Gogglebox Australia - Season 20 Episode 3
00:00So, you and Sarah are living together now?
00:16Depends who's asking.
00:17If her parents are asking, maybe not, if my parents are asking, maybe not, if you're asking,
00:26Every evening in Australia.
00:27Oh my gosh, I love this show.
00:28Thank God.
00:29Thank God it's back on.
00:31TV reaches over 12 million of us.
00:33Party time?
00:34Oh, yeah.
00:35But have you ever wondered what other people are watching?
00:39If something's perfect the way it is, why change it?
00:43Find out what people thought about what was on in the last seven days.
00:46Yeah, you've grabbed me, but it feels like assault.
00:49They promise more drama.
00:50Better than a kick in the nuts.
00:53This week, everyone was talking about The Assembly.
00:56I've heard about this show.
00:58It looks awesome.
01:00There was also a lot of chat about the new doco.
01:03Chimp crazy.
01:04I heard about this.
01:05The same guys that made Tiger King doco made this.
01:08And the new reality series.
01:10Mad in Bondi.
01:12Was also getting attention.
01:14Who are these idiots?
01:15Is this the teenage Real Housewives?
01:17I seriously didn't think that television could get any worse.
01:23We had a telehealth the other day because Celia was refusing to walk and we're like,
01:30oh, this is a bit strange.
01:31And we're talking to the doctor and he was like, oh, don't worry, probably keep her home
01:34from daycare today.
01:35We hung up and then immediately springs up.
01:38I think she has worked out how to fake a sickie.
01:42She's two and a half.
01:43Let's go, Celia.
01:44And she's already worked out how to fake a sickie.
01:47Now I'm back on the genius train.
01:50Tuesday on Seven.
01:57I love this show.
01:58We're halfway through the blinds.
02:00Blinds are the best part.
02:01Let's go.
02:02Let's do this, baby.
02:03Who are we meeting today?
02:05My name's Jaden Randall.
02:06I'm 22 and I'm from Aotearoa, New Zealand.
02:09Oh, she's from New Zealand.
02:10Another Kiwi.
02:11We're taking our jobs.
02:13Sitting in the big white room.
02:15Jessie J.
02:17Not easy.
02:18In this big white room of mine.
02:24Yes, Kate.
02:25How is no one else turning?
02:33Wow, wow, wow.
02:41Out of 10, what does she get?
02:42One hundred.
02:43One hundred?
02:44The coaches must now convince Jaden to join their team.
02:48I love hearing their pitches.
02:49It's almost like borderline begging.
02:52Would you like to come and sit in my chair?
02:53Oh, good sale.
02:55Oh, yes, please. I'll come sit in the big chair.
02:57That's like the auctioneer saying,
02:58do you want to hold my gavel?
03:00See these buttons I've got?
03:01I've just...
03:02Oh, no.
03:05Who did she block?
03:06Oh, she blocked them all.
03:07That was sneaky, Kate.
03:09The block move is a bit weird, though,
03:10because it's a bit non-consent, isn't it?
03:12Yeah, it is.
03:13It's a bit like, who do you choose?
03:14Ha, no one.
03:15You guys can suck it.
03:17OK, reload, turn around.
03:19Next, please.
03:22Ooh, look at this sparkly suit.
03:24Adam Lambert's going to love this guy.
03:26He hates T-shirts.
03:27Ooh, baby.
03:31What is this song?
03:34When I get that feeling, I want...
03:37Sexual healing.
03:40I can't do it.
03:42Turn, guys, turn.
03:44Do it, do it, do it.
03:45Hey, I'm back.
03:49Sexual healing.
03:53Adam's found his twin.
03:55Even with my back turned, there was a flamboyance about you
03:57that I obviously identify with.
03:59Their chests spoke to each other.
04:01And I think we can have a lot of fun
04:02picking great songs for you.
04:04Thank you so much.
04:05Adam's like, we are going to get along
04:07with our Bedazzled Blazers.
04:09What was his score out of 10?
04:11Not another 100?
04:12All right, let's see what the final singer Sky has to offer.
04:16Hello, Eyebrows.
04:17Eyebrows, yeah.
04:18Incredible caterpillars.
04:19Like Ethan's.
04:21Come off it.
04:23Music, please.
04:25I used to float.
04:28But I'm not sure.
04:30Oh, my God!
04:32That does not sound like that would be Sky's voice.
04:35No, it's AI.
04:37I don't know.
04:43No, Ethan was even like, wow.
04:45Look at those eyebrows.
04:47My brain is exploding.
04:51Oh, Turner.
04:52Bloody four, Turner.
04:53That's a flush, baby.
05:00That was so good.
05:01I'm very impressed.
05:02Sky for the win.
05:04I didn't expect to see you when I turned around.
05:07I am 100% on Team Sky for the voice this year.
05:11Your true superpower is the fact that you're unique.
05:15It's like Melee, there's just one off.
05:17Aren't you lucky?
05:18Thanks, the Lord.
05:19Come on, Sky, who are you gonna pick?
05:20I'm gonna go with...
05:22Guy or Leanne?
05:24You're gonna pick Adam,
05:25there's nothing more certain in life.
05:30Guy has a superstar team.
05:32But he always gets a superstar team
05:35because he's a superstar.
05:37I bloody love The Blinds.
05:39That performance has made me realise
05:41I don't really have a good singing voice anymore.
05:43You have got a beautiful voice, Holly.
05:46Okay, you're on the voice.
05:47Okay, let's see if we do it, Kate.
05:51Amazing grace
05:59by night.
06:02If I buzz, will you sing?
06:03I will.
06:05If I buzz, will you shut up?
06:07I'm fucked!
06:19So the kids at school were looking at old things
06:21and artefacts.
06:22Oh, yeah.
06:23CD player.
06:24A CD player?
06:24A flip phone.
06:26And a DVD.
06:28And one of them came over to me with a flip phone
06:29and said, how do you use the calculator?
06:31They're artefacts to these kids.
06:33What am I, prehistoric?
06:34Yes, you're a dinosaur.
