• 5 years ago
Working on some scar tissue in my right hip today. I would do an Overhead Deadlift followed by a Bent Press. Overhead Deadlift?!?! Yeah, that's the best name l got for it. Basically, it's focusing on the first portion on the second stage of a Two Hand Anyhow (THA). By the end of the first stage on a THA, you have at least one implement locked out overhead. From there, you practice Deadlifting the second or next implement. I opted to start with both implements in the hands at the start but, l could also just get one overhead first and Deadlift the other from the ground. Regardless, my goal was to push that right hip WAAAAY BACK as l lowered so l could break up the scar tissue. I immediately went in to a Bent Press to take advantage of the temporary mobility increase. As my Overhead Deadlift gets stronger, the gained mobility WILL become permanent. This was extremely painful but, productive work!! I can't wait to get back at it again!! God Bless!!