• 2 days ago
Today I went through EVERY sniper and DMR and ranked them all! Let me know what I got right and what I got wrong! Enjoy guys!

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Hey everyone itโ€™s SypherPK, and Welcome back to another fortnite battle royale vid in Fortnite Chapter 6! I try to keep these vids as clean and family friendly as possible. Hope you enjoy!

#fortnite #sypherpk #season2
00:00Today I'm ranking every single sniper in Fortnite, and we also are including DMRs on this list,
00:07and there's a lot of them. So let's start with the worst sniper ever, at number 24,
00:13it's the standard DMR. This was added to the game in Chapter 3. It had a super slow fire rate,
00:18and the damage wasn't even that crazy. It had 10 shots before you had to reload, and the recoil
00:24on every single shot was insane. All around, with the weapons that we had in Chapter 3,
00:28nobody was using this besides a few console players here and there. At number 23, we have
00:34a slightly better version, the Cobra DMR. These weren't that much better, but they had a slightly
00:39higher fire rate. They had more bullets. Other than that, it was still pretty inaccurate to use,
00:45and even after buffing it, I would say it still belongs at number 23. At number 22,
00:51Epic thinks they figured it out with the Tactical DMR. This is more average compared to the other
00:57ones. It was a balance between low damage and fast shooting shots. So it was still kind of bad,
01:03but it was definitely more effective at getting kills compared to the other DMRs on this list.
01:08At number 21, we have the Huntress DMR. This is just shocking because there's so many different
01:13versions of the DMR, but they're all so garbage, in my opinion. This one was introduced in Chapter
01:175. You could at least put attachments on this one to make it a little bit different. It did
01:21have a lot of recoil. The shots were kind of hard to hit, but it did a little bit more damage,
01:2565 body shot damage, over 100 headshot damage. I actually used this DMR in competitive for Storm
01:31Surge, so it did have a use, which is why it's not last on this list. At number 20,
01:36we have the Thermal DMR. On paper, the stats don't really impress me with this one,
01:40but the thing about this DMR besides it having a thermal capacity is that it did shoot extremely
01:47fast. So it almost had no recoil with a really high fire rate and 20 bullets. So it was more
01:52like a scope AR instead of a traditional DMR, which is why it's higher on this list.
01:57At number 19, we have the Automatic Sniper. This was added in Season X. This was not hitscan,
02:02making it pretty meh considering all the other Chapter 1 weapons were hitscan. It was very hard
02:07to control. It didn't do that much damage. You were better off using a normal assault rifle,
02:12but it was just an okay weapon with an okay fire rate. But in Season X, there was a bunch of other
02:17weapons in the loophole that were better to pick up. At number 18, we have the Lever Action Rifle.
02:21This one was also underwhelming. It released in Chapter 2, super inaccurate for a sniper.
02:26It only had nine shots, but the body shot damage was pretty decent. The green one did 104 headshot.
02:31It was supposed to be similar to a hunting rifle, but you could shoot a lot more bullets before you
02:36had to reload. People ended up using multiple lever action rifles, using it like a double pump
02:41to actually make them effective. It basically was like a fast firing DMR, but without the scope.
02:45At number 17, we have the Exotic Boom Sniper Rifle. It's probably one of the worst exotics
02:50they added, but it was still somewhat useful. If you hit somebody directly with this, you would
02:54only do 10 damage, but the clinger would explode doing 85 damage to them and anybody around them.
02:59So sometimes you would get lucky and hit someone in a squad and they would end up running to their
03:04teammates and you'd get two or three tags of the explosion damage. But overall, a regular sniper
03:09was just better to use. The guaranteed 100 damage body shot. This one did have some good use cases
03:14and it was very annoying to get spammed with the Boom Sniper Rifle. So at the very least,
03:18it was annoying to fight against, which is why it's a little bit higher on this list.
03:22At number 16, we have the Amban Sniper Rifle. This came out in chapter two with the Mandalorian.
03:26There wasn't anything too special about the sniper besides the fact that you could kind of
03:30use it an alternate attack. You could kind of like lunge at people with it and push them off
03:35of things, which did give it some special use cases where you could make somebody fall to
03:39their death. But all it was was like a regular sniper with the thermal effect. I don't think
03:43the scope for the sniper was that popular. I feel like the other sniper rifles had much better
03:48scopes. But besides like the jab and dash ability, it wasn't too special, but it wasn't bad either.