06:3815 autistic journalism students
06:39are about to interview one of Australia's
06:41most famous faces.
06:42I've heard about this show.
06:44It looks awesome.
06:45Testing, testing.
06:46One, two, three.
06:47One, two, three.
06:48On Tuesday, we watched the ABC's new series
06:51following a group of inspiring journalism students
06:54as they prepared for their first ever interview.
06:57No question is off the table
06:59and anything might happen.
07:01They're all autistic
07:02and they're going to be interviewing people.
07:04Oh, that's dangerous.
07:05I'm being petrified because they don't hold back.
07:08We are dissembling.
07:11And the first celebrity in the firing line is...
07:14Sam Neill.
07:15Sam Neill.
07:16Who's Sam Neill?
07:16Oh, Jurassic Park.
07:18I actually finished watching Jurassic Park.
07:23Thanks, thanks for answering.
07:24Would you ask a guy in Jurassic Park, though?
07:27What'd you go?
07:29Tomato sauce racks.
07:31That'll be it.
07:36You know, I don't know any other dinosaur
07:37except for T-Rex.
07:38I've got a four-year-old, but I know them all.
07:41That's me.
07:44I fell in love with Sam during lockdown.
07:46Oh, be still my beating heart.
07:48He puts the fox in Silver Fox.
07:50He puts the sugar in the coffee.
07:52He's the ice in the Baileys.
07:55But before interviewing this stud muffin,
07:57the students get some help from a journalist mentor.
08:01One of Australia's greatest journalists,
08:04Oh my gosh, she looks like Tracey Grimshaw.
08:07She looks nothing like Tracey Grimshaw.
08:10Our mentor is a famous person.
08:12Oh, I'm so excited.
08:14Dude, she has cooked that many Prime Ministers.
08:16It is absurd.
08:17I'll help you all when you're workshopping your questions.
08:20So cool.
08:21Evie, tell me what you're thinking about.
08:25No, she's nervous.
08:26Some of my favourite kids that I work with
08:28have an autism diagnosis.
08:30Smarter than me.
08:31Yes. 100%.
08:32Funnier than me.
08:33And just the bloody best.
08:35Autism for me feels like crash landing on earth.
08:39And I'm like an alien from a different planet.
08:41Oh, she's so beautiful.
08:43And it's like, I don't speak the language.
08:46That's like such an interesting insight.
08:49It's so brave to feel like you don't speak
08:52the language of everyone.
08:53And then to study a course
08:54that literally is about that language.
08:58Would you start us off today?
09:00Here we go, first question.
09:01You can do it, Evie, let's go.
09:07I can do it.
09:08When you get nervous,
09:09what things do you do to calm yourself down?
09:12It's nice that they ask questions
09:13that actually resonate to them.
09:14Probably have a bit of a talk to myself.
09:19She goes, same.
09:20You can see that washed over her,
09:22like, oh, we're not that different.
09:24Oh, it takes me like two seconds
09:25and I start crying at these stupid shows.
09:27You know, what is there to be nervous about?
09:28You're fine.
09:29You'll be okay.
09:30You've done this before.
09:32Such a great question and such a great answer.
09:34You've said that you're more scared
09:36of retirement than dying.
09:38Can you tell us more about that?
09:40That's a pretty hard-hitting question.
09:41They're not mucking around, these kids.
09:43I've had to sort of think about dying a bit
09:45more than I would normally
09:47because I've been living with cancer.
09:50Oh, wow.
09:51Oh, Sam Neill has cancer?
09:52He's being so raw and vulnerable.
09:56Retirement's far scarier.
09:57A lot of people are forced to play golf.
10:01I'm not forced.
10:02I like it.
10:03That is my retirement 101.
10:04And I cannot think of anything less appealing.
10:08Oh, you're so wrong, Sam.
10:09Can I ask you a question?
10:10Do I get to ask a question?
10:11Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course.
10:12Oh, this is good.
10:13Sam Neill, throw it back on them.
10:15What do you all have in common?
10:16We have autism.
10:20Are you idiots, Sam?
10:21Do you know why you're here?
10:22Bro, it says it on the door.
10:23I think we all just kind of like love telling stories
10:26and sharing stories with each other.
10:28This is really wholesome, hey?
10:30It's just so nice to see
10:31that despite their diagnosis,
10:32they're actually doing these careers that they want to do.
10:34Dale, do you want to have the next turn?
10:37I understand, currently, that you are single
10:40and you have a liking for Australian journalists.
10:43We happen to have a single Australian journalist
10:45with us today.
10:47Oh, that's right.
10:50He'll be a great journalist.
10:51Sam and Lee sitting in the tree.
10:54Not Lee, me.
10:56I thought you were all supposed
10:58to run your questions past me.
11:00He snuck a question in, the sneaky bugger.
11:02They're both blushing.
11:03I'm already feeling out of my depth.
11:05He's saving himself for me.
11:06Oh, gosh, no.
11:08Thanks for having me, guys.
11:09You are welcome.
11:10Simon says big smiles.
11:13That was so cool.
11:15I really liked that.
11:16You learn a little bit,
11:17you chuckle a little bit, you feel good.
11:19That is the ABC putting out tax dollars to good use.
11:23All right, Sky News.
11:31In Melbourne, springtime's come early for Isabel.
11:34This week on Binge, we checked out the new doco series
11:41that everyone's been talking about.
11:43Oh, my God, too cute.
11:46Oh, my God, is it baby chimps?
11:48Sort of.
11:50Monkey love is totally different
11:52than the way that you have love for your child.
11:57When you adopt a monkey, the bond is much, much deeper.
12:04What the hell?
12:05She's crazy.
12:07The best documentaries start with a nuts woman at the start.
12:09Exactly right.
12:12Chimp crazy.
12:13I heard about this.
12:14The same guys that made Tiger King doco made this.
12:16This is going to be kooky as.
12:18The series follows Tonya Haddix, a chimp owner and enthusiast.
12:22I'm the dolly partner.
12:25I'm the crazy monkey lady.
