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00:00I've done it! I've unlocked the legendary outlaw keycard, and I'm gonna show you in this video why you need to as well.
00:06It took me about two hours to do all the challenges to get this thing, and it really does matter because you can actually use this in not only your ranked games, but also your tournament games.
00:17And of course, I'm gonna tell you the best methods in order to actually unlock this thing because it does take quite a while.
00:22Look, I've played Fortnite for a while now, like, since the game came out, and I think this actually might be the most broken thing they've ever added in a game.
00:28Especially if you do this and get the legendary keycard like today, tomorrow, not many people have it, you'll have such an advantage.
00:35And it works in ranked and competitive games. Now, obviously having a good drop spot for the black market is gonna be ideal.
00:42So obviously the keycards unlock different things as they go and progress. You start by just unlocking the exotic vault all the way to this exact thing that happens.
00:51So we're gonna jump straight down here into the vault. There's somebody right behind me.
00:55Open this door, you can do that with any keycard, but to open this chest, you need a certain one.
00:59And if you have the legendary, you get a guaranteed legendary weapon, and most importantly, a dill bit, which you can use to purchase any of these weapons.
01:11And I'm gonna start by using these weapons to hold things off. And I'm trying to think which one to get.
01:16I haven't used this enough yet. In fact, I haven't used it yet. So we're gonna pretty much go for it.
01:20This is the Lawless Trinity Assault Rifle, and it is crazy because it shoots, I think, four or three rounds at a time.
01:29That looks pretty good if you ask me. There's somebody right there.
01:33And I've just used the pump and dump. He has been dumped.
01:36Okay, I might, I gotta stop the pump and dump slander because it actually did it right there off me off spawn.
01:40But yeah, this is like, all these people are probably trying to do this. They probably all unlocked it.
01:44I'm gonna grab this legendary org. Do you sell a, like, shotgun that isn't trash at all?
01:50No? All right, that's fine. Let's get some chug splashes. And here's the thing, you got your gold.
01:54Obviously, this won't work in comp, but you get your chug splashes, and you get out of here,
01:57and you've got a goaded loadout. Like, it's insane. If you're playing zero builds,
02:00you probably want to buy some shockwaves as well. I'll buy
02:03one. I don't know why I bought an assault rifle. I literally have the exotic one.
02:06But yeah, that is, like, the reason why you need to get the legendary key card.
02:10You get a dill bit, and this, of course, works at any of the three black markets.
02:13However, the one I'm at is the one that contains not only the minigun,
02:17which is the thing that everybody's gonna get, but also this assault rifle, which I kind of like.
02:21And of course, you do have the slope cannon here. The other ones have the
02:25hunter assault rifle. This one over here has Midas. He's got his drum gun, which actually has a thermal sight.
02:30It does 26 damage per bullet, but the headshot multiplier isn't a 2x. So that's pretty good.
02:36It also has the both sniper rifles. So the
02:40exotic one that scans the area that we used on update night, and the other one,
02:45which is the hunter stink rifle. So it's not as good. And then over here,
02:49you've got, of course, the exotic RPG, which is sick. And it also comes with the mythic outlaw shotgun, which is trash.
02:55And then it has, I think, the blink mag
02:59dump and pump, which is also not very good. So you'd argue the Brutus one is the best one.
03:05That's at least what I would argue. Now, it's time to frag out, because I want to show you what this rifle's about.
03:10Because it shoots four bullets at once. I think you, if your bullets hit, you deal 55 damage,
03:15I think. Does it say how much each one does?
03:1866 each bullet hits. Okay, which is weird.
03:21This reticle is like, we used to have this on the pulse rifle, but just four bullets at once. It was crazy.
03:27See, the minigun is good, don't get me wrong, but it does cap out in range. Like, it doesn't work out the certain range.
03:33It's just not as good anymore. So that's why I prefer to go for this one.
03:38Let's take our chug splashes. We'll get excess as well. Now, you're probably asking, Loki,
03:42what are the best ways to actually unlock this legendary keycard? Because I don't want to sit and grind for two hours in pubs.
