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Australian Survivor - Season 12 Episode 03,
Australian Survivor S12E03,


00:00:00Previously, on Australian Survivor.
00:00:06How did Nash get in there?
00:00:07After back-to-back challenge losses.
00:00:10We're going too far left!
00:00:12Broad's still struggling here.
00:00:14Broad made a spectacular comeback.
00:00:16Well done!
00:00:17To claim their first immunity.
00:00:23On the Brainstripe, Kent set a trap.
00:00:26The plan is Miles.
00:00:28I've got the machete and Miles' head's on the block.
00:00:31I am the praying mantis.
00:00:33My plan is to slowly bring them alive.
00:00:37But it was the Coven who conjured up the majority.
00:00:40So we'll go with Rich.
00:00:43Until Indy spilled their secrets.
00:00:46It's all girls and then we end up getting rid of yourself.
00:00:49They said this?
00:00:50They said it to my face.
00:00:51If you f*** me over, I will come and find you.
00:00:54Sending Rich into a spin.
00:00:57Still coming down from a panic attack on the beach, mate.
00:01:00I'm like, what's going on? These are my peeps.
00:01:02Especially the BBs, the Victorian bidders.
00:01:07And Kent's bizarre tactics.
00:01:10I burnt my mate's hat.
00:01:15Failed to flip the vote on Miles.
00:01:19Indy, the tribe has spoken.
00:01:22They have.
00:01:2322 are left.
00:01:26Who will be going home tonight?
00:01:38I haven't felt my ribs in a very long time.
00:01:40Can you feel it?
00:01:41I can feel my ribs.
00:01:42Can you feel mine yet?
00:01:43Sorry, we'll have six packs by then.
00:01:47Are we putting rice in with beans this morning?
00:01:51Look, since we got here, the meals have been horrible.
00:01:56Mate, horrific.
00:01:58I know.
00:01:59It's either been beans have been underdone,
00:02:02the rice has been underdone or overcooked.
00:02:04Too many things.
00:02:06Isn't there a little piggy around here?
00:02:08The rice and beans, it's not steak and eggs.
00:02:10It's not beef patties.
00:02:12It's not that enjoyable.
00:02:14It's kind of boring.
00:02:15And that's why I've been saying to everyone,
00:02:17let's create some variations of rice and beans.
00:02:19We can do a beans and rice porridge style.
00:02:22Beans and rice and we can put it in little hot dogs.
00:02:26You can have rice itself, you can have beans itself,
00:02:28you can have rice and beans, you can have beans and rice.
00:02:30Tonight we're having potato, beans and rice.
00:02:33Or we're having porridge, beans and rice.
00:02:35And then you can have fried rice and beans,
00:02:37while you can cook them,
00:02:38and then you can mash it all together
00:02:39and you can make little patties.
00:02:41It's punchy.
00:02:43I think that's just the sand.
00:02:44There's a couple of variations for the rice and beans.
00:02:47But I'm hungry, I want some protein.
00:02:50I'm going to eat everything and anything that I can find.
00:02:52I might even eat a person.
00:02:55Look, who's got the most meat in them?
00:04:17Can you do me a favour?
00:04:18Can you grab some more coconut stuff
00:04:19out of that void under the tree?
00:04:23Bring back firewood when you come back!
00:04:28But is it possible to torture your game harder than Ken?
00:04:32I don't think he thinks that.
00:04:33I think he thinks there's been an absolute massacre
00:04:35of people trying to get away with it.
00:04:37I don't think so.
00:04:38I don't think so.
00:04:39I don't think so.
00:04:40I don't think so.
00:04:41I don't think so.
00:04:42I don't think so.
00:04:43I don't think so.
00:04:44I don't think so.
00:04:45He thinks he's being an absolute master.
00:04:47I think so, too.
00:04:56That little weasel, Kent,
00:04:58took my hat, my favourite hat, my iconic hat,
00:05:02and burned it in the fire.
00:05:04Like I said,
00:05:05I'm not here for moronic day one hat-burning moves.
00:05:08That was a dumb move.
00:05:11Burning my hat showed the entire tribe
00:05:14What this man is capable of and why is he people are seeing him being a menace especially the ladies
00:05:23We need a fire there don't we yeah, we don't have enough fire yet. I really do it a truck
00:05:28Oh, you do break those little pieces down. Well. I'm not gonna break him down yet if the fire only just started
00:05:35sometimes she thinks she knows what she's talking about but
00:05:40She's good with fire, but I mean
00:05:45Last night's tribal council a guy who was meant to go home
00:05:50but Indy betrayed all the girls and
00:05:55It just all turned on her head, and she got voted out
00:05:58It's good to the whale
00:06:03Unfortunately sending home Indy put us in the minority
00:06:08People just debrief last night, but there are always hierarchies within any kind of community, and it's about how you navigate
00:06:16Where you want to sit?
