• 2 years ago
Nate | Surviving Barstool
00:00 We can't tell Will that you're the idol.
00:01 No way!
00:02 This challenge gets a little personal.
00:04 You all took surveys.
00:05 We're going to be asking you, as a group,
00:07 what do you think the consensus answer was?
00:10 Who doesn't deserve to be on the show?
00:12 Will Compton, safe from elimination,
00:16 wins the next individual immunity challenge.
00:19 I'm just convinced one of us are going home.
00:21 I can make it play.
00:22 This would be a time to honestly make it play.
00:25 Now could be the time to get Tommy.
00:26 Red wedding.
00:27 If anyone has a hidden immunity idol...
00:29 Go, injure.
00:30 Woo!
00:31 No votes cast against PFT will count.
00:34 Next person eliminated, newest member of our jury,
00:37 Tommy Smokes.
00:38 That's trophy hunting. I got to go.
00:41 I'm stuck.
00:42 You'll be playing your next immunity challenge
00:43 right here, right now.
00:45 How many times has Barstool employee Ben Mintz
00:48 used the word "I" or "me" in a blog?
00:51 Is it over or under 600 times?
00:55 Reveal.
00:57 Bites wins immediate immunity.
01:01 Come in!
01:02 God, I'm going to fucking puke.
01:03 Contestants are done.
01:04 They say they are ready to vote.
01:06 Ninth person eliminated, ninth member of our jury,
01:15 PFT.
01:16 Go grab your trophy.
01:17 Steven, thank you.
01:18 Give me a hug. Give me a hug.
01:20 We're okay, buddy. We're okay.
01:22 I don't like you here, all right?
01:24 You suck.
01:25 [music]
01:28 What up, dude?
01:44 I had a good night of sleep.
01:46 We had one last movie night.
01:48 We did.
01:49 Liam needs something to wrap it up.
01:51 We do movie night every night.
01:52 We smoke some weed.
01:53 We fall asleep on the couch.
01:55 And last night, we made a pact.
01:58 Every year, me, Feidelberg, and Will
02:00 are going to go on a trip together
02:01 as the final three guys in Survivor.
02:03 Today's the day, man.
02:05 87 sleep score.
02:06 Just FYI.
02:07 And we'll always remember this team, these guys.
02:10 We shook on it. We dapped it up.
02:12 I'm like, "This is fucking happening."
02:15 Factor.
02:16 Apple kale, wheatgrass.
02:18 $100 run faster, so.
02:20 How are you feeling with your Factor meal?
02:22 I think I got to stick with what I know best,
02:25 and that's pancakes.
02:26 What an easy way to cook.
02:28 I'm going to heat this up.
02:30 You could put it on a nice plate at home.
02:32 In fact, sweetheart, I made you something.
02:35 And they would never know.
02:38 Honestly, I think I've played the best game.
02:41 I feel like I've outwitted it at the right moments.
02:43 I have the trophy case of Tommy fucking smokes
02:47 hanging on the wall.
02:48 It's a good spot to be.
02:49 Maybe I am in the best spot.
02:50 Maybe I am in the best spot.
02:51 Who knows?
02:52 It's got to be autumn spice pancakes with pumpkin butter.
02:55 Let's go.
02:57 I think we got to get Jerry out.
02:59 You know, the play is to get rid of the guy
03:01 who has the best chance to win, and that is Jerry.
03:04 I'm probably next to go, and that's okay.
03:13 I had fun this whole competition,
03:15 but I got to think about my next play,
03:19 probably trying to get Will,
03:21 or just being so bad at the challenge.
03:26 Oh, man.
03:29 Son of a bitch.
03:31 I hate your guts.
03:33 Let's talk about why things unfolded the way they did.
03:37 I felt great.
03:38 I don't even know if I care, but go ahead.
03:40 Going into that vote, I feel like I've got
03:43 basically a four-man alliance.
03:46 Me fights Che and Will.
03:48 All the time, I'm thinking, "We're set.
03:50 It's four to two.
03:51 We are all good."
03:52 And as the votes start to roll in,
03:54 my spider sense goes off.
03:56 Sure enough, Stephen Che fails on the alliance
03:59 that he swore up and down he was going to ride
04:02 to the very end, and he votes for me.
04:05 I made an agreement to never vote for this guy,
04:07 to ride with him to the end.
04:09 I'm sorry.
04:14 I was rock steady with our group.
04:17 The first seed of doubt I got was when you called me
04:19 up and framed everybody, and you're like,
04:20 "I'm a little bit worried about you."
04:22 We really are fucking both.
04:24 If everybody does what they said in this room tonight--
04:27 Che doesn't fucking be Che.
04:29 Yes.
04:31 Zero.
04:32 Yes.
04:33 That was just fucking fat, dude.
04:36 We've been talking this whole time about
04:38 keeping distance and all that shit.
04:40 Yeah, but that was like, "Dude, you're calling--
04:42 I mean, I'm from everybody?"
04:44 So I go talk to Stephen Che strictly,
04:46 at this point, for the content,
04:48 strictly to watch him squirm and squeal,
04:51 because I know he stabbed me in the back.
04:53 I will never trust this guy ever again.
04:55 So here's my thinking, and you can agree with it
04:57 or disagree with it.
