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Australian Survivor - Season 12 Episode 02,
Australian Survivor S12E01,
Australian Survivor ,


00:00:00Previously, on Australian Survivor, an epic rematch began.
00:00:10When I found out it was Brains vs Brawn, I was absolutely stoked because I am right at home on the Brains tribe.
00:00:15Go Brains!
00:00:16A new generation of masterminds took on a new breed of physical players.
00:00:24You've got this girl.
00:00:25Who doesn't love being strong? Bring on the rematch.
00:00:29Hellbent on Retribution.
00:00:31Brawn wins the reward and this game is on.
00:00:36Little Coven.
00:00:38Oh yeah, you love a little witchy Coven.
00:00:41On the Brains tribe, lines were drawn.
00:00:45I am a Komodo dragon. It'll just give you a little bite.
00:00:48You just slowly die of toxicity.
00:00:51I think Miles Burnt.
00:00:53Max's hat.
00:00:55I do not trust him at all.
00:00:58But the Brains worked together when it mattered most.
00:01:03Nash! Nash chills.
00:01:06Brains wins immunity sending Brawn to drug council.
00:01:13Salesman Nash weaponized his immunity idol and got to work.
00:01:18Mandy, just don't paint.
00:01:21But not everyone was on board with his plan.
00:01:24Nash's intentions were to force us to play straight away.
00:01:28With his paranoia rising, Nash played it safe.
00:01:34For you.
00:01:35And all those shots were fired.
00:01:38Game on baby.
00:01:39Nash does not count.
00:01:42His plan still succeeded.
00:01:48The tribe has spoken.
00:01:4923 are left.
00:01:51Who will be going home tonight?
00:02:01Hey, step up to me coconut bar, man.
00:02:05Please, come on up.
00:02:07Oh my god.
00:02:09Welcome to Kayla's coconut bar.
00:02:12I'll get you a coconut.
00:02:13Thank you so much.
00:02:14So we have aged coconut, young coconut.
00:02:18I'd like some Malibu in the bottom.
00:02:20Some Malibu in the bottom.
00:02:21Here's some sugar.
00:02:22Look at the sugar in there for you.
00:02:24Then we have coconut water to drink.
00:02:29And then you have coconut chips.
00:02:31So they're complimentary.
00:02:32Thanks bartender.
00:02:33Exactly what I wanted.
00:02:35I just busted dirt that you put there.
00:02:40Am I a very good bartender?
00:02:41Absolutely not.
00:02:45Am I the best bartender on the Brains beach?
00:02:47I think that's obvious.
00:02:51People often misconceive me based on my appearance
00:02:54and the way I talk.
00:02:56But I just started my PhD.
00:03:01I'm designing a drone
00:03:03to autonomously scout for vegetation in Antarctica.
00:03:08The computer will learn how to identify plants
00:03:11based on their spectral output
00:03:13because we're using multispectral cameras,
00:03:14collating that data.
00:03:18Downplaying my intelligence is the easy part.
00:03:22Just by going out and getting coconuts,
00:03:23everyone's thinking,
00:03:24is he even here to play a game
00:03:25or is he here to just get coconuts?
00:03:27You're really good at opening them by the way.
00:03:30It's perfect.
00:03:31Everyone's underestimating what I'm doing.
00:03:33So I'm just giving the image I'm someone on vacation.
00:03:35Oh, we can do shots out of there.
00:03:36Yeah, we can do a shot ski out of this.
00:03:38Yeah, we'll do that after.
00:03:40But in the background, I'm the most social guy here.
00:03:43So, too early to strike, but the time will come.
00:03:46Okay, good.
00:03:48Pause, pause.
00:05:24What you're doing?
00:05:25What are you doing?
00:05:26What are you doing?
00:05:27You shut up.
00:05:28What happened?
00:05:29Get out!
00:05:30Get out!
00:05:31Get out of here!
00:05:32Get out!
00:05:33Get out!
00:05:34Get out!
00:05:35Get out of here!
00:05:36I can't get up either!
00:05:37That's perfect.
00:05:38Joyful leader.
00:05:39Joyful leader.
00:05:42I felt the heat, but the numbers went my way in the end and Candy went home
00:05:56But something is not right, so I need to get to the bottom of people votes on me
00:06:03Because I think someone's actually turned
00:06:12That's my buddy up yeah
00:06:16Numbers didn't add up cuz did I I'd you say all the numbers so every single number all the numbers in that up
00:06:22My numbers didn't
00:06:26Hey someone slipped someone slipped, I just want to know who voted for me, so
00:06:33Where was your head at I know you didn't vote candy. I don't care. It is what is who's your
00:06:44Honest be honest with you. I just want to flush the other that had you from day dot
00:06:48I know that's your day dog. I know and I don't want you dog with me not that bitch
00:06:52We were the first person I had a chat
00:06:54I know and then you flipped on me. I'll flip yeah
00:06:58Candy went home, but Ursula was close. I don't want these close calls cuz because this close calls can damage Alliance, bro
00:07:06Nash knows that I flipped so right now
00:07:10I'm gonna play to Nash's ego telling what he wants to hear he thinks everything's gonna be all good, but really
00:07:16I'm quite sorry him you please. Hi. Give me a heads up. That's all that's all
00:07:22Unless you're flipping on me
00:07:41You want to know what I'm doing with this, what are you doing? I'm making a hat for Max because he's cowboy hats mom nice
00:07:52Good killer with a machete candy
00:07:55Hey oldest in the camp youngest in the camp how old are you 23 amazing?
