Hollyoaks 28th July 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 This is not your fault, Joel. Diabetes can develop at any stage.
00:03 I love the way you look at me like I'm a hero.
00:05 There's nothing wrong with me.
00:07 You know that t-shirt Raine said was Eretz's rent?
00:09 It's a fake, bro.
00:10 I don't understand why your friends are obsessed with thinking the worst of me.
00:13 First Perry and now him.
00:15 I found something on her phone and email proving that she only bought that t-shirt a couple of days ago.
00:19 Right, we need to get our hands on that email,
00:20 because it's hard proof what a manipulative liar she is.
00:23 Prince, you don't look too good.
00:25 What is the Norse Quarter House game?
00:27 Hey, hey, hey. It was a special concoction. They weren't too strong for you, were they?
00:31 Don't worry. I'm here to look after you.
00:34 [Music]
00:37 [Music]
00:40 [Music]
00:42 [Music]
00:54 [Music]
01:05 [Music]
01:07 People think being an influencer is about showing your real life,
01:29 but really, it's all about creating drama.
01:31 [Music]
01:33 Giving them the twist and turns, the occasional cliffhanger.
01:38 [Music]
01:40 The truth doesn't come into it.
01:44 All that matters is what people say.
01:47 Two hours before I've got to get off to work.
01:50 Babe, what's wrong?
01:54 [Music]
01:57 [Music]
01:59 Oh, thanks for helping me open up.
02:05 The guy from the agency's not going to be here till late.
02:08 I think you might have been better just keeping this place closed.
02:10 What, and lose more regulars?
02:12 Hey, Donna-Marie, we'll be back to manage soon.
02:14 I just worried in case you're taking on too much, that's all.
02:17 Oh.
02:19 I'm just a regular CPA, right?
02:21 Yeah, you are. I mean, you're running round after Daniel,
02:23 keeping this place open, looking after Perrie and Donna-Marie.
02:26 Not to mention this little thing you've got going on called your career.
02:29 Yeah, I know. It is a lot.
02:31 But luckily for me, I've got the most uncomplicated boyfriend in the world.
02:34 Oh, which reminds me.
02:36 So I pulled some strings at the Fyre station.
02:38 They've brought your practical forward to Monday.
02:40 No, I'm not ready.
02:42 What, are you kidding? With all the training you've been doing?
02:44 So?
02:45 Oh, I'm going to make us a picnic lunch to celebrate.
02:47 Hang on, shouldn't you at least wait until I've passed?
02:50 I know you are going to smash it.
02:52 And maybe you'll get to taste my famous lemon drizzle.
02:55 Oh.
02:56 Yeah, I just left the bag on the stairs, nearly killed myself tripping over it.
03:11 What's up?
03:21 You didn't think she'd tell me?
03:23 Tell you what?
03:25 She tried it on with Rain.
03:27 Wouldn't take no for an answer.
03:29 You what? No, I never.
03:31 Oh, well, she's lying, is she? Made the whole thing up.
03:33 I'm telling you. Do you think I couldn't hear you?
03:35 Get out of the corner, mate. You've got to believe me.
03:37 You were pretty drunk.
03:39 I thought you were my mate.
03:43 But you're not listening. Nothing happened,
03:45 and there's no way he could have been that drunk.
03:47 He only had a couple.
03:49 Maybe we should give Prince a chance to explain.
03:52 Yeah, go on.
03:54 Explain yourself.
03:56 What did happen after you left?
03:58 Go on, we're waiting. I don't remember.
04:02 Oh. You're up bright and early.
04:14 Yeah, I just wanted to warm up before class.
04:17 You know, be prepared.
04:19 Mm. Well, that's one way to get hot and sweaty.
04:21 Shut up! Nothing's even happening.
04:23 Yeah, and it won't do either if it's left up to you two.
04:26 Oi, fish face. How's Donna Marie?
04:44 Judging by the snoring that's come in from her bedroom,
04:46 I'm guessing she's alive.
04:48 Or she might not be if I've got to listen to it for much longer.
04:50 Right. Well, what are you doing today at 12?
04:52 Not sure. Why? I'm making a picnic for Joel.