03:49Well, guess what? Problem is, you're probably still going to have to grind for two hours in pubs to get it.
03:53But I will show you exactly the best methods after
03:57I take this guy down here, because he deserves to die. I thought about it.
04:03Oh my god, this thing's insane.
04:08How good is it at wall replacing?
04:13Not the greatest.
04:18Do a good thing.
04:33Okay, that guy was pretty decent and we managed to actually get him.
04:37But now we gotta cook here.
04:40I reckon I gotta beam out this guy.
04:45Okay, the hipfire accuracy penalty is not as great.
04:49Don't worry, the methods are coming up. I still have a pump and dump shotgun, by the way.
04:54Yeah, it works both ways.
04:58Okay, give me the shotgun. What have you got? Oh, I got a legendary one. Oh, yeah, the mythic one.
05:02Give me that. Take this, take this.
05:05And we have the most golden loadout we could get. All right, sweet.
05:08So what you want to do is there's four challenges to unlock and progress through the key cards.
05:13The first one, of course, being pick up and collect boons and medallions. Now, hot tip for this one.
05:19All right, all you need to do, in fact, I can show you what you need to do.
05:22You just need to keep dropping and picking up a medallion.
05:25You can't do it with boons because you can't drop boons. Like if they're in your inventory, you can't drop them.
05:28But medallions, you can.
05:32That's annoying how inconsistent this thing is. I'm gonna be careful here.
05:48Oh no.
06:14We have a gamer here.
06:23Oh my god, the guy's on high. Oh, it's a different guy. He's beaming in for 200. Damn, this thing's insane.
06:28There's no way that was the guy.
06:44Okay, there's 16 hits. Oh, 74 though. The first headshot hit.
06:51Damn, I'm just trying to show you guys the methods.
06:53I wonder what happens if you hit like a really good headshot.
06:57Like how much damage this thing would do. Anyway, so like I was trying to explain before I was rudely interrupted.
07:01If you get any medallion and just drop it, of which there is two, there's one here,
07:04but I don't think I'll be able to get this one.
07:06If you just pick it up and drop it, that actually counts and you'll actually start like getting it.
07:10So you can just drop and pick it up multiple times.
07:12Bang, done. You can call that one a day in five seconds. Easiest one to do. Next easiest one is to spend the gold.
07:18So 1500 intervals.
07:20You do it five times, five times, 1500. What's that? Like seven and a half K gold. I could be wrong. I think I am.
07:25So that one is kind of easy. Just rob the vault, spend the money at any of the black markets. That's easy.
07:31All right, I want to show you, need to tell you how to do.
07:33The other two are quite annoying. And the last one that will take you to complete is eliminate 25 guards and bosses.
07:38So that one is very annoying.
07:40My strategy, which I think is the best one, is to lay in Mars Meadows, take on this vault, eliminate all the guards and bosses.
07:47And then as soon as that's done, normally every vault is already looted, go ahead and take out these trucks.
07:53They all count as vaults and they all have about 10 NPCs spawned every time you try to take down the vault.
07:59So the last one will of course be the NPC elimination one, because you can't eliminate really guards without, you know, taking down vaults.
08:08Another bonus thing to take into consideration is these guard towers here, or the raid towers.
08:13They spawn three guards and bosses too, so you can take those down quite easily.
08:17And this guy is not real. Yeah, 97 headshot damage. I think that wasn't even a fully accurate hit either.
08:23I think this thing could like two hit somebody if it was accurate enough.
08:26Now, yeah, let's just continue to frag out. Let me know what you guys think about the legendary key card.
08:31Are you guys going to be unlocking it? It does take a little bit of time, but like again,
08:35then you can just start hot dropping these black markets and going straight to the next one.
08:39But aside from that, we're back on the grind. I'm back in Australia for at least a month,
08:44which is a crazy, crazy statement in itself with everything going on.
