Check out Superpower Pillars! 6754-5667-3162
Today PWR will be going head to head in a creative map olympics to see who the best creative player in PWR is!
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Endless Zonewars! 7413-3133-3758
Endless Box Minigames! 9452-6888-9075
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#PWR #CodePWR #EpicPartner
Today PWR will be going head to head in a creative map olympics to see who the best creative player in PWR is!
Use #CodePWR - Epic Partner:
Check out the other PWR maps we used in this video!
Endless Zonewars! 7413-3133-3758
Endless Box Minigames! 9452-6888-9075
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PWR Content Creators:
❱ Lachlan |
❱ Loserfruit |
❱ Chanzes |
❱ Vindooly |
❱ Overstrand |
❱ Winter |
PWR Fortnite Pro-Players:
❱ Looter |
❱ Worthy |
❱ Alex |
❱ Volx |
❱ Coach Timmy |
PWR Creative:
❱ Boomer |
❱ MrRelatable |
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PWR Rocket League:
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#PWR #CodePWR #EpicPartner
00:00Welcome to the power creative olympics today
00:02We are going to find out who is the champion over five different creative maps at the end of each map top performing players will earn
00:08Points whoever has the most points wins the gold medal for the first round
00:11We have power's new pillars map where you get to select your very own superpower every round if you want
00:16You can play the map for yourself right now by searching power in game
00:20And don't forget to favorite our account so you can see all our future maps. Alrighty, here we go
00:24We got a new item every five seconds, but there's superpowers as well. Wait tornado
00:30Oh my god. Okay. Someone's just called in a fire tornado
00:34Ah, I see. Does that mean I can jump?
00:41I am terrified dude. I got mitch on my bitch on my left lufu on my right
00:48Hey, what is going on? Give me mate
00:53That pizza good bro. So i'm healing right now as my ability. So that's like the superpower. A lot of people are doing this
01:02Did he actually just hit me with that?
01:04I need to heal
01:07Oh wait lucky dad. Yep. Okay. Yep. Yep that worked. Uh, look the emote to heal yourself was great until uh, it wasn't great
01:16Oh, no, what's he doing just standing there?
01:20What's happening to me
01:26Wait recycler, what is this? I can't do anything. What the hell is this bro? What is that? I only have a sniper
01:38I died but I took him out with me with the bat. I had to do it. I had to do it
01:44Hey, hey. Hey, yo, what I've hit him so much
01:48I don't have a weapon anymore. Can I chop him?
01:53Timmy's got the goldfish
01:59Where's my metal
02:03What the who is this where am I where am I
02:08Oh my god worthy. He can't cut the balloon
02:12What is going on? No
02:15Oh my god, where's worthy
02:19Gone. Oh
02:21Remember it's the first or two wins. So whoever wins this game will be targeted crazy. Is it just mitch vs luder?
02:26I'm guessing what am I supposed to do?
02:28Someone tell me
02:32Oh, why am I why is it chucking me up in the air this is actually crazy mitch, what are you doing? Oh
02:42Power luna wins
02:45Oh, damn
02:46Ggs luna ggs. All right. Don't let him win again. All eyes on luna. All eyes on luna
02:52Wait, what?
02:52So when you play games you earn stars in the bottom, right?
02:55And if you guys want to play the map for yourself the first time you can use this code on screen
02:59To get 500 stars bonus if you're watching this use that code get yourself some free stars because now I can give myself a mythic
03:06Power because you're meant to do a trick shot. Wait, what did I just oh interest wait, so there's different tiers of powers
03:13Oh, i'll go trophy
03:15Oh, you're so lucky alex
03:18Oh my god
03:21Wait, what do you mean trick shot use to do trick shot glide replay on for safety
03:29Someone cheers
03:32I knew how to get the box what?
03:36What gate froze everyone I can't even kill him
03:41Wait, hold on
03:44Oh, no, oh my god, I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I'm too young to die. I'm
03:54Like what is this game bro, wait lucky. Oh, that's just cringe
04:00That's just actually insane imagine I hit that no scope though
04:05Don't let this luda guy win again, please he's alive
04:08We got timmy up luda's still up which we need luda to go down
04:12I just got snapped in the freaking bush
04:14Get good on the flashbangs are crazy. Oh, he's got a broom bro. He's got a broom luda's just skirting around
04:22Yo, he's literally won. He's literally won. We can't let him win
04:31I got no weapon bro. What your bike son timmy? No. Oh if he gets harpooned he's cooked if he gets harpooned he's cooked
04:41No, wait, no
04:44You're stuck down there. This is scary
04:47I'm the worst i'm the worst
04:50I'm the worst. Okay. Luna. You need to check your aim brother
04:55How am I supposed to kill him like how am I supposed to kill him
05:06No, i'm trying to kill him
05:10Okay, i'm the worst I could have killed timmy 48 times. Oh my god timmy. Why was that actually that close?