04:54 Just to celebrate him getting one step closer to being a firefighter.
04:57 Has he been accepted? Well, not quite, no.
04:59 But I managed to get him in early if he was practical.
05:01 It's a bit weird, isn't it? What is?
05:03 He spent his last job trying to save people from burning down there.
05:07 Now he's putting out fires up here.
05:09 Yeah, that's why me and James will do all the talking.
05:11 I don't think James is going to be up for it.
05:13 Why?
05:14 The office got broke into a few nights ago.
05:17 They've destroyed Juliet's video.
05:19 You're joking! Was it backed up?
05:22 Oh, that is horrible.
05:24 It was Goldie. Payback for bronzer.
05:26 I bet James is going mad, innit?
05:28 Oh, no, he's not, really.
05:30 That's what's worrying me.
05:32 See you in a bit. See you later.
05:34 I don't know why it's all blurry.
05:40 Well, let me fill you in.
05:42 You collapsed on Romeo's bed and then you tried to kiss her.
05:45 I know that didn't happen. I barely went near her all night.
05:48 I fancied the bartender for crying out loud.
05:50 All right, so you remember that bit, do you?
05:52 Come on, matey. You tried to accuse me of sleeping with Rain before and I never...
05:55 You know me. You know that I would never do that.
05:57 Why would I lie? Because I figured you out.
06:00 I should have listened to Perrie from the off.
06:02 Wait, what has Perrie got to do with it?
06:04 She warned me.
06:06 Warned you? About her.
06:10 She wants us to file out. Can't you see that? This is just an act.
06:13 Well, let's see what the police have to say about this, shall we?
06:22 No.
06:23 I'm not going to the police.
06:27 Fine. No, I just want to forget everything that happened, OK?
06:30 I never forced myself on Rain. I swear, I just wouldn't.
06:38 One in this life.
06:40 Get out.
06:44 Out.
06:45 Get out of the front, mate, you!
06:47 I'm getting nervous now. I've only just started learning self-defence.
06:58 You'll be great.
06:59 Yeah. I'm just going to teach the kids some basic moves
07:02 and then give them some tips on how to stay vigilant.
07:04 Right then!
07:06 Oh, hey, Max.
07:08 Hey!
07:09 Er...
07:10 What are you...
07:12 doing here?
07:14 Scott asked me to take the kids on a hike for the Early Day Awards.
07:17 Oh, did I... Did I say that today? Is that what I said?
07:20 Yeah, you texted me saying, "Are you free this morning?"
07:23 I'm sorry, it's stupid auto-text on my phone, that.
07:25 No, I didn't mean that. I meant next week,
07:27 because Max is teaching a survival guide today.
07:30 Right.
07:31 Oh, no, do you know what? It's absolutely fine.
07:33 You can do your hike and I'll just do my class another day.
07:35 Well, no, no, you can't, because we've sorted a babysitter, haven't we?
07:39 So, you know what? This is a crazy thought, yeah,
07:42 but how about you two join forces?
07:45 Oh, I don't...
07:46 Yeah, I mean, it could be like a hike/survival extravaganza.
07:50 What do you reckon?
07:52 I suppose.
07:53 Excellent! Right, well, that's it, sorted.
07:55 Best go and round up the kids.
08:01 I thought you were at work.
08:11 Yeah, I thought I'd take lunch at home.
08:14 I was practically falling asleep at my desk.
08:17 How are you?
08:27 I've had better days.
08:29 We've been friends a long time, haven't we?
08:45 You know you can tell me anything.
08:57 What really happened with Brent?
09:02 I told you.
09:06 Tell me again.
09:07 Why? Do you think I'm lying?
09:09 No.
09:10 No, I...
09:13 I just want to make sure you're absolutely certain about what happened.
09:18 I am.
09:21 Good.
09:22 Look, if you know, like, me theory is conflicted about this kind of thing.
09:29 He turned it on with me and I pushed him off.
09:31 And?
09:32 And I, um...
09:35 ...bought him home, helped him up the stairs.
09:42 I thought he'd gone into his own room,
09:44 but he must have got confused because the next thing I...
09:47 I know he's passed out on Romeo's bed.
