September Garden Tour - Part Two!
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00:02:30 - Hey guys, how's it going?
00:02:56 This is part two of our mid-September garden tour.
00:02:59 For this one, we are gonna be tackling the South Garden,
00:03:02 the cut flower garden,
00:03:03 probably over toward the high tunnel area.
00:03:05 We'll take a look at some of the vine crops
00:03:07 and things like that.
00:03:08 Part one, we uploaded yesterday.
00:03:10 So if you haven't seen that one,
00:03:11 we will link it down below.
00:03:12 And that one, we did more of like the hay racks,
00:03:14 an update tour on that, the pond area, Hartley area,
00:03:17 all of that around the house.
00:03:18 So anyway, we're starting right here
00:03:20 at the entrance to our South Garden.
00:03:22 And I think I'm just gonna take one side at a time
00:03:23 and we'll just kind of walk down
00:03:25 and take a look at some of the things
00:03:26 that are looking really good right now.
00:03:28 We've got Russian Sage, the Denim and Lace variety,
00:03:31 kind of tucked in on both sides.
00:03:33 And I've got to say, and I just keep planting this one
00:03:36 because it's just one of the best perennials.
00:03:39 You know, it comes back fresh from the ground every year.
00:03:41 It starts blooming mid-summer
00:03:43 and just looks like this until frost.
00:03:46 And the pollinators love it.
00:03:48 In between these, we have the Firelight Tidbits,
00:03:50 I believe is what these ones are.
00:03:52 And they stay smaller.
00:03:53 And these were going strong for most of the summer.
00:03:56 And they just recently have started to succumb.
00:03:58 We don't think it's a water issue necessarily
00:04:01 because they haven't been wilting at all.
00:04:05 But maybe they just, maybe it is.
00:04:07 Maybe we just need to give them a tiny bit more
00:04:08 so that the blooms don't burn like that.
00:04:11 But I really have been happy
00:04:12 with how they've grown this year.
00:04:14 We've got some Echinacea in here.
00:04:15 I typically leave, at this point of the year,
00:04:18 we leave these up because they add
00:04:20 some really beautiful winter structure.
00:04:23 And it's really, like at this point,
00:04:25 if we were to deadhead them like we did on the other side,
00:04:28 you look over there, they don't look near as pretty
00:04:30 as they do if you just leave them alone.
00:04:32 We've got Cat's Meow Nepeta
00:04:34 that we never cut back this year.
00:04:35 So this is what it looks like
00:04:37 if you leave that first flush of blooms
00:04:39 and let it come back with its second flush of blooms.
00:04:42 Honestly, what it does,
00:04:43 I can tell that the center of this plant is about right here.
00:04:47 So the first flush of blooms comes up,
00:04:48 looks kind of like this,
00:04:49 and then it kind of pushes down
00:04:51 and it still has color on it even now.
00:04:53 But that center will flush back a brand new set of leaves
00:04:57 and blooms again.
00:04:58 So you just have a much more full,
00:05:01 very full look right here.
00:05:02 And it's a huge drift.
00:05:04 We've got some Yarrow in here.
00:05:06 It's backed by Ninebarks.
00:05:09 Also, I feel like I should mention
00:05:10 that Shade Master Honey Locust
00:05:14 because it has grown so much.
00:05:15 I almost feel like we could do some cleanup
00:05:18 around the bottom a little bit.
00:05:20 We've got Arctic Fire Dogwoods back here,
00:05:23 which have grown so, so much.
00:05:24 And those will be a beautiful red stem in the winter time.
00:05:27 And we've got a Niagara Falls Panicum.
00:05:31 Love the structure of this grass.
00:05:33 We've got three of them in this,
00:05:35 oh, there's two right here.
00:05:36 I've got more on the other side.
00:05:38 But this one, I think,
00:05:39 is gonna be a repeat around the garden
00:05:41 because I love how thick the leaves are on this one.
00:05:44 So some grasses have very thin leaves.
00:05:47 This one's very thick.
00:05:48 So even though the top looks very fluffy,
00:05:50 it still has a weight to it.
00:05:52 We've got some Veronica and some gorgeous,
00:05:56 this is the Smitten Pink Super Bells,
00:05:58 new for next year.
00:06:00 And I did not plant these in pots.
00:06:02 The other ones that I planted
00:06:03 that we showed you yesterday,
00:06:04 I planted potting all down in the ground.
00:06:07 These are planted without their pots
00:06:08 and they're doing great.
00:06:10 Back in Black Sedum.
00:06:11 This has been a really beautiful one.
00:06:15 And I do think I would like to maybe
00:06:17 add a couple right back in here.
00:06:20 So we've got a really big full drift of that.
00:06:22 We've got the Procumbens Blue Spruce,
00:06:27 which has grown quite a lot, I think,
00:06:29 since when we planted it.
00:06:31 These will grow out about 10 feet.
00:06:33 So it will kind of undulate along the ground
00:06:36 and go through here and in the front
00:06:38 and around these roses, I'm hoping.
00:06:40 And we've got the Rise Up Amber Ness.
00:06:43 So these were, I think, a new rose last year,
00:06:46 if I'm not mistaken.
00:06:48 It's from Proven Winners.
00:06:49 It was either new last year or this year.
00:06:51 Anyway, we planted them last year
00:06:52 and they can either be trained into a small climber
00:06:56 or left as a large shrub,
00:06:57 which is what I'm doing right here.
00:06:59 And they're just, they always look good.
00:07:02 I love the color of these blooms.
00:07:04 I love them as they age out.
00:07:06 You can see in bud form, if I'm not shading it.
00:07:08 Look at how beautiful and perfect those are.
00:07:12 They look so pretty with the Blue Spruce next to them,
00:07:14 I think.
00:07:15 It's a really pretty blend.
00:07:17 And then if we go further on,
00:07:19 you know, this pathway is new this year.
00:07:20 It kind of goes through, sweeps through this flower bed
00:07:22 so we can start planting this whole area.
00:07:26 But we've added some really pretty things in here.
00:07:27 We've got three ninebarks.
00:07:29 We've got, this is a, this is a Miscanthus.
00:07:33 Can't remember the variety, but it gets nice and big.
00:07:36 So it'll be a very, much so a statement grass here.
00:07:39 This is a dervella called Kodiak Fresh
00:07:41 that grows about two and a half feet by two and a half feet.
00:07:44 It'll just be a nice little shrub.
00:07:46 Orange new growth and orange color in the fall.
00:07:49 And then we've got another one of the bottle brush.
00:07:52 So I have one of these along the west side
00:07:54 that just is phenomenal.
00:07:56 And I hope that this one takes and does as well as that one,
00:07:59 in which case it will,
00:08:00 it will fill in this space right here.
00:08:03 I think the tag says they'll get like three to four feet
00:08:05 tall and wide, which they get every bit that big.
00:08:08 And the leaves broaden out,
00:08:09 but it's just such a pretty plant.
00:08:11 A Silver Bullet, I think Artemisia right here.
00:08:14 Nice, bright, shiny blue.
00:08:16 And then we've got Sedum that says it's suffering.
00:08:19 It's getting way too much water.
00:08:21 And I think it'll be okay.
00:08:22 It's the coral jade,
00:08:24 but we really need to get in there
00:08:25 and pull the extra drip out.
00:08:26 And they are close to the lawn too.
00:08:27 So I do think they get maybe a tiny bit of over spray there.
00:08:30 And then I planted another one
00:08:32 of the Kodiak Fresh right here.
00:08:34 So that's what we have in this side of the flower bed,
00:08:36 except for there's some pretty annuals on the backside.
00:08:38 So let's run over there
00:08:39 and then we'll look at the next flower bed.
00:08:41 It's basically just this.
00:08:42 I wanted to show you what the pink Cashmere Superbina
00:08:44 looks like in the ground.
00:08:46 We have some of these in the hay racks over there
00:08:48 in the kind of experimental area.
00:08:51 And I just thought that I had one, two, three,
00:08:52 four, five left over.
00:08:53 I thought they'd look real pretty
00:08:54 just in this little space right here.
00:08:56 And they really have done well.
00:08:58 They're pretty color.
00:09:00 Here on the other side of the flower bed,
00:09:02 it's kind of a repeat because I wanted the entry area
00:09:05 to kind of look the same.
00:09:06 So the Russian Sage, Firelight Tidbits.
00:09:09 And then we come in with this drift
00:09:11 of the Tuscan Sun Heliopsis,
00:09:14 which we did deadhead the first flush of bloom.
00:09:17 So this is like, it's been in color ever since.
00:09:20 So it usually starts blooming midsummer
00:09:22 and then it's in bloom until a frost.
00:09:24 They do, to me, even though they will continue blooming
00:09:27 on top of their old blooms,
00:09:28 they look cleaner and better if you deadhead them.
00:09:30 So we do take after that first flush.
00:09:33 We've got an Eastern Redbud right there,
00:09:34 which will eventually shade this area,
00:09:36 as will the Honey Locust on that side.
00:09:39 This garden, it's gonna be interesting
00:09:40 as we go down the road, seeing how things evolve
00:09:44 and how we have to change and adjust things based on light
00:09:47 and how it like visually changes too.
