Hollyoaks 14th June 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 I think you're my dad.
00:02 As you know, the scan revealed an ectopic pregnancy.
00:06 There was no chance the foetus would grow to term.
00:08 Therefore, we had to operate to ensure the risk to Yasmin was taken away.
00:12 This means we had to end the pregnancy.
00:15 There's got to be an easier way to save the market than the risk of prison.
00:18 You'd think.
00:19 Well, if you care about him as much as you say you do, you wouldn't let it happen.
00:22 But there's just no way of stopping it.
00:24 You've got to think.
00:26 As your remaining ovary is abnormally smaller than usual,
00:30 added to blockages in your fallopian tube,
00:33 you'll be unable to conceive naturally again.
00:37 [SIGHS]
01:31 ♪ So it starts ♪
01:33 ♪ The end of a way you tear me apart ♪
01:38 ♪ Living with a stone for a heart ♪
01:40 - I need to go home.
01:41 ♪ 'Cause you're broken enough for the both of us ♪
01:44 ♪ And you ♪
01:47 ♪ Say it loud ♪
01:50 ♪ I wrote it down and you read it out ♪
01:53 ♪ You know it's hard for me to open my mouth ♪
01:58 ♪ 'Cause you're spoken enough for the both of us ♪
02:01 ♪ So I ♪
02:04 ♪ So it starts ♪
02:05 - If you just stay still, you can play the football.
02:08 All right, go and get your bags.
02:09 Look who I roped in to be our getaway driver.
02:12 ♪ You're my spark ♪
02:14 ♪ You ignited a spark and you gave me the heart to try ♪
02:19 - Well, okay.
02:21 Looking good.
02:22 - Thanks.
02:23 I think it's time me and Charlie took things to the next level.
02:26 ♪ Said I've been trying to give you everything ♪
02:31 ♪ Did you blink, did you think I was gonna leave you crying ♪
02:36 (knocking)
02:39 - Charlie. - Visitor.
02:44 - Had to walk into school with me.
02:47 Dead nervous.
02:49 - I've not revised properly at all.
02:51 It's just too many numbers.
02:55 - How did it go with Tony?
02:56 - I'm not even gonna think about who my dad is
02:58 until these exams are over.
03:00 - Hey guys, you're gonna smash it, all right?
03:02 Nancy's calling later to see how you got on,
03:04 so break a leg, okay?
03:06 - Maybe we should break a leg.
03:11 Might get us out of this maths exam, eh?
03:13 I need something to relax me.
03:17 - Don't even think about smoking weed.
03:21 - I'm not, I'm joking.
03:22 Let's go face the music.
03:26 - I thought it was maths.
03:27 - Let's go through this one more time.
03:31 - Right, that is the kids at school, finally.
03:34 They played cops and robbers all the way there.
03:36 You don't think they've overheard anything, do you?
03:38 - No, kids play that game all the time at their age.
03:41 Anyway, the armoured van is gonna be parked up
03:44 on Platemere Road, around the corner from the bank.
03:48 You are gonna be parked up across the street,
03:50 so when you see us running, you...
03:52 - Spring into action.
03:54 - Exactly. - Got it.
03:55 - I'm still not sure why he changed his mind.
03:59 - I worked my magic on him.
04:01 You can trust Damon.
04:03 Take my word for it.
04:04 - What do you think?
04:07 - I think you know my feelings on Damon,
04:09 but we don't have anyone else to drive.
04:11 - I'm still not sure.
04:13 I mean, what is it that Sarah said that changed his mind?
04:17 We need to get him on his own.
04:18 Turn the screws.
04:20 Follow my lead.
04:21 - Hey, what was that, Grace?
04:23 - You've got a delivery at the loft
04:24 and you need a big, strong man to help you out.
04:27 - When have I ever needed...
04:28 Yes, yes, actually, I do.
04:30 Damon?
04:31 - Well, no further, ladies.
