• 2 days ago
Worldโ€™s 1st look at @Clix Fortnite Locker!
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Video uploaded & owned by Ali-A. (PG, Family Friendly + No Swearing!)
00:00I've just uncovered that clicks owns the rarest skin in fortnight
00:04Oh, this is OG owned by less than 50 people in the world. There's just no way I would not have this skin, bro
00:11It's today I get exclusive access to is never seen before fortnight locker
00:15And at the end of the video we'll be finding out just how much it's worth
00:20Clicks, I want you to show me how many skins you have
00:25Wait, is this a lot or no you own about half the skins?
00:29Do you actively try always as you can? Well, you know how it is with epic partners and stuff
00:34So I realistically we get every skin. Yeah, like they just put it in our locker. So I don't really buy skins
00:47I can see the rogue agent on the right hand side as well. That is actually a very old skin as well
00:53I think one of the very first starter pack skins
00:55So I wasn't sure how old your account was if when did you start playing fortnight Cody? Well, you know my name big ali-a
01:01Oh my god
01:04So I started playing
01:06Season two like right when it hit season two that was like my first battle pass
01:10I bought first every single thing and after that
01:13That's what everything kind of took over went pro and World Cup and all that good stuff. So you're season one
01:18I'm not I'm not that OG
01:19I wasn't sure how OG you'd be though in season two still really good if you go off to the right there to the gaming
01:25legends psycho bandit skin skin hasn't been seen for over a
01:29Thousand days and it's actually really rare. I think mon growl made the skin for a little while didn't me
01:34Yes, I do remember that. I think he won one of the FNCS as well playing this
01:38It's a very rare skin. You've got the original paradigms. Oh, this is OG
01:43So it was a little backstory to the paradigm
01:45Accidentally brought her back to the item shop if you go to the edit button if you had the original one
01:50You do so look on the far right on the bottom option. You have the reality warrior version
01:57That's actually a rare style. So I'm really I'm gonna show you some OG things. You may not know you have
02:02All right, so this is one of my literally this is the most this is like I'm in a school class right now getting
02:07Informed of my own locker like this is I've never even knew that this is how it's yeah
02:12Let's keep on going back to your chapter one skins and see if there's anything rare we find there
02:16Do you know actually did you buy the chapter one?
02:20Season four battle pass because that's probably one of my favorite battle passes
02:23It also has skins that needs to be ranked up and played quite a lot. I feel like I had there's no way
02:29I'm not if you all you go. You got one right there iconic. You see that? Yeah, dude. Oh, I remember this one
02:35Did you go out and buy a Samsung? Yeah. Yeah. It's like a thousand dollar phone
02:39Were you out there getting these exclusive skins? No, dude, so I was actually teamed up with a skeptic
02:44So he got me this because he was like a big creator
02:46He was my duo for World's Cup and he was averaging like thousand viewers when I was a nobody and he gave me a code
02:52For this skin. That's a really cool story. It's an expensive skin as well. I love that. Shout out skeptic. That's sick
02:58Really? I did not know that Wow, very expensive skin can't get it anymore
03:02If you search chapter one season four, let's dive in and see how much of a grinder you actually were
03:07So that's good. Oh
03:09Yeah, oh dude, okay, that's not looking good, but you never know if we're going to the edit style
03:12It could be more there click edit. Oh, no. No you do you got lights? So were you crying everything?
03:17Come on, dude, you were playing the game doing the challenges. Uh-huh. I was put in all that time Alec. Come on
03:22I love it. Okay, you know what the accounts more og and I've already found things that I wasn't sure what I find
03:28Your locker is very unknown. So we're discovering it for the first time here. So this is my favorites by far
03:34These are the ones that I made a competitive
03:37I don't know if you know me back then but spark plug was like my skin up until
03:42Literally up until I got my own icon like this was used on almost every single tournament back in the box five days
03:47We've got some sweaty skins favorite
03:53The classic gray superhero skin man, you can never go non sweaty with this. Let me tell you
03:57This is like the FTS skin loading into grand finals. I'm not this baby. I'm scared
04:03At me talking of spark plug for a second though, you've actually had two locker bundles before getting your icon skin, is that right?
