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00:00This is Max Verstappen, four-time F1 champion.
00:05Max Verstappen is champion of the world!
00:08Today, we're going to play some Fortnite.
00:10You ready?
00:11I am ready.
00:12I'm also a bit nervous.
00:13That makes both of us.
00:14Let's do it.
00:15As I said, Max is a four-time F1 champion
00:18and he is one of the most dominant drivers on the grid.
00:20And this weekend, he'll be competing for the first race of 2025 at the AUS GP.
00:24And today, he met us at Fortress Melbourne to play some Fortnite.
00:27All right.
00:28This is your own skin.
00:29Yeah, this is mine.
00:30Yeah, hopefully Max Verstappen's skin one day.
00:32Yeah, who knows?
00:33Who knows?
00:34I mean, it would be quite funny.
00:35No, 100%.
00:36We'll have to tee it up again.
00:37Have to get another dub.
00:38I would let someone else, of course, play.
00:41This is chapter six.
00:42Have you played chapter six yet?
00:44I don't think so.
00:44Okay, okay.
00:45So, we're going to drop over here the blue pin.
00:48Okay, yeah.
00:48Yeah, it is build, but I've got an idea for kind of how we're going to run this one.
00:52So, there's cars on the map.
00:54I think I know if you understand my drift.
00:56Maybe we get you in the driver's seat.
00:58You know what I'm saying?
00:59And we go around and we just run up.
01:00Oh, dear.
01:01Let's go.
01:02Let's go.
01:03Just dropping all the way?
01:04Yeah, yeah.
01:04Dropping all the way over there.
01:06I'm not good at building at all.
01:08That's all good.
01:08That's all good.
01:09How can we like get a car and we'll just like kind of just run around on the car?
01:12Probably pull the glider back here.
01:14That one is sick.
01:14Yeah, this is a new glider.
01:16It's like a...
01:16Actually, I saw that one.
01:18Yeah, the new season battle pass.
01:19It's pretty sick.
01:19That's really, really cool.
01:21Let's see.
01:21It looks like we got some people dropping with us.
01:23Okay, yeah.
01:24I'm still like 500 meters out.
01:26I'm coming.
01:27See if you can try to find a car on the way.
01:28I can probably pick you up, actually.
01:30I've got a car, actually.
01:31I'll come pick you up and then we'll drive over here.
01:34Yeah, sweet.
01:34Here we go.
01:35I'll come pick you up.
01:39Let's go.
01:40You want to drive?
01:42Let's go.
01:42All right.
01:43In the passenger seat.
01:44Oh, you're running over the little boys.
01:46Are you not allowed to do that?
01:47No, you can do that.
01:48You can do that.
01:48You can do that.
01:49They don't really do anything anyway.
01:51Are we going left?
01:51Yeah, no, we're going up here into this one house.
01:54Yeah, yeah.
01:54But this is our car for the game.
01:55So I reckon we'll probably just run around and frag out in the car.
01:59Let's get a full load out here.
02:01So yeah, we're here in Melbourne at Fortress right now.
02:03We've got OzGP Formula 1 first race this weekend.
02:07Max, how are you feeling about it?
02:08I don't know.
02:08I'm excited, you know, to be here.
02:10Wait, one second.
02:10How do I get the gun again?
02:12Ah, wait.
02:12How did you do that?
02:13But I was going to say, for the most part, we'll probably just be driving around.
02:17So you won't even focus too much on the weapons.
02:20Okay, I think that's it.
02:21What's this?
02:22A pulse scanner?
02:22You need that?
02:23Nah, it's kind of like a UAV.
02:24But it only does like things right around you.
02:26So we should be fine on that, I reckon.
02:28I got like, what's it?
02:30A termite?
02:30You need that?
02:31Nah, I don't need that.
02:32Don't need that, don't need that.
02:33Actually, we might use it later, but probably don't need it right now.
02:36You want me to keep it?
02:36Uh, keep it for now, actually.
02:37Yeah, switch your bandages for it, I reckon.
02:39I'm pretty looted up.
02:41Probably could start heading.
02:43We'll get you driving again, yeah?
02:44I'm coming.
02:45There, you take the driver's seat.
02:47Let's go.
02:49Here we go.
02:49We got Max to step in the driver's seat.
02:50Let's go.
02:51All right.
02:54There's some cool cars around, though.
02:56Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:56You can get like all sorts of things.
02:58Am I doing the right thing here?
02:59Yeah, yeah.
02:59Let's go up here.
