Gogglebox Australia - Season 21 Episode 4
00:00Joe did you just roll off the plane from Mardi Gras? Honestly, I have this is the only clean clothes. I have don't know where to look
00:12Every evening in Australia
00:16TV reaches over 12 million of us what I don't like the numbers the numbers don't work
00:22But have you ever wondered what other people are watching? Yeah, we're ready. That's so weird that he answered it
00:27Find out what people thought about what was on in the last seven days. I love the show. Is it getting more weird?
00:33That's AI. Wait what? In fairness, they're picking peanuts out of poo
00:38This week it finally dropped. With love Megan. Do you reckon you'd pay a hundred million for this?
00:45We discovered good cop bad cop. Another dead body. People are dropping like flies in this town
00:50Why's he got hard nipples when he's dead? And the Mustardogs Collies and Kelpies grand final
00:57That's cheating
01:07Knock knock who's there interrupting cow?
01:19On Sunday night, we are about to dive into some radioactive trash
01:23Let's go
01:24Married at first sight. It has been so juicy this season
01:28Our newlyweds went on the annual couples retreat
01:32We had a coastal getaway in Byron and we're just as toxic as ever
01:35But when Jamie put Lauren and Clint's marriage under the microscope Lauren did not hold back
01:41You're a bunch of wild animals. Oh, you can't call them animals and then
01:47Dinner is served. Lauren and Clint didn't go to the dinner party. They had their own dinner party at home
01:52What? Why would you go to any of the dinner parties if that was an option? Especially when they turn out like this
02:00All I see is monkeys just throwing feces at each other
02:10So much high school drama and that was just the recap
02:14In this episode the fifth commitment ceremony of the experiment Oh commitment ceremony
02:20It's gonna be fire tonight. And with that being said our first couple up on the couch Lauren and Clint
02:31Let's cut straight to it last night what happened where were you
02:37We had a dinner party in our apartment. It was invite
02:40We had a dinner party in our apartment it was invite didn't you get it? Yeah, you don't get invited to a lot of parties Adrian
02:49Adrian's like why am I getting paid out still? It's not even about me today
02:52And when we've tried to remove ourselves in social situations, it's created more drama and more
02:58Psycho behavior like psycho behavior. Oh my god, the acting shocked that she said
03:05We are not like all of them and honestly their behavior at
03:09Social settings is boganic
03:12Boganic behavior that sounds fancy. What does that mean?
03:16That's definitely not in the dictionary babe Bogan behavior
03:19I hate to bring it up to Lauren, but Australians by their very nature of organic even the posh ones are bogans. Ah
03:27Lauren I got an issue
03:29You've thrown some words around
03:33Animals he speaks to you like he's a year 9 teacher. I don't associate with this type of person my John repeat
03:40I'm a John repeater. Do you think you're better than me? I
03:44Feel like I'm above them. Yes. I do feel like my behavior is better
03:49Like the fact that you cannot see what you are saying is crazy
03:53Oh my god, Adrian
03:54Shut up
03:54The fact that you're sitting there and trying to give someone your opinion when your behavior is wild too
03:59It's boganic as hell what we're seeing in terms of the pattern that you're displaying here is rudeness Lauren organic unacceptable
04:07Also, how epic are the shoulder pads on Mel to soothe my curiosity what's going on with you two?
04:13Is she thought it to him at all at all on that note?
04:17We're gonna go to decision finally what the show's about or what are they saying leave or stay?
04:24Leaving the zoo
04:26Leaving the zoo for you Clint. What have you got for us? Well rip the band-aid off
04:31Yeah, I think the best thing right now is to also leave
04:37Another one bats a dust don't let the door hit their asses on the way out
04:44Oh, oh what's going on
04:47Where are you boganic sculling Lauren Clint?
04:52We don't want you to go right now
04:56They're allowed to leave they're not prisoners
05:01Early check out our next couple up on the couch Jamie and Dave
05:07Gonna be any worse than that. That was cringe fest. Don't forget what show you're watching. We truly are having the best experiment
05:17so I kind of
05:19Saw an opportunity. Uh-oh
05:22And I said, I love you. Oh
05:25Like I really love you. Oh
05:28She dropped the l-bomb that's very big. What did Dave say? He said leave
05:36Dave gonna talk at all. So you haven't said it back
05:41No, oh my god, he's not feeling it. I think we're gonna go to the decision
05:46The way he's acting something's going on. I think he wants out
05:52Yeah, I'm staying
05:54What what how desperate are these people for like that free accommodation? I also have decided to say they signed up for maths
06:07They don't look happy this is all good
06:15It is quite the hectic season I reckon I've lost four kilos in sweat watching maths tonight
06:31Melbourne Leanne's feeling a bit flat. Do you have any chocolate? I have chocolate
06:38I'll grab some chocolate. I'll grab you all the chocolate. I'll grab you all the chocolate Leanne. You're the best big brother
06:47Can you tell mom that please?
