• 2 years ago
Nate | Surviving Barstool
00:00 I don't got the brain for this.
00:01 Welcome to your first full-on Merge Tribe individual immunity challenge, and they are off.
00:08 No one's buzzed in yet.
00:11 What is the correct order?
00:13 I got it.
00:14 Tommy Smokes wins immunity!
00:16 Would you be against siding with the KFC side, nipping Rico?
00:21 That would be ideal.
00:22 Okay.
00:23 Rico Bosco, the ride is over.
00:25 It is what it is.
00:29 How you feeling, Jerry?
00:31 You alright?
00:32 Yeah.
00:33 I'm trying to think of the math moving forward that hurts.
00:37 Of course it hurts.
00:38 Hurts losing a guy.
00:39 We just lost our guy.
00:41 But there's always a plan.
00:45 I'm gonna fuck around with a little cranberry pecan chicken.
00:49 Maybe a little carrot juice.
00:51 I'm starving, man.
00:56 Thank God I have this factor here.
00:58 Be ready for me in two minutes.
01:00 Here's what happened.
01:01 Che told me that they were gonna put a lot of heat on me to make you think they were
01:08 gonna vote me off to try to get you to play the idol on me.
01:12 How did they know I have it?
01:13 They think somebody has it.
01:15 Okay.
01:15 They thought it was either you or me.
01:18 Where are PFT and Jerr?
01:20 PFT and Jerr might be looking for a fucking idol.
01:22 Yeah.
01:23 Some people got pulled into a confession.
01:24 Oh, actually might be that.
01:27 Should we go look?
01:28 For an idol?
01:29 I mean if they have it, they would have played it.
01:31 If they have it, but if they don't and it's still out there, should we like rather just
01:34 sit here with our dicks in our hands?
01:36 They put a lot of heat on me to try to get you to play it and you were iron will didn't
01:41 play it.
01:42 That was smart.
01:45 They told Will that they were gonna vote for me thinking that Will would tell me, which
01:51 he did.
01:52 He told me that I told Will like, if you gotta vote, vote for me.
01:55 Will came to me and said, I said, just give me a heads up though.
01:59 Will comes to me, tells me they're gonna vote for me.
02:01 I know that's a smoke screen.
02:06 With the friends I have and the people left, I think I'm good, but I also know that there's
02:11 still this one idol that hasn't been played.
02:14 So I'm like, get up off your ass and just keep looking.
02:16 Man, I don't even know fucking where to even pretend to look anymore.
02:23 In my head, I'm thinking it has to have been found by now.
02:26 One of these guys have found it.
02:28 They are absolutely lying, playing me, telling me they don't.
02:33 But I'm also like, what if not?
02:35 We got to figure out a way to do business with Tommy or Will.
02:40 Will.
02:41 100% Will.
02:42 But do you think we can trust Will because he just went with them.
02:45 He just voted with them.
02:50 And he told me the wrong thing at the end.
02:52 What did he tell you?
02:53 He told me they were voting for me.
02:57 We can't tell Will that you're the idol.
02:59 No way.
03:00 No way.
03:01 Zero chance.
03:02 At the end of the day, who can you really trust?
03:06 You know, there's $100,000 on the line.
03:09 Everybody wants to win that, no matter how rich or how poor you are, you know?
03:12 So at that point, at this point in the game, it's hard for me to really trust anybody besides
03:18 PFT.
03:19 You making coffee?
03:20 No, I'm making Factor, baby.
03:21 Come on.
03:22 When they did your name the first few times, were you a little nervous?
03:27 I was a little nervous.
03:28 Yeah.
03:29 I still felt good.
03:30 I was like, as long as this next one's Rico, he's just building it up.
03:32 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:33 That's just where all the overthinking comes in.
03:34 Yeah.
03:35 I'm good at that.
03:36 Not overthinking.
03:37 I'm barely thinking, dude.
03:38 It will be interesting how this next one shakes up, bro.
03:39 This is going to be a weird one.
03:46 Look, I'm over here just trying to cook my cranberry pecan chicken, and Will is just
03:52 blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
03:54 Every challenge, or everything is like a reset.
03:57 You have to be fluid in your thinking, or you're going to be just, you're going to make
04:01 like reactive decisions on like, oh, I'm fucked.
04:03 I got to go do something.
04:04 I got to overextend.
04:05 Yeah.
04:06 Do they do advisors in here today?
04:07 Yeah.
04:08 I probably wouldn't have.
04:13 I was thinking maybe they put like, after everybody moved out, they maybe put it back
04:18 in.
04:19 But also if they did the show in here today.
04:21 Ooh, it's paper.
04:23 I don't know if it's anything, but it's paper.
04:27 Oh, damn.
04:28 That would have been cool.
04:32 I don't know where everybody is.
04:33 I'll probably all strategize them, play in the game.
04:38 They're missing the forest for the trees.
04:41 Factor meals have been the winning recipe here the entire time.
04:44 I don't know.
04:45 I already, I literally ate Factor out of house and home once this week.
04:48 They had to send all the meals.
04:49 Everyone's like, who's eating them?
04:50 How's it going so fast?
04:51 I'm going to eat them.
04:52 They're going so fast.
04:53 I'm just here for a good time.
04:58 I'm here for Factor.
05:00 I'm here for a couple of meals.
05:04 Strategizing is all too much talking.
05:06 I feel like the five, we talked a lot.
05:10 I'm not seeing too many people peel off with each other.
05:13 I'm hoping it's three on PFT, two on Jerry.
05:18 I'm not sure who PFT and Jerry are going to vote for.
05:20 Could be me, could be Fights, could be whoever.
05:22 But hopefully the plan is if the five of us stick together with the vote split, we're
05:26 good.
05:27 If Jerry goes for PFT and he has an idol, we're fucked.
05:30 Because his one vote in Jerry's vote.
05:31 I feel like he will play.
05:32 I don't know where those two are right now.
05:33 But I feel like he will.
05:37 He was nervous.
05:38 He thought he was going home.
05:40 Yeah.
05:41 So, but right now, I might go just stand by the testimonial rooms and see.
05:44 There's literally no reason to have testimonials.
05:48 He can't have the idol.
05:51 Right, he can't have the idol.
05:52 I don't think he has it.
05:53 Okay, so you want to just, everybody spread out and use their eyes and ears?
06:09 Yeah.
06:11 Okay.
06:13 Get back to bringing in those cookies.
06:19 Get back.
06:20 So, really quickly, right after a tribal, we're separated by the producers.
06:23 The seven of us remaining were brought into different rooms.
06:26 Where am I going?
06:27 The senior building, the special room that's by the kitchen.
06:32 Producers rip our phones out of our hands, stick us in a room.
06:34 I've never been kidnapped, but I imagine it was something like that.
06:38 I was waiting for the black hat to come over me, the soundproof headphones, I don't know,
06:42 maybe flight to Guantanamo.