00:07:59I've tried to get on the last 10 seasons really yeah
00:08:05Every minute every hour every day in this game is another day of living my dream
00:08:10I'm a multi-millionaire and
00:08:13Survivor is literally it's the only thing left on my bucket list
00:08:18Some of these guys and girls have applied this is their first or second third time for applying this is 10
00:08:25This is 10 10 seasons back to back to back rejection rejection
00:08:33It's something that I can't buy if I want something I can always have it whereas this thing. It's been a challenge
00:08:39It's been it's been the hardest challenge of my life
00:08:42and I
00:08:44Knew I'd get it I
00:08:47Knew I'd get it one day, and I've got it down
00:08:57All that aside I'm here and
00:09:01I've got the machete and miles heads on the block
00:09:09Well they're not gonna go with the person who got some last minute
00:09:11They're gonna go with the person who's been putting in the work like yeah
00:09:16Think miles is trying to play too hard too soon obviously as you're aware. You haven't been having like strut shots with people
00:09:21I've no interest in like blowing up your game
00:09:24Not even sure I have one also as I told you he's trying to strategize just a little bit too hard
00:09:29Obviously challenges are really important as well, but you should definitely look at maybe taking out one or two of the big boys, right?
00:09:36He knows the game inside and out and he's he's just annoying people
00:09:40He's he has no EQ. He's so going to he's got a huge strategy. Yes, so it's freaking me out
00:09:47Miles you're like balls in my face. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry cross your legs
00:09:53Jesus he's the most antisocial
00:09:56EQ lacking individual I've ever met in my life. Oh my god. He's digging his own grave
00:10:02How am I planning to make sure that miles is the first to go?
00:10:06You ever seen how praying mantis works
00:10:10It basically sits in the trees
00:10:14Just they're doing that doing nothing
00:10:17Little bug comes along and it'll grab it and it'll play with it for a little while and then it'll just devour it
00:10:24Imagine eating something alive
00:10:26It's like start eating it that
00:10:28Meet the feet slowly through the legs. It's holding it holding it while you're eating it and they're just like
00:10:38It's pretty brutal to watch
00:10:41But you kind of keep watching
00:10:44There's something we going on the camp, yes, I've seen it for a while
00:11:03The last couple of days I've just sat back and let everyone have their chance
00:11:08Just because I wanted to see how everything was working. I wanted to know, you know, who was taking charge
00:11:13Anyone want to come and start getting some big timber with me and who clicked?
00:11:20And that's because there's a business development manager, I'm always trying to figure out how to get the best out of every situation
00:11:27I'm at the top of my game. I make my company lots of money all day every day
00:11:34Reading a room is something that I can't actually do my job without
00:11:38but my strengths don't stop at reading people they extend to
00:11:42Responding to get what Indy needs
00:11:48And I've noticed a girl's alliance coming together
00:11:54We've been here for like three days I
00:11:57Don't think we've ever really had like a conversation about maybe you're vibing with that's what we're about exactly what we're saying right now
00:12:05You girls to be honest, like I feel like you guys have conversations like pizza conversations. I'm not a part of
00:12:12I don't think it's conscious. No. No. No, the thing is like I don't know if you notice the baby. I'm super Jill
00:12:16I smile all the time
00:12:19When people like me they always think I'm well-intended
00:12:23But I can be ruthless. I've been hired into a job to be actually a bull in a china shop
00:12:29however, if they need me to be malleable and pliable and
00:12:35Acquiescent I'll give them that if it'll give me what I need
00:12:39Because we're cruising we're doing really well at the moment
00:12:42But if we were to come down to a boat, who would you feel comfortable?
00:12:45I'll be that car and girl like she's totally like
00:12:49You know like there's only room for one black girl on this ride. Oh
00:12:54I love being here with you. Okay, dude. Thank you. Yeah, you'd be willing to be a part of the girl gang. Yeah
00:13:03And I've got lots to offer
00:13:08Like I think that's a brilliant idea
00:13:11It feels so amazing
00:13:14To have a witch's coven out here
00:13:18Is the final girl coming into our coven? Yeah, I'm very serious about coming. Yeah, look
00:13:27Like butterflies for a little black coven
00:13:29My strategy coming in was to create a spiderweb of relationships coming all the way back to me the source
00:13:37So all of the girls are now part of my witches coven
00:13:46I'm hilarious
00:13:49So that's a little witch's web of information of people bringing me information
00:13:59Sorry, I'm wet but my number one is Logan she is
00:14:04My ride-or-die I can talk to her about anything
00:14:07Who you outside our little coven? Who do you feel like?
00:14:11Close with as well that we could drag in
00:14:15I think we need to get in with the boys really really quick
00:14:21First one to drop it has to do 20. All right
00:14:25the boys on the beach
00:14:27Living their best life and also don't seem to be chatting too
00:14:34We know we're gonna go to Tribal Council at some point
00:14:37So I need a beautiful big shiny
00:14:39Shields probably a wrong word puppet. Yes, and
00:14:44Rich is the perfect target
00:14:47We're all from Victoria, so we're the Victoria bidders the big three babies are
00:14:54Three beers, what are we bitter at the minute?
