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Mattel Masters Of The Universe Origins Eternian Palace Guard Figure
00:00 Here are the guys that Randor relies on.
00:03 Here's a look at the Mattel Master Universe Origins Eternia Palace Guard Royal Defender.
00:28 As the first line of defense, the Eternia Palace Guards protect King Randor and Queen Marlena from outside threats.
00:35 Well, at least Man-at-Arms has men of many.
00:37 Before, of course, we get a closer look at the Master Universe Origins Eternia Palace Guard, let's grab the tape measure and see how tall this stands.
00:43 This figure is going to be quite old. It was released first in 2021.
00:47 I was a little behind in actually picking up this set.
00:49 The nudge that I needed, so to speak, was actually the fact that we got this mold again,
00:53 get released in the Snakemen Infiltrator, part of the current wave of figures that we've been looking at lately here on this channel.
00:59 So, of course, twist my rubber arm, I decided to finally pick up the set, and I was lucky enough to find the set at a pretty decent price.
01:05 The Eternia Guard, though, stands about five and a half inches in height, or the figure is going to be about 14 centimeters tall.
01:11 And speaking of Man-at-Arms, let's bring in Man-at-Arms right now.
01:14 This was the original Man-at-Arms.
01:16 The benefit of actually getting also the Eternia Palace Guard set is the fact it also comes included with an unmasked mustache.
01:22 If you wanted to have a more closer resembling the vintage Man-at-Arms, we're going to be looking at that head sculpt more in a second.
01:29 I also as well did want to bring in the Man-at-Arms we've just recently had a look at.
01:32 This, I think, is the Serpent Claw Man-at-Arms.
01:35 Nice looking figure. Again, it's just basically using the mold as this one before,
01:39 but slightly tooling a different armor piece on the front and darkening the colors a whole lot.
01:43 And, of course, if this is going to be part of the Master Universe line, it would always be best to bring in the original one,
01:48 the most powerful man in the universe.
01:50 Here's what the Eternia Palace Guard looks like with He-Man.
01:53 Jumping now over to the figure's accessories, the guard comes included with two things that I think were originally from the Castle Greyskull playset,
02:01 being the fact it has the spear with the blade on the end of it.
02:03 I think Scareglow, if memory serves me correctly, had something very similar to this as well.
02:08 And it also comes included with the shield.
02:09 Both are cast more in a silver plastic.
02:12 It doesn't look like there's any additional paint applications that's been afforded to either one of these,
02:16 but at least with the benefit of the shield sliding on the way that it does.
02:19 He only has one really gripping hand that's going to be, of course, holding this one.
02:23 But, of course, with the shield, you can take the shield and then slide it conveniently on the hand of the Palace Guard.
02:28 Just basically doing it like that.
02:30 The problem with it, though, first of all, is the fact that he does have the forearm guard.
02:34 That's going to kind of get in the way of things when it's him trying to hold the shield.
02:37 But still, it holds it well enough.
02:39 And, of course, then from there, you can also go ahead and take yourself the spear.
02:41 And that plugs onto the end of it.
02:43 Being the fact there is, by the way, on the end of it, a blade.
02:45 I don't know if it's actually just called and referred to as a spear.
02:48 I'm sure it's been giving more of a war name to it.
02:50 Just drawing a blank, bit of a blank at the moment.
02:52 The figure, though, comes also included with things.
02:54 If, for example, you wanted to have him more displayed like Man-at-Arms.
02:58 Being the fact that the figure comes, first of all, as well, with the additional armor piece.
03:01 This is basically not that different, really.
03:04 I'm going to bring back in the Man-at-Arms that we already had before.
03:06 It's the exact same armor piece.
03:08 It's not differently tooled at all, unlike the Serpent, for example.
03:11 Serpent Claw, Man-at-Arms.
03:12 It's the exact same armor.
03:14 Maybe I would say it's just a tad bit lighter if you look at the two colors.
03:17 This one has more of a slightly darker color of orange.
03:20 Other than that, the mold is exactly the same.
03:22 The other thing that's also the same is the fact he comes included with the same maces from before.
03:26 But again, the coloring of the plastic, you can see, is just a tad bit lighter.
03:30 The last thing also coming included with the Palace Guard is the fact the figure comes also included with the unmasked mustached.
03:36 Why am I having a hard time to get that out?
03:38 The unmasked mustached version of Man-at-Arms.
03:41 So if you wanted to have him more closely resembling the way the original vintage toy would have had it.
03:46 The first time we got Man-at-Arms, didn't have a mustache.
03:48 You have this alternate head sculpt as well.
03:50 It seems to be exactly the same, other than the fact that, of course, the newer one that we got from the Origins line did sport a mustache closer to the Filmation cartoon.