00:06:23A wag would never call herself a wag like that's kind of embarrassing
00:06:28My husband plays for the Western Bulldogs. I love getting dressed up and attending a big award shows and stuff like that's so fun
00:06:40Being a part of the wag world. It's a really complex social structure
00:06:46There is always a hierarchy even if you can't see it and a lot of it can be a battleground
00:06:55But I am probably one of the most socially smart people I know I'm quite bubbly and happy
00:07:07When they are threats that need to be disposed of I will happily stab him in the back
00:07:21Welcome to the gathering
00:07:27Myself what the hell is it? We need to cleanse ourselves. Yeah, yeah
00:07:32Breathe in
00:07:35Leave anything that doesn't serve us
00:07:38Breathe in
00:07:40Be grateful. We have each other. Oh, thank God so grateful. Yeah, so grateful. We have each other. Yes a six
00:07:46It means a new moon is coming
00:07:50So our next move this is what we need to discuss because we've been thinking that potentially getting Kent out as
00:07:58Retribution for Max's hat yeah, if we the coven and witches and give that
00:08:04Ken is not the vibe. I want to hang out with PI you actually give me a challenge where I've got to hold something
00:08:11above my head for
00:08:12Longer than anybody else or I've got to hold a percentage of my body weight. That's Matt. I'll smash it
00:08:18He doesn't have great gameplay, but he thinks he's doing it all in the name of this incredible survivor play when really
00:08:25He just kind of looks like a big idiot
00:08:28What about the rich idea?
00:08:33I'm nervous about Richard because he will always take lead. It's just instinctual for him so annoying. He's got a great
00:08:43Rich is a hard person to get along with he does things that annoy you
00:08:51Last night for some reason rich also named the BB Alliance
00:08:56And I was like you don't go walking around saying this is my alliance and you're in it and you're in it
00:09:00Are you from Melbourne to yet jump on in?
00:09:03But in saying that Kent is gonna be the one with his torch being snuffed
00:09:09Tell me we're getting rid of the hobbit
00:09:18Panties digging his own grave. Yeah, he's digging his own
00:09:28I'm just the idea of waking up in a morning without Kent
00:09:45I feel so powerful
00:10:00Last night was very interesting
00:10:05This whole girls alliance thing came out and they're denying it and the boys don't really care and aren't worried
00:10:13He needs sometimes win just like that, what does that ice skater the one
00:10:27You know when I came into survivor, I really didn't think I was gonna be the smartest person on the beach
00:10:32But Indy going home. This means the girls like the minority of the tribe and I think I can take advantage of that
00:10:43Meaning to tell you for a while. Can you play poker? Yeah, but he spoke up. Yeah with my social game
00:10:48I really believe I can take control of this game
00:10:53I've been playing games all my life and my poker face is a little bit different a
00:11:01Traditional poker face is very stone face. They don't they look down. Sometimes they wear sunglasses hoodies
00:11:06That is not the kind of poker player I am I am an entertainer on the poker table I love I smile I talk
00:11:13Because if I talk to someone and they talk back to me, I'm getting more information from them than they're getting from me
00:11:21I've made a lot of money playing really high-stakes poker like nose, please like we're buying him for a million dollars
00:11:27But you don't want to tell people how much money you've made or the richest people don't want to play with you
00:11:32Like if a billionaire comes up to me and is like how much money have you made playing poker?
00:11:35And I say a hundred million dollars. He'll be like, well, I don't want to play poker against you
00:11:41And in survivor what you want to do is at the beginning build up people's confidence in you
00:11:46They need to know that you're on their side
00:11:52Right now I want to be a little bit careful that I don't ruffle any feathers
00:11:56What I want is to gently massage and put ideas in people's heads
00:12:01So I have heaps of ideas. Yeah
00:12:05I think that if we got together, yeah, specifically us because people want to work with you and people want to work with me
00:12:10Yeah, we'd have the majority. Do they keep the girls in minority?
00:12:16So that thing next we're on the same page
00:12:20Honestly, these women are more powerful than people know the girls and having a lot of strat talks
00:12:25It's like a lot of strat talk. No, that's okay and
00:12:30Realistically, the guy's gonna get picked up one by one
00:12:33But honestly, I'm not worried at all because I don't think anybody is more prepared to play survivor than I am
00:12:40I want to go in there with no fear
00:12:42I want to be able to back my reeds and I want to be able to take out these girls
00:12:59Come on in
00:13:03Oh my
00:13:06Yeah, help me morning
00:13:14Braun get your first look at the new brain tribe. Yeah, he's gone. He's gone Indy voted out last night's
00:13:28Missed out on the last reward. How keen are you to get your hands on this one?
00:13:32Oh, it's okay. All I've been hearing around campus food talk this morning
00:13:36But we're really hoping there's something we can just devour under that box
00:13:41All right. Are you ready to get to today's reward challenge?
