Hot Baked Vegetable Salad - Quick Salad Recipe By Annuradha Toshniwal [HD]

  • 11 years ago
"Chef Annuradha Toshniwal teaches, how to make a simple and quick baked vegetable salad. A unique but quick, easy to make recipe that can be made at home.

Sliced Carrots
Sliced Potato
Bell Peppers
2 tbsp of Mustard Paste
2 tbsp Oil
Black Pepper
Black Eyed Beand (Soaked & Boiled)

- Take all the vegetable in a bowl
- Add oil, mustard seed paste, salt, black pepper to the vegetables and mix everything well
- Cover the bowl with an aluminium foil and put it in the oven at 220C for about 20 mins
- After that add the paneer and black eyed peas to it and put it back in oven for another 10 mins
- Take out the bowl from oven, uncover the bowl and the salad is ready to be served hot.