• 2 years ago
September Garden Tour - Part One!


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01:27 - Hey guys, how's it going?
01:30 Today we are doing a garden tour.
01:32 Mid-September garden tour.
01:33 We haven't pulled any summer annuals yet.
01:36 We're getting ready to,
01:36 but I wanted to get out here
01:38 and show you what it looks like
01:39 toward the end of the season
01:40 when some things are starting to look tired,
01:43 but honestly, it's been a really good season.
01:45 We've had a lot more rainfall than normal,
01:47 a lot less wind,
01:48 and a lot less hundred plus degree days.
01:51 I think maybe a week's worth of temperatures
01:53 at like 105, 106 and that's it,
01:55 and that's kind of unheard of.
01:56 So we were just talking yesterday
01:58 about how we could live with this sort of weather pattern.
02:01 It's been really, really nice.
02:03 So we're starting over here on the West side
02:04 because it's shaded right now, it's morning time,
02:07 and it just, it's looking so pretty,
02:09 and it's starting to fill in quite a bit.
02:11 And you can see how the surefire white begonias are doing.
02:15 So impressed with this plant.
02:17 I have to say, I was a little bit skeptical
02:20 right after we got done planting
02:21 because they were so puny.
02:23 They were so little, they had hardly rooted
02:25 or hadn't even rooted in some of them into their containers.
02:28 And I just thought, oh, here we go.
02:30 I don't know, this might not be very nice,
02:32 but they're gorgeous.
02:34 The thing I like about them too
02:35 is that they are like well-behaved.
02:38 You know, they fill in this space,
02:39 but they're not shooting runners through the boxwoods
02:42 and creating kind of a mess,
02:43 which you'll see in several areas
02:45 is what we do have going on.
02:47 These are just like this nice,
02:49 mounted, compact, dense, colorful plant.
02:52 Doesn't require fertilizer, doesn't require insect spray,
02:54 it doesn't require deadheading.
02:56 Take sun and shade.
02:58 I think in a real hot climate,
02:59 they do prefer a little bit of protection
03:01 in the late afternoon,
03:03 which we found from our surefire rose begonias.
03:05 We'll look at that up in the Versailles garden.
03:07 They are starting to rebound now that it's getting cooler,
03:10 but overall an amazing, an amazing plant.
03:13 Coming through this dirt, well, you know,
03:15 I wonder if we should just take a quick peek
03:17 at the vegetable garden.
03:18 We were just in here harvesting the other day in a video,
03:21 but it's kind of a little bit of a wild, wildness.
03:25 We've got the sweet romance lavender looking amazing.
03:28 I think the overall height's supposed to be
03:30 12 to 18 inches tall,
03:31 definitely bigger than that at this point, but loving it.
03:35 I think it's absolutely perfect right here.
03:38 And these containers, out of all of our containers,
03:42 I wanna say that I'm probably the most impressed by these
03:45 because we have not trimmed these.
03:47 They get weekly fertilizer,
03:49 Proven Winners water soluble fertilizer,
03:51 and a weekly spray with the either Captain Jack's Dead Bug
03:55 or the BT for our budworm issue,
03:57 which if we get budworms, I could probably find.
04:00 We have had them around.
04:02 I don't even see any damage, not on these containers.
04:05 I'll show you some damage on other containers,
04:07 but in these we've got the Carolie Petite Gara,
04:11 which is honestly holding, holding its own.
04:14 The vigor of this plant is keeping up
04:18 with the vigor of the Supertunia Vista Jasperi,
04:20 which is surprising to me.
04:21 I mean, this is just climbing the fence
04:23 and coming out the back here, looking beautiful.
04:25 We've got this Super Betta Sparkling Amethyst.
04:29 And then I think, is this a, this isn't a mini Vista, is it?
04:32 Or is this the Ras, this isn't the Raspberry Rush.
04:35 This must be a Supertunia Mini, like Pink Star, right?
04:39 I can't remember, but beautiful, loving them.
04:42 We've got some Big Smile Dwarf Sunflowers right here.
04:45 We're not gonna go this direction
04:47 because if you come in here, you can see we really can't.
04:50 I've got some cantaloupes
04:51 that are just completely taking over.
04:52 So that's becoming the wild side of our garden there.
04:56 We've harvested three cantaloupes so far.
04:58 Those were late planted, mid and then again, late June.
05:03 So I'm really happy
05:04 that we're getting some produce off of them.
05:06 And then of course our tomatoes are massive
05:08 and kind of taking over, but we're able to harvest a ton.
05:11 The interesting part about it not pruning
05:14 is that you don't see a lot of the tomatoes,
05:16 that you can see right here.
05:17 They're all kind of on the interior of the plant,
05:19 but we don't get a sunscorch.
05:21 I don't get nearly as many of them damaged
05:24 in any kind of way because they're all protected.
05:26 Bachelor's Buttons, so glad we seeded.
05:29 These are so pretty right here.
05:31 I haven't even cut any for arrangements
05:33 because I just enjoy so much seeing them here.
05:36 And I'm seeing some little bumbles and some honeybees.
05:39 Just enjoying.
05:41 And then we do have a pineapple tomato.
05:45 This is an heirloom.
05:47 And I don't know if you can actually see
05:50 how many tomatoes are on this plant throughout.
05:54 I mean, it's just, it's insane.
05:56 And I've harvested so, so many.
05:59 They're huge, they're meaty.
06:01 They turn like a yellow
06:02 and then a deep amber color underneath.
06:04 They're so good.
06:05 We've got a cucumber here.
06:08 And anyway, just things going on in here
06:10 that are really, really nice.
06:12 Underneath the arbor,
06:15 we did pop a bench out.
06:17 Did we show that to you last time?
06:18 I can't remember if it was here or not
06:20 because you can kind of sit underneath the elderberry,
06:24 well, I'm right in the sun.
06:25 Sit underneath the elderberry here and kind of relax.
06:29 You do some pruning.
06:30 But Samantha and Benjamin love to ride
06:32 on this brick walkway.
06:34 So they just ride up and down
06:36 and Erin and I will sit here and chat.
06:37 And it's just a really fun, relaxed kind of spot.
06:40 It does kind of drive me crazy
06:41 that it doesn't meet up with the brick walkway.
06:45 We might move it.
06:47 We'll have to move this little arrangement and some plants.