03:00We got some players.
03:01Get the gun.
03:01Where do you want to go?
03:02Oh, he's here.
03:03Yeah, drive over Aang.
03:04Let's go.
03:06Okay, I'm going to jump out.
03:07There's one.
03:09Okay, you get this guy.
03:11Let's go.
03:12All right.
03:14Let's go, okay.
03:15What is better, blue or green, in terms of your...
03:18Uh, blue's better.
03:19Blue's better.
03:20Okay, so...
03:21Uh, that one's pretty good.
03:23The pistol's not bad.
03:23Because I have the SMG.
03:25Maybe it's better.
03:26SMG's better.
03:26SMG's better for sure.
03:28Someone's shooting us.
03:28Oh, he's over here.
03:30Cracked him?
03:31Just on this little edge bit here.
03:33Hey, you got him.
03:34That's all you.
03:34That's all you.
03:35I'll grab the car.
03:37I ran out.
03:39And you got it.
03:41Let's go.
03:42Let's go.
03:43All right.
03:43All right.
03:44Actually, pop it off.
03:45Let's go.
03:47Okay, you're picking him up.
03:48That's toxic.
03:48All right, let's go.
03:53Oh, wait.
03:53Oh, there's his mate.
03:55Where is he?
03:56He's probably stuck.
03:57Nah, I got him.
03:58Let's go.
03:58Okay, back in the car.
04:00Let's go.
04:01Okay, looking good so far.
04:02So we can try and go for, like, the train heist.
04:04Uh, what could we go for?
04:06Yeah, we could go...
04:06Let's go to Crime City.
04:07So that big blue mark over there.
04:09If you want to take us over there, that's chillin'.
04:11We'll probably run into some people on the way.
04:12Oh, are there people?
04:14Yeah, I think there is coming up.
04:16I should be able to take him out in the car though.
04:17You just want me to go straight?
04:19Yeah, just go straight.
04:19Follow the road?
04:20Yeah, follow the road.
04:24All right, here we go.
04:25There's people in front.
04:25I'll try and take him out while you're driving.
04:28You can't hit that, right?
04:30Oh, I should have let you.
04:31My bad.
04:31No, you actually can.
04:32It does decent damage too.
04:33Oh, you can?
04:33Yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:34You want to back anything, or...?
04:35Nah, nah, nah.
04:36We're good.
04:36We got all the loot.
04:37Let's get some fuel though.
04:38Let's go over here to this gas station.
04:39Oh, Jesus.
04:40You need to also fuel.
04:41Yeah, I need fuel.
04:42That's realistic.
04:43Jump on here.
04:44These little things, they just fuel it up on the go.
04:46Ah, okay.
04:48What's that?
04:48Oh, if you touch the thing, it blows up.
04:50So you're actually really close.
04:52Oh, dear.
04:52So chill there.
04:52You see how it's going up?
04:53Yeah, wait.
04:55Oh my god.
04:56I'm not in control.
04:57Like, it pushes me forward.
05:00Now we're chilling.
05:02Yeah, okay, okay, okay.
05:03We got enough fuel.
05:04Yeah, let's go, let's go.
05:05Oh, that was close.
05:06That was close.
05:06Looking good.
05:07Yeah, so we'll go to Crime City.
05:08We'll do a heist.
05:08We'll get some, like, sick guns.
05:10And then we'll keep on rolling.
05:11So this is like a brand new POI.
05:12Oh, there's a player.
05:14Oh, oh.
05:15Let's go.
05:18He's gone, right?
05:19Yeah, he's gone.
05:21Let's get out over here.
05:22Just stop?
05:23Yeah, yeah, let's jump out here.
05:24You've got your thermite, sweet.
05:26Oh, yes.
05:27So come down here into the vault.
05:29Oh, I think there's players in here.
05:31Are there people here?
05:32Yeah, they're just, like, henchmen.
05:34So chuck your thermite on this door here.
05:36Behind you.
05:37Yeah, perfect.
05:38Oh, there's someone.
05:43What are these guys doing?
05:44Okay, so there's going to be a bunch of people spawning in.
05:46So just get ready.
05:48Robbing a bank with Max Verstappen.
05:50Let's go.
05:51Is that...
05:53So we've got to, like, shoot these things when they, like, get exposed.
05:59And done.
06:00But yeah, we'll get such good loot once we get this.
06:03Oh, I've actually ran out of ammo.
06:05Oh, this guy's a bad guy.
06:09Let's go.
