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00:00$1 equals 1 damage, Reload Edition, we've got Klix, he's got his brand new Iacon skin.
00:06Can he actually rob me? I think the record right now for this series is PeterBot who got like 6 grand.
00:11So let's see if he can beat it, he surely can do it in Reload.
00:13Now for every damage Klix takes, he loses that in the equivalent dollars,
00:17and if he dies in Reload, it gets popped. Klix, let's go. Cook for me.
00:21I'm actually excited.
00:23$74 bucks.
00:24$100 bucks.
00:25$30 bucks.
00:26$100 bucks.
00:27What's it?
00:28No, $104.
00:30Okay, but you just lost $26 bucks though.
00:34That's what it's all about. You gotta be careful.
00:37Why are you rooting for me?
00:38Look, because I like to support my friends, you know?
00:40I want them to win, I want to see them lose.
00:41Like, you know what I mean?
00:42It's all about like you got Iacon Skin in the store.
00:45If you guys are picking it up, make sure to use code Klix for what you're doing so it's cringe
00:48if you buy someone's Iacon Skin with someone else's code.
00:50It's very cringe, so don't do that.
00:51Dude, you're so nice bro.
00:52I actually appreciate that so much, like more than you even could think.
00:55I got you bro, I got you.
00:58bank account. It's only 40 people in the lobby but if you guys haven't played reload before
01:03everyone gets to respawn twice so there's a chance to like rob 300 bucks for each player
01:09and that's if they don't have shield. 20 bucks, 20, 19, 19, and 19. Okay so you could also
01:18do what Peterbo did, it was kind of cringe but he would sit there and wait for them to
01:22shield up. The thing is, I don't want you to lose your money man. Like what you said,
01:29we're friends. I'm not going to be weird about it, I'm not going to shoot people out of the
01:32air and just farm. Okay, don't feel a lie, aim check. What do you mean this gun is poo?
01:39Okay alright, I'll be nice but now since you're like that, I'll give you the other tips like
01:45if you somehow manage to snipe someone with a headshot, it's like 300 bucks right there.
01:49Here we go, 30 bucks. And then once we get to top 5, there may or may not be. We might
01:59even do a double damage, double dollar damage at top 5. We might, depending on how much I'm
02:04being robbed at the current point. I don't even know what you're up to, we're going to know on
02:07the edit. I think you're looking at about nearly 1,000 bucks already. Everyone in the office was
02:17like you're actually stupid if you do this. So I'm trying to prove a point that I'm not stupid.
02:21But there's like 120 bucks right there, make that 140, there we go. So for those of you wondering,
02:28Kliks is in platinum rank right now, which is not a very high rank. Oh my god,
02:34right just out of the sky. 90 damage. Oh, I really need you to die like halfway through this.
02:41Come on bro. Because that's definitely the strat, like getting them to like 90 watt and then just
02:49going for like a big hit on the head for like 60 or something. All right, okay, 28. Okay,
02:57listen, it's midnight over here in the U.S. All right, so careful, like be careful.
03:00Oh, there we go, $100 back, there we go. Okay, is this guy him? You think he's him? I don't know,
03:16bro, like he could be, like I'm actually keen for it. This is the first time I've wanted you to die
03:21in one of our videos. Oh, he's got the sniper, oh no. I've seen your snipes too. Did those snipes
03:28start a chapter five? Yes, you were cooking something crazy with that. Oh my god, wait,
03:33no. Oh, headshot snipe to finish. No, you're right. No, that would have been lowkey way too
03:44hard. I'm not that, you know, I'm stinky, but headshots on midair. I think you got that,
03:49I think you got that, I think you got it. Oh, no. Okay, so, um, wait, what's today? It's Thursday
03:56today. Oh, nice. Oh, okay, another headshot. Oh, this guy's, oh, this guy's lost, this guy's lost.
04:05He's really trying to climb that headshot. No. Little damage, lost the kill. All right,
04:10still pretty profitable over here. How much, how much do we have, do you think? How much do
04:13we have? I think you're at like 1,200. Anyone in chat know? I think it's like 1,200-ish. No,
04:18no, no, no. Like 1,300. I think I'm more than that. Not as crazy as I think. I think I might
04:20be at two. I mean, we'll find out at the end because we'll do the damage taken. Yeah, yeah,
04:25but then we're going to do double damage as well, so just add that. That's the one I will count for.
04:29So, yeah, for every snipe you hit, that's a hundred bucks. 300 if you hit the head,
04:33or I think it's like 200. There we go, 40 bucks is back. Um, yeah, Clix has got his trio cashed
04:40up on Friday. I'm playing with Alex and Weather. We're going to try and win it. Yep. Or get fourth.
04:45What was this I heard about like you saying if you get fourth, you get blown out with levels or
04:48something? Is that, is that a meme or is that? I know what you're trying to do, distract me and
04:51stuff, but. Oh, and it worked. Let's go. A hundred bucks is back. No, 50. Relax, that was 50 shield.
04:57Oh, okay. All right, all right. Just like that, I'm at you. I'm dropping cyber. He's not going
05:02for the snipes. All right, all right. It's not like the snipe I was playing with before, you know?
05:07So I did this with Savage, but we did it in, uh, chapter six and I was trying to get him to use the
05:12bat because if you get someone with full damage, it's 500, uh, damage. Oh, that dude is really
05:18beaming like that. Oh, he's not 50 bucks down. All right, here we go. Someone's on the wall.
05:23What are you talking about, bruh? What you talking about?
05:26Come on, bro. What are you doing? Above you. Behind you. Other way. Come on, dork.
05:44Pretty good. It's pretty good. All right. That's a couple of hundreds back to back. I think you're
05:48like 2.5, 2.3. Like, I don't know when the reboots go away though. That's, I'm waiting
05:52for reboots to go away. That's what I need. No.