06:49 But if we have the bench here,
06:51 it might be kind of nice to see that
06:53 instead of seeing it off to the side.
06:55 Isn't that kind of like, it jars me.
06:57 I don't know, but it was an easy place to pop it
06:59 because there was nothing in the way at the moment.
07:02 These right here are David Austin ambridge rose,
07:05 which I actually don't think they sell anymore,
07:07 which is a shame.
07:08 These are such an amazing rose.
07:10 Look at this.
07:11 So full and fragrant.
07:14 I love the color.
07:16 I even love the color as they start to age.
07:18 They get a little bit more light, almost white.
07:22 But they're just super healthy,
07:24 beautiful, floriferous plants,
07:26 backed of course by the Limelight hydrangea standard,
07:28 which is so, so pretty.
07:30 And I prune those super, super hard every year.
07:33 And they do really well.
07:35 Moving this way, we've got some perennials
07:39 that were cut back, I think,
07:40 for the last tour and they've kind of reflushed.
07:41 We've got Caspa James Nepeta in there.
07:44 We've got more David Austins.
07:45 This is the Royal Jubilee right here.
07:48 These have a little bit more of an open feel to them.
07:51 Or open look, I guess.
07:55 I think they're really pretty.
07:57 And I love that clear pink.
07:59 They are quite large.
08:01 These were transplanted from behind the gazebo.
08:04 A lot of this stuff was transplanted,
08:06 which makes me really happy to see it thriving like it is.
08:09 The purple fountain grass.
08:11 It's wild.
08:13 It's a wild monster of a grass at this point.
08:16 With our storms this summer,
08:18 they were flattened a couple of times, like flat.
08:21 And they would kind of pick back up,
08:23 but then they'd always leave behind some of these.
08:24 So now they look like big fireworks at this point.
08:28 They're really quite pretty.
08:29 We actually thought along the way,
08:30 it looks like a new grass almost formed in the center.
08:33 And we need to come along
08:34 and kind of clean up some of these stragglers.
08:37 But we'll probably do some fall arrangements
08:39 in these eventually.
08:40 So, or not.
08:41 We might just leave the grasses.
08:42 They look very fall.
08:44 I've done very little planting
08:46 in this flower bed this year.
08:48 This is the Beyond Midnight Caryopteris.
08:51 Isn't that gorgeous?
08:53 These are just phenomenal.
08:57 I'll show you some more.
08:58 In fact, I showed you a bank of them
09:00 that we have planted recently,
09:02 and they're just amazing.
09:03 These are the Anacarose, Alnwick Rose,
09:06 another David Austin.
09:08 There are three of them here.
09:09 One, two, three, another Caryopteris.
09:14 I did plant some Creeping Thyme.
09:15 That's the orange thyme.
09:17 And there's a lot of repeat of perennials in this area.
09:20 I wanted a lot of Delphinium.
09:22 I wanted Caryopteris, Nepeta,
09:26 perennial geraniums, Iris.
09:29 There is a Miss Violet Buddleia right here.
09:33 It's planted way back there
09:35 and it's got an arm coming way up here,
09:36 which I kind of love.
09:38 That's beautiful.
09:39 And then we do have five Mary Rose
09:42 David Austins right here.
09:44 Look at this.
09:44 These were also transplanted from behind the gazebo.
09:47 And clearly doing really well.
09:51 We also have got a Brandywine Viburnum,
09:56 which honestly, it looks like it could use
09:58 maybe a little bit of iron, Erin.
09:59 We need to add that to the list.
10:01 But these typically have leaves
10:04 that are like this deep green
10:05 and they're shiny, glossy.
10:07 And then they get disks of white blooms
10:08 that are followed by these beautiful berries,
10:10 which sometimes they're blue and pink.
10:13 I'm kind of loving that they're just pink right now.
10:16 And then these leaves will turn red in the fall,
10:18 later on in the fall.
10:20 We're not quite there yet.
10:21 We've been seeing some trees around town
10:23 and around in our area showing a little bit of fall color.
10:26 And one of our Red Point maples,
10:28 that's I think maybe a little bit stressed
10:29 is showing some fall color at this point.
10:32 We do have some Stand By Me Clematis,
10:36 which I'm considering removing.
10:38 It comes up in the spring.
10:39 It looks really pretty for its first bloom.
10:41 And then it's just kind of a,
10:43 maybe I'm not pruning it properly
10:46 or getting it staked up.
10:48 These are all staked up in rings,
10:49 but it kind of just does this flop thing.
10:51 And maybe I need to get my layering right
10:53 to have it look good.
10:54 But anyway, that's something that might happen.
10:57 Another Caryoptera.
10:58 See how they repeat?
10:59 It's just kind of fun.
11:00 It brings a little bit of cohesiveness to the bed.
11:03 And then we have a Button Bush.
11:04 This is the Sugar Shack.
11:06 Phenomenal shrub.
11:08 Look at those huge leaves,
11:10 especially toward the back there.
11:11 And it was full of those really fun, fluffy white blooms.
11:16 And it's just done really well in this location.
11:19 The Elderberry took to its prune job real well.
11:22 And in fact, I could probably come in here
11:23 and prune a few more things out.
11:26 We planted some Campanula right below
11:28 that are doing really well.
11:30 And then we've just got kind of a menagerie
11:32 of things down here.
11:33 Another Limelight Standard.
11:36 It's just huge.
11:37 My goodness.
11:39 I had a Daisy May Daisy kind of poop out right there.
11:45 I think I'm gonna dig up a little chunk
11:49 from another one of these just to fill in the spots.
11:52 This area I need to address.
11:55 And maybe if I cut that Elderberry
11:58 and did that in more of a tree form,
12:00 it would kind of loosen, is that the right word?
12:03 Lighten this area up a little bit.
12:06 And there's really nothing it's over the top of
12:09 except for this Cypress.
12:11 Yeah.
12:16 I think I need to do some trimming in here
12:18 because there's a lot.
12:20 There's a lot going on.
12:22 I have a Serviceberry in here.
12:23 I can barely tell I have a Serviceberry.
12:25 So tad over planted back here.
12:27 So I need to lighten the load a bit.
12:30 Okay.
12:31 Let's go, before we go out to the south,
12:36 well, should we just look at this?
12:38 Look at this.
12:39 I have no words, really.