00:09:49 I mean, seeing, I can kind of visualize the canopies
00:09:52 of all of these trees in my mind and how it's gonna look,
00:09:54 but you never know until you actually get there,
00:09:57 what it's gonna actually feel like.
00:09:59 We've got some of the Apache Rose,
00:10:01 Panicum, I love these.
00:10:05 They're just, they're easy to tuck in.
00:10:07 They don't get enormous and they're just so magical.
00:10:10 This time of year, their seed heads are so pretty.
00:10:13 We've got the Echinacea that we deadheaded,
00:10:15 doesn't look so hot.
00:10:16 And then we've got more Cats Meow Nepeta.
00:10:19 There is some Monk's Hood back in here,
00:10:22 which I'm not gonna even attempt getting back in there.
00:10:25 I don't know if you can see the purple,
00:10:26 they're like hooded flowers back there.
00:10:27 They're so cool looking.
00:10:29 They are poisonous plants, so be careful with those,
00:10:31 but just like a fox glove, you know.
00:10:34 We've got Arctic Fire Yellow Dogwoods in here.
00:10:36 There are three of them,
00:10:38 which they have grown a ton, a ton.
00:10:41 We planted these not last season,
00:10:42 I don't think, I think it was the season before,
00:10:45 and they suffered a lot of winter kill.
00:10:47 And I had to cut most of it back,
00:10:49 and a couple of them struggled a little bit,
00:10:52 and I thought, ooh, I don't know,
00:10:53 those just might have been a little,
00:10:54 when I planted them, I seem to remember
00:10:56 that like maybe we were keeping them too wet
00:10:57 in their containers,
00:10:58 'cause they had that kind of swamp smell.
00:11:00 Thought, oh, I wonder if we were kind of rotting them out
00:11:02 in their containers and kind of gave them a bad start.
00:11:05 But they've really taken over.
00:11:07 You can see some of the white berries right in here.
00:11:10 They create those after they, their blooms are small.
00:11:14 They're kind of insignificant,
00:11:16 but the white clusters of berries are real pretty.
00:11:18 We've got a little, this is a,
00:11:21 it's one of the ones that's supposed to stay really small.
00:11:27 It's getting quite large, and I can't remember
00:11:29 if this is like the Blue Chip or Blue Chip Junior
00:11:31 or something like that.
00:11:33 Might have to look back and see.
00:11:34 It's very pretty right here.
00:11:36 We'll go in here in a minute, but right in this area,
00:11:39 I do think I wanna rework this space a bit.
00:11:42 I wanna move all the Serendipity Alliums.
00:11:45 They ended up being too tall
00:11:46 to be really close to the border.
00:11:47 I want something that kind of graduates down
00:11:49 a little bit more.
00:11:49 I love the plant.
00:11:51 So we will be moving them to just a location
00:11:53 that's tucked back a little bit more,
00:11:55 which might mean I just remove the front,
00:11:58 like four and just leave a drift here,
00:12:00 and then I could just move the other one somewhere else.
00:12:02 That might be the easiest way to go.
00:12:03 That way we get that purple color.
00:12:05 This is their seed head after they're done blooming,
00:12:07 but then we can have something else in front
00:12:09 that maybe picks up with the color after these are done,
00:12:12 because at this point, this is what we see
00:12:14 for the rest of the season,
00:12:15 and those are the kind of adjustments that just happen
00:12:18 that you don't anticipate,
00:12:20 and you think that maybe it'll be a little shorter,
00:12:22 or like this Ornamental Oregano,
00:12:24 we had to cut this back because it got so huge
00:12:27 out in the full sun.
00:12:28 I have them planted along the west side
00:12:30 in a lot more shade.
00:12:31 They stay a lot smaller, so in my mind,
00:12:33 I thought, well, that's what it's gonna do out here,
00:12:34 not thinking that the light was gonna be so different.
00:12:37 Well, we put it out here, and it just,
00:12:38 it was so, so, it was hanging over the grass.
00:12:41 It started to flop, so we had to end up cutting that one
00:12:43 all the way back mid-season.
00:12:45 So, you know, you just kinda go through each season
00:12:47 having to make those adjustments.
00:12:50 We do have more sedum here.
00:12:52 I think that this stuff's getting too much water, too,
00:12:54 and that's why it's flopping in the center.
00:12:55 We do not fertilize our sedum,
00:12:57 and typically, if you've got a flopping sedum
00:12:59 or a flopping Russian Sage, too much water,
00:13:02 not enough sun or fertilizer.
00:13:04 So, I think this is a too much water situation.
00:13:07 We've got some, this is the string theory, Amsonia,
00:13:11 so light blue blooms in the spring,
00:13:13 but, you know, our crabapple, I love the crabapple,
00:13:15 but I don't love the hibiscus underneath it.
00:13:17 I think I wanna move that out
00:13:19 and kinda decongest that space right there.
00:13:22 It's just one of those spaces
00:13:23 that I've kinda thrown stuff in,
00:13:25 and I just need to kinda,
00:13:26 I need to go through and fine-tune and fix it.
00:13:28 So, as we go in here, we have the,
00:13:30 this is the Reminiscent Crema.
00:13:32 Come in, you gotta come see this one right here.
00:13:35 These smell amazing.
00:13:36 These are also from Proven Winners.
00:13:38 Isn't that perfection in a rose right there?
00:13:42 They stay small, beautiful color.
00:13:46 I've got a few more of 'em over here.
00:13:47 We've got a Weigella right there.
00:13:49 I think, is that something ruby?
00:13:51 It's a new one, and I can't remember the name of it.
00:13:53 It's out of my, it went out of my brain,
00:13:55 but it's doing really well.
00:13:57 Along here, we've got some lilacs,
00:14:00 and I want to, as these grow, I want to train them up
00:14:02 so they're like trees,
00:14:04 and maybe pop a bench right in here
00:14:05 so that you can sit,
00:14:08 kinda take in the rest of the space right here.
00:14:11 I haven't done a lot of planting right in here
00:14:15 since this spring, so everything is pretty much
00:14:17 just the same.
00:14:18 The Chatapas, though, are doing so great.
00:14:23 And Benjamin's Lantana, he's so proud of this, you guys.
00:14:26 He, I had it in the greenhouse.
00:14:28 I had bought it for a project that I don't,
00:14:31 I just hadn't gotten to,
00:14:33 and he, when I was out here planting some roses,
00:14:35 he came out here.
00:14:36 He disappeared for a while,
00:14:38 and he came out here carrying the plants
00:14:40 and said he wanted to plant 'em over here,
00:14:42 so that's what we did,
00:14:43 and he's been checking on 'em ever since,
00:14:45 and is just really happy with the color and how they look.
00:14:49 The Chatapas have grown.
00:14:51 They're still blooming.
00:14:52 They smell amazing.
00:14:54 They're so perfumey.
00:14:57 And they're in our full sun, and I planted 'em,
00:14:59 I think it was over 100 the day I put these in.
00:15:01 It was 100 or 101, something like that,
00:15:03 and I thought I was gonna have to construct
00:15:05 some kind of an umbrella to protect 'em,
00:15:06 but no protection required.
00:15:08 These are just really tough.
00:15:10 We have planted the pine right in here,
00:15:12 and that one will get eight by six.
00:15:14 There are some reminiscent pink roses.
00:15:16 Now, you gotta come see these.
00:15:18 These looked rough when I planted 'em,
00:15:21 and they are really starting to look healthy.
00:15:24 Look at that.
00:15:25 That's like a bouquet on one stem.
00:15:27 The scent is really nice, too.
00:15:31 And then we've got,
00:15:32 these are the Flavorette Honey Apricots right here.
00:15:35 Also very, very beautiful.
00:15:38 I love all the soft color roses out here.
00:15:41 And then, you know, we just have some things
00:15:43 that are starting to put on some nice growth.
00:15:45 This is a Spring Grove Arborvita.
00:15:47 Do you remember how big it was when we planted it?
00:15:49 Like this?
00:15:51 And it's really starting to thicken up.
00:15:53 I love the growth structure of these.
00:15:55 Like North Poles are awesome,
00:15:57 where you need a skinnier hedge,
00:15:59 and we have a lot of those.
00:16:00 But I just love the open,
00:16:02 kind of more natural nature of this one.
00:16:04 It's so, so pretty.
00:16:06 We've got a Lilac right in here,
00:16:08 Quickfire Hydrangeas, the Totem Pole Panicums.
00:16:11 These are, I think, the newest ones we've planted.
00:16:13 So we'll see some others on the other side
00:16:15 that are like twice the size.
00:16:17 But these are doing well.
00:16:19 I love the structure of these.
00:16:21 And then we do have the two Junipers right here
00:16:24 that flank the opening of this walkway.
00:16:26 And if you stand back here,
00:16:27 Erin, you wanna switch me spots?
00:16:28 Sorry, I got you turned around.
00:16:30 Having that strong structure right here at the opening,
00:16:33 I think that does something for me,
00:16:35 because that will lend a tiny bit of formality,
00:16:37 and like it kind of beckons you to this area.