06:50Tonight Alfred takes aim at the East Coast this week. The news was dominated by tropical cyclone Alfred overnight
06:57The system slowed down again. It's bad news for me personally
07:02I've never experienced a cyclone hitting land on the Gold Coast before it's scary. I hope no one gets injured on
07:08I hope they're all prepared. I can't imagine what it's like
07:12Preparing to possibly lose everything you own. I'm starting to think that I'm not prepared enough, dude
07:17The category 2 cyclone was downgraded to a tropical low before hitting the East Coast talk about
07:25These guys wouldn't have slept for about a week and Sunday on the project
07:28We found out what unfolded ex-tropical cyclone Alfred has left a trail of destruction in its wake
07:35Alfred created so much havoc. It was crazy. My school got trashed. We are actually in some trouble
07:42Harvey Bay copying more than 300 millimeters in just eight hours 300 millimeters in eight hours
07:48Oh my goodness, look at all that rain. Also underwater parts of Brisbane
07:54Gale force winds of over 100 kilometres an hour
08:00This is freaking nuts man, this car is so
08:03Shit, that's impaled. Yeah, this is the first time I've seen the aftermath like on the news
08:10I actually didn't know it was this bad. And this is not as bad as I were expecting. This looks awful more than
08:17320,000 homes without power the vast majority of those in Queensland as crews work to restore power lines
08:24Traffic lights and phone towers can't charge your phones. You can't watch TV
08:28You can't cook no power. No cell reception for days
08:32That was so weird across the border in New South Wales Alfred tragically claimed a life
08:3761 year old Tom Cook swept to his death by floodwaters near Dorigo. Oh
08:42That's terrible. But along with the carnage came the critics
08:46There's been some criticism including by some business leaders leveled at the authorities for
08:53Giving warnings that went beyond what the weather turned out to be
08:56How do you win if you don't give them a warning then I say you didn't give us enough warning until a storm hits
09:03You don't know how bad it's gonna be all the information that the Bureau had given us this time around
09:08Indicated this was going to be a significant event. Yes. Yes are incredible
09:11Aren't they? I think they've played the smart card in really ramping this up. So people were more prepared
09:16Hopefully things start to get back to normal soon. You just have no choice but to keep putting one foot in front of the other
09:25Feeling like lucky
09:27Happy kind of like exhausted. Well, I hope that this comes to an end soon
09:33And that everyone's okay, but the danger is far from over as flash flooding continues to affect everyone in the path of the storm
09:41Can you imagine what the cleanups gonna look like? I really feel sorry for the people of northern New South Wales and Queensland
09:47This is when Aussies really come together. Yeah, like and we just all help each other out
10:03Oh my god, oh my god, there's a mouse
10:28This week we caught up with the new lifestyle series that's got everyone talking with love
10:34Megan is this Megan as in Megan Markle? That's the one. I don't like her
10:38I'll give her a chance because this is her brand new show
10:43Remember how they signed that Netflix deal and a million that's the one and this series takes us inside Megan's domestic life
10:51Now is this seriously her house? Hmm. Yeah, I assume so this isn't my house. Wait, what it's not even her house
11:01Don't think it really matters the important parties. We're with Megan. It's just a sweet gesture. Do you like Megan Markle?
11:09I don't like the height of her
11:11Everyone just hates her for sport, which I find strange, you know
11:15And she knew what she was getting into when she and I've never heard of Prince Harry the whole world has heard of Prince
11:19Harry and today Megan's expecting a guest. So my dear friend Daniel is coming over. Who's Daniel does Harry?
11:27No, and whenever I have someone come and stay one of my favorite things to do is to prep the guest room
11:34What you serious? My least favorite thing is to prep the guest room
11:39Oh last time you made me sleep on the floor and the first thing every guest bedroom needs is bath salts
11:46What she's making bath salts for her friends for one night of a guest stay an article oil is great
11:52Megan who puts this much effort into the guest bedrooms. What else is she doing?
