• 2 days ago
Fortnite SEASON 2’s Best MEMES! (Funny TikToks)
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- Ali-A 2

Video uploaded & owned by Ali-A. (PG, Family Friendly + No Swearing!)


00:00Today we found the most viral fortnight tick tocks and memes that will make you laugh. Don't peep bro. They've got a sniper
00:07Oh, no, don't do it
00:10Is that his teammate how is it so big
00:13Whoa. Oh, i'll take some real life splashes. Yes, please. They fell for the no
00:21You can't be falling for a statue too fast, that's a great spot because it's so high up
00:26Ariana grande has no idea
00:30Squatting me squatting me. Oh, oh, oh, okay. Um
00:37Oh, oh bro's flying into what chapter two
00:44Jealous happens every time. Oh, no, don't do it. Don't do it
00:48It's guaranteed if you put a half pot on you will find many. Why are they massive again? Oh, oh
00:54What are you wielding a whole
00:58Bros catching floppers in real life and wait peely's real too
01:04We can even speak. Oh, dude, there's nothing worse than being killed before you've even landed mate
01:13Wait, why don't you pick it up?
01:15Yeah, whoa
01:17They went high. That's the best hiding spot ever actually. Uh-oh. Uh-oh
01:21Oh, let's go dude the bat is powerful
01:27Wait, wait, whoa, did you just steal all the loot i'll be having that
01:35Skin looks so broken. Oh just chill out. Yeah. Yeah. Give me some heels
01:40Why don't I use those in-game messages more often? It's actually super useful
01:45I'm never gonna get bored of seeing giant items. Oh, no
01:50Oh and this guy supply drop
01:55Whoa, whoa, whoa what they want on the supply drop they literally came down from the sky the whole power rangers squad
02:04Damn. Oh, dude, dude is dude is him
02:08It is literally him. How many wolf memes can you get in one fortnight game?
02:12Ha ha ha
02:13Fortnight love wolves. Apparently. Yeah, get out of here
02:17Oh, wait
02:18Oh, yeah, if I just couldn't break that i'll get full shield and health. It's perfect
02:25Oh watch out
02:26Got some crazy snipers
02:29Oh, oh, wait, wait
02:31Snipers snipers. Okay, mate. We saw what happened there. You died to yourself. Oh my oh my
02:39This is sick
02:42They're coming in
02:45Dude imagine being attacked by an armored vehicle in the sky
02:50It would literally be nothing you could do
02:53No, that's the greatest thing ever me when I see an entire
02:57Team of santa snoops and jews worlds. Yeah, those free skins are scary man
03:02Sometimes they know what they're doing type of greed they talk about in the bible. Wait, what?
03:08Wait, wait, he went to get rockets
03:10Only to get killed by the trap were the rockets really worth it, bro
03:14Pov your friend's stick drift is so bad. He hits a clip. Wait, what?
03:19Wait, how?
03:22What he didn't even mean to do that. Oh
03:25Oh, wait, wait, watch out. Watch out. I think there's someone hiding in there
03:31Watch out fishy is here for revenge
03:36Oh my goodness, dude, imagine using the size of that shockwave mate. You're going to chapter 7 with that
03:41You're going to chapter 15
03:44And we're playing fortnite in trios and the car only has two seats. Yeah, we've all been on the top of the car. Don't worry
03:51Hey, what the?
03:54Wait, wait, please. That's his teammate. Nah
03:59Nice shockwave gold. Oh my gosh
04:03Nasty throw there
04:06Never had the mythic goldfish in my life. I'm very jealous
04:09Wait, you missed wait, wait. Yeah, wait, wait that did 18 damage. That's a scam mate
04:15Oh, no, get in get in
04:21Dude stole it. They say I haven't played a solos game since then. Oh, no. Oh
04:26Wait, wait, wait, what was that? He emoted instantly as well
04:31I swear it's a bot when your teammates are fighting, but you don't want to take their kills. Yeah, just offer them support
04:36Let let them fight. It's fine
04:42Run travis with a baseball bat
04:47What was that mate, oh why am I fortnite tweaking wait wait wait what's in the
04:53what uh
04:54Excuse me. What is going on here? That is very inappropriate. I don't know what i've just seen
04:59It's a seven chest at risk. No the worst torture challenge in the world
05:04Oh, come on. Oh my oh my oh my goodness. How is he doing that?