04:33 - Meet you there in half an hour.
04:38 - Sound.
04:39 - That hospital bed was so uncomfortable.
04:48 I can't wait to have a lie down.
04:51 - I was thinking we could do something nice later
04:54 for the baby.
04:55 Go somewhere, say a few words.
04:58 A little memorial, so they know how much we love them.
05:05 - Tom, the baby was barely 10 weeks.
05:11 - We had a heartbeat.
05:12 They were gonna be our son or daughter.
05:15 - I just want to get back to normality.
05:20 I need a shower and mum's ringing again in a bit.
05:23 We need to move on from this.
05:27 - Hello?
05:37 Grace, you wanted a big, strong man.
05:41 - Hello, Damon.
05:46 - So where's Grace?
05:47 - Get in the chair, now.
05:49 - Whoa, what's going on here?
05:50 What are you gonna do, give me a lap dance?
05:56 - We want to know the real reason you want to do this heist.
05:59 And it better be good.
06:00 - So we have spoke about it and I do want to do it,
06:06 but I've got this exam in like five minutes.
06:08 How am I gonna concentrate on Shing Lin?
06:09 - Charlie, relax.
06:11 Shing Lin's older and more experienced.
06:13 She'll show you how it's done.
06:14 Oh, she's coming.
06:17 Loosen your tie.
06:19 (indistinct chatter)
06:22 - Hey, good looking exam boys.
06:26 - Charlie's got something to ask you.
06:29 - Yeah, go on then.
06:31 - You know your text message?
06:34 What do you mean?
06:36 - Well, is your place free at lunch or not?
06:40 - Well, Darren's up working in the pub, so.
06:45 - Good.
06:47 Then go into that exam hall, get yourself a nine,
06:51 and then we'll go back to his and celebrate.
06:54 And I'll bring the protection.
07:01 (upbeat music)
07:15 (doorbell rings)
07:17 - Hiya.
07:20 - Are we awful terrible human beings?
07:25 - Why?
07:26 - Well, Piss is still in bits.
07:28 And Donna Marie, she's meeting with a female director today
07:30 and well, I'm jumping into bed with you.
07:33 - Well, if there's anyone who never felt bad
07:35 about having a bit of fun, it's Juliet.
07:37 I think she'll approve.
07:40 How long's the house free for?
07:42 - A couple of hours, all right.
07:43 - Well, I've got nothing on today
07:44 if you fancy some company.
07:46 - Well, I like you with nothing on.
07:48 But I do have some washing that needs doing.
07:56 And I think the kettle needs to use clean as well, so.
07:58 - Hang on, am I just a bit on the safe here?
08:00 - Yeah.
08:02 - Good.
08:02 (upbeat music)
08:05 - Why would I double cross you?
08:10 I wouldn't dare.
08:11 - Well, when there's money involved,
08:12 no one can be trusted.
08:13 - I mean, how do we know that you're not gonna go
08:14 and tell your mates down the pub?
08:16 - I won't.
08:17 - We still don't know who called the cops yesterday,
08:19 do we?
08:20 - Oh yeah, that was me.
08:22 - What?
08:23 - Well, we found out all the info we needed to
08:24 from Zoe about police operations.
08:27 You can thank me later.
08:28 So what exactly did Zara promise you?
08:32 - Just a cut of the cash, that's all.
08:34 I drive you to the job, I wait,
08:36 I pick you up and we drive off.
08:38 - Why would you risk going to prison for this?
08:40 - Because I want a new life, Grace.
08:42 And with that sort of cash, I could have one.
08:44 I don't know, maybe I could open a bar in New York.
08:47 And when Zara told me how much money we could make,
08:50 this might be my only chance.
08:51 - I think he's genuine.
08:53 - We have been planning this heist for months.
09:00 So if you're not gonna take this seriously,
09:01 somebody is gonna get hurt.
09:03 Grace.
09:06 Look at it.