12:28She looks like Donald Trump if he owned chimpanzees.
12:31But rather than being obsessed with themselves,
12:34she's obsessed with a chimp named Tonka.
12:37Tonka and I just found each other.
12:40And Tonka loved me as much as I love Tonka.
12:44This is creepy.
12:45Chimps are my whole thing.
12:47These are wild creatures.
12:49They should not be in your homes.
12:51I'm sorry.
12:53There is nothing like holding, loving, being around a chimp.
12:57Yeah, until they eat your face.
13:00Tonya and Tonka's story began when she started volunteering
13:04at the Missouri Primate Foundation.
13:06Oh, that looks like a proper jail.
13:09We've got seven chimpanzees at the facility.
13:11We have Tammy.
13:19Why do they sound like strippers?
13:20And then there's Tonka.
13:21Oh, I remember Tonka from George of the Jungle.
13:24Tonka did a lot of movies.
13:26Tonka's like a Hollywood chimp.
13:28So they making this a business,
13:29like they're renting out their chimps for movies and stuff?
13:33And Tonya's boss, Connie Casey,
13:35fully expanded her lucrative enterprise.
13:38For a fee, Connie Casey will show up at your party
13:41with a baby chimp.
13:44If you could make that happen for my birthday this year,
13:46I would love that.
13:49Oh, my gosh!
13:50The seven-year-old chimp suddenly grabbed a toddler's foot.
13:53Oh, shit.
13:54I don't believe Kirby meant any harm by it.
13:56We have never, ever had any problem...
13:58Oh, you want to say hi?
13:59Wait, wait.
14:00What happened to the nose?
14:01Mike went into Bo's cage.
14:04Bo ran up, bit his nose off.
14:08Bit his nose off.
14:11Oh, no.
14:12Completely off his face.
14:14Right, second thoughts.
14:15I don't really want one.
14:16There were older chimps that weren't doing parties.
14:19They didn't get a lot of attention.
14:21So when they're little, yeah, they let them run around,
14:23but when they get bigger, they're in the cage.
14:26Is that Tonka now?
14:28Oh, Tonka.
14:31That is so sad.
14:32How can they be allowed to get away with this?
14:36Well, they didn't,
14:37as animal rights charity PETA was alerted to the situation
14:41and took them to court.
14:43But with the threat of legal action,
14:45the business signed over the care of the chimps to Tonya.
14:48Oh, no.
14:53What is she feeding it?
14:55Is that whipped cream?
14:56They love chicken. They get Happy Meals.
14:58Happy Meals?
14:59From Mackeys.
15:00Are you kidding me?
15:01She has no idea.
15:03She thinks she loves them.
15:04She's doing the right thing, boy.
15:05She is not qualified to care for chimpanzees.
15:09She does not have any formal training.
15:11No shit.
15:12She's simply someone who likes chimpanzees.
15:15This is America. We do what we want here.
15:17We want to have 15 chimpanzees in our house,
15:20we'll kick out 15 chimpanzees in our house.
15:22But the chimps weren't with Tonya for much longer.
15:25What happened?
15:26Please take them off her.
15:27The animal rights group PETA successfully won a court order.
15:31She's losing every single chimpanzee.
15:33And they're ordered to be moved to an accredited animal sanctuary.
15:38Would you rather be in a two-by-two cage or that?
15:41I'm not giving up, I can tell you that much. I'm not.
15:44Come on, man.
15:45She's only thinking about herself.
15:46Tonya, if you love the chimps,
15:48you know that that's better than what you've got.
15:50You did me wrong.
15:52Oh, they've come to collect all the chimps.
15:54Yeah, get these babies out of there.
15:56You did me wrong.
15:58Oh, the chimps are travelling in style.
16:01The rescue went smoothly.
16:03And Tonya Haddix didn't show up.
16:06But there was one major problem.
16:09There was a chimpanzee missing.
16:11She stole a chimpanzee.
16:15Oh, my God!
16:17She stole Tonka.
16:18Once I had chimps, there was no way I could do without one.
16:22She has lost it.
16:23She chimp-napped.
16:24It's like Bonnie and Clyde, except for it's Tonka in a bunker.
16:32Where's Tonka?
16:33That's wild.
16:34She's just cruising around the casino with a monkey in her room.
16:37There are some weirdos in the world, aren't there?
16:39Especially in America, baby.
16:54In Melbourne, Lee and Keith have arrived back from a shopping trip.
16:58Excuse me.
16:59Who walks down the street and says,
17:00oh, that bloke's got his sip undone?
17:02I said, what are you looking for there?
17:03Because it was open.
17:04Yeah, but you look in there.
17:05I don't walk down and say, look at that, she's got her sip undone.
17:07No, because you're always looking at the top.
17:09Monday night on Ten, we set our sights on...
17:13Hunted has been hectic this season.
17:15Where are we up to now?
17:16Over halfway through the game...
17:18Please stop there!
17:19..the Hunters have captured three pairs of fugitives.
17:22Where would you hide, Holt?
17:24I know the perfect place for us to hide, and they'd never find us.
17:28We're in a cave?
17:29No, I can't say.
17:30In a tree?
17:31Because then they'll know.
17:32But we're not on there.
17:33But a team who is on the show and evading capture
17:36is Ben and Luke.
17:37Oh, so they've escaped before.
17:39And they've still got their $100,000 reward money.
17:42I wonder where they are now.
17:44Hitching a ride to the small country town of Healesville.
17:47Up our way!
17:48Good bakery in Healesville?
17:49Yeah, we need to find out where the closest campsite is.
17:52Go to bakery!
17:53But if we walk past this server, we'll get pinged by CCTV.
17:56If you're a fugitive on the run,
17:58you don't really want to wear bright pink shorts.
18:00He's just standing out like a sore thumb.
18:02And in a bid to zero in on their movements...
18:07..they've set up a tip line.
18:08A tip line?
18:09Allowing the public to call in.
18:11You hate to have to answer that phone all the time.
18:15Can I get a butter chicken, three pilaf rices,
18:19samosa, get a samosa.
18:20And a samosa, please.