00:13:44for today's challenge
00:13:47You're gonna face off one-on-one on a floating net on my go
00:13:51You're gonna race toward a flag at the opposite end while your opponent attempts to stop you any way they can
00:13:58First person to grab their opponent's flag scores a point for their tribe
00:14:02First try for five wins reward want to know what you're playing for
00:14:07Everything you need to make delicious
00:14:12Loaded fry
00:14:21I'm guessing that's worth playing for
00:14:24All right, I'll give you a minute to strategize and we will get it on let's go
00:14:33All right, here we go brains you won the coin tosser who you putting up first Allie Allie
00:14:42You got this baby girl, I'm thinking that y'all should be Braun who you're putting up
00:14:53What you're made of us
00:14:57We reckon palms and faces that on
00:14:59All right. Here we go. First round. We have Allie for brains taking on Ursula for broad
00:15:05for reward survivors ready
00:15:10Go girls quick to get to it
00:15:16I select this is Allie out of the way takes the flag. We're on leads one set
00:15:36All right, Braun, are you putting up
00:15:58All right, here we go next round rich for brains taking off big bad for brawn
00:16:03Battle of the beefcakes. Here we go. It's a lot of ready
00:16:13Another easy win for fraud
00:16:22On pulling away to sir
00:16:31All right, here we go next round we have PD for broad taking on max for brains
00:16:36Broad leads to zip first the five wins reward
00:16:47Survivors ready
00:17:01Broad leads three
00:17:13All right, Braun, who you putting up, okay
00:17:33Lot of testosterone out
00:17:37All right next round we have Zen for broad taking on Kayla for brains
00:17:43Bob is ready go
00:17:50Big impact in the middle there
00:18:05Taking another point for
00:18:10Another point for broad broadly
00:18:30All right brains are you putting up
00:18:35Come on up
00:18:43Aaron and Luna
00:18:52For the wind base
00:18:55Here we go. Next round. We have Karen for brains
00:18:59Taking on noon and for brawn broad lead for zip wrong can win it right here brains need to win it to stay in it
00:19:06Bob is ready go
00:19:15Takes down car
00:19:20There who gets a hand on the deck
00:19:42All right, brawn
00:19:43Congratulations, you're loaded flies will be waiting for you back. Can't head on out. Enjoy
00:19:49Look, we performed amazing
00:19:52Braun performed strong
00:19:55Almost fighting to death
00:19:57Obviously the old mate he threw a good hit at me and I did notice that my fingers were a little bit sore
00:20:03I'll probably just say it'd be a little jar finger
00:20:06But knowing that there's loaded prize. I
00:20:10Am looking forward to this reward
00:20:46Winning the reward is so good. What's your favorite meal noon and hot chips?
00:20:58Oh my god seven years of waitressing kick in I'm handing out the chips
00:21:06The drink
00:21:09You've got pork sour cream some cheese and salsa some chili
00:21:20The bowl is
00:21:22Clearly becoming bigger than majority of our heads. I can't even see the chips anymore
00:21:29Are we gonna be sick from this tonight
00:21:33I'm happy. I'm happy. I'll be happy and sick. We're gonna stay my whole life. This is a dream come true
00:21:37This would be the first food we've had in six days with no sand or dirt in it
00:21:41When you get back home, yeah, let's have the salt the pepper and the sand
00:22:06That's what the napkin
00:22:11It was that napkin under the food because it looks pretty
00:22:22I see a map on my napkin to what I'm assuming is gonna be a hidden immunity idol or an amazing advantage
00:22:30Nobody's seeing anything
00:22:32And I tucked it away. I
00:22:34Don't know. I've done it. Nobody knows I've got this. This is gold
00:22:47After this we're gonna lay down for seven hours and then freak out about like and then while I'm in a firewood
00:22:53Then we'll go back to beans and rice
00:22:57Winning the reward has given us a massive boost. He's just come smasher. It tastes like
00:23:06Reward brings more than just a full belly. I am instantly looking for some sort of clue
00:23:23I know the game. It has to be here
00:23:28Do we look crazy
00:23:33So this is
00:23:35The golden napkin the trail to what I'm assuming is gonna be a hidden immunity idol or an amazing advantage
00:23:42But I need to get some time away from everybody else so I can have a really good look and find out where this X
00:23:47Is I'm just gonna find a sunny spot to hang my jumper
00:23:51I'm excited about the manipulation the scheming of things, you know, because you don't get to do that every day
00:24:01Being a paramedic everybody seizes the heroes
00:24:07We swoop in and we save the day, but in the game of survivor, I'm gonna have to do things
00:24:13That I guess would go against my moral compass
00:24:17That's kind of exciting I can maybe get a little dirty I'm excited to do that
00:24:28Need to do is get to this X immediately this would be
00:24:33It's around this way
00:24:35so I have a vague idea where this idol may be and
00:24:40Right now everyone's in the water. The water is perfect. It's not cold. It's not hot. It's just perfect
00:24:47So off we go into the jungle
00:24:52Love the Braun tribe so so much. Do they have much awareness? I'm so content
00:25:01Not that I'm aware of