12:48 Supertunia Vista Jasberry.
12:50 If you want something that's high impact,
12:52 that doesn't require a ton of fuss,
12:55 definitely a good annual.
12:58 We have it mixed in here with Planet of the Blue Salvia.
13:01 Oh, there is some Poet's Wife.
13:03 That's another David Austin right there.
13:05 Beautiful, super fragrant.
13:08 Love that rose.
13:08 And these came from behind the gazebo as well.
13:11 Truffula Pink Amphrina.
13:13 There's some Diamond Frost Euphorbia in here,
13:16 which I'm surprised is holding its own
13:18 because it's a naturally a smaller plant
13:20 and it's holding up to the vigor here.
13:23 We've got a Super Beena in here from last year.
13:25 Popping out there like it wants to be seen.
13:29 The other plant that I'm really loving in here,
13:32 do you see that lavender one?
13:34 That's the Steel Blue Angelonia.
13:36 It has done so beautifully and I love that lavender color.
13:41 I'm gonna be using more of that for sure.
13:45 Okay, we're gonna take a quick look at the hay racks.
13:47 Now I have to preface this.
13:48 First off, this is where everyone parks.
13:49 So we're gonna be working around cars.
13:51 Also, we have had some major water issues
13:55 with our drip in this area.
13:57 We didn't realize that some of them were plugged.
13:59 We're kind of coming to the realization
14:00 that with as much hard water as we've got,
14:03 we might have to replace that quarter inch drip
14:05 twice a season.
14:06 So some of these are gonna look rough,
14:08 some of them look amazing.
14:10 So there you go.
14:11 There's your warning.
14:12 - Start on the other side so you're not squinting in the sun.
14:14 - Okay, we'll start on the other end
14:15 so I'm not squinting in the sun.
14:17 Thank you, Aaron.
14:18 Kind of starting with the bad ones
14:19 because you guys, it started plugging about right here,
14:23 this way.
14:25 Like we came out and realized that one of these
14:27 was completely dead because it was getting zero water
14:29 on this end.
14:30 So I mean, kind of take this with a grain of salt,
14:34 this update.
14:35 I feel bad for the plants
14:37 'cause they didn't really get a fair shake,
14:38 but I mean, it kind of goes to show you
14:40 how tough they can be.
14:41 This is the Super Beena Redstone right here.
14:45 Overall looking really good.
14:46 Super happy with the performance and really the color.
14:50 I think having the yellow on the tips
14:52 makes it look a little softer than like a pure red flower.
14:55 So I've really enjoyed the color.
14:56 We've got Super Cheena Mini Vista Midnight.
14:59 This is a new one for last year.
15:01 No, for this year, right?
15:04 Yeah, the other ones are new for next year.
15:06 This one has trailed more than I thought it was going to.
15:09 That's the other thing,
15:09 we haven't trimmed any of these at all.
15:11 So the only thing they've had is,
15:13 well, semi consistent water toward the other end,
15:18 weekly fertilizer and butterworm spray
15:20 if they are a Super Bell or a Super Cheena.
15:23 So other than that, there's no trimming.
15:25 James Brittenia, this is the Safari Dusk.
15:28 Been very, very pleased with this plant.
15:31 We have this one in the ground by the chicken coop as well.
15:33 I think it's done better in the hay rack
15:35 because it was allowed to dry out and that's what it wants.
15:38 So it's actually done well
15:39 with the treatment it's received.
15:42 Super Bells Vintage Coral, really pretty color.
15:46 It has trailed.
15:47 And like I said, we lost this one
15:49 because it died due to lack of water.
15:51 This one needs to be watered right now.
15:54 Yep.
15:57 This is the Campfire Marshmallow.
15:58 Like just kind of brush past that one.
16:00 They look amazing in the landscape
16:01 and I'll show you those in a minute.
16:03 I will be planting more of those.
16:05 This is the Super Bells Improved Pink right here,
16:09 which I planted in the ground, you guys,
16:11 in the Eco Pots.
16:12 Let's just real quick come over here.
16:14 I decided to run a couple of experiments here.
16:18 First of all, they usually recommend
16:20 that you don't plant Super Bells in the ground
16:22 because Super Bells want to dry out between watering.
16:27 And this happens to be our most wet corner landscape.
16:32 I don't know why I chose this location,
16:35 but I thought, you know what,
16:36 let's just plant these in the ground
16:37 but leave them in the Eco Pots.
16:40 So maybe they won't receive quite as much water.
16:44 We'll see how they do.
16:45 See if the pots break down.
16:46 They're still quite, well, quite firm.
16:49 I mean, they'll break down if I force it,
16:51 but they've done so great.
16:53 And I would say at this point,
16:55 they look like they're starting to cycle out a little bit
16:59 and maybe need a little bit of a back off of water
17:01 now that it's cooler, but they were prime.
17:05 I think maybe, Erin, did you even get some video?
17:07 Maybe we can put it up,
17:08 but they looked prime for most of the summer.
17:10 I've been so happy.
17:11 I will do that again, for sure.
17:13 Okay, back to these.
17:15 Super Chinea Mini Vista Yellow.
17:16 Again, the water malfunctioned.
17:18 This one was very dry.
17:20 Like this one was showing the stress more than most.
17:23 And you can tell that by how the plant looks now.
17:25 I want to show you another area
17:27 where we've got it planted in the ground
17:28 and it looks nothing like this.
17:30 I feel a little bad just showing the plants like this
17:33 because this is not how they perform
17:35 if they're given the proper water.
17:37 Super Bells Smitten Pink.
17:40 Now this one I can see some aphid activity on.
17:43 I can see, yep, this one's got aphids.
17:45 We'll have to take care of that.
17:48 See those little green things?
17:50 Yep, you can tell this one vigor-wise,
17:52 it's a little bit slower growing.
17:54 I do have it in another container up front.
17:56 I think that you can maybe still see it.
17:58 I have some other geraniums in there too,
18:00 and they're huge.
18:01 I love the color of this one so much, though,
18:04 and it's just this dainty little plant.
18:06 And I know that the aphids haven't been there for too long,
18:09 otherwise we would see more stress in the plant.
18:11 This is a Color Blaze Cherry Drop Coleus.
18:14 It's so big.
18:18 And this is about, let's see,
18:21 that one was struggling, you can tell, for water.
