• 2 months ago
Jakks Pacific The Simpsons Lisa Simpson 5" Figure


00:00It's not in her nature to complain, but will there be many complaints about this figure?
00:03Here's a look at new Jack specific to Simpsons 5-inch Lisa Simpson
00:18Immerse yourself in Springfield with a Simpsons 5-inch wave to Lisa Simpson action figure fully articulated. She includes her saxophone accessory
00:26I look at Lisa and I start to think I wonder if we're ever gonna get a Bleeding Gums Murphy
00:30Perhaps too far down the rabbit hole and Jax is probably already gonna be considering some more b-tier characters before we deal with Bleeding Gums
00:36Well, maybe we don't think as much about Bleeding Gums
00:38Let's think a little bit more about how tall the figure actually stands and to do that
00:42Of course, I'm gonna bring in my trusty tape measure right here. Let's go to the very top of Lisa's head
00:46We go now even though the figure is of the 5-inch scale Lisa clearly isn't 5 inches in height
00:51She actually only comes up to about 3 inches of that
00:54Translating to a figure that's about seven and a half centimeters tall with two waves only in we're already surpassing what Super 7 did when they
01:01Had the Simpsons license
01:02Considering though two waves in and we already have ourselves a regular Homer Simpson and a regular Bart Simpson to go along with Lisa
01:08The only characters we have left from the Simpsons clan of Marge, Maggie and Sansa little helper and Snowball one or two
01:14Of course to also add to that as well. We've got ourselves another variation of Bart
01:17Here's what she looks like with Bartman bringing a couple of other characters from the Simpsons world
01:20Here's also what they look like with Otto groundskeeper Willie
01:24We just recently had a look at Moe the bartender and over here. We also have ourselves Cressida clown
01:29Now I'll get again a good lay of the land
01:31This is only just two waves in and look how many characters we've already gotten so far from Jack's Pacific
01:35In fact, the only thing I could really nitpick about the Jack's Pacific Simpsons stuff so far is the accessories are pretty light
01:40The characters first of all don't come include display stands
01:43Not that they necessarily need to but I almost feel like with Lisa's Simpsons
01:46She does need something in order to help balance her especially when she's got the saxophone in her hand
01:49I have myself a display stand here from McFarlane toys, even though it does use the same size peg
01:55Unfortunately, you will be disappointed if you try to use one with these Simpsons figures. The hole is the same
01:59Unfortunately, though the hole isn't deep enough
02:01So while you can't attach it though onto a display stand, it won't go all the way in
02:05I do think if anything they could have included a tiny little circular display stand
02:09Maybe not also for the 2.5 inch variety something that also Jack's Pacific is doing
02:14But at the very least though for 5 inch scale as you can already see like Lisa Simpson is a little top-heavy
02:19She's got tiny tiny little feet and I think certainly when it comes to her also holding a saxophone. This is also one thing
02:26It's gonna be a problem when it comes to actually having her displayed with it because the way they've actually just signed and molded the saxophone
02:32Also, obviously her hand is nowhere near the size to hold around the actual
02:37I don't know if that would be the shaft of the saxophone actually had a sack
02:40I played the saxophone in junior high and it was an alto sax. It wasn't a baritone sax
02:46But this is all sort of molded here in a caramel color plastic
02:50What they've only really done to help Lisa along the way
02:52They've given this a little bit of a loop on the back of the saxophone. So like realistically, there's no way
02:57I mean look at the size of her tiny little hands. These little sausages aren't gonna be holding anything
03:02So instead what they end up doing so obviously can't put around here
03:06They give you this little loop that fits though
03:08Just basically around her hand like that
03:10The thumb is really doing all the work and already you can see the way that she holds it
03:15Even if you want to bend even the elbow having it close to her mouth like this
03:18It's so difficult to get into her hand and then on top of that you have to worry about having the figure falling over
03:24I don't know how many times at the beginning of this review her spinning around on that rotisserie the figure fell down several times
03:30Again, you can't get her around the handle here, but it doesn't hold it all that
03:35Well, I think if anything if you're gonna lose the illusion of her having actually holding the saxophone
03:39Maybe make the loop a little bit bigger
03:41I think the honest thing the better thing would have been just to make this big enough
03:45So you should actually get her fingers in there the fingers first of all
03:48They just don't fit and then again the only way that the only proper way for her to properly hold it is with the thumb
03:54The thumb is doing all the work
03:56Of course, good luck though trying to put her down on anything. She's just gonna fall over every single time
04:00I don't think it's so much the fact that her feet are small like this
04:03It's just so much plastic goes into her head that it's gonna cause clearly conflict when it comes to displaying her on the shelf
04:10Again I feel like either include a display stand with these figures if they don't want to use that just for budgetary
04:15reasons at the very most just make the handle a little bit larger so it could have fit around her grip because again the thumb