18:21Thanks, mate.
18:23And whereabouts are you at the moment?
18:25We've pulled into a shop in Healesville.
18:29Someone's ratted on them.
18:30One of them was quite stiff, wearing pink shorts.
18:34The pink shorts, I told you.
18:36Now they've seen him, they know where they are.
18:38So where are they going to hide?
18:40I can see caravans.
18:41They're at a Big Four caravan park.
18:43Love the Big Fours, Mum.
18:44I thought it was a nightmare.
18:45Didn't you tell me that people were pissed all night in Yahooing?
18:49They're pretty cool.
18:50Might just catch some sun.
18:52They're just at the pool now.
18:53At least he's changed his shorts.
18:54They're never going to recognise him.
18:56We have a positive identification on CCTV
18:59at the Big Four Yarra Valley Park.
19:02Oh, no.
19:04Do we deploy the canine?
19:06Deploy the canines?
19:08We've got Alpha and Delta on site.
19:10We chopper the dog.
19:11Oh, and the dog's got a vest.
19:12You know when a dog wears a vest, you're finished.
19:14With the drone overhead so they have nowhere to move.
19:17Scent tracking canine, infrared drone.
19:20They're throwing everything at this couple.
19:22Why can't you just head to reception and be like,
19:24hey, what bay are they at?
19:26Luke and Ben were able to evade us once.
19:29I hope they make another escape
19:31because that's really going to piss the coppers off.
19:33It's not going to happen again.
19:35Oh, I don't know.
19:37Did you hear that?
19:39The drone.
19:40They've heard the drone.
19:41Literally flying directly over us.
19:43But they're not moving.
19:45Oh, my God.
19:46Come on.
19:47Go get the bags and we'll go hide and take cover.
19:49A bit of urgency.
19:50Just grab your stuff and run.
19:51Should we go hide in the bush or should we take cover?
19:53Run, boys.
19:54Not casually walk down the pathway of the hotel.
19:58Stop there.
20:00Oh, we're on.
20:01Run, boys, run.
20:04Ben, stop there.
20:05Oh, they've split up.
20:06Good tactic.
20:07I like that.
20:08If they get away again, I'll be stoked.
20:10Stop there.
20:11Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
20:13Oh, they got him.
20:14Oh, man.
20:16One more.
20:17Let's get Luke.
20:18I hope Luke got away.
20:19I hope he got away.
20:20Come on, Luke.
20:21There he is.
20:22No point in running anymore.
20:24Well, there he is.
20:25He's got 100 grand.
20:27Definitely worth running.
20:28Come out, Luke.
20:29I hear noises where I am over the creek line.
20:31Oh, my God.
20:32They're going to get him.
20:33What's that?
20:34What's that?
20:35What's that?
20:36Here we go.
20:37They've got him on thermal.
20:38Game's over.
20:43It's just a cheeky little wombat.
20:45That's a negative on Luke.
20:46It was just an animal.
20:48Oh, my gosh.
20:49They've lost him.
20:50He's outsmarted a team of, like, 20.
20:51Can we please get someone to reception as soon as possible?
20:54See if he's checked out.
20:56But the hunters make a last-ditch attempt to sniff out Luke.
21:00You can be hiding in a hole, but everyone's scared of a wild dog.
21:03Thanks, Kenny Rogers.
21:08Stop there!
21:09Go, go, go.
21:13Run, Habibi.
21:14Run like you owe the money.
21:16We've got a runner.
21:18Come on!
21:19Run, Luke, run, Luke, run!
21:21Let's beat the game!
21:24Oh, come on!
21:25Oh, my God!
21:27Don't leave us on a cliffhanger.
21:29Again, they've done that to us.
21:32That was intense.
21:33Feel my heartbeat.
21:34That was good.
21:35That was good.
21:36That was some good fugitive action.
21:46In Melbourne, Anastasia and Faye have been seeking help for their insomnia.
21:51Did you get one of these for your nose so that you don't...
21:54Yes, she gave me a whole pack.
21:56You just put them in...
21:57So you don't snore.
21:58No, can't you feel it opening the...
22:00Yeah, and then if you've got more air coming through your nose,
22:03then you don't snore.
22:04Yeah, whatever.
22:05Hang on, I can't get it out now.
22:07Oh, shit.
22:08You just slip it out.
22:11This week on Seven, we tuned in to the premiere of...
22:15Mad in Bondi.
22:17We raise our glasses.
22:18The show follows the lives of the bold and the beautiful of Bondi.
22:22I couldn't live without lobster and caviar.
22:25I do love an oyster.
22:27Is this the teenage version of The Real Housewives of Melbourne?
22:30Well, this'll be entertaining.
22:34And kicks off with two of the cast having a casual conversation
22:37on the side of a cliff.
22:39Who are these idiots?
22:40So you're not saying anyone?
22:41Molly and Pippa.
22:42Of course they're from Bondi.
22:44And also from Bondi is Molly's new boyfriend.
22:47What's his name?
22:51I mean, that's a surname.
22:52Have you got a photo I need to see?
22:54Yes, I've got a photo.
22:55If you need to make his photo black and white, he's fugs.
22:58What do you mean?
22:59Sorry, I don't make the rules.
23:03Righto, well, let's see if it's true
23:05as we say hello to Molly's new beau.
23:07Oh, yeah, just like old days, eh?
23:09That's Lawson.
23:10Do you think Molly could be the one to get you over Bella?
23:14Molly's the rebound.
23:16Poor Mol.
23:17We're clicking and I'm keen to see her face.
23:19I thought these two were dating.
23:21Did that shirt come ugly or are you making that up?
23:25That's a funny one.
23:30These guys are wankers.
23:32Is this just going to be a whole heap of just weird
23:34and uncomfortable, awkward conversations?
23:38Well, hopefully there's some at this party
23:40where Lawson's ex has just rocked up to...
23:43Hi, I'm Bella Solano.
23:45I'm Bella Solana Molana Batano.
23:48I love this set-up.
23:49Such a vibe.
23:50Such a vibe.