00:16:39 And then you enter this area
00:16:41 where it's just a little bit more free flowing,
00:16:43 and there's really no,
00:16:44 well, there is no plan right there.
00:16:46 Right here, we've got some Pink Roses.
00:16:49 I can't remember the name.
00:16:51 Blush Rose, something Blush Rose.
00:16:54 I can't remember, but they're a really pretty color,
00:16:57 and I like 'em right here.
00:16:59 And then let's walk along the backside here,
00:17:01 'cause there are a lot of beautiful things.
00:17:03 We've got the Hollyhocks we started from seed.
00:17:05 There's actually two patches,
00:17:06 right here and then right beyond it.
00:17:08 So that'll be really pretty light yellow next year.
00:17:11 These are the Super Bells Improved Pink,
00:17:13 which we looked at yesterday.
00:17:15 I planted some Chamomile, just a ground cover.
00:17:18 It smells like bubble gum to me.
00:17:21 I think it's the best.
00:17:23 And I want to have more ground covers like this
00:17:26 all over the place.
00:17:27 It helps with weed suppression.
00:17:29 It helps keep the soil cooler.
00:17:30 You don't have to use as much water,
00:17:32 and they're just really pretty.
00:17:33 Less mulch, shoo.
00:17:34 We've got Russian Sage in here,
00:17:37 Limelight Prime Hydrangeas back there.
00:17:40 This is the Pink Dawn Salvia,
00:17:42 which has already done its second flush of bloom.
00:17:44 More Back in Black Sedum.
00:17:47 We've got a Cheyenne Sky Panicum,
00:17:49 just tucked in there, a little grassy texture.
00:17:51 The Ruby Chip Junior, or Ruby Chip.
00:17:54 I don't know why I want to add junior to everything.
00:17:56 I think this is Ruby Chip Buddleia
00:17:59 with the Lilac Crush Hibiscus, and I'll get in here.
00:18:02 These have been a pretty stunning show all summer long.
00:18:07 Look at that.
00:18:08 Big, beautiful, oops, I just broke that one.
00:18:12 Big, beautiful blooms.
00:18:14 More on this side of the plant right now,
00:18:16 but there was a time where these were just loaded,
00:18:18 and I can see a bunch of buds right now.
00:18:20 Aaron limbed up his Pyramidal Cypress trees
00:18:22 before they were kind of lower.
00:18:24 I think he's hoping to encourage some upward movement,
00:18:28 but they've done real well, and their bark is real pretty,
00:18:30 so it's nice to see some of it.
00:18:32 We've got some Osteospermum.
00:18:34 These are the Horizon Sunset.
00:18:38 Yeah, I think that's it.
00:18:42 They look beautiful right here.
00:18:44 Full sun all day long.
00:18:45 They're backed by the Mr. Mustard Spirea,
00:18:48 and the Montana Moss Juniper.
00:18:50 I love that blue with the color of those daisies.
00:18:52 They look like daisies.
00:18:53 That's what I call them usually.
00:18:55 They're so pretty.
00:18:57 I wish they were perennial.
00:18:59 Black Lace Elderberry.
00:19:00 We've got some Grown Cover Thyme right in here.
00:19:02 Remember when we planted these?
00:19:04 They were just little four-inch cups.
00:19:05 I love seeing that happen.
00:19:07 We've got a Blue Hibiscus right back in there.
00:19:09 We'll put the name on the screen 'cause I can't remember.
00:19:11 Some Monarda in here, Baptisia, Daylilies.
00:19:14 I put another one of the Kodiak Fresh Darvellas right here.
00:19:18 Then we've got Honeyberries in here,
00:19:19 and that kind of does it for this area.
00:19:21 Now this birch tree, this is a Royal Frost.
00:19:25 Most of the leaves turned fall color already and fell off.
00:19:29 We're not real sure what's going on,
00:19:32 except for it has sunk, so we dug around,
00:19:34 and we might have to lift it and get it higher.
00:19:38 I don't know.
00:19:40 It's still, all the branches are flexible.
00:19:42 We'll have to see what happens with it.
00:19:45 Kind of a bummer.
00:19:46 We recently came out and harvested our first grapevine,
00:19:49 the Niagara Seeded Grape.
00:19:51 We're gonna be doing the second one here soon,
00:19:52 and then we've got some beautiful red grapes,
00:19:55 the Red Suffolks in here.
00:19:56 You see all of those in there?
00:20:01 They are so beautiful, and they are so tasty.
00:20:07 Mm.
00:20:09 So good.
00:20:12 And our raspberries are doing great.
00:20:14 I can see all the wasps.
00:20:15 Can you see those, Erin?
00:20:16 They're just like flying everywhere right now.
00:20:19 Fall golds.
00:20:21 These are the new ones that we planted this season.
00:20:24 Ooh, these are perfect.
00:20:26 Favorite raspberry right there.
00:20:29 So, so good.
00:20:32 Mm.
00:20:33 I need to get out here and harvest these again.
00:20:36 And these.
00:20:37 They're all doing really well.
00:20:40 And so are the blackberries.
00:20:41 They've really taken off.
00:20:42 We had a couple of volunteer sunflowers come up,
00:20:46 and we're letting them do their thing.
00:20:47 They're not wanting to get super big, so that's nice.
00:20:50 But we've also got blackberries starting to ripen there,
00:20:54 another flush of berries, which is really fun.
00:20:56 Okay, rose garden.
00:20:59 First of all, we did clean out the entry containers,
00:21:01 because they were turning into sweet potato vine monsters.
00:21:04 That's all you could see.
00:21:05 I had planted one of those upside kiwi,
00:21:07 it was like upside kiwi potato vines,
00:21:10 and you could almost not see the obelisks
00:21:11 in the containers anymore, and you couldn't see the pots.
00:21:14 It just looked like a lime green monster out here.
00:21:17 So we cleaned those out so we could see the structure again,
00:21:19 which I love, and then we will be putting
00:21:21 some fall stuff in there here shortly.
00:21:23 But I just wanna back up over here and take a look.
00:21:27 It's just a pretty view toward the flower shed.
00:21:29 Take a look at this rose garden.
00:21:31 The pink section, which is the section that's the most full,
00:21:36 is the most full, because my eye goes toward pink roses,
00:21:39 so it was easy to pick all of those out.
00:21:41 This row here is our purples and reds,
00:21:44 which there are some really beautiful ones.
00:21:46 We've got a white row right here.
00:21:48 We've got two yellow rows, yellow skewing apricot,
00:21:51 and then two apricot skewing pink rows,
00:21:54 and then two pink rows.
00:21:57 But there's a few, let's take a look.
00:21:59 This one's quicksilver.
00:22:00 Look at that color, oh my gosh.
00:22:07 And some of these are out doing themselves.
00:22:11 Like maybe I should have made my walking paths
00:22:13 a little bit wider.
00:22:14 Aaron's laughing behind the camera.
00:22:16 I think he said that I should probably do that earlier on.
00:22:20 This one is ebbtide, I think, yeah.
00:22:23 Look at this, ebbtide.
00:22:25 We've got brick house.
00:22:28 Ooh, what is this?
00:22:29 Look at this, this is a stiletto, I think.
00:22:33 No, black lady.
00:22:35 Look at how beautiful.
00:22:40 Okay, coming back this way.
00:22:43 Here's a Charles Darwin right here.
00:22:46 This one is molyneux.
00:22:47 I am not sure what this one is, but it is gorgeous.
00:22:52 I need to get in here and get these all labeled
00:22:54 so it's easier to tell you guys.
00:22:57 This one is gorgeous.
00:22:59 Same thing, I'm gonna have to look around for the label.
00:23:02 But oh, it's so pretty.
00:23:04 This one is Princess Charlene de Monaco, so delicate.
00:23:09 Louise Clements, I love this one because look at this.
00:23:14 They come out in these huge bouquets.
00:23:16 I could cut this one stem,
00:23:18 take out this middle one right here,
00:23:20 and you have yourself a beautiful bouquet right there.
00:23:23 I love it.
00:23:24 Also, is it Abbey de Clooney?
00:23:26 Oh, both of these on the same plant.
00:23:30 So see this one?
00:23:31 This one's a little bit more aged.
00:23:33 This one's a little bit younger.
00:23:35 And this is it in more of a bud stage.
00:23:39 (leaves rustling)
00:23:40 Couple more interesting ones
00:23:41 before we leave the rose garden.
00:23:42 And I think what we need to do
00:23:44 is I need to get all my labels out
00:23:46 and then go one by one and do an actual rose garden tour.
00:23:48 That would be probably a little bit easier.
00:23:51 This is Lida Rose.
00:23:53 And these just have the slightest little blush
00:23:56 of purpley pink on the edges.
00:23:58 I've used them in a couple bouquets and they're awesome.
00:24:01 This one is Sweet Mademoiselle right here.
00:24:07 Look at that perfection.
00:24:10 So that's a little bit of what's going on
00:24:13 in the rose garden.
00:24:15 Really happy with it.
00:24:16 So much fun.