18:23 I think after this point we're pretty good.
18:26 But this one definitely, I didn't need as many.
18:29 I think I just planted, how many did I plant, three?
18:33 In here maybe?
18:34 Maybe I did five.
18:35 No one? Three.
18:36 I only did three in here.
18:37 Anyway, so we've got really pretty color,
18:41 and we do have these in the ground
18:42 to show you somewhere else too.
18:43 Scaevola Whirlwind White Improved, looking great.
18:49 The pollinators of any hay rack out here,
18:52 the pollinators have been on this one the thickest.
18:55 I don't know why they're not here right now.
18:56 There's a honeybee right there, a few of 'em.
18:59 But every time I come out here, this one's loaded,
19:01 which is interesting.
19:03 Supervena, this is the Cherry Burst, is that right,
19:07 Improved, looks like a candy cane.
19:09 This one cycled out for a few weeks,
19:11 and it was pretty green, and then it came back
19:13 with a nice bloom, flush, which I'm happy about.
19:16 Superbell's, did they call this Blue Improved?
19:21 I put a tag in here, didn't I?
19:25 Yeah, yeah, Superbell's Blue Improved.
19:28 And Vigor is good on this one.
19:32 The flower coverage is really good, it's doing well.
19:35 This is the Supertunia Mini Vista Sangria.
19:39 My goodness.
19:40 If it's a vista, it's just gonna grow really well.
19:44 Lots of color.
19:45 This, Superbell's Double White, highly recommend.
19:50 Really good vigor, beautiful plant.
19:54 You can see in the morning hours, it does get some shade.
19:57 So that's the other thing,
19:58 some of these get more shade than others.
20:00 The Terrenia, this is the Pink Improved, I think.
20:03 And this one gets shade in the afternoon.
20:05 This one has just an overall,
20:07 a little bit more of a yellow vibe.
20:09 Looks like that in the containers
20:10 where I planted it as well.
20:12 So we'll see, I mean, it's got green leaves,
20:14 but I think it's the color of the thing
20:17 that holds the bloom on, it's just lighter colored.
20:20 But still, this is a good one for a full shade location
20:22 if you are in need of color in a shady spot.
20:26 Saffron Finch, love.
20:28 Love, love, love, highly recommend this one.
20:30 It looks good in the hay rack, it looks good in the ground.
20:33 Right beyond it is the Supertunia Cupola Vivid Orchid.
20:38 Highly recommend that one as well.
20:42 Oh my gosh, in the ground or in containers.
20:45 Pink Cashmere Superbina,
20:47 this one also flushed out a little bit,
20:49 just like the Cherryburst over there.
20:51 And then it came back,
20:52 it did the same thing in my containers as well.
20:54 So the Sparkling Amethyst,
20:55 I noticed didn't, and the Stormburst
20:58 that we have out in the garden
20:59 didn't flush out a bloom all summer.
21:01 This one did, so I don't know, I don't know.
21:04 We'll try it out again and see what happens.
21:06 I do have this in the landscape,
21:07 and it didn't flush out as bad as this one did here.
21:10 So maybe this one had a little water struggle as well.
21:13 This is the Supertunia Mini Vista Marine.
21:16 And we have this one planted
21:18 around the chicken coop as well.
21:19 I had noticed in this location, it has a little bloom fade.
21:23 I did not notice that as being a thing with it in the ground,
21:26 but I really like the color.
21:28 It's almost like a glow sort of purple.
21:32 It's a really interesting color.
21:36 Probably should have come and groomed that out
21:38 before the tour.
21:39 This is Coconut Nemesia.
21:41 And I don't know, I have no excuse for this one.
21:46 I don't know why it looks like this.
21:48 It must have been a water struggle.
21:50 That's what it appears to be.
21:52 Oh, geez, that looks bad.
21:54 Hey, there's one left that looks good.
21:57 It's wet.
22:03 - Yeah.
22:03 - So like, it couldn't have been a water struggle, right?
22:06 'Cause we haven't replaced anything.
22:08 We're just hand watering the ones now that were struggling
22:11 'cause we didn't want to accidentally damage
22:13 the stems of anything.
22:16 Okay, we've got the, is it Penny Lace, I think?
22:22 It doesn't really look like a Penny Lace to me.
22:24 It looks like a Red Hawk or something.
22:26 It's doing really, really well.
22:28 And the Supertunia Bermuda Beach improved,
22:31 which is looking great.
22:33 Okay, so that's a hay rack update.
22:36 Before we lose shade around the house,
22:37 I think we should go back up that way
22:39 and kind of hit the pond area,
22:40 and then we'll come back out here.
22:42 This is the Red Point Maple I was mentioning earlier
22:44 that's showing some fall color.
22:46 It's stressed on this side,
22:47 but it looks healthy on the other side.
22:48 I don't see any insect damage.
22:50 I do see this though, which Aaron was doing some research,
22:54 and they say that this is like an indicator of sunburn
22:58 at some point.
22:59 I don't know.
23:00 Do you have any words of wisdom on that?
23:03 I need to do a little bit more looking
23:04 and asking some growers about that.
23:07 See what we can do, or if there's anything
23:08 we can do about it.
23:11 Okay, we haven't done anything over here yet.
23:14 I am ready though, I think, to draw out the grass lines
23:17 and get rid of some of this grass
23:19 and start forming up and planting these flower beds.
23:22 I do love the height of these limelights.
23:24 I like that.
23:27 That's perfect, right underneath the windows.
23:29 And then right in here, I mean, the Hudson Bay hostas,
23:32 you know, our hostas overall,
23:34 some of them look very tired and they've got burn on them,
23:37 but this is the best year for hostas ever
23:40 because some of them aren't showing any stress at all,
23:44 and that's not normal for us.
23:45 Usually by this time of year, we don't have any hostas left.
23:47 We've had to groom so much of them down.
23:50 This flower bed has sadly been
23:53 a little bit neglected this year.
23:55 We are gonna prune boxes next week.
23:56 It is on the schedule.
23:58 We've got Sweet Romance Lavender,
23:59 our Limelight Punch, no, is that right?
24:03 Little Lime Punch hydrangeas.
24:06 For the most part, I'm very happy
24:08 with how they've been growing this year
24:10 because we've struggled with hydrangeas
24:12 in here in the past.
24:13 I have one or two that I might replace.