11:56She doesn't work now. It's time to make some snacks for Daniel. She seems to be preparing an awful lot for Daniel
12:03Haven't heard the name Harry yet
12:06Popcorn popcorn two minutes. She could have got that from the supermarket truffle oil. You're joking
12:12She even makes popcorn bougie. That's ridiculous. Look, I'm not gonna lie to you
12:15I would love to go to her house. You get bath salts not a house truffle popcorn
12:20Why would do you want to be friends with because then she doesn't like your grandma
12:24She's gonna divide your whole family and then asked to leave. Oh, hello. Is that Daniel? Yes, it is
12:29Why doesn't anyone ever present peas like this makeup artist and friend? She's having an affair with a gay Asian
12:36Halleloo, he's definitely heard the goals. Yeah, he's signed an NDA
12:41Yes, and now that Daniel's here. I'm going to make you pasta. Oh, wow. She's gone to cooking now single skillet spaghetti single skillet
12:50Spaghetti look, I'm sorry, but would you wear that shirt in the night? No way about to make pasta
12:56No, you put the dry pasta in you pour boiling water on top. That's it. That's not her invention
13:02I've seen that done before. Yeah, it's a tick-tock trade. That's not how you cook pasta
13:08Speaking from the lasagna you made the other day. That was still raw
13:15Okay, I need some lemon zest I can't see because I'm biased because I don't like her she took Harry away from his family
13:23Well, he's nowhere to be seen. She's making shows on TV
13:26So she's getting on with her freaking life and get stopped her husband from oh, I've got that zest exactly the same. Should we?
13:32Grate some Parmesan. Oh, yes. Okay. I'm not not I reckon if Princess Diana was alive. She wouldn't like her
13:38I've got that greater too. You want the noodles to be just covered. What is that? Is she gonna cook it like that?
13:45Cook the spaghetti first. We're still keeping that
13:50Pasta water. Oh
13:52It's spaghetti soup. I can't think of anything worse
13:56Good, it's gonna say I'll taste shit. There's also time for a spot of beekeeping. Oh
14:02It is so heavy. You know why the with the bees she's gonna take out the Queen cuz that's really what you did
14:08And then let's make candles
14:11My god making candles out of beeswax from her own
14:15Beehives, it's not her beehive and while the candle set let's go make a beautiful cake. Oh my god
14:22What the hell do you know what she's having? She's having a craft a noon
14:27Do you reckon you'd pay a hundred million for this that's gonna go in all the layers in between
14:33The guy just came over just to hang out and he's getting taught how to be a housewife
14:37What would Harry be doing Harry be like I've got people who do this you made me leave them
14:45Wow, that was garbage and I will not be watching another second of that actually didn't mind it
14:50Yeah, it's kind of nice in a homemaker kind of way. Am I a fan of hers? No
14:56I'm upset that she did this show
14:58That she took Harry away from his country away from everything and she's roaming all over America doing shows
15:06But he seems nice Daniel seems nice
15:22We did the fire drill at school today you did a fire drill
15:26Malik do they teach you to stop drop and roll?
15:28So when weary kids they used to say I have to stop if there's a fire
15:33Drop and roll. Oh shit. Look I might have escaped the fire when I didn't escape the physio
15:41Sunday night on 7 this is
15:50What are you dancing about you like Australian Idol top 12 week is
15:54Officially here the top 12. We have hit the business end. Here's all the people you're gonna forget in two weeks
16:02Step into the spotlight and take on songs from the movies songs from the movies. What would you do?
16:09What would you do? What would you do? I leave fabulous? Yeah
16:13Some 11
16:16Way to the danger zone, how do I leave?