09:09 Look at it.
09:12 I am taking that with us for protection.
09:14 So if anything does go wrong,
09:16 that is gonna be our only way out of there.
09:18 Now, do you still want in?
09:20 (upbeat music)
09:23 (upbeat music)
09:26 - Hiya, hi.
09:44 Where's my trousers?
09:45 - Did you check the bedroom floor?
09:47 - Oh.
09:48 (laughing)
09:50 - Oh, quick, hide, hide, hide.
09:53 (door slams)
09:55 What are you doing here?
09:58 - I thought you were working.
09:59 - Are you bunking off?
10:01 - Just pee.
10:02 - Yeah, well, this isn't a true and safe house.
10:05 No, and you don't even live here anymore.
10:07 Get back to school, I won't tell your dad.
10:09 - Do you have a couple of quid for the shops?
10:11 - Honestly, you.
10:12 Here.
10:15 Compensate in your key as well.
10:19 - Who is that?
10:21 - No one.
10:22 Take five, yeah.
10:24 Get yourself some chips or something, okay?
10:26 Bye.
10:27 - I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
10:31 It's dusty, it's dusty.
10:33 - Hey, cheeky.
10:34 Trousers are over there, by the way.
10:37 - Yeah.
10:38 - I presume you're gonna show me how to use that thing?
10:52 - Ugh, don't worry, it won't be loaded.
10:55 Besides, I wouldn't give you a gun anyway.
10:58 - Well, is it loaded now?
10:59 - Well, keep lying to me and you'll find out.
11:01 - Leave him alone.
11:02 Damon hasn't got a devious bone in his body.
11:04 - She's right, I'm not that smart, really.
11:06 - No, you're really not.
11:07 - Listen, I've seen you three together.
11:10 The love you have, the bond.
11:12 If you make this work,
11:13 I will make sure you get away without a scratch.
11:15 I want this as well, you know.
11:18 - I am only doing this to provide for Hilton.
11:21 And I get that.
11:22 But this thing is only gonna work if you both trust me.
11:33 Can you do that?
11:37 - I've totally messed up my exams.
11:41 Nancy's ringing tonight as well.
11:44 What am I gonna tell her?
11:45 - Just forget about it.
11:47 There's nothing you can do now anyways.
11:49 (phone ringing)
11:51 - It's fine, I've got some.
12:01 - Catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah.
12:08 On the catwalk, yeah.
12:10 (dramatic music)
12:15 (dramatic music)
12:18 - Leave it, it's fine.
12:33 Hey, you seem a bit nervous.
12:36 - No, I'm not.
12:38 - Okay.
12:40 - You said you've done this before, right?
12:43 (dramatic music)
12:46 - Ah, chill.
12:51 Darren, what are you doing?
12:54 - Well, I heard a bang downstairs.
12:57 I thought we'd been burgled.
12:59 - What, so you brought a baguette to scare them off with?
13:02 - Well, what are you two up to?
13:07 - Nothing.
13:09 - I'm gonna head back.
13:12 I'll see you later.
13:14 - I'll see you later.
13:15 - You get a lot to the door, can you?
13:21 Eh?
13:22 Glad to see you're being safe though.
13:26 And I'm sure you've had an open and honest chat
13:29 about consent.
13:30 Now, just remember, you don't need to rush these things.
13:33 - Just get out of my room.
13:34 - Yeah?
13:36 (dramatic music)
13:39 - Are you grieving for the baby?
13:48 - Are you?
13:50 - Of course I am.
13:53 (dramatic music)
13:55 - I'm sorry.
13:56 - Not your fault.
13:59 No one's fault.
14:01 Just unlucky.
14:06 - It wasn't meant to be.
14:08 (dramatic music)
14:11 - I always thought the decision would be in my hands.
14:16 If I felt like it, one day I'd have a baby.
14:24 But that decision's been made for me.
14:30 I can't have kids.