05:17Yeah, dude. Oh my god. That is insane. What the hell even happened? I don't know can only receive loot. Oh no
05:27Oh my god, I killed meds, why would you do that? Oh, I got the rocket launcher
05:32I got not one. I got two rocket launchers
05:38Oh my god
05:47Oh my god, I killed luna
05:51Timmy timmy bro
05:55What the
05:57Okay, we're good. We're good. We're good. We're good
05:59We're not good. We're not good. I'm just activating it. Screw it
06:03Screw it, dude. Everyone's just getting folded. I'm dead
06:07No the bed mist no
06:10I suck at this. I hope there's chili pepper. I make this
06:16Wow 170
06:20Oh my god, i'm him alex just killed everyone that's actually insane, okay
06:24Oh, oh slow mo. That sounds hard. Okay, i'm going for this one. Oh ghost sounds good, dude
06:31Okay, i'm still taking the jetpack
06:34Sending a tornado
06:41Is this slimmer for everyone it is i'm so slow he's making us move real slow
06:48I'm the worst i'm the worst i'm retiring i'm retiring. I just got on i'm literally retiring dude
06:52But it's we're like fully invisible the hell is it invisible? This is massive
06:59Oh my god
07:03No, we can't let alex win again
07:06Someone's popping stuff in that cone
07:12And i'm dead it's alex every time
07:27No, oh my god winter death
07:29Oh winter's just been gone bro, uh-oh bitch you need to secure this
07:38Go bitch go. Oh no
07:46After the first round we have alex starting strong sitting on three points
07:49But timmy and luda also picking up a point round number two
07:52We'll be playing blade ball players will deflect a speeding ball with their pickaxe to eliminate opponents and be the last one standing
07:58We're playing one game where first second and third all get points. All right, here we go. Here we go
08:03Here we go. Here we go. Oh my god. It's me. It's me off for it
08:06Oh alex. Oh my god
08:09Bro, what can you suck? What are you doing? I was learning the abilities bro, like
08:19That's crazy, how did he hold on i'm learning combos? Oh my god, it's going so far
08:43On your bike luda come at me come at me boy
08:46Come at me luda. Oh, here we go. Yeah, hold on. Yeah
08:50Yeah, go on go on
08:54Go alex is the go to though. What the hell don't let alex win guys. Can you can you do me?
09:18With the second round over we have a change on the leaderboard worthy picks up three points alongside
09:23Timmy who gets two and alex adds one more to his score so far heading into the third round
09:27We'll be playing powers endless zone wars players
09:30Will have infinite respawns with the goal of getting 12 kills in a row to unlock a nuke or one of these new events
09:35That are in the game right now
09:37Make sure to play it by the way
09:38We got all the new weapons if no one gets a nuke the player with the most eliminations win
09:42All right, we have to kill alex and worthy to stop them from getting nukes. That's all we gotta do
09:47Oh, see, it's just like you're just not good enough to fight me in fandom like face-to-face
09:52Oh, what give me this
09:55Creamy, oh, okay. I'm just caught in the mix. Okay, let's lock in. Let's lock in
10:02What the hell man
10:04They're really so bad next bro. Oh my god. No, you're just so though like you actually are lucky. Isn't it mad?
10:10All right, we need to take down the luda guy bro. He's on five
10:13last two
10:18No way bro, he's on six i'm okay with that. What do you mean? You're okay with that. I'm okay with it
10:29What is that
10:32No winter bro, like you're such you're such a freak whoa
10:41Just like go away alex i'm too busy trying to light the lobby on fire just like go away alex. Oh my god
10:47Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god
10:53I'm just landing on the same kid every time because he's the only one I can kill
11:01I found him. I found him found the one guy I can kill. No, no get out of here, bro
11:06Oh, wait, it's lucky. Alex on six everyone land on alex. Alex is not on six. What are you saying?