16:22With without you then maybe we should just leave it to 17 year old
16:30I'm about to call my music teacher from my high school
16:34If I did that to a school teacher, they would go
16:37Why do you have my number your teachers were always ringing me Holly from school that we never ring a new hole
16:42No, yes, I was an amazing student. Thank you. Yeah, you were certainly amazing. That was the word that was the word that we're using
16:58Oh, yeah
17:09That was a big voice, but man I was bored I think we're gonna see you at the final
17:14No kiss of death, you know, it's got the kiss of death, please
17:18Blah blah blah blah hurry up with the singer. This is Queensland's live
17:23Auto-tune artist if you have to auto-tune your voice that word alone should mean eliminated body
17:29I remember Bonnie
17:31Incredible talent no way you can win this when he's not actually using his own voice. So I'm doing smash mouth
17:38Also, Shrek. Oh that glitters is gold. Oh, no
17:43Get the auto-tune. I hope his laptop doesn't decide to reboot
17:55Actually can't believe that this made it through
18:04Now no good a little bit blah for the top 12
18:08Is this what's called swag he's got swag although that's getting a little old always swag old
18:15Oh, he's got the jizz Riz. Oh
18:20Sound like a robot. Why are we not clapping the MacBook air Bonnie? I love that sir. What she's got the hots for Bonnie
18:27I got the hots for Bonnie
18:30All right, who's next
18:35You sell or a keeper
18:38So the song I'll be doing for movie week is defying gravity from wicked. Oh
18:43Defying gravity. This is the biggest song of the year
18:48Good luck love. Come on. Oh, I'm nervous for her
19:04Nailing it. Well, she's ten times better than the others. Yeah
19:17Confetti everywhere golden buzzer
19:21Kyle's not impressed. I'll put a smile on your face. No, he's gonna love it. I hated that movie
19:27Oh, I hate that musical theater rubbish
19:31Did she sing a good or not you dickhead I'm a judge and you're trying to stay on the show Oh
19:36Kyle shush drinking Kyle's a good bloke masquerading as an asshole. I think Kyle has found a way to get paid
19:42You can boo all you want, but that's rubbish. Let's vote to get called off
19:45If only it worked like that, but the judges are going to pick one singer to send through to the next round
19:51Gisella just sell a
19:53straight-through so the idol that is safe is
19:58Gisella Eilish
20:04What the hell that is so ring Gisella Gisella was a natural
20:15Alright be voting girls. We should vote for Bonnie. Why we've never had a robot win before
20:22I'm really enjoying Australian Idol. I can't believe after this week. We still gonna have a top 11. Oh
20:39Bestie can I get you a piece of cheesecake dad that cheesecake was from like two weeks ago
20:43It looks good and smells good. No, it's moldy. Oh
20:48I'm going to try it anyway. Oh
20:55Saturday on 9 we tuned into our favorite Renault slash decluttering show space Invaders
21:01Invaders, oh, this is that hoarding show it is and to help them declutter Peter Walsh
21:07Freeze them from the stuff holding them back. He's a declutter guru while Sheree Baba
21:12I sure a renovates their cleared-out homes. We are about to get down and dirty. Here we go
21:19space invaders
21:21Wasn't there also a song called space invaders as well?
21:24There was but let's not get distracted. Oh too late. Okay for the rest of us. Let's meet
21:3077 year old grandma Diane. Hi Diane. She looks like a lovely grandma, but she's got a secret Diane's a hoarder
21:40That looks like my bedroom it's got every possible
21:44Celebration thing. Oh, yeah, that's the decorations room. There's Halloween. There's Christmas. There's Easter
21:50What's wrong with that what I'm saying is Diane loves a party
21:57It's got a Christmas room. Oh, she loves Christmas stuff. She certainly does why so much every Christmas she would decorate this room. Oh my
22:06There are wow. Oh, that's fun. She would have 70 people of a night flock to her house to see the decorations
22:13Bringing joy to everyone. Oh, that's beautiful
22:16Kids just love it and I love to see a look on their faces
22:20She has this room
22:21Dedicated to making people happy which makes her happy which makes me happy and makes me happy
22:27So let's empty all that joy out of her home
22:30This is bad for the neighborhood into a giant warehouse where Peter Walsh will encourage a major festive
22:37Decluttering is she gonna have a lot of stuff show us one two
22:45Shit how does that all fit in a house? She should open a Christmas shop. This could be a Christmas shop. Thank you
22:52Look how many sand is there? I'm gonna say 23 Sanders
22:59You have over 300
23:04That is a serious problem disagree. I'm a fan of her hoarding. Yes, it's not rubbish
23:10This is a Christmas wonderland. All of this has been purchased for the joy of others now. We're taking it away from you
23:18Honestly, you can't throw that stuff out that is her life. It's priceless. She needs a shed
23:22Yeah, build her a hoarder shed. I really hope she can part with what she needs to not don't make her throw it out
23:29Just get her a shed. Hmm makes sense. But instead
23:34Now the Renault an army of tradies kick off the demolition phase in the kitchen
23:38I'll find some sad is there the old air conditioners are ripped out
23:42There'll be a sounder in the air conditioning as work gets underway in the lounge room. Has anyone asked I initially wants the Renault
23:49Speaking of things she may not want Diane's first challenge is to cull her vast collection of Santa statues
23:55Are we going one by one through 300 Santas? I love Sanders be hard to get rid of Sanders. Let's get started
24:01We've got motorbikes and we've got a singing Santa. Does that one sing? Cuz I'd keep that one
24:05We've got chef Santa. Give me the black Santa this guy here. Yeah, we can work quickly through what's left
24:11This is gonna ruin her inside Miley because now she's gonna have nothing to look forward to each year
24:16They are stealing Christmas what you're going to be left with now is nothing. Okay, let's get rid of all your stuff
24:22And so now you have to reinvent yourself. Why does Diane have to change? Why don't you guys get on her level?