06:43 I didn't know where we were going.
06:44 So you're going to be on this computer.
06:45 Okay.
06:46 And you're going to fill out this survey.
06:49 Is this a challenge?
06:50 This is going to be a challenge?
06:51 This is part of it.
06:52 Is this going to be shared with anybody?
06:53 You're currently in the game?
06:54 Are they going to know who votes what?
06:57 Doesn't deserve to be on the show.
06:59 That's like a sneaky mean one.
07:01 Biggest fraud.
07:02 Most obnoxious.
07:04 Wouldn't trust with your family or loved ones.
07:06 I wish Kirkman and I was still in.
07:08 Would be an easy answer.
07:10 Most athletic.
07:11 Craziest.
07:12 Damn, Rico's not here anymore.
07:13 Here's the thing, I'm not even going to fucking remember what I answered for these.
07:19 All right.
07:20 Welcome to your next individual immunity challenge.
07:22 First things first.
07:23 Tommy, I need it back.
07:25 Individual immunity is back up for grabs.
07:29 Once again, once again, this challenge gets a little personal.
07:34 You all took surveys, asking questions about the remaining people in this cast.
07:38 We're going to be asking you as a group, what do you think the consensus answer was for
07:45 each question?
07:47 Four lives each, represented by four tiki's in front of your podium.
07:52 Questions are pretty personal, but the targeting is really where it gets personal.
07:54 If you want to get someone out of this challenge, get things right.
07:57 You can deliberately knock them out.
08:00 We good?
08:01 Everyone get it?
08:02 What if you whack and you don't break it?
08:04 You look like a weak person.
08:06 Yeah.
08:07 I am worried about that.
08:08 You'll sit there until you break it.
08:10 I don't think Will could take me out that way.
08:12 All right, here we go.
08:14 First question.
08:15 First question is going to be, who is the least funny person in this game?
08:23 The least funny person remaining in this game.
08:32 Hide your answers, don't reveal them yet.
08:36 Jerry you reveal first.
08:37 Oh, fuck.
08:38 Say it out loud if you can.
08:41 Shay.
08:42 Fights.
08:43 Fights not happy.
08:44 I forgot what I put on stuff.
08:46 I thought I put Tommy.
08:47 I definitely put Shay.
08:48 What the fuck?
08:49 Shay.
08:50 Shay said Shay.
08:51 No disrespect.
08:52 Say it out loud if you guys can.
08:53 Fuck.
08:54 Fuck.
08:55 I forgot Shay was here.
08:56 Shay.
08:57 Shay.
08:58 Shay.
08:59 Everybody except for fights is correct.
09:02 Everyone gets a whack.
09:03 Fights.
09:04 Fights.
09:05 Shay was the answer.
09:06 They made an absolute landslide.
09:07 Jerry's up first.
09:08 Jerry gets the first whack.
09:09 Oh, shit.
09:10 Jerry.
09:11 Who will he target first?
09:12 Here we go.
09:18 A good whack.
09:19 Tommy.
09:20 Tommy has three remaining.
09:21 It's a fucking union man right there.
09:22 Tommy's up there.
09:23 I mean, I have to.
09:24 Of course.
09:25 Of course.
09:26 It's all that's there.
09:27 Fair is fair.
09:28 I don't like this game because I don't like anyone to see where my true allegiances are,
09:33 but if you hit my glass, I'm just going to hit your glass.
09:35 I'm afraid.
09:36 Just hit it, Tommy.
09:37 Shay, you were right about yourself.
09:44 You get a whack.
09:45 Jerry down to three.
09:47 Tommy down to three.
09:49 Shay's not sure yet.
09:51 He was not ready to go on that.
09:53 I'm just going to go down this way first.
10:00 I'm going to cross everybody.
10:03 Fucking asshole.
10:04 No personal reasons for Shay.
10:05 Shay's going to go down the line, I guess.
10:07 Strategically, Tommy said the move was to go take out PFT first, so I followed that,
10:12 and then I tried to be Switzerland and be like, "All right, I'm going to take out everyone
10:15 to the left in a clockwise fashion," but I made the first move on PFT to show my allegiance,
10:21 but PFT and Jerry knew that I was working for their side, so no harm, no foul.
10:26 PFT, a lot of trading of smashes here.
10:30 Three remain for Shay.
10:31 That was emotional.
10:32 I probably shouldn't have done that.
10:33 I probably shouldn't have taken Tommy out.
10:36 I'm falling into his trap.
10:37 Tommy's got me hypnotized.
10:38 What the hell am I going to do in this trap?
10:40 Will's been holding the hammer for minutes, same with Kevin.
10:42 They're ready to go.
10:43 Will, not sure, though.
10:44 I thought he was going to go for himself there for a second.
10:48 You can't knock yourself out.
10:49 I don't know why you would.
10:51 Shay down to two.
10:53 Shay has two left.
10:56 Kevin searching, finding quickly.
11:00 Playing a little bit of music, and he got PFT down to two as well.
11:06 The next question, craziest contestant.
11:16 Say it out loud.
11:17 Jerry reveal.
11:18 I did Jerry.
11:19 Jerry says Jerry.
11:21 I think I also put Jerry.
11:22 Fite says Jerry.
11:23 Tommy.
11:24 That boy crazy.
11:25 That's crazy.
11:26 Jay says Jerry.
11:27 Jerk, but I love you, Jerry.
11:28 PFT, Jerry.
11:29 Tommy.
11:30 Tommy says Jerry.
11:31 Will says Jerry.
11:32 Kevin says Jerry.
11:33 I started the fights pretty well with Jerry.
11:34 Everybody but Tommy was correct.
11:35 Jerry in a landslide, though Will was second.
11:38 Will was second.
11:39 Jerry, you're up.
11:41 You get a whack.
11:42 Shay, down to one remaining.
11:45 Shay, a quick target.
11:47 Fite could take Shay out.
11:48 Anybody could at this point.
11:49 Shay going to run for PFT.
11:52 PFT down to one.
11:54 Shay.
11:56 Shay doing what he said.
11:57 He's going right down the line.
11:58 He's got some strong tiki's there.
12:00 PFT gets a swing.
12:02 He can take out Shay.
12:03 He also has one remaining himself.
12:05 Does PFT.
12:06 I'm just going to take out the guy.
12:11 Now down to three.
12:12 He loses his first.
12:13 Will, who are you going to go for?
12:17 Will making the game even.
12:18 He takes one out.
12:19 Kevin is going to.
12:20 Well, now you've got a chance.
12:21 Now you've got a chance, PFT.
12:22 If you need a bandaid.
12:24 PFT out of the challenge.
12:26 Can you kiss it?
12:28 No, I can't do that.
12:29 You thought about it though.
12:30 I thought about it.
12:31 Alright, nice.
12:32 I get it.
12:33 Game's a game.
12:34 Next question.