14:33 (dramatic music)
14:36 That's that.
14:37 It's so final.
14:42 - Hiya guys.
14:45 I heard you were at the hospital.
14:46 Is everything okay?
14:47 - We lost the baby.
14:53 - That's Tom.
14:58 I'm so, so sorry for both of you.
15:01 What a sad thing to happen.
15:03 - It'll be okay.
15:05 - Look, you don't have to put a brave face on for me.
15:10 Cry your wee heart out if you want to.
15:13 Just let it go.
15:14 - Let it go.
15:15 (dramatic music)
15:18 - I want to be a fly on the wall in your bedroom.
15:26 - Just wonder how I'm walked in, obviously.
15:30 (birds chirping)
15:32 - It's so annoying.
15:33 - Look, it's whatever.
15:35 The moment's past.
15:37 We definitely can't do it at my place
15:38 and your place is just too busy.
15:40 - We are still together though, right?
15:45 - Yeah.
15:46 Doesn't mean we have to have sex.
15:48 - Yeah, I know.
15:49 - Look, if you can make sure that we won't be interrupted,
15:53 give me a call.
15:53 Hey, Lucas!
15:56 Is Leah home?
15:58 (birds chirping)
16:00 - What's going on?
16:02 - Wow.
16:03 Today's going well.
16:05 Mate, it's not like you're never gonna have sex.
16:09 - Yeah, I know, but I messed up my maths exam.
16:13 - Nancy's gonna go ballistic.
16:14 I'm not doing the rest of my GCSEs.
16:16 Can I just come yours and do band stuff?
16:18 - Oh, you guys need to be sitting quiet.
16:20 Anyway, you've got something to prove to Shingling.
16:23 - Yes, I know.
16:27 - Where are Jack and Brooke tonight?
16:29 - Taking Oscar to the cinema.
16:30 - Ding, ding!
16:33 Empty house, round two.
16:36 We just need to find a way to get down out of the house.
16:38 (upbeat music)
16:39 - Hey, come on, upstairs.
16:40 (laughing)
16:43 Those two are driving me crazy.
16:45 Can you look after them?
16:46 - No, I've got a ride from the loft.
16:48 - I've got an air appointment.
16:49 - Look, Zara's gonna be back in a minute
16:50 and Ella's upstairs.
16:52 I'm sure she won't mind.
16:53 - Grace, we are in agreement.
16:54 We need Damon on board.
16:55 We need this heist to go off without a hitch.
16:57 - Yeah, deal.
16:58 I've already put him to work.
17:00 He's gotta go and source a getaway vehicle.
17:02 I can't wait for this to be over.
17:04 Right, I'm late.
17:05 Oh, wait.
17:07 You need to put this in my bedroom.
17:11 (dramatic music)
17:13 - Brooke!
17:23 - Boys, I'm going out.
17:24 Ella, look after him for half an hour.
17:26 - And be good!
17:27 - I'm revising.
17:28 - Shall we kidnap the bear?
17:34 - Hmm.
17:37 Do it.
17:39 (doorbell rings)
17:41 (upbeat music)
17:44 (doorbell rings)
17:47 - Hey.
17:58 I should have done that this morning.
18:02 - Thanks.
18:04 How did the exam go?
18:05 - I think I pulled a strong seven.
18:08 - Nice one.
18:09 (upbeat music)
18:12 - I can't believe Jack had us bawling our eyes out before.
18:18 - We needed it.
18:20 Mum, send her love.
18:21 You know I love you, don't you?
18:25 - Of course.
18:26 - I suppose now we just have to get on with our lives.
18:33 - Who knows what the future holds?
18:36 (upbeat music)
18:39 - Adoption?
18:44 - There's no rush.
18:45 We've got loads of time to think about it.
18:48 But this could be the answer to our problems.
18:50 - They tied you up?
18:54 - Yeah, went totally Pulp Fiction on me.