24:28Look, she does get to keep some stuff
24:34That's it to mrs. Claus's three Santas and a snowman
24:40That is daylight robbery, well, you're not gonna like how much they're making her donate
24:48Right, that's what she's getting rid of a Christmas wonderland why in the North Pole the cash equivalent of
25:00Dollars which goes to
25:02They robbed not you Diane. She in the free Rena the Rena's with she doesn't want the Rena
25:08Well, maybe she'll like it. I'm nervous open your eyes
25:16Show us
25:21Very much nicer
25:24Diane hates it. She's bawling her eyes out. She hates it
25:31All space invaders you've done it again
25:36Look at I'm walking away thinking they did a good job. It is gonna be a sad Christmas. I
25:41Don't mind that show. This is a good day coming and they do that kind of job for him
25:45Don't you need to storage container just need a Reno? She's a fun person and you're all Grinch's
26:04At the Del Pachita's in Sydney someone else has found the cheesecake. Yes. Oh my gosh
26:11Yes, come here. You're always going for this cheesecake sticking your snout into forbidden places. Come on
26:17You're driving me bananas is
26:20This week on Stan we checked out a new dramedy good cop bad cop my friend, you know, this is filmed in Queensland
26:26the show has been making waves as it was filmed down under with Queensland standing in for the fictional u.s. Town of
26:34Eden Val Washington
26:379347 soon to be nine thousand three hundred and forty six. So someone's about to die
26:45They're already on the ground why is everybody already laying down
26:51Already being robbed. That's funny
26:54I'm robbing this place. I'm already robbing it. He's already robbing it. He rocked up fair and square. Yeah
27:11He's dead Eden Vale just got a lot more interesting especially for the town's only detective Luke
27:19There's shade the good cop of the bad cop. Oh
27:23I'm so sorry, and we got the good cop. We're gonna find the guys who did this
27:28Well, one of them is right there this real simple humor in it
27:32But we'll find the other guy but this sleepy town isn't equipped for these types of crimes
27:38So Lou asks the chief for some backup. You know what?
27:41The best part of my job is every day is take your daughter to work day. Was that her dad?
27:46Yes, is that her dad yes, so her dad it's her dad. Yes, I would care about oh, so he's the good cop
27:52No, she's the bad cop. This isn't I'm so confused. Should I explain that would help me so much. I agree
27:59I think it would help us both. It's real easy
28:01Yeah, Lou needs a partner and her dad is gonna call in a bad cop bad cop. Oh
28:08I'm looking for officer Henry Hickman. This is his dad. So what should we work with the brother?
28:12Is that nice brother and sister working together? I would love to work with you
28:16No, I would love to work with you. No, that's like family dynamic and the siblings are classically different
28:26Don't you think you should keep the scanner on I got my phone if they need me
28:30I'd really prefer you kept scanner on
28:33Okay, we have a rule follower and a miss honey over here. Yep, and they both hate each other's guts
28:43These guys are gonna make a great partnership. Yeah, good cop bad cop. Hey, that's the name of the show. Oh
28:50And their first step together is re-evaluating the crime scene
28:59Who is that? Oh my god
29:01It's Phil the pharmacist. You've had a hell of a day Phil had a hell of a decade Louise
29:06Okay, look at the taxidermy there. Oh dear place on mind how people have animals on their walls like that
29:11No, I get robbed twice in the same day something seems a bit sus arena about that. Just saying I'm assuming you have a safe
29:18Yeah, right behind that deer head as you do. Do you idea dear? Oh dear?