04:58 This is exactly where my head's at.
05:00 Like, it's obvious who the rest of the people
05:02 are voting for.
05:03 The PFT and Jerry said they're voting for you.
05:05 You guys are obviously going to vote for PFT.
05:08 Will comes to sit down, sits next to me.
05:13 I didn't understand what he said.
05:16 Really?
05:17 He's talking to me about Will whispering words to him
05:21 in the middle of the vote,
05:23 and that he was going to do what Will said,
05:25 but then ended up doing the exact opposite.
05:27 None of this makes sense,
05:29 and none of this matters to me.
05:31 So here's my pitch to you.
05:33 And you have zero reason to trust me.
05:35 Zero.
05:36 Zero.
05:37 Less than zero.
05:38 Zero.
05:39 I had less than zero yesterday,
05:41 and this probably made it worse.
05:42 Okay.
05:43 Everyone in the jury hates me right now.
05:44 Big Cat called me a scumbag, not on camera.
05:47 I need numbers.
05:48 Our interests align.
05:50 You drive.
05:52 I'll do whatever you want.
05:53 He was like, "Hey, man, you're in the driver's seat now,
05:56 so you tell me whichever one you want."
05:58 I'm like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure.
05:59 Let me think.
06:00 Let me think."
06:01 As much as I fucking want to just smoke you right now,
06:05 I really want to win this.
06:06 I never dreamed I was going to be this close,
06:08 and I'm like, "Holy shit."
06:10 And I think it still is tough for me,
06:13 but I think I wrote a speech this morning
06:15 that I think is pretty convincing,
06:16 and, like, if I can get there--
06:18 I just want to get there.
06:19 I do definitely think my best path involves you there.
06:24 Yes, that's a fact.
06:27 I'll do whatever you want.
06:28 Okay.
06:29 I have very much to think about this.
06:31 Do whatever you want.
06:32 I wanted you to hear it from me,
06:33 and I know it's not worth much,
06:35 but that's what it is.
06:38 [door opens]
06:40 Close that door, please.
06:42 He's claiming that he misheard you,
06:46 that he heard KFC instead of PFT,
06:49 which is, I guess, remotely believable.
06:52 But his stories are kind of like--
06:54 they're not holding up in an authentic way
06:56 of, like, this has been the game, and--
06:59 There's, like, a shred of truth,
07:01 and then there's a shred of heartache
07:02 if you think one step further.
07:04 He's like, "I have a 32% chance of winning
07:06 "if I'm running out of 10% chance of winning."
07:08 He's doing all that shit, and I'm like,
07:09 "You got a 0% chance, little fucker."
07:11 I'm looking at potentially zero votes.
07:16 But there is a chance.
07:18 I see you got a little shade in.
07:19 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:20 We'll light it up a little bit here.
07:21 Okay.
07:22 So we're gonna go light,
07:23 so we gotta make sure he doesn't--
07:25 [indistinct]
07:27 That's how we make sure.
07:30 [indistinct]
07:35 Okay.
07:36 Understood, understood.
07:38 Jerry, he's loyal to a fault.
07:44 He'll die letting somebody stab him in the back,
07:47 being like, "I was loyal to him."
07:48 Jerry could come out of nowhere.
07:50 Will, you know, can say what he wants, you know,
07:53 but at the end of the day,
07:54 he's not gonna want me up there in the final three.
07:57 See, he's just fucking straight-raised.
07:58 He's got that demeanor.
08:00 [indistinct]
08:03 Dara had to wake me up for the challenge.
08:06 Josh?
08:08 What?
08:09 It's time to do the challenge.
08:11 Huh?
08:12 It's time to do the challenge.
08:13 Oh, shit. What time is it?
08:15 10.
08:16 Is it really?
08:17 Yeah.
08:18 Let's go.
08:19 [grunts]
08:21 Oh, my God.
08:23 [groans]
08:24 Almost sleeping through a challenge is borderline,
08:28 like, Jesus Christ, dude.
08:29 I was--I said, like,
08:30 "You don't even deserve to play in this one.
08:32 You almost missed it."
08:33 [groans]
08:37 I'm used to waking up and having to do stuff right away.
08:40 I like to sleep as late as I can.
08:42 [alarm blaring]
08:44 [dramatic music]
08:47 All right, come on in, everyone.
08:49 File on down.
08:53 Whoa.
08:54 File on down for your immunity challenge.
08:58 Everyone go to a station.
08:59 What the fuck is this?
09:00 I see the challenge, and I am like, "Fuck."
09:04 It looks so hard.
09:06 All right, the final five--
09:09 KFC, Che, Jerry, Will, and Fites.
09:14 Your next, your penultimate immunity challenge.
09:19 Nice word.
09:20 Good word. Love that word.
09:21 Someone will win immunity.
09:22 Someone guaranteed to go into the top four.
09:25 Before we get into it, Fites, are you okay?
09:28 I'm just tired, man.
09:30 I just woke up.
09:31 [laughs]
09:32 Well, yesterday, the over helped.
09:34 You didn't bet the under.
09:35 You won that necklace, but you got to give it back now.
09:38 Immunity, back up for grabs in this challenge
09:42 as we get closer and closer to rewarding somebody
09:45 with $100,000.
