• 2 years ago
My Parent’s Home_Garden Renovation Project Tour! ❤️


00:00 So you have seen their garden. We've done some tours.
00:02 Maybe we can link one of the tours down below if you haven't seen it before.
00:06 It's a really mature, beautiful terraced garden. The garden I grew up in,
00:11 but they've got a major project going on. So mom's going to walk us through it.
00:16 It's going to be amazing. And I know sometimes it's hard to see that. Yeah.
00:20 You know, when you're in the middle of it's really hard. Yeah.
00:22 But it's going to be good you guys.
00:24 So we thought we would start to right out here cause you know,
00:26 you've seen the view walking in before. So this is a humbling experience.
00:31 So, okay, this is the new addition,
00:38 which matches this part matches what it was before ish. Yeah. So, um,
00:43 this our front step. Look at this. I'm going to pan. Oh yes. That is sturdy.
00:47 I'm going to pan to the right here just so you guys can kind of see the lay of
00:51 the land. Yeah, there was, this is the one real sad thing.
00:56 Heartbreaking was a huge locust tree.
00:59 It had to come out because it was heaving the foundation and they knew it was
01:03 heaving the stones, but they didn't know how bad it was.
01:06 So when the construction guys got, is that what you call them? Well,
01:10 they have big machines. Yeah. When they were,
01:12 when they were in here working on it, they were like, you know what we need?
01:17 Well we won. We need to pour a footer right here. But to your roots are really
01:22 starting to impede.
01:23 So the tree itself was right here and it was about like it was massive.
01:27 It was like five feet across. Um,
01:31 it was huge and it was, I think it was,
01:34 I think five feet is a stretch. No, I think it was. I think it was about three.
01:39 Honestly, it was a big tree,
01:41 but I don't know if it was a five foot diameter or circumference.
01:44 What are we talking about? We're going to talk about, well,
01:47 we'll go with five feet. That's good. Okay. I'll compromise four feet. Okay,
01:52 perfect. I'll go with that. Okay. It was ginormous. It was ginormous. Anyway,
01:56 so it was like all the way around here and um,
02:01 the roots were okay, Laura, they were like that.
02:04 They were big. Like yeah, foot and a half. Yeah. Yeah.
02:08 Like where they started. Yeah, for sure.
02:11 And then they came straight to the house and they were right at the foundation
02:14 of the house and which mom, this right here, this wall was here. This is,
02:19 this is here existing. And so the deck you guys were, we're right here. Okay.
02:24 So it's wider now. Yeah. And it used to go straight back,
02:27 straight back to here, to here.
02:31 And then it would open to a deck back in here.
02:35 You just kept walking onto the deck.
02:37 So now you're going to walk right into this door, into the new addition.
02:42 Oh, so this is the main kind of like the front door. These are windows.
02:46 And then this is just a little like extra access in an extra side door.
02:51 You know, we're going to use this all the time.
02:52 Yeah, we will all have screen doors on them because I like the doors to be open
02:56 and I like fresh air.
02:58 Let me go out here because these doors are awesome. Look at this.
03:02 Oh, they're big old sliding doors. Yeah. And they'll have screens as well.
03:08 Oh, that's awesome. So, and then this is our, this is a new deck,
03:14 which is a little bit bigger. It doesn't look like it because you know,
03:18 there's no furniture or anything on it,
03:19 but this is a little bit bigger than our old deck.
03:22 Well, cause it comes this way more, doesn't it? It does.
03:25 It's just a little bit wider and a little bit longer.
03:29 So basically what they did is they took the existing deck and made that house.
03:34 Yeah. It expanded everything just as much as you could in this space. Yeah.
03:39 Are you planning on doing a pergola off over this at some point?
03:43 There'll be a pergola similar to what we had a little bit nicer done.
03:48 Everything's going to be nicer done than what was here. I thought it was beautiful.
03:52 I loved it. Well, it was, it was old and it was in bad repair.
03:55 We're going to have all kinds of things like, well,
03:57 I think they're going to put a fan to where in, you know, in the summertime,
04:01 it's so hot. That's a great idea. We're going to have a fan under the,
04:05 in the pergola to where, you know, when it's 110 degrees,
04:09 you can have air movement still sit outside. Yeah.
04:12 So then another set of sliding doors on this side that will come off into some
04:17 sort of stairs. Yeah, there'll be stairs right here.
04:20 It'll go back to feeling cottagey. Oh yeah. Cause I like that style. Yes.
04:24 And that style fits this home.
04:26 But I wanted this to look like you were in a greenhouse in your house. Yeah.
04:31 I wanted it to be like a sunroom. Yeah. Like a sunroom.
04:34 Like you're actually living outside. Yeah.