03:58 But if you like to go back to the basics, this definitely fits the better a little bit better because it looks like the original vintage toy.
04:04 By the way, though, being the fact they are using the same ball joints after all.
04:07 It's very easy, in fact.
04:08 I say very easy, in fact.
04:09 To pop the head off the ball joint for Man-at-Arms and then replace it with this alternate head sculpt, which again, we'll just plug in place.
04:16 And you can have the figure displayed then again with his original classic look.
04:19 I'm not really sure, honestly, which way I'm going to go.
04:22 I mean, in one way, I would really like to have these toys, these figures look like the original 80s toys.
04:27 But I kind of always really liked the idea that Man-at-Arms had more of a mustache.
04:31 Again, this same look, by the way, can easily be replicated on this figure.
04:35 It's just going to revolve removing some of the armor pieces.
04:38 Of course, before we do that, though, I did want to first of all take the spear out of his hand.
04:43 We'll go ahead and take and remove the shield.
04:45 Getting a closer look at the palace guard.
04:47 One of the problems, of course, with the original Man-at-Arms, carries now over twice, is that he has all these extra armor pieces that are very prone to sliding around.
04:55 You can do your best to kind of belt them in place, but with not having extra afforded clips on the inside.
05:00 You only get one of them.
05:01 Once it gets past that point, it's not like you can tighten them any further.
05:05 But these are always ones that are always known for falling and slipping around.
05:08 And again, he has it on both sides.
05:10 This one side, in fact, I'm always finding myself trying to correct it.
05:13 Head sculpt-wise, it's very similar, in fact, to Man-at-Arms.
05:16 Again, bringing it back in, though, you can see the helmets are very identical to one another.
05:20 The only thing that's different, though, is the fact that this one does have a mouth plate.
05:23 The neat thing, though, about the mouth plate is if we pry this, it might even be easier to pry it down.
05:27 If we were to pry it down, you can actually see that they've sculpted a face underneath it.
05:31 It wasn't just a case that if you looked underneath the mouth guard, you'd just see a completely missing mouth.
05:36 There is actually a sculpt in, and I'm guessing they just likely retooled the Man-at-Arms face and just included the mouth guard in front of it.
05:43 But it's a nice looking for what it is head sculpt.
05:45 It happens to have the same hair as well for Man-at-Arms, so apparently that's a requirement.
05:49 If you want to be, for example, an attorney in guard for King Randor, you'll apparently always have to have black hair.
05:54 Speaking, though, of black hair--actually, that's not really what I was going to--speaking of hair,
05:59 I would love to have gotten this guy released in a two-pack.
06:02 I don't know how that has anything really to do with hair.
06:04 Maybe--oh, I know.
06:05 The reasoning why I wanted to say it had something to do with the hair is maybe they could have also changed the coloring of the hair if this was released as a two-pack.
06:11 I think, honestly, getting a single figure is fine, but getting this as a two-pack I think would have made a lot more sense.
06:17 I would have not minded paying at all the extra cost involved to get two of these guys instead of just the one.
06:22 That's why I was talking about the hair, because the other hair could have maybe been blonde.
06:25 It could have been brown.
06:26 I don't know.
06:27 Not that it really matters.
06:29 The body of the build here is exactly the same as well for Man-at-Arms.
06:32 If you were to say look at the two, the only thing that's really different is you can see this one has a little circular red piece in the middle that's been painted.
06:39 The original Man-at-Arms would not have had that.
06:41 The loincloths, though, are the same.
06:43 You can see as well the belts are exactly the same blue color, and again, the molding of the bodies are exactly the same green.
06:49 Again, looking at it, too, it does look like the armor is just a slight bit lighter here with the Eternian guards, but really not by much.
06:56 You can kind of see that a lot more when you see the shoulder pads.
06:58 Shoulder pads seem to be the same.
07:00 The forearm guards, again, are the same, just the colors are a little bit brighter.
07:04 Part of me is almost even tempted to start swapping things around.
07:07 Now, of course, with this one, he does have a different armor piece, for example.
07:11 So the whole front chest armor does have the additional eagle crest that is on the front, very much kind of replicating battle armor He-Man.
07:18 Of course, this would not actually flip around if you were to hit it, but you can, though, if you wanted to.
07:22 You could take the armor off.
07:23 First of all, if you wanted to, that's just, I keep saying if you wanted to.
07:26 If you wanted to, you could take the armor off and just slide it off the sides of his forearms.
07:30 So right away, that's already closer to being looking like Duncan.
07:33 Then from there, all you're going to do is look to the back.
