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- Ali-A

Video uploaded & owned by Ali-A. (PG, Family Friendly + No Swearing!)
00:00Fortnite's new update is actually quite sad as they've removed a brand new medallion just moments after adding it a giant new
00:08Collab has been delayed, but it's not all bad news
00:11It's free rewards for everyone and multiple new icon skins have been revealed
00:15I'd like to welcome clicks to the icon lineup. He's actually the very first creator icon skin to get two
00:23Skins his set looks really cool. I'm going to show you everything that it comes with on screen here
00:29Also apologies. I have been quite ill for last few days and I have lost my voice. It's slowly coming back
00:34So apologies if I do sound absolutely awful. I'm okay. Don't worry
00:38The clicks has got his very own version of his main skin before he got an icon skin
00:45Which is the spark plug version of the click skin looking very very cool
00:49Also, apparently if you loot these as a chance
00:51You can get deal bits from them little top tip for any of you guys want to start with some deal bits doesn't happen every
00:57Time but it could happen if you get lucky. Oh
01:00There we go. Don't even have to break into a vault deal bit is our shut up
01:05Nick a 30 that a life hack there his own clicks outfit comes with two main styles him getting ready for a wedding
01:12It is pajamas and then him getting ready for a new fortnight season in a suit
01:15Which is a hilarious meme comes with multiple back blings including a teddy and a really really cool like actual
01:22Keyboard if neck be my favorite part of the set to be honest with you
01:25Look super super clean a few emotes a spray. It'll be available in the item shop March the
01:3022nd but that's not the only icon skin has been added into the game as we've also got
01:35Loads of new stuff in the item shop. In fact so many things that I didn't own. I'm about to spend well over
01:4310,000 V bucks with you guys
01:46One of these skins is specifically connected to a scrapped
01:50Medallion that we were meant to be getting in-game added to the files for a moment and then removed
01:56I'm gonna show you what we should have had and honestly, it seemed like the most incredible medallion ever
02:01So first of all, shout to another icon and MBL legend
02:06He got an MLB version of his skin and then also an awesome samurai version of his skin as well. I
02:13Then scrolled down and got the new Katy Perry bundle coming with two new emotes for some of her most iconic
02:21Songs, okay to Perry skin
02:23But you never know if the emotes and the music pack sell well and she she could be next as a celebrity
02:27Musician then a new segment under that called spring into action with a new male and a new female skin as well
02:34But you got the male skin on right now because it was St. Patrick's Day just a few days ago
02:40And then hidden away in the item shop just under that was also the green jade skin that I didn't have so I picked that
02:46Up as well as you can see, I'm spending a lot of money here. No, I'm gonna be rogue and pick up this legendary suppressor
02:52Let's see how it treats me under that was a merc bundle
02:55You can now be both shadow and ghost agents looking very clean as well
02:59In fact, they actually advertise these skins wrong in the newsfeed and actually showed completely different skins when advertising the fact
03:06To come to the game, but just epic making a silly little mistake there under that we got the new Finn more shark skin bundle
03:13I love the shark back bling. Honestly looks absolutely amazing. So I picked that up as well. I did not stop there
03:19It's I also got the Riker bundle one of the coolest looking cosmetics
03:23I've actually seen I've got the pickaxe and back bling on because it has this awesome cool effect to it
03:29Like look, look at this. It's got like an anime glow to it. I've never seen that before. It's so cool
03:33Oh god llama actually not found a golden llama before definitely regretting dropping my assault rifle now, but it's all good
03:45Yeah, go away mate, let's see what's inside this golden llama
03:48I'm still on a spending spree right now in the item shop by the way
03:52Awesome heels will take that
03:54As I then went on to get a few other bits and Lego bits some emotes
03:58I didn't own and right at the bottom is a brand new golden
04:02Tactical pack you got to buy this with real money
04:04It's just come to the item shop some of the most popular skins in golden form looking very very clean
04:09As I said, one of these skins actually ties back to a new medallion a lucky medallion
04:14In fact, it was added into the in-game files and was meant to come out just a few days ago
04:21Connecting with none other than some Paddy's day
04:24It's the skin that I've got on right now and actually a skin that I'm using
04:28We believed would be none other than a boss to get this new medallion the medallions called the lucky medallion
04:36It's honestly really cracked. Once you pick up the medallion all of your damage across the board does an extra
04:441.25 damage how insane is that?
04:46It was added into the in-game files just a few weeks before some Paddy's day
04:50Which was a few days ago the Irish celebration for the skin and everything connected to the skin and his new medallion
04:57He's still in the in-game files, but unfortunately not available to use in-game
05:02So as a chance, we may have to wait all the way to next year to use this medallion, even though it sounds absolutely
05:08Incredible, don't worry
05:09It's not all sad news as we've actually got a free skin available in game and I've got a little life hack that can help
05:14You get all the challenges done super quickly
05:17Super easily if you're struggling to do them because the quest or the spring raid event that give you all of these rewards need to
05:24Be earned as XP with friends. Maybe you're a bit of a loner like me and you just play fortnight by yourself
05:29Well, if you go into a fill game of fortnight save the world
05:33If you have saved the world all XP aren't there will count towards the challenge
05:39So you can get all of the XP there without having to play with friends specifically
05:42That's what I'm gonna be doing to get that free skin unlocked nice and easily and next week next Tuesday in less than a week
05:48Can you believe it? We're gonna be going into fortnight. Oh gee season 3
05:53What it's like only yesterday
05:55We were jumping in with tilted towers in season 2 as soon as the battle pass and the remix skins are revealed
06:01I'll be sharing them here either on this channel or my ali-a 2 channel where I upload even more bonus fortnight videos
06:06So stay tuned for that next week
06:08June skins are also gonna be returning at some point any time now until the end of the season that haven't been seen the iPhone
06:14Shop for over a thousand days. Can you believe it's been a long time?