24:15 This one looked dead for a long, long time.
24:17 I don't even know if you can see it from there,
24:18 but it did start to leaf out a bit,
24:20 so I might see what it does next spring.
24:22 This is one, I think maybe from this angle, Erin,
24:26 you might be able to see the enormity of it.
24:31 This is the Plectranthus right here, which I love.
24:33 I think it's just so pretty.
24:35 We've got Supertunia, Latte,
24:37 the white geraniums that I started from seed.
24:40 The Oxalis is actually held.
24:42 I put it on this side of the container
24:44 because this area is blasted with the sun.
24:47 In the afternoon, and this has survived
24:50 being on the east side of the container.
24:52 The rest of these plants shade it.
24:54 So it's just like this huge, monstrous
24:57 annual container at this point,
24:58 but I'm really happy with how it grew.
25:01 Douglas is just all around Erin's feet.
25:03 Lungwort, we planted these this year and they look great.
25:07 That's the new variety called Pinkadot right there.
25:10 And see, look, I mean, hostas, they're not like prime,
25:15 but they're not horrible.
25:17 And usually by this time it's at least half this size
25:20 because we've had to groom so many leaves off.
25:22 So I'm very pleased with that.
25:24 We've got more Lungwort in here,
25:27 some Heconochloa and Lamium.
25:30 Now this is the Cherry Drop.
25:33 If you come on this side, Erin,
25:34 you can really see the color of this Coleus.
25:36 This is the same one we just looked at in the hay rack
25:39 and it looks so much better right here
25:41 where it's more protected.
25:43 You can see the brightness of the pink.
25:45 It's just like intermingled
25:47 with the plants beautifully in here.
25:49 I really liked the growth rate in a more shady spot.
25:52 It's a little less thick and dense.
25:54 We've got some of the double up White Begonias in here.
25:56 You know, this whole area,
25:58 we'll go into this bed here in a minute,
26:00 but you can see all of the Coleus from this side,
26:04 looking so good.
26:06 The Golden Dreams.
26:07 We just take a look at the growth habit of this one
26:10 versus the other ones we've got in this area.
26:13 Same area, same drip.
26:15 This one's enormous, requires more water.
26:17 In fact, it's already starting to flop a little bit.
26:19 It requires some supplemental water
26:22 just because of how big the leaves are
26:23 and how big the plants are overall.
26:25 We've also got the Cherry Brandy in here, the Lime Thyme.
26:30 We've got Newly Noir, the really dark maroon one in here.
26:34 It just turned out to be a really fun Coleus area.
26:38 And it's definitely something I would repeat in this spot
26:42 because it's handled everything.
26:43 It's a weird location because,
26:46 like from this side right here, the west side,
26:50 it gets a slice of sun right at the hottest part of the day.
26:54 So it just kind of sweeps across this bed.
26:56 And that's a really weird area to plant
26:58 because if you plant full shade loving things
27:01 because it's a shady spot during the day,
27:03 but then it gets blasted with one to two hours
27:05 of that hot afternoon sun, shade stuff can't handle that,
27:08 but full sun stuff doesn't really love it as well.
27:11 So putting Color Blades Coleus that can do either,
27:14 or like Surefire Begonias would be great in here.
27:17 I think that's just the perfect kind of plant for this space.
27:21 Oh, I can't wait to see these all pruned up next week.
27:26 And have really tight, nice hedges again.
27:28 And I think it's supposed to be quite a bit cooler
27:30 in the 70s when we tackle this project.
27:33 We actually have it planned out this year
27:34 when we're gonna do it.
27:35 Otherwise, you guys know how I am.
27:37 Things just fall between the cracks
27:38 and then I miss my pruning window
27:40 and then I end up with winter tip burn and stuff.
27:43 Incrediball Hydrangeas looking really pretty.
27:46 The best year for these for sure.
27:48 Kind of coming in on our kitchen flower bed area.
27:52 You can see some of the annuals,
27:55 like the Bordeaux is getting some tiredness,
27:58 looking a little tired.
27:59 We're gonna pull a few of those.
28:01 Looks really good right here.
28:02 And then the Japanese Anemones were so tall
28:07 until we got that last storm.
28:08 You know, the tail end of that hurricane
28:10 that came through our area,
28:11 it just kind of flattened those a bit.
28:13 Which is a bummer, but they're still beautiful.
28:16 I'm super happy with how this combination came together.
28:19 So this is the Dusty Miller called New Look
28:22 that we started from seed.
28:23 I bought a packet of 50 seeds.
28:25 I started them in a 24 count tray.
28:27 So I put two seeds in every one of them
28:29 except for one got three.
28:30 Every single seed came up.
28:31 And I think there was actually a few extra seeds
28:34 that came in that packet.
28:35 But every single one came up and I separated them
28:37 and planted them in four inch containers.
28:39 So I had them to use.
28:41 Actually I have five left in the greenhouse
28:42 I'm gonna use in fall containers.
28:44 Highly recommend starting that one from seed.
28:46 Super easy, they grew beautifully.
28:48 And look at them in the landscape.
28:50 And you can see that these get far more shade
28:52 than the ones over here.
28:53 And the growth rate is just about the same.
28:55 The Helichrysum Icicles right back there
28:59 kind of showing a different texture
29:01 of the same color of blue foliage.
29:04 But I'm just real happy with it.
29:06 Very full.
29:07 Okay, let's go this direction.
29:09 One thing I did down here is I tucked a few Wicked Witch,
29:12 just like two Wicked Witch Coleus in.
29:14 And that's such a wonderful space filler.
29:17 I've really liked that.
29:18 And that's something I will repeat.
29:20 We've got the double up Pink Begonias
29:21 kind of tucked in around the bottom.
29:23 And then we arrived to the area
29:25 that we are just like kind of working on.
29:28 You know, we haven't done any planting here,
29:30 but this was the brick patio was just finished.
29:33 Was it in June that it was actually finished?
29:36 But we haven't finished planting boxwoods
29:38 all the way around it.
29:39 We've got containers coming.
29:40 I think they'll be here in November for the corners.
29:43 The circle area though, that's been fun to watch fill in.
29:47 We've got the King Tut grass in the center,
29:50 which, oh my goodness, it has really taken off.
29:54 And then the Coleus down below,
29:55 like this right here is one Golden Dreams Coleus right there.