07:35 Now, this normally would have been attached like this, but these things never stay properly in place.
07:39 Then you're going to go ahead and grab these, and you're just going to detach them from the top.
07:44 Now, really, really what we're doing is we're just basically making this look a lot more like Man-at-Arms.
07:48 You know what we'll do?
07:49 I'll just slide these all off because I know they're only going to get in the way of things.
07:52 So we'll take those all off.
07:53 We're going to also detach the straps on both the backs.
07:56 There we go.
07:57 Then we're just going to entirely remove the whole front chest piece.
08:01 That's all we're needing to do.
08:03 Again, from there, we're also going to go ahead and take the head.
08:05 We're going to pop that also off as well, and we're going to place it with the unmoustached.
08:10 It doesn't even really have to be Man-at-Arms either.
08:12 I just want to make sure I've got that all the way on there.
08:14 It doesn't even have to really be Man-at-Arms.
08:16 It could also just be some random guy that decides he doesn't want to have a mouth plate,
08:19 and he just happens to look very much resembling Man-at-Arms.
08:23 Now, from there, of course, we're also going to go ahead and take the chest piece.
08:26 And this armor, you're just going to attach the side.
08:30 Let me just put the figure down here for a second.
08:32 These sometimes are a little harder to detach.
08:34 I don't know why, really.
08:35 I'm basically just reversing the steps.
08:37 Instead of actually--instead of putting them on, I'm just essentially taking it off.
08:41 But we're going to take the back piece.
08:42 Why is this all getting hung up here?
08:44 Oh, I know why.
08:45 This got stuck in the back here.
08:47 So once that's detached, I think we're all good to go.
08:50 Then we're going to go ahead, and we're going to fit this around the body and the frame of the Eternian Guard.
08:56 And really, by now, he's less looking like the Guard, and he's looking a lot more like Man-at-Arms.
09:01 And then from there, we're going to slide these pieces in place.
09:05 I won't completely detach them because ultimately I think I'm still going to display this.
09:09 As much work as I put into this, I'm still going to be displaying this as the Eternian Guard.
09:13 I did want to at least get somewhat in there so I could actually show you guys what this would look like.
09:18 Again, if you wanted to have this looking a little bit more like the original Man-at-Arms.
09:23 I guess this also would be a good idea, too, if you guys, for example, didn't get the chance to get the original Man-at-Arms,
09:28 and maybe the price point on this guy was getting a little higher.
09:31 If you could find, for example, the Eternian Guard for a lot less of a price,
09:35 it probably would make a little bit more sense to get this set.
09:38 And then you could just get yourself a Man-at-Arms by just doing all the steps I'm currently doing right now.
09:42 I'm going to slide on that piece. I'm going to slide on the forearm.
09:45 Just around his hand.
09:48 And there we go. With all the work that was put into that.
09:51 The only other thing really I have to do is remove the leg piece.
09:54 But just short of that, you get yourself basically the same Man-at-Arms.
09:58 Just the only difference between the two is one is sporting a mustache, one is not.
10:02 I mean, again, it's a good looking set.
10:04 I honestly still feel like the set should have been sold as a set. A set of two.
10:08 So that way you could get yourself, for example, one displayed as Man-at-Arms.
10:12 Or, for example, if you wanted to, you could mix and match these two.
10:15 Nothing is really necessarily saying that you have to have them looking exactly the same.
10:18 If you want to have, for example, this Eternian Guard having two shoulder pads,
10:21 you can easily do that also as well.
10:24 The articulation on this guy is... I'm just going to slide this off first of all.
10:27 The articulation on the Eternian Guard is going to be exactly the same as the one before.
10:30 I don't know why the head is as loose as it is.
10:33 It doesn't seem like it wants to sit properly on the ball joint.
10:36 The elbows rotate all the way around, as loose as it may be.
10:39 It looks down, looks up, and also looks back and forth as well.
10:42 All the same articulation still at play here.
10:45 Shoulder hinges at 90 degrees. You can take the arms and rotate them all the way around.
10:48 There's a bend at the elbow, a rotation in the forearm, a rotation as well in the hand.
10:51 The waist swivels. Legs split out once again on ball joints.
10:54 You can take the legs and move them forward, move them back.
10:57 Single hinge only in the knee, but it allows at least the lower leg to rotate.
11:00 And again, back and forth on the ankles, and back and forth this way as well.
11:03 For all the work that we did put into this,
11:06 essentially I will still be reverting him back to the way he was before.
11:09 Still though, I'm kind of curious as to whether maybe I might find myself dismantling some of the figure and putting together...
11:16 Now see, again, looking at the colors, you can see between the two.