29:22Indeed as they found another corpse, okay another dead body
29:30It's the other robber, oh, that's the guy in the hoggy mask. Why is he got hard nipples when he's dead?
29:35Yeah, we got a DNA match from the blood at the pharmacy. Do you get hard nipples when you die?
29:38Do we have a COD? It's probably cold and he's pretending to be a corpse
29:42So his nipples are hard multiple stab wounds to the neck and shoulder. Yeah, so it's not very realistic then
29:49No wounds are narrow in depth
29:55Approximately 2.8 to 4.3 inches. He's good. He's good at his job. Ah
30:02So it's not good cop is nice. It's good cop is good at their job
30:06Maybe she's the bad cop to be honest. It really doesn't matter at this stage. I'm confused
30:11There's a good cop and who's the bad copy? Yeah, which one's the good one? Which one's the bad?
30:14It's just leave it cuz now they're gonna work out what the murder weapon is squat down a little
30:19Okay, wait, what is going? I think they're reenacting the stabbing of the bloke. They found by the river. All right
30:24We just tell me part. Oh my goodness another. Oh, wow. This is normal. He's going unhinged. It's the bad cop. Oh
30:32What if he got all five wounds simultaneously what got five points
30:40Antlers like from the pharmacist's office. Oh my god. It's Philip
30:46This blood will match the body dumped in the river. I told you it was Philip top-class detective work. He's a good cop
30:52She's the bad cop. She was nice, but it wasn't supposed to happen. Why is mr. Pharmacy guy killing people?
30:59I hired him to stage a robbery so I could give the drugs to people who'd lost their insurance
31:04The pharmacist had his heart in the right place. It's kind of noble in a misguided way
31:14Did you like that this show is a bit weird
31:17I don't know whether I liked it or not good show bad show bad bad bad bad bad show. I
31:37It's flashing illegal. Yes, don't do it. No, no, no, no flashing your headlights
31:43Uh, like as soon as I drive past cop car, man, I'm like
31:47Every car do you appreciate when someone flashes you though? I give him a wave
31:52What about if they do the old back themselves and give me a kiss?
31:55This week we checked in on Netflix to check out the reality series
32:00Young famous and African. I'm gonna hurt it is
32:06Is this the African version of the real housewives, that's it, baby
32:11Real housewives meets like selling sunset Dubai bling, but in Africa, here we go. Here we go
32:18Set in South Africa the continent's biggest socialites have all congregated in one place
32:23Socialites have all congregated in Jobe and in this episode they're off to a wedding which means
32:30Dressing up. I bet you their style. It's just out of the world. I was kind of surprised when I received an invite
32:38She looks like she's Medusa today's a special baby. Oh, she
32:45Yes, swanky Jerry. This guy looks like Kanye East
32:49No, no, what more could I ask for now?
32:55So twiddle D and twiddle dumb looks like he's wearing the same outfit from Eddie Murphy delirious
33:01Surely with that much leather on you've got a lot of chafe. You'd have to have pseudocrim like everywhere
33:06I came here to have a good time. It's very sweaty. Oh my god. I
33:11Absolutely froth what she's wearing looks like a tutu upside down now what might get confusing what is with these outfits?
33:19Is that upside down tutu lady will at times in the interview look like she's stolen Dalmatians?
33:25I'm looking forward to seeing everyone look at her capes. Oh
33:29She's gonna be a show about capes, isn't it? Yeah Cape Town. Oh
33:36You're welcome, okay, so I'm not the only one because she hasn't been talking to me at all. Oh my god
33:39I can't stop looking at that. Yeah
33:42Seriously, they're hanging more than a cow's
33:46Ball yeah, you know why these African guys turn out really strong because they're getting breastfed really well
33:57Who's that I've no idea
33:59I'm confused because there's so many different outfit changes that I keep losing track of who we're talking to fair enough
34:04Tutu lady isn't the only one with a deep closet Medusa will sometimes be dressed like Nicki Minaj
34:10Eddie Murphy likes to shift between white black
34:13That was him just in the white now
34:15He's in the black and camo what upside down tutu will either look like Cruella DeVille a snow princess
34:22Or two different types of bird. She killed a flamingo
34:25I'm so confused then don't even bother trying to keep up with swanky Jerry who's dressed like
34:32Swanky Jerry nice guy. I don't think we should have the s in front of his first name. What do you mean?