03:53At number 15, we have the Explosive Repeater Rifle. And I'm actually glad we got to see this
03:59in action just recently. Before the new season updated, they added this to the loot pool. It
04:03doesn't do that much direct damage, but the explosive part of it does make it hit pretty
04:08hard. You don't even have to be accurate with this thing. If you just shoot near people,
04:12you were hitting them for 40 explosive damage. And if you happen to hit them directly, you would
04:16hit them for over a hundred. People were using this to just kind of like pressure people,
04:20do damage behind structures, break people's boxes and builds. So it was kind of like a really fast
04:26firing sniper with the explosive addition, making it really frustrating to fight against and getting
04:31a lot of guaranteed damage. At number 14, we have the Heavy Impact Sniper Rifle. So this gun was
04:37pretty good. It was solid. The only thing is that it took a long time to reload, but it did a lot
04:42of body shot damage. It's kind of similar to the Heavy Sniper, but it's different. You would only
04:46get one shot, 138 body shot damage. But like I said, the big thing about this is it took three
04:51seconds to reload. So you weren't really using it that much in between shots. You pretty much had to
04:56land a really good shot and then swap to your other weapons. At number 13, we have the Exotic
05:00Dragon's Breath Sniper Rifle. This one is solid. It's like a normal bolt action, except it also
05:05had a fire effect that made things catch on fire, like structures and builds. So if you shot at
05:10somebody who was in a box, their entire wooden box would go up in flames and they would start
05:14taking fire damage. If they had teammates nearby, the same thing would happen. The only issue with
05:18this one is that you sometimes would accidentally shoot your own builds and then end up setting
05:23yourself on fire, or you even shoot your opponent's builds in the middle of a build fight and then
05:27you can't really walk on their builds without taking damage. It was kind of situational, but
05:30when it existed in the game, it was like one of the only snipers available, so people had to use
05:34it. It's a solid sniper. At number 12, we have the Suppressed Sniper Rifle. So this is like
05:40a normal sniper rifle with the suppression effect. The gold one did 116 body shot damage,
05:45which is pretty decent. It has a two second reload time, so a little bit faster than the heavy
05:49impact. It really just comes down to the preference. This is very similar to the bolt
05:52action, besides it doing slightly less damage to the body and having the suppressed effect, which
05:59I feel like suppressed effect and suppressors in Fortnite don't really do too much for you.
06:03So overall, this is just a very average sniper rifle. At number 11, we have the Excalibur Rifle.
06:08This is going to count as somewhat of a sniper. This was added in chapter four and it's actually
06:14a pretty decent weapon to use, both close range and long range. It had the bullet drop, so you
06:18have to lead your shot, but if you actually hit somebody with this, you would hit them for 75
06:22and then the explosion would do another 75 damage. You could hit him for 150 from across the map.
06:27It was also really good at just blowing up people's builds. It was just overall a very
06:30flexible weapon and it was used quite a bit and it was one of my favorite weapons from chapter four.
06:34Now for the top 10. At number 10, we have the classic bolt action sniper rifle, the True OG.
06:41It was just a very reliable sniper. 121 body shot damage with the gold rifle and one shot headshot
06:47across the board. Very iconic sniper. A lot of crazy moments from back in the day with Ninja
06:53and the OG players using this. You got to put some respect on the OGs. At number nine, we have
06:57the Storm Scout Sniper. Now this one wasn't popular because of its damage. Yes, you could
07:01one shot headshot, but it only did like 90 body shot damage and it was a little bit hard to use
07:06offensively, but the thing about this sniper is that it actually gave you the forecast tower
07:10ability before it was even a thing. You could see where the next circle and the next storm was going
07:15to be. If this was in the game right now, this would be the number one weapon in competitive,
07:19which is why it's number nine on this list. At number eight, we have the semi-auto sniper,
07:24but specifically the one that released in chapter four OG season. I don't know what they did or why
07:32it only did like 78 body shot damage and you got 10 shots, but for some reason in the OG one,
07:39they buffed it to 97 body shot damage on the green rarity and 101 on the blue rarity,
07:44and it had a 2.5 headshot multiplier, which means with this semi-auto sniper, you could hit for 250
07:51damage and you had 10 shots to shoot. I don't know why it was that powerful. I think the
07:56headshot multiplier was like just incorrect, but they left it in the entire time in Fortnite OG,
08:01and it was really strong at wiping out squads, both in build and zero build. At number seven,
08:06we have the Falcon Eye sniper. Yes, this was just added in chapter six, season two. I'm not sure how