11:12Bro, you are ass locking. It's actually delirious. No, i'm not i'm best in the game. You know what?
11:16I think I know how to play this now. Yeah, i'm just dying out. Yeah. Yeah been worthy
11:19You know what? Well, they're making sure you don't get this kill. Oh, no, I hate you
11:24Hey worthy. Come on, buddy. Here you go
11:33Jesus christ
11:37How are you not dead hello
11:42Are you shooting me in zone? Okay. Oh boy
11:48Weird bro who's feeding alex again who's doing it probably you
11:57Hello wait alex is on nine by the way, all right, just just let it happen guys
12:01Don't you want it to just be over? No, I don't
12:06He's white guys he's white
12:08Just so close
12:11No, I died no
12:13Yes, I got him. Let's go
12:16We don't have long until this game's over actually. This is still like near the end
12:19Maybe it was the friends we made along the way
12:24Dude like this is so cringe, you know what don't want us to miss the nice guy. Okay
12:30That was all right. Good job
12:33I'm just getting bit worthy. Oh won't won't bro. I told you i'm not no more. Mr
12:38Guy he did he did warn us
12:42I'm, sorry
12:44Oh my god, yeah, okay, dude. I know you like lasers and
12:51I'm missing everything
12:55Lucky you were the worst player i've ever seen in my lifetime
13:00No one's gonna get a nuke alex is gonna win isn't it?
13:02Maybe the nuke was the friends we got to go along the way. I don't know if I made friends
13:07No winter, please no winter I was almost at three that was my all-time best. Yeah
13:14You were so old. Holy
13:17Oh my god, I wonder what the leaderboard says
13:23No way, let's go
13:28No one ended up getting a nuke but luda wins endless zone wars with the most
13:32Eliminations tying alex on the leaderboard winter and worthy also get one point on the board during that round
13:37Bonus round first person to load into fort meagle and get someone to say use code power gets one point added to their score
13:44How many subscribers?
13:45How many subscribers?
13:53Hey, can can you say can you say use code power wait, wait, wait, wait, can we can we 2v2 first with my mic? Um
14:00Sure, wait, can you say use code power though?
14:04No, what do you mean? No, what help me?
14:08Can you say use code power now, please?
14:10What do you want me to say, please? Yo the thing can you say use code power then? I don't know do I
14:16I feel it feels like it's cheating. I don't want to say it but I don't guys guys guys
14:20Can you guys hear me? Can you guys hear me? Can you please say use code power?
14:24It's I'll get a point if you do in this video. We do please say use code power
14:27Use code power
14:31I didn't get it
14:32Timmy was able to get the bonus point in this round tying him up as first place on the leaderboard
14:37Maybe he's just not good at golf for the fourth round
14:39We'll be going into edit wars
14:40Everyone can edit the floors with a pit of lava at the bottom the last person alive wins
14:45First person to get two wins takes the dub here best of luck my gamers. Uh, what's the plan here?
14:51Is everyone just gonna be holding there it is
14:57Oh lucky
15:00I'm just gonna get rid of this all who's the loser fruit skin in the corner. Wait, you're right. No, that ain't me
15:06What what what you can't mantle
15:12Oh my god
15:14There we go
15:18All right guys look down no, it doesn't build
15:29We go down together timmy
15:32Oh, you're holding it you oh my god, I just suede myself. What is wrong with me?
15:44Let's go
15:45Is this a first or two? This is a first or two?
15:48Yep, except there is somehow a loser fruit in here. But like just let her cook. Wait, there's wait what i've just been
15:52There's some random bro. Lucky lucky. What are you doing, bro? I don't know bro. Do something weird. Yeah
15:59Let's just do something weird
16:04All right, i'm on simple edit I don't really know what I feel like well cath whoa you can wall kick
16:10Sorry, no timmy. You're so bad
16:14All right, i'm graduating
16:20Oh, you're so bad
16:23I'm graduating again
16:25Oh, no, I nearly got that
16:27How do you graduate?
16:32Lucky is so dumb bro. What's that? No, you might
16:38Oh, I've graduated congratulations
16:41Oh, no
16:44All right, it's okay everyone just gets back
16:47Oh, he's sitting on the edit bro. That's so cringe. No, you're sitting on it as well, bro
16:52Like can you get a grip? Oh my god
16:59Nobody edit the ones on the floor. No
17:03No, no
17:05Oh my god
17:09Oh my god, who wants to land on the tires down there?
