thought we can't make at home.
00:21 Shall I tell you what?
00:23 Shrikhand! Yes, you heard it right.
00:26 A dish like Shrikhand can be made very easily and with just 4 ingredients at home with a little effort.
00:33 A little effort is because you have to hang the curd in a cloth or a sieve, which is called hung curd.
00:41 And you have to hang it for at least 24 hours, so it is thick, which is called chakka.
00:46 We need a thick curd like that.
00:49 And with this, we have 3 ingredients.
00:51 Let's see what all we need.
00:54 So, as I said, we need hung curd, the same amount of sugar and actually, it is sugar powder.
00:59 And it is up to you, how much sweet you want.
01:02 It is Shrikhand, it is a sweet dish, a little sweetness is necessary.
01:05 Along with that, we need saffron because we will give the flavour of saffron and it will give a very beautiful colour.
01:10 To mix saffron, we always need hot milk, very little.
01:15 We will mix it first and then we will start with the procedure of making the Shrikhand.
01:21 First, we put the lukewarm milk in the strands of saffron and let it soak.
01:30 So that it melts.
01:32 But always remember, whenever you mix saffron, it should be a little warm milk.
01:37 So, its colour comes out very slightly and the strands also become big.
01:42 So, we will soak that.
01:44 Now, we will take a bowl in which we will put hung curd.
01:48 This hung curd can be used in many dishes like dip, cheese cake.
01:58 I just remembered, there is a hung curd recipe in Gigi's Clatter.
02:02 Do watch it.
02:04 In this, we will put this quantity of powdered sugar.
02:12 While powdering, if you want to add cardamom, you can add it. It gives a very good flavour.
02:18 Now, mix it.
02:21 You can mix it for as long as you want.
02:24 Keep mixing, keep mixing, keep mixing.
02:27 The more you work, the better it will taste.
02:30 So, you can see, till the time our curd and sugar are mixing, the colour of saffron has started to bloom.
02:36 And the strands have also started to bloom.
02:39 So, another 2-3 minutes and we will add that into this.
02:43 Keep mixing and see you after 5-7 minutes.
02:47 So, as you can see, our curd and sugar mixture is ready.
02:51 Actually, if you want, you can use this ready shrikhand, after cooling it down.
02:57 You can add flavours to it.
02:59 You can add mango pulp to it.
03:01 So, mango shrikhand or strawberry shrikhand, you can add pulp.
03:08 What we will add is, we have added saffron.
03:11 You can see, it has a very beautiful colour.
03:13 We will add this into this.
03:15 We will also add some strands of saffron.
03:18 And we will leave some strands for garnishing.
03:22 We will mix it well.
03:25 Keep in mind that when you are adding saffron to milk, take very less milk so that our shrikhand is not too thin.
03:34 And it is turning into a nice, mild yellow colour with great aroma of saffron.
03:39 And it is ready to be served.
03:41 Actually, serving will look better when you serve it after cooling it down.
03:47 So, let me first do the plating.
04:00 I will tell you, what I am making is a secret and a trade secret.
04:04 After serving, you can do it like this.
04:07 You can just eat it.
04:09 That taste is amazing.
04:13 And this is beneficial only for the chef.
04:15 And we will garnish it with some strands of saffron.
04:21 And we will let it cool down a little.
04:27 And then we will serve it.
04:30 You can eat it with puri or as a sweet dish.
04:33 Shrikhand for you, who wants to get spattered.
04:36 Saw, 4 ingredients.
04:38 Take care, till the next recipe.