09:49 The game in front of you, pretty straightforward.
09:52 You got to get this ball right here
09:56 to ascend up the wall.
09:59 If it falls in the other holes, it drops down to the bottom.
10:02 You got to go again.
10:03 It'll start in that bottom box.
10:06 You will use the strings on the left and right side of the wall
10:10 to maneuver the ball up to the top of the wall
10:15 into that top red hole.
10:18 Pretty straightforward.
10:19 If you can slide it into that red circle
10:22 before everyone else does, you will win the game,
10:25 win the challenge, win immunity, safe from elimination,
10:30 automatically into the top four.
10:33 Not a lot of things with this challenge.
10:35 No twists, no frills.
10:36 It's simple.
10:37 Ball in the hole, win immunity.
10:40 This is going to be tedious.
10:41 Yeah.
10:42 Tedious stuff is not something I typically have the patience for.
10:45 All right, everyone, reach up and grab your handles.
10:49 First person to have a ball drop through that red hole
10:53 wins immunity, safe from elimination, into the final four.
10:58 It's the five of you against each other right now.
11:01 Kevin, Che, Jerry, Compton, fights.
11:04 Someone will win immunity.
11:06 Three, two, one, go.
11:10 Che tried to fly the ball up to the hole in one swoop,
11:15 and the ball didn't even make it.
11:17 Interesting try by Che.
11:19 Now he realizes he can't do that.
11:21 Jerry drops very quickly.
11:23 I didn't get the concept until about like a couple minutes
11:26 after Jeff DeLo explained it.
11:28 I was really confused.
11:29 This is crazy.
11:30 Fights made it up one hole.
11:32 There's going to be a learning curve here.
11:34 This will not be any immediate success.
11:36 Cannot get over Che trying to rip that thing to the top right off the bat.
11:40 My only real shot was to launch it.
11:43 Is everyone else just falling out onto the floor?
11:46 I immediately was super not confident.
11:49 I don't understand how to get it up or get it in.
11:53 I can't even get it up one fucking hole.
11:55 Mine will just fall down.
11:57 Che got it up halfway in one swoop, tried to cut the corners.
12:06 Jerry tried the same, so did fights.
12:11 Che almost did it again.
12:14 He's trying to fling the ball to the top, so is Kevin.
12:17 Kevin got it up there actually, and it stayed on for a moment.
12:20 Absolute potential chaos mode right now.
12:23 We going chaos?
12:24 I'm in chaos.
12:25 They're trying to launch it, catapult it.
12:27 They're trying to just cut through the learning curve and catapult it in.
12:38 Che almost broke his completely.
12:40 If you break the entire board, I'm warning you,
12:42 you are going to be out of the challenge.
12:44 Do not break your board.
12:46 I have never felt stupider in my whole life.
12:48 I almost thought about just stopping and being like,
12:50 "This is going to be so embarrassing for me on camera."
12:52 They're going to just zero in on me not being able to get past the first hole.
12:56 A struggle off the top to get this even up somewhere.
12:59 Che has been launching.
13:01 He has to be careful.
13:02 If he fully breaks his board, he will be out.
13:05 If the strings come undone, Che, you are out of the challenge.
13:08 If the strings come undone?
13:09 We will not fix it if you break the board.
13:11 Fights may have figured something out here.
13:14 Fights might have been the first person to really figure out how to do this.
13:19 Very slowly, very deliberately.
13:20 You dumb bitches.
13:27 At one point, my rope came off.
13:31 Who broke it?
13:32 Che has broken his.
13:33 He can fix it himself.
13:35 He can fix it himself, but we will not fix Che's string.
13:38 Laughs from the crowd.
13:40 Kirk cackling off to the side.
13:41 Fights still slowly making his way up the board.
13:44 He's the only one that has really figured it out yet so far.
13:48 Che did fix his, but I'm not sure how well it will work.
13:52 Fights has hit the halfway point.
13:55 That's it.
13:56 Slow and steady, baby.
13:57 With his board, no one else has quite figured it out.
14:00 Jerry fixing his.
14:01 It got caught on the holes.
14:07 Che's ball rolls into the content area of the office.
14:12 A disaster for Che from the start.
14:14 He tried to find a way to cut corners, broke the board, and he's behind.
14:18 One takes one, Jeff.
14:19 And Jeff Delos mocking me.
14:21 Kevin's starting to make some progress now.
14:28 Fights his drops after all of that.
14:30 Kevin now in the lead.
14:32 Che still flinging his up the board.
14:36 No!
14:37 Kevin loses his.
14:40 All right, everybody pause.
14:41 Everybody pause.
14:43 Didn't struggle.
14:44 We're going to try to put in a smaller and smoother ball for everybody.
14:47 We will swap balls now.
14:49 Had a backup ball in play.
14:51 Nope, should roll a little easier.
14:53 Oh, okay.
14:55 New ball, smaller ball, smoother ball.
14:59 I'll count you down from three.
15:00 Three, two, one, go.
15:05 Che trying.
15:06 Che almost scored.
15:07 He's trying to flip his to the top.
15:09 Everyone else much more deliberate,
15:11 and they're seeing that this ball will be a little easier.