00:25:05And they're very you know in their own world, why do you guys want to have an underwater breath-holding conquer vision
00:25:10Let's do it. I don't think many people notice what other anybody else is doing
00:26:02Congratulations, you have found a hidden immunity at all
00:26:06I am completely ecstatic to add it to my list of jewels
00:26:13It is just sensational. I'm over the moon
00:26:17There's literally a man down everywhere
00:26:23I'm done looking whatever
00:26:25I was meant to find it. It would have fallen in my lap like everything else. Yeah. Oh, well
00:26:35Don't know
00:26:43Noon is asking me if the clues come to me and right now I'm thinking do I tell her do I not tell her
00:26:50She's probably my closest ally in the game
00:26:53And this is a huge decision and I think as a sign of trust I should tell her that I found the clue
00:27:00Yes, I did
00:27:03Yeah in your ball, I've got it it's only me
00:27:08But I've decided that I'm not gonna tell her that I've already found the idol
00:27:15Because I want the other to work for me in the game
00:27:20I've told of the white lies before but this is a real lie
00:27:25I'm going in the water now and
00:27:27The vibes that I get from the brawn tribe, they'll be so easily fooled
00:27:37Like wake up guys, this is a game
00:27:44By challenge
00:27:48I'll skinny go one more time. I
00:27:51Knew he was gonna tackle because I just looked at the way he was looking at me, but my head it's blown up
00:28:04Off the challenge a couple hours ago did notice my hand definitely did puff up and I have started to notice that he's starting to
00:28:10Feel a little bit uncomfortable
00:28:20Yeah, I did not feel good I gotta check it before the challenge
00:28:23But I'm not worried and I'm gonna check with the medic check them out should be all good
00:28:53Come on in
00:28:55What have we got here? I think shots. Yeah, this is like a vibe
00:29:03Brains are in town
00:29:11One less of them, what is this?
00:29:23Oh, no
00:29:37That must have been a good tackle
00:29:44All right, so Zen you injured your hand yesterday, yeah at the challenge you've been to see the medical team this morning
00:29:52Can you catch everyone up and what's happened? Yeah, so I've been with a medical team all day and I've fractured my finger
00:30:00But it's all the way down to the bones I have to be in a cough and they've actually pulled me from the game
00:30:17All right, so Zen you injured your hand yesterday
00:30:20Yeah at the challenge you've been to see the medical team this morning. Can you catch everyone up and what's happened?
00:30:27Yeah, so I've been with a medical team all day and I've fractured my finger
00:30:31But it's all the way down to the bones I have to be in a cast and they've actually pulled me from the game
00:30:43That's brittle
00:30:53You're joking
00:31:05I'm sorry, brother
00:31:09It's only been half a day and we've already missed you
00:31:21So looks and no one wants to leave the game this way
00:31:24What's the feeling look? It's painful. It's um heartbreaking
00:31:29You know, I've come all this way but at the end of the day gotta stay stoic gotta stay strong
00:31:34It's part of the game
00:31:42So Noonan, it's tough losing a tribe mate at any point in this game
00:31:46But is it particularly tough when it comes down to an injury?
00:31:50yeah, I think we've all had an injury in our lives and it's absolutely gut-wrenching and so out of your control and
00:31:56Zen's a warrior. He's a fighter
00:31:59I can imagine they would have had to pull him kicking and screaming. Sorry. I'm devastated for him
00:32:04Yeah, it's really sad to see him go this way
00:32:09He contributes a lot a
00:32:11Lot of energy a lot of good vibes. He's gonna be a little brother time. He's always stoic
00:32:17He's always stoic
00:32:19Well Zen clearly everyone has enjoyed having you in the game. I've certainly enjoyed having you here, but it's time to say goodbye
00:32:30Take care. Okay. I really love you mate. We'll see you back in the real world mate
00:32:46Well to the brain tribe I didn't get to know you but guys thank you for your time and the brawn shrub let's win it
00:32:57To leave like this haven't actually been voted out. It's it's painful. It's really in the day. It's really heartbreaking
00:33:07But this is where being strong
00:33:09It's gonna play a big part
00:33:10We're not allowing my emotions to dictate how I feel and continue moving forward the next 24 to 48 hours
00:33:15It's gonna be difficult. It's gonna be a lot of emotions
00:33:22So just gonna stay stoic
00:33:31All right, shall we get to today's immunity challenge first things first
00:33:38Thank you, thank you
00:33:41Once again immunity is back up for grabs
00:33:45For today's challenge you're gonna race through a series of obstacles
00:33:50Collecting rope and bamboo to build a giant pole
00:33:54You will then use that pole to push a vase off a post
00:33:59Releasing a key to unlock a chest of coconuts. Finally, you'll find those coconuts from a slingshot at a series of targets
00:34:07First tribe to smash all their targets wins immunity and it's safe from the vote
00:34:13Loses tribal council where somebody's gonna become the third person voted out of this game brains
00:34:18You now have an extra person you're gonna need to sit someone out. Who's it gonna be?