34:42Swanky wait, you got it. Why are they all wearing a white to a wedding man looked a lot more better
34:47What is the theme of this thing upstage the bride? Who's the actual bride?
34:51No one knows the one not in white obviously. Oh my god. You could see her from space. Please Lord. No drama
35:01Making this unrealistic is the fact that Annie the Cruella DeVille ice queen is holding a massive grudge against the bride
35:08Zari who looks like the bad lady from Little Mermaid as well as Nadia the one with a very very big choosies who also
35:16Looks like
35:20Can see her tomorrow and is sometimes in purple for what reason any we're not friends
35:26And we've been very clear about that from the binning gang honey, but yin-yang
35:30I need to address this issue with Nadia from last year. What do you need to address Annie?
35:35It was not coming to this wedding for peace
35:36She's choosing violence see a wedding is not the place to air your grievances correct
35:43It's not appropriate to air one's grievances at a wedding ceremony much better to do it
35:48At the speeches, I guess there's something right yeah, go ahead. Don't say anything
35:53I don't know
35:56Sorry, not the time I
35:59Can't feel some type of way
36:02That you invited me not the time. It's me regardless
36:06The best you had two years ago two years ago. We're bringing it up two years of history
36:11I just thought this could have been a chat in the toilet. I want to say
36:14Take your shampoos to the tour someone goes in first you talk to the cubicle door
36:18We hug and cry we wash our hands, and we leave and no one has to see this encounter
36:22Luckily the wedding ends without a big fight because everyone manages to put aside their grievances. How are you for about a day?
36:39That went well that lunch my stupid bitch
36:52Am I hooked obsessed yeah
36:55type this
36:57Africa drastically underrepresented in the toxic nature of reality television up until this point Nelson Mandela won't be happy
37:04They're just like flouting all their money or the dresser. They're going on. It's a fair thing of 14 14
37:10I don't know what flouting is, but I know it's a more more shut up
37:28Love you very much my big boy. We're trying to Bob with a dog
37:37Dogs dogs
37:41Dogs this is a show full of dogs
37:44Yep, dogs because everybody oh my god little puppies loves
37:49Oh my god, don't you cool girl good girl dogs for God's sake they lick their balls
37:56And then they give them to lick on the face yes, but that's the way they kiss, but it's disgusting. I'm sorry and
38:02It's actually good for your skin. I know it's not
38:06Wow weird show is this it's mustard dogs on the ABC
38:09It's a show where they train sheepdogs to be the best sheepdog. We are about to find out which dogs can cut the muster
38:16That's very very good by you, thanks
38:19The destination is Gravesend Gravesend does not sound like a place you want to send a mature age dog does it this episode is the grand?
38:27Finale and we'll find out who's got the best working dog in the age-old battle of the breeds
38:33Which breed will do it best Collies and Kelpies who you go for the Kelpies go Collies Kelpies are good dogs, man
38:41Well Kelpies are up first here. We go herding
38:50This is a very educational show
39:04Let's go to the next one representing team Collie
39:09Oh come on we have to watch all six
39:12Look at a whip. Did you ever have a whip? It's cheating. Hit me. Hit me. She's got a right
39:17What is going on? We can do this with two people. Do we need a dog?
39:22That's it, baby. Come on. I would just start mooing. No cuz then they'll come to you. Well, you need to the opposite of moo
39:31Good boy. Take by this stage. Surely the cows know where they're walking. Yeah
39:35Are these the same seven cows team Collie won that round? That's it, baby
39:41But the main event for a sheepdog is sheep
39:44Take it away a Kelpie
39:46Malik the Kelpie
39:49Are you rounding up the sheep? Yeah
39:52Yep, get around. All right Collie's turn
40:03Do they all have their own language
40:12What's that mean
40:15What's right
40:19It's not a perfect run. Hey, we're going
40:24Hey get back here. Come on
40:30Pockets picks up the massive mob and starts pushing them back to Renee
40:37Okay, last one the final team to take on the sheep is Bando the Kelpie
40:42I don't even know if that's a Kelpie though. Is it team? Kelpie is yet to chalk up a win. You're calling
40:48You're calling me a blood test
40:52We get a breed test the big black and tan Kelpie big black and tan
41:09Look it was just brilliant. Welcome. What more can we say? You got the sheep where you wanted the shape?
