• 4 months ago
Unwanted dog is so happy when she finally gets adopted


00:00 When I visited the shelter, she just stared at me with these big hopeful eyes, basically saying, "Please take me home."
00:06 I am Erica, and this is Sibby's story for GeoKids.
00:10 They had found Sibby wandering the streets on the south side of Chicago.
00:14 Just looking at her, it looked like she was used for breeding.
00:17 And then, like a lot of dogs that are used for backyard breeding, a lot of them get dumped after they have their litter.
00:22 She had been at the shelter for about three months.
00:26 She was still relatively young, but sometimes they have a harder time getting adopted.
00:30 People want a puppy.
00:31 When I went to visit her, those dogs are just begging to be taken out.
00:35 And she was not barking at all.
00:37 I walked up, and she's just licking my hand up and down.
00:40 I was like, "I think this is the dog for me."
00:42 When I brought her home, she warmed up very quickly.
00:45 [laughing]
00:46 What?
00:48 Wh-what?
00:49 [laughing]
00:50 She loves to roll.
00:51 That's like her go-to play move, is just like rolling.
00:55 [laughing]
00:57 [water running]
00:59 [laughing]
01:00 She had to have been in a home prior, because she just got comfortable very quick.
01:05 She just wanted to curl up on the couch.
01:07 [imitating dog]
01:09 She knew the ropes pretty early on, which was surprising to me.
01:12 Dinner time!
01:13 I think she just really appreciates where she's at now, and she has a whole family,
01:17 and she's got all these different cozy places to snuggle in.
01:20 Are you a pretty girl?
01:22 Oh, hi, little girl.
01:23 She is in love with my boyfriend.
01:25 She thinks he's her boyfriend.
01:26 She is very snuggly with everyone, but with him, it's different.
01:30 It's different than even how she is with me.
01:32 Like, they have this spot where I don't know if it's the male energy or what,
01:37 but she just cannot get enough of him.
01:39 When she runs into you, it feels like a bowling ball.
01:41 She is just so muscular.
01:43 I'm so glad that her ears weren't cropped, because she's got the cutest little floppy ears.
01:47 And when we go on walks, they're like bouncing like this.
01:49 It's very cute.
01:49 My friends have told me, they're like, "She has human eyes."
01:51 And I definitely see it.
01:53 She's the prettiest girl. I tell her all the time.
01:55 I did an embark test on her a few months ago,
01:57 and she actually came back as a 100% American pit bull terrier.
02:02 And while I think she is mostly pit bull,
02:05 I feel like there might be a couple breed mixes missing there.
02:07 She genuinely is just happy to be alive.
02:10 You be sweetheart.
02:12 Oh, that's not a toy.
02:16 If I didn't get her when I did, there is a likelihood that she may not have still been there.
02:21 There was a couple other dogs that I was looking at when they had gotten posted,
02:25 and some of those dogs were put down around the same time that I had actually gotten Sibby.
02:30 She didn't give up.
02:31 In the shelter where she was scared, I saw those little hopeful eyes.
02:34 Wow.
02:35 She knew there was something better on the horizon.
02:37 Sibby! Look at Sibby! She keeps going!
02:40 She just keeps going!
02:42 Peter.
02:43 Erica.
02:44 Sibby.
02:45 Sibby!
02:46 [Music]