00:34:22All right, Laura, you're on the bench everyone else minutes to strategize. Let's get to it
00:34:31All right, here we go for immunity survivors ready go
00:34:37And a frame is high you need to work together to get everyone over the top
00:34:43Jesse and Ben at the top for broad
00:34:47It's max and miles of the brain
00:34:52Can't take the big tumble for brains got two bags of rope you need to collect on your way over take a bag
00:35:10Holy and PD try to boost them up for brawn
00:35:16AJ down the bottom for brains
00:35:22Both tribes and neck-and-neck
00:35:25Everyone's almost over
00:35:27On the mat you need to get off the mat before you can move on
00:35:31All right. Now you move it on to the next obstacle
00:35:36You need to get all those bamboo pieces out of the slot
00:35:41Logan and max
00:35:45Jesse and Kristen and Kate going up for broad
00:35:54What a rhythm
00:35:57Can't helping out for brains
00:36:02Tries neck-and-neck
00:36:06Good phrase everyone needs to go over the wall now
00:36:13You're good broad let's go let's go brains have a slight lead
00:36:22Now you got all your bamboo and all your rope
00:36:25Ropes over here need to build a very long pole
00:36:30station elation
00:36:32It needs to be long enough to reach that base
00:36:36Allie's in charge guys loop it first then feed opposite directions first
00:36:42Loop it first loop it first one of those massive not
00:36:47See double
00:36:50They won't listen they won't listen
00:36:53Meanwhile drawn and pretty much paired off double not lashing pieces of bamboo together with their rope
00:37:01Let's go let's just try this one
00:37:04It's Morgan and Ben and Ursula coming in with a pole giving it a test
00:37:11The goal here is to get your pole in that slot
00:37:16It's long enough
00:37:19Won't have their pole in the slot
00:37:23Guys I think we have a crack
00:37:29Brains having a crack now
00:37:36Brains pole just flopping around everywhere finally they get it into the slot
00:37:42That's important quick start tying it up
00:37:46Okay, you're good. I want in the middle needs to go away
00:37:51On halfway up the trough
00:37:57Meanwhile brains are stuck
00:38:01Turn it turn it turn it turn it
00:38:03It's not gonna work if you if you've got a twist it
00:38:07Just bring it back a little bit
00:38:09We just bring it back. What are you guys doing?
00:38:12one person
00:38:15Brains are not working as a team allowing brought to pull away. They're getting close to that phase
00:38:23Guys we're nearly there you doing great
00:38:26Getting it higher will make it like it on your shoulder
00:38:34Can't go on up now to help out
00:38:36Push it
00:38:39You're pushing three one
00:38:45Brains moving quickly now
00:38:49Brawn very close
00:39:01And that's it
00:39:03Brawn knock off their maze
00:39:06the other
00:39:08Keys don't work it on your log
00:39:12Meanwhile brains are painfully close to that maze
00:39:26Finally brains knock that maze up
00:39:32Then on the slingshot for brawn
00:39:37Feeling good. Thank you
00:39:42Brains are on their slingshot. It's max first up as hard as you can. We are neck-and-neck again
00:39:52As I say that Ben gets one
00:39:59It's rich something in for brains now, he's on the slingshot
00:40:06It'll be last night. We're sweet
00:40:21Brains struggling to get on the board
00:40:29It's Ken on the slingshot for brains now
00:40:43Connects again
00:40:45Is on fire
00:41:03We're all to pull you away
00:41:15We are tied
00:41:18Three more to go
00:41:23What a battle between Ken and Ben
00:41:27Then get tied over there for brawn
00:41:35One takes out another one one left for brawn
00:41:43Rich something in now for brains
00:41:50PD on the slingshot now for brawn. Can he bring it home for them?
00:42:01Brawn wins immunity sending brains to tribal council
00:42:17We're on congratulations unity is yours
00:42:27All right, brawn you are safe nobody going home head back to camp enjoy the night off
00:42:39Even though we won we still lost someone with the burn
00:42:44All right brains tribal council tonight where one of you will become the third person voted out of brains versus brawn
00:42:50And back to camp. I'll see you tonight
00:42:56Today I was the only one that really delivered on that on that coconut slingshot
00:43:01Everybody else was missing it by miles. So I did pretty well
00:43:04Tonight's vote for me is based on finishing the job that I wanted to do at the last tribal and that's smiles
00:43:29Well done today guys
00:43:36Am disappointed that we lost the challenge
00:43:40But right now there are some very clear targets
00:43:43so miles
00:43:46What's the next move then?
00:43:48You got through last night, but the skin of your teeth. Yeah, so what's your plan?
00:43:53My plan is wait until I hear a name which be honest
00:43:56I don't think there's a lot I can do as far as coming up with new plans. Take a breath
00:43:59Do you know how to meditate?