41:16That was a top performance from Banjo the Kelpie. There's actually a kangaroo dressed up as a dog
41:22Don't disparage the Kelpie clan
41:25I'm not disparaging the Kelpie clan because that's not a Kelpie earning him a spot in the top three Banjo and Kim
41:36But to be top dog he needs to beat the two top Collies chief and Hudson's team
41:42Collie have excelled team Collie all the way baby team Kelpie. We're all dying in suspense
41:50He's made it very very tough, who is it
41:53It's very very very close the master dog champion is
41:58So now we are going to have to use our judges notes
42:03Throughout the assessments we judged you on a number of criteria. I'll just get on with it my champion master dog
42:10It better not be Banjo Banjo and Kim
42:21Is that the only name you remember yes awarding Banjo gets the title of champion muster dog he's a different species
42:31The way they have a little cuddle isn't that nice guy no, it is nice to see what farming
42:42It was nice
42:46Sorry I suppose if it's silly no you know what he's my style about that show it's
42:56Get off his case all right, he's a champion. He's a champion Oh Kelpie
43:17What is that that is two meat pies
43:21Smushed together that is a hot mess. I'll be a hot mess when it's coming out the other end. I'll tell you that much
43:30Thursday on 10 we fancied checking out the latest episode of Graham Norton. I love the Graham Norton show
43:37It's a good show the cooking show
43:43He's a host it's a talk show and he always has big celebrities on it to tell outrageous stories, who's he going on tonight?
43:51Who's that he's really good he was in
43:55Joining him is actress Gugu Mbatha-Raw after we talked up the big celebrities
43:59Who's this person also on the couch a British acting legend?
44:05This is England oh my favorite actor in the world Stephen Graham, okay, he's good
44:13Became one of the most famous TV stars in the world shut up. It's the one and only
44:22Anderson oh my god is that Pamela Anderson whoa she does not look like Pamela Anderson
44:28I don't think she wears a lot of makeup and you know who cares the last time you were on the show was
44:3323 years and yes, how different does she look from Baywatch?
44:37She looks like she's in a grandma dress, but when she was younger
44:40I remember it was all boobs and a lot of makeup a lot of Botox. It was a while ago. It was the blurry years, okay?
44:47Look at her. She's aging so gracefully. I love her, but she's got a shit-ton of plastic surgery
44:57You shut your mouth let's get to the interviews now the rest of the couch
45:01I'm not even familiar Stephen Graham
45:03He can't tell you this, but I can finest actor Liverpool's ever produced Stephen Graham's an absolute ripper there. He is
45:10He's on a new show called thousand loads about bare-knuckle boxing. I like these kind of shows
45:14I'm gonna go look up a thousand blows. I don't look it up on the internet
45:18Stephen Graham you are ripped in this oh wow oh yeah, he's jacked. This is Stephen Graham training
45:26He said a giant chain. Yes, how much is that way?
45:29Wow what doing tricep dips with a metal chain around your neck, that's Liverpool and my ex-husband's a boxer
45:40Think there might be a little bit of flirty flirty going on. I think you're lovely, but my
45:48No further comments at this time okay, but where was the the famous moment when Pamela Anderson got discovered
45:54Did she start in Baywatch was that her first thing I went to a BC Lions football game
45:58The cameraman zoomed in on me and put me up on the jumbotron. She became famous from going to a football game
46:06There you are
46:09She was just a fan in the stands, and there was a horny cameraman
46:12That was the start and then yeah playboy called and then Baywatch, and she's had an amazing career Pamela Anderson
46:19Isn't she I didn't know that you have Vegas experience. Yeah, I've worked in Vegas. What did she do? I was a magician's assistant
46:26What what hasn't Pamela done, it's actually dangerous. I was actually singed a few times. She was singed
46:32I want to say way, but I won't
46:34And her Vegas experience has come in handy for her new film role the last showgirl Pamela Anderson's having a real moment again
46:42There's no one's heard of 20 years all of a sudden now. She's back. Tell us who the last showgirl is
46:47It's about a couple generations of women hitting a crossroads and out with the old and with the new was that her now Wow
46:54Are you reinvent yourself time and again try to tell us in her little nanny outfit and no makeup that she's changed her ways
47:00But she's getting her tata's out still, please say thank you to my guest Sean Hayes
47:15Those are good. Yeah, John love that Graham Norton
47:18He sticks all these random celebrities on the couch, but it just ends up being funny. It always works. Yeah