00:14:57Just this shelter. Yeah, sure. There's not pretty bitter at that actually
00:15:01I think it's important for my game plan to involve starting alliance with some female energy
00:15:08What I like about this riding the coattails thing the guys just take it and sit back. Yeah, I like that
00:15:15They're chummy together. Why don't I just slip in on that and make it a cross-gender alliance? That'd be pretty cool
00:15:28Am here to spice it up
00:15:30I've been told I stood upon my whole life and sometimes I don't even know I'm doing it
00:15:35Which I've means that probably means I'm pretty good at it. If we play these writing coattails, they will fall for it, too
00:15:40It also leaves an open
00:15:44Just think about every option numbers
00:15:46Pretend to write some coattails get
00:15:50I'd rather not even talk about making decisions yet. Just go. Yeah, cool
00:15:54You girls do what you want. Tell us who you want us to vote, but and then it really puts us in some power here
00:16:01Who I am is pretty fun, so let's go not even spiders
00:16:08You're gonna take the scalps morals go out the window survivors a movie
00:16:16Everyone plays their part and their roles and in the end I come out winning
00:16:38Come on
00:16:43My god, there's a slide
00:16:48Hi Jonathan max
00:16:53Max where's your hat? Somebody stole it
00:17:00Brains get your first look at the new brawn tribe
00:17:06Candy voted out last night's tribal council
00:17:11And it is
00:17:13Outfit was so fabulous. How did you do that? He's not still wearing his idol. Nah
00:17:18Did you flush it?
00:17:22Flushed flushed
00:17:27So rich are you surprised that candy's gone I am I actually thought I'll make might let his ego ride and not even play
00:17:35The idol might be the one going home, but you know, he's still here. Yeah
00:17:40It's like the pocket Rockets gone, right?
00:17:44All right, you ready to get to today's reward challenge, all right for today's challenge
00:17:51You're gonna race down a giant slide
00:17:53Attempting to grab sandbags on your way down
00:17:56Once you have all your sandbags you use them to knock up the puzzle pieces
00:18:01And you'll use those puzzle pieces to solve a giant floating puzzle. Oh, it's another puzzle
00:18:09First tribe gets it right wins reward want to know what you're playing for a winning tribe will get a choice today either
00:18:16one large fish
00:18:19Enough to feed the entire tribe tonight, that's not bad or
00:18:24fishing fishing
00:18:27Deluxe fishing kit with everything you need to potentially feed the entire tribe every single night worth playing for
00:18:35All right brains you have an extra play gonna need to sit someone out cannot be the same person to back-to-back challenges
00:18:40Who's it gonna be?
00:18:42All right, Ally, you're on the bench everyone else a minute to strategize. We're gonna get to it. Let's go
00:18:55All right, here we go for reward
00:19:06Slip abroad it's our brains
00:19:09Grab their sandbag. You need to get on the map before the next person go
00:19:15Kristen on the slide now she grabs one almost gets to
00:19:23Indy gets one for brains
00:19:27Kate on the slide now
00:19:31It takes a tumble in the pit
00:19:36Gets it back
00:19:42Noonan racing down for
00:19:49Car misses her bag
00:19:55Morgan gets hurt
00:20:15He gets to Kaelin gets to drops his third one someone can scoot that one
00:20:33Max gets one the brains
00:20:36broad have all their sandbags
00:20:39Everyone needs to be down the slide and on the map
00:20:51Paul he's the last one for prawn. You're good. Start up loading your sandbags on your table. Hey J
00:20:57She's the last one for brains
00:21:00Good price not unloading your sandbags
00:21:05It's Jesse and Ben throwing for
00:21:11Spax and rich for brains
00:21:16Rich takes out one. Yeah nice
00:21:21Jesse takes out a piece and another piece
00:21:28It takes out five pieces broad have hopped their pieces down
00:21:36Brains knocked out some more pieces
00:21:47Jesse connects taking out a bunch of pieces on that top row
00:21:54Max taking out some pieces on that bottom row for brains
00:21:59Brains have used all their sandbags are going to need to reload
00:22:02You don't need to get all of them. You don't need to get all of them quickly boys. Just grab all this front one
00:22:08Same story with broad. I'm ready to go up
00:22:27Snatch thrown for broad miles of Kaelin Trump for brains
00:22:38Two pieces
00:22:41One piece left
00:22:45Get higher
00:22:53And brains does it grab your pieces head into the water
00:22:59They have a huge lead meanwhile brought us those firing furiously
00:23:11Didn't last get in there. Well, this is all wanted to get you said he's got a good
00:23:14I'm popping out on this one get in Paul brains have a huge head start on that puzzle
00:23:22Make sure they don't float away
00:23:27Indy going up the tower for brains
00:23:29It's PD and Ben
00:23:49Good broad grab your pieces headed to the water. They're gonna need to work quickly to catch up now
00:23:58Border is already in position for you. So there are some clues there
00:24:08Indy clearly in charge
00:24:16Brains working on the corners
00:24:19If you did well on the last puzzle
00:24:22Maybe puzzles are her thing
00:24:26I'm in front of me. I'm here put him in front of you. That's the front. It's Paulie for broad going up the tower
00:24:37Just everyone focus on me, okay
00:24:41Morgan that piece
00:24:44That's why I keep that
00:24:47Paulie thinks he sees something
00:24:50That piece the triangle meanwhile the puzzles coming together for the brain tribe
00:24:56Hey, we got to
00:25:07AJ flip the pieces around for brains
00:25:10No, no, it doesn't go there. They've tied on the other side not convinced. That's the right piece
00:25:17Use names
00:25:20Everything is slowed down on the brains tribe that opens the window for broad the square you get down to Paul. Yeah
00:25:39She was reward on the line both tribes neck-and-neck
00:25:56It's coming down to the wire who's gonna get it first
00:26:06Two pieces left
00:26:43My god, that's massive
00:26:49What a choice between a fresh fish or a fishing kit that could feed the tribe every day
00:27:00Voices are everything in this game consider it carefully
00:27:05Yeah, I think basically with the fishing gear we could be getting little fish that I saw him was swimming earlier
00:27:11Yeah, just need the short is the tiny little fish. There's something a bit bigger
00:27:15I've got a huge tuna when my favorite fish to eat, but that's all that hands me
00:27:19I saw that snorkel. I thought I'm gonna go play with Nemo. So yeah, I'm sold guys
00:27:24We're never gonna get this amount of food out of that
00:27:28But it might be less food over a longer period of time, right?