04:37 Cause that's where I'd prefer to be anyway. So,
04:40 and then you guys will run inside here in a minute,
04:42 but the wrap is still over the two windows that are on this side,
04:45 which are now larger than they were before. Um,
04:48 so there'll be a lot of light going in that direction too.
04:50 So I'm going to pop up here on the new deck and take a look out toward the
04:55 garden space because now this is going to be completely different.
04:59 And we have our viewing pleasure, the Porta Pro. Well, gotta have it.
05:05 Well, yes. Okay. So there used to be right out here,
05:09 there was a circle, circular shaped garden,
05:12 circle shape with a fountain in the middle,
05:14 which that fountain is now down in the vegetable garden.
05:16 And then there was a lawn here. There was a red point maple,
05:20 which you guys struggled with, with chlorosis.
05:22 Every single tree that we tried to plant in that area,
05:25 we need to do something that can tolerate a high pH or just build a deck over it
05:31 and then there you go. Bingo. Bingo. Yes. Problem solved.
05:35 No big deal anymore. No. Um,
05:37 so this is going to see a complete redesign, which is going to be so fun.
05:41 And mom was just saying this morning that we should sit down and do some
05:44 brainstorming about it, which I think would be really fun.
05:46 It would be fun because this is like a new build. Yeah. Yeah.
05:49 We should film the process. Yeah.
05:51 And it really does change the way it feels around front as well.
05:56 So let's see if I come to this area, this is where the urns were, you know,
06:01 with the, where we did all the pumpkins and stuff.
06:04 So we can take a look out toward the driveway and then back this direction.
06:09 Better door than a window, mom.
06:13 Yeah. It's going to be so fun to see how this space evolves.
06:20 I mean, we have a moving pod. That's where our furniture is right now.
06:24 You want to go sit on the couch? We can go out there in the pod.
06:26 And this is why we're hosting Thanksgiving this year. Okay.
06:31 We're going to go in.
06:32 I'm going to switch cameras real quick because I think that my other one will do
06:35 it better. Okay. Yeah. Let's go in. Okay. Oh, look at those doors.
06:40 That's so fun. I want these doors at my house.
06:42 They just put a temporary handle. All of the,
06:47 all of the hardware for the doors are in storage.
06:52 Oh, gotcha. So this is just for the carpenters to be able to get in and out,
06:55 but this is it. So this was, this was our old deck.
07:00 Like right here was our deck.
07:03 Exactly this except it was about this much.
07:08 It came in this much. Okay. So you got extra like four feet in here. Oh,
07:15 that's awesome. Yeah.
07:16 And so this is where you're intending on putting the dining table.
07:19 Dining table is going to go in here. And so everybody, cause there's what,
07:23 12 of us.
07:23 So we can easily sit around the dining table and get out if we want to get out.
07:29 Oh, that is a novel idea.
07:31 Well, when you look at that little space, that was our dining room.
07:34 So you guys, let me show you right here. See where that line is to, um,
07:38 right there to this, to right here. And then it came right to here.
07:43 So this tiny little space, we had a huge table. Well,
07:46 as big as you could fit to fit, squeeze all 12 of us in.
07:49 And whoever was sitting on this side was stuck. Once everybody was seated,
07:54 like people back here couldn't get out. So whoever sat here,
07:57 which was usually you, you would be the runner and go get stuff.
08:00 Like I need a napkin or a whatever, you know, seconds, seconds.
08:04 See, I need another roll. I mean, the person I'd like thirds, please.
08:08 So yeah, this is the kitchen right here.
08:13 Do you want to kind of explain everything that's going to go on?
08:15 So they lifted the ceilings up. Um,
08:19 this used to be just a normal height. Oh, here,
08:24 here's a real good example. So the windows that were here came right to here.
08:29 This is as tall as they were. Gosh, I can't even imagine that now. I know.
08:34 So when they were in mid build, they said,
08:38 I don't think you're going to like having all these tall doors and then squatty
08:43 little, two little squatty windows. Yeah.
08:44 Let me stand back so we can get an idea of that. So the new,
08:48 the new windows here, the new doors and windows,
08:50 and then the other windows being so short, that would have been weird.
08:53 It'll look weird. And that's our carpenter that's doing this.
08:56 He's picking up on all those little things.
08:58 And as much as it is annoying your dad,
09:01 he does not like this process. I'm like, sweet.
09:05 I would rather him say now that after it's done and me think, Oh,
09:09 why didn't somebody tell me that that was going to look bad. So anyway,
09:13 so they're not here yet. The windows aren't here yet.
09:17 They're due in any time. Um, and then same with this,
09:21 same with these windows. This was our living room. Yeah.
09:25 And there was a wall right here with the little arched windows,
09:28 like 1970 style. We've shown it in a few decorating videos. Yeah.