00:44:01Close your eyes
00:44:05Just keep imagining that picture think of a third eye
00:44:09Sit and chill it's worth doing because you could do with some calming down
00:44:15And that could help you
00:44:23The plan tonight is easy we're on the same page as yesterday
00:44:31Yeah, so this is the last time we're talking about it is this happening, okay
00:44:34Yeah, so what is coming out of my mouth now? I'm voting for Ken this whole tribal needs to be adopted. Yeah
00:44:47So first of all, so what's what's the deal what's going on?
00:44:51Can't can't support can't support. Okay. So what everyone's talking about right now is don't spook Kent. Yeah
00:44:58Because miles was the split vote last time. I think he's going to be a really easy split vote this time
00:45:12I'm feeling confident. The coven is going to get their target tonight and Ken ten steps behind mate
00:45:33Don't understand what these people are thinking who is the split miles
00:45:38People voting for miles a Kalen Kent rich. Hey, this miles files miles rest
00:45:45This is the dumbest vote of all time. I
00:45:48Think it's gonna be fun. I can't wait to watch
00:45:57So tonight the people on the talking block Kent and miles
00:46:02Has nobody on this brains tribe got a brain it makes no sense
00:46:08Kent is no threat in this game. We don't have enough firewood for ourselves for this fire at the moment
00:46:13This fire goes out every night
00:46:15Now it's like what we're doing right now. He's wasting time
00:46:19All he's doing is blowing himself up constantly and that's a great shield for me
00:46:23So instead of going for Ken, I would rather go for someone who's actually a threat
00:46:36I'll tell you before
00:46:39You can't tell anyone. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
00:46:45Interesting, who are you planning to talk to about that everyone? Okay, just just listen. I'm
00:46:52on board
00:46:53But I feel like that's really dangerous. So just be careful
00:46:59Logan currently has a fair amount of power in the tribe and we don't want to let her get more power
00:47:05I want a little strap Logan Laura and rich the VB's
00:47:10That's all it sweet babies forever
00:47:13But also there is another alliance, which is basically an all-girls alliance
00:47:19Logan she's just very popular at the moment. She's got a great social game
00:47:27And that is dangerous to me
00:47:34I'm gonna go with my plan
00:47:37That we talked about yesterday. I really think this is one of those deciding votes right now
00:47:44Do you think we should go Logan?
00:47:51So the plan it is really simple boys us girls
00:47:56But also this is my first big move of the game and I just want to show off a tiny little bit
00:48:04So I want to convince one of the girls to flip and I'd like to think I'm a little bit charming
00:48:14I'm scared to hang this
00:48:19Someone burns my hang it high so
00:48:23He's shorter. He can't reach that. Yeah, so it's safe
00:48:26If my hat gets burnt, I might drown him. Well, we know who it is
00:48:31That's fine
00:48:34Lord best give him some bread. What's wrong?
00:48:40You got yeah, I trust you I trust you I trust you
00:48:44Why I think I can work with Ali. She's very smart, but she hasn't found her groove
00:48:49And I think she's the bottom of the girls away
00:48:53But when I'm pushing a vote, it's a very delicate task
00:48:58Right now I'm gonna dangle something nice in front of her and see if she's open to it
00:49:03If I do something really cheap
00:49:06Doesn't affect me on your way. I'll get on board
00:49:10You don't even if you I'll get on board whatever it is
00:49:17Wait, wait, wait, is there anyone you don't have?
00:49:22No, but I would like a particular person sent home
00:49:29Yeah, it's gonna be so fun, okay, I feel like I'm finally playing survival
00:49:33Okay, I'm excited
00:49:41AJ has a very cryptic way of speaking. But when he came to me and told me I have a plan
00:49:46I knew who we were considering
00:49:52Just between you and I AJ
00:49:56He has an entire plan. He's about to pull me aside
00:50:00Who's going for fairly sure he's gonna throw Richard's name out there
00:50:10And if he goes for rich I'm jumping on board
00:50:12Okay, because if he goes for rich and he's got numbers on the back end and I'll tell you yeah
00:50:18Come to you. But if that's if that's the case for me, it has to be rich
00:50:22When Ali jumps on rich, I'm sitting there being like, you know what? Maybe that is a good idea
00:50:29I wanted to kill him today. I'm fine. Ready to go rich. I know you mean I've been I've been at my wits end for
00:50:35Past two days. So it's just really if we don't do this now, we will not get another chance
00:50:46Laura and I we have rich in our pocket, but rich is going to need to go at some point
00:50:56Can jump on board we need to play this now
00:51:00I'm sorry, if that's the case do so in boy pinkie promise me. He could come on it go and God baby on God
00:51:28Just just tired of us going there. All right, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Yeah
00:51:35First was a ricochet, wasn't it?