30:00 We've got it planted in with some Wicked Witch
30:03 and some Lime Thyme.
30:04 And you can just see like vigor wise,
30:06 the Golden Dreams just, it's a stunner for sure.
30:11 So long as it gets the water that it wants.
30:13 So that's something to consider.
30:16 The Harley area over here,
30:18 the Purple Annuals are still largely looking really good.
30:23 We haven't lost any, we didn't lose a single boxwood
30:26 in this whole area.
30:27 You know, we planted them late last year
30:29 and they've just done so beautifully.
30:31 Our Julia Child Roses.
30:33 So this one is full of color.
30:35 That one has buds on it and it's got a bloom that has open.
30:38 It's funny because Aaron was saying
30:40 that he thought that one a couple of weeks ago
30:42 had more flowers than this one.
30:43 So they're just kind of like taking turns,
30:45 being the one that has the most color, but I love them.
30:48 I'm so happy with those.
30:50 In these areas here, you can hardly see the boxwoods.
30:55 Play in the Blue Salvia, and it was a mix.
30:57 So Play in the Blue is an unplugged blue.
30:59 Definitely prefer Play in the Blues.
31:03 Oh, look at the big, the big bumble in there.
31:06 I don't know why, but every time I see them,
31:09 just gotta stop.
31:10 We had one of the Play in the Blues snap though.
31:14 That's something to consider.
31:15 You see that in there, it just snapped
31:17 and then we have a huge hole.
31:19 They do get quite large and they're fairly brittle.
31:22 So if you put them in an area that's exposed,
31:25 they can snap off.
31:26 And so that's just something to think about.
31:29 But Super Beena Violet Ice.
31:32 My, my word.
31:34 It's like, it's crawling into the cold frames.
31:37 It's crawling on top of the cold frames
31:38 along with Super Junior Royal Velvet.
31:41 In there, my centerpiece plants were Meteor Shower Verbena
31:44 and mostly there's some, a few more showing in that side,
31:48 but largely didn't need them.
31:50 And then I put some Apple Blossom Geraniums in there.
31:54 You can see like one flower in each pot.
31:56 So anyway, the two, the mix of these two though,
32:00 the Violet Ice and the Royal Velvet,
32:02 that's gotta be a favorite of mine right there.
32:04 I think they're so beautiful.
32:06 We put Artichokes up here
32:07 and this is exactly what I thought they would do,
32:09 which is perfect.
32:10 I wanted the foliage.
32:11 I didn't care about the blooms up here.
32:12 You know, we had started some from seed
32:14 and I planted some out in the new property
32:17 and they actually have Artichokes on them right now.
32:19 And these I had left over
32:21 and I didn't really have plans for these.
32:22 I needed something that could handle heat, like hot.
32:25 This is South exposure and they've really done well
32:28 and provided just some really interesting structure.
32:30 You can see the Red Geraniums through the glass there.
32:34 I need to get in there and groom some of them up though.
32:36 Ooh, a lot more Meteor Shower showing right here
32:39 in this container.
32:40 Wow.
32:43 All right, we're almost to the pond.
32:45 A real quick look at a couple things over here.
32:48 The Supertunia Bordeaux in this area
32:52 has been a really productive.
32:53 It looks the best in this one right here.
32:56 It's starting to fizzle out.
32:58 I don't know if it's getting a little bit too much water
33:00 in these areas or what,
33:01 but I'm ready for something different.
33:03 We had a big water break, right?
33:07 It was like right here, right?
33:08 Under this boxwood.
33:10 So we had to dig out three or four of the boxwoods.
33:12 There was a huge hole underneath the bricks.
33:15 The bricks actually stayed.
33:16 So I think, right?
33:18 Or did Paul take them apart?
33:19 'Cause Paul redid it, I think.
33:21 Yeah, so I think he ended up kind of taking them apart
33:24 and redoing this corner,
33:25 but there was a huge hole dug right here to fix a break.
33:28 And I mean, it had flooded this whole area.
33:30 And that's kind of when the Bordeaux
33:32 started to decline a little bit.
33:34 So I think it was maybe just a little bit too much water.
33:38 And then I wanted to show you over here.
33:40 Now, this is an area that's been on my mind a lot.
33:42 I need to go through here,
33:44 pull a bunch of stuff out and redo it.
33:46 But I wanted to show you the Campfire Marshmallow Bidens.
33:51 These are the ones that were up in the hay rack
33:52 that looked kind of crummy because of the water issue.
33:55 You give them water, they're not gonna look crummy.
33:58 The honeybees are everywhere on them.
34:00 They have impressed me thoroughly.
34:02 I just, I think they're a beautiful plant.
34:07 Lot of bang for your buck, too.
34:08 They look like this all summer, all summer long.
34:11 And I think they get bigger than the tag says they do.
34:14 Or at least they have in this spot.
34:16 Okay, let's look at the pond.
34:18 It's almost done.
34:21 We're at that position still
34:23 where we're gonna be doing the sand.
34:24 I think they're gonna do that,
34:26 where are they gonna do that this week?
34:27 Maybe tomorrow, I'm guessing.
34:29 So we'll get all the sand and the stones,
34:31 and then we'll bring in mulch to clean up all the edges
34:34 and remulch this whole space.
34:35 But this area as a whole has been just so,
34:39 I can't even explain it.
34:40 We were just talking about it this morning
34:42 and how we have used this space more
34:44 since it was finished at the end of July.
34:46 So July to mid-September,
34:48 than we ever used it in the prior six years.
34:51 I mean, it's incredible.
34:52 We come out here every night.
34:53 The kids love it.
34:54 So Erin and I sit in the chairs and just kinda chat,
34:57 and the kids are all over the place.
34:59 They have like a little garden they've created
35:02 in the mulch pile over there with rocks.
35:04 They come out and they have sword fights in the driveway,
35:07 and it's just so fun.
35:09 Okay, yeah, so here are my thoughts back here at the moment.
35:13 We're not gonna get to any of this this fall,
35:14 so I have many moments to change my mind.
35:17 But I thought it would be kinda fun at some point
35:19 to veer off of this pathway and come through here,
35:24 creating the same kinda feel.
35:26 I kinda want it to all be more natural,
35:27 kinda wooded, no formal plantings and no formal plants.