06:10You got him?
06:10Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:11All right, last one to pickaxe on this vault.
06:14And then it should open up.
06:16Got him.
06:16Let's go.
06:17We're in.
06:17Go, go, go, go, go.
06:18So take these little dill bits.
06:19What's that?
06:20They're, like...
06:21It's, like, a digital currency in the game.
06:23You get, like, good stuff for it.
06:24Then there's, like, good chests in here.
06:26Oh, sticky nade launcher.
06:27Let's go.
06:31What the hell?
06:32You want me to take this?
06:33Yeah, no, you run that.
06:34You run that.
06:35Is it really good?
06:36Yeah, or the bat as well.
06:38The bat is also good.
06:39Actually, yeah, run both, to be honest.
06:41See this little bat thing?
06:42Yeah, is it good?
06:43Yeah, yeah, trade that for, like, your thermite.
06:45All right, we don't need the thermite anymore.
06:47We got the high stone.
06:48All right.
06:48So if you practice right-clicking it with the bat,
06:51and then a right-click.
06:53So that's, like, a big, like, charge tip.
06:55And you can just smack them.
06:56Or me, if you want.
06:58But anyway, let's get out of here.
06:59And then straight back in the car.
07:03I'm driving this time, all right?
07:05All right, let's go, let's go.
07:06We're doing good, though.
07:07We're actually, like, doing really well.
07:09I think we might be getting a win here.
07:11Let's try.
07:12Let's try, let's try.
07:12All right, I want to see these people fighting right in front of us.
07:14Oh, here we go.
07:16This is all you, Max.
07:17This is all you.
07:23I'll get rid of their builds.
07:24How do I shoot here with this thing?
07:27Oh, is that?
07:29That's it.
07:30You figured it out.
07:31It's got, like, two kind of things.
07:34Yeah, it's like a big drill.
07:36And you can fly with it as well, if you look up.
07:37Oh, there's a sniper.
07:38Max, what's the sniper like on you?
07:40You hit those shots?
07:41I'm keen to see it.
07:42Well, I have no idea.
07:43Let's find out.
07:44Let's get you in the driver's seat again.
07:47Okay, so top four team.
07:48We've got 12 other people left.
07:50Which way we're heading?
07:51Ah, yeah, straight this way.
07:52Like, about over here.
07:54We'll just keep going until we find someone.
07:55Am I doing the right thing?
07:57Yeah, yeah.
07:58These guys go off-road.
07:59Up top?
08:00Yeah, yeah.
08:01All right, let's see if you can hit them directly.
08:03Oh, okay.
08:04Okay, I'll miss my shot.
08:09Okay, I'm missing all my shots.
08:11This is really bad.
08:14All right.
08:14And then we got one over here as well.
08:16All right, let's try and snipe.
08:17Yeah, let's see it.
08:18Where is it?
08:19Oh, he's inside.
08:19Yeah, I'll get rid of it.
08:22That's you.
08:26Let's go, let's go.
08:27All right, top 10, top 10, top 10.
08:29Gotta lock in.
08:30I still don't know how to use this thing, though.
08:32So I think, like, the left click does, like, constant damage.
08:34I'm loading it up.
08:35Yeah, I'm loading it up.
08:37Like this, no?
08:38If someone's next to you, like, if I'm next to you.
08:39And then you just boost through him.
08:40This will do damage right now.
08:42Like, you'll be doing damage, but we're on the same team.
08:44Oh, oh, okay.
08:45Someone here?
08:47Yeah, someone here.
08:49I'm gonna snipe.
08:50Oh, he's dead.
08:51He's dead.
08:52Yeah, he's gone.
08:53Oh, that's a grenade launcher.
08:54Grenade launcher is unreal, too.
08:56Oh, really?
08:57Yeah, yeah.
08:57You think I should get rid of the sniper?
08:59I reckon, I reckon.
09:00It's worth it.
09:01Sticky nade launch is, like, the most broken thing in the game right now.
09:04It's pretty crazy.
09:06Let's go.
09:08All right, so we can try and operate a heist on this other vehicle over here.
09:11But we don't have any thermite left, and these guys didn't have any either.
09:14What's this truck?
09:15Yeah, so it's like an armored truck.
09:16It's got, like, a bunch of goodies in it.
09:18But we need to...
09:18Should I shoot it with the grenade launcher or not?
09:20I think we can get it with the grenade launcher.
09:22Here, I'll come pick you up.
09:23I just don't know if we need thermite or not.