23:51What have you had in the past that you're like,
23:53don't want to get?
23:54Like a cheater.
23:57Lawson's a cheap.
23:58What a surprise.
24:00Also a surprise, wouldn't you know,
24:02Lawson has turned up at the party.
24:04Oh, surprise!
24:07Good to see you.
24:08How you been?
24:09Oh, who greets someone like that?
24:12You look that good.
24:13You look that good.
24:16You have no idea how good it is to see you.
24:19But wait, his ex is also at this party, right?
24:22It's almost like it's scripted.
24:23And the next day at Lawson's house...
24:26Does he own a house?
24:27It's not Lawson's house.
24:29Lawson's parents' house.
24:30Guess who shows up?
24:34Oh, look who it is.
24:35Oh my goodness.
24:39Very good to see you.
24:40You too.
24:41Why is she popping in?
24:42In broad daylight.
24:43How you been?
24:45Number one, which girl has the confidence
24:46to walk past their ex's house,
24:47do a drive-by like the rest of us
24:48in your mate's car with the seat back
24:50so they don't see you?
24:51The girl from the photo.
24:53So how's that going?
24:54It's, um, it's going well.
24:56It's going all right there.
24:58Still very early days.
24:59Why is he talking like that?
25:00How many times has this guy changed his accent?
25:03I apologise if you did see me smooching Molly.
25:06Is this acting?
25:09Is this not acting?
25:10Is this like a combination of drama and reality?
25:14I think that, uh...
25:20He has to use his brain.
25:21He's got to hang on a sec.
25:24Sorry, did he forget his lines?
25:28Are you trying to read the teleprompter to your left?
25:31This is weird.
25:32Obviously it's a bit weird.
25:35This whole freaking scene's weird.
25:37Well, things get weirder that night
25:40at a swanky Surry Hills bar.
25:42Oh, Jesus.
25:43Christ, she'll knock herself out.
25:46She's going to get two black eyes.
25:49And also conveniently out for a drink is...
25:53I'm Molly.
25:54Hi, Molly.
25:55How's this happening?
25:56Very small social circle, isn't it?
25:58Is there only, like, two bars and two parties in one night?
26:01Then, surprise, surprise, the girls start talking about Lawson.
26:05I do not fully think that what we had is quite...
26:12Oh, my...
26:13God, this is so contrived.
26:15All righty, well, I think we're going to head over this way.
26:19Now we're just going to leave.
26:20Oh, see ya!
26:22So Molly decides to message her new boyfriend.
26:25No contact photo, though, we're not very close.
26:27Hello, darling, I got your text.
26:30Oh, that was quick.
26:31Was he waiting in the toilet?
26:32All I'm going to give you is honesty, trust.
26:35Don't fall for it, Molly.
26:37Grab a brain, get rid of this dude.
26:39Instead of getting rid of him,
26:41she should probably sleep with one of his friends.
26:49What did we just watch?
26:51I seriously didn't think that television could get any worse.
26:55I love this.
26:56I just need to double-check if it's acting or not.
26:59Thank God Bondi Rescue sells Bondi better than that did.
27:02I'd rather drown than meet these people in Surry Hills.
27:18Hey, Faye, I've got something to show you.
27:23Oh, my God!
27:24It's a leopard dick!
27:25That's hilarious!
27:26I think it's been naughty on the tree.
27:30This week on Stan,
27:31we watched a premiere packed with frills, feathers and fillers.
27:35Roepel Malaru!
27:38Welcome to the main stage of Roepel's Drag Race Global All Stars.
27:42Global? Are we going international?
27:44Yes, we are.
27:45Let the global games begin!
27:49Let's meet the contestants.
27:51From Drag Race UK...
27:53It's Kitty Scott Claws.
27:55Love that name.
27:56So this is the Miss Universe of drag queens.
28:00And just like Miss Universe,
28:02they must answer a series of challenging questions.
28:05I have a maths question for you.
28:07Oh, bugger.
28:08If you start your make-up at 7pm for a 10pm gig,
28:12how late will you be and why?
28:15Drag queens and gays are never on time.
28:1812 inches.
28:21From Drag Race USA...
28:23Oh, my God, it's Alyssa Edwards!
28:25Oh, here we go. Buckle up.
28:27Oh, she looks good.
28:28These women, who are men, look better than me.
28:31I look alright in drag.
28:32The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
28:35I don't know who he is.
28:36Jamal is a dancer, an amazing dancer.
28:39Bob has been a Jamal fan for years.
28:42What's the best way to your heart?
28:44A perfect credit score.
28:47Tongue pop.
28:48She's known for that.
28:50And from Drag Race Down Under...
28:52It's Queen Kong!
28:54This is Australia.
28:55This is us.
28:56If you were invisible for one hour, what would you do?
28:59Ooh, Jamal.
29:01Me too.
29:02OK, enough chit-chat.
29:04Let's get to the main event.
29:06The Global Glamazon Talent Extravaganza.
29:09Here we go.
29:11It's time to go down under.
29:13Go, Queen.
29:14Come on, Queen Kong.
29:16Do it for Down Under.
29:17Walk into the room, got the bitches so shook, it's what I do
29:21Because I put the queen to the come
29:23Tell all the girls, put on an ear while you're a surprise
29:28Lucky she's still got her wing on.
29:30Sister, please, I do it with ease
29:33Oh, I felt that.
29:34That would have frickin' hurt.
29:36And those heels too.
29:37Up next, Kitty Scott Claus.
29:40Oh, English.
29:41The English are always so funny.
29:43I live and I have a luxury
29:45Oh, she's singing live.
29:47Feed is a box of leash and a bottle of prosecco
29:49Has a body made
29:50Nah, this is a thumbs-down, this one.
29:52I like her.
29:56What do we think, Ruby?
29:59Up next...
30:02Let's go, Queen.
30:03Today's workout, we're gonna stretch, steer, hop and drop
30:06It's getting Zumba.
30:07Now, pop, two, three, four
30:10Pop, pop, two, three, four
30:14I like her.
30:15She's the full package.
