• 2 years ago
Nobody wanted this dog. So this woman took him home.

transcript - https://www.temi.com/editor/t/qyYqioIVC2dUOlhW8ltaPTKkQ7kcFsdSo49H8Hi_LDZlKtp8F7fiRNPIpSRhj41nRbEuUAPYDff9SBYBBtg7-kCq6yU?loadFrom=Dashboard&openShareModel=False
audio - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/92cfqkzq46hbb1dhk1l6k/noodle-recording.mp4?rlkey=tew0imnryisweqh7rk8anecd7&dl=0
credit - tiffanyperkins/Instagram

Nobody stepped
forward as an owner,
so they were going
to euthanize him.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/l451gcs9v522nkw3zhfja/Tiffany-Perkins-IMG_1896-start-whimpering-sound-ng5.mov?rlkey=t0ustebfvvqqe1ir27lgau9i4&dl=0 show visual for .25 sec before vo

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/l451gcs9v522nkw3zhfja/Tiffany-Perkins-IMG_1896-start-whimpering-sound-ng5.mov?rlkey=t0ustebfvvqqe1ir27lgau9i4&dl=0 cont till end

37:28 i'm tiffany...geobeats
Noodle's Story by GeoBeats Animals
visual https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q5njgjurq0i3dyy611uzz/Tiffany-Perkins-IMG_2086-walk-ng5.mov?rlkey=ubrzg6z1lfyoa40o39ts3d95p&dl=0 with audio

I founded PAWS Friend Network
(on camera from 3:01 end with her looking at camera

PAWS stands for paraplegic, amputee,
wheelchair and senior dogs.
And we help local shelters
showcase their
senior disabled dogs on social media.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wn747dlz4us00nnh3yq2p/Tiffany-Perkins-F79683C6-72ED-4416-A231-CFA5E8878C99-ng5-start.jpeg?rlkey=hvu2go7hnhsrtsvix9oksdz8i&dl=0 zoom in

Noodle was a stray.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r5l1aqynu37zy5itrwvdd/Tiffany-Perkins-IMG_2185-walk-ng5.mov?rlkey=32yf1tl1725b110ylnmo7l0gr&dl=0 show visual for .5 sec before vo with audio
00:00 Nobody stepped forward as an owner, so they were going to euthanize him.
00:03 I'm Tiffany, and this is Noodle's story for GOP's.
00:07 Hi, baby.
00:08 Noodle was a stray.
00:10 Immediately after his stray hold, the vet at the shelter recommended that he be euthanized.
00:18 Hi, buddy.
00:19 He had a rare degenerative brain disease that causes him to faint and causes him to wobble.
00:27 Is that our sweet boy?
00:29 I do think he was very loved.
00:31 I think that perhaps they felt burdened by getting him the care that he needed.
00:36 I was okay if it was a hospice case, if I had him for a few weeks, give him dignity,
00:45 you know, see him out with kindness.
00:48 But then I was pleasantly surprised.
00:50 He's been with me for a year now, and he's doing great.
00:54 As soon as he got here, I knew that he was meant to be here.
00:57 He leans right into you and starts swagging his whole body.
01:00 Hi!
01:02 Hi!
01:03 I love you too!
01:04 His body weight was very low, so I would suspect he was out on his own for probably a few weeks.
01:12 When I got him, he was about 60 pounds.
01:15 Now he's about 85 pounds.
01:17 So we had to put on a pretty substantial amount of weight to get him healthy.
01:21 No matter what he's doing, he's very wobbly.
01:26 You know.
01:27 Knowing that his triggers are excitement, I try to keep his life really predictable.
01:32 In my bedroom, I have blackout curtains.
01:35 He has a little fan on.
01:37 So during the day, he has this quiet, dark room that he can feel safe in.
01:41 I've lowered the bed so he can get in and out on his own.
01:44 I got a lower couch so he can let himself up there.
01:47 I put the couch up towards the window, and so he loves to look out his window.
01:52 And you just see his one ear down and his one ear up.
01:55 Seeing him happy and seeing the world out of his window is one of the greatest joys that I've ever had in my life.
02:01 We went to the beach recently.
02:04 I tried to find when was the least busiest time of day.
02:07 In the last few months, since his condition progresses, we've had to get a special harness to support him.
02:15 Can you go up the stairs?
02:17 Come on, buddy. Can you do it?
02:19 The stairs, I straddle him and help him up and carry some of that weight for him.
02:24 That'll start to get worse, but now for the most part, he can do it on his own.
02:28 He just reminds me of the biggest, sweetest marshmallow.
02:32 Noodle doesn't bark. He's never once barked since he's been here.
02:36 At night, we all squeeze onto him like our big pillow.
02:40 Noodle is such a comfort to me personally.
02:46 I'm going to try not to cry.
02:50 Um...
02:51 Um...
02:59 You know, he...
03:01 His timing in coming here was so perfect.
03:06 We were grieving the loss of our previous dog, and he really helped heal us through that process.
03:13 And I think it's because he's just so kind and so sweet and just such a big teddy bear.
03:19 I've been doing senior hospice care for five years now, and it never gets easier.
03:26 But I think what would be more sad was for him never to leave that shelter.
03:30 [Music]
03:41 you
