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00:00This is the smallest keyboard and today I'm gonna be using it to play fortnight except every time I get an elimination
00:06My keyboard gets bigger
00:09Massive and your else's mass everybody out there who uses code Locky in the fortnight item shop when picking up skin
00:14But seriously though today we're gonna have some of the craziest keyboards on our quest to find ourselves a victory out
00:20Can we get it done?
00:21Let's find out and now the challenge begins with one keyboard by the end of this video
00:27This is gonna be a completely different scene, but my mousepad will still be a little dirty. Don't worry about that
00:32We ain't worried about that
00:34But what I am worried about is growing our keyboard to the next one because in order to do that
00:39I can't actually select any weapons
00:41So I'm trying to make sure I can eliminate a bot and bots that land in trees
00:48Okay, is this guy real or not he just took a bunch of fall damage
00:51But this guy's my prime suspect for getting my next keyboard. I need to make sure I pick up these guns
00:56So he doesn't get them. Yep. You don't have a gun do you? Look at that. Look at that. Perfect off rip
01:01We needed that what is better than a keyboard with one key bind?
01:05Well, obviously a keyboard with two key binds and that's what we've got right now
01:09So not only do we have our W key
01:10But we also have a slot up key bind on here as well so that we can move through all of our weapons that we
01:16Have so let's use this POI at flooded frogs to try and get as much loot as we can
01:21Fire boon, that's good. We've got a shotgun. That's great
01:24I want to get full shield decent mats because I won't be able to build for a while
01:28I need to upgrade my keyboard a few times before I'm probably gonna be able to build because we've got so many different keyboards to
01:35Go through in this video. And yes while at this stage of the video every elimination is going to make my keyboard better
01:40It does get to a point where that stops becoming better. You'll see what I mean later on
01:45But yeah, let's just quickly go through this POI. I think I've got most things that I want
01:49I just want a better shotgun. It's a player over here though. Hold up. Hold up. What's going on here?
01:56There we go another elimination now don't have a reload key, which is quite unfortunate
01:59But I have grown my keyboard by one because now I've unlocked a jump key bind in the middle here spoiler alert
02:06The next keyboard I unlock won't just be a one key upgrade
02:10But you'll have to wait for that and I'll have to keep shooting my guns because I don't have a reload bind yet
02:14I don't think I even get one in the next keyboard. So that's quite unfortunate
02:18So another thing that I'd love to get real quick is a mask. Oh, we're gonna play off
02:22Okay, what's going on here? I got the jump key bind. I keep forgetting that avatar pulling up and eliminated. Let's go
02:29All right, let's go with that pretty good start out of flooded frogs
02:32We are upgrading our keyboard to the next one and our first wireless keyboard this bad boy now looks maybe deceiving
02:40Although it is quite colorful. I think because yes, I do have WSD keys now
02:44So I do get all four, you know movement buttons, but I've actually lost my weapon slot. I only have this AR
02:51That's the only one I can switch to but I can switch to my pickaxe if I want to also for some reason this thing
02:55Like auto runs and I don't know how to stop it from auto running. So that's bad. Yeah, this keyboard is I quite dangerous
03:01I won't lie
03:02I gotta get off this thing ASAP
03:03But the good news is with this keyboard is that I can't actually build but I can't edit actually I can edit because scroll
03:08Wheel is the start of it. It's just very jarring to do it
03:12All right, I don't have sprint yet either though, I didn't Brian sprint to this to be honest
03:17I could have had sprint but I just didn't actually have it binded. All right, I need to get off this keyboard
03:23ASAP if I want to have any chance of getting to these next ones this keyboard and the next one are probably one of the
03:29Most dangerous ones. So let's see if we can actually get off of this. Oh
03:34Hello. Hello. Hello
03:38Yeah, that's why I picked this rifle
03:42Got him, let's go salty sandwich is down. Let's box up with our yeah, incredible box-up skills that we do
03:48All right. So this one is gone. We are upgrading it to a slightly bigger keyboard
03:54This is a keyboard that has every key it is bigger
03:59But it is also way smaller each key like look there's my thumb over like six or seven keys
04:06So this one's gonna be brutal
04:07So while I do have access to all of my binds at the same time, do I really like
04:13This is tough. This is extremely tough. All right
04:16All right. So a couple things I've got to try and do I'm gonna try and get a better shotgun
04:19Oh, I tried to hit the slide there. I've got some
04:23Shock waves worst case if I need to get away, but yeah, I've got all my binds back for the first time in this video
04:28It's just very very hard to press them with accuracy. This is where having big fingers is probably a massive L
04:37Okay, yep hit a renegade why not why not Lachlan? All right, why not let's hit shift my cone
04:42it's like shift in an edit and then oh
04:46Look at that. I can still do. Oh, okay. I shouldn't do that. Oh
04:52Free kills free kills free kills switch switch switch switch. Oh
04:56No, that's it. Oh
05:00Headed down
05:06Oh, no
05:09Trying to reload oh
05:12No, this is bad. All right
05:19Oh my god, can you not bro?