11:19 Maybe, like I would say, the original Man-at-Arms has slightly more brighter of a vibrancy when it comes to the orange plastic.
11:25 It's a little bit more muted, I would say, on the one that we get here for the Eternian Palace Guard.
11:30 But yeah, if you wanted to, you could mix and match them, or if you really wanted to, too.
11:34 I mean, considering you do have two heads to work with, what I might just find myself doing is maybe getting a second set of these.
11:40 I keep saying it's a set. It's really only just one figure and a whole bunch of accessories.
11:43 But I might find myself getting a second one of these, so then I could get myself an Eternian Guard,
11:48 and then I'll get an alternate head sculpt instead of actually going and trying to source out an original Man-at-Arms,
11:53 which might actually be a little bit more expensive, honestly, than getting the Eternian Palace Guard.
11:57 I might get another one of these and dismantle and do everything I basically did in this video.
12:01 Put on, for example, the helmeted head sculpt on one that's going to look more like the Guard,
12:06 and basically do the other thing to what I've just done now, and have one looking a little bit more like Duncan.
12:11 I might just find myself doing that. That way, I've got one that looks more like the Filmation counterpart of Man-at-Arms,
12:16 and then I can have one that looks more like the way he looked in the original 80s toy line.
12:20 As we now jump into the final looks of the Eternian Palace Guard, I've got the figure displayed with mace in one hand,
12:25 shield in the other, and glade holstered on the back of the figure's torso.
12:29 The glade - that's the name of the weapon - was something that was easier slid on the side, on the strap,
12:34 instead of actually trying to fight with an already loose peg in the middle.
12:37 But with that holstered on the back, I guess you could also really slide the mace on the back of the figure's body.
12:42 I guess for all intents and purposes, he has the means to store all three weapons.
12:46 Nothing really has to go back in the box.
12:48 The figure, though, speaking of the box, I think should have been a little bit wider to accommodate a second figure.
12:53 Mattel, ultimately, I'm just going to go back anyways and get another one of these,
12:56 because I would love to have more than one.
12:58 I've got actually three Horde Troopers right now for Hordak.
13:01 I'd like to do something very similar with the Eternian Palace Guards.
13:04 While they may not be protecting Eternia just now, they will certainly be protecting Castle Greyskull,
13:09 and one is just not enough.
13:11 If, again, if you want to get this set, the benefit of it is the fact that it comes also included with an unmasked version of Duncan.
13:16 Not an unmasked, an unmoustached version of Duncan.
13:19 If you want to have that displayed and have it look more like the original 80s toy, there's the benefit of that as well.
13:24 But honestly, this is a set that's best, I think, should have been sold right away as a two-pack.
13:28 Anybody, I can, I'm not speaking for everybody, I'm not speaking for everybody,
13:32 but speaking for only the person behind the camera,
13:34 this is a set someone, anyone, is going to be going back and buying another one, another one,
13:39 and, okay, it probably will only be stopping at three,
13:42 but it's definitely something that I'm sure people are going to be army building to death out of.
13:46 I mean, you should have just helped this along the way, Mattel, and just not released this as a two-pack.
13:50 Do you feel like this is a set that should have been sold as a two-pack,
13:53 or are you glad that it was only sold on its own?
13:55 I mean, unfortunately, though, the opposing argument would be,
13:58 maybe somebody only just wants one of these figures,
14:00 and I guess based on that, they wouldn't want to have to buy, pay the extra cost involved to get a set of two,
14:06 when really one was just enough.
14:07 Okay, based on that, I'm still going to go buy, go back and buy another one of these.
14:12 But I do, I think, though, that maybe an alternate head sculpt.
14:14 Can we settle on an alternate head sculpt?
14:16 Three head sculpts maybe could have also gone a long way.
14:19 If you did get another one of these, you would have a different look to the Eternian Guard,
14:23 instead of always having to have black hair.
14:25 It's apparently a requirement on King Randor's.
14:27 Everybody that works for his Eternian Palace army has to all have black hair and black eyebrows.
14:32 Have you had the chance to pick up the Eternian Palace Guard for yourself?
14:36 Let me know down below in the comments section,
14:37 and did you end up using that head and give it instead to Man at Arms
14:41 and have the figure displayed more like his vintage unmoustached version?
14:45 Also, as well, I mean, obviously, this is a precursor to the eventual review of the Snakeman Infiltrator,
14:50 which basically is using the same body in the build and same armor as the one that we looked at in this review.
14:55 So, of course, stay tuned to this channel,
14:57 because we will be looking at the Snakeman Infiltrator in an upcoming video.
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15:17 Of course, as always, guys, thanks for watching.
15:19 See you guys next time.
15:21 [outro]