35:31 Like, I don't think I will probably use any roses
35:34 or things like that in this area,
35:36 and I don't want there to be too much color,
35:40 if that makes sense.
35:41 I want it to look more mountain-y.
35:43 Anyway, come off that and then kinda meander through here,
35:47 maybe creating some more contour,
35:50 and then having a pathway come back out right about here
35:54 that lines up with the doors of the Hartley.
35:57 So then there could be more pathways that go through here.
35:59 We do have other plans right by the barn
36:01 that will take up some space.
36:03 We'll share those with you when we get to that point.
36:05 But having a vista, a view from the back doors
36:10 of the Hartley, that's kind of important to me.
36:11 They make you feel like you're pulled
36:13 to different areas of the garden
36:15 and that everything connects nicely.
36:17 So that would mean, so the pathway would come out here,
36:21 same kind of stone.
36:22 I wanna build up another berm right here,
36:24 kinda like we've done on the other side of the pathway
36:27 so that it all feels like it's part of the same space.
36:30 So there'll be a berm much like this one
36:33 right on the other side of this pathway,
36:35 making this feel kind of almost sunken
36:37 and like, I don't know, like secret in a way.
36:40 And it will be more thick.
36:42 Like, you know, in the end,
36:43 you probably won't see as much of this view as you do now.
36:47 But a lot of the things that we've planted,
36:48 they're doing really well.
36:49 We've got some Russian sage in here.
36:51 The plumbago's doing great.
36:53 Just the whole feel.
36:56 Whoops.
36:57 I just got stung on my foot.
37:02 Pedro dropped off sand samples.
37:04 That's too close.
37:16 You think it's too highly contrasted?
37:18 It needs to be in between those two.
37:21 - No, I think the lighter one is correct.
37:23 - Okay.
37:24 It's gonna match it.
37:26 - That's okay.
37:28 - So we want, what is this called?
37:31 I don't know.
37:33 Yeah, this might look too jarring.
37:39 That's too light, don't you think?
37:41 Or do you think the lighter one?
37:43 - Well, maybe the lighter one.
37:44 - Yeah, definitely not the brown.
37:46 - No, I'd go with the little darker one.
37:50 - Okay, Aaron called it.
37:52 So I'm gonna set these here,
37:56 and I'll tell Pedro the one that we want by itself
37:59 over there.
38:00 Cool.
38:01 It's looking pretty clear.
38:03 I need to get in there and groom.
38:05 Maybe I'll do that today.
38:07 I need to groom some of the lilies.
38:09 I wanted to wait until they were done with the pathway,
38:11 and maybe I'll still wait
38:12 until they're done with the sand,
38:14 so I can get in there
38:15 and clean off the top of the lily pads.
38:19 But, oh, you can see the fish have grown.
38:21 Little green.
38:24 Do we need to turn on the thing?
38:28 What's it, Ion Gen?
38:29 - Yeah, what's it set at?
38:30 - I think I have it set at three.
38:32 - I think we can leave it for now.
38:34 - Yeah.
38:34 It's looking pretty good.
38:37 Love the stairs.
38:39 Love this whole area so much.
38:42 Do you know why that's open, Aaron?
38:45 Is there a reason?
38:46 - Yep.
38:46 - Oh, Samantha fell in that hole the other night.
38:49 - What is it?
38:49 - Yeah, so I was like, "Can we fill that in?"
38:52 Benjamin and I planted the ninebark the other day,
38:57 but yeah, I'm just so happy with this space.
38:59 It feels so good.
39:01 I love the fact that when you come out this way,
39:03 it lines up with this walkway,
39:06 so you just kind of like seamlessly flow
39:09 into your next space.
39:11 And I've kind of been just waiting to finish stuff up
39:14 in these areas in terms of planting,
39:16 because I just wanted to see how it felt.
39:18 You know, that's such a big deal to me.
39:20 I'm such a visual person,
39:22 and things evolve too much for me to do a plan
39:25 without seeing, like standing here and feeling the space.
39:29 I did plant, these are the itty bitty peach roses
39:32 in these containers the other day.
39:34 They're all dripped in and doing really great.
39:36 Okay, so these are funny.
39:39 These are the first containers we're gonna remove.
39:42 Now, they look kind of impressive
39:44 just because of sheer size, but oh my gosh.
39:48 Okay, the purple fountain grasses are massive.
39:51 Look at the potato vine.
39:55 If you want a potato vine that's very vigorous,
39:57 plant this one.
39:58 It's the light green, sweet caroline light green.
40:00 I probably won't use it in containers again,
40:02 'cause it's like this at the college too.
40:04 I couldn't get my hands on sweetheart lime.
40:06 That's what I ordered,
40:07 and it just was a hard one to get this year.
40:09 It's way more compact, and it's way more,
40:11 what, tidy growing?
40:16 These, I mean, I've trimmed them twice hard,
40:19 and they're just everywhere.
40:20 It's a complete ground cover potato vine.
40:24 Look at this one from this side.
40:28 Look at the color.
40:29 The south side of these pots is always most impressive,
40:32 'cause they get more sun.
40:34 But we got jaspery in there,
40:35 and the stormburst superbena popping through.
40:37 Really?
40:41 Look at that.
40:45 I mean, you can't complain about the plant not being healthy.
40:53 It definitely likes its situation here.
40:56 Okay, let's hop over here.
40:57 And you guys, I think we're gonna break this up
40:59 into two videos.
41:00 This is garden tour one,
41:01 just because there's so much to look at up here.
41:03 And then we'll do part two.
41:05 We'll be south garden, cut flower garden,
41:07 and maybe our vegetable stuff over here.
41:09 So I wanted to talk to you
41:10 about the surefire rose begonias.
41:13 They're looking so great right now.
41:14 But something I noticed this summer
41:16 is that this section here gets more sun
41:21 than the back section.
41:22 And these suffered a little bit.
41:23 And they aren't on drip irrigation.
41:25 They only get irrigation from our sprinkler water.
41:28 But I have noticed that they have really rebounded,
41:31 and they're looking really good
41:33 now that our nights are cooler,
41:35 and things are just a little bit more mild.
41:37 But definitely a great one to plant in an area
41:40 where you get a lot of shade and a lot more sun.
41:44 They have very similar growth habits either way.
41:47 And they're, again, a nice tidy plant,
41:50 but they still get some bulk and size.