00:24:17 This area right here is primarily annual cut flowers
00:24:20 and things are still looking really good.
00:24:22 We have pulled some things,
00:24:24 but you know, we've got Crespidia here,
00:24:25 there's straw flowers, pincushion flowers,
00:24:28 Bells of Ireland.
00:24:30 We've got a whole row of snapdragons right here,
00:24:32 which really took the deadheading that Monica and I gave it
00:24:36 really well and it flushed back beautifully.
00:24:39 We've got, we had Campanulas here,
00:24:41 but I'm thinking of cover cropping in here, here shortly.
00:24:44 We've got Status looking phenomenal.
00:24:48 Status looks phenomenal all the time
00:24:50 because it dries beautifully.
00:24:52 So you get, you know, really pretty color on all of it.
00:24:55 The Zinnias though.
00:24:57 That was a late crop.
00:24:58 I direct seeded these out here.
00:25:00 I didn't thin them, just popped them in the ground
00:25:04 and they have done beautifully.
00:25:05 And we've got Ridbeckia all kind of on the interior,
00:25:08 but maybe if we popped on the outside and took a look,
00:25:11 we could see them better.
00:25:12 Cause I think that's probably the best looking thing,
00:25:13 those in the dahlias right now.
00:25:15 Look at these.
00:25:16 These are supposed to, these are California giants.
00:25:21 They're supposed to be at 36 inches tall.
00:25:23 I'm 5'4", just to give you an idea.
00:25:26 They're enormous and they're huge.
00:25:29 And they're what you see from the driveway,
00:25:31 which makes me really happy because you get greeted
00:25:34 by this huge, big, you know, beautiful color show.
00:25:38 There's so many different structures
00:25:41 and colors going on here.
00:25:42 And they just look so fresh because things do get tired.
00:25:46 You know, our other Zinnias are looking kind of tired.
00:25:48 Our dahlias on the other hand though,
00:25:50 have really just boomed.
00:25:54 Show you a couple of my favorites.
00:25:56 Checking for thrips.
00:25:57 Zero, zero thrips on that one.
00:26:02 (leaves rustling)
00:26:05 One.
00:26:06 One thrip, that's not bad.
00:26:08 That could be like a normal year.
00:26:11 It's when you get like 25, 30 thrips from one bloom
00:26:14 that you, that was the problem earlier on.
00:26:16 There's zero in that one.
00:26:18 Let me find a dinner plate.
00:26:19 Hold on.
00:26:20 This is excitement right now.
00:26:22 Look at this.
00:26:25 Okay, you should get close on this one.
00:26:27 Isn't that interesting?
00:26:30 (leaves rustling)
00:26:33 None.
00:26:37 One.
00:26:44 That's, that's pretty good.
00:26:46 I mean, I will need to check more thoroughly,
00:26:48 but that, that's pretty amazing.
00:26:50 And the colors, like this was kind of a puny patch.
00:26:54 I'm not gonna lie.
00:26:55 Earlier on, I thought, oh boy,
00:26:56 not gonna winter them over anymore.
00:26:58 One, because of the thrip issue,
00:26:59 and that alone will make me not winter them over
00:27:02 like we did last year,
00:27:03 because I think they wintered over in all the debris
00:27:05 that we've mounded them up with.
00:27:08 But I thought that maybe by having them under the ground,
00:27:10 they just were so late to take off
00:27:11 to get enough heat to go.
00:27:13 I don't know.
00:27:13 I just thought that maybe that was why things were puny,
00:27:15 but I think they just needed some time.
00:27:17 Honestly, when you come over this direction,
00:27:20 you can see how many are in this area.
00:27:23 Just gonna.
00:27:27 Little black bug.
00:27:28 That's not a thrip.
00:27:29 Oh, nope.
00:27:37 Oh, yeah, that one has some thrips in it.
00:27:43 Can you see those?
00:27:46 I see four.
00:27:47 - I don't think so.
00:27:51 - Really?
00:27:52 (laughing)
00:27:53 No, three.
00:27:54 There was three in that one.
00:27:55 That's still way better than before.
00:27:57 Yeah, there's just some really beautiful varieties in here.
00:28:00 I don't know.
00:28:01 I'm kind of feeling right at this moment,
00:28:02 like we might dig.
00:28:04 That's something I said we would never do again.
00:28:08 We will never dig these stupid Dahlia tubers ever again,
00:28:10 'cause it's so much work.
00:28:12 But we might, maybe we'll just tag a few of each variety
00:28:15 and dig not 100% of them, but a number of them.
00:28:19 I wanna show you just some closeups of a few of my favorites.
00:28:22 Right here, I think this one was labeled La Luna.
00:28:25 The big dinner plate with a little bit of yellow in it.
00:28:28 This right here was part of a Beausoleil mix, I think.
00:28:31 I don't know if I'm saying that right.
00:28:32 Here's the Peaches and Cream right here.
00:28:34 I love that.
00:28:36 I love this whole row.
00:28:37 These are the Sweet Natalie's right here.
00:28:39 Look at this one.
00:28:40 It's so creamy.
00:28:42 Oh, so, so pretty.
00:28:45 And I don't know.
00:28:47 Oh, the Jerry Hoke.
00:28:48 Jerry Hoke.
00:28:49 I can't remember if that's how you say it,
00:28:50 but look at this.
00:28:54 It's got a glow quality because of that yellow interior,
00:28:56 but it's just that soft pink and it's a water lily type,
00:28:59 which I like a lot.
00:29:01 These are the Wizard of Oz right here.
00:29:03 That's a good one right there.
00:29:05 This is the Bloomquist Tori P.
00:29:09 And I love how it looks when it's younger.
00:29:10 It's got that little blush in the center,
00:29:12 but look at it as it ages.
00:29:13 It's pretty at any stage.
00:29:16 Come in here and take a look at this.
00:29:19 I don't know what variety this is,
00:29:21 but I love the clear yellow with that orange center.
00:29:24 It looks so fluffy.
00:29:26 These are really easy to work into an arrangement too
00:29:29 'cause they're not so big.
00:29:30 You know, the great big dinner plate,
00:29:32 like these types, they're stunning flowers,
00:29:34 but they are tough to work into flower arrangements
00:29:36 because most of the time,
00:29:37 unless they're a variety like this with a thin stem,
00:29:40 most of these have great big thick stems
00:29:42 and they're unyielding.
00:29:43 Like they won't manipulate.
00:29:45 You have to just stick them in there
00:29:46 and then work around them.
00:29:47 These are easier to kind of mold how you want them to be.
00:29:52 Let's head up and look at some of the perennials.
00:29:54 So this section of the cut flower garden
00:29:56 is definitely the most cleared out.
00:29:57 Along the back edge,
00:29:59 we had two rows of sweet peas going that were very full.
00:30:02 We probably cleaned those out two, three weeks ago.
00:30:05 And then we had our wheat growing and that's cleared out.
00:30:07 We have our row of foxglove right here,
00:30:10 which they've done beautifully, just beautifully.
00:30:14 There's a great big bumblebee I just saw.
00:30:16 But we've got white and peach and lavender
00:30:19 and these will come back this next year.
00:30:21 These were our first year bloomer.
00:30:22 We started these from seed this year.
00:30:24 Then we've got our row of strawberries right here,
00:30:27 looking pretty good.
00:30:29 We need to come out here with some chelated iron,
00:30:31 but I don't think,
00:30:32 I think we'll get one more season
00:30:33 out of this, the strawberry row being here.
00:30:36 Then the mother plants will start to peter out
00:30:38 and I wanna do something in a raised bed
00:30:39 for strawberries anyway.
00:30:41 So that's probably the direction we will take these.
00:30:43 There it is.
00:30:44 See that big old bumble?
00:30:46 They love the foxglove.
00:30:48 It just went in right there.
00:30:51 (birds chirping)
00:30:54 Right here we've got our echinacea.
00:31:01 This is just echinacea purpurea,
00:31:04 which I love having out here.
00:31:05 I've used this several times in cut flower arrangements.
00:31:07 And I don't know,
00:31:09 I think it's just a really good addition to have
00:31:11 in a perennial section,
00:31:12 which that's the way I wanna take this corner.
00:31:15 I think mostly just perennials.
00:31:16 So once we get it set, it probably won't change.
00:31:19 I would like to have maybe some peonies in here
00:31:22 and then a lot of perennials like this
00:31:23 that will be good for the pollinators.
00:31:25 I don't have to plant them every single year
00:31:27 and they're just tough plants.
00:31:29 We've got some celosia in here
00:31:31 that receded itself from last year,
00:31:33 but I do have some annuals,
00:31:34 you know, annual zinnias in here that we planted
00:31:36 that are totally starting to peter out over there.
00:31:39 The eryngium is beautiful.
00:31:41 I have cut a lot of it.
00:31:42 So this patch is looking a little thinner right here
00:31:45 and delphiniums right in there.
00:31:49 Another flush of blooms.
00:31:50 That's the third set this summer.
00:31:53 We've got perennial red beckia.
00:31:56 We've also got perennial yarrow in here
00:31:58 and you know, more celosia and zinnias.