09:32 So there was a wall here with a really narrow little opening here to go in and
09:37 out of the kitchen. And there was a wall right here, a solid wall.
09:42 So this is all open and this is still going to be our living area.
09:46 And this is going to be living area. So we're going to actually have,
09:51 which we've never had a TV up here, which is, I have mixed feelings about it.
09:56 We had a TV in the kitchen though, and everyone stood around it and watched it.
09:59 So I'm like, what's the difference? Just put a TV here, right.
10:03 With a pretty frame around it. With a pretty frame. And just, you know, yeah.
10:06 So I, I'm just gonna, I'm going to be okay with that. Cause I don't,
10:11 I'm not going to have a kitchen TV. Right. So this'll be just, you know,
10:15 watch my, I don't know. What do I watch?
10:19 I watch really fun things like the holiday or pride and prejudice or something
10:23 like that. So, so these windows will be the same. They're,
10:27 they're two double hung, two double hung windows.
10:30 They're just like our old windows, except they're taller. Right.
10:34 And then this whole wall is going to be doors just like those only that kind of
10:39 glass is called divided light. They're actual French panes.
10:42 These will not be divided light. Okay. So those won't have panes. Right.
10:47 Because I don't want it to look like it's too gridded. You know what I mean?
10:52 Like these weren't divided light and these won't be divided.
10:55 These'll be just like regular glass.
10:57 And that I wanted it to look more like a conservatory sunroom type deal.
11:03 So this'll all be, I'm used to saw a solid glass anyway. Yeah.
11:07 So all of this is coming out and the, and they'll be,
11:11 I think they're going to start about right here and they'll go,
11:15 they'll be centered on this wall and there'll be open doors like that.
11:20 Sliding doors. Yeah. Sliding doors just like those.
11:24 And this wall will be gone. This wall's gone.
11:27 It's just temporary so that they could still live in the house.
11:29 Yeah. Our piano's behind that wall. Yeah, the piano's tucked in behind that wall.
11:33 But you can still see the kitchen still sort of underneath there.
11:37 There's the cabinets and the way this is going to be,
11:41 it's going to change a bit too. Oh man, like quite a bit.
11:43 This little part is going to swing around and go that way.
11:46 So the kitchen will be L shape instead of U shape. Uh huh.
11:50 And behind here is a new powder room. Yeah.
11:53 So there'll be an extra half bath up here. Yeah. Yay. Yeah.
11:56 That'll be an extra half bath.
11:57 And then the fridge will be here and there'll still be counter down here.
12:01 So the access point to get to this area will be right where that bank of drawers
12:05 is. Yeah. It'll just walk, you'll just walk through. Yeah.
12:08 And of course they built these to protect the old cabinets.
12:12 Cause I had those done not too long ago and I like them. Yes.
12:15 So they have built these, these very sturdy.
12:18 They walk on these to do their work. And so,
12:22 but if I want something, I just duck in here.
12:24 Should we show how you guys are living right now? I'm just kidding.
12:29 We won't go down there. Oh my gosh.
12:30 The kitchen is kind of in the bathroom and in the hallway downstairs now. Yeah.
12:34 It is. And the room is about a 10 by 10. Yeah.
12:37 And we have one love seat and we're sharing. I,
12:41 I want to put a piece of tape down the center of that love seat. Dad,
12:44 you cannot go past that line. You stay on your half. Yes.
12:47 This is where we used to sit. This is,
12:50 we used to have a love seat right here that's now downstairs and a chair.
12:54 The cabinetry will come, you know, out, out a little ways. Uh huh.
12:58 And then this'll all be open to walk through and then there'll be new cabinets
13:03 and a little prep sink right here. It's a farm sink, just like what I have.
13:06 Only it's smaller and there'll be a garbage disposal and all that kind of stuff.
13:11 R O and all that.
13:15 And then there'll be like a little utility closet that I can hang the Dyson in.
13:20 Oh, very nice. And then there'll be two big,
13:22 big cabinets with double doors.
13:25 That's kind of going to act as a pantry cause I have lost my pantry,
13:28 but I gained a powder room. Yeah. It's kind of like, you know,
13:33 you gotta decide what's the best thing. And you know what?
13:36 My pantry was full of appliances and liquor and liquor.
13:41 You know what? We like cocktails. We do.
13:43 So it was full of wine and scotch and stuff like that. Well,
13:47 now that will be over in these cabinets with pretty glasses and pretty,
13:53 you know, cocktail corner right here.
13:55 And then this will be full of actual cooking supplies like flour.
14:00 Yeah. The staples, spices, spices, stuff like that.
14:05 So everything will have its place. Oh, it's so fun.
14:10 I'm already like, okay, so you could put a Christmas tree here. Yes.