09:50 So I figured I'd just sleep in my room for the night.
09:53 And I reach over to get my PJs.
09:55 He was still under the pillow and...
09:57 And suddenly he's awake and he's trying to kiss me
10:02 and I refuse, obviously, but he's...
10:04 He's strong and he grabs me and he pushes me down onto the bed and...
10:09 And?
10:11 And I just... I threw him off and I ran away, OK?
10:14 You believe me, right?
10:18 [♪♪♪]
10:20 [♪♪♪]
10:29 Thank you.
10:47 OK, today we're going to be learning some outdoor survival skills.
10:51 Like Bear Grylls?
10:53 Not quite.
10:54 We'll be hiking through the woods,
10:56 coming up against some obstacles we've arranged,
10:58 and Miss Miniver will be showing you some self-defence moves
11:02 and techniques to help you stay aware of your surroundings.
11:05 Rather than just staring at your phone.
11:09 Anything else to go in the box?
11:14 Any nine-carat gold chains, smart watches,
11:18 diamond earrings you all put in to feel like you're Ronaldo?
11:21 What about my boxers, sir? They're real soon.
11:23 Keep the boxers on, Dylan,
11:25 unless you think there's a chance you're going to lose them.
11:28 Erm, oh, well, I should put mine in there as well.
11:32 [THUD]
11:33 Oh! Oh.
11:34 Sir, stop flirting.
11:37 Ready?
11:38 Yeah, I think so.
11:39 I'll just give this to Scott.
11:48 I just wish I could remember the night.
11:52 Those cocktails were so strong, they probably messed up my brain.
11:55 How many did you have?
11:56 I only had a couple.
11:58 It's no way you tried to sexually assault Ray.
12:01 That's what I thought.
12:02 But now I'm starting to think, what if I actually did try something
12:05 and I just can't remember because maybe I was just too drunk.
12:08 Exactly.
12:09 You can barely open your eyes after one too many.
12:11 I mean, look at my birthday.
12:13 We threw you in the shower and you were still out cold.
12:16 Can you remember anything after you left the bar?
12:20 I don't even know how I got home.
12:21 It's like she's trying to destroy me.
12:23 She makes Olivia seem cuddly.
12:25 Steady on.
12:26 What if she goes to the police?
12:30 She won't.
12:31 What if she does?
12:32 Then just tell the truth.
12:34 Yeah, right.
12:35 A black man being believed by the police.
12:37 My own friends won't even believe me, so why would they?
12:40 She could say anything.
12:41 Let's go talk to the room and then look.
12:43 The truth always comes out in the end.
12:45 Yeah, but does it?
12:47 Talk to Romeo.
12:51 Now.
12:52 Before it gets out of hand.
12:54 I can't believe Prince would do something like that.
13:00 Yeah, well, believe it.
13:02 Hey.
13:03 You left this in the loo last night.
13:05 Oh, thank you.
13:07 Glad to see everyone's filled you in.
13:09 You know we're on your side, right?
13:11 Prince might be a mate, but...
13:12 He's not my mate. The guy's a snake.
13:14 This is why I didn't want to tell you.
13:16 I don't want to come between you and Prince.
13:18 He tried to assault you.
13:20 Yeah, but not really.
13:21 He tried to have sex with you.
13:23 Yeah, but he didn't actually do anything.
13:25 Only because you fought him off.
13:26 I swear I'm gonna kill him.
13:27 Look, why don't you just go for a run or something, yeah?
13:29 Clear your head.
13:30 Yeah, I'll be fine.
13:34 Are you sure?
13:37 Right. I'll be long.
13:39 How can this keep happening?
13:41 I was spiked, Max was attacked, and now this?
13:44 Are you gonna go to the police?
13:47 Why does everyone keep asking me that?
13:49 Sorry, I...
13:50 Yeah, I'm just... I'm sick and I'm tired of talking about it, OK?
13:53 It's happened. Can we... Please just leave me alone.
13:56 Yeah.
13:57 Course.
13:59 I need to get to work anyway.
14:02 I'll walk with you.
14:03 OK.
14:04 Yeah, I'm ready at going, too.
14:10 But you can call me if you need anything.