00:32:04 One thing that we haven't done this season,
00:32:06 I don't know that we will do it,
00:32:07 but we are going to be redoing the rocks right up here.
00:32:11 We'll actually probably see if Pedro can do that
00:32:12 and do more of a solid base
00:32:14 since it's right outside of a door.
00:32:16 And we'll, you know, do a little landing area
00:32:18 and then start cultivating the flower beds.
00:32:20 And it's just something that hasn't happened.
00:32:21 I thought we were going to do it this year and just,
00:32:23 you know, you can only do so much.
00:32:25 And I feel like we've done a lot this year.
00:32:27 The orchard's looking really good.
00:32:29 You know, I just posted a reel of the same kind of grass
00:32:33 that we have in here.
00:32:35 My mom and dad seeded the same stuff in their orchard.
00:32:39 They liked how it looked out here
00:32:40 and when it was longer, especially,
00:32:42 'cause I thought I wanted to have more of a meadow feel
00:32:44 out here, which I do love that feel and you should see.
00:32:46 If you haven't, if you're on Instagram
00:32:48 and haven't seen that really yet, go find it.
00:32:50 It's magical.
00:32:51 They let their RTF grow all the way up to its full size.
00:32:54 And then they put some Cosmos in there with it.
00:32:57 So it's just like this huge menagerie of white Cosmos
00:33:00 and tall, like sway grass that sways in the breeze.
00:33:04 But it makes it, it's very hard to navigate.
00:33:06 So Erin, you've mowed this like
00:33:09 maybe every other time you mow?
00:33:11 Yeah, for a while there, you were doing it every week
00:33:13 when it was really growing, but it has made it nice.
00:33:16 Guys, I mean, it is different and definitely longer
00:33:18 than our lawn grass, but you can get in here.
00:33:21 You can see, you can see the fruit.
00:33:24 You, I don't know.
00:33:25 It just, it just is nice.
00:33:27 The nectarines are ready to come off.
00:33:29 Almost, there's some on the ground.
00:33:32 A little smaller than last year due to my lack of thinning,
00:33:38 but they're still tasty.
00:33:40 Over here, the plum bore a ton of fruit this year,
00:33:42 which was great.
00:33:43 Hard, hard prune job on that last year.
00:33:46 Here's another nectarine we planted this spring.
00:33:49 Here is the Alberta peach tree that we just harvested.
00:33:53 And I left a few on the tree 'cause they weren't quite ready.
00:33:56 And then we've got the Snow Beauty white peach here.
00:33:59 And then we've got a Fuji apple tree here.
00:34:02 We will take off into the South garden now.
00:34:06 Okay, so we're gonna start on this side
00:34:08 and make our way around.
00:34:09 I wanted to point this grass out though first,
00:34:12 because this one has been such a great performer so far.
00:34:15 This one is the lemon squeeze pennisetum.
00:34:18 And this is about its max size.
00:34:20 I love the plumes that it has.
00:34:22 And it's got more of a chartreuse-y yellow
00:34:24 sort of leaf color.
00:34:26 So even before it starts to bloom, it really shines.
00:34:29 It's a very bright spot in the garden.
00:34:31 I've got three of them right here.
00:34:32 There's a Vanderwolf pine right behind.
00:34:34 I think it's a really pretty look.
00:34:36 Okay, starting down this side,
00:34:39 we'll probably just bounce back and forth.
00:34:41 There's a lot of pretty things going on in this border.
00:34:43 And I really like how the layering has taken shape.
00:34:47 And you know, not all areas do that.
00:34:49 Like some of the areas we looked at before,
00:34:50 sometimes you have to make adjustments.
00:34:52 This one has happened just to go really well.
00:34:54 A lot of these things we pulled out from the North garden,
00:34:57 back where the pond is now.
00:34:59 All the sedum came from back there.
00:35:01 Dug all that out and brought it out here,
00:35:02 as well as the Tratascantia that you see,
00:35:05 or spiderwort's another name, that you see blooming.
00:35:08 The perennial geraniums, the iris right here.
00:35:12 All of that came from back behind the,
00:35:15 well, I say behind the gazebo, is in the North garden.
00:35:18 We've got pufferfish, hydrangeas throughout.
00:35:20 There's five of them.
00:35:22 And then we've got some pink Veronica,
00:35:24 the blue fortune agostachy.
00:35:25 This is the supertunia saffron finch, new for next year.
00:35:29 It speaks for itself right here.
00:35:33 It's just so beautiful in this spot.
00:35:36 Oh my gosh.
00:35:37 And then these roses,
00:35:39 we'll put the name of them on the screen.
00:35:40 We planted a whole bunch of them.
00:35:42 They're a fairly new one and I love them.
00:35:44 There are three in this location.
00:35:46 We've got, I think 16 I planted over on the other side
00:35:49 that are a lot smaller than these so far.
00:35:51 They were a lot smaller.
00:35:52 They were bare root when I planted them.
00:35:53 I will see those in the end,
00:35:55 but they're backed by a coral berry.
00:35:57 We've got baptisia back in there, a smoke bush,
00:36:00 one of Aaron's bald cypress right there.
00:36:03 It's all limbed up.
00:36:04 It looks like kind of like a lollipop right now.
00:36:07 Perennial geraniums and beautiful bloom.
00:36:09 That blue looks beautiful with the yellow right there.
00:36:14 And then we've got a ginger wine nine bark doing its thing.
00:36:17 Some yarrow.
00:36:18 This is a desert plains pennisetum right here.
00:36:20 So a little bit of a different look.
00:36:22 I've got some other ones we'll take a look at.
00:36:24 This one, this one almost has more of a lemon squeeze look
00:36:27 to it than the other desert plains,
00:36:28 but we just planted this is a Monte blue spruce.
00:36:32 And that's almost full size right there.
00:36:34 Aaron suggested that we just do this side of the border
00:36:37 and then come back doing the outer part.
00:36:39 I think that's a good idea.
00:36:41 This is more iris from the back North garden.
00:36:43 We've got a crab apple here.
00:36:46 And then I'm just gonna stand next to these spring groves
00:36:48 because this is another,
00:36:49 this is the first plants we planted out here.
00:36:52 Maybe we can hearken back to when it looked like
00:36:54 I was planting on the moon.
00:36:56 It was so bad out here, you guys, just white dirt.
00:36:59 So we've come a long way.
00:37:00 These were, were they maybe waste
00:37:03 or maybe a little higher than that ish.
00:37:06 They are doing well.
00:37:09 I'm very pleased with how they're doing.
00:37:10 There's three of them in here.
00:37:12 We've got some midnight masquerade penstemon,
00:37:14 more perennial geranium here.
00:37:16 We just have pockets of plants where we've just decided
00:37:20 to pop things in.
00:37:21 Yellow echinacea we had in here
00:37:22 and most of them didn't take.
00:37:24 I can't remember what variety that one is.
00:37:26 So I might try one more time with echinacea there
00:37:31 because I think it would be pretty
00:37:32 to have some yellow blooms.
00:37:33 This is a Peter cottontail yarrow,
00:37:36 which really you can see some fresh blooms coming out,
00:37:39 but we should probably have cut it back
00:37:40 a little bit earlier.
00:37:41 Nothing right here because I am planning
00:37:44 on some kind of a path through here,
00:37:46 starting there, kind of going in back into this area.
00:37:49 So I wanted to leave it sort of clear
00:37:51 until we decide what we're going to do in this space
00:37:53 because we might shift where we want the opening
00:37:55 of the walkway to be.
00:37:57 We've got queen nectarine agostachy right here.
00:38:01 And then the beyond midnight caryopteris
00:38:03 where we just pop those in random spots around the garden.
00:38:07 Look at all the bees.
00:38:08 Honey bee haven.
00:38:14 Wow.
00:38:17 Niagara Falls panicum.
00:38:19 Aren't those beautiful?
00:38:21 Oh, I'm thinking it might be pretty just to do a few more
00:38:25 of those in this area and have just this big bank of grass.
00:38:29 So gorgeous.
00:38:30 I just planted some rugosa roses right here
00:38:32 and there's a centaura double blue lilac.
00:38:35 That is a scotch pine right there.
00:38:37 And then again, another opening
00:38:39 because I'm thinking the pathway might come out
00:38:41 somewhere right around in here,
00:38:43 kind of meander through and come out here.
00:38:45 I'm not sure yet.
00:38:47 We've got some of the reminiscent coral roses right here,
00:38:51 which we're looking fairly rough
00:38:52 at the beginning of the season.
00:38:53 So I'm excited to see what they're looking like now.
00:38:55 Looking a little bit strange though.
00:38:59 Yeah.
00:38:59 Yeah.
00:39:00 Oh, thrips in that pretty big time.
00:39:03 Yeah.
00:39:04 A thrip rose has a definite look to it.
00:39:07 We've got a ginger wine nine bark we just planted
00:39:09 and some asters looking beautiful.
00:39:11 And let's see white ones, Veronica.
00:39:16 These came from behind the gazebo
00:39:18 and we've got some blonde ambition grass right here.