14:13 And you could put one over here. Yes. Because all the Christmas trees,
14:17 the president's room now. Oh yeah. We're going to have to figure it out.
14:22 Cause there is some wall space still. And I think I probably still will,
14:26 but it has a different feel in here.
14:29 President's room might need to be there.
14:33 I'm cold right now. Well, that's how Ben says there.
14:37 He says there he does. Yeah. Oh, come over there. Come over there.
14:42 I don't know where he gets it. So, okay.
14:44 I'm going to just take a slow pan here or actually, you know what?
14:47 Let's start right here by the front door. There's CS out there. Yeah. Yeah.
14:53 If you take a look this way,
14:54 so you're going to walk in and just this huge open,
14:58 lots of room for people to like mill around. Yeah.
15:02 So nice. And you can see the garden, uh,
15:05 like Jason who is your contractor is saying it's like you're living in the
15:08 garden now. Yes. We're living in the garden. Yeah. And that's my favorite place.
15:12 Yeah. And then coming around this way and then we'll go this direction and turn
15:16 back around and come the other way. They're doing a pretty good job being tidy.
15:20 Yeah. I'd say, I mean, honestly, really are.
15:22 They've got the chandelier all bagged up there.
15:24 So that gives you kind of a,
15:25 I think a good idea of what's been going on out here.
15:28 And that's one of the reasons why we haven't been out here to do a garden tour
15:31 this season because it's just been full of heavy machinery and, um, a lot,
15:35 a lot of different things going on out here.
15:37 So I really was happy that you were willing to let us come out and see kind of
15:41 an interim, uh,
15:43 view of how things were going and how projects like this,
15:45 like it takes some destruction in order for, you know,
15:49 some improvements to be made. And, uh,
15:52 it'll be so fun just to be able to come back and show you guys what this looks
15:55 like in the end. Well, and we might decorate for Christmas out here maybe. Oh,
16:00 I'm hoping. Yeah. I, well, next week you heard it.
16:04 We're slated for insulation and drywall, right? Yep. You're my witness.
16:09 I am. Yes. You've got it down in stone. I'm going to tell that carpenter.
16:13 CS does not know what to think about everything.
16:16 She just kind of disappears when there's workers out here. CS kitty kitty.
16:20 Liking the dirt though. Oh, she loves the dirt.
16:22 Do you think you're going to wipe everything here and start over? I think so.
16:26 Are you going to wipe the boxwoods or keep those? No, I'll probably keep them.
16:30 Just kind of clear out the perennial section and yeah, I don't know. I mean,
16:34 it's, it's, we're going to draw it out.
16:36 You got a whole winter to think about it, which is real fun. Yeah.
16:39 But the raised beds, you guys, those were so prolific. Oh my goodness.
16:43 You might remember when we came out and planted them and those were new this
16:46 year as well. That whole configuration out here.
16:48 I love the fire pit being moved out here, mom. Do you like it? I do.
16:52 I think it's really like, Oh, let's walk out here. You know what?
16:54 Your dad put that out there. I know. And he was so proud of himself.
16:57 Yes he was. And I used the heart to move it. Oh, I love it.
17:00 I think it's just like the perfect touch out here. Yeah.
17:03 And it gets it away from your grass. The heat.
17:05 Well that's the thing is having these fire bowls,
17:07 you actually need like something firm under it.
17:10 And this is comfortable. Like it's, you know, yeah.
17:13 I'm really happy with this choice of gravel. It doesn't move around much.
17:17 It's nice to walk in. Yeah. It's cushy. Yeah. It's a cushy gravel.
17:21 And I like the sound it makes. It's that crackly sound.
17:25 Little gravel ASMR. Yeah.
17:28 Nice. Yeah. Isn't that a neat sound? It is a neat sound. And you guys,
17:35 that is going to be it for today. Thank you mom for letting us come out here.
17:39 You're welcome. It's kind of a vulnerable thing. It is. To, you know,
17:43 open your home up when it's right in the middle of a huge project,
17:46 but it is looking like she just said yesterday, the yard was just trenches.
17:50 So just yesterday they've done a bunch of filling and it is looking a lot more
17:54 tidy and put together and well, yeah.
17:57 It's all relative when you're not living in it. It doesn't, it feels like,
18:02 Oh my gosh, there's so much progress.
18:04 And just seeing the wrap on the sides and the windows and doors for the most part
18:08 in, it gives you a really good,
18:10 like you can start formulating an idea of what it's going to be like in the end.
18:13 So anyway,
18:14 we will hopefully bring you guys back out here to at least show you the button
18:17 up of the renovation project sometime yet this year. And then of course,
18:21 next spring we can hopefully come out and chronicle the garden process.
18:26 So thank you guys so much for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it.
18:30 And we will see you in the next one. Bye.