00:27:46Yes, I'd rather the tuna all day, but I settled for it because I'm not gonna start an argument over one day's feed
00:27:58Yeah, I'm just hungry yes, I'm starving
00:28:01I mean, it's good to get like the knife and stuff
00:28:04But I just don't see us getting like big enough fish like 12 people at the moment
00:28:09We're a really hungry side and we need some Tucker in our guts Richie
00:28:15Being a fisherman. I also know in my head of heads
00:28:18There is no way we're catching fish in a hundred days or 200 days out here
00:28:26Come on bro, pull your head in
00:28:45Ladies and gentlemen
00:28:54It's more of a crown than a hat
00:28:58I'd like to actually enjoy sitting in the shelter
00:29:01Like, you know how you say people gonna just when they're saying they're just hanging out in the shelter
00:29:05I'd like to be able to hang out and not be like oh
00:29:08The shelter is the bane of my existence. I hate it with a passion
00:29:12Irritates me beyond belief and we've called it the pigpen because it is a pigpen
00:29:18How on a brainstripe we managed to build the most god-awful shelter that I've ever seen I don't understand
00:29:28This structure at the moment currently isn't gonna work for 12 of us what I've suggested is that today
00:29:36We rope it it's we don't need anything in the ground in here turn into a rock
00:29:42We're not gonna turn it into
00:29:55Building a shelter is how you build morale you get to know each other you chit-chat while you're hammering something
00:30:02You put up a slat and you're like, oh cool you work in this, you know that whatever
00:30:08But not everyone wanted to get involved this sucks
00:30:13Like it's that day off to it. I would love to be snorkeling on a dial
00:30:16Yeah, you know, I know we're gonna make a bed, but this is a big task
00:30:22It's no secret that rich is not one of my favorite human beings on this tribe, okay, what's next let's just go this simple
00:30:28About this it's not the crayon designs. He's not helping us build a shelter. It'll take ages
00:30:41Okay, he barely helps around camp as it is
00:30:47He's been so loud and obnoxious
00:30:54It doesn't provide anything
00:31:00Miles the smallest scrawniest man in the tribe works harder
00:31:04And uh, I can't
00:31:11Then suck I mean exactly the same just pretty off
00:31:24Boys are bum chums like all they're sleeping together the entire yeah, they're growing out. Yeah
00:31:30So I reckon if we are going to get far in the game, we might have to get rid of a big boy
00:31:37Yeah, we are. I was just thinking about a big boy. Would you get rid of that? I'm saying rich
00:31:42You reckon rich he's the glue he's a hundred percent the glue he holds max he holds Kayla
00:31:53Which is the glue that's connecting boys together and the only way you can isolate other players for yourself
00:31:59It's you if you take away the glue. So what's the name?
00:32:05Just trust that
00:32:07And once he's gone, it's the culture of our entire group
00:32:16We need to talk to Indy today as well
00:32:51Know the boys were mixed up. It doesn't matter. Yes, they'll be
00:32:55We can turn it over and when they realize that the six girls
00:33:00This is what I'm painful. No, I mean, yeah
00:33:03You see what we do with them. We have a job. I do not disagree with the strategy
00:33:07You know, this is a wonder if I didn't ask the question, but I have you been informed
00:33:12What do you mean?
00:33:15Yeah, I am stressful. Yeah, we can find them
00:33:20When I mean any tomorrow we will but we won't need to right because the first vote is already
00:33:2775 is there so ready to go
00:33:32Big rich, ah, we've got a target now
00:33:57Come on in. Oh
00:34:00My gosh, oh what is happening here?
00:34:05Hey guys, oh
00:34:08Oh look
00:34:11It has changed
00:34:13looking at a
00:34:14max 3000 X
00:34:16courtesy of the wonderful Indy
00:34:20We'll stretch to be warmed up
00:34:25It's gonna be a big one
00:34:29All right, so Caitlin I'm curious what did you choose the fish or the fishing gear feed a man for a day give him a
00:34:36Fish or for him for a lifetime and give him the fishing gear. We got a few fish yesterday
00:34:41So I think it yeah, it was the right choice
00:34:44All right, you ready to get to today's immunity challenge those things first
00:34:50Your last goodbye
00:34:53Once again immunity is back up for grabs
00:34:58for today's challenge
00:35:00Two of you will climb a giant spool and I'll tie it from a frame
00:35:06The rest of you will then push that spool through a course
00:35:09collecting sandbags and
00:35:11Targets along the way once you get to the end you'll place your targets in position and two of you
00:35:17Will attempt to land the sandbag?