30:16Time to open up wide
30:18Though you can't see her package at the moment because it's tucked.
30:23The golden shower.
30:24That was done good.
30:25That was the best one so far.
30:27Well, let's see if the judges agree.
30:29The top two all-stars will lip-sync for the chance to win $10,000.
30:34Oh, wow, okay.
30:36Who do you think's making top two?
30:37I think Kitty Scott Claus.
30:39I liked Queen Kong.
30:40Queen and Alyssa.
30:43The top two are...
30:44Oh, here we go.
30:46Come on, Aussie.
30:47Alyssa Edwards.
30:50And Queen Kong.
30:51Queen, queen, queen, queen, queen, queen.
30:53And Queen Kong.
30:56Up the Aussies.
30:57We come from a land down under.
30:58Good luck.
30:59And don't...
31:03Let's go.
31:07Oh, here we go.
31:08Make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
31:13Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
31:17Come on, Queen Kong.
31:18Bring it home for down under.
31:22What the hell was that?
31:24We're bringing out all the moves.
31:26Go down under.
31:29They put everything into that.
31:31Good job, girls.
31:32I made my decision.
31:33Who do you think, Lee?
31:34It's got to be Queen Kong.
31:35Let's go, Australia.
31:36It's a tie, baby.
31:38It's a tie.
31:40Queen Kong quite literally threw herself on the floor.
31:42You'll be splitting the $10,000.
31:44If this is the start of what this season is going to be...
31:47We're in for a treat.
31:49Oh, yes, honey.
31:50This race is just getting started.
31:53That show was anything but a drag.
31:55That was a good episode.
31:57That's how you open global all-stars.
32:08Your beard is white.
32:09What do you mean my beard is white?
32:11He's telling you you're getting old.
32:12You're looking like an old djiddo.
32:14Are you joking?
32:15I'll show you my beard.
32:17I'll get it.
32:18Don't worry.
32:19I got you covered, Malik.
32:20I'm done.
32:21I'm done.
32:22You're officially Lebo Santa Claus.
32:23This week on Disney Plus...
32:24The ocean.
32:25The last frontier on Earth.
32:27So much is unexplored and unexplained.
32:30Oh, James Cameron.
32:31You guys know who James Cameron is, right?
32:36But also like a massive sea geek.
32:38There's never been a more urgent need to understand our ocean.
32:41He's always been crazy about the ocean and conserving it.
32:45And he's putting his money where his mouth is, assembling...
32:48A kick-ass team setting out to push the frontiers
32:51of what we know about our ocean.
32:53Their secret weapon, the Ocean Explorer.
32:56Shit, look at that boat.
32:58Oh, we're going deep.
33:00Ocean Explorers.
33:02Realm of the Humpbacks.
33:05Every winter, thousands of humpbacks migrate to these waters
33:08to mate and give birth.
33:11A whale.
33:12Massive whale.
33:13Aren't they just magical?
33:15But how exactly does a female humpback choose her mate?
33:18Yeah, what's she looking for?
33:20What are her red flags, do you reckon?
33:22There's a single adult female surrounded by males.
33:26All the males are just fighting for one female.
33:29Peaceful gatherings like these can suddenly erupt,
33:32turning into a frenzied pursuit.
33:35Oh, come on, babe.
33:37Piss off, Gary.
33:38She has a suitor and he's falling right behind her.
33:41Talk about being popular.
33:42Isn't there any other females around?
33:44She's still trying to find the one.
33:46Good on you, girls. 2024.
33:47Yeah, don't lower your standards for no whale.
33:49One male moves closer.
33:51Oh, he's making the move.
33:53The size of them, how would they breed?
33:58Probably be slowly and delicately.
34:00She's, you know, clearly displaying herself.
34:03Oh, she's showing off.
34:04Throw it around, sis.
34:06We see this very intimate moment where they're hanging.
34:09They're not moving much.
34:10For about 15 minutes, they just stayed in one place, like this.
34:15Aw, they're staring into each other's eyes.
34:18He gently blows a stream of bubbles onto her belly.
34:22Oh, a bit of foreplay.
34:23Hey, baby, you like my bubbles?
34:25Now check out my big...
34:28What happened?
34:29They're making babies.
34:30No, they're not. They're playing.
34:32I think they're making babies.
34:33They're playing.
34:35And after playing comes a pregnancy of 11 months.
34:39And then...
34:42Why are small things so cute?
34:44Like, whales aren't cute, but that thing is adorable.
34:46She must continue to nurse her calf
34:48until it's strong enough to survive the journey to their feeding grounds.
34:52Babies, when they get tired,
34:53the mother's got to, like, prop them up so they don't drown.
34:56I did not know that.
34:57Big marine biologist over here.
35:00But when they enter deeper waters,
35:02what dangers does a young humpback face?
35:05Oh, shit.
35:07It's orcas.
35:08I love killer whales, man, but these guys are pricks.
35:11They're the bad guys of the whale family.
35:13It's a family of adults and juveniles.
35:16They need to eat.
35:17You know what they're after?
35:18The babies.
35:19And they're heading straight for the mother and calf.
35:23Oh, shit.
35:25Can't they eat something else?
35:26Next, Cameron's team tags one of the orcas with a camera.
35:30Killer whale coming this way.
35:32It could give the team the first-ever scientific insight
35:35of a hunt in these waters.
35:38Bullseye, baby.
35:40What a shot!
35:41Orca cam.
35:42They've tagged the lead female.
35:45How's that for a camera angle?
35:47No way!
35:48That's incredible.
35:49This is giving us a chance to see how they organise their attack.
35:52Are we going to see an orca kill a whale calf?
35:54All right, we've now got two humpbacks against 18 orca.
35:5818 on two.
35:59Oh, holy hell, you've got no chance.
36:01Their strategy, to separate the calf from its mother.
36:04Oh, shit.
36:05That's nasty.
36:06That is nasty.
36:07Look at that.
36:08She's keeping the calf on her back
36:09to keep it from being attacked from underneath.
36:11Come on, Mum.
36:12Who are you going for?