05:25I'm going it back in this storm
05:28To them out of mats now, so that wasn't exactly the most ideal way
05:32I wanted to go about things but it is the way it went about I need to get off of this keyboard if I want
05:38A chance of actually winning. Sorry, we've got a cook first off
05:41We got a cook with a med kit, which it looks like we do have right over here
05:44Yeah, he saw me. Oh
05:48My okay
05:51Where is he I don't see him finally I didn't shoot his NPC first. I would have been probably chilling
05:56We're gonna use this little boy here
06:01Wide away, okay
06:04Not uh, not ideal not ideal. I don't know if that's the guy with the with all the like the stuff there
06:11But that's really not good. Okay, we got some mats. That's good
06:14Yeah, I don't know if that's the guy with a medallion, but there is somebody chasing me with a medallion
06:17So I'm just gonna like yeet out of here real quick and I need to find a car
06:22They can actually use a car now. Okay, I'm gonna make this way
06:24Let's go let's go let's go let's go quick run to the car go and
06:29Shift out of there this shift, right? Yep. Okay driving a car with this keyboard. Not exactly what I managed
06:34You know, I thought I'd be doing but we need a cook here
06:37We only got four eliminations and we're actually running out of people and we're going straight to the guy
06:42With all that the fact that we even got out of there alive when like literally my thumb takes up six keys is actually quite
06:48Incredible, so we've got to come back at him
06:51Medallion player when we've got a keyboard that's like the goal
06:53We got to like kind of like be like a little Caterpie right now and we need to wait until we like evolve into a
06:58Butterfree that that's how I would explain like this kind of situation
07:02Right right now. We are Caterpie. Okay, where's my car?
07:07Let's go
07:08All right. Now there is also
07:11I'm getting cramp
07:13Okay, wait, hold up the fighting get out. Can I can I can I get out?
07:17Come on, you do something here
07:20Got him, let's go. Alrighty. We are upgrading to our first actual keyboard. Let's go
07:25This is a 60% keyboard a big. Thank you to Red Bull
07:29Actually, they sent me this to celebrate their new flavor and now we've got it. It's a 60% keyboard
07:35Like I said, so it's the smallest one. It's got no F keys. Actually, this one does have F keys
07:38I doesn't have the yacht. The F keys are like combined. Okay, we're gonna not get too happy here. This person is real
07:48Think it's a player from before
07:55Got her let's go. All right. Now that is actually huge because that's the player we need to take down
08:01Actually, that wasn't the person with the medallion though
08:02Alright, so let's get these mats box up because we've got to upgrade and grow our keyboard another step
08:08So 60% keyboard to the keyboard that I actually use at home for my setup
08:14This is the one it is a steel series keyboard. You'll see we've actually got those f1 keys at the top. It's loaded in
08:20This is what we need. So this is the most comfortable one I can use
08:24so for this I want to try and take advantage of it and
08:27Take out the best player in the lobby because this is the best keyboard for me
08:31And then it gets a little hard and then yeah
08:33You'll have to see from there because like I said from the start every time I get
08:36Elimination my keyboard does grow and it does get to a point and this is the sweet spot right now
08:41We are butter free. All right, and you need to know that we are butter free
08:45We are going crazy on these kids loadouts looking pretty decent only seven players left and you get two elimination
08:51So you get one two, three eliminations. I need to get the best player though
08:55Like I said the player with the medallions over here. That's the player. I need to take out with this keyboard
09:00Although this player is also real
09:04So I might just take this guy out real quick
