• 2 years ago
New Load of Houseplants at the Garden Center Tour!


00:00 house plants. That's the focus of tonight is beautiful house plants. I was down
00:04 here the other day when they, or right after they had received this load and
00:07 there were so many unique plants and they're big and beautiful. A lot of them
00:12 are from the Proven Winters Leaf Joy collection and I haven't ever even seen
00:15 them in real life. I've seen pictures of them so it's really fun to see these
00:19 plants and I thought you guys might enjoy it. Now they did close just about
00:22 five minutes ago so we have the place to ourselves. My parents though and Aaron
00:27 and the kids are in the back eating pizza right now so they will likely be
00:30 in and out. Let's take a look. Standing right inside the front door you can see
00:35 this carts usually not here it's usually out on the front sidewalk when they're
00:38 open it just stays in here at night but I'm gonna swing to the left here. We'll
00:42 go through this little side room first because when I was walking in the other
00:46 day this is the one that first caught my eye. This is an alacasia called Mythic
00:51 Stingray and doesn't it look like one? It's just got the most interesting leaf
00:58 structure I have about ever seen. I just at first I didn't know what to think
01:04 about it because it's just so different and they're so big. Look at that there's
01:11 just beautiful. Right next to it there is a Calathea called Colorful. There's also
01:16 a couple of them right to my right here. I'm gonna try not to move super fast so
01:20 don't make anybody sick but look at those. So Monica was noting how she loved
01:25 the new leaves and how they looked like scrolls when they come up and then they
01:28 unfurl into these great big beautiful bold leaves with the gorgeous striping
01:33 and color variegation. I just think they're so pretty. As we move this way
01:38 you can see a couple of great big white bird-of-paradise. Aren't they huge? Look
01:43 at this brand new leaf. So bright and fresh. There's a couple of black gold
01:48 goldfish plants. These may have been here when I worked on this display not long
01:52 ago but they've got such pretty shiny leaves and these are super easy to take
01:58 care of. Oh can't miss this one down on the ground almost did. Look at the color
02:04 of this one another Alacasia here. This one is just called Mythic and I think
02:09 the coloring is so pretty. It looks so silvery but it almost looks like a
02:14 silver veil over a dark colored leaf in the background. If that makes any sort of
02:18 sense at all. There's some depth to it but you still have the brightness of
02:22 that silver color. That's the bottom side of the leaf right here and they say that
02:26 these can actually tolerate lower light situations. They like a humid bathroom
02:30 and they stay more compact than like the stingray over there. They look so pretty
02:35 planted in mass there. Like oh I could just imagine where they're native having
02:39 them planted out in the landscape somewhere in a big old drift. That'd be
02:42 so pretty. Okay to my left here actually in the corner there are some Dracaenas.
02:47 What variety are these? The green stripe. Very low maintenance plant. Very low
02:55 maintenance. And there are some arrowhead vines right in here. A little four inch
02:59 and you'll see little four inch plants tucked in here and they're everywhere.
03:03 Okay these right here. This is a six inch plant. It's so big for being a six inch
03:10 plant. Like here's another one right down here on the ground. These are a
03:14 philodendron called Caramel Pluto and I'm not sure if the word caramel in the
03:18 name is referring to the color that the new leaves have but they sure do have
03:23 more of a caramel undertone to them. But the leaves are massive. It's absolutely
03:28 massive. Love the structure of them. I kind of want to try one of those. I think
03:33 they're so beautiful. I don't want to miss this. This is a philodendron called
03:37 White Wizard. Oh let me just pull one out. Look at this plant. I mean look at these
03:46 little itty bitty white leaves. My goodness. Heavy variegation throughout. So
03:56 interesting. I love it. There's some coconuts right there.