36:13Totally team humpback, obviously.
36:15The baby just went off the side.
36:17It's trying to get back.
36:20Catch on to Mummy, catch on to Mummy.
36:21This is a battle between two families.
36:23Get away, get away, get away.
36:28They're just really...
36:29They're just wearing the calf and the mother down.
36:32Oh, jeez.
36:34It seems to be reaching a breaking point.
36:36Oh, shit!
36:38Oh, my God.
36:40Oh, no!
36:47The orca finally succeed in isolating the calf.
36:50Oh, no!
36:52And they drown it.
37:03Studies suggest that other whale species
37:06grieve at the death of a calf.
37:08Oh, God.
37:09That's so sad.
37:10Well, I mean, the orcas needed to eat, too.
37:13The team's discoveries will be shared
37:15with scientists around the world.
37:17That was one of the best docos I've ever seen.
37:19You didn't like it?
37:20Yeah, because they took the baby.
37:22They're just going on a holiday with the baby
37:24and it's coming back.
37:26No, the baby's gone.
37:27They're going to eat the baby.
37:29Yeah, you tell them.
37:30At least one of us here's an adult.
37:32Good boy, Malik.
37:51If you had to close your eyes and feel one of the dogs,
37:53would you be able to tell which one's which?
37:55Main bitch.
38:00Welcome to the heart of America,
38:02barbecue country.
38:07It's barbecue showdown, Leanne!
38:10Settle down, cos this week on Netflix...
38:12Oh, you like a good barbecue?
38:14I don't mind our meat, especially when it's on a big spit.
38:17..we tucked in to season three...
38:20God, yeah.
38:23..of this meat-loving reality show.
38:25Your brother does amazing barbecues.
38:27Remember that time he did the fish here?
38:29That was beautiful.
38:30Yeah, yeah.
38:31How's it going anyway?
38:32Yeah, really good.
38:33Welcome to Barbecue Showdown.
38:37This could be the most American show on television.
38:40It's mastership for barbecues.
38:41Yeah, pretty much.
38:42These two are your judges.
38:43Give it up for world-renowned barbecue legend...
38:46There's barbecue legends.
38:48..Melissa Cookson and Kevin Bledsoe.
38:51The judges are all, like, actual pitmasters.
38:53You know these people know what they're talking about
38:55when it comes to food because they're all big, right?
38:57I don't want a skinny chef.
38:59If you don't have footaboodaboodas,
39:00then I don't want to hear from you.
39:02Each of you will be barbecuing a big, bad, bone-in protein.
39:06With a scratch rubber sauce and two sides.
39:09Would you like a bit of bone and protein?
39:11Stop it.
39:12Y'all ready?
39:13Get smoking!
39:17Time now to meet the contestants.
39:19What do you reckon these people love more, Trump or Jesus?
39:23My name is Karim Elghaish.
39:25I'm 36 years old.
39:26I'm from Austin, Texas, and they call me the Egyptian cowboy.
39:29He's Egyptian?
39:30That is an epic moustache.
39:32How can he have such a super moustache and he's bald?
39:36Because he hasn't shaved it?
39:38Tell me what you're making.
39:40It's braised oxtail and I smoke them.
39:43Oh, get in my belly!
39:45And then it's pressure-cooked over lots of onions.
39:48Oh, my God, that would be delicious.
39:50Are you nervous about putting the oxtails in the pressure cooker?
39:53A little bit.
39:54I was thinking of cooking a tomahawk just to be safe.
39:56Oh, he's hedging his bets.
39:57Good luck, Karim. Good luck, bro.
39:59I'll do my best.
40:00I like a good cowboy.
40:01My next life, I want to be born in Texas and be a barbecue.
40:05Oh, yeah, sure.
40:07Next up, it's...
40:09My name is Kent Rollins.
40:10I'm 66 years old and I'm a chuckwagon cook.
40:13That's, like, the real deal, you know what I mean?
40:15I'm your Kent, my kind of guy.
40:17Today on the menu, one of my most flavour-wrapped meals it is,
40:21a bone-in rib-eye roast.
40:24They're bloody getting hungry.
40:25I've got a big sausage, a little sausage.
40:29And finally, we give a big southern welcome to...
40:33My name is Tung Nguyen.
40:36So today I'm making a plate rib shaken beef.
40:39Of course there's someone doing ribs.
40:41It's sweet, it's going to be spicy, it's going to be delicious.
40:44Let's hope this works.
40:45Yeah, you'd think so.
40:47But no.
40:48It's too tight.
40:49That's not a good word.
40:51And after five hours...
40:52Three, two, one.
40:55Show us your meat.
40:56Show us the meat!
40:58Oh, they really say that.
41:00It's judgement time.
41:02This is a feast.
41:04Oh, my God, I'm salivating.
41:06Tell you what this show comes with, colon cancer.
41:09Kareem, you're first.
41:10The Egyptian cowboy, his one looks good.
41:12I'm not sure about the oxtail.
41:14I think he's bitten off more than he can chew.
41:16Your tomahawk steak, I think, is perfectly cooked.
41:20It's so tender, it melts in your mouth.
41:22Oh, that looks good.
41:24That is just angelic.
41:26Kent, you're up next.
41:28Oh, Ken O's, he's got no issues.
41:30Look at this.
41:31I reckon there's a few that have burnt it here, just saying.
41:34Oh, it's still mooing.
41:37Really good.
41:39That's juicy.
41:40It's juicy because it's still raw.
41:42And look at your bone.
41:43That's not a char, that's a dirty smoke burn.
41:47Oh, I'm so comfortable at Ken O's.
41:49The judges are real judgy on this show.
41:51They need to work on their compliment sandwich,
41:53say something nice, a bit of feedback in the middle
41:55and finish it with something nice.
41:57This is just too brutal.
41:58Tang, you're up next.
41:59He's going to have a shock of this blow.
42:01You already know it's tight and it's just not tender.
42:04Who's the winner?
42:05The winner of this first challenge...
42:09The Egyptian cowboy.
42:10Congratulations, Kareem.