14:15 OK?
14:16 Right.
14:18 Yeah, yeah.
14:20 Love you.
14:22 I love you, too.
14:32 Right, I know you've not passed your practical yet, but I just wanted to say...
14:35 Oh, you're not doing a speech.
14:37 I am so proud of you for having the courage to go for what you want to go for.
14:42 You are gonna make an amazing firefighter.
14:45 I mean, you're kind, honest, you've got morals...
14:48 Which doesn't bode well for fitting in with our family.
14:51 And you are the best thing that's happened to me in a long time.
14:54 Basically, just don't stuff it up.
14:56 Oh, I'd ignored him.
14:57 But, I mean, if you do cheat or lie, I will hunt you down, OK?
15:01 All right, enough of the soppy stuff.
15:02 I already feel like a third wheel here.
15:04 Oh, will you shut up?
15:05 Do the cake.
15:06 OK.
15:07 The moment of reckoning.
15:08 FYI, it's not a patch of Nazis.
15:10 Here.
15:11 Are you guys celebrating?
15:13 Oh, Joel's got his practical at the fire station on Monday.
15:16 Shouldn't you be laying off the desserts then?
15:18 Oh, come on, a little bit of lemon drizzle cake didn't do anyone any harm.
15:21 No, I'd check you out.
15:22 Looks like he's not the only one getting fit.
15:24 I'm doing that couch to 10K.
15:25 I wish I hadn't started it.
15:27 Is anyone fancy a nice lully?
15:29 Hey, you haven't tried the cake yet?
15:31 I'll be back in a minute.
15:32 Get me one.
15:33 When are you going to take your condition seriously?
15:39 Diabetes is something that needs to be managed properly,
15:42 which you are not doing.
15:43 Can you just keep your voice down, please?
15:45 I really don't need this.
15:46 Why haven't you told Leela yet?
15:48 Your friends and family need to support you.
15:50 Listen, I really want this job, OK?
15:52 Leela's got enough on her plate already
15:53 and I don't need some stupid condition complicating anything.
15:55 How's it going to do that?
15:56 Well, if I can't wrap my head around it, how's she supposed to?
15:59 She didn't sign up to be with a guy that's half-broken, did she?
16:02 Joel?
16:03 I'm Warren Fox's son, OK?
16:05 A bloke that can wrestle lions with his bare hands
16:07 and here I am losing a fight to a piece of cake.
16:09 This condition, it doesn't make you any less of a man.
16:12 Hey, our best day.
16:14 Lend us a couple of quid, will you?
16:16 I think I'm having an asthma attack.
16:21 You don't even have asthma.
16:22 I might have now.
16:23 Make sure you stretch, you don't want to be getting cramp.
16:26 Well, I think that went great.
16:29 I'm impressed, you're pretty fit.
16:31 Strong. Strong.
16:33 You're not so bad yourself.
16:35 Hey, my phone's gone.
16:36 Are you sure you've looked properly?
16:38 Yeah, of course I have. Have you got it?
16:40 Why would I have your phone?
16:41 It's got everything on there.
16:43 It's got my bank details, my socials.
16:45 All right, calm down.
16:46 I'm sure you can survive without posting on social media for a few minutes.
16:52 Have you ever seen Shira, miss?
16:54 Yeah, she was the one with the awesome clothes.
16:56 You remind me of her.
16:57 You know, because you're all about kicking ass and taking down baddies and stuff.
17:01 I suppose I am.
17:03 You're harder though.
17:04 And you've also got a cool battle scar.
17:06 See? It's gone.
17:10 Would you just watch, everyone? I need the loo.
17:13 Are you all right?
17:14 Yeah, I'm fine.
17:21 Where did you get the drugs from?
17:23 Is that why you borrowed 30 quid from the gym?
17:25 What? I know that was for food.
17:27 Cost living, it's sky high.
17:29 So are you.
17:30 Do you want me to call anyone?
17:32 It's nothing we'll manage. Cheers.
17:34 Well, I hope you saved me some champagne.
17:36 I didn't think you were coming.
17:38 Well, even a solicitor's got to eat, right?
17:39 James!
17:40 My mate!
