Marzipan Lilies is a very quick to make sweet candy recipe especially during festive season when there is less time to spend in cooking. Annuradha Toshniwal makes super quick dessert recipe which is simple and easy to make homemade sweet dish recipe.
125 gms Kaju Katli / Kaju Barfi
Saffron (soaked in water)
- Take some Kaju Katli and with a wet cloth wipe off al the silver coating
- Mash all these up and make a dough
- Roll this up (not too thick not too thin)
- Cut it into round shape and brush some soaked saffron color on it
- Place a almond and press on one edge
- Gently fold and slightly overlap and its ready to be served.
125 gms Kaju Katli / Kaju Barfi
Saffron (soaked in water)
- Take some Kaju Katli and with a wet cloth wipe off al the silver coating
- Mash all these up and make a dough
- Roll this up (not too thick not too thin)
- Cut it into round shape and brush some soaked saffron color on it
- Place a almond and press on one edge
- Gently fold and slightly overlap and its ready to be served.