12:35 Who is not a threat to win the game?
12:40 Jerry.
12:42 Using the stomach to erase there.
12:46 Will thinking hard about this one.
12:49 Jerry.
12:50 Eric.
12:51 Fite.
12:52 Shay.
12:53 Shay for Fite.
12:54 Tommy B.
12:55 Shay for Fite.
12:58 Tommy put himself.
12:59 Also myself.
13:00 Yeah, I went with Shay.
13:03 Will says Shay.
13:04 Kevin says KFC.
13:05 The only one who got it right was KFC.
13:08 He voted for himself.
13:09 Kevin, not a threat to win the game.
13:11 The consensus vote.
13:12 You're the only one who gets a whack now.
13:14 Big one for Kevin.
13:16 I keep hearing about all this money, like, fucking Will's poor.
13:21 Kevin, only one who answered it right.
13:24 He voted himself as the answer.
13:26 Shay can be removed.
13:27 I know you want to do it.
13:29 That's fine, buddy.
13:30 Go ahead.
13:31 Just don't hit me.
13:32 Jerry down to two.
13:34 Hurts my heart, bro.
13:35 Only one right on that one.
13:38 Next question.
13:40 Dumbest.
13:42 Dumbest contestant.
13:43 This is me.
13:45 This is.
13:47 Will is fucking stupid.
13:49 A couple of these answers were written down before I finished the question.
13:52 I just want to say I disagree with what the consensus.
13:54 I agree.
13:55 I agree.
13:56 I actually genuinely mean that.
13:58 You might be the dumbest if you don't know it right off the bat.
14:02 Jerry reveal.
14:04 Jerry says Jerry fights says.
14:07 Will will.
14:08 Tommy says.
14:09 Will will.
14:11 Shay will.
14:12 Will will.
14:14 Kevin says Jerry.
14:16 Keep those hammers on the table.
14:17 Fights voted the dumbest contestant.
14:21 What the fuck?
14:25 Nobody got it.
14:28 All right.
14:29 I agree with the consensus.
14:34 Maybe I did put you down.
14:36 I thought I put Will.
14:38 Next question.
14:39 Next question will be most competitive.
14:42 Most competitive.
14:44 A little more positive on this.
14:45 Most competitive.
14:46 Jerry reveal.
14:47 Tommy.
14:48 Most competitive Tommy fights.
14:50 Tommy says Tommy.
14:51 Tommy said PFT.
14:53 Shay said Will.
14:54 Will said Will again.
14:56 You knew he was going to answer himself.
14:57 Kevin said Tommy.
14:59 Kevin, Jerry and fights are correct.
15:02 Tommy the most competitive person for the consensus vote.
15:05 Jerry you have your.
15:08 Jerry with two left.
15:10 Is he going to take out.
15:12 Shay is looking between Tommy and Shay.
15:14 He is going to eliminate Shay.
15:17 Shay you've been eliminated.
15:18 You don't have a hit.
15:19 You can go off to the bench.
15:21 Fights.
15:22 You have a whack now.
15:25 There you go.
15:26 I'm going to do.
15:27 Oh yeah.
15:28 Very lazily hit.
15:30 Jerry.
15:33 Down to one.
15:34 For the record you're not done.
15:36 Biggest fraud.
15:38 Reminder it can also be anyone out of the game.
15:41 It can be Shay or PFT.
15:43 They also can't vote in the game but they were on the initial survey.
15:47 Jerry reveal.
15:48 Jerry.
15:49 Jerry.
15:50 Fight says Tommy.
15:52 Tommy says.
15:53 I just hate Will.
15:54 Says Will.
15:55 Will says Tommy.
15:57 Kevin says Tommy.
15:59 Fights, Will and KFC are correct.
16:01 Tommy voted biggest fraud.
16:04 I'm pretty up front with everybody.
16:06 Tommy.
16:07 Jerry.
16:08 We'll just cut to the chase.
16:10 Is eliminated out of this game.
16:13 Three for fights and Will.
16:15 Two for Tommy.
16:16 Three for KFC.
16:19 I'll do a fraud.
16:20 Tommy down to one.
16:22 Kevin can take Tommy out of the game.
16:24 You brought my name down on that board.
16:25 If he chooses.
16:26 I don't like you.
16:27 Let's have some fun boys.
16:30 Tommy out of the game cannot win immunity.
16:33 Will fights and Kevin.
16:35 Three, three, three.
16:38 I've been waiting for season one to do that.
16:40 Weirdest contestant.
16:41 Weirdest contestant.
16:49 Pretty quick answer.
16:50 Fights.
16:52 Tommy.
16:53 Jay.
16:55 Will says Jay.
16:56 This is interesting.
16:57 Jerry.
16:58 Kevin says Jerry.
16:59 Oh no wait.
17:00 I should have said Jay.
17:01 I voted Jay.
17:02 Somebody said.
17:03 Somebody.
17:04 I can't believe I just.
17:05 Somebody got it right.
17:06 Kevin your instincts were correct.
17:07 Will got it right.
17:08 Jay weirdest.
17:09 Nice.
17:10 You should have voted.
17:11 100% voted Jay.
17:12 You put Jay down in the survey.
17:13 I think I wrote Jay in the survey too.
17:14 Jay voted the weirdest.
17:15 Will has to choose between Kevin.
17:17 Going to remain in the lead.
17:19 Person who most needs to take a nap.
17:22 Who needs a fucking nap?
17:24 This is a.
17:25 This was a coin flip in my mind.
17:27 Three for Kevin, three for Will, two for fights.
17:29 Who needs a nap?
17:30 Fights.
17:31 Kevin.
17:32 Jerry.
17:33 Will says Jerry.
17:34 Jerry.
17:35 Kevin says Jerry.
17:36 PFT voted most needs a nap.
17:38 Whoa.
17:39 It's true.
17:40 He confirms upset.
17:41 That is.
17:42 That is the case.
17:43 Correct.
17:44 Jerry was hurting.
17:45 Jerry was walking around till like 5 a.m. every day.
17:48 Next question will be.
17:50 Who belongs in a cage?
17:53 It's gotta be Jerry.
17:56 Who belongs in a cage?
18:01 I think I put Tommy for this, but I'm trying to think.
18:04 Fight's thinking about it.
18:05 Fight's thinking hard.
18:08 Fight's reveal.
18:10 Fight's says Fight's.
18:12 I went Jerry.
18:13 Will says Jerry.
18:14 Fight's.
18:15 Kevin says Fight's.
18:16 Correct answer was Jerry.
18:17 Will gets a whack.
18:18 Will the only one who gets to take a hit.
18:21 Will is going to even this game off for Kevin and Fight's.
18:25 Next question.
18:26 Who doesn't deserve to be on the show?
18:29 It's gotta be Jerry.
18:31 Doesn't deserve to be on the show.
18:32 It's gotta be Jerry.