00:39:21 The blue grandma grass.
00:39:23 This is the same one that we planted up back behind the pond
00:39:26 that I love so much.
00:39:28 Tiger eye sumac.
00:39:29 I'm gonna be thinning that out here.
00:39:31 As soon as we get to enjoy its fall color,
00:39:33 I'm coming out here and I'm gonna be pretty vicious with it.
00:39:36 I'm gonna take a bunch of it out.
00:39:38 So it's kind of, it's liking its location for sure.
00:39:43 For sure.
00:39:44 I did come out though and I cut it away
00:39:47 from our little spruce.
00:39:48 When I planted that spruce this spring,
00:39:51 the tiger eyes was way back.
00:39:53 Like it wasn't anywhere near it.
00:39:54 Well, I mean, it was near it, but not like it is now.
00:39:57 So I cut a bunch of it away
00:39:58 because it was completely covering that.
00:40:01 We've got some Russian sage in here.
00:40:02 This is the Apache rose panicum right here.
00:40:06 And then I think this is a Fukuzumi pine.
00:40:10 We'll put the name on the screen if I'm incorrect,
00:40:12 but it's got this walnut in it.
00:40:16 The squirrels have been bringing over walnuts
00:40:18 from our neighbors like crazy,
00:40:19 but it's just got this really neat look to it.
00:40:22 And the needles even kind of have like a little curl to them.
00:40:25 I just love the structure.
00:40:27 I think this one grows like 12 by six or so, I think.
00:40:32 Maybe it's one that gets a little bit wider,
00:40:34 but it's just got such a neat shape.
00:40:35 Recently planted these coral berries in here.
00:40:38 And this is an area I just have kind of neglected
00:40:40 need to work on it for sure.
00:40:42 Looked a little fuller a little earlier on.
00:40:46 We've got some Echinacea.
00:40:47 We started from seed, both of these.
00:40:49 That this seed must've got mixed into the purpurea tray
00:40:52 because that's definitely a different variety.
00:40:54 We've got some Twizzle Coral Penstemon,
00:40:57 some Boom Chocolata Geraniums.
00:41:00 This is the Supertunia Viva Orchid.
00:41:04 Oh my gosh.
00:41:05 This isn't even that many plants.
00:41:10 Like one, two, three, maybe seven in this space.
00:41:15 Incredible.
00:41:17 My goodness.
00:41:20 I love it.
00:41:21 I did come in and planted,
00:41:22 these are a cream colored rose right here,
00:41:24 cream blush I think is what they're called.
00:41:26 And then we've got a Daub's Frosted Juniper
00:41:29 and a Bonnie Blue Spruce.
00:41:31 That caps it for the interior of this area.
00:41:34 So now, do we wanna go from that side
00:41:37 and go back around this way?
00:41:39 Okay, kind of ring around the rosy here
00:41:41 if you look over on that side, that's what we just did.
00:41:44 So now we'll start here and we'll work our way
00:41:45 around the outer part of this border.
00:41:48 Starting with the Desert Plains Pennisetum.
00:41:51 Beautiful ornamental grass right there.
00:41:53 I mean, tip to toe seed heads, just so much interest.
00:41:56 But this here, oh, beyond midnight Caryopteris.
00:42:01 This is like the feast area for the bees.
00:42:06 There are so many bees right here
00:42:12 and there's only five Caryopteris in this location.
00:42:15 Oh, more Desert Plains, look at that.
00:42:17 It's kind of like spreading out into a disc.
00:42:21 That one's got a little bit more height to it.
00:42:23 We've got a Norway Spruce right here of some variety.
00:42:26 I can't remember what variety,
00:42:28 but it is actually doing really well
00:42:29 and I'm thankful for that.
00:42:31 We've got some Bittahunny Heliopsis,
00:42:33 which is that variegated Heliopsis
00:42:35 and some Cat's Pajamas Nepeta.
00:42:37 We had Agastachian here, it was the Royal Raspberry
00:42:40 and it did not thrive twice.
00:42:43 Echinacea was kind of iffy in this spot.
00:42:46 So yeah, there's a lot of pockets that I,
00:42:48 like now that I'm walking around
00:42:50 having to look at them and explain them,
00:42:52 I think, oh man, I need to get out here with some things
00:42:54 and fill in some holes.
00:42:56 We did cut back Baptisia that was right here,
00:42:58 which formed a great big mass right in this area
00:43:02 because they had spider mites.
00:43:04 And instead of spraying, we just bagged them
00:43:05 and got rid of them just to get them out of here
00:43:08 so that the big population,
00:43:09 the plants that were hosting the mites were gone.
00:43:11 Haven't really noticed any other damage in this area.
00:43:14 We have the London Plain tree there,
00:43:15 it's the exclamation variety.
00:43:17 And then the all dressed up rose,
00:43:21 there's three of them here.
00:43:22 They've been such a stunning plant.
00:43:26 And it's not even all their blooms, look at the leaves.
00:43:28 They're just glossy and green and healthy looking.
00:43:32 All of them.
00:43:33 I just, I love that rose.
00:43:36 Totem pole panicum.
00:43:38 So we looked at those littler ones on the other side.
00:43:41 These have got a little bit more height,
00:43:42 maybe even less than the ones over there,
00:43:44 but they just become this very robust grass,
00:43:47 but they stay to themselves.
00:43:49 They don't get super wide.
00:43:50 This is a European white birch.
00:43:55 I love this tree.
00:43:57 I look out here, there's a couple of trees I look out
00:43:59 from our house and I'm like, oh, I love that tree.
00:44:03 This is one of them.
00:44:04 It's beautiful in the winter.
00:44:06 It gets very pretty yellow fall color.
00:44:08 I love the structure and you can see that this is my tree
00:44:11 and I have not limbed it up.
00:44:12 I love the way it looks in here.
00:44:14 It forms a little bit of a hedge sort of feel too.
00:44:17 I think it's beautiful.
00:44:18 We've got some coreopsis here.
00:44:22 I planted a lot more of these last year,
00:44:23 but they're kind of on the edge marginal for our zone.
00:44:27 And only three of them came back,
00:44:28 but I'm kind of thankful because they were all in front
00:44:30 of here and they got way too big last year.
00:44:33 I mean, they were so big that you could hardly
00:44:35 see the day lilies.
00:44:37 We've got some agostachy in there that needs to be cut back.
00:44:40 The day lilies, I'm thinking of removing.
00:44:44 I don't know.
00:44:45 I don't know what your thoughts are on that,
00:44:45 but Aaron's like, yeah.
00:44:47 They just, they bloom.
00:44:49 They're pretty blooms, but they're such a shaggy plant.
00:44:52 I don't know.
00:44:52 I've never really was like a massive fan of day lilies
00:44:56 and I've tried lots of varieties and there are some
00:44:58 that I will like the, the sloan peony display.
00:45:02 It's like that peach double.
00:45:04 They smell amazing.
00:45:05 That kind of day lily I love.
00:45:08 But anyway, so we'll be doing some moving around
00:45:10 out here as well.
00:45:11 We've got some Ruby, Miss Ruby Buddleia that look great.
00:45:16 And this whole space is looking like it's filling in.
00:45:18 We've got a little spruce.
00:45:19 We just planted perennial geraniums
00:45:22 that have created this bank.
00:45:23 I didn't know they were supposed to get this big.
00:45:27 The sunny Rita rose back in here.
00:45:28 They've just been in color all season
00:45:30 and more totem pole panicums right back there.
00:45:33 The evening rose hibiscus.
00:45:37 This is an amazing plant.
00:45:38 I have to say, I think I'm going to move it
00:45:40 because it's jarring with the other colors
00:45:42 that we have out here.
00:45:43 I've got the Miss Violet over there.
00:45:44 Buddleia, let me grab one of those blooms quick.
00:45:46 Let me show you.
00:45:47 Those two colors to me.
00:45:55 I mean, I know they're both bright colors
00:45:58 but this looks more cool and this looks more warm.
00:46:01 And when I look across, I just, I don't know.
00:46:05 So I think I'm going to move this
00:46:07 because I do believe that we could continue
00:46:09 on our Limelight Prime Hedge
00:46:11 and put another one right in here.
00:46:13 We've got six currently
00:46:14 and I think it'd be pretty to kind of finish that rung.
00:46:17 It feels like this caps it weirdly.
00:46:19 You know what I mean?
00:46:20 Like it's too close to the border or something.
00:46:21 So I feel like moving this somewhere else
00:46:24 might be a good idea.
00:46:25 We'll see.
00:46:26 And then we've got the Super Venus Sparkling Amethyst
00:46:29 which, oh my goodness, what a stunning plant.
00:46:32 It's going to be really hard
00:46:33 to not want to repeat this one out here every year.
00:46:37 Like just save this spot and let it be the Super Venus
00:46:40 because you cannot get from a perennial
00:46:43 the kind of show that you get from an annual
00:46:45 because perennials flush in and out of bloom
00:46:47 throughout the summer.
00:46:48 You have to cut them back.
00:46:48 You have to deadhead them, all those sorts of things.
00:46:51 Not with this one.