03:59 Loco Coco. That would be kind of fun wouldn't it? To grow one of those maybe
04:04 in the Harley. What does it say about them? This Slender Palm is quite a novelty. It
04:10 is a conversation piece with a sprout coming out of the large nut. Doesn't say
04:14 how big it'll get. I suppose that varies with climate, culture. Really cool looking
04:20 though. Right over here there's some variegated Scheffleras which are just a
04:24 really easy to take care of plant. They're kind of one of those, I don't
04:29 know, that they're reliable. Okay we already talked about these so let's move
04:33 into the front room here. Okay so right down here there's some Ficus and this is
04:39 a Klingon Twilight. I'm gonna have to look at the tags on a lot of these you
04:43 guys because I just don't know a lot about these specific varieties yet. But
04:48 that's a beautiful variegation on that one. Tolerates low light conditions, low
04:52 maintenance, small stature. By small stature what does that mean? Again
04:57 probably just depends on where you have it and how happy it is. But they're
05:01 really pretty. And then right behind it there's a Philodendron called Prismacolor
05:08 Adabapoensis. I have no idea, my goodness. Tolerates low light, small
05:17 stature, low maintenance. Really cool leaves. Look at that. Those are so
05:22 cool looking. Cotyledon. Cotyledon. How do you say that? I used to say
05:27 Cotyledon and that's not right. Anyway that's a cool one. Do you guys ever
05:31 YouTube how to pronounce certain words? That's one I've had to YouTube several
05:35 times. I keep forgetting. Oh oh my gosh. I just scared myself. Hello there's a beer in
05:41 there. And then just to the left of those there's Philodendron Red Diamond. A huge
05:46 one again. Big old leaves, red stems. Looks like there's a few in this display.
05:52 There's one up there, there, and there. And it looks really nice with the contrast of
06:00 this Philodendron is a Prismacolor Lemon Lime. It's so bright. That's like
06:05 electric. Really cool. There's some Sansevieria right here, snake plants
06:11 called Futura Moonshine. They've got a really neat silver coloring. Hey bud.
06:17 Are you all done eating? Oh my gosh. I better get back there soon huh. We're
06:27 looking at plants though. I'm having a lot of fun. Well I'll probably be okay with half a pizza.
06:37 There's like one, two, three, four, five, six. There's only six more bites left. Oh. Actually it's only to here. Oh. It's how much pizza. Oh. You gotta go quick. I will.
06:47 In this hutch right here, a whole bunch of air plants. Boy it's been a while since
06:53 I've looked at air plants. I remember getting so excited. I was in charge of
06:58 ordering and taking care of and displaying all the air plants and it
07:02 was so fun because I knew so little about them when I started doing that. It
07:06 was such a surprise and such a treat whenever the boxes arrived and I got to
07:10 open them and take a look at how interesting all of those plants are. Love
07:15 that. And then what is this growing on the pole? We've got another philodendron
07:20 called Silver Sword. Look at that. Like aren't these so neat? I was just so
07:28 pleased when I walked through here the other day because it's been a while
07:31 since I've seen like some really interesting houseplants. If you know what
07:35 I mean. I mean you see a lot of the standard stuff all over the place but I
07:39 just get so much delight out of seeing these new ones. Right over here another
07:43 alacasia. This one is mythic. This one says mythic as well. Okay. That's what the
07:51 other one said. That smaller one with the silver. Mythic. Maybe I got it wrong on
07:58 the other one. Anyway. So this one a lot taller. The pointy leaf. This looks like a
08:03 little bit more like a classic alacasia to me like but with a more narrow leaf
08:07 and maybe a little bit bigger. Maybe a little bit of a brighter green too. You
08:11 know what? I need more of this while we're here. Don't let me forget it. Okay I
08:18 think we're going. Oh nope. There's some ferns right up in here. More dracaenas. I
08:22 don't know what kind of ferns these are. Fern. Luau. Icky. Something like that.
08:33 Kangaroo paw fern. There's a whole bunch of beautiful bulbs. I'm trying to resist.