09:10Okay, that one just had to happen I had to do that I won't have it that one had to go to all right
09:14So with that with going on to our next keyboard say goodbye to this guy putting him away
09:20Because we are going to this keyboard. This is a ROG keyboard as you can see
09:26It is like the final boss of actual keyboards. It takes up most of the space here
09:32Someone's glided on me
09:42Wow, that was a shot that was a shot
09:44Okay, that was actually really annoying though, because he did that while I was like transferring keyboards. So I don't really appreciate that buddy. Oh
10:59My god, okay, I did that with like a keyboard I wasn't even comfortable with oh my god, we just cooked we just cooked
11:05Okay, hold up. I'm gonna switch the keyboards, but I need to get in zone first. Oh
11:11My god, oh my god, okay, I need to get the new keyboard ready
11:14I'm like not comfortable with this keyboard at all
11:17We still pulled that off, but it's not over yet because I still got the final boss of keyboards to come and this one is
11:25She's a doozy. Let's just say that much. Okay, we've got unlimited sprint here to work with at least
11:30So there's that oh boy. This next keyboard is actually gonna cook me
11:36Okay, we're gonna box up here because this is the big boy
11:42The USB doesn't work. Oh
11:44No, so my mouse no longer works, which is bad plug this thing into that
11:50This thing plug it in
11:53It's not plugged in. It's not plugged in. Oh
11:56It's not working. It's up. Bring it give it give it cook. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry, sir. Throw it
12:14Anyway, like I was trying to do welcome to the biggest keyboard now
12:19We have used this thing before it is quite tricky to play. It is a 1v1
12:24except this other player unlike the last game is
12:28Actually real and this is gonna be impossible. It is like seriously. I can't double edit. I can't do anything
12:35I can't build like this is gonna be really really really really bad
12:40I don't know how I'm gonna be able to get this done. Now. I do know where the next zone is. There he is
12:47That's the player. Okay, if we can just try and do aim fights
12:51We might be able to get somewhere I don't have a
12:55Beam rifle this time. He might know where zone is too though. It's the only thing I'm scared of
12:59All right. So let's try and go for a
13:02Strategical reposition. I don't want to fight fight close. I can't fight box fights
13:06I can't I can't do any of that like it's look at the me trying to get my fingers across these buttons is very difficult
13:15Requires a push. I got to push this honor. That is just disappointing. That is really annoying
13:20Okay, he's low and I want to go for it when he's low
13:23Okay, I know
13:33This is way harder than I thought it was trying to get to my other like keys is quite impossible
13:41He's not
13:43He's not great, but neither is my situation. So the next zone is over here
13:49Okay, we needed to get that beam
13:59Can't like I can't even reach my sprint button, bro. I can't even reach my sprint button
14:03Okay, let's get in this bush and hope they didn't see us get in this bush. He used all of his splashes. So there's that
14:09Okay, this is difficult. This is difficult. I can't fold two games. I can only fold one
14:15Okay, he found me again
14:18Where is he now? He does have zone coverage on me. Oh, wow, there he is
14:32He's on the tree come on must be low now
14:37He has to be low I don't see him anywhere there is
14:41Got it. Let's go
14:43We did it with the big boy on a real player
14:46Honestly, the last guy was a bot. So this is actually a W even though I couldn't find the USB
14:52I'll be honest is quite literally the hardest video I've ever done use code lock in the phone. I've shopped
14:56I'm gonna be honest. I'm gonna be honest. I'm gonna be honest. I'm gonna be honest
15:00I'm gonna be honest. I'm gonna be honest. I'm gonna be honest. I'm gonna be honest
15:03I'm gonna be honest. I'm gonna be honest. I'm gonna be honest
15:05I'll see you guys next time. Peace