04:20Is doing all the work in Lisa's case
04:23Anyways, let's move that off to the side
04:25I do wish though that they could have included at least for Lisa here a couple of little books
04:29Something as well
04:30But it seems like with many of these cases all the characters really only getting like one accessory sometimes two if you're lucky
04:36The head sculpt though for Lisa is quite good
04:38I haven't really had any issues so far where I could look at the head sculpt and think boy Jack's really dropped the ball on
04:44This I mean in a perfect world of Super 7 had still continued the line
04:47We would have got ourselves multiple head sculpts here for Lisa
04:50Also, of course got us or would have gotten ourselves some textbooks or something along those lines or more episode specific accessories
04:56But though with it seems to be more bare-bones with Jack specific at the very least you could say the company at least is doing
05:02a Lisa Simpson
05:04Super 7 couldn't do that at all size-wise though
05:07Gonna bring in Bart Simpson so you guys can see the size differences between the two. Yeah, you know again
05:11I think that the size for Lisa is appropriate to that of Bart's
05:14I mean, she's obviously though, you know, it's a lot smaller than he is in the cartoon
05:18I don't know if we are gonna be getting other variations of Lisa Simpson
05:21But I mean generally though while Bart maybe does change his t-shirt
05:25Well, it seems like every couple of years
05:26He brings out a brand new colored shirt Lisa tends to only really ever have this flower petal dress
05:31The dress itself if you look at the undercarriage of that, they've actually at least colored in trunks
05:35So, you know won't be seeing anything underneath here
05:38There seems to be a little bit of articulation, but I think it's more just the way they've attached on to the rest of her body
05:42She's got the pearls there on the top eyelashes painted well there in black the pupils not messy at all
05:47Again, like head sculpt looks pretty good
05:49I think though looking at it from the side it almost kind of looks like there's this really
05:53Unnecessary outline here where the hair seems like it's a separate piece from her face
05:57I mean we sort of established the idea at least with the Simpsons that their hair is sculpted into their face
06:02So, of course when it comes to Bart Bart doesn't have a hairline his face basically goes right into his hair
06:06Lisa also you'll see is very notably a much brighter yellow
06:10I think they probably would have kept the colors of yellow a little bit more close to one another
06:13But again, like it's a good look overall looking Lisa Simpson now for the articulation though for the figure
06:18It's pretty much what you would expect with a 5-inch variety heads gonna rotate only all the way around
06:23It's not gonna have a ball joint don't expect that yeah, I'm just gonna rotate all the way around as well
06:27It was also hinge out there on single hinges. They're speaking also single hinges
06:32She also only has that in her elbow
06:33It allows at least a forum to rotate back and forth and the hands as small as they may be
06:38Look at the tiny little sausage fingers that she has the hands also rotate all the way around
06:43There is no waist swivel because again like her dress is occupying all that
06:47The legs do split only by just a little bit you can move them only forward and back just again
06:52A little bit not much at all. She has a single hinge in her knee
06:56She has also as well articulation here in her ankles
06:58You can't really move them up and down very much, but you can certainly rotate them all the way around loose things on Lisa
07:04Stop that loose things on Lisa out of the packaging. I didn't notice really anything problematic
07:10Elbows were generally mostly tights the knees are okay so far release. I don't have any issues with that
07:15Maybe maybe loose ankles, but I mean it for all that you're really doing with them
07:19You're only gonna be swiveling back and forth. Anyways, Lisa is again a well-welcomed addition to the Simpsons family
07:25I mean again worth two waves in three characters of the Simpsons already in
07:29Again, the only problem with Lisa is that she does have some bit of balancing issues
07:33Don't though expect you can use yourself a display stand for another figure company
07:36It isn't gonna happen unless you happen to find one that's got about half the length of that peg
07:40I'm sure there's probably been other companies on the market that have done similar sized pegs
07:44Not as high of a peg though and again bring back in the at least the Simpsons clan
07:48Here's what she looks like with Bart again. Also, here's what she looks like with Homer scale. I think pretty decently
07:54I wouldn't want these necessarily to be I think for I mentioned this when we had to look at the mole
07:59For example, I I can't see myself really only investing in getting the 5-inch now Simpsons figures the 2.5 inch
08:06The novelty is certainly there that they include also the the environmental like the scene specific
08:10Backgrounds like the Simpsons homes that seems tempting at all
08:12But I think again if you're if you have someone like myself who is very fleeting space
08:17Regularly the idea of even adding more clutter to the shelf is not something you really want to start to consider
08:22I am all for the idea of collecting Simpsons figures from what we got from Jack so far like the line
08:27I mean granted again like when it comes to the accessories
08:29They're pretty limited Lisa's again only gonna come in clue with her saxophone and that's it. Could they've included more?
