ACT-DDP / Brazil: project presentation

  • il y a 3 ans
ACT – Assessing low Carbon Transition is a joint voluntary initiative of the UNFCCC secretariat Global Climate Agenda co-founded by ADEME, the French Agency for Ecological transition, and CDP, the global environmental disclosure system. ACT provides guidance and assessment methodologies as an accountability framework to support and assess companies’ strategies and actions contribution to the Paris mitigation goals.
DDP – Deep Decarbonization Pathways is an international collaboration of leading research teams who propose realistic pathways to deep decarbonization. The initiative aims at helping governments and non-state actors make choices that put economies and societies on track to reach a carbon-neutral world by the second half of the century.
The ACT-DDP project co-led by ADEME and IDDRI aims to enhance the collective ambition of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It has the main objectives of supporting companies in defining their low carbon strategies aligned with WB2D decarbonization trajectories and strengthening the dialogue between companies and national institutions to support low carbon sectoral transition.
This video is the recorded launch of ACT-DDP Brazil’s sectoral decarbonization dialogues organized by COPPE/UFRJ (DDP research partner in Brazil) on the 7th April 2021, 2020, presenting the ACT-DDP project objectives and activities.
For more information on the ACT-DDP projet:,
- Emilio Lebre La Rovere, Professor, PPE/COPPE/UFRJ - Coordinator, CentroClima e LIMA/COPPE/UFRJ
- Stéphanie Bouziges-Eschmann, General Secretary, FFEM Fond Français pour l’Environnement mondial
- Mathieu Rivallain, Sustainable Development Advisor, Embassy of France in Brazil
- Henri Waisman, DDP Coordinator, IDDRI
- Romain Poivet, ACT Coordinator, ADEME
- Lais Maciel, Senior Manager, Corporations & Supply, CDP LATAM
- Yann Briand, Senior Climate Researcher, IDDRI