08:38 And seeds. Oh I just love it. They got new botanical interest seeds in. So I'm
08:46 gonna have to look over that rack. It's front and back you guys. So if you come
08:50 around this way. There's even more right here. How fun. And you guys this is so
08:58 fun. This hutch came from our house. It was an antique that I picked up a while
09:03 ago but it just wasn't fitting in quite where I needed it to be. And so it just
09:07 works out so beautifully that we can bring stuff down here and it gets a
09:10 second life and it gets well used. In fact let's see right around in here.
09:15 Again I'm trying not to move too fast you guys. Oh there's more plants. This
09:19 hutch just came from our house too. Okay this is a philodendron Florida green.
09:27 That's got a really interesting leaf. See if we can isolate one. Whoa. That looks
09:36 like you folded a piece of paper in half and cut it in a really interesting shape
09:41 and then unfolded it. Oh that is so cool. So so cool. Lots of philodendrons I'm
09:48 noticing. Oh my look at these massive dracaenas right here. Those are so tall
09:54 and so neat looking. See if I can back up here. Oh oh okay dracaenas first. Those
10:05 are awesome. Perfect for a corner right there. Fill up some space. And these just
10:12 look at these. Oh those are gorgeous. I think I could use a couple of these at
10:21 my house. What is the name? Oh mercy not gonna even try to try to pronounce that.
10:30 Schismatoglottis. Schismatic lottus. Wallachii. Oh my. It is part of the leaf
10:38 joy collection it says. That is so pretty. I know nothing about this type of plant.
10:44 That would be a fun one to try. Okay we're getting close to the sunroom. It's
10:48 getting dim outside though so I need to hurry. We've got dracaenas right here
10:52 and they're the multicolored. They've got the pink and kind of yellow creamy
10:55 variegation in there. And then there's a philodendron called monster mash. Really
11:03 neat. Some huge sansevierias. Those are kind of like the classic ones right
11:08 there. This is sweet dreams gray star. Whoa. Show you the tag here because I
11:15 don't think I can pronounce the botanical name of this one. There you go.
11:20 Something setosa. Beautiful. Okay there's some more alocasia here with some
11:27 really neat color. This is the mythic red secret. Whoa. It almost looks fake. Look at the
11:33 back side. Those are definite impact right there. To my right here on the
11:38 ground we have philodendron green princess. I love little plants like this
11:44 that you can just tuck in real easily. They don't take a massive pot. They've
11:48 just got a really pleasing look to them. And there's something like I love the
11:52 heavily cut leaves but I also like the clean leaves too because they're kind of
11:56 peaceful. If that makes sense. They just don't like fight your eye to figure out
12:01 you know what's going on. Right up here what is this? Philodendron fuzzy petiole.
12:08 It does have a fuzzy stem. That's what the leaf looks like right there. That's
12:13 really cool. More monster mash and then there's one of the gray stars you can
12:19 see from a little bit more overhead. Rubber plant right here. There's some
12:22 chef leras. See if this one has a this one's got variegation to it. It's a
12:27 anis cling on anesthesia or anastasia. Look at look at the variegation on that.
12:33 I like it subtle. It's really pretty. You can tell though where they were being
12:38 grown. Like it got watered or something. There's some leaf spotting a little bit.
12:44 It's just like dirt though. Comes right off. Awesome. This is a prismacolor
12:49 philodendron right here. I'll pull this one out so you can see what's going on.