00:46:52 This one, you just pop it in the ground.
00:46:53 You don't have to spray these for anything.
00:46:55 We do fertilize these once a week.
00:46:56 So there is that maintenance level
00:46:58 but the color that it returns is just amazing.
00:47:01 Now, right behind them, you will notice our hydrangeas
00:47:03 are looking a tad sad
00:47:05 and they didn't look like this all summer.
00:47:06 These are the Limelight Primes.
00:47:08 They looked amazing.
00:47:09 And then we had that big storm come through
00:47:11 the tail end of the hurricane that just dumped rain.
00:47:14 I mean, I don't know how much rain we got, but a ton.
00:47:17 And it just, it flattened some of our plants.
00:47:19 And so that's what happens.
00:47:21 That's why all the branches are all flattened down.
00:47:23 And we are thinking about popping more in between
00:47:27 like creating more of a solid hedge of these.
00:47:29 And we might still do that at some point.
00:47:32 Still pretty color.
00:47:33 I'm still liking it.
00:47:34 We did plant the Asian Moon Buddleia right behind
00:47:36 which in the end will be a stair step up.
00:47:39 Is that a monarch?
00:47:40 (gasps)
00:47:43 That's so fun.
00:47:44 Oh, anyway, I'm totally lost.
00:47:46 I don't know what I was talking about.
00:47:48 The butterfly bushes maybe?
00:47:49 I do have another one.
00:47:51 We picked up another one
00:47:52 so I could finish the little hedge of those.
00:47:54 And those should be about two feet taller
00:47:57 than the hydrangeas in the end.
00:47:58 So we should have the layer of hydrangeas
00:48:00 and then the layer of the purple Asian Moon.
00:48:02 And those are ones that I might let
00:48:04 become second story plants
00:48:05 where I let the butterfly bush get as tall as it wants to be
00:48:08 without pruning it too much
00:48:09 so that we get those looms on the tippy top
00:48:11 'cause that's where we're gonna see 'em
00:48:13 from this side of the bed.
00:48:14 We've got the Black Leaf Elderberries
00:48:17 are just such a wonderful shrub.
00:48:19 And back in there to the left of it,
00:48:20 we planted the Cinnamon Curls Birch Tree
00:48:23 that Isley sent out.
00:48:24 And then to the left of that,
00:48:25 we have the Blue Skies Serbian Spruce.
00:48:28 Just some really beautiful things in here.
00:48:30 It's fun to see them kind of come into their own
00:48:33 and root in and start taking off a little bit more.
00:48:36 We've got a Red Fox Katsura Tree back in there
00:48:39 that's supposed to only get like 10 to 15 feet wide or so
00:48:42 and pretty tall.
00:48:43 We've got the Tickle Creek Whitebark Birch
00:48:46 that has that very fluffy look to it.
00:48:49 And then this is another one of our patches
00:48:50 of day lilies right in here.
00:48:52 And these bloom peach, like a peachy orange, I think.
00:48:57 They are prone to spider mites in our area too.
00:49:00 And they always feel like, I feel like I need to groom 'em.
00:49:03 I gotta get rid of stuff like that in my garden
00:49:04 so that I feel like I can pay attention to other things.
00:49:08 Well, I clearly don't pay enough attention to these,
00:49:11 as it is.
00:49:12 There is an Angel White Lilac in the back there
00:49:14 and that we recently planted the Three Sting Arborvitae,
00:49:18 which you can't see.
00:49:19 Maybe we can walk up the backside
00:49:20 so we can take a look at the annual bed.
00:49:22 So we'll look at those in a minute.
00:49:24 But we've got the Serviceberry here,
00:49:27 another Desert Plains Penicetum.
00:49:31 Goodness, I wanna call 'em a Penstemon so bad.
00:49:33 This is the Jolene Jolene.
00:49:36 Is it the Beauty Bush?
00:49:37 Got a Russian Sage growing in it.
00:49:40 Yep.
00:49:42 They've done really well.
00:49:44 We've got three of those out here.
00:49:46 This is the Lilac Rose from Proven Winners.
00:49:50 What's it called?
00:49:51 It's something lilac.
00:49:53 Love it.
00:49:53 I think it's so delicate and I love the color.
00:49:56 Apollo Maple.
00:49:58 It looks like it's putting on
00:49:59 a little bit of side growth there.
00:50:01 Little bit.
00:50:02 And then this area's turned out real pretty.
00:50:04 We've got the, there's a Pink Microchip Buddleia,
00:50:07 some Sedum, the Wichita Blue Juniper.
00:50:10 That's Calla Migrostis, the Avalanche.
00:50:13 We've got Skullcap right here.
00:50:15 This isn't even dripped in.
00:50:16 This just gets overspray from grass sprinklers.
00:50:19 It's a really easy one.
00:50:20 There's Tiramisu Sedum, the Sesce Gold Dwarf Birch.
00:50:24 We've got the Aphrodite Sweet Shrub,
00:50:25 which we'll come in from the backside
00:50:26 and take a look at that one.
00:50:28 It's an amazing plant.
00:50:29 Coralberry right here.
00:50:31 Look at this.
00:50:32 Oh, look at these berries.
00:50:35 What a beautiful show this plant is.
00:50:40 And I planted some ground cover of some variety.
00:50:43 I think this might be a Veronica.
00:50:45 It's got little blue blooms on it.
00:50:46 We've got the Persimmon in the urn right there.
00:50:51 That's looking really nice.
00:50:52 And we can finally see the spike coming up through it,
00:50:54 the Dracaena.
00:50:55 Couldn't see that for a while.
00:50:57 The Supertunias had kind of taken it over.
00:50:59 There's some Betony in here.
00:51:01 This is the State of Grace Rose
00:51:03 with the color on that one.
00:51:06 And this is a very healthy plant as well.
00:51:11 I had once in a melon Echinacea in here
00:51:14 and every single one of, well, not every single,
00:51:16 there's two left.
00:51:16 I think I planted 10.
00:51:17 I think I want to try again
00:51:20 because I would like that melon color in here
00:51:22 with the Miss Ruby or Miss Violet,
00:51:24 rather, Buddleia is right behind it.
00:51:27 The Fall in Love Sweetly Anemones are doing great
00:51:30 in a full sun location.
00:51:32 Japanese anemones, for us, have been one in the past
00:51:35 where we've had to keep them in a sheltered area
00:51:37 in the afternoon, protection from afternoon sun.
00:51:40 But these, now that they're rooted in,
00:51:41 I planted them last year as an experiment
00:51:43 and they did burn a little bit,
00:51:45 even with supplemental water.
00:51:46 And I thought, oh, I don't know
00:51:47 if this experiment's gonna work,
00:51:48 but let's give them some time, let them root in.
00:51:50 And they certainly have just done well.
00:51:54 We've got the Magical Globe Birch right there.
00:51:57 Some Sedum I need to pull the water from,
00:52:00 again, another little overwatering issue on those.
00:52:03 Vanessa Bell Roses, these were dug up
00:52:05 from the triangle-shaped area
00:52:07 where we had the fountain and the boxwoods.
00:52:09 And Erin helped me dig these up
00:52:11 and we barely got any roots.
00:52:12 Remember how hard they were?
00:52:13 They were so hard to dig.
00:52:14 I thought we were gonna break the shovel.
00:52:16 And they all, well, two of them look like
00:52:19 they died right away.
00:52:20 And one of them looked like, eh, might survive.
00:52:23 And then two of them looked dead this spring
00:52:24 and one of them looked like it might have
00:52:26 one cane that was alive.
00:52:27 And all three of them sprouted up and came out of it.
00:52:31 Some Denim and Lace Russian Sage.
00:52:33 And this is the Double Twilight Super Bells right here,
00:52:36 which has turned out to be
00:52:37 an absolutely beautiful ground cover.
00:52:39 It struggled there for a minute,
00:52:42 but I've had really good luck using Super Bells
00:52:44 in the landscape, for the most part.
00:52:46 Double Play Dolly Spirea here.
00:52:50 Benjamin and I just planted these Siberian Iris.
00:52:53 This is a Korean Cedar here.
00:52:56 And this is another one of the trees
00:52:57 that I look at from our house.
00:52:59 'Cause I can, I've got kind of a straight shot
00:53:01 from one of our windows and I see this Weeping White Spruce
00:53:04 and it's got such a strong structure to it.
00:53:07 And I just, it makes me happy every time I see it.
00:53:09 I love it.
00:53:11 We've got another Centaura Blue Lilac right here.
00:53:13 And then we've got a whole bunch of the pink roses
00:53:16 that I was talking about earlier on.
00:53:17 What are they called?
00:53:22 Ringo Double Pink, maybe?
00:53:24 Anyway, we'll put it on the screen,
00:53:26 but they were all bare root
00:53:28 and I'm hoping that they all just take off
00:53:30 because I think this would be a really beautiful bank
00:53:32 of those pink roses and they always have some color on them.
00:53:35 So let's go around the backside here.
00:53:37 We do have a little,
00:53:38 some remnants of the Hollyhocks we planted.
00:53:40 These I started from seed.