00:35:20on each of the targets
00:35:22first tried to land for sandbags
00:35:25Wins immunity and it's safe from the vote loses tribal council where somebody's gonna become the second person voted out of this game
00:35:32Brains you have an extra play you're gonna need to sit someone out cannot be the same person and back-to-back challenges
00:35:37Who's it gonna be?
00:35:40All right, Indy, you're on the bench everyone else a minute to strategize let's get to it
00:35:49All right, here we go we have our throwers in position it's max and rich for brains
00:35:56Morgan and Ben for brawn
00:35:59Or immunity survivors ready
00:36:07Kristen and Jesse on the spool. I'm tying those knots for brawn good
00:36:14AJ and miles for brains
00:36:20Yeah, you go and start pushing brawn
00:36:23All right
00:36:27Jesse's staying up for brawn pro skateboarder. This should be a piece of cake for Jesse
00:36:35You want to go as fast as you can without losing your balance, that's the trick here AJ staying up for brains
00:36:45Almost loses his balance
00:36:47Slow slow slow
00:36:50Go go go go it's fine. It's fine. I'm in a bad coming up brawn have a slightly
00:36:55They're getting close to that first set of sandbags
00:37:02Jesse outclips the first one moving on to the second bag
00:37:09One more come on sorry brains and right on their tail
00:37:17Let's go brains moving on brains have a slight lead
00:37:23Jesse struggling with that second one
00:37:29All right, yep, go finally he has it
00:37:34Brains really getting the hang of it coming up coming up coming up. They have a nice rhythm
00:37:43There we go there we go brains at the second set of bags
00:37:47Angles brawn looking a little shaky. It's actually pretty tricky
00:37:53That's surprising from Jesse I know he likes a skateboard
00:38:00Brains have the second set of bags speeding along now
00:38:06On dropping behind
00:38:10One more incoming one more incoming
00:38:14There's a badge good now move on to the next one keep going keep going keep going gonna get under that frame
00:38:26Gotta spin those discs off the posts
00:38:36Yeah, get ready
00:38:39Two targets for braise
00:38:49Jesse working quickly trying to catch up
00:39:02AJ has the last target for braise. They're moving on
00:39:07You're good. I don't worry about me. Don't worry about me
00:39:12Jesse has the last one for brawn
00:39:19We're going to farmland shift the left side we're all struggling here
00:39:24Allowing brains to pull away yourself brace yourself all the way under the tower. You gotta lock it in
00:39:31You got brain
00:39:34Now you're gonna pass those sandbags up into the tower
00:39:45You're in
00:39:53You're good broad get those sandbags up into the tower, let's go let's go
00:40:00Brains have all this sandbags on top now. They're working on their targets. It's miles going up for brains
00:40:10Someone had it up
00:40:16Braun has all their sandbags up
00:40:19Zara's up for brains now also
00:40:22She can't do it
00:40:29Ursula going up
00:40:36Kate also going up for brawn come over brains have three targets in position one to go
00:40:42Miles swings it up
00:40:46Don't throw us rich and max that tossing their sandbags
00:41:08It's Ben and Morgan
00:41:10Tossing for brawn needs a land a sandbag on each of your targets
00:41:21Wrong land a second
00:41:23Right out of nowhere
00:41:36Brains had a big lead in this challenge it has evaporated
00:41:45Brains land another one is right on the edge
00:41:52Brains knock off a sandbag. They're back to one. Oh, thank you. You can do it. You can do it
00:42:00Broad can't get that last target
00:42:10Braun go for the win
00:42:18Setting praise
00:42:37Brawn congratulations
00:42:51Right brawn you are safe nobody going home head back to camp enjoy your night off
00:43:00Good job
00:43:05It was a stretching before
00:43:08Our brains tribal council tonight where one of you will become the second person voted out of the game
00:43:14Grab your gear head on out. I'll see you tonight
00:43:19Last thing we want to do is be at tribal council, but the commoners United and the witches will fly tonight
00:43:27room at the ready
00:43:29Bye. Bye rich
00:43:50Followed after today guys right in there. We were really close. I don't think there's anything different. We really could have done. Yeah
00:44:01Yeah, I'm gonna go wash my hair in the ocean
00:44:08Party time now. Yeah
00:44:17I'm going to my first tribal council and
00:44:21Any word that exudes amazement and happiness I feel right now
00:44:25His smiles is going home
00:44:30Are you feeling I'm totally fine. I'm loving every single second of it good. Yeah, this is what I'm here for. This is what I want
00:44:38Obviously the consensus seems to be for miles
00:44:42I'm gonna have fun tonight. I'm gonna you watch you what this is a little bit too happy, right?