04:10Yeah, I had a locker bundle where it was this skin
04:12Yeah, and then I also had another one that was like one of the og like helmet guys with a pickaxe
04:18So so how do you end up getting two lockers?
04:20And why did you use spark plug for one of them and used to call outfit for the other one?
04:25Everybody called spark plug the click skin. So having my first bundle be the actual click skin
04:29So I made that the reason why first bundle second one the call in the pickaxe, which is you're an og
04:36So you understand so I dead-ass went through every single skin that I was able to do and pick the most og
04:41I could possibly
04:47The idea I was like, you know, I'm bringing back the most og so
04:50You have the rarest stuff I can possibly give you. Okay, I respect. Yeah, I respect literally do it. Literally. Come on
04:56This one's the real sweat though. Oh, this is this is the baby that I wear like all the time do
05:02Make the skin sweaty. Like how is that decided by pro players? Okay, okay
05:06It's just like just the look of it, you know, I'm saying like, okay, it's skinny
05:11Let's just say that very it's very thin, you know, the hitbox is a lot less when it comes to competitive
05:15They can't really see you too. Well, but like just just a look of this like you see this running at you doing trip
05:19What it's like you're scared. Yeah
05:22You know, I'm seeing right the top though
05:23We've got to talk about your two new icon skins
05:26Why don't you give us a bit of a backstory as to how these skins came about what your design?
05:31Process was for making these and show them off. Is it a time of recording? They're not even available yet
05:36So I'd love to take a look at them
05:37So we actually which was the first person to ever be able to do this
05:40I'm part of the icon series was take a skin that I used made all the time and actually clicks if I it
05:47Way, so we had this is called sparks. If you look closely you can see on the lapel
05:52Every single yep, and then go to the back and we got a nice little
05:59So all the pros if you load up in competitive you see Peter by you see you see myself you see all the auto top
06:04Pros, we're wearing this skin because this is the sweaty one
06:07I'm like
06:08Competitive but the girl skins are the most sweatiest and you know what if you don't want to see the face
06:12Put a little mask on
06:16The ultimate sweat the ultimate sweat, yeah, this is the
06:19Ultimate swag my own version of you as well, right? Yeah, so I have myself right here
06:25Streaming look like you you got PJ bottoms on like you just dive in
06:29You know my main goal when I'm getting an icon skins was to make like these icons skins like duality of myself
06:35So the second I'm off stream, I'm going to the business mode. I'm going to cause I'm going to meetings, etc
06:40So that's why we made this one. So this is like this one, you know, I'm gonna sue
06:47Serious. Yeah. Yeah
06:49So we wanted to be able to make it where we can have gamer glasses on because I don't know if you you watch my
06:53Streams of videos. I always have gamer goggles
06:56And also don't want to see the face. That's all good. You see this guy from that
07:00You see this guy running at you
07:02That maybe just don't want to see our faces. I've got a mask on one of my variants
07:06I'm not looking better. You don't want to see me. They don't need to see me. You know what I mean?
07:09So I exactly exactly this is like the main one where you load in you see it, but my favorite actually
07:15Wanna know in the the gamer one by far. Yeah, I far this right here is my favorite
07:20I like this just looks like meat like it's what I wear every single day
07:24This is what I read every single day your in this with the mask on. Oh, yeah. I've not seen that combo. Actually, that's it
07:31Yeah, and I don't know
07:32Thank you, dude. Thank you so much
07:34But we need to find some more hidden gems because we're old to work out a locker value
07:39We're trying to see how much we count your count as well. Let's do a little search for
07:44World Cup
07:48During the original fortnight World Cup. There was a world warrior FNCS like World Cup skin
07:54I thought you'd have it
07:56Right. Yeah, how do I not have it dude? I thought he qualified the most out of everyone
08:01Oh, it's not even coming back again. So there's no way we can get unfortunately. It's fine
08:05What about Travis Scott everyone wants him to return?
08:08Do you have?