08:47I don't know if you guys saw it on the second channel. I did a collab with Max with Staphon, which is wild.
08:51And then we went to the OzGP yesterday, got to the Gridworld with Lannan. It's all happening. It's all happening.
08:57Yeah, okay, you go really accurate with this gun to get those good shots.
09:00The 16 damage, it's reminded me of like the Tac shotgun back in the day.
09:04I can't be doing that. Can't be giving me 16 damage. No one ended up getting the medallion.
09:17I just have a feeling Old Mate's just like pissed off and he's just sitting down there waiting for me to loot the vault.
09:23Yeah, so you can see here I'm looting the vault. These guys will spawn and this is where you want to get your stuff, your achievements.
09:31Make sure, of course, that you are boxing out.
09:45Man, I really hope Old Mate shows up while I'm doing this. That would be so epic.
09:51Yeah, this thing melts the boss though.
09:55Crazy. All right, so yeah, if you get the medallion challenge, literally do this.
09:58Do this 10 times and get it and do it quickly too because they're probably gonna patch it.
10:02So do it now. Like what are you doing? Get on and get it done. As always, that one could be the longest.
10:10All righty, vault opened just like that. Got our dill bits and let's get this good stuff.
10:17Still keen to pop off. Yeah, so like I've been putting in a shift lately. I'm trying to really get good at Fortnite.
10:22I feel like I've spammed it in all my latest videos.
10:25But yeah, pro-am this year really just locking in like you've never seen.
10:30That's why I dropped my mythic shotgun just to keep myself ready.
10:36It's so annoying that there's only one medallion on the map.
10:38So at any time I can only find exactly one player. What is bro doing over here?
10:53What the hell bro, this is the guy I think that I killed before or didn't kill before.
11:00Yes, it's got good range.
11:03Damn this thing is actually just so sick. Okay, pads down. Let me get involved. Let me get involved.
11:12Okay, he's padded. Reload. 12. 31. Ready to get headshot sniped by the other guy.
11:26Oh, can't win them all. Nearly got him.
11:33It's so random. It's like every time you shoot it's like which number am I gonna get?
11:36I can't tell if it's doing like cumulative damage after I hit or if it's just a new hit. I guess it's just a cumulative damage after every hit.
11:52There we go, and he's down. Okay, you're definitely just no one.
11:57One hit. All right, let's go.
12:00Man, this exotic rifle like guys do not sleep on it.
12:03I actually think it's a better cop than the Brutus minigun because like the range.
12:07The minigun falls off something crazy and yeah, you don't have a sight but you can still cope with it.
12:12Okay, that picked up automatically without me saying yes.
12:17Okay, that surf which is like best in the game, but we can take him out. I'm confident.
12:26I want to try and find the other bots first.
12:30There's always bots at this lake.
12:33Without a doubt. Oh, that one might have looked slightly real.
12:38Oh, it's crazy. You can see the bullets like leaving the gun.
12:44Yeah, it does it just like spreads in that like wreck.
12:48That like cone.
12:50Oh, this guy's actually real. Just walk around whites.
12:55Yeah, like 50 bang it.
12:57This gun's good. I'm not even hitting headshots.
12:59Be cool. If there's like a little number next to it to show me how many shots I hit. I think it
13:04I think that was like three bullets because I think the full hit is 66.
13:08See if I can find a bot close range. I can just like hit.
13:14It's our boy.
13:16Oh, he's dead.
13:18Oh, he's dead.
13:20Oh, he's dead.
13:22It's our boy.
13:26Bro, I can't believe it. Oh, he's nearly dead again.
13:31He's like walk around at two health. Okay, i'm gonna let him heal because I feel bad.
13:38Oh, not a bot. Let's go. In the bush. All right, that one's for you.
13:47Oh, that one should have killed him. All right, heal up.
13:52He's dead.
14:09Oh, I had to do it. Get your legendary key card. Get it now.
14:12Get a sick gun or one of two guns really. Anyway, use code Locky. I'll catch you guys next time. Peace.