15:14 The ball switch was very clutch for me, the smaller ball.
15:20 Che was making progress and decided to shoot it into the top, and it falls.
15:24 Jerry making a lot of progress.
15:26 He skipped over a huge zone, a big move by Jerry.
15:32 Jerry nearing the middle.
15:33 He made a big move to just leap over a hole.
15:36 Are you fucking kidding me, dude?
15:38 What is he getting caught here?
15:39 I'm fucking frustrated with this thing.
15:42 Man, when that fucking ball falls down, you're just like,
15:44 it just takes the wind out of your sail.
15:46 Bro, I can't get past this guy.
15:48 The fight's frustrating.
15:49 Kevin making a little more progress again.
15:51 Kevin been the most consistent one.
15:53 Che trying to go slow, but sometimes he's done that
15:56 and then he's decided to try to yeet it into the top hole.
15:59 It's not paid off yet.
16:00 I think that a TikTok clip for the show.
16:03 And Jerry has crossed the halfway point on the board.
16:07 He's nearing a tough section and it falls out.
16:10 But Jerry has definitely figured out a trick.
16:12 Che tries to fly it up there again.
16:14 It does not work.
16:16 Che continues to have to go behind the board to retrieve his box.
16:21 Fuck.
16:22 Kevin's box got stuck in one of the holes.
16:25 He can move it out.
16:26 He's still halfway up.
16:27 Will just staring at it now,
16:28 trying to find a new strategy.
16:30 Looking at Kevin.
16:31 Kevin's falls.
16:34 Che, that attempt to fling it did not work at all.
16:37 I think I did better with the big ball.
16:39 Jerry almost flung it in.
16:42 Jerry trying the Che maneuver.
16:44 He seems to like it.
16:45 Che flinging it as well.
16:47 Jerry may try it again.
16:48 He goes for it, but the box blocks it out of the hole.
16:52 Now it's chaos.
16:53 Che can't find his ball.
16:55 He has to go retrieve it.
16:57 Jerry almost does it again.
17:04 Kirk just flew Che's ball.
17:06 Was it Che's?
17:07 [Laughter]
17:08 That ball rolled away, and Kirk held on to it for a little bit,
17:11 which was fair.
17:13 They are just trying to fly them in the hole now.
17:16 Compton's attempt no good.
17:18 This is chaos.
17:20 Jerry took one to the nuts.
17:22 And his box broke.
17:24 Jerry's box broke.
17:26 He cannot fix it.
17:27 That will be it.
17:29 That is the danger of flinging it.
17:31 Fights made it halfway up really quickly.
17:34 Frustration setting in.
17:36 Che does not work.
17:44 Jerry trying to fix his.
17:46 My box broke.
17:48 I couldn't repair it.
17:49 I had to use it as is.
17:50 These are staples.
17:55 Kevin.
17:57 Halfway point for Kevin.
17:59 Very slow and deliberate.
18:02 Jerry almost scores again.
18:04 Jerry really doesn't need that box fixed for that maneuver, he's realized.
18:08 Kevin into the last third now.
18:13 You know, slow and steady wins the race.
18:15 Kevin making great progress.
18:22 Fights drops it through the hole in one swing.
18:26 And fights wins immunity.
18:28 An unbelievable move by fights.
18:33 Ends the challenge immediately.
18:36 Sleep in his eyes.
18:37 Lint all over him.
18:39 Just brute strength.
18:41 The most fights thing ever.
18:43 You were close.
18:44 I was like right there.
18:45 I got to hear.
18:47 Kevin was nearing the end.
18:49 I was going to get it.
18:52 If fight alberg didn't get that, I think I was going to get it on my latest run.
18:57 Kevin was close.
18:59 It seemed like he was maybe going to get it.
19:01 He figured it out.
19:03 Fights knew it.
19:04 Fights said fuck it.
19:05 Let it fly right through the hole.
19:07 Immunity safe from elimination unless you do want to give it up at tribal council.
19:12 Can ponder that over.
19:14 Can think about it.
19:15 That's first one.
19:16 Not said that yet.
19:17 Not going to do it.
19:18 Maybe fights will think about it.
19:20 Not a huge difference, but nice to feel the weight around my neck.
19:24 Straight to the final four for fights as long as he keeps immunity.
19:28 Somebody out of the group of Compton, Jerry, Che, and KFC is joining the jury.
19:34 I just wished one of those times luck was on my side,
19:38 and I got it because I really, really needed it.
19:40 Good job, guys.
19:41 Congrats to fights.
19:42 We'll see you then.
19:45 You were on slingshot too?
19:46 I was trying to--I was trying to--
19:48 That was the right strategy.
19:49 Dude, fuck that challenge.
19:51 That challenge was bullshit, dude.
19:53 All right, factor of shakes all around for the boys, except for Che, that rat.
19:57 Chocolate brownie.
19:58 This one was pretty good the other day, vanilla cake.
20:01 Cheers, boys.
20:02 Cheers.
20:03 Good job.
20:04 That was a fun challenge.
20:05 Boy got the necklace on again.
20:07 Looks good on him.
20:08 I was going to get it eventually.
20:10 I was like three-quarters of the way up, but--
20:12 I mean, dude, almost slept through the challenge.