06:03Nice. Thank God. Oh, W noob. W noob in the chat. Noobie. Oh no.
06:14Okay. That's actually kind of good for you because then he just gets to heal up.
06:18Oh, big snipe. Big headshot snipe. Come on. Hit it. Hit it. Hit it.
06:26Nice. He's just healing. He's just healing.
06:34Let's get it, baby. Oh, someone is chatting with an update. Chat, how much we at? I'm terrified.
06:40Oh, yes. A little bit of damage. Let's go. All right. While you're
06:49taking on these build fights right now. Okay. They're actually cooking.
06:57Come on, muddy. Come on, big like. You saw that? You saw that?
07:01Yeah. Yep. I unfortunately did. I unfortunately did. Oh, jeez. Combat SMG.
07:07Yeah. Oh, you know what? I actually got to respect you. That's why I've decided to reload
07:12because I saw that clip of you paying your teammates 60 grand so I can test Peterbot.
07:16Is that still happening? Like you're still holding that drop spot?
07:19So yeah. Yeah. We actually have the drop spot, but I no longer have to give it to them because
07:23they left. Like Peter left him. So we actually have our own stuff.
07:25Damn. That's alpha right there. You actually got him to leave.
07:28You got to do what you got to do. You know?
07:3160 bands flat. Like I'm probably maybe going to get you. I don't know what you're up to.
07:34I think you're on like three.
07:36Um, after this.
07:3720 extra. Oh, 20. Oh, just went straight for the other guy. Okay.
07:48Where are my snipers at? Where are my shooters?
07:52Third. Okay. Yeah. Reboot's going away in one minute 30.
07:57No. Plug on. Plug my gun. It's glitched.
08:00Oh, okay.
08:05Um, so what's the strat for FNCS? Are you going to take the mini gun?
08:13I love how you're trying to distract me. I love it.
08:15Yeah. I'm trying to get some, you know, some vibes going, you know?
08:19So is it like, is it the mini gun or is it the exotic gun you guys are going to go for?
08:23I guess 20 bucks is fine.
08:27You're doing a good job.
08:32Oh, nice. 120.
08:33Okay. Reboot's going away in 40 seconds.
08:35I've actually fully lost count on like how much money you've got here.
08:40We're getting a top five situation as well.
08:42Once reboots are disabled.
08:43Actually, once reboots are disabled, I'll do double damage from then on.
08:46Really? So I'm going to keep track.
08:48Yeah. Top five, double damage.
08:50Every damage is about to be worth two dollars.
08:55Let's see how much can be cooked.
08:58I think what's unfortunate for you is everybody's just got no shield,
09:00but you've got 23 kills.
09:01That's 30 bucks back for me.
09:03Yeah, but then it's dead.
09:06All right.
09:06About to be in the top five.
09:09Double damage starts now.
09:11Every damage is worth two dollars from now on,
09:14but every damage you take is also worth two dollars.
09:17So keep that in mind.
09:19And if you die, it is over and you're getting half your money.
09:25Oh, that mantle.
09:26That mantle's crazy.
09:32Oh, OK.
09:36Three down. Yeah.
09:36Hundred bucks.
09:44Can't keep track of this one.
09:45It's like 30.
09:49All right.
09:59They're going up.
10:00They're going up.
10:0230, 20, 20.
10:05Let's go.
10:07What was the full damage?
10:07Or does that not count?
10:09Oh, we'll see.
10:09Did number pop up to the full damage or not?
10:12Hold on.
10:12Then I can skip.
10:13All right.
10:1418, 20, 40.
10:25Oh, that's a lot here.
10:28That's a 40.
10:32Oh, another 60.
10:40Oh, the headshot's not going to go crazy.
10:45Yeah, that's 1,000 full damage.
10:46All right, chat.
10:47Oh my God.
10:48I'm like, I'm dying right now.
10:51I'm so down.
10:51I'm not even joking.
10:52I'm sorry.
10:52No, no, if I were you, I would just try and find a sniper.
10:55Like double damage headshot, bro.
10:57That's like 600 bucks.
10:57You don't understand.
10:58I've been looking for a time.
11:00Oh, 100.
11:03Look at you not finishing that kill.
11:04I see you.
11:04I see you.
11:05I see you.
11:05I see you.
11:06All right.
11:07Double damage came out.
11:08And double damage is going to go insane.
11:10I'm not even joking.
11:12It's actually going to go wild.
11:13I won't have the math on it either.
11:14Yeah, it's like, it's actually so much.
11:16I think you've earned like an extra like 500 bucks already.
11:18Like I'm just going to bring around the hosie.
11:25My 60.
11:25Oh, bro's on wise.
11:29Oh, that's it.
11:32This might be it.
11:33Here we go.
11:34This might be it.
11:35Check right.
11:36A clip on a little too hard over the gold spaz.
11:40Here we go.
11:41Here we go.
11:46Why are you?
11:46I don't know.
11:48Oh, oh, oh, yes.
11:5250 bucks.
11:55Let's go.
11:56Oh, all right.
11:59I actually don't even know how much.
12:01How much do you think it's like bonus damage?
12:04You probably got like five, 600, but I reckon total maybe like five grand.
12:08I reckon four or five here on the damage counter.
12:10And you took like 300, maybe.
12:12Nothing crazy.
12:13You got to see this.
12:13Four, 4.6.
12:16And then the times two.
12:18Oh my God.
12:19I reckon you got 5k.
12:21That's crazy.
12:22But GGs.
12:23Congratulations for getting an icon skin and for robbing my bank account at the same time.
12:27Let's go.
12:27Thank you so much.
12:29I can't lie.
12:29That was actually a lot of fun.