12:54 Look at that. That looks so full and interesting. Okay guys we're just now
12:59 entering the sunroom. So much going on in here. So we'll just go one section at a
13:05 time. I'm probably just gonna give plant names and move on quickly because I
13:08 don't want to lose light. It'll get really dark in here pretty quickly. Okay
13:12 let's start at this corner right here. These right here are a ficus called
13:16 Amstel king. And I'm not sure that I could recall seeing a ficus with great
13:22 big long leaves like that. That's one that I would be interested in growing as
13:27 well. It's just so different. There's some ferns in here which these may have been
13:32 moved in from outside. This is a rabbit's foot fern right here. There's some
13:37 little philodendrons, little dracaenas. There's some echeverias back in here
13:43 catching some light. There's a fitonia right here. Sansevieria. Okay moving on
13:50 to the left there's some carnivorous plants, pitcher plants. There's some venus
13:55 flytraps. I don't know much about carnivorous plants to be quite honest
13:59 with you but they are really fascinating. And these are pretty good-looking. You
14:04 know it's kind of, these are hard, I don't know if they're hard to ship or
14:07 what but I always remember the carnivorous plants never looking super
14:11 great when they arrived but these look pretty darn good. Right above them is
14:14 another alacasia, another really long leaf. So interesting. So I think mythic
14:22 must be the series. And then it must be the botanical name that's different. This
14:27 is an alacasia lauderbacchiana. So I wonder if the others just have a
14:31 different botanical like sub species. I don't know. I don't know much about that
14:36 anyway. That's a cool plant. Right below it some maranta, prayer plants. They're
14:41 looking really good. And then this, oh this is cool. This is another alacasia in
14:48 the mythic series. Yeah it is. Okay so now look at this tag. Mythic alacasia mellow.
14:53 So in the first two you just have to look at that second name in the
14:56 botanical and that must be where it's the difference is. But look at the neat.
15:00 These are thick and leathery and not rough. They're still kind of smooth but
15:08 my goodness you can see the bloom right here. That is a really really cool one.
15:13 Love that. And then moving this way I think I'm going to move toward the back
15:18 where it's darker first since we have more light up here where the glass is. So
15:22 let's take a look at this area. There's some bamboo palms, a couple of big ones
15:26 and then whoa whoa this philodendron stopped me in my tracks the other day
15:33 when I was here. This is a prismacolor gold. I have never seen one that's this
15:43 brightly colored. Let me pull this out real quick. I mean my goodness. So cool.
15:54 There's dragon scale alacasia right here which aren't as like thick as those that
15:59 we just looked at but definitely thicker a little bit more like a little bit more
16:04 smooth for sure. Love the color variation. There's some dracaenas here that are
16:11 full and beautiful. There's some little four inch ferns right in there. Imperial
16:16 red philodendron right here and it's just a great big tall dracaena. Oh what are these?
16:22 Oh wow. Okay this is a diphimbachia called panther. Oh my. I've never seen a
16:31 diphimbachia that looks like that. I might need to try one of those. And this
16:38 is cool. The sansevieria right here. They're totally round. The leaves are. The
16:43 variety on this one is fernwood. They're not like sharp on the ends or anything
16:48 but just a very interesting looking plant. There's usually not a tremendous
16:52 amount of plants back here just because it gets so dark but. Okay first off there
16:58 is. There's a there's a few. Is this a pothos or is this a philodendron? That's a
17:02 pothos. Neon right here. This is the kind that I have behind me when we do our
17:07 recap videos and the new growth is kind of a bronze color and it kind of looks
17:11 like you need to groom your plant but you don't. It's what the plant does. Okay
17:15 this one right here. Oh this is an alocasia. Look at the stems. I almost
17:22 don't even care about the leaves because the stems are so incredibly unique. This
17:28 is mythic alocasia sabrina. Very apt description. They almost kind of look
17:32 like I don't know snakes or spider legs or something like that. There's a couple
17:37 more right over there. I mean the leaves are cool too. Big green leaves but that I
17:42 have never seen that in a plant before.
17:46 So cool and this is Samantha's favorite area in the garden center. There's a
17:51 unicorn. There's frog legs that she thinks are really funny and then she
17:55 loves to come over here and count the frogs. Okay we're gonna work our way back
17:58 toward the front there. So we've got more alocasias here. The variety name is
18:04 alocasia freddick. This one's neat. I just think there's a very clean
18:10 calm look to this one. I love the deep green with the white veining. More
18:15 marantas on a pole right down here looking very healthy. There's jade
18:19 pothos right here. It's classic. Oh ponytail palms. Oh my word. Look at how
18:28 huge those are. Like let's get in here. Look at the base of these things. They
18:37 are so massive. There's a couple more of the white wizard philodendrons as well
18:41 as some living lace divana ferns. This is such a cool plant. Look at they come out
18:47 on a really skinny stem that's pretty strong and then they just have these big
18:52 poof leaves at the end of it. Kind of like a little bit of a hanging basket
18:57 sort of plant. They kind of trail over the sides a bit. This one's by itself so
19:02 you can see it a little bit clearer how the growth habit is for that plant.