09:24Here, jump in.
09:25Oh, sorry, Wade.
09:26No, no, you're good.
09:28Because I think we need to get something to get inside it.
09:33Oh, yeah, look, uh, wait.
09:34Oh, whoa, that actually hit.
09:36Yeah, nice.
09:40It's actually so hard to hit, too.
09:41Okay, we might have to leave the truck.
09:44So we've got six people left.
09:45Should be chilling for this.
09:46Should be chilling.
09:47Actually, I'm just...
09:48Oh, wait, we need some fuel.
09:49No, there's no fuel.
09:50Okay, I'm gonna let you take the driver's seat once more.
09:54All right.
09:55And let's get this...
09:56Let's finish it out.
09:57So we got...
09:57Into the zone?
09:58Yeah, into the zone.
09:59We got six up, and they're all solos.
10:01So we should be chilling.
10:02I'm gonna go straight to the marker.
10:04Oh, there, look.
10:05Yeah, you got him, you got him.
10:06I saw you, run him over.
10:10You wanna finish him?
10:11Yeah, yeah, yeah, you got him, you got him.
10:13Oh, get him, get him, get him.
10:14Oh, there's a rock.
10:15Get him.
10:17Oh, wait, how did I miss that?
10:19Nice, nice, nice.
10:20This guy...
10:20Wait, this guy is still down, no?
10:22Yeah, he's down.
10:23Okay, well, not anymore.
10:26All right, last guy over here.
10:28Trying to run away.
10:28Oh, no, we're out of fuel.
10:29Oh, okay, we're gonna chase him.
10:31Yeah, yeah, we'll try and get some, uh, some new...
10:33Some new fuel...
10:34New car, new car.
10:35We can get a new car.
10:36This guy's trying to run away, though.
10:37It's not happening.
10:39So, one thing we like to do in Fortnite,
10:40if we're really trying to be toxic,
10:42is we pickaxe them.
10:44Where are the bats?
10:46Oh, yeah, here, come with the bat.
10:47Come with the bat.
10:49Come through here.
10:51Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
10:56Lovely, lovely stuff.
10:57Very good.
10:58I mean, this is good.
10:59This is first game, half and all.
11:00This is very ideal.
11:01We've got a top four situation.
11:03There's one of these four-wheel drives.
11:04Need to run.
11:06All right, I got you.
11:06Why am I running so slow?
11:07Oh, here we go.
11:09I'm just, like, pushing you in.
11:12Yeah, let's go.
11:12All right.
11:13I was like, how am I getting...
11:14I didn't see you in the car.
11:16Oh, he's ahead of us.
11:17Yeah, here we go.
11:17You got it, you got it.
11:20I'm gonna run straight into him.
11:22Nice, let's go.
11:23All right, last one.
11:24Okay, what should we do for the last one?
11:25I think we should walk for this one.
11:27Yeah, yeah.
11:27All right.
11:28Sorry, do you still got your bat?
11:29Yes, I do.
11:30Okay, let's see if we can do something fun here with him.
11:32So the thing with the bat is you can, like, kind of launch people.
11:36I still have this thing, you know?
11:38Yeah, that thing's pretty sick, too, actually.
11:40If we can get him on a hill and you wind him up with a bat,
11:43you can hit him off the hill, like, with the other click.
11:46So not the one...
11:46Yeah, that one.
11:47So if you hit that, see that?
11:49You can do that to the other person.
11:50It's, like, so good.
11:51Let's see where he is, though.
11:53We gotta find him.
11:53We'll bait him up the hill.
11:54Okay, so here he is.
11:55He's in the water here.
11:58Oh, yeah.
11:58We need to try and bait him up, though.
12:01We should go zone first.
12:03Or, actually, you know what?
12:04If you hit him over this river,
12:05there's, like, a whole, like, dam that you can just knock him into.
12:09And that'll be perfect.
12:11That'll take him out in one hit.
12:13Try not to weaken him up too much because he's probably very low.
12:16Here we go, here we go.
12:17Oh, this is...
12:23Oh, nice!
12:24Just taking the W.
12:25I was like, I'm just...
12:27Just lock it in, lock it in.
12:28Nah, I rate it, I rate it.
12:29Let's go, GG.
12:31It's a bit easier to play with you, you know?
12:34Hey, you're the one driving me around, you know?
12:35Like, you got me, like, sorted out there.
12:38All righty, sweet ass.
12:39Cheers to that.
12:40Let's go.
12:40W's in the chat.