20:15 I woke at 955, eyes barely open, bam.
20:18 Yeah, dude, that was crazy.
20:20 It wasn't the most physically demanding challenge.
20:22 I don't think you needed a ton of sleep to pull two strings really fast.
20:25 Did you launch it from this or like this?
20:28 I don't think I even did.
20:30 I think it was flat.
20:33 Am I to play?
20:35 No, unfortunately, I think Jerry's got the bigger jury fans.
20:38 Of course.
20:39 Yeah.
20:40 I mean, that's why I packed up.
20:41 Some people hate you.
20:42 Everyone loves Jerry.
20:43 The entire jury hates me.
20:46 Nobody's going to vote for Shay in the final.
20:49 Nobody.
20:52 I know.
20:53 I know I have a better chance of dealing with Jerry.
20:55 This is what we all signed up for.
20:57 So I don't understand all the hurt feelings being like--
21:00 literally the rules of this game is like--
21:02 The hurt feelings are crazy.
21:03 What did you think you were signing up for?
21:08 You do not get it until you play it.
21:10 Like, you really can't imagine how much it's going to hurt when Steve and Shay stab you in the back, you know?
21:14 Until it happens.
21:16 You said to me last year after I got eliminated, you're like, man,
21:20 I really thought an honest game was really--
21:23 like we're going to have the first honest winner in Survivor history.
21:26 And what I learned from that is like, nice guys finish last.
21:30 [HORN]
21:33 Yeah!
21:34 What?
21:35 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
21:40 Oh, no!
21:41 Jesus Christ.
21:43 I thought you were serious, Rick.
21:44 I thought for sure my head was hitting that thing.
21:47 Ah!
21:48 There you go.
21:49 $100,000 workers comp.
21:52 All right, so you're not dead.
21:55 You're not dead by any means.
21:56 Because think about this.
21:58 KFC and fights, they're not dumb.
22:01 They might have had an alliance at one time with Will.
22:04 But Will is a massive, massive threat once they get to the finals.
22:08 Do you think bigger than me?
22:10 I think they see Will as a bigger threat than you.
22:13 My best chance to win this game is to vote Will.
22:18 But I just--
22:20 Will saved me once already from getting axed.
22:23 Steven saved me.
22:26 I'm just so loyal to my guys that I don't know.
22:29 Shay's the wild card.
22:32 Not as much as you think.
22:33 Shay is not going to win this game.
22:35 He's fucked over too many people.
22:37 He's fucked over way too many people.
22:39 KFC is not going to win this game.
22:41 The only people that are going to win this game are me, you, and fights.
22:45 And fights is immune right now.
22:47 Yeah, and if you go there with fights and KFC, it's just between you and fights.
22:54 Hey, the chips are going to fall where they fall.
22:56 It's just-- you know, you just got to trust.
23:00 You got to trust.
23:03 Yeah.
23:05 Bully heart, stealer blood.
23:07 Jerry sent me a text and just said we're fucked.
23:10 And he was right.
23:12 So I went to his room.
23:14 We strategized, tried to come up with a bunch of stuff for us two.
23:21 What is the smartest play for us two?
23:27 Will.
23:29 But it's going to be so hard to do.
23:31 I know.
23:33 If we all went in front of a jury right now, Will wins.
23:36 Yeah, 100%.
23:38 Our best chance to win is voting against Will.
23:43 Yeah.
23:45 It would really suck if both of us voted for Will.
23:48 And then the ex voted for you or me.
23:51 Yeah.
23:52 It's possible.
23:54 But let me ask you a question.
23:56 What's the difference between fourth place and fifth place?
23:58 Nothing.
24:00 So I think we got to use the ammo we have.
24:04 You just got to hope KFC or Fights is voting Will.
24:08 I mean, here's the thing.
24:09 They haven't approached me yet.
24:10 I know this is on Kevin's mind.
24:12 But if he doesn't give me any assurances, yeah, I think we have to go KFC.
24:19 Because then we don't know.
24:21 Exactly.
24:22 We risk being exposed.
24:23 Yeah.
24:24 So that's the plan.
24:25 If he doesn't approach you, we'll go KFC.
24:28 I'm going to approach them.
24:29 I have a 75% assurance that--or in my mind, a 75% probability that at least one of them are voting him.
24:41 You do?
24:42 It comes down to chance.
24:43 It comes down to chance.
24:44 Yeah.
24:46 So for now, we're voting--I'm voting KFC still.
24:51 Yeah.
24:52 If they approach me and I'm like, "Hey, we're going to vote Will," and I get that feeling,
24:57 I'll ask you who the Steelers are playing this weekend.
25:00 And then that's just the signal to know you got to vote Will now.
25:04 But plan on voting for KFC.
25:08 We're right there.
25:09 Yeah, I know.
25:10 We're close.
25:11 These are the last bullets in our gun.
25:13 Yeah.
25:14 Is it that dip?
25:15 Party dip?
25:18 Yeah, let's go.
25:22 Buffalo chicken dip and spinach artichoke dip.
25:24 It's fire.
25:25 Wow, that's a smart idea.
25:26 From Factor, you mind if I try it?
25:27 Yeah.
25:31 It's called the party dip duo.