18:34 I forgot who I put.
18:35 Doesn't deserve to be on the show.
18:39 Will laboring over here.
18:41 Come on, dude.
18:42 I gotta pee.
18:43 [Laughing]
18:44 Hey, two out of our reality shows in history, someone's pissed themselves.
18:47 I was going to piss myself in balloons yesterday.
18:49 Dana Beer pissed himself so much, yeah.
18:51 Get a shot clock going.
18:53 Yeah, I'm about to tell him to hurry up.
18:54 We need something.
18:56 Will writing it down.
18:58 Fight's, what did you say?
18:59 J.
19:01 Will.
19:02 I went PFT.
19:03 Kevin.
19:04 Went Jerry.
19:05 The correct answer, there were two.
19:07 It was Fight's and Che.
19:09 Che is correct, Fight's.
19:10 You get a whack.
19:11 I wrote Fight's and erased it.
19:13 I forget who I put.
19:14 I put Fight's.
19:16 I put Fight's but I didn't write it down.
19:18 I don't keep quiet.
19:19 And Fight's wants to keep on playing.
19:21 We even it up two a piece.
19:23 Next question.
19:25 Funniest contestant.
19:26 We'll go positive.
19:27 Funniest contestant.
19:29 Thank you, guys.
19:31 According to the group.
19:34 Funniest contestant according to the group.
19:37 Funniest contestant reveal Fight's.
19:45 PFT.
19:46 PFT.
19:47 Will.
19:48 PFT.
19:49 Kevin said PFT.
19:50 It was not.
19:51 It was Fight's or Jerry.
19:52 But Fight's, you were.
19:53 Bro, I voted for you in real life.
19:57 I voted for you but I didn't.
19:59 Next question is.
20:01 I get to hit someone.
20:02 No, it was me.
20:03 You're the funniest though.
20:05 You are.
20:06 Hey, hey, you're funny.
20:08 You're funny but you don't get hit.
20:10 I thought you guys would say PFT.
20:12 I voted Jerry.
20:14 I just want the record to show it.
20:15 I said my boy.
20:16 Next one.
20:18 Who has changed the most since the start of the game?
20:22 Change the most since the start of the game.
20:28 This is like an SAT for Will.
20:29 He is just.
20:30 He put all the brain power into it.
20:33 Ready.
20:37 Reveal Fight's.
20:38 Tommy.
20:39 Tommy.
20:40 PFT.
20:41 Will says PFT.
20:42 Will.
20:43 Kevin says Will.
20:44 There were actually three answers.
20:45 Tommy, PFT, and Che.
20:47 Meaning Fight's and Will got one of the correct answers.
20:50 Fight's, you go first.
20:52 Everyone tied up at two.
20:53 We're very close here.
20:55 Winner gets immunity.
20:56 Safe for elimination.
20:58 Kevin down to one.
21:01 Kevin down to one.
21:03 Will can knock him out.
21:05 I think I got to knock you out for that one.
21:07 Kevin out of the competition.
21:11 We are tied up two a piece.
21:14 Who would you want to go on a solo dinner with most?
21:18 Solo dinner with most.
21:25 Fight's, reveal.
21:26 Will.
21:27 Aw.
21:28 Will will reveal.
21:30 PFT.
21:31 The correct answer is, two answers, Fight's or PFT.
21:36 Will has it correct.
21:38 Will gives a whack to Fight's.
21:39 Fight's down to one.
21:41 Same time tonight?
21:42 Yeah.
21:43 Most obnoxious contestant.
21:46 Most obnoxious contestant.
21:48 This one's not me.
21:51 Most obnoxious contestant.
21:53 Fight's, reveal.
21:54 Tommy.
21:55 Will reveal.
21:56 KFC.
21:57 The correct answer is, going to be a win for Will Compton.
22:05 It is KFC.
22:06 Will Compton do the honors.
22:08 Will Compton wins the next individual immunity challenge.
22:16 Cannot be voted out tonight at Tribal unless you give it up.
22:19 I'm not giving it up.
22:21 You're already saying he's not giving it up.
22:22 I put Tommy for 90% of the answers.
22:27 You belong in a fucking cage.
22:30 That's why.
22:31 For the record, Tommy's way more obnoxious.
22:34 Alright, congratulations to Will again.
22:37 Individual immunity cannot be voted out.
22:40 And obviously you heard him.
22:41 He said he's not going to give it up.
22:43 Maybe you want to try to convince him.
22:44 Just up to you.
22:45 Fun one.
22:46 Everyone has good sports about it.
22:48 Again, everyone fights.
22:49 Just the answer to kind of everything.
22:52 Pepper it.
22:53 You got to guess yourself next time, I guess.
22:55 I didn't realize I was in a cage, I think.
22:57 Jay, how are you feeling right now going into the next Tribal Council?
23:01 Pretty hurt feelings.
23:02 Not funny.
23:03 I have no shot of winning.
23:05 Fine.
23:06 What about you, P.F.D.?
23:07 You're out early as well.
23:08 Yeah, I knew that was going to happen.
23:10 I felt that people were going to target me and get me out.
23:12 But yeah, it was a fun challenge.
23:14 I liked it.
23:15 Will, you have the power now.
23:17 Any thoughts?
23:18 Going to observe?
23:20 Yeah.
23:22 Yeah, I don't fucking know.
23:24 [laughter]
23:26 Slogan the whole time.
23:28 Scramble.
23:29 Search for idols if they're out there.
23:30 Talk to each other.
23:31 We'll see you back at Tribal Council.
23:33 [music]
23:41 Just wrapped up the latest challenge.
23:43 No hard feelings.
23:44 I certainly do have hard feelings.
23:46 Fuck all you guys.
23:47 To the most obnoxious.
23:48 To the most obnoxious.
23:50 To the dumbest.
23:52 [laughter]
23:53 What a duo.
23:54 KAC Radio every Tuesday and Thursday.
23:56 Here's the plan.
23:58 I'm going to try to get Will to give you the Emery and Nicholas.
24:03 He's probably not going to do it.
24:06 Right?
24:08 Either way.
24:10 I'm just convinced one of us are going home.
24:13 Now is there any math on splitting votes right now?
24:17 If we do like three and three.
24:19 It would have to be three and two.
24:21 Three and two.
24:22 Come right out of the challenge, the plan was, all right, we've got a strong five-some of me, KFC, Fights, Jay, and Will.
24:29 Let's split the votes.
24:31 Three votes on PFT, two votes on Jerry.
24:33 That way in case there's an idol, we're guaranteed if the five of us all stick to the plan, either PFT or Jerry are going home on a re-vote.
24:41 I've got a plan to get out of this mess because right now it's looking like me or Jerry, me or Jerry, and I'm hearing from Steve and Jay that it's going to be me.
24:49 So my plan is ask Will for immunity for Jerry.
24:54 He's not going to give it up.