00:44:46It's velvet sledgehammer. It's just I am you're gonna. I am the praying mantis
00:44:51My plan is to slowly in him alive. I
00:44:54have pretty much a
00:44:57Laydown miss there while I was going home
00:45:00Well, I don't know what you've heard, but the plan is miles. Yeah, are you I just don't know that just because
00:45:08he's good at challenges and
00:45:10Like you honestly think he's good at challenges good. He's the same height as me mate. Yeah
00:45:15The majority is 100%
00:45:21Even sticking to the plan. Yeah matters. I don't need to be involved. Nothing's changed. Nothing's changed
00:45:28All the seats have been planted
00:45:33But now
00:45:35I've seen so many
00:45:38troubles where
00:45:40That scramble ends up creating people making the wrong decision
00:45:47So I
00:45:51Don't want to be a part of it
00:46:00Yeah, that's crazy, okay sure she's like yeah, I think there's a the bros alliance is kind of dominating things at the moment
00:46:07Anyway, you go. Yeah
00:46:09Yeah, so you just yeah, it's probably looking bad for you. Yeah for me. Yeah
00:46:17Do you but don't talk about this or do anything? Are you able to tell me who is throwing my name out?
00:46:22I think there's a good consensus. They're just nervous that you're
00:46:27They know too much about the game. Not bad. Do you think that there's that like strong against me that it's not?
00:46:32Yeah, you being too much at the moment. Yeah. Yeah, that's what everyone says
00:46:35You're just talking too much trying to do too much strategy. That's freaking them out. So, okay
00:46:39I thought I was actually in a fairly comfortable position, but apparently not chill, but I'll keep working with you
00:46:44But just play it cool. Yeah, and just try and work the angle
00:46:47So I initiate operation play it cool
00:46:52I'm gonna be not strut chatting. I'm gonna be hanging around the camp being mr
00:46:57No strat and just hope that the people that I get along with can shove maybe one of the easier votes under the bus
00:47:05Chill mode. Yeah. Yeah
00:47:24The boys want to call the boat and the plan is before to let them think they're calling the shots
00:47:30So we'll go go on Twitch. Okay, they can figure out what they want to do. Can it be that simple?
00:47:35Well, yeah, I mean I think just let them let them find it out today let them do them
00:47:41Hey, yeah, are you fine with that? I am fine with that what I'm not
00:47:46Okay, we didn't just processing to be honest. My concern is being a number and not actually contributed to the conversation
00:47:54But how many people can be a contributor in a group of 12
00:47:56There's so many of us and not everybody's idea is gonna get across the line in the first guy. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely
00:48:04Honestly, I'm just gonna go with the majority today. Like it is too hard. We're hungry. We're tired
00:48:08Yeah, hold on yards until I'm told something different. This is what we're doing
00:48:14My coven want riches head on a stick
00:48:17We want the majority to be us tomorrow on the beach. There's six of us this one from tomorrow. We have majority
00:48:25And that's not great for my game
00:48:27Because he's such a good puppet
00:48:30Ideally in these situations, I'd love to get our story together. Maybe it's you know, so you can all chat it through. Yeah
00:48:37Yes, the coven is my core Alliance. I want to get rid of rich sober tonight
00:48:43We'll be where like it's a clear line in the sand
00:48:46But I'm going to do everything I can possibly do to get riches name out of their mouth
00:48:53Because rich is better for my game personally
00:49:14Know one thing I wanted to do coming into this game was to play the damn game with people who want to do the same
00:49:22So I had a conversation with the girls about their plan
00:49:29Which was to commit to the majority of good the girls. So just girls strong
00:49:35The problem with that is that I was notified about it last night. This conversation didn't start last night. I
00:49:41feel like I
00:49:43would like some options here and so far we seem to have been dictated and
00:49:49I don't like it
00:49:51If the girls only included me in the last moments of something that they decided over days
00:49:55Well, they're not actually interested in me
00:49:57what they want is a number and
00:50:00My vote doesn't live in St. Kilda on a street corner. It's not gonna be there for 20 bucks tomorrow. So here's the thing
00:50:07I'm not a pawn here. I'm a player. I came here to play
00:50:11Then that's exactly what I'm gonna do
00:50:27Okay, here's the thing I was talking to the girls last night with Ali and
00:50:36Karen yeah, so what she's done is she's slowly got the alliance of the girls together to take on as pretty much the leader of
00:50:42the pack
00:50:43What it creates is a girl strong. Yeah
00:50:46Position for them now
00:50:48They've asked me to help to be a part of that so that it's all girls and then we end up getting rid of yourself
00:50:56Sorry who goes out of us sir you
00:50:59What they said this they said it to my face. They want they want you gone. This is they've been plotting this
00:51:07People are geniuses
00:51:10And I now if I'm kept by telling you this I'm actually now what I've lied to their face
00:51:15You've got one chance to be the majority right now and I'm giving it to you
00:51:19But this is your only chance to do it because I tell you what I'm safe as right now
00:51:22So I'm putting my game and and everything I stand for on the line right now, so if you do me over
00:51:28Just remember. I'm I'm black we do periphery. I will comfort you all right
00:51:33No, I'm serious
00:51:47Was talking to the girls last night now
00:51:50They've asked me to help to be a part of that so that it's all girls and then we end up getting rid of yourself
00:51:56What they said this they said it to my face
00:51:58But I'm putting my game and and everything I stand for on the line right now, so if you give me over
00:52:04Just remember. I'm I'm black we do periphery. I will comfort you all right. No. I'm serious
00:52:14Thank you, yeah, she's thanks. Give me a water bottle so I don't look like an idiot going back
00:52:23That she's right, and she's like you can't get rid of do what I want
00:52:28I'll be honest. Yeah, I reckon she's pulling our way. I don't live this could ring
00:52:35Do you think we just get rid of her?
