When's The Best Time To Leave A One Night Stand?

  • last year
Dani Jackel | Dirt With Dani


00:00 If you have her bent over and that thing smells,
00:03 you gotta get out of there.
00:05 - Welcome back to Nerd with Dani.
00:06 My name is Dani Jackal and tonight
00:08 I'm in Old Town Scottsdale and I'm gonna be asking people
00:10 what's the best time to leave a one night stand?
00:12 Also, this episode is presented by Pirate Water,
00:14 which you can find at drinkpiratewater.com
00:16 or your local Walmart.
00:17 Enjoy the video.
00:18 What's the best time to leave a one night stand?
00:21 - Probably after finishing on her and just walking out.
00:25 - You're not even gonna offer her a towel?
00:27 - No.
00:29 - Nice.
00:30 What's the best way to leave a one night stand?
00:32 - To take you in this room and leaving.
00:34 - Pump it and dump it.
00:37 - Leave that too.
00:38 - You want them to leave you alone, that's how you do it.
00:41 - I think you'll want you gone anyways.
00:43 What is the best time to leave a one night stand?
00:46 - In the morning because you know,
00:47 you can be a gentleman about it.
00:48 You don't just have to dip out.
00:50 Offering breakfast.
00:51 - Would that be your first or second thing
00:52 you eat in the day?
00:53 - Second, it would be the second.
00:57 - What is the best time to leave a one night stand?
01:00 - In the morning before they wake up.
01:02 - Before they wanna bring you coffee, breakfast,
01:04 gotta get out.
01:05 - What if they ask you to go to brunch the night before?
01:07 - Agree and leave at 4 a.m.
01:09 - What's the worst time to leave a one night stand?
01:12 - In the morning.
01:13 Don't spend the night.
01:14 You're not welcome.
01:15 This is not your bed.
01:16 This is not your home.
01:17 Please go to your own.
01:18 And we're done, we're done.
01:20 - What happens if they ask you to brunch?
01:21 - We're not brunching.
01:22 - What is the best time to leave a one night stand?
01:25 - The second you wake up.
01:26 - I don't know, I think it's the night of.
01:27 I'm not sleeping over.
01:28 No way.
01:29 If you ate the wrong dinner, there's no way you can do it.
01:32 You just can't do it.
01:33 Night of, we're out.
01:34 We're gone.
01:35 - What is the best time to leave a one night stand?
01:37 - I wanna (beep) coffee in the morning.
01:39 And then get the (beep) out.
01:40 - You should have a one night stand with a barista.
01:42 That would make it a lot better.
01:43 If you wake up from a one night stand
01:47 and the girl's in your bed, how do you tell her to leave?
01:49 - I've used golf on more than one occasion.
01:51 Golf is massive.
01:52 - Think you can't back check a tee time.
01:53 - It's a great play.
01:54 - What is the best time to leave a one night stand?
01:57 - Right after the deed is done.
01:59 Hit it and quit it.
02:00 I'm ready to go.
02:01 I'm hungry, I'm tired, and I wanna go home.
02:04 - You gotta wrap it up twice then.
02:05 Or if you're being safe.
02:06 - Correct, yes.
02:07 - What is the worst time to leave a one night stand?
02:09 - 9 a.m. rush hour when everyone's out to see you
02:12 in the same outfit that you wore last night.
02:14 - That walk of shame in your clothes from the night before.
02:17 It hits different.
02:17 What's the worst time to leave a one night stand?
02:20 - If you have her bent over and that thing smells,
02:24 you gotta get out of there.
02:25 - This is getting really descriptive.
02:27 - That's the worst time 'cause you're mid (beep)
02:29 but you can't tell her that it smells bad.
02:32 That's crazy.
02:33 - Yeah, yeah. - It's the worst time.
02:34 - What is the best time to leave a one night stand?
02:37 - Right after.
02:37 - Immediately.
02:38 - When you put 'em to sleep.
02:40 You know what I'm saying?
02:42 - I'm putting 'em to sleep, guaranteed.
02:44 - Yeah, why not spend the night?
02:46 - Because it's a one night stand.
02:47 So after this one night, you can just stand up and leave.
02:50 - Yeah, what's the worst time to leave a one night stand?
02:52 - When you see their face.
02:54 (laughing)
02:55 - That could be a deal breaker.
02:56 What's the worst time to leave a one night stand?
02:58 - 10 a.m.
02:59 - By then you probably need to poop anyways.
03:01 - Yeah.
03:02 - What is the best time to leave a one night stand?
03:04 - Give it a cool five minutes after.
03:06 - What's your escape mode look like?
03:08 - I got a dog, so I hit him with the--
03:10 - Let's say the guy has a one night stand at your place.
03:12 How do you tell him to get out of there?
03:14 - I'll probably secretly text her and be like,
03:17 "Call me in like 10 minutes and say you're dying."
03:19 It'll be an emergency, so.
03:21 - I feel like this has personally happened to you.
03:24 - Maybe.
03:25 - What is the best time to leave a one night stand?
03:27 - It depends.
03:28 Like, after the (beep) I'm like,
03:30 I don't know about this anymore, like 2.30.
03:32 But like, if it was actually amazing,
03:34 then like 8 a.m. honestly.
03:36 - What's the best time to leave a one night stand?
03:37 - Right after.
03:38 Get what you need to get done
03:40 and then go home to your own bed.
03:42 - It's a quick pump and dump.
03:43 - Totally.
03:44 - What is the best time to leave a one night stand?
03:46 - Like 1 a.m.
03:48 Like, put on all your clothes, get the (beep) out.
03:50 - How about you?
03:51 - I would say 6 a.m., 7 a.m.
03:54 You wanna get like some sleep there.
03:55 - Painful.
03:56 - What's the worst time to leave a one night stand?
03:58 - Anytime, but immediately after.
04:00 - We outta there, we gone.
04:01 - If you had a one night stand at your house,
04:03 how do you tell the guy to get out?
04:05 - You don't invite the guy to your house.
04:07 - Yeah, I guess that would be the first step.
04:09 - I've been really bad at this.
04:11 A guy stays over, they usually stay over
04:13 for like a couple days.
04:15 Yeah.
04:17 - What would be a reason to make you
04:18 leave the one night stand?
04:20 - It just wasn't good.
04:21 - Maybe like some crystals.
04:23 - If she has like a henna tapestry, it's over.
04:26 - Those are red flags.
04:27 - Walking into the room kinda thing.
04:28 - I'll make sure to go for mine now.
04:30 Thank you guys so much for watching the video.
04:32 I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did,
04:33 please be sure to give it a big thumbs up,
04:35 comment below, subscribe to Varshaw Sports,
04:36 as well as my personal channel and all my social platforms.
04:39 And don't forget to go buy Pirate Water,
04:40 which you can get at drinkpiratewater.com
04:42 or your local Walmart.
04:43 Bye.
04:44 (whooshing)
04:45 (upbeat music)
04:48 (upbeat music)
04:50 (upbeat music)
04:53 (upbeat music)