17:12No, i'm winning on this
17:14Oh, I just killed myself. I'm so dumb
17:22What what what yes
17:25We won
17:26Tim bro that game is actually cursed bro the game
17:30It's actually so fun. Come on. I need to get a point here
17:36Okay, then all right
17:50I'm so sorry
17:54You're actually so weird, you know
18:02Five minutes. Oh, no
18:04Well, oh man, she went all the way down brother. He's trying to kill me bro, dude
18:07This alex kid is the weirdest kid. I know like he's actually so weird
18:13Bye lucky no, you're so bad. You're so bad
18:20This is actually so disgusting to watch
18:24I just can't go on. Oh no looter. Why are they what's happening here?
18:31Oh, where's him he's up here going like timmy wing guys, you know what to do
18:42Oh my god
18:47Oh my god
18:51Oh my god
18:53Worthy put on an absolute master class during that round working everyone
18:57But timmy also gained one point for his win worthy sits in the lead for first place
19:01Heading into our final map now for the final round and of course, it's double points
19:07No, timmy everyone knows everyone knows that it's double points
19:12But this round we'll be playing power's very own endless minigames map the first person to get two wins
19:17We'll take the map. All right, here we go. First of two wins one palm
19:21Okay. Yeah, cool. Yeah, cool. Yeah, we got alex and worthy here. That's great. Awesome
19:25What about me no luda
19:27I agree luda does suck. Is it like you have to hit 200?
19:31Yep, sick. No, no. Hey alex. Alex. Think about it. Think about it. Think about it. Okay. Okay. I'm thinking about it
19:36Timmy timmy timmy. No lucky timmy
19:39Oh one pump luda, are you serious aim assist bro?
19:45Oh timmy
19:49What how are you not dead that's a joke i'm actually so scared yeah, you should be mate
19:55No, it's making a cone. Why was it being weird? I could have won this legit
20:00What's up
20:11All right, here we go I wonder who's gonna win this one. Oh nice box. Oh, can I come in?
20:17Um, I I I would have are you gonna let her in with her or what? I was trying but that's weird
20:24Why is alex targeting me like worthy's in this lobby bro, yeah, we actually got to get worthy on no
20:30All right luda's here luda's here luda's here why are you coming you old man?
20:38100 on luda 100 on luda. Why are you coming that? No, I actually agree. That's facts
20:44Where's volks bro, I'm, I miss volks
20:48on my wall
21:00I wouldn't do that, bro. Yeah, i'm actually not gonna
21:05No, because I will i'll do it everyone focus worthy don't let him win. Hello. No, no
21:12Team i'm worthy team
21:15I got him. Okay. Yeah
21:18I'm gonna aim for that card box 10
21:21I'm yours. Oh my god. Alex. That was crazy. Oh, no
21:37That's so sad lucky what is that awareness bro, I thought it was above me bro, like what like how how did you think?
21:44He was above you. All right. Oh first person. All right, boys. We know who the enemy is
21:49Alex luda, we chill luda. We chill luda. We chill
21:53You're the way it is you're the way it's worthy. What is the enemy? What do you mean?
22:00Oh, okay. I've just been immediately fried. Hello
22:03Oh my god. Oh my god. My aim is kind of crazy. So sorry
22:10No, all right these guns are ass
22:15How what
22:22Guys i'm coming
22:27Lucky to snap me down. Yeah, I did. I'm sitting there. Wait. Oh, are you respawning or he's only just died?
22:35Oh my god, where is winning what do you mean i'm winning how many alums do you guys have who's got the most I have three
22:43I've got five
22:48We gotta focus winter guys on five alex just got three kills just then
22:52Worthy, what do you mean? Worthy's definitely winning a hundred percent, by the way. Hello. What are you saying?
23:00I'm, just gonna believe y'all are liars
23:03Come on, please please. I don't think I had enough did I win?
23:09Wait, how many eons did you have worthy at eight bro this game? I'm crashing now
23:22Well, who would have guessed it worthy wins and here is your final leaderboard shout out to timmy for putting up a massive performance
23:29Today if you guys enjoyed that video youtube thinks you'll probably enjoy this one here. So go check it out. What are you waiting for?