41:51 Never deadhead these, never touch 'em.
41:54 They don't have to be fertilized,
41:56 and they don't have to be sprayed.
41:58 And they provide this color all season long.
42:00 Very, very happy with these.
42:03 All right, Douglas.
42:04 He's swiping at me a lot less than he used to.
42:07 Okay, Sprinter Boxwoods definitely rebound big time.
42:15 The Russian sage got flattened during the last storm.
42:17 So it's something that we might cut back earlier than normal.
42:20 We usually leave it.
42:21 Actually, we left it all winter this last year.
42:24 But it's laying on the boxwoods.
42:26 I'm not really digging that.
42:29 But the Sprinter Boxwoods that we cut back
42:30 really hard this summer,
42:33 they've rebounded.
42:34 They look really good.
42:35 In fact, I kinda wish I would've taken 'em down
42:37 even harder than I did.
42:38 But it kind of shows you the resilience of plants
42:40 and how tough they can be.
42:42 We've dealt with far less spider mites this year,
42:44 and I don't know if that has to do
42:46 with the predatory mite release,
42:48 'cause we still do have thrips.
42:50 Not as thick as we did,
42:51 but I've just known a marked decrease
42:54 in the amount of spider mites.
42:55 That could be because of our moisture levels as well.
42:57 They do prefer hot dry.
43:00 But anyway, I've just been very impressed
43:02 with how these have handled their situation.
43:05 So these pots have already been cleared out
43:08 because we had one of them plug up.
43:10 Got totally plugged, and the plants were sitting in water.
43:13 And they eventually died.
43:16 And then this one right here,
43:17 I can't remember what happened to it,
43:19 but we had, I think it was maybe after one of the storms,
43:21 and it looked pretty poor.
43:22 And since we didn't have a matching set,
43:23 we just decided to clean both of 'em out.
43:25 I wanted to mention real quick
43:27 before we head out this way
43:30 that we are gonna be tackling the grass in this area here,
43:34 like in the next couple of weeks, I'm guessing.
43:37 We're taking all of it out in front of the Hartley.
43:40 We're putting in a stone walkway
43:41 from the opening in the boxwoods to the house over here.
43:44 In fact, we can walk over here.
43:46 We are coming back in with grass.
43:48 But the thing is, is that it's gonna be a lot smaller.
43:51 Most of this is gonna be flower bed on this side.
43:53 And from about probably here over, we'll have some lawn.
43:57 But we have to redo sprinklers in this whole area.
44:00 So we just decided it would be easier
44:02 to tear all the grass up, redo the sprinklers,
44:06 seed grass again, kind of start over.
44:09 So the rock pathway, you know, will be here,
44:14 and it will come toward the house.
44:16 All of this will be flower bed.
44:18 Most of this will be flower bed.
44:21 It's gonna be really nice
44:23 to have a very clear marked path
44:25 from the patio to the Hartley.
44:27 It's gonna feel good.
44:29 And then we can kind of start reworking this area.
44:31 We're gonna take out, most of these roses
44:33 are climbing roses.
44:35 And I don't know, they were here when we moved in.
44:37 And I don't know if they meant to plant climbers.
44:40 Like maybe there was a structure there
44:42 at some point that I don't know about.
44:44 But there is a floribunda iceberg rose.
44:49 And I'm thinking maybe the labeling got confused
44:52 and a climber was put in its position.
44:53 So they want to be massive.
44:55 I don't know if you guys are familiar
44:56 with climbing iceberg roses,
44:57 but my parents had them when I was growing up
45:00 and just, they're so vigorous
45:03 and they want to be so big.
45:04 It's very hard to keep them like trimmed down in this area.
45:08 It's just not the right plant for this spot.
45:10 So we'll be taking that out.
45:11 I'm kind of thinking a nice large evergreen.
45:13 At the point when we do this,
45:14 we might be taking this out, I'm guessing.
45:17 I don't know.
45:20 I've had thoughts though.
45:22 Wouldn't it be really fun
45:25 to have a really formal like little knot garden,
45:28 like a little formal knot garden,
45:30 like protege sort of situation right here,
45:34 right by the kitchen door, like an herb garden maybe.
45:37 If the tree's gone, I'll have more sun.
45:40 So I can do that.
45:41 I don't know.
45:44 We'll see.
45:45 Okay.
45:45 I kind of want to go out the driveway and down this way
45:51 so we can look at the annuals up here.
45:52 That's kind of where we're going to end it anyway, I think.
45:55 So a couple more spots.
45:56 This right here is what Supertunia minivestii yellow
45:59 should actually look like.
46:00 And this has been my experience with it up to this point.
46:03 The ones in the hay rack are a very poor representation
46:07 of what they do and it's our fault.
46:09 This is just phenomenal.
46:12 I mean, you can barely see any green.
46:13 It just looks like a sea of yellow.
46:15 It's just amazing.
46:16 We've got the pink Senorita
46:19 or Senorita pink zinnias in here
46:21 that we started from seed.
46:23 The Stormburst Superbina has been a little bit struggling
46:26 in this space, still providing good color,
46:28 but I can see it's starting to show a little bit of stress
46:30 like right in this area and right in here.
46:34 Right here we have the Maximilian sunflower.
46:37 This is cut back every single year.
46:40 It grows that tall and it'll start popping out
46:43 some yellow flowers here real soon.
46:45 I think that'll be really pretty to see the yellow flowers
46:48 with the yellow Supertunias.
46:49 We've got the nice purple.
46:50 There's Russian sage right here.
46:52 Be a really pretty look.
46:54 And then lastly, the shade area under here.
46:58 We had a little bit of wind last night
47:00 and it has knocked some of the ash leaves down,
47:03 but you can see that the plants in this space,
47:05 they've done well.
47:06 We haven't lost anything.
47:08 Nothing's ever even struggled in this space.
47:11 The Oakleaf hydrangeas that I'm hoping are stronger
47:15 next year are starting to show their fall color
47:17 in the blooms.
47:19 Everything's just looking nice.
47:21 And I love this view right through here.
47:24 Seeing the beautiful Surefire Rose begonias.
47:27 It's just a fun, fun space.
47:29 And you guys, I think that's gonna be it
47:30 for our garden tour part one for mid-September.
47:33 We'll see you in part two.
47:35 Thank you so much for watching.