08:11Of course
08:13It's the skin I don't have so I'm interested know if you do I feel like you won't but if you type in are
08:17You eat just rude. Do you have it? I'll be so upset
08:25My god, so this is valuable. It's rare. So it was in the item shop for two days during the summer of
08:332020 I think it was a 2022 and they've never brought it back since that is instantly making a value
08:40Skyrocket, and I'm super jealous. I got a favorite this and we're on stream and he says anything. Definitely people will clock it
08:46I'm sure they will do you know of any skins where you bought a console or a phone or anything to get skins or should
08:52We do a little bit of searching. I think I have
08:55Okay, I think I this one or no. Okay this
08:58I'm seeing no
09:01Exclusive galaxy skins, which is unfortunate, but it's fine. It's fine. What about glow? Let's try glow. Okay
09:10I'm not seeing it. But you know what? It's fine. Oh, this is OG
09:15This when I was a kid
09:16There's a few things in here that are interesting actually if you go to the bottom right to the ice king skin
09:21So and they get to edit. Yeah, you got the gold style. Nice. That's those the four stars you could unlock
09:25There's also a really rare style if we go back to the mystique skin that's on your screen just to the middle, right?
09:32I think it's called tactical mystique. Yes. I think 70 challenges. Oh, you don't
09:38You do it no way
09:40Okay, you know what? This is good. This is good. Rainbow means you grind
09:44This is gonna be the ultimate test because the highest skin you could get for the battle pass in chapter 2 season 4
09:50There's such Iron Man. Okay, let's see. You've got the rainbow version. Oh
09:55You were grinding. I mean it makes sense, right man
09:58I was playing so much dude, like if I didn't have this it would be a disappointment. That's not a lot
10:03That's impressive now two seasons prior to that you could get all gold skin
10:08So if we search for Midas the original Midas this one, I'm sure you have gold. Of course, dude
10:13Yeah, this one this one this one almost everyone has it's not too hard as we progress through the skins
10:19Each skin could go gold just like you could get the rainbow variant the final and the highest one you could get and genuinely
10:26I'm not even sure if you'd have it Nick a 30 didn't have it
10:29If you search Peely then go to edit, this is the real test
10:38Wait, so so what does that mean?
10:39Do you do I need to play with the skin on in like level up with it?
10:43So you just have to hit a rank I believe of around
10:47350 350 levels in a single season
10:50So yeah, if you were just doing scrims and maybe not doing challenges or not playing pub games and go to wins
10:55You just wouldn't get enough XP. So
10:59It is extremely rare. There's a little bit of backstory to what I'm about to get you to search for
11:04Basically back in the day. We're talking like five years ago epic sent out cosmetics
11:09Early to some creators that then never went to the item shop because they looked exactly
11:14The same as other skins the royalty in the game. So if you type in a spiral into your search bar
11:21So this skin right here part of a gridiron gang one is the exact same skin
11:27As another skin that's already in the game. So if you really if you type in whistle
11:33Look, it's the same thing basically the exact same
11:36So what epic did is anyone that had been gifted the original skin like this one got to keep it
11:42Which is only like maybe 40 50 creators around the world. Wow, never were given out ever again. I don't have them on my account
11:48They didn't give them to me to you. Wow
11:51Like you're one of like 40 people in the world to own this if there's one other one if you type in
11:57Sideline, so look I got this one, too
12:00We've actually discovered that one of the rarest
12:03Cosmetics anyone can ever own because you have to be a creator. So that's actually crazy. You can know you had these
12:09I actually did not know that I had those like
12:12This is pretty crazy. He's alone these two skins, even though they don't look that impressive
12:17We'll single-handedly increase the price of your locker by a lot
12:25To e-mails to skins to e-mails
12:31Go oh
12:33Test something. All right, let's test this first
12:34Don't see so if you go to your emotes and then search within your emotes and then type in a li
12:42Emo, that's good. That's good. What?
12:46Cody and I hate to bring it up. Let's go back to your skins
12:49I saw you were recording with Lachlan and he found out you didn't have the locking skins
12:54Let's type icon in and we'll go through. Okay
12:57Okay, so we're seeing your skin and BL skins the free skins and messy juice well, let's do a little scroll down shall we okay?