17:42 Mind us a fiver, will you?
17:43 She's just turned up like this.
17:45 Did you not hear her leaving the flat?
17:49 Why are you staring at me?
17:51 You almost died a few weeks ago of an overdose,
17:54 and now you're back on the drugs.
17:56 What are you talking about?
17:57 You said you wanted to get well.
18:00 I let you stay because I thought we could help with your recovery,
18:03 but you don't care about any of that, do you?
18:05 You don't care about us?
18:07 You don't even care about your dead daughter?
18:11 I love Juliet!
18:13 Not enough.
18:15 Not more than your next fix.
18:16 I'm sorry, James, I know you're upset,
18:18 but that is bang out of order.
18:20 She never stood a chance, did she?
18:22 Even when she was ill.
18:24 One day after a funeral, and you're making it all about you!
18:28 This is not the place. Come on.
18:30 She deserved better.
18:31 Oi, Donna Marie is grieving too, you know.
18:34 I think we should just go home.
18:36 Want a fiver?
18:37 Have it!
18:39 That is the last thing you're getting out of me.
18:42 I'll pack up her stuff and send her over.
18:44 What?
18:45 Your girlfriend cares that much?
18:47 She can live with it.
18:49 Aw, yay.
18:54 Good run?
19:01 You were a long time.
19:03 I'm sorry.
19:05 I shouldn't have let you go off with Prince like that.
19:09 Hey, that was my choice.
19:11 I should have protected you.
19:14 Just like I should have protected my sister.
19:17 Juliet was ill.
19:18 And Lily?
19:19 Lily was too.
19:21 That's why she hurt herself.
19:23 This is not your responsibility.
19:25 I always let down the people that I love.
19:28 But not anymore.
19:30 I'm not going to let anything bad ever happen to you again.
19:35 I still can't get over Prince.
19:39 He's supposed to be my best mate.
19:41 He was really drunk.
19:43 And...
19:44 Maybe this whole thing was just a misunderstanding.
19:49 Who's that?
19:53 It's Prince.
19:56 He wants to talk.
19:59 Are you OK?
20:07 Yeah, I'm fine.
20:09 I've just got indigestion or something.
20:11 Sure you don't mind I go for a lie down?
20:13 Because I'm probably knackered.
20:14 No, fine.
20:15 I'm going to go and do the spur bed for you.
20:18 And James will come round.
20:19 He always does.
20:22 [TV playing]
20:24 Where's my bag?
20:42 [music]
20:44 What are you doing?
20:54 What was all that about?
21:00 I know you're having a bad time, but kicking her out?
21:04 Well, I nearly let her in because she's Juliet's mum.
21:06 And what about Romeo?
21:08 She still is mum.
21:09 And she will continue to be, wherever she chooses to fester.
21:12 Juliet asked you to look after her.
21:14 She also said, "Stop pushing people away."
21:17 Well, Juliet's not here anymore, is she?
21:21 And neither is her video.
21:22 No sense hanging around and being morbid.
21:24 I have plans to put into action.
21:26 What plans?
21:28 I hate it when you've got that look in your eye.
21:30 Is this about the McQueens?
21:32 I thought I could be the bigger person.
21:34 I was wrong.
21:35 No, you're not.
21:36 You're not that vengeful person anymore, James.
21:38 You don't go around tearing people apart.
21:40 They destroyed something precious.
21:42 And now so will I.
21:44 No, James.
21:46 James!
21:48 Babe?
22:02 I've had a little paint and I've decided I'm going to speak to Prince.
22:06 And I just thought I might as well hear his side of the story.
22:10 And he was my mate, so...
22:12 Ow.
22:13 What have you done?
22:16 I just...
22:18 Have you...
22:19 I'm sorry.
22:25 It's all right.
22:26 It's all right.
22:34 Inclusive fashionistas and designers dare to do what the high street doesn't,
22:38 as they create bespoken beautiful outfits for everybody.
22:42 Stream all episodes or watch live Monday night at 5 past 11.
22:45 Next, the Channel 4 News.
22:48 MUSIC
22:51 One down.
23:13 A few more to go.
23:16 (upbeat music)
23:19 you