24:55 He's not going to give that necklace up.
24:56 But Will also knows that I'm trying to get Jerry as far as possible.
24:59 Will lied to me in the last round.
25:01 I get it.
25:02 I understand why he did it.
25:03 But if I at least ask him for immunity for Jerry, then it looks like I'm trying something.
25:07 I'm making a move.
25:08 I'm panicking a little bit.
25:10 I want them to think that I'm panicking.
25:12 I think honestly with their players right now, they're just like, "Let's fucking find that idol."
25:15 Not even realizing that we're going to split the votes.
25:18 Yeah.
25:19 We really are like fucking bullies.
25:22 If everybody does what they said in this room tonight, there is a zero percent chance any of us are going to go home.
25:29 I agree.
25:30 Then let's all just agree to that.
25:31 Let's do it here.
25:32 Let's have some high noons.
25:34 High noon.
25:35 High noon oaths.
25:36 Let's go.
25:37 We cheers, we toast.
25:38 High noon, yay.
25:39 I leave and I start thinking to myself, "I have the immunity necklace.
25:45 I no longer have to just kind of flow with the majority.
25:48 I can make a play.
25:50 This would be a time to honestly make a play."
25:52 I am starving.
25:54 Fact or meal?
25:56 Yes, fact or meal, baby.
25:58 This is nice.
26:06 [Doorbell rings]
26:07 Hey, Will.
26:16 How's it going?
26:18 Can I talk to you real quick?
26:19 You want to take a walk?
26:21 What's going on?
26:23 All right, so obviously, big target on my back, big target on Jerry's back.
26:27 You're the man with the thorny necklace.
26:31 So, here's what I think we do.
26:32 Would you consider giving it?
26:33 Give me a second.
26:34 Here's what we need to do.
26:35 I need to save you and us three vote for Tommy and cut him out now.
26:42 Yes.
26:43 Are you with that?
26:45 Like you would give that to me before the vote?
26:49 Yeah.
26:51 Like you just got to tell me straight up, like, "Dude, would you want to keep Tommy in?"
26:55 I do not want Tommy in the game.
26:57 I don't want him to win.
26:59 Here's the long play.
27:01 KFC wants Tommy out, but right now we have the numbers, so it's like he would buy us time.
27:07 Can you tell KFC that if you give-- when you give me the necklace, that's the sign that, like, vote Tommy is on and we'll turn it on him?
27:15 Yes.
27:16 Okay.
27:17 I promise.
27:18 We'll meet up again.
27:19 I'm going to tell KFC.
27:20 I'm also going to tell Che, like, "Hey, if I give it to PFT, like, this could be the time to take out Tommy."
27:23 Yeah.
27:24 If I find the idol, I'm going to let you know.
27:26 Yes, so that way we can hold that play because I think now is the time to get Tommy.
27:30 Okay.
27:31 Now is a big moment to be like, "Throw a wrench in the mother fucker."
27:34 Agreed.
27:35 I feel pretty good going into the Tribal, but there is always in the back of my head of I can never feel too safe at any Tribal Council given the target that's on my back.
27:45 Eventually these people are going to wake up maybe and vote me out, so I can never get too, too confident.
27:50 So you feel good with this?
27:52 Okay.
27:53 You feel split?
27:54 No chance we'll flip?
27:56 I think, yeah, if we get too paranoid, we're in trouble.
28:01 I mean, I'm a little paranoid.
28:02 I'm sure you're a little paranoid.
28:04 Everybody needs to vote out.
28:05 I'm paranoid.
28:06 Yeah.
28:07 Let's just stick together.
28:12 Yeah.
28:14 [Music]
28:26 Use it on PFT.
28:28 [Music]
28:35 I'm thinking about a last minute play on Tommy.
28:38 The best rule of Compton was not the deal that we had with Tommy, KFC, and Fites.
28:43 It wasn't.
28:44 It was to vote out Tommy.
28:47 Now give me the time to get Tommy.
28:49 I think we're still solid though.
28:55 Still solid.
28:57 Everybody's good.
28:59 Too many cameras right now.
29:01 We're good.
29:02 What's tough is this is happening 10, 15 minutes before tribal council.
29:09 So Will and I agree to that.
29:11 It's a 40-second conversation, and then Tommy comes over.
29:14 Has they talked to you again?
29:18 No.
29:19 No.
29:20 I've stayed away.
29:21 Does Jerry go farther in the competition with me or with his immunity?
29:26 I don't know.
29:28 It's a choice for Jerry.
29:29 I don't want to make that decision for him.
29:31 It's up to him.
29:32 If he wants to save me, cool.
29:34 If he doesn't, I get it.
29:35 I hope you win the whole damn thing.
29:37 That's what I told Jerry.
29:38 When you put the necklace on me, that's the sign that it's on.
29:42 Okay?
29:43 We all are voting Tommy no matter what.
29:45 If you put the necklace on me.
29:48 We have the numbers.
29:49 I've talked--I've had a couple conversations.
29:52 It's a promise.
29:54 Why won't you put the necklace on me?
29:56 Because it opens me up.
29:58 No one's going to fall for you.
29:59 It doesn't matter.
30:00 I promise we have the numbers.
30:03 You and Jerry vote Tommy.
30:05 I got Steven.
30:06 Okay.
30:07 I even talked to Big Cat.
30:08 I was like, "Hey, you can influence.
30:09 Tell him."
30:10 And Steven, he's down.
30:11 He shook--he's like, "Hey, I swore.
30:12 This is--let's take out Tommy."
30:14 I was like, "Yes."
30:15 Okay.
30:16 Okay.
30:17 Red wedding.
30:18 Red wedding.
30:19 [music]
30:26 Kevin fights Jerry, Tommy, PFT, Che, and Will Compton.
30:36 One immunity at the last immunity challenge.
30:41 Take a seat.
30:42 The final seven.
30:44 [laughter]
30:45 I mean, you're just fucking staring.
30:47 No, no.
30:48 Weren't you complaining about that stump the whole time?
30:49 No, that was the one I was--
30:51 I think this is it.
30:52 Fights?
30:53 I think this is it.
30:54 Yeah, that's the one right there.
30:55 I think we got a wobbly one.
30:56 We got to increase our stump budget next time.
30:58 [laughter]
30:59 The fight for the stumps has become the game within the game.
31:02 Let's now bring in our jury.
31:04 Big Cat, Nate, Hank, Dave, Gaz, Kirk, and Rico voted out at the last tribal council.
31:18 Reminder, jury cannot communicate with the contestants here.
31:23 They're just to observe, and because of that observation without comment,
31:26 remember, they will be voting for you if you make the final three,
31:30 deciding who wins $100,000.
31:35 Let's start it off, Will.
31:37 You've had the power now twice, individual immunity.
31:41 Is there anything quite like that power in this game?