00:53:41 These are the Double Champagne,
00:53:43 Majorette Double Champagne, look at that.
00:53:45 Oh, gorgeous.
00:53:49 And there's some Halo Apricot right here.
00:53:52 You should come close.
00:53:54 Such a pretty color.
00:53:56 And then before we get too far,
00:53:57 we do have the Sensation Honeysuckle
00:53:59 on the fence line here on the orchard fence.
00:54:02 I'm kind of hoping it takes off.
00:54:04 It doesn't have drip,
00:54:06 it just gets some water from the sprinklers in here.
00:54:09 Maybe it would grow a little faster
00:54:10 if it had targeted water, I don't know.
00:54:12 But it's blooming and doing well.
00:54:14 Okay, I want to head out toward the vine crop.
00:54:17 So we'll just go by way of this little alley lane right here
00:54:20 and look at some of these things back here.
00:54:22 We do have Norway Spruce and some,
00:54:24 that's a Flame Willow.
00:54:26 We've got some Aronia back here that are doing great.
00:54:28 There are three of them.
00:54:29 Snowscape, maybe something like that.
00:54:34 There's some berries on them.
00:54:35 I don't know if those are edible or not.
00:54:37 Spirea in here.
00:54:38 Look, this Aronia has a bloom.
00:54:41 That's fun.
00:54:42 And then popping in here,
00:54:44 just to show you this Aphrodite sweet shrub
00:54:47 that's been in bloom,
00:54:48 in some sort of bloom all season long.
00:54:50 Look at that.
00:54:51 Smell like grapes.
00:54:54 The leaves are huge and beautiful.
00:54:56 And this plant was, oh, maybe this tall
00:54:58 when we planted it last year, right?
00:55:00 I love it.
00:55:03 I thought it was a type that wouldn't do well here.
00:55:06 There's a beautiful Hollyhock right here.
00:55:11 Oop, got a rock in my shoe.
00:55:12 This is the Chestnut Brown.
00:55:18 Look at how gorgeous that is.
00:55:20 My goodness.
00:55:23 And then those are the Sting Arbovita that we just planted.
00:55:27 Those are the ones that will get like 18 to 20 feet tall
00:55:30 and 12 to 18 inches wide.
00:55:32 So I'll have three pencil evergreens
00:55:34 popping up from back here.
00:55:36 We've also got some Snowball Bush Viburnums
00:55:39 throughout the back here.
00:55:41 Some of which, like there's some white blooms on these.
00:55:43 I don't know what they're doing.
00:55:45 They usually bloom late spring
00:55:46 and they're just throwing blooms now, again.
00:55:49 So we've got three in there
00:55:50 and those will get like 10 by 10.
00:55:52 Arctic Fire Dogwoods right here.
00:55:55 And then we've got some beautiful annuals, just beautiful.
00:55:58 Supertunia Vista Snowdrift,
00:56:02 Big Shrub Supertunias,
00:56:05 the Lemon Coral Sedum,
00:56:07 Osteospermum Brightlights White, right there.
00:56:11 Those took a while, but once they took off,
00:56:13 they really thickened up
00:56:14 and kind of like broadened out and providing lots of color.
00:56:19 There's some Purple Fountain Grass in the back.
00:56:21 There's the Plain Blue Salvia covered in bees.
00:56:25 Holy moly.
00:56:27 Do you see that?
00:56:28 Can you see that with...
00:56:29 I don't know if you guys are gonna be able to see it
00:56:31 from here, but oh my gosh.
00:56:32 There's the Sparkling Rose Superbina,
00:56:37 Supertunia Bordeaux.
00:56:38 There's a couple of areas
00:56:41 we need to pull the Bordeaux out right there.
00:56:45 But the Scaevola, the Whirlwind White,
00:56:48 also took a minute to kind of come into its own,
00:56:50 but it's showing some really beautiful color.
00:56:52 The sunflowers never took off.
00:56:54 I think it's way too wet back in here.
00:56:56 That's the Mini Vista White right here.
00:56:58 Boy, we need to come out here and clean this up.
00:56:59 There's a lot of Bordeaux's that were just
00:57:01 kind of struggling when I put them in.
00:57:03 And this area stays a lot more wet.
00:57:05 Like it was really hard to control that in this area
00:57:08 in order to give like the salvia, the water it needed,
00:57:11 but to be able to back off enough for the sunflowers,
00:57:13 that was really a little bit tough.
00:57:15 So anyway, this was a last minute plan anyway,
00:57:17 so we didn't really have it worked out.
00:57:19 I think if we did it again, we would have a better idea.
00:57:24 We are hoping to put a gate in though,
00:57:27 about right here anyway.
00:57:28 So there'll be, you know, a post here
00:57:31 with something beautiful and then some kind of a different
00:57:33 sort of feel right here.
00:57:35 Maybe that'll happen next year.
00:57:37 Let's run over here just really quick.
00:57:38 I'll show you a couple of pumpkins that are growing
00:57:40 and then I think that'll be it for this tour.
00:57:42 Yeah, see these autumn blaze haven't started
00:57:44 showing any color yet.
00:57:45 They're still looking just green and healthy.
00:57:48 Our pumpkin patch is just big.
00:57:52 Big, big pumpkin patch.
00:57:55 I don't know how many of the Jack B. Little pumpkins
00:58:00 I've got in here.
00:58:02 They're the little orange ones, but they are everywhere.
00:58:04 I did two hills of those.
00:58:06 I did one hill of the Atlantic Giants.
00:58:10 (laughs)
00:58:11 It's not super giant.
00:58:13 They're ugly pumpkins anyway.
00:58:15 I just thought it would be fun to try.
00:58:16 There's another few.
00:58:17 I did not pinch blooms or pinch any fruit that set
00:58:22 'cause most of the time if you wanna get a big one,
00:58:25 you have to only let one pumpkin survive
00:58:29 and then have to baby that pumpkin and all of that.
00:58:32 I didn't do anything special for this one,
00:58:34 but there's some beautiful cinderellas.
00:58:36 I think these are about ready to harvest right here.
00:58:39 The stems look nice.
00:58:40 There's another dark colored one right in there.
00:58:43 It's gonna be an interesting experience to come in here
00:58:49 and harvest all of these.
00:58:50 I'm gonna have to be very careful
00:58:51 because I'm guessing that there's black widows
00:58:53 all over in here based on how I found them
00:58:57 in the tomatoes and the peppers down there,
00:58:59 but we've got some beautiful, look at this,
00:59:01 with the white pumpkin.
00:59:03 I just saw a great big, what is this?
00:59:09 What kind of pumpkin is this?
00:59:10 That's a big one.
00:59:15 See that in there?
00:59:17 Hmm.
00:59:20 I don't know what kind that is.
00:59:24 One more thing, then we're done.
00:59:25 All right, so this is the last thing.
00:59:26 I just wanted to show you how the artichokes are doing.
00:59:30 We've got some beautiful ones going on on the plants here.
00:59:33 The Rosella hibiscus right to my left,
00:59:36 those we also started from seed.
00:59:37 I haven't been able to harvest any buds yet,
00:59:40 or I guess it's not buds,
00:59:41 it's the thing left after the flower is done
00:59:44 that you harvest, right?
00:59:45 I haven't had any flowers yet, but we'll see.
00:59:47 We still have some season left.
00:59:48 In fact, I've got corn right here that I left up
00:59:51 because I wanna use these for fall decorations
00:59:53 and I just am not quite there yet.
00:59:55 I mean, mid-September, we're still like 86 today,
00:59:58 I think is the high, and things are just rolling.
01:00:00 We're still in flowers and harvest and all of that.
01:00:03 It doesn't quite, I mean, it feels like fall
01:00:06 in the mornings, but it just doesn't feel like pumpkin
01:00:08 and corn stalk fall yet.
01:00:10 I'm sure we'll get there here pretty quick,
01:00:12 but just standing in here,
01:00:14 I can tell that we probably have aphids or something
01:00:16 'cause there's ladybugs everywhere.
01:00:19 There's one, there's one, there's one.
01:00:22 There's a larva for a ladybug.
01:00:23 And usually where you find that,
01:00:26 it's where their food source is.
01:00:28 I don't know, I don't see any, but beautiful artichokes.
01:00:32 And it's just fun to see that.
01:00:33 I don't necessarily, we don't harvest and eat them.
01:00:36 Typically I let them bloom
01:00:37 and just enjoy the way the plant looks.
01:00:39 So anyway, that is it, you guys,
01:00:41 for part two of our mid-September garden tour.
01:00:44 Tons to see, good and bad.
01:00:47 And towards the end of the season,
01:00:48 a lot of times you get more on the bad side of things
01:00:51 because a lot of plants are just tired
01:00:52 and they're ready for their winter rest.
01:00:55 But I feel like this year has been a good one.
01:00:57 We're both really encouraged by how things have grown.
01:00:59 A lot of our trees are putting on so much growth
01:01:01 and that is fun to see.
01:01:03 So anyway, thank you guys so much for watching this tour.
01:01:06 I hope you enjoyed it and we will see you in the next one.