18:57 Don't worry, I managed to persuade them that was legit.
19:00 - I wish we weren't double-crossing them,
19:01 but we have to find a way to save Cindy and Grace from this.
19:04 - So the plan's still on?
19:06 - Right, so we find a way to scupper the heist
19:07 from the inside, and then we find a way
19:09 to get our hands on the money, legally, yeah?
19:11 - Somehow, yeah.
19:13 - Hey, is Ella still looking after the kids?
19:16 - Yeah, they're playing with some teddy bear,
19:17 playing cops and robbers again.
19:18 - What teddy bear?
19:20 - I don't know, I've never seen it before.
19:21 (door creaking)
19:24 - A little bit more.
19:27 (laughing)
19:28 Ta-da!
19:29 - It's so cute.
19:33 - Wait, but how did you get rid of Darren?
19:35 - Well, just told him to leave us alone, didn't I?
19:39 (phone ringing)
19:41 So he didn't put you off then?
19:47 You do still wanna do this, don't you?
19:49 - Yes, obviously I do.
19:51 And you made the place look really nice, so.
19:53 - Well, dealing said, I mean, I said--
19:56 (laughing)
19:59 Are you laughing at me?
20:00 - What?
20:02 - Um, nothing, sorry.
20:04 - Wait, I thought you wanted to do this.
20:13 - Yeah, I do.
20:15 (phone ringing)
20:17 Leave me alone!
20:20 - What is up with you?
20:23 - Sorry, come on, let's just get into bed.
20:26 - No, not when you're in this weird mood.
20:28 - I'm not in a mood.
20:29 I've just had other things to think about today
20:31 other than you.
20:32 - What is wrong with you?
20:34 I'm not putting up with this.
20:37 - You don't think I'm good enough, do you?
20:38 No one thinks I'm good enough for anything.
20:43 - You're paranoid.
20:44 - No, I'm not.
20:45 I just don't need all of yous judging me.
20:47 - Charlie, when have I ever judged you?
20:48 - Get out.
20:50 Go on, leave me alone!
20:51 (muffled yelling)
20:55 (muffled yelling)
20:57 - Give me all your money!
21:17 - Curtis!
21:19 Just leave the teddy bear right where it is
21:21 and come to mummy.
21:23 Come to mummy.
21:24 - What is he doing with that?
21:25 Where's Hilton?
21:26 (muffled yelling)
21:29 - You are an idiot.
21:39 I told you to put this upstairs locked away in a safe.
21:43 Curtis could have got killed.
21:45 - What's happened?
21:46 Is everyone okay?
21:46 - It's your gun.
21:47 I am not responsible for it.
21:49 - Gun?
21:50 Nobody said anything about guns.
21:52 - Do you know what?
21:52 I knew we couldn't pull this off, all right?
21:54 I was a fool to think we actually could
21:56 because you mess everything up.
21:58 And I don't want to be involved.
22:00 I'm not gonna put my son at risk.
22:01 So the heist is off.
22:02 Look, we can put an end to all of this right now
22:06 if that's what you want to.
22:07 - No.
22:08 No way.
22:09 We have come too far and worked too hard.
22:11 - I told you, I'm out.
22:13 - Fine.
22:14 I'll just do it on my own then.
22:16 Watch me.
22:20 (upbeat music)
22:23 - Support information for the issues raised
22:27 can be found online at channel4.com/support.
22:32 And see if Cindy does go it alone tomorrow.
22:34 Holly Oaks is back a bit earlier
22:36 with a double bill from Six.
22:38 Stick around for an exciting premiere next.
22:40 Channel 4's got a bold new look.
22:42 It suits, I reckon.
22:43 (gentle music)
22:48 (birds chirping)
22:50 - Tea's getting cold.
23:00 Tom's made a feast.
23:01 - Come in.
23:04 - Tea time.
23:06 (upbeat music)
23:15 (upbeat music)