19:06 There's some braided money trees right here and then there's just a whole bunch
19:09 of different four inch size plants. Really nice size for mixed containers
19:15 and little gifts and things like that and there's also some little two inch
19:20 plants. Look at these and these little guys are only $2.99. Look at this.
19:25 $2.99 plant. I love it. I feel like I'm just all over the place. Spending left to
19:30 right a lot so hopefully nobody's getting dizzy but let me tell you what
19:33 I'm definitely making a mental list of the varieties that I think I want to try
19:37 at home. Getting to that time of year where I will have more time to tend to
19:42 my houseplants. So back to this display there's some more of the gray stars
19:46 which boy looking at them from overhead it's just so beautiful looking at them
19:51 from this direction. It's so crazy how it can look so different when you're
19:54 looking up you know from underneath or from overhead. Like this right here is a
19:58 crocodile fern we're looking at it from underneath versus from overhead. That's a
20:06 pretty plant. There's a couple more crocodile ferns right in here and then I
20:10 love all the little mixed planters that you find sitting around. What a great
20:14 gift to come pick up you know. There's some peace lilies tucked in right back
20:18 here. Another mixed planter right here. A little fern and a tradescantia looks
20:24 like and a something. Names are evading me because I'm saying so many names
20:28 right now. This one right here is a ficus called Roy. I've never seen a Roy
20:36 ficus before. Those are really pretty. There's a whole tray full of Fittonias
20:39 right there and then another of the Futura moonshine sanseverias. This is
20:45 honestly a really good beginner plant. If you have somebody in your life that
20:49 needs a beginner plant sanseverias or ZZ plants are one or two rather of the
20:54 best ones. Okay we're gonna start down the blue wall here with these
20:58 philodendrons and these are on a stake right here so you need something for them
21:03 to climb and they're a prismacolor soteroi. Those have real interesting
21:11 silvery variegation. There's a whole bunch of fall stuff and saints and
21:17 angels in this area. I like the corvals too. Those are really beautiful aren't
21:22 they? Oh this is a prismacolor brantianum on a pole. I always like it when I
21:32 see like really robust plants that are on poles like that because sometimes they
21:36 look a little scant. Look at this one. That one looks especially good. These
21:40 two down here they're a candy berry is the variety name arrowhead vine. So
21:45 they've got a little bit of pink coloring in their leaves. They're so
21:49 shiny. Philodendron zandu right here and then we're getting to the portion you
21:55 guys where there's just plants everywhere. Let me make sure I finished
21:59 up around these before we start in the glass portion. There's some jade right
22:04 there and there's some chroma belize ficus. Really pretty pink variegation. Are
22:14 these a Birkin? Yeah the Birkin philodendron. I have an affinity for
22:19 these. I don't know why. I just think they're so beautiful.
22:23 Janet Craig compacta dracaena right here. Another one of those gorgeous ferns. Oh
22:29 they're so pretty. Yeah I think we've talked about these because these were
22:32 around the other side of the display. Yeah the dragon scale and again more
22:38 four-inch ferns and there's some other like tretascantia, some little
22:42 two-inch plants down in there. Get a close-up. Those are really pretty color.
22:46 But yeah so this is the area we're about ready to head into. Mm-hmm. So let's see.
22:54 Let's do the outside maybe first and I think what I'll do is just pan the
22:58 shelves and we're not going to even say all the variety names because it's just
23:01 gonna take too long. I wish I came here just a little bit earlier but you can
23:06 see the beautiful mixed succulent bowls. There's some Haworthias in there that
23:12 are looking really good. Haworthias are another real good one for a beginner.