25:35 Slaps.
25:36 Yo, Factor's got something nice.
25:43 I think we got to vote off Jerry.
25:45 Same thing with our conversation.
25:46 Vote off Jerry because he's the most likely.
25:48 If you leave Che, and then if Che wins immunity, it sucks for one of us, but he's not going
25:52 to win, so for those two, it's good.
25:54 Dude, I'll be straight up.
25:55 What makes me the most comfortable is if we get Che now.
25:58 KFC, he had me in the hallway, and I was like, "I'll tell you straight up.
26:03 I don't trust Che."
26:04 But I'm telling you, Che cannot win.
26:07 Neither side likes him.
26:09 But I also don't think Jerry can win.
26:11 Since I don't trust Stephen the most right now, that's why I'm like, he's got to be uncomfortable.
26:16 Because I'm like, I don't fucking trust what's going on.
26:18 What worries you about Che?
26:19 There is no support for Che.
26:21 There's none on either side.
26:23 There is still support for Jerry.
26:25 Yeah, I guess I just don't see him as a threat like that.
26:29 My heart is in the air right now.
26:30 Let me-
26:31 It's over to give it to somebody.
26:32 I'm telling you, dog.
26:34 Just stick to the plan.
26:35 I know, but I'm like up in the air because I feel like Che's pulling your side.
26:39 I feel like this could be the time where you guys all fucking-
26:41 I will kiss you on the fucking lips and tell you right now, I'm not doing that.
26:44 Kevin looked at me.
26:45 Trust me.
26:46 The plan is still in motion.
26:48 We're voting Jerry.
26:49 Dog, I've been reading The Matrix at this company forever, okay?
26:53 Che does not have support.
26:56 Nobody likes that guy.
26:58 You almost should want Che in the final, dude.
27:00 I do, but I-
27:01 So then why are you trying to vote him out?
27:02 Because now I feel like he could-
27:03 No!
27:04 You guys all-
27:05 He fucked me twice.
27:07 Okay.
27:09 All right, all right, all right.
27:10 Dude, I just-
27:11 I wonder if my heart's still up in the air.
27:12 We're going to watch back to Splinter and he's going to be like, "Will's in such a blunder right now.
27:15 He doesn't know what to do."
27:16 If they're truly playing the game smart, they have to bring up to each other that Will could be the mark.
27:24 If you're fighting KFC, you don't want to remove me and just go against like a Jerry or a Che
27:30 because that's going to be your best bet into the finals.
27:34 But this could be the Will play.
27:35 Everybody is telling me if you want to win without Will, and I'm not doing it.
27:41 I'm not doing it.
27:43 Look, you know what?
27:46 If I fucking get the knife in my neck from that, like-
27:49 I just-
27:50 You got to respect the game, dude.
27:52 I want to win this game equally as bad.
27:55 I want to get me, Will, and Feidelberg to the finals.
27:59 The two most loyal guys, the guy who played the best game, get to the finals and let the chips fall where they may.
28:05 I am a happy man.
28:07 And on top of that, I'm telling you right now, do not let me get in front of that Jerry.
28:12 Do not let me get a chance to give a speech because I've been playing this game, I've been building up to this for the last 15 years.
28:20 I am ready to convince the fuck out of those people that I deserve it more than the guy who's been here for a cup of coffee
28:27 and more than even my best friend and co-host.
28:30 This is mine to win if I can give a speech.
28:33 Have you thought about your resume yet?
28:39 Or do you not care as much?
28:41 My resume?
28:42 Yeah.
28:43 For what?
28:44 Gameplay resume.
28:45 Like, when you- because, you know, you get to the jury, you know, I've told everyone this.
28:50 John Feidelberg should do this for John Feidelberg.
28:52 Kevin Klancy should do this for Kevin Klancy.
28:54 Will Kahn should do this for- like-
28:56 What?
28:57 John Feidelberg should do what's best for John Feidelberg to win this game.
29:00 Steven Che should do what's best for Steven Che to win this game.
29:03 Dude, I mean, this game fucks with you.
29:05 And like, you know, there are people like you and like, you know, Will and people that are level-headed and can separate this,
29:13 but it's become very clear to me that there is a large contingency that cannot separate what goes on here and like here.
29:21 You know what I mean?
29:23 Nobody has ever won a conversation today.
29:25 [Laughter]
29:27 I don't know a word Steven said in the last ten minutes.
29:30 [Laughter]
29:32 Everyone just wants to come up to you like, "We vote for this person, this person votes for this person, this person votes for this person, that person votes for that person, blah blah blah."
29:37 That's like, your brain wants to shut off.
29:41 Che is just bombarded, John.
29:44 Che like, wiggles his way in.
29:47 Two cameras come, they start opening the blinds, and he's like, "This is literally defeating why I came back here."
29:53 The darkness is what I preferred.
29:55 Um, this goes against everything, all the reasons I was sitting back here.
30:01 And I just hear him being like, "I didn't think of it that way, I didn't."
30:05 He's just like, spitting out answers.
30:07 It's over-talking, and that's what this whole thing is an exercise in, is over-talking and over-explaining and talking, talking, talking too much.
30:14 I hate that, and I can't do it.
30:17 What is your ask of me?