08:12this will age to be honest with you, because we just got this sniper, but it's similar to the
08:16Hunter Bolt and it has three shots, but it doesn't do as much damage. See, the thing is you need at
08:22least a gold or a mythic sniper rarity for the Falcon to one-shot headshot somebody in build
08:28mode. In zero build, you can't one-shot headshot anybody. So I'm not too sure. I'm just putting
08:33this kind of up on this list a little bit early. We'll see if Epic makes any changes or if it's
08:38going to kind of really live up to the hype. We'll have to check in by next season. No, honestly,
08:43guys, I changed my mind. I changed my mind. I'm taking this one off this list completely. I don't
08:46think it should be number seven, just because it can't one-shot headshot a full health person,
08:51unless it's gold or mythic. Even though it has three shots, I'm not feeling this one. I'm not
08:56feeling this one. So I'm actually going to scratch that. It's not number seven. It's more like
09:01somewhere in number 15, 16, 17 on this list. We'll have to just skip that one. Let's go into our top
09:07six. At number six, we have the Hunter Bolt action. So this is actually what the other sniper
09:12was trying to be, except this one actually does do 100 body shot damage and it does one-shot
09:17headshot while having three bullets. It was super clean to use, really solid, good bullet drop. The
09:22gold one did 110 body shot damage, but the most important thing is that it one-shot headshot
09:27in build and zero build, making it a very solid sniper. Number five, we have the iconic heavy
09:33sniper rifle, especially in its original form, doing over 150 body shot damage. It could one-shot
09:40any structure, wood, brick, or metal, fully build, it didn't matter. This thing was taking it out.
09:45It was the ultimate WQ weapon. If you got even hit in the body with this thing, you were in
09:49critical condition or dead. The only downside was that it had a really long reload time,
09:54which was 3.6 seconds. Now they did end up nerfing this heavy sniper and butchering it,
09:59but we're ranking it based off of its pre-nerf capabilities. At number four, we don't have a
10:04sniper. We have the Railgun. One of the most unique sniper type weapons added to the game.
10:09It got added in chapter two, season seven, with the alien season. 90 body shot damage with 190
10:15headshot damage in gold rarity, nearly one-shotting anybody across the map, and it went through
10:20structures. It could pierce through one build. If somebody was hiding behind a tree or a rock
10:24or behind a wall, you could just shoot them through the build, through the structure, and do
10:29full damage to them, making it very unique and very impressive, especially if you and your duo
10:33were using this sniper. It's also hitscan, so you don't have to lead your shot. You just aim, point,
10:37and click, and you will do damage to people guaranteed. At number three, we have a classic.
10:42We have a reliable weapon here, the Hunting Rifle, and not the most recent one they added in chapter
10:47six. That doesn't count. I'm talking about the OG Hunting Rifle. This thing was solid. Very,
10:52very fast reload time, 1.8 seconds. One-shot headshot across the board. Doesn't have a scope,
10:58so you can use it in the close to mid-range. Good way to follow up a shot. People hit some
11:03trick shots with this thing. So many iconic clips, like the Tfue massacre in 50 vs. 50. This is the
11:09go-to sniper for trickshotters, and a lot of people love when the Hunting Rifle is in the
11:14game in its true form. At number two, we got the Zapotron. Yes, they actually added this to the
11:19game recently for a few days, but we understand why they only put it in for a few days, because
11:24this thing was overpowered. It could one-shot any build, any structure at all, without even being
11:30charged up. And if you did charge it up, you could one-shot anybody with this thing, doing a ton of
11:36damage to the body and one-shot headshots. It was hitscan. It had no drop-off damage. You could
11:41shoot it from across the map. You had four shots before you had to reload. Just absolutely insane
11:46weapon. I'm glad we finally got to use it, but it's not number one on this list. Number one on
11:52this list has to be the Chapter Five Reaper Sniper Rifle. This is probably one of the cleanest
11:58snipers Fortnite has ever added to the game. The thing you got to remember is every weapon in
12:01Chapter Five was a projectile, meaning the sniper rifle being projectile wasn't a disadvantage.
12:05This thing went crazy. You could customize it. You could put a drum mag on it. With all the
12:09attachments on this thing, it was an absolute machine. People were so scared of getting headshot
12:15sniped in Chapter Five because of this sniper. It started a full sniper meta. Nobody was safe
12:21when peeking from their box. It was also super easy to use, very satisfying, and guaranteed
12:27one-shot headshot across the board with all the different customizations and attachments you can
12:32put on it. It was super flexible in every way. That is why it is number one on this list. Let
12:37me know what you guys think in the comments down below. Let me know what I should rank
12:40next in Fortnite. Don't forget to like and subscribe. I'll see you guys next time.