05:15Why is it so loud?
05:18I'm, just not as quiet as not as loud as it could be though. I appreciate that you got traded for bitcoin. Wait, what?
05:24Hold on. Hold on. I can offer you
05:26some great currency
05:30Damn good deal
05:32Go take the team. Maybe give me a coin. I feel like they could have just killed them both and got the coin
05:37I don't think this is a good deal guys
05:39Waiter, oh, I didn't order this nice crown. Sir. You asked for the most popular items on our menu. Oh
05:45Wait, what? Damn
05:47I need that burger your duo tells you to restart your game
05:51Thank you for the gift they better have used code ali-a in the itunes shop before they said that thank you so much
05:55Never touching this game again. Oh
05:58Oh, oh my oh my okay
06:00Here's the deal hit the like button on this video and your next game will not have any sweats in it
06:04Okay, you better do it just in case look how much he's eaten the entire vault bro. There's nothing left
06:13See you later teammate has stole your loot finally gets eliminated. Yeah, i'll be taking that back and that back
06:18I'll be leaving your reboot card. Goodbye
06:21Flash royale in fortnight. Wait, what the heck?
06:24It's calling in the hogs
06:28Whoa, dude clash
06:30Clash in fortnight would go hard. I mean they did nothing but it looks good. Wait, what? Let's go. Let's go. Let's go
06:36Let's go. Is that me?
06:38I don't remember goldenness. Let's go
06:41That actually looked like me that was scary. I was at a second channel. Am I cooked? Oh, oh, yeah, you're cooked
06:49Just trying to finish the battle pass
06:51Nice, but the audio logs. Thank you
06:56Ninja where you go I go eat the griffin and the chicken
07:04They're flying through the air. Oh my goodness. I love the flying glitch. Oh, look at this free loot
07:12Hey, dude, i'll be picking that up. Whoa
07:14Why just got his pickaxe nabbed imagine oh we got it back though. No
07:22I use bro's own trap against him
07:25Wait, what? Oh the scanning device
07:29Oh my goodness
07:31Nah, the scanning device is low-key
07:34Underrated wait, he's gone into his exact hiding spot
07:43I need to move
07:46What up, imagine looking outside and you've got
07:49A real life hot dog skin charging up his baseball bat. Now i'm done get out of here
08:01That crease isn't from this plant. Oh my
08:05What is that?
08:07When bro steals the loot yeah turn him into a tennis ball mate, it's just playing tennis with him now
08:13The bat is actually amazing. Oh
08:17Wait, what the bro thinks he's from dreamworks dude. He's fishing on the moon. This isn't a movie mate
08:24This is fortnight. This is serious business get down from there
08:27We got some people to take down come on so addicted to thought that my first reaction was this is a supply drop
08:33I mean, it's kind of similar. It's kind of similar. I've seen a few spy drops in my life. Oh
08:40Let's see offering up
08:46It's beautiful oh look at it just a baby mini shield and a giant
08:52Giant half pot hanging out watching the sunset. What a beautiful sight bro immediately came back for seconds. Wait, what?
09:00Oh, yeah. See you later. See you later, buddy
09:05Wait, wait, whoa. Whoa, where did they come from?
09:10Then back to last season how fast? Oh my here you go, buddy. You're gone
09:15500 damage the most i've ever seen most unaware squad in fortnight
09:22Which is what is coming when they get that loot from
09:26one headshot
09:28But the rest know that oh my god, what are they doing?
09:35I think it's gonna go in an infinite cycle of reviving each other
09:41Bro, didn't like my big flopper. Oh, okay
09:45Come on down here to the secret club at the back
09:48Okay, come on in come on in
09:50Only smartly dressed people allowed
09:55What's he doing in the basement who put that big flopper? Oh my goodness, you can't be eating big flopper
10:02Don't res just run. Oh no
10:05When your teammate says that you know, it's bad. Just get out of it. Go on you can go without me
10:12Who's bro trying to fool
10:14Those are some those are some bad hit markers
10:17I'll be letting him get away with that. Wait, dude. He was literally hiding to your left
10:22I saw him look
10:24You got a hat on worst disguise ever. Just trying to have fun little bro. Oh, oh
10:32200 wait, what?