00:51:42The votes night's gonna be an interesting one the original plan it was Kent
00:51:47Yeah Kent because he's Ken beautiful, okay, he has no idea that he's the target come with me
00:51:56But AG that's a little card up his sleeve
00:52:01So that's the plan right but there could be something else coming in motion I'm what that riches guy
00:52:10Rich yeah, why AG why you might get the numbers to do it and
00:52:16Ali said if he's going that way she's not gonna wait for us to do it and she'll jump on board with him
00:52:21Are you sure that that's what anyone's doing? She's waiting for a chat now
00:52:26And I know that
00:52:28After today, it's sort of like more and more for me that I don't wanna be around rich. I he makes my blood boil
00:52:38I just the thing with rich is he he gave me that information. He gave us that information about Indy so quickly
00:52:47He really trusts us. Yeah, he will he will always have a target on his back always that's the point
00:52:54But then there's also the point of there's not only so much I can take to him. So like
00:52:58Yeah, I was like I have to we have to live with him every day
00:53:01And if we're not going to travel if we're winning stays on days and days where I'm gonna be boiling up and it's gonna
00:53:06Impact like my emotions and how I deal with me. It's you really affect you that much so much. I want you now
00:53:12Yeah, it's really hard. I really punched him today in the luck in the line because he was heavy breathing in my ear
00:53:19Because I've got sensory issues with sound
00:53:23It is hard, but this might honestly I'm rich has been
00:53:26The only person yeah that has told us the truth. Yeah, so I'm not really comfortable with it to be honest
00:53:36Have had so much control in this game up until now and now everything is out of my hands and
00:53:41It's all getting very confusing
00:53:44Everything okay
00:53:45What are we thinking?
00:53:47I'm on board for whatever you guys are doing. Okay, which I assume I got told
00:53:52Okay, so the can't learn. Yeah. Okay. That's what you want. Yeah, I mean, it's there's other things getting thrown out
00:53:58So I yeah, we're just listening to everything. Yeah, that was main. Yeah, then the vibe in camp during this scramble was completely chaotic and
00:54:06This benefits me perfectly. Oh, where are you?
00:54:14Right now it seems like everybody's confused but not me
00:54:21I've got a very clear path. I need to eradicate all these other names
00:54:27And get everyone to focus on going for Logan
00:54:32Okay, what are you doing tonight what's your plan I
00:54:40Think the only person who's attracted to us at all is Logan
00:54:49I think if she goes we have more control over the whole game
00:54:56All right, if you guys don't like it I will not do it I
00:55:02Don't like that plan at the moment
00:55:05Are you sure yeah, no, there's something we're going to roll through a little bit. Yeah, we have the numbers
00:55:13I think because the other plan is so set in line. I look if you're gonna say no, okay, that's fine
00:55:19If you say no, it's enough. I'm not saying it's not
00:55:25Didn't think people would be this scared to make a move
00:55:29And honestly, I just think it's boring and now I need to go into damage control mode
00:55:35Never tell anyone that I was coming for. Yeah, like no one. Okay. Yeah
00:55:45Got any coconuts ready
00:55:50You and I need to talk okay
00:55:55J says, please don't tell Logan, but I am concerned that he's got this plan because Logan is my girl
00:56:03Logan is in my alliance and Logan is one of my five
00:56:09The talk I have with AJ
00:56:13Okay, it's like the baby's been lunch on the chopping block me yeah
00:56:22What do we do with that
00:56:25That's my name's out there. Yeah, what did I do wrong? He's what he's formulated this whole plan. He's got numbers
00:56:33I don't know. Yeah, it's almost time and Max is involved with that. No, I know that we shut it down
00:56:50Think AJ's gonna be my name out. What? Yeah, Ali just told me
00:56:55I didn't know that we do. I'm telling you. I'm telling you
00:56:59No, what did he what which name did he give you?
00:57:02Yeah, yeah, no, I think we shut him down. I want AJ's body in the ground
00:57:10We just need to make sure we get the numbers through the scope because then he's gone you don't you don't call my name
00:57:14I know you don't call me
00:57:21AJ wants to run around to my alliance members and say hey, let's vote Logan then. I think he deserves his comeuppance
00:57:28We don't have too much time before you leave
00:57:30Yeah, it's so easy to flip it all of the people that were riding down campus right down AJ
00:57:35Everyone's gonna go at some stage. Yeah, but I don't think we have a time for a last minute. He's gone
00:57:45Good I was very AJ
00:58:14All right
00:58:15So Kent another night another tribal for brains sadly yes
00:58:23So what's the chance that this one will be just as explosive I don't think it'll be as explosive as last time
00:58:31It was certainly
00:58:33Pretty crazy. It was our first tribal and one that we've all sort of learned from and I think it won't be as brutal
00:58:39as it was
00:58:41at our first
00:58:45Logan what about for you?
00:58:47We're seven days in if I asked you to draw a diagram of who is working with who is it clear to you where?
00:58:54Everyone stands in the tribe. Um, I wouldn't say completely clear
00:59:00It is hard to tell if they are a hundred percent in with you or if they've got something else going on the side
00:59:08So Miles if I'm hearing Logan correctly, she's saying that alliances haven't really solidified yet
00:59:14Yeah, pretty much. So I'm not really sure quite where the dynamic of the tribe is that right now?