31:44 It feels good, but I do feel like winning the challenges,
31:47 it could potentially end up putting a target on your back
31:50 to have kind of like a 5v1 next challenge.
31:56 But, yeah, man, every elimination gets harder,
31:58 but I do think we have a bulletproof plane in the air right now,
32:01 and we'll see what happens.
32:03 PFT, you were targeted pretty early in that individual immunity challenge.
32:06 Yeah.
32:07 One of the first ones out.
32:08 Does that game, that challenge, roll into how you feel right now?
32:11 Do you think that that sentiment carries right into this moment
32:14 as you sit on that stump?
32:16 I'm definitely not comfortable saying that I'm going to survive this vote.
32:19 The odds are probably stacked against me at this point.
32:22 We've done everything that we can, but, you know,
32:25 we've had some conversations, and at least I think I have a plan.
32:30 Are you playing looser, though?
32:31 You made the comment last time you said,
32:32 "Hey, I might get stabbed in the back in the next 15 minutes."
32:34 Oh, I don't--yeah, listen, if I get stabbed in the back,
32:37 like the game's the game.
32:38 This has been a lot of fun, and I'm truly enjoying it,
32:41 and I really want to stick around just to play more of this game.
32:44 Trey, you mentioned some hurt feelings in that last challenge.
32:46 It's a pretty personal challenge.
32:48 Kidding or not, though, you said, again, like PFT,
32:52 you were targeted pretty early.
32:54 You and PFT were the first ones out.
32:56 You're a data guy.
32:57 Look at the hat.
32:58 Give me a percentage, confidence level, 0 to 100,
33:01 that you're staying tonight.
33:05 One divided by--or 100 divided by 7,
33:07 so we're looking at a little under 16%, so roughly about that.
33:11 Well, he's staying.
33:12 Come on.
33:13 100 minus that.
33:14 Oh, me staying?
33:15 All right, yeah, so 84%.
33:17 Trust the data.
33:18 Trust the brain.
33:19 What's the chance of me going home?
33:21 Stupidest left, Trey.
33:24 Can't do math good.
33:26 Okay, so we'll just go with that 16%.
33:28 Okay.
33:30 Minor out of 7, Will is safe.
33:32 Just a reminder, Will is safe.
33:34 Cannot be voted out, and Will did already say he will not be giving it up
33:37 here at Tribal.
33:38 Tommy, you were some of the more negative answers.
33:41 Most of them.
33:42 Wacked early on, but you lasted a while.
33:44 You were the first target, and then you stuck in the game for a while.
33:46 Yeah, I think there was a glitch.
33:48 Nobody voted me funniest.
33:49 Nobody voted me most likely for one-on-one dinner, but, you know,
33:51 that's all right.
33:52 I think I won a few of them.
33:55 What's your pitch at the Tribe right now?
33:56 Obviously, you were the literal first target of this game on day one.
34:00 You used the idol, and now you've lasted this long into the game.
34:03 You've only got six left beside you.
34:05 Yeah, I think I'm a valuable number to the people I'm with,
34:10 and I think everyone sticks--you know,
34:13 I think that it does not make sense right now for anybody to vote me out.
34:19 Kevin, at what point for you has the jury started factoring?
34:23 I asked this yesterday.
34:24 Jerry made a comment, too, like playing one day at a time,
34:27 and now the numbers are about to flip.
34:30 There's about to be more over there than there are over here.
34:35 Truly, genuinely, I have not thought about that.
34:37 I am not expert enough at this game to start playing that side of things.
34:46 I just want to get there.
34:48 Jerry, you said that again yesterday, same thing, one day at a time.
34:53 What's the energy been with the merged Tribe for you?
34:55 How different has it been compared to what was kind of back and forth
34:58 in the Tribe, but pretty good camaraderie with yours?
35:00 Yeah, I don't know.
35:01 For me, I just kind of feel like I'm on the outside in, you know,
35:04 as opposed to before I was in and now I'm kind of out.
35:08 Do you think Target on your back tonight or just in general?
35:11 I would say, yeah, possibly tonight, yeah.
35:15 Do you have a sense of who's going home? Do you have any idea?
35:18 No. If I was to guess, it would be PFT.
35:24 No one is something fully different in this game, I've learned.
35:27 The Alton and Jerry version of no is just--
35:30 Sorry.
35:32 You claim to not really have a game play or a strategy, so on and so forth.
35:36 It's always kind of fly by the seat of your pants.
35:39 Does that mean you do or don't have a sense of who's going to win?
35:42 Do you ever come into this thinking you know who's going to go home
35:44 or is it full on?
35:45 Not only do you not know what your strategy is, but you're also like,
35:47 I don't even really know what other people are going to say.
35:49 No, I have a pretty good idea who's going to get both tonight.
35:52 I'm one of them.
35:55 You were pretty close last time.
35:56 Yeah, probably be something similar tonight.
35:59 Show of hands, anyone raise your hand and think they're confident,
36:03 confident they know who's going home tonight?
36:07 No one at all. No one at all.
36:09 Well, 7 down to 6 after this vote.
36:12 Will, you already said you're not going to give it up.
36:14 I'll give you a chance again.
36:16 Going to keep it?
36:17 Yeah.
36:18 Can I vote for Will?
36:20 Che, Fights, Jerry, Tommy, Kevin, PFT.
36:25 One of you will be going home.
36:26 Compton, you're up first to vote.
36:33 I think this is a big move.
36:35 I think this is big move time.
36:37 I got it out there.
36:40 You're the universe, now we just need the universe to bring it home.
36:45 I'm going with Tommy.
36:47 I think it is time to eliminate the greatest player of all time
36:50 because he will find a way.
36:52 He is a fucking survivor.
36:54 He is a street rat. You can't kill him.
36:56 He's a fucking cockroach.
36:58 And that is a compliment.
37:00 Respect all in the world.
37:02 I hope we fucking pull this thing through for the love of God.
37:06 Che, you're up next.
37:10 Time has come.
37:12 Greatest of all time.
37:16 Fights, you're up next.
37:18 Not a fun one again.
37:23 Jerry, you're up next.
37:28 Tommy, you're up next.
37:29 PFT, from day one you came to me, you told me to write my name down,
37:33 you voted for me.
37:34 I've wanted you gone since then.
37:36 Then you blindsided Dave, you were bossing me around with the challenges,
37:39 popping my balloons, acting like the cockiest guy in the world.
37:43 Hopefully tonight this is finally my revenge.
37:47 Kevin, you're up next.
37:49 I'm pretty sure if everybody sticks to the plan,
37:53 it's a mathematical impossibility for something to go wrong,
37:56 and I still am like...
38:02 PFT, you're up next.
38:04 I have zero idea what time it is.
38:07 It's like being in Vegas.
38:09 Someone's fucking somebody today.
38:12 No idea who.
38:17 PFT back means all the votes have been cast.
38:20 If anyone has a hidden immunity idol, the time to play would be right now.