13:04Nick Joey, okay. Sorry. Nice. Okay, okay
13:09Musicians Lewis Hamilton's on there f1 driver chica's on there boogers on there ciphers on there
13:25Okay, so when yours came out it was what five years ago four years ago
13:35Maybe I'd have enough money to do it
13:39Yeah, I don't know tell you big alley to be fair. They usually put it in your locker
13:43So I must have thought that they would have put kill so they put the ninja skin in my locker
13:46They put the cipher in my locker chica in my locker and all these skins in my locker. So that is why let's go
13:52To your gliders. Oh, you've got it instantly. If you stay searching on icon you entered the mr. Beast tournament
13:58So you've got the mr. Beast umbrella. Do you remember playing in that only a hundred thousand players the top 100,000 players did this?
14:05And I think it was like a minigame tournament. You remember playing it
14:08Really? I do. I do remember that for the million dollars. No. Yeah, that's it. Do you know?
14:14No, I think I was trolling and having fun dude, I can't lie
14:18The umbrella is good though. I don't have that. So that's an awesome thing to have
14:21You got the Travis Scott glider there as well, which is free to unlock at the time
14:24So also very rare if we go over to back blings and then search birthday. Oh, I think I do have this
14:30Okay, you've got the fifth birthday
14:32But I think you're missing like all the other birthdays first second third fourth because there were different genetics for every years
14:38I usually forget about birthdays. Not a really good memory over here
14:42Good excuse. Okay clicks. Have you watched the Netflix show arcane with like League of Legends characters in it?
14:47I have not I've never even played League of Legends. I have no clue about any of that
14:51Okay, none of that search jinx a j-i-n-x. Let's see if anything comes up. Okay, so the first there were two skin
14:58So we send search vice
15:01This is when not proactively buying from the item shop, let's you down a little bit
15:07I know I started doing it. It's fine. So yeah, I'm gonna start gifting you some things. You're not missing out
15:13Okay, you have to you have to Cody if you search for snake eyes, believe it or not this skin
15:17I think I may have seen it in your favorite. It's yay. I saw it in your favorite is earlier. This is over
15:231,300 days old
15:25Why is that it's crazy. Why is it? I don't know. No, I don't think I've ever used this in my life
15:30I'm not even joking. Okay, I've just gotten deleted
15:37You just yeah, you just made him go gone I can't he's rather he's ray he should be respected Lara Croft recently returned if we
15:44Search for Lara. Let's see. First. We'll be a
15:48Now I've got some sad news we're sad for me at least there's four styles of Lara before we click on it
15:53I didn't get the fourth one and it's a very sad story. Let's see if you did and we'll talk about I got it
16:00Let's see. Let's see. No
16:03I don't heavy in the final few weeks of the chapter that she was added in there was a little island
16:08do you remember a little island with like a
16:11Golden skeleton skin with a golden scar in front of them
16:14I think I do remember that if I recall you had to be the first player in the game to pick up the golden scar
16:19In front of that character and only that player the first person to pick it up would get the golden Lara style unlocked
16:26So I feel a little bit better that both of us don't have it. Hey, at least yeah
16:31That is sad dude
16:34Unfortunate now Cody. I like my cars and you like your cars too from what I've seen
16:40And there was actually been some
16:43Ferrari skins believe it or not. I actually forgot about it. So if we search Ferrari in your skins, yes
16:49Let's go. She is also not been seen for over
16:531,300 days, that's
16:56This skins fire
16:59I'm a favorite this one. I like this one a lot
17:03It's got a Ferrari in his garage right now. No, he owns a turbo s and a 911 turbo s Porsche
17:10No, no, no Friars Street Fighter. I think I've seen a few of them if we type in Street Fighter
17:15Let's see. Do you have channel you're gonna have Chun-Li surely. I mean, I
17:19Definitely do come on, you can't like dude, there's just no way I would not have
17:24Chun-Li is actually quite rare now almost a thousand days since she's last been seen and I'm sure that they're gonna want her to
17:31Return soon now. Yeah. Yeah quite a lot of your lockup. We know how many skins you have
17:37You've got quite a lot of rare things. I didn't expect but there are a few gaps in your locker with that in mind
17:42Are you ready?
17:43Ready, I'm ready. Okay, we've done the numbers mass have been run and we think
17:48Holy flicks at your account is evaluation of
17:57Let's go. I was it was higher than I expected
18:00I'll be honest guys clicks as icons can hits the item shop tonight
18:03Scan this QR code here to go straight to the fortnight and shop or click here
18:07See all the other fortnight crater lockers I've reviewed and how much each of them was worth