00:59:19So I've got I came out strong and I've ended up in a position where obviously I haven't really got any strong alliances
00:59:27Um, I've pretty much just been given a name tonight and I'm just gonna go with that
00:59:31I just need to prove to everyone that I can be a reliable vote for people
00:59:35That I can be someone that can be trusted and that's all I'm trying to do at the moment
00:59:39Even when people suggest like various different ideas
00:59:42I'm just kind of keeping my mouth shut and just trying not to make too many waves
00:59:46Rich with alliances in flux. Do you think the right person will go home tonight? I'm not sure mate. I'm
00:59:54It's a delicate situation. I mean, you know, there's a couple of people that could go home tonight
01:00:00So Logan, do you think anyone is on the radar and they don't know they're on the radar
01:00:13So AJ
01:00:14How do you come up with the plan then when you don't really know where all the pieces are?
01:00:19I think you take a lot of shots in the dark
01:00:22So you talk to as many people as you can and you're like, okay, I'm gonna go home tonight
01:00:27So you talk to as many people as you can and you're like, hey, what are you thinking?
01:00:31And then hopefully they're thinking something you like and if they are
01:00:35You got a plan
01:00:37Logan, is it confusing knowing what is genuine and what may not be genuine?
01:00:43I think I have a good read right now
01:00:48I think I can tell who's a friend to my face, which is all I'll say
01:00:56What about you Kent do you feel like you have a good read on who's being genuine with you and who's not
01:01:01I think I have an exceptional read on
01:01:04What's genuine and what's not?
01:01:07It's easy to come into every single tribal and think that your name
01:01:10Is potentially on the block tonight. I certainly there's a tiny bit in the back of my mind that thinks potentially
01:01:15I could be blindsided tonight. I don't think so
01:01:18But I think it's important that we all walk in knowing
01:01:22You know, can we trust everything that has been said to us?
01:01:29So aj, I mean if your preferred target doesn't go home tonight
01:01:34Is there a risk that that will come back even stronger for sure?
01:01:38Uh, I think every single vote matters and I think the game of survivor is like a butterfly effect
01:01:45And if you vote the wrong person out at any point in time, it'll affect your game for the future
01:01:52Logan you smiled at that did I yeah
01:01:56Oh, I didn't mean to oh, that's what you're thinking. Oh, I was just enjoying what you're saying
01:02:03Did you pick something up? No, no, not that I hadn't already
01:02:06You find that difficult to reconcile what you want now versus what you want in the future
01:02:11Oh gosh, that is probably the hardest thing to figure out in this game of the instant gratification of getting someone off your back
01:02:19Or are you planning three steps ahead?
01:02:22And where are you going to be next week and who are the people around you that you're going to trust then
01:02:29Yeah, that is probably the hardest thing to figure out at this point
01:02:32I mean aj makes a good point if you try and make a move and it doesn't work that can have a ripple effect
01:02:38Oh, absolutely. If you're putting out shots and they're not going to land
01:02:42I would be watching you back the next time for sure
01:02:47Laura in this game an opportunity missed is one often never regained. Mm-hmm. Very very true. It's not an easy feat to
01:02:56Figure out how to move forward and what relationships are and relationships that you can't see
01:03:01And each move needs to be
01:03:04thought out
01:03:07Because the consequences of that down the line
01:03:11Could be fatal
01:03:17All right, well I think it is time to vote
01:03:33It is time to vote aj
01:03:51This is a boring part
01:04:30I hope you enjoy being voted out by a girl
01:04:47I'll go count the votes
01:05:05All right, if anyone has an idol and you want to play it now would be the time to do so
01:05:15Okay, i'll read the votes first vote miles
01:05:25Miles that's two votes miles
01:05:29Miles that's three votes miles
01:05:43That's three votes miles one vote kent
01:05:55Kent we're tied three votes kent three votes miles
01:06:00Kent that's four votes kent three votes miles
01:06:08Kent that's five votes kent three votes miles
01:06:13Third person voted out of brains versus brawn
01:06:19That's six votes that's enough you need to bring me a torch
01:06:24Kent the tribe has spoken as indeed
01:06:41That's six votes that's enough you need to bring me a torch
01:06:53Well, this game can be tricky and confusing but nothing clears up things faster than a simple vote
01:07:02Grab your torches head back to camp. Good night
01:07:16Sunday night
01:07:19Can brawn retain their title as challenge beasts
01:07:22How are they doing this?
01:07:24when brains unleash
01:07:26their secret weapon
01:07:33And with the target in sight nash's public enemy number one battle stations who will be the first to strike
01:07:41We need to break the girls
01:07:45I'm gonna flip the table
01:07:52The burning of max's hat 100 had an impact
01:07:56on tonight's vote
01:07:57But I don't have any regret in life
01:08:01You're messed with the buffalo
01:08:03So here's your advantage
01:08:07How i'm remembered is irrelevant to me to be honest
01:08:11I don't care
01:08:13I hope they don't have fire because i've been the one that has been keeping it alive at night