38:31 I got one, Jeff.
38:33 Jerry is going to play this hidden immunity idol.
38:38 Jerry, who will you be playing it on?
38:40 PFT.
38:42 No votes cast against PFT will count.
38:45 Jerry plays his idol on PFT.
38:48 Here are the votes.
38:50 First vote.
38:54 Tommy.
38:56 Second vote.
38:58 PFT does not count.
39:01 Next vote.
39:03 Tommy.
39:05 Two votes Tommy, no votes anyone else.
39:08 Next vote.
39:11 Tommy.
39:13 Three votes Tommy, no votes anyone else.
39:16 Next vote.
39:20 Next person eliminated, newest member of our jury, Tommy Smokes.
39:26 Tommy, grab your torch, you are the eighth member of the jury.
39:31 Grab your torch.
39:33 I don't know how that works.
39:35 Tommy Smokes, one and a half seasons of Surviving Barstool, the run has ended.
39:43 Say goodnight.
39:45 Hey, somebody had to finally do it.
39:49 I feel like I'm dreaming.
39:51 I've never--this is a feeling I've quite simply never had.
39:58 Everybody turned on me.
40:00 Like, everybody was amazing actors.
40:04 I'm stumped.
40:06 I think I put on a good showing still.
40:08 Look, I tried.
40:10 I did what I had to do, and it just didn't work out.
40:13 I fucking got the goat.
40:17 Tommy had no clue.
40:18 He goes over, sits in the jury, but since they didn't count the rest of the votes,
40:21 Tommy's thinking, "How did KFC and Fight switch?"
40:23 I see him over there kind of talking.
40:25 I was looking.
40:26 He like ends up and looks at me, and he was like, "Did you do this?"
40:30 And I was like, "That's trophy hunting.
40:33 I got the goat."
40:35 It doesn't matter if I go any farther.
40:36 I took out--I am the dragon slayer, the king slayer, dude.
40:40 I got Tommy fucking smokes.
40:44 Tommy eliminated.
40:46 We now have more members of our jury than we have people over here playing the game.
40:52 Six people.
40:54 Per tradition, stand up and go grab your torches.
40:59 But now, breaking tradition, sit back down.
41:04 Will Compton, I need that immunity necklace.
41:06 Immunity backup for grabs right this very moment.
41:11 You will be playing your next immunity challenge right here, right now.
41:15 [music]
41:19 Here's how it's going to work.
41:20 You have two paddles in your hand.
41:21 One says over, one says under.
41:22 I will read you something off, and then you're going to tell me if the actual number is over
41:27 or under the number I just read.
41:29 Simple as this.
41:30 If you get it wrong, you're out.
41:32 This could end really quick.
41:33 It could go on for a little while.
41:35 Here we go.
41:36 For immunity.
41:38 For immunity.
41:39 Your first one.
41:41 How many balls were in the attack and defend game?
41:45 Is it over or under 45?
41:48 How many balls were in play in the attack and defend game?
41:52 Is it over or under 45?
41:54 Show your answers.
41:57 The correct answer is 50.
42:00 It's over, PFT.
42:01 You are out already.
42:03 It was 25 in each station, 25 in each station.
42:07 PFT is already gone.
42:08 Did you throw that?
42:09 No.
42:10 Really?
42:11 I'm that dumb.
42:12 You have to be through the individual immunity?
42:15 I was off by five, and I know that Jeff is keeping it close to 50.
42:19 In 2023, how many times has Barstool employee Ben Mintz used the word "I" or "me" in a blog?
42:28 Is it over or under 600 times?
42:32 Since January 1st, 2023, how many times has he said "I" or "me" in a blog?
42:36 I'll count you down from three this time.
42:38 I thought it was going to be a different word.
42:45 Over or under 600 times. Need an answer in three, two, one. Reveal.
42:54 Chase says under.
42:55 Compton says under.
42:57 Kevin says under.
42:59 Jerry says under.
43:00 I said 600.
43:01 The correct answer is 657.
43:03 Fights.
43:05 Immediate immunity.
43:08 Immediate immunity. Second round. Fights.
43:11 Come on over. Just like that.
43:13 Never bet on Mintz talking about other people other than himself. Never.
43:17 Shout out to the king of the south, Ben Mintz.
43:19 Fights. Safe from elimination.
43:23 Thought this one was basically complete chance, which meant I thought I had a shot.
43:27 This is probably one of the more confident ones I've been going into it, knowing that it is not really much skill.
43:34 Now, normally, you will have a lot of time to scramble, chat things out, discuss things.
43:39 I'll remind the jury, no interacting with the contestants right now.
43:42 You guys, no interacting with them. No asking them questions. No saying anything.
43:46 If you do, you will lose your vote.
43:48 If you leave this space, you will lose your vote.
43:51 You have three minutes to discuss what's going to happen next. Go.
43:55 Stick with this plan. Tommy's out now. Love that move, by the way, because I wanted him next.
43:59 Stick to the original order. We'll get you there.
44:03 Thought you didn't have the item.
44:05 Because you were like, "Hey, I'm really stressed." And I was like, "Hey, it's all right."
44:08 I couldn't let you know that I had it.
44:09 You knew he had it or no?
44:10 Yeah.
44:11 I couldn't let you know that I had it, that the jury had it.
44:14 I had your silent. You take some big cat, you take some everybody.
44:17 God, I'm going to fucking puke. Is your heart not racing?
44:21 Minute 30 has gone by.
44:23 I got the path.
44:24 Let's vote. If we all feel good.
44:26 We all feel good.
44:28 Contestants are done. They say they are ready to vote.
44:31 Someone going home after this vote, they only needed a minute 30.
44:36 Seems like a quick decision. Will Compton not safe this time.
44:39 You guys cannot vote for fights unless...
44:41 You want to give it up?
44:43 No, I'm good. Thank you.
44:45 You had a thinking face for about two seconds there.
44:48 I don't know if I should or not.
44:49 First time ever.
44:50 I think I should keep it.
44:51 Will Compton, you're up first. Time to vote.
44:53 God damn it.
44:56 If this is it, it's been a hell of a ride.
45:04 Let the best man win.
45:07 Che, you're up next.
45:10 So, what's complicated is Will just mouthed something to me as he came back,
45:17 and I don't know what he said.
45:19 What do you think he heard?
45:23 It should be KFC. We just flipped on that alliance.
45:26 I don't see why it would be anyone but KFC.
45:28 Fettelberg winning immunity makes it way easier.
45:31 It's like no discussion needed. We're voting KFC.
45:33 I know that PFT and Jerry are voting KFC.
45:38 So, I'm going to take my chance with a tiebreaker if Will's doing something different.
45:42 I'm pretty sure Will's on the same page as me.
45:44 It's in both of our best interests to stick together.
45:46 So, KFC, I look forward to playing the game with you.
45:53 I had every intention to ride out with you and fights.