06:18So if you missed those skins and you really wanted them make sure code ali-a's entered
06:22I was bought all of these skins about code ali-a entered
06:25So make sure codes entered when you get anything in the shop or just go check now put in code ali-a
06:30It's completely free and it's the best way to support me. So thank you so much
06:34There's also been recent leaks for a solo leveling collab
06:38That's your name a believe of an anime people seem very hyped about it
06:42And it's just making me realize how little I know about a lot of these big animes because I don't know most of them
06:55See you later
06:57This guy's been harassing me all game and finally I can steal the weapon that was doing so much damage to me
07:03But there is some sad news
07:06Unfortunately, that's for the cars collab that I've been talking about what for what feels like 10 years now
07:12Apparently the reason it's not being launched already
07:15Despite the fact we've been talking about it for ages is the fact that has been a delay and maybe even we just won't see
07:22Mater which would be the 4x4 car the big pickup truck from the car show which is what's causing a lot of the delays
07:28Unfortunately, I really hope they get it resolved because I really want to use both of the cars in game, especially lightning McQueen
07:35Absolutely love cars now keep you updated on all of that news once we hear more
07:39There's also been some balance changes in game
07:42You see me pick up the baseball bat and I'm sure a lot of you guys use the baseball bat as well baseball bat now
07:47Deals less knock back when hitting a vehicle
07:51Specifically when the baseball bats still really strong and a great movement item to have as well to chase down players or get out of
07:57Situations if you're a fan of OG fortnight of the minigun that was meant to be added to the game last week
08:02But not done properly and the crossbow and now available to use
08:06Remember the crossbow been added for the very first time as a Valentine's update many many years ago
08:11Not the best weapon in the game, but it's required good for stealthy attack
08:21I'm lagging. I don't know why I got big Wi-Fi symbol at the top of my screen, which I don't like the look of at all
08:27Oh my god, the legendary gun just absolutely beaming
08:33We've also had confirmation or more deal bits just whereas I never spent my deal bits actually, it's kind of sad
08:37They're working on new weapons new maps for the ballistic mode
08:41I know it's not getting a lot of love at the moment probably because they've launched of literally a single map. I
08:50Don't even know I'm shooting up
08:51I'm getting some good hits in so I'll take that as we look to the future of fortnight and not too distant future again
08:56Just next week
08:58Not only we getting season 3 of og fortnight, but we are also getting even more
09:04Exotics, that's right
09:05All of the exotics have got added to the black market and the access that we now get with the key card
09:09They've got more crazy exotics that they are working on becoming as soon as next week exotic mammoth
09:15Pistol exotic twister AR dude, that thing's gonna be crazy
09:25Little beams, I'm just trying to get keep them off the mountain to be honest with you
09:37Oh my god
09:39That was very lucky pretty sure I should have been fired back there. The lag actually worked on my side massively
09:48There's also
09:50Rumors about the very next fortnight season
09:52I don't want to go into too much depth as I'm still doing some research and some analysis
09:56The short answer is it looks like we could be getting another Star Wars
10:01season chapter 6 season 3
10:04Not sure what I think about honestly because we've had a lot of Star Wars in fortnight already
10:09I feel like all the best skins have already been covered now before night always pull something cool out of the bag
10:14So I'll keep you guys updated you find out more about the next season still got three other players hiding away somewhere
10:20My voice is definitely still quite sore, but we're hanging in there. I'm making videos for you guys one like on this video is
10:27One bit of medication to make my voice a little bit better
10:30So, let's see if we can get what do you reckon 10,000 likes in this video?
10:34And hopefully tomorrow my voice will be back to normal and feeling great one bit of information that me and my team
10:40Discovered only last night and we're still doing a bit of research on it as well
10:44But you know the golden llama I found earlier turns out that those golden llamas could actually drop something a lot better
10:50And just the ammo and heels that they currently drop make sure you subscribed
10:54It's working on a short explaining this should be out later today
10:58But it is a very cool bit of information and makes opening those golden llamas a lot more exciting when you know what it can
11:18Get out of that dude was also using to be fair the same lucky skin
11:21Maybe he was hoping for that medallion to appear out of nowhere science pistol
11:25I picked up by the way because the headshot multiplier is times two
11:28So if you can hit your shots is actually an extremely crazy strong weapon to use what I'd experiment with it
11:35Don't think I pulled it off as well as you could with the gun
11:39He's dead, he's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. Where the heck is this final guy?
11:45It's gonna be camping or hiding somewhere
11:48There is it's got a baseball bat out thinks he's smart
11:54Mmm, I don't think so
11:58Where are you Oh launching around, okay
12:07Dude what are my shots doing? See if you can put this science pistol to use would you reckon?
12:12Nice some good hits there
12:17She would gone
12:23Whoa, okay. I did not think about that. That's why the bat is so annoying
12:34That's how bad my voice is. Do you hear me? Try and cheer there sucks to see scrap medallions
12:39But hopefully they get released one day big congrats to clicks and his new icon skin become screen here to see me spending
12:46$15,000 upgrading fortnight accounts with incredible rewards like a million V bucks and rare skins. Hope you enjoyed the video
12:53Hopefully I sound better next time