42:14The great American dream.
42:16Live the dream, Kareem.
42:19It's then time to cut a contestant loose.
42:22Our two least favourite dishes tonight,
42:24Kent and Tongue.
42:27Kent's gone, Tongue's going home.
42:29Oh, he got a flick.
42:31They're picking between those two.
42:34Jesus Christ, I've got to stop watching TV with you.
42:37Tongue, I'm sorry.
42:39I'm shocked by that.
42:41I'm shocked, I thought he'd win.
42:42I'm going to come back stronger than ever.
42:44Well, you're not going to come back
42:45because he's been kicked off the show.
42:47I want barbecue now.
42:48I know.
42:49This is evil.
42:50We should get Uber Eats or something.
42:51I've got the meat sweats after watching that
42:53and I haven't even touched anything.
42:54Man, I smell keto.
43:04No worries, Aunty, leave it with me.
43:06Love you, bye.
43:07Thank you, Aunty.
43:08Love you, bye.
43:09Who was that on the phone?
43:12MIL, the mother-in-law?
43:17Seem like you guys have got a good relationship.
43:19Yeah, we do.
43:20She's the best, I love her.
43:21It's crazy because, like, this is the first time
43:24both the daughter and the mother like you.
43:27We've never had that before.
43:30Monday on Nine...
43:32A story of triumph over adversity for Curtis McGrath.
43:35..on the eve of the Paralympics...
43:37I've seen him not able to do anything
43:39to holding multiple Paralympic gold medals.
43:42..we discovered the story of one of our heroes.
43:45Curtis is one of the most dedicated athletes I've ever seen.
43:48And the main goal was to get that ticket to Paris.
43:51I would like to see Curtis on top of that podium.
43:56Curtis McGrath, unstoppable.
43:58Let's go.
44:00I enlisted in the Australian Army, 2006, in Afghanistan.
44:04We're looking for improvised explosive devices
44:06and homemade landmines.
44:08That is the worst job to have.
44:11Clearing invisible mines.
44:16Oh, God!
44:18Oh, no!
44:20Next moment, I'm, like, on the flat of my back,
44:22looking up at the sky.
44:24Stepped on a mine.
44:26How horrific.
44:27I could see my legs were, like, completely missing.
44:31You lost both.
44:35Is this actual footage?
44:37They picked me up and put me on the stretcher.
44:39How confronting for the teammates, too.
44:41I knew that if I could say something to give them a hope...
44:46Guys, I'll be right. I'll be fine. I'll be fine.
44:48I'll just go to the Paralympics or something like that.
44:50It won't be in the green and gold, though.
44:52It'll be in the black and white.
44:53Black and white? Oh, he's a Kiwi.
44:55Yeah, can't get told by the accent.
44:57And they shot straight back, like, without a beat.
44:59So I suppose you can walk for the chopper, then.
45:02Ready with the banter.
45:04That is the most gallows humour thing ever.
45:06Laughter can be healing.
45:09When I saw Curtis for the first time after his accident,
45:13he just looked like my little baby boy.
45:15But he had so many machines going around him.
45:19How confronting for a mother.
45:21Parents' worst nightmare.
45:23Yeah, I gave him a hug and that, and he said,
45:25It's all right, Dad. It's all good.
45:30When I met Curtis the first time,
45:32he didn't seem like someone that has just recently lost his legs.
45:37He was very determined right from the start.
45:39Second day, you're standing.
45:41Put on him.
45:42Wow, that's incredible.
45:44To get prosthetics and stand back up
45:46and to be feeling a little bit like me again
45:48was a very special feeling.
45:50This is a special type of person.
45:52Not everyone could do this.
45:53You have to focus on the future.
45:55Which is exactly what Curtis did.
45:58In 2013, I signed up to kayak from Darling Harbour in Sydney
46:02all the way to Brisbane.
46:04Sydney to Brisbane?
46:05Only 14 months afterwards.
46:07And it didn't end there.
46:09He's won state, national and Oceania titles
46:12and will compete at the World Sprint Championships in Russia.
46:16Go, brother.
46:17That is amazing.
46:19In 2014, I was lining up in the outrigger canoe
46:21and I was like, holy crap,
46:23I'm about to win the World Championships.
46:25In the world's fastest time.
46:27Two years post. How?
46:29The power of the human spirit.
46:31It was such a big moment to prove to myself
46:34that I could go all the way to the Paralympics.
46:37He was fighting for our country
46:39and now he's in the Paralympics for Australia, you know?
46:45Look at him go.
46:46Go for gold.
46:47Go for gold.
46:48In five, off to a strong start.
46:50Come on, Curtis.
46:51To take gold.
46:52Gold medal.
46:53Curtis McGrath, you star.
46:55Now I've got goosebumps.
46:57I went to Tokyo to prove that I wasn't just good at the kayak.
47:00He won the gold medal for the first time kayaking was in there
47:03and then he's going for the gold medal
47:04for the first time canoeing's in there.
47:06McGrath again.
47:07He's ahead.
47:08Smashing it.
47:09He's making his way through.
47:10He looks jacked now, doesn't he? Upper body.
47:12Look at the size of those biceps.
47:15What a man.
47:16But winning gold wasn't the only highlight in Curtis' life.
47:20We got married seven years after you'd been injured.
47:22I now pronounce you husband and wife.
47:25Aw, what a journey as a couple.
47:27And the journey has only just begun.
47:29She's pregnant.
47:30And now they're having a baby.
47:32Obviously really bad timing
47:33because it's right before the Paralympic Games.
47:36They didn't plan that very well, did they?
47:38Heading into Paris will be a bit more meaningful.
47:41I'm not going to say I'm going to win for them,
47:43but I'm going to try.
47:44If anyone can do it, it's Daddy Curtis.
47:46Go Australia.
47:48My life has been an adventure.
47:50Highs and lows and different experiences and traumatic events.
47:54But all in all, I would always say that I've been very lucky.
47:58Incredible. Incredible.
48:00Something about the human spirit, hey?
48:02Man, so inspiring.