45:59 Fights, you're up next.
46:04 Not often you get to hit the pen twice, though.
46:08 Jerry, up next.
46:13 Kevin, you're up.
46:19 Just told him right as I was leaving because I wanted to say it to his face.
46:23 I told PFT I'm voting for him.
46:25 Told him I was going to do it.
46:31 PFT, you're up next.
46:34 Every time I'm in here, I think I'm going home.
46:36 Sorry.
46:47 PFT has voted, meaning all six have voted.
46:50 Goes without saying, because Jerry played this, there are no immunity idols, so I will not ask.
46:55 Here we go with the votes.
46:58 First vote.
47:02 PFT.
47:04 Second vote.
47:08 KFC.
47:10 One vote PFT, one vote KFC.
47:14 Next vote.
47:15 PFT.
47:19 Next vote.
47:21 KFC.
47:22 Two votes PFT, two votes KFC.
47:25 Next vote.
47:29 PFT.
47:30 Three votes PFT, two votes KFC, one vote left.
47:39 Next vote.
47:40 We have a tie.
47:41 KFC.
47:42 Three votes KFC, three votes PFT.
47:45 Here is how this works.
47:47 KFC and PFT, no reason for you to vote.
47:50 You're not going to vote here.
47:52 Jerry, Compton, Che and Fite, you can only vote for PFT or KFC.
47:58 If the tie is not broken after this, you will out loud, right here, talk about who you want to eliminate.
48:04 If you cannot come to a unanimous decision, KFC and PFT will be safe.
48:09 The four of you will then pull a rock from a box, and the person who pulls the colored rock will be eliminated.
48:15 But, you first have a chance to do so by voting.
48:18 Compton, you're up first.
48:20 Vote again.
48:21 You can only vote for KFC or PFT.
48:27 I just don't see the benefit of getting KFC out, man.
48:32 I'm going PFT.
48:40 Che, you're up next.
48:44 Che, you're up next.
48:46 Gotta go vote.
48:48 Oh my god, Will fucked me.
48:58 Wow, Che's been in there forever.
49:01 Che's been in there forever.
49:03 Forever? Is he alive?
49:05 Am I a sitting duck?
49:08 Fuck.
49:24 He might be crying.
49:25 When I called him to go vote, he had this look, he had a petrified look on his face.
49:29 He did not expect that to happen.
49:34 Fuck.
49:51 Fuck.
49:55 Che, a long time in the voting room. Fights up next.
50:05 Jerry, you saved me. I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you. Send me home.
50:08 Probably the same way around, too. Send me home.
50:11 Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, did you hear what I said there?
50:14 Like, from the start, I told you there's going to be a time where you have to do it, and I'm going to be happy when you do it.
50:19 I'm going to be happy. I'm going to get to go. I'm going to go sink in a hotel tonight.
50:23 I'm going to get to jack off in a hotel room tonight, Jerry.
50:26 Let me jack off, Jerry.
50:27 I'm out next, so it doesn't matter.
50:28 Jerry, Jerry, let me, let me not. Release me.
50:35 Jerry, last vote. You're up next.
50:38 So, voting for KFT. Sorry, PFT, I don't got an Emmy to vote for you, buddy.
50:45 I know that's what you want, but I can't do it.
50:48 You brought me this far. I got to ride with you.
50:51 You know who I'm worried about? You know who I'm worried about?
50:54 Fucking Agent of Chaos over here. He scares the shit out of me.
50:56 Me? Yeah.
50:57 I almost just threw a fucking wild card at him.
50:59 Yeah, yeah. I could see him burning down everything.
51:05 And Jerry's vote has been cast. Here we go. I will read the votes.
51:10 Four votes only can be counted for PFT or KFC. Someone will be the ninth member of our jury.
51:19 First vote, PFT.
51:24 Second vote, KFC.
51:31 Third vote, one to one right now, PFT.
51:37 Two votes PFT, one vote KFC, one vote left.
51:44 Ninth person eliminated, ninth member of our jury, PFT.
51:48 Steve, thanks. Give me a hug. Give me a hug.
51:52 We're okay, buddy. We're okay. I don't want you to do that, alright?
51:56 Good stuff. Good work, buddy.
51:59 I'm sorry. We'll get it, alright? Yeah.
52:02 I hope you guys realize Jerry's a loyal fucking guy with that.
52:08 Also, sorry about lubing up the wall during the duct tape challenge.
52:11 You son of a bitch!
52:14 I forgot about that.
52:16 PFT. What kind of oil did you--
52:19 I go puff-- I ordered vegetable oil online and they brought it in there.
52:22 You dirt dog!
52:24 Go enjoy a nice sleep, bath, shower, and a hotel PFT. And a jerk off. Thank you.
52:28 Have a good night, PFT.
52:30 Hug, boy.
52:31 Had to do that.
52:36 Going home, Jerry couldn't do it. Stephen Chay's breaking down in tears.
52:41 I had to tell him to send me home.
52:43 I have Stephen and Jerry going to a 50/50 chance of getting home.
52:46 It's not important that I'm here. It's important that they're here.
52:49 I hope Jerry or Stephen wins the entire damn thing.
52:51 They're going to have my vote.
52:53 If it's down to like two of them and somebody else, I don't know where I'm going.
52:56 But now is the time to tell them, "Don't take a chance. Get me out of here.
53:00 You guys go fight for it."
53:02 So, now I'm going.
53:05 Alright, we are down to five.
53:09 No idols in the game anymore.
53:13 Are you crying?
53:14 Chay, you good?
53:16 Emotional, tough game.
53:18 Jerry, KFC, Will Compton, Stephen Chay, and fights.
53:22 One of you.
53:23 Did you really cry?
53:24 One of you will win.
53:26 Did you cry?
53:28 Why'd you cry?
53:30 Let it out.
53:31 You're last night.
53:32 Let it out.
53:34 Why'd you cry?
53:35 One of you will win $100,000.
53:39 You'll get down to three people tomorrow and then it all shifts over here.
53:43 Two of you will join them and then somebody will be voted on to win $100,000.
53:48 Get a good night rest.
53:50 You made it to the last day. We'll see you tomorrow.
53:52 Alright, the final five.
54:01 These are the last bullets in our gun.
54:03 The chips are going to fall where they fall.
54:04 He'll die letting somebody stab him in the back.
54:06 No!
54:07 He fucked me twice.
54:09 It's simple. Ball in the hole, win immunity.
54:12 We going chaos?
54:13 I'll go chaos.
54:14 I have never felt stupider in my whole life.
54:16 Maybe I am in the best spot.
54:17 Maybe I am in the best spot. Who knows?
54:19 Sometimes you gotta do things you don't wanna do.
54:21 This is an ugly, ugly, ugly game.
54:23 [Gunshot]
54:26 [Explosion]
54:29 [Swoosh]
54:31 (dramatic music)