23:15 Really good one. Oh look at these. These are like a gastaria. They're not labeled are
23:21 they? Dang. Well that helps me out. Gives me an excuse not to say all their names
23:25 right? I'll say them if I know them I guess. Oh look at that. That's cool. And there's
23:32 some just little terrariums tucked in. Some donkey tail sedum. I think those are
23:37 just hanging kind of all over the place. So for these shelves right here at the
23:41 very tippy top spider plants. Some are variegated. Some are they all green. And
23:44 then I'm just gonna show you quickly what's on these shelves.
23:49 Photonias and Graptosedums. Sedums, Echeverias. Boy all kinds of things.
23:57 Jade. Look at these. Oh such pretty color. Second row down there's some Lithops.
24:05 Some random plants I don't know the name of. Panda plant. I feel like it's been ages
24:13 since I've worked with succulents. More Echeverias. Haworthias and Aloe.
24:19 Ooh this is a Calathea. Colorful Insignis. Really neat looking. Look at the
24:26 variegation. The pattern on those leaves. Wow. Another giant Dracaena. Third shelf
24:31 down there are some Aloes. Those are Black Jammies. Oh there's just so many. I mean
24:36 you could just spend forever looking through and picking out really unique
24:40 ones. I always like the pink blush Aloes. Those are so pretty. Look at those. Oh I
24:47 like these. This is the White Fox Aloe. Ooh I like those a lot. Oh a little four
24:53 inch plastic full of um mixed. That's neat. Okay swinging to this window right
24:59 here there's just a whole bunch of cacti. Oh they're so cute. Oh this one looks
25:08 like slivers to beat the band. I swear these sense your presence and just spit
25:14 needles. Their little spines out at you. Those little bunny ears they look so
25:18 innocent. They're not. Oh see these don't try to hide it. These are like you touch
25:25 me you're gonna die. Not those. Those look soft and furry and those are worse.
25:30 But they they are so cute. A sea of bunny ears. Ooh a sea of Rapsalis down here.
25:39 Ooh look at this one. That's like a little bit thinner leaved than I'm used to seeing.
25:46 This makes me want to do a succulent arrangement. Ooh more cacti. Maybe a cactus
25:52 arrangement. That's something I haven't done in a long time. Ooh is this a zigzag
25:56 or a rickrack cactus? What do they call it? Rickrack cactus right here. The one I
26:01 potted up not long ago is doing great. And then on the bottom just a quick look
26:06 all the things. Oh my goodness so many things. All these little plants are so
26:13 cute. Oh my goodness. And more black gem aloes. The hobbit jade plant. This one
26:22 just says assorted. Dang it. I think all plants should have to have the proper
26:26 name. I feel like I should just be panning you slowly with pretty music.
26:31 [music]
26:45 Okay carrying on. So a lot of these look kind of just like repeats. There's a lot
26:51 of echeverias. I mean different varieties for sure. But unless you have time to
26:55 really pour through each kind you can see what we're looking at here.
27:03 Oh they're so pretty. Ooh these are neat. Oh these are like the mother of millions
27:11 or something like that. Apparently they spread really bad. Probably only in their
27:18 native climate. Oh more bunny ears there. And look at the color on these jade.
27:24 These are neat.
27:27 Oh you guys.
27:32 Look oh so cute. Like little thimble sized plants.
27:42 Oh rainbow wind chimes right there.
27:47 Oh look how cute that is. A whole tray full of them. Oh that's the sweetest thing.
27:56 Some grafted cacti right down there. There's a chicken feeder planted up.
28:03 So there you go. That's kind of the glass portion. We kind of ended over here with
28:07 the angels and the saints. So let's go through
28:10 the middle right here. There's some really cool
28:13 right there plants on this side. So trailing jade, senecio. There's some
28:19 elephant bush. This is the portulacaria. This is the
28:22 rainbow variety. And there's like this is calico.