10:37I don't even know if I have 300 wins. Yeah, i'd be backing out to be fair
10:41Won't sleep until crime stops. Oh
10:44Oh, yep. Give me all of that. Give me wait. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa
10:48Who's that? Oh
10:49Fat bad man
10:51Batman's here to save they stop crime
10:55Top three fortnight workouts, okay
10:58What are we doing pickaxe swings three sets, okay, not bad not bad
11:0340 chug. No, i'm not doing that. No, i'm not doing that. I am not doing that one
11:07That looks hard to be fair. Imagine colliding in you don't have the strength to hold yourself up you die straight away
11:13All of that for nothing boss. Yeah, take him down. Take him down
11:17You'll pay for that. I don't think so, mate
11:19Right. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Chill chill chill chill chill chill
11:25Luke is in trouble. You got top priorities. Yeah, i've just seen a red chest
11:33Definitely worth going for how's the season going?
11:37Oh my wait. Okay. This is the other side of being
11:40Baseball batted wait, what is that floor solid?
11:44I just missed the bus
11:46No, not the battle bus
11:50One two three home run. Oh
11:54Oh the toilet play
11:55If you follow him, you know, it's gg. You know, it's gg. Oh my god. Oh
12:01What four piece? No, that's that. Oh
12:05We got done. He got done mate
12:07I turned bro into a firework. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
12:11What did he do? Did he stick him?
12:13Holy moly, that is the the truest firework skin i've ever seen
12:17my goodness
12:19How has he made a liquid so close?
12:21To the actual stink bomb, why does it look so nice though? Even though we know it stinks. It looks great lobbies
12:27When fortnite releases their free skin
12:29Hey, yo, is that santa snoop when they drop juice world santa skins? They're all everywhere
12:36Hey, come on. Yeah
12:49Are you taking the gun I want yeah, I drop it. Oh
12:55Nothing better than pretending to drop a gun and pick it up i'm so brainwashed. I thought this is flooded frogs, man
13:00That's real life. Japan. Although it does look a lot like flooded frogs. Maybe there's some secret loot under that water
13:06I'd go check it out
13:07You and your bro in perfect sync. I have some terrible shooting. Come on work together now guys, three two
13:18Something's in their way and they're walking around. Yeah
13:21Mpcs you seem just breaking a random wall. You know, it's an mbc bar
13:25Your squad is trash and you all expect eight and you simply forget out to aim. This is bad. Oh, no
13:32What now it can't be that bad nothing the magicals can't
13:35The discord server message is leaked the discord server we have to blow up the earth
13:41Wait, wait, wait, wait, there are actually that many mean wolf pictures on the map
13:44Wait, I didn't realize they were actually in game as well. Okay fortnight
13:48I think you like wolves a bit too much. None of these people know they're impressive and i'm real fortnight plays that bush camp dad
13:54Look at him. What a legend just
13:57Fishing enjoying his life and he's an unreal player. What a legend. Oh, I don't like blue raspberry
14:04Take it
14:13Why is the loot just so addicting
14:16We gotta take it. I'm, sorry teammates. I need the loot
14:21Oh, i'm a popping flow brief is
14:28Hey, yo
14:29Come on, we've got the snoop pass. Let me in. It's not work
14:32I I literally took down snoop for this fault key card piece of trash mate useless gracious fool
14:41Um, i've never seen that before she was flying down like a backwards spider-man or farming in fortnight. It's crazy work. Okay
14:50Oh, wait, what?
14:54That oh that oh damn, okay
14:57If they didn't have the bunny shoes on the aura would be stronger, but the slow ice walk was pretty sick to be fair
15:03Big deal when fletcher came vibing in the lobby cute doggy and a literal pickle who comes up with these ideas, eh? Oh damn
15:15That looks so tasty. Don't touch my son
15:18It's the flopper
15:20Oh, hey, yo
15:23Yeah, I don't think we want to mess with him run what's with the green glow everywhere and holy that's a glitch and a half
15:29Do you call me not looking not not looking?
15:33Not not looking not looking
15:36Oh, oh, yo, bro. Baymax. Chill
15:41New gen sinking his new turbo farming's op
15:45Yeah, tfue broke tfue at the strats down for even more hilarious memes and tiktoks click on screen here to keep on watching
15:52I'll see you over there