08:35Yes, I feel like they could have included more
08:36But the fact that again, we're two waves in and we've already got a Bart's at least a Homer and of course
08:42Also Bartman over here. That's not bad at all considering that Jax has had the
08:47Licensing for as little of time that they've had so far
08:50Lisa Simpson is at least one of the Simpsons figures that Jax has produced that has appeared both in the 5-inch and the 2.5
08:56inch scale
08:57What I have been a little bit bothered by so far that Jax has done is that they've seemed so far to make exclusive
09:03Figures for certain size classes. So like Chief Wiggum, for example and Ned Flanders nowhere anywhere in sight
09:09Have they appeared in the 5-inch scale?
09:10We've also got as well side Joe Bob side Joe Bob would have been a great release
09:14But again hasn't yet been released in 5-inch variety
09:16The only thing again that concerns me is Jax Pacific is gonna set aside certain characters with certain size classes
09:22So if you want to get those characters, you have to buy the size that go along with it aside Joe Bob again
09:27Is the character I really would like to see to go along with Krusty
09:30I don't want to have to think that I'm gonna be buying a 5 of 2.5 inch
09:33Version of Bob in order to get that and it's part of my collection
09:36Again, Lisa Simpson when it comes to her accessories is generally quite light
09:40It goes with the territory so far of many of the characters
09:43I think like all of them have only come in clue with one accessory did Homer come with two
09:47I think he technically came in clue with the box of donuts and a standalone donut
09:51So I guess if anything he does come to it accessories
09:54Mo for example did also come in clue with his phone as well as the bar rag
09:57So he had two there as well least at the very least. Come on
10:01She's the smartest character of the Simpsons family. Do they not have at least thrown her a couple of books?
10:05Not literally don't literally throw books at her
10:07But I think feel if anything they could have included a couple of books either way though
10:11At least she comes to glue at her saxophone
10:12the saxophone though is
10:13Tricky to get in her hands and then even on top of that getting in her hand and getting her to balance is only just a
10:18Miracle get that accomplished so far knock on wood. He seems to be spinning. Okay on the rotisserie. She hasn't fallen over yet
10:26Yet maybe we should we should speed this along I did though by the way get Lisa Simpson over on Entertainment Earth
10:33Still seems to be difficult to find these figures. I keep checking around the local stores. Nothing Jack still
10:39Continues to stock their their Nintendo figures, but no Simpsons figures in sight
10:44I ended up ordering this one again from Entertainment Earth
10:46The only other places I've sort of started seeing these now showing up is on Amazon
10:50But again, if you guys are interested and would like to get see Lisa for yourself
10:53You can certainly click the link down below that will take you over to Entertainment Earth while you're there as well
10:58That same link will save you 10% on anything that's currently in stock is Simpsons. Not really your jam. That's okay
11:04You can still use the affiliate link and they'll save you again anything
11:06That's 10% even 10% off on anything that's currently in stock. Have you been collecting any Simpsons figures?
11:12Let me know down below in the comment section and which size class are you guys currently collecting to vote to 2.5?
11:19Or two and a half inch scale or you prefer the five inch like I do
11:22Let me know down below if you guys in the meantime did enjoy this video do it a solid throw to like
11:26Guess what stick around for more?
11:27So I hope so hit that subscribe turn on that Bell
11:30But the most important thing obviously is that you're coming back as always. Thanks for watching. See you guys next time