00:52:51Agree that we should take out which I agree my fear is if we
00:52:57Break this majority that we currently have we give the other side numbers
00:53:02So you don't want to do it. I I'm all I'm here for shaking the boat
00:53:06But if this doesn't work out and which stays that is not good. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, okay?
00:53:14I think that we should stick so we just we just stick to the point. Just stick to mine
00:53:20Cuz it's not very happy, but I know yeah, I'm just gonna I'll tell her check back in on the boys
00:53:35There's been a change plans. What's all right rich needs to think that he has some kind of power before we cut
00:53:42He needs to feel confident that
00:53:44So tonight's boat is not rich tonight. I reckon I know I think we go back to arms. No
00:53:51Why are we placating this either? Why are we why are we care?
00:53:55He needs to think he has troops
00:53:59Yeah, we don't care when I already think he already thinks he has true
00:54:02Guys, I I don't want to change. I don't want to change my
00:54:06I don't want to change the line
00:54:07I'm just worried about tomorrow and the day after that they'll form and a lot they have numbers
00:54:12We need to take one of their numbers, but the number is rich
00:54:21So indeed she just informed me and Max that everyone was against
00:54:29She told me not to trust any of you guys that you're talking about getting rid of me
00:54:33Indy said we're getting rid of you
00:54:37She doesn't if you vote for the man, I'm coming after you and I said excuse me
00:54:43For whoever I want. Yeah
00:54:47She just dropped a bombshell don't play emotional this is a card game we all want the money
00:54:56My god
00:54:58Indy you give someone the entire world on a platter and you say it's not you
00:55:05We have a future. I am trying to save you and she sets her own lifeboat on fire
00:55:12Why would you tell rich I died after word that girl said?
00:55:17Now we have to backpedal
00:55:24The girls want to go ahead with Indy now because she's broken our trust and woe is me it was India
00:55:30That's why we thought put it on you
00:55:34And then some people have done to the impression that we're voting for miles
00:55:39Nice little sleep
00:55:44Bro all set everyone India I have
00:55:51No, no, no, no, no, please my please please
00:55:56Why don't you vote miles of course somebody was chill, right?
00:55:59Yeah, just take it your name's not telling us literally having a sleep before I'm not stressed until you come up
00:56:05It's all changing. I just knew that because you were gone, but I still think this is the best time to get rich out
00:56:12One more point of this in the first place was to keep a girl a girl which I'm sure she's a good as a boy
00:56:30I've just spoken you can he's starting to sound pretty frazzled. So in that order you and me both miles. Everyone else is doing nothing
00:56:45My vote is gonna be about who is going to be a logical player that I can work with moving forward
00:56:52So how tribal plays out will determine who goes home
00:57:00Indy freaked out and on the back of that freak out the girls all wanted to vote
00:57:06for her
00:57:07But I don't care
00:57:10Miles that little touch that bit of venom is in your veins. You're already dying. I'm coming to eat you alive
00:57:27Watch brains tackle brawn in the ultimate battle for survival with full episodes over on template
00:58:01Hide each of you as a torch go ahead grab one come forward dip it in and get fire
00:58:08This is part of the ritual a tribal council because in this game fire represents your life
00:58:16Once it's gone, so are you?
00:58:23All right
00:58:25After five days brains is finally a tribal council current is five days
00:58:30Enough for everyone to get a good start on the game. I
00:58:34Think so like, you know, we've figured out where we belong in the tribe where the hierarchies live
00:58:41What each in a role in the tribe is?
00:58:44It's just a matter of how you want to progress forward and you can't really do that until you get here
00:58:52Miles the other side of that is
00:58:55You might initially really respond to someone and really like them when you first meet them, but after five days
00:59:03After five days, I feel like some of the attitudes towards me have started to sour a little bit
00:59:10Why do you think that is?
00:59:12Well, I'm a very excitable person. I have a lot of energy and I definitely came out
00:59:19red hot and raring to go and I think a lot of people saw that and
00:59:24Kinda wish I'd put on the brakes a little bit. Well, I'll confront miles on this one because
00:59:31Miles hit the ground running date like day one. I was like, okay, this guy's really good
00:59:36This guy's gonna go hard for me. What am I gonna do? I need to be able to throw some stuff at him potentially
00:59:43So you want to know what I did?
00:59:48I've been my mate's hat
01:00:00Automatically thought it was miles cuz you'll be out of conversation and you went I bet it was miles and I went you know what?