30:19 I want Jerry out this vote.
30:23 Your gameplay resume is not strong enough, and I don't think taking out Jerry right now improves your...
30:31 Like, I personally will not write Jerry's name down this round.
30:35 You don't have to write it, yeah. That's fine.
30:38 But, objectively right now, and I think we can all agree with this, if we're pitching the jury right now, Will wins, I think, pretty handily.
30:47 You know, gameplay-wise, there is one giant fish out there, and you have your opportunity now, and if you don't want to do it, that's fine.
30:57 You can wait, but it's a risk.
31:00 But, if you axe him going into the Final Four, that's a strong gameplay story.
31:07 He's pitching me turning on Will.
31:09 He says, "Will has played the best game." I think he probably has.
31:11 I think he's likable, I think he's won all the challenges, and he has the time you play.
31:17 Vote for... Vote out Will in the Final.
31:21 Will next round. You're telling me that's how you're going to vote?
31:25 Right. I mean, having me in the Final is a good thing, because everyone hates me.
31:31 How does it feel to be the liked guy in the...
31:33 For the first time in my life!
31:35 The most popular guy amongst the jury.
31:37 When has Barstool's Vords content ever not gotten personal, bro?
31:41 It's the most petty place in the world, dude.
31:45 This is an ugly, ugly, ugly game.
31:47 And I have to potentially sever real-life relationships for a chance at $100,000.
31:55 If I'm being honest, I kind of regret doing this season.
32:01 And I've had a great time, but this is hindering my professional development.
32:07 So... whatever, but...
32:13 I am telling the truth when I tell you this.
32:19 I do think you need a big fish to do it.
32:25 Whether it's this round or next, I wish you luck.
32:29 And you know, you were great in the challenge today. You would have won it.
32:33 Yeah, son of a bitch, I know.
32:35 This would be the crowning achievement of my Barstool career.
32:39 And it would be cool for Will, for sure.
32:41 But, you know, Will's best moments are going to be on the football field.
32:44 And this will be the best moment of my professional career.
32:47 I think Will's going to vote KFC.
32:49 I mean, maybe I'm just an idiot.
32:54 Yeah. I don't know, man. That three, I don't think they're breaking that three up.
32:57 So you think Will and Che are your best plays?
33:00 Yeah.
33:01 Mean Will talk. I kind of just got in Will's ear.
33:04 Nobody wants to see a top dog in a final like that.
33:07 You know, if Big Cat is out, they're not going to want to see KFC at the end.
33:12 Because they're going to hate themselves.
33:14 Like this motherfucker got in and we didn't get in.
33:16 And that could potentially swing Dave to vote you instead of somebody in the final.
33:20 Sometimes you've got to do things you don't want to do.
33:26 Please keep talking to me like we're in the fucking, in the mafia.
33:31 Listen, I mean, all you've got to do is write down three letters.
33:36 K.F.C.
33:39 Just three little letters.
33:42 Now's the time to get out the knife and get the person who I've slept next to this entire show.
33:54 Alright.
33:56 Wow, that's great.
34:00 Du Bois.
34:04 Belize.
34:07 Send them on in.
34:13 Will, Kevin, Fights, Che and Jerry.
34:21 Let's bring on the jury. Big Cat, Nate, Hank, Dave, Kirk, Gaz, Rico Bosco, Tommy Smokes and PFT voted out in the last tribal council.
34:38 The jury is rather large now.
34:41 The power is nearly fully in just their hands.
34:46 But here right now, the decision still rests with you guys.
34:51 Jerry, Compton, KFC, Che and Fights.
34:55 And I will start with Fights.
34:57 It's been pretty relaxing for you at Tribal to begin with.
35:00 You had some names written down for you, but you've been playing pretty loose.
35:02 But with that thing on your neck, really rather carefree, right?
35:06 Yeah, it's been pretty boring.
35:08 Yeah, I think after the last challenge, I had a lot of fun playing with Jerry.
35:12 I told him I was going to vote for him.
35:13 You just straight up told him you were voting for him.
35:15 Yeah. He's got the most friends over there.
35:18 Jerry, has anyone else told you that or just Fights?
35:21 I mean, I'm pretty aware of what's going to happen, you know.
35:25 So you think it is you?
35:27 Yeah.
35:29 Did anyone else tell Jerry that they're voting for him?
35:32 Did anyone else tell anyone they're voting for someone else?
35:35 It's rather close to the chest.
35:37 Che, how are you feeling?
35:38 Emotional tribal council last night.
35:41 I mean, I will preface, I have cried at a Barstool event before, so I have to...
35:46 I feel like I have to set a disclaimer.
35:47 But were there real tears streaming down your face there?
35:50 I wouldn't say streaming down my face, but definitely got pretty choked up.
35:53 I mean, this is...
35:56 Was it the stress of the decision? Was it voting out PFT?
35:59 What was it that made you emotional?
36:01 Like, the gravity of the moment.
36:03 I mean, this is a game, but these are not like 14 strangers.
36:09 Like, most of us have pre-existing relationships with everyone going in.
36:13 So it's not like it's easy.
36:17 There's this game and then there's real life, and those lines are incredibly blurred right now.
36:21 That's why this game is awesome.
36:23 And also fucking awful.