28:27 Yeah calico kitten crassula right here. String of hearts. Love these so much.
28:34 They're so gorgeous. That's what I pointed at over here.
28:38 Oh zz plant. This is the one I mentioned that's super duper easy to take care of.
28:42 And it's so forgiving. Mine I have one upstairs in the kids
28:46 bathroom. And it gets watered like once every other month.
28:49 Maybe. And it's still living.
28:53 Yeah look at these right here. Look at all these string of hearts.
28:59 I feel like these are feast or famine. You either find a lot of them or you don't
29:03 ever find them for a long time. Right below it there's some variegated
29:07 string of pearls and some regular string of pearls.
29:12 Some more haworthias in there. Oh these are neat.
29:15 These are a neat color.
29:18 Red winged mangove. Whoa those are cool looking.
29:22 More of the string of hearts right there. And there's some other things.
29:26 Peperomia is looking really cool. That's a really cool mangove as well.
29:30 Look at that.
29:33 More haworthias, echeverias, string of hearts.
29:36 Another great big dracaena. And then what variety is this?
29:42 Colorful bluegrass calathea. That looks beautiful especially in mass
29:47 like that. Tucked in around the base of something.
29:50 I love it with this texture right here with that kind of pink.
29:54 Really pretty. Fire sticks right here. And then what is this called? I don't
30:00 see any any label. But you guys I have one of
30:05 these that mine looks more blue. This one
30:08 looks more yellow. And it's beautiful. It's in the heartly.
30:11 I'll just show you one of these days. This is a lickety split philodendron
30:16 right here. This great big one. Stand back so you can see it.
30:20 Another great big one up there. So again another example of having one up high
30:23 versus being able to sort of see down on it.
30:25 These are pretty. The purple queens tucked in down there.
30:30 Okay we're almost done you guys. See there's just tray after tray after tray
30:34 of mixed plants in here. There's photonias just hanging out down
30:37 there. Oh these are cool. These look like under
30:41 the sea plants.
30:44 How fun. We need to do a terrarium too. My list is growing.
30:48 These look like more yep more of the roi philodendron. And this one is a narrow
30:52 philodendron. Nice and compact. And this is a chromatinichy
30:58 ficus. Probably saying that wrong. So kind of like
31:02 the other pink one we just looked at but this has got the creamy white
31:05 variegation. And I always love to see this. Look at
31:08 this. Just trays full of these little itty bitty
31:12 ferns. This this right here makes me really want to do a terrarium.
31:16 Look at that. They're so gorgeous and healthy looking.
31:20 That right there. Oh okay. I think that swings us around back to
31:26 where we were. And that's it you guys. I mean that's a ton of plants. I hope that
31:30 you enjoyed seeing these as much as I enjoyed showing them to you.
31:33 I just when I walk through here after new things have arrived I just I think
31:37 about you guys and how much excitement that we all derive
31:41 from this sort of thing. It's just so much fun and I
31:43 walk around here just talking about it with you and I can see it like I said
31:47 earlier. I can just feel that list growing of different
31:50 things that I would like to make to put in our home and
31:52 and share with you guys. And I hope that I was moving the camera slow enough.
31:56 I was feeling a little bit of that urge to get through the plants back here
32:00 especially toward the back because it is starting to get dim. I don't know if you
32:03 can tell. It probably still looks fairly bright but
32:06 it actually is a little bit dim and that makes it hard to see. And when it's
32:09 getting fall and winter it gets harder and harder to get down here at a time
32:12 where there aren't people all over the place. And that's why I
32:15 waited until after they closed because I hate to make people feel uncomfortable
32:18 if I have a camera out and I don't want them to feel like hurried to move around
32:22 and all that sort of thing. So anyway thank you guys so much for
32:25 watching this video. The birds are going nuts. Excuse me.
32:30 Yeah I'm talking to you three up there. Can you pipe down a little bit?
32:41 Anyway thank you guys for watching. We'll see you in the next one. Bye.