01:00:06I reckon you're right
01:00:09So hear me out so my plan my plan was if needed was to basically accuse him of doing it
01:00:17I think that's just a bit nasty day one met him like
01:00:21I'm sorry. I think that is delusional at the end of this game
01:00:25He's gonna get he's gonna get the coolest cowboy hat he's ever seen and I'm gonna buy it for him and it's not gonna be
01:00:31Some plastic $2 shop job. It's gonna be a beautiful leather one
01:00:35Not about the hat
01:00:38Yes, it still hurts
01:00:42So Indy this is a fun story, but is this game about to get real tonight now that you're a tribal oh, yeah, definitely
01:00:50Whether the alliances are aware of it or not is a different story. Although after this afternoon, I'm pretty damn sure they sure
01:00:57Jonathan last night some information that was relayed to Indy was completely misdrewed completely
01:01:06Jump in there. It was kind of delivered to me. So there has been a plan the whole time. There's been a script
01:01:10It's been rehearsed because we've had five days to come to here and we've been goddamn excited and now we're here
01:01:16So when we get to this point just before the dawn shootout
01:01:20I'm at the watering hole and
01:01:23Someone comes up to me with late mail that he's damning to say the least which is
01:01:30Describing treachery and within my own ranks. I think Ali was speaking. Yeah, Ali was speaking
01:01:37What I was going to say is that information was relayed in a conversation
01:01:44Confidential albeit had around a fire that was then relayed back to Richard by Indy that I was next
01:01:55Okay, so Karen you didn't say to me I don't care who goes home as long as a boy goes home
01:02:00Did you say those words? I said I don't care as long as a boy goes home
01:02:07Why I said I'd be happy if a boy went out because we wanted to protect you
01:02:11That's what we wanted to do what I said what I said to you now, that's what we were trying
01:02:15I said I was trying to get to know you. That's why this feels like a completely personal betrayal. I
01:02:21Didn't actually relay anything. That wasn't said I gave no more or no less information than what you told me end of
01:02:28So current
01:02:30In a game where information is king
01:02:33It's kind of understandable that Indy took that information and shared it with this side
01:02:41Yet somehow it feels like it's a very personal betrayal. Oh, absolutely. It's a betrayal
01:02:48You came to us and you said I just want to open a line of communication
01:02:51And I thought we opened it right right and I thought we opened up to each other
01:02:56You came to us on the beach, and he said hey, I just want to break bread
01:03:00Let's talk and we've we invited you in we said let's talk. What do you want to do? What are your plans?
01:03:06What ideas do you have tell us? We're open ears
01:03:10You said and I quote I don't want to be a number and we said there are 12 people
01:03:16Someone will call the shots. We are all going to be numbers in this game
01:03:23And the rest of us had to be soldiers
01:03:26Can't have their own plan. No, I understand
01:03:30They're gonna relationships and make your plans and create an alliance, but I don't think you've always wanted to be
01:03:36I think you have a problem with authority
01:03:40The girl strong it's not a thing
01:03:45If I made it not a thing then it was a thing it was a plan and it was real and I took it
01:03:50To the boys. I didn't do anything wrong
01:03:56I see isn't it very spicy on a Scoville level. This is 1,000
01:04:01It's a cayenne pepper. So rich a lot of information has come out here. What do you make of all this?
01:04:07Well, I'm still coming down from a panic attack on the beach, right?
01:04:11What do you mean when you heard your name? Is that what you're saying was that I'm like what's going on?
01:04:15These are my peeps. Okay, this is my fam. I've worked really hard with these girls, especially the VB's the Victorian bidders and
01:04:23Yeah, no, these lovely ladies are from Victoria. So this is the VB's. Yeah, we love beer
01:04:33So rich you've heard some compelling stories, yeah, has that changed your calculus with the vote? No
01:04:43All I will say is you can't hide in this game and sometimes it's your turn and when you least expect it blindsides exist
01:04:52Sabotage exists and betrayal exists. It all is in the backyard of survivor
01:04:58But I do know that eventually this tale has to end and it only ends with one
01:05:04So we'll say hopefully we can last a little bit longer and crack a couple more babies
01:05:12But up until then I'm sitting pretty cool, right
01:05:16All right, well, I think it is time to vote
01:05:34All right, well, I think it is time to vote card you're up
01:06:43Look out the votes
01:06:57If anyone has an idol and you'd like to play it now will be the time to do so
01:07:06All right, I'll read the votes first vote Indy
01:07:16Miles one vote Indy one vote miles
01:07:26Miles we're tied two votes Indy two votes miles
01:07:32Indy that's three votes Indy two votes miles
01:07:38Indy that's four votes Indy two votes miles
01:07:41Indy five votes Indy two votes miles
01:07:47Indy six votes Indy two votes miles
01:07:53Second person voted out of Australian survivor brains versus brawn
01:07:58That's seven votes. That's enough
01:08:01Need to bring me a torch
01:08:20Indy the tribe has spoken toughy to go. Thank you
01:08:36Well tonight had it all betrayal defiance and pure chaos
01:08:41And that was just your first vote
01:08:44Grab your torches head back to camp. Good night
01:08:59Tomorrow night and the bloodthirsty battle for immunity
01:09:08Which side will survive a brutal encounter
01:09:13Before the survivor gods the brawn tribe, they'll be so easily fooled demand their next sacrifice
01:09:23These women are completely taking control of this game the guys gonna get picked up one by one
01:09:32Mean I'm feeling a little bit
01:09:35Sad because I wasn't ready to go home. I actually thought I could come here and be deceptive and lie
01:09:40Turns out I'm not great at it
01:09:41I will never understand why you didn't join our plan the girls plan and instead you became
01:09:51Yeah, it was brutal and I knew the risk when I took the action I took and
01:09:56Didn't pay off for me
01:09:59But that's the game. I wanted to play and if I had to do a hundred times, I'd do it exactly the same way
01:10:04I mean no apologies