36:24 Kevin, you were close in the challenge.
36:26 I think you were fifth.
36:27 You figured it out.
36:28 I did.
36:29 You did figure it out.
36:30 You had it dead to rights what you were going to do, but Fights...
36:33 Ain't imperfect, though.
36:34 I will say Fights' move was a little calmer than the other ones.
36:37 And you just kind of just gradually threw it in there.
36:39 But you were happy as well.
36:40 I was either going to get it that turn.
36:42 I would say probably three quarters of the way up.
36:44 But within two or three turns, I was going to get it.
36:48 I would have loved it to be slow and steady in the race while all the meatheads were just yanking it.
36:52 But it wasn't in the cards.
36:54 Jerry, we just heard Fights basically say that he's voting for you.
36:57 What is your pitch to them?
36:59 You haven't voted yet.
37:00 What is your pitch to them for you to stay around, for you to not be the one voted out tonight?
37:04 You know, I didn't really have a pitch, to be honest.
37:09 So, that's it.
37:12 Can you come up with one now?
37:13 It's fair.
37:14 You can.
37:15 I mean, you do have time if you want.
37:16 We're still here.
37:17 But up to you how you want to play this part of the jury and the vote.
37:21 No, I mean, the only thing I would say is, you know, people say I have a lot of friends over there.
37:26 But I did also stab a couple people in the back.
37:29 So I don't think I have as many friends as they say I do.
37:32 Could be the case.
37:34 Will, you think it's an easy decision tonight at all?
37:36 No.
37:37 My watch is telling me my heart rate's at 106 right now, so we'll see what happens.
37:42 Okay, so pretty elevated regardless.
37:44 The only person you can't vote tonight is Fights.
37:47 I will note, at all the challenges, people have pretty quickly said, "I will not be giving this up tonight."
37:51 Fights left it a little open-ended.
37:52 Fights, will you be keeping the immunity necklace?
37:54 Yeah, I was just trying to have fun.
37:56 You're good.
37:58 Just trying to muck it up, have a little fun with it.
38:00 Five of you, voting for one, can't vote for Fights.
38:04 We'll say Che, you're up first. Looks like you're in front.
38:07 Time to vote.
38:11 I haven't played the most honest game.
38:16 Fights, you're up next.
38:22 Jerry, sucks. You have the most friends.
38:27 See, last time when I came in, I had to do like three huffs in a row. I was fucked up.
38:31 Jerry, up next.
38:35 Compton.
38:38 It gets harder every time. I'm sure I've said that bullshit every time.
38:41 I wouldn't be surprised if it's me tonight.
38:43 What I want and would like now is for everybody to sing Kumbaya and be best friends.
38:47 But what I want most is that 100K.
38:50 Jerry, I'm a little busy.
38:52 Kevin's probably just at home.
38:54 You're up.
38:55 I'll take that.
38:57 It's all fair, you know. It's all fair, buddy.
39:00 It was never Jerry.
39:02 It was never Jersey Jerry.
39:04 And with Kevin returning, that means all the votes have been written down.
39:09 I'll go count them up.
39:14 With no Immunity Idols in play, I will just read the votes right now.
39:19 First vote.
39:23 Jerry.
39:26 Second vote.
39:30 Jerry.
39:35 Third vote.
39:38 Kevin.
39:40 Two votes Jerry. One vote Kevin.
39:43 Next vote.
39:47 Kevin.
39:48 Two votes Kevin.
39:50 Two votes Jerry.
39:51 One vote left.
39:55 Next person eliminated.
39:56 Newest member of our jury.
40:03 KFC.
40:09 Grab your torch.
40:11 Kevin, the tenth member of our jury.
40:16 Will, that's yours.
40:19 Thank you, Kevin. Good night.
40:22 You did me dirty. You did me dirty.
40:27 You can't play the game with your heart. You gotta play with your head.
40:30 You son of a bitch, Will. You son of a bitch.
40:34 Well, well, well.
40:36 The final four, because of what seems like a pretty unexpected blindside.
40:43 Four people left.
40:45 One of you will be added to this jury.
40:48 The final member of this jury.
40:50 Right now you have a one in four shot at winning $100,000 in cash.
40:56 One more challenge left to determine your fate.
41:03 Wow, what a moment.
41:05 I'll see you guys later.
41:07 Will Compton, I thought I really conveyed to him, like, this is as important as winning the final thing.
41:13 Is the three of us being there.
41:15 But I think in the end he was like, that doesn't matter that much to me.
41:19 That was a dirty move.
41:21 No, it was a snake move.
41:23 I'm not proud of it, but all is fair in love and war.
41:32 Here we go. Will Compton, Stephen Che, Jersey Jerry, and fights.
41:37 We're here. We're at the end.
41:39 I outsmarted him. He's mad. He's salty.
41:42 He's a certified liar.
41:45 It is very difficult to lie directly to a friend's face.
41:49 In this game, it is required.
41:52 This last challenge is fucking everything.
41:56 The decision rests in the hands of the person that wins immunity.
42:00 It's every man for himself at this point.
42:02 We're fucking here. We are here.
42:05 Come at the top dog, you best not miss.
42:07 [MUSIC]
42:11 [SOUND]
