• yesterday
Saint-Pierre 2025 S01 E02


00:00Newfoundland and Labrador premier Robert O'Brien was arrested today. I didn't make a move on him
00:04He's living with my wife and my kids inspector. It's Patrick Fitz, please arch welcome
00:10What is with your obsession with Gallagher? Are you going to be a good little soldier?
00:31Keep it up
00:38This is the car strategy
00:41No tire tracks, he definitely wasn't speeding
00:44Emmanuel is there a wallet cell phone? Nothing's on him or around him or was he robbed? Maybe it's possible
00:52Siri, is that a DUI? Look at you fits. I detect zero scent of alcohol
00:58Well, no better once I unzip him once the manual clears it check the car thoroughly for anything that can help identify the driver
01:05Patty take a couple of officers pan out such a perimeter. Got it
01:10What you see check out the redhead here she's seen him way too into this that's any curious yes
01:20Why is she running
01:46Can hear the alleyway cut her off. I'm younger and way faster
03:01Bear hi
03:04Looks like we we got a little standoff, you know
03:10No, we're left to go
03:13so let's just take it nice and easy and I'm not
03:17Not gonna pull my weapon or anything. That's just no. No, no, no
03:31Hey shit stop
04:11You can't do boats. You can't do heights
04:14How are you even a cop? Well, I managed to grab this. I was like Ben. I'm okay
04:20Goes great with your eyes
04:24But do you think she was involved in the death of our John Doe well, I don't know why she would have run and she wasn't
04:35Why are you smiling like an idiot well
04:37Because you you legit saved my life back there. I was toast. Yeah, you were but calm yourself
04:43I would have even pulled up in you and your brains all over the stones would have been a real damper on Bastille Day. I
04:53Have to be honest that was my first rooftop chase I didn't see you up there with me what you did just fine
05:00Before we move the Vic's body. I got his fingerprints
05:02okay, run them through snag and a key the French national DNA database and European criminal records and
05:09Fits like this from a runner. See if you can lift anything once we've processed it
05:13Oh, and should we shut down the ferry and round claims to keep your honor on the island?
05:17There's no way the prefer is going to let that happen. The fair is on load and go today
05:22But that's you know is our biggest tourist a of the year
05:25You know, we could put someone at the airport at the ferry terminal see if anyone trying to get off the island matches our
05:31You know person's description
05:34I'll ever drop you a photo. Yeah, make sense right away
05:40What are these
05:42green exterior
05:44speckled blue core
05:46I'm gonna say it's a roofie. I dealt with him a lot when I was in narcotics used to sedate someone
05:51Let's say she's involved in Chantos death. Why was she there watching us make sure he was dead
05:57When the murderer returns to the scene of the crime
06:00Happens if it's even a murder, we don't have enough to read a suspicious death yet. Look at this
06:05It's an itinerary from yesterday
06:08817 coffee on porch nine left home
06:12936 54 really grab hotel a Cleopatra and then 2005 home personal addresses
06:19Sounds more like a local than a tourist. I mean addresses are pretty specific the way she handled those rooftops
06:24I mean, she really knew what she was doing
06:27Military didn't even the Marcus
06:30Problem on trend of don't meet on kick your butt, right?
06:33When has he not replied to a message about a possible homicide?
06:37Did you speak to the auto body guy about Jumbo's car Toma?
06:41He says late last night our dead man offered him a thousand euros to use it. So it's up for I it's a lemon
06:48So he's not too broken up about its fate. Did he get a name? No, but then Toma was a bit
06:53You know soon so apart from his only one set of prints in the car. I'm guessing it was the victims. Oh and
07:02this oh
07:07I know what this opens
07:09the chamber
07:11223 he larry vr. He'll appear a bit more don't get on plastic
07:16Did you get his name John?
07:19Can't control did he meet up with anyone Jimmy on contact with Toma?
07:24Let me can you see a false wire? Did you see which way he went if there was anyone with him?
07:29What am I security? Okay, Marguerite one more thing
07:33Did she get a room here?
07:37No naked walk about tonight a car I have a date
07:41What is she talking about no idea I was gonna ask you the same thing
07:56Can you please explain to me why I have like service one second and the next minute it is gone it's driving me crazy
08:06What that's public Wi-Fi here, oh there's public Wi-Fi great that's just thanks
08:14Okay, well don't worry I didn't read it but well that's a long message
08:41Find anything no not I'm here
08:54Hey look at this something's been moved from here
09:04That dresser look a little out of place to you
09:26Whoa, uh-huh. This is creepy as hell got yourself a little reduction kit
09:38Has five passports a spy a killer or a hitman would need different identities
09:45John Steed now that is
09:48lame alias
09:50John Steed the guy with the bowler cap the umbrella used as a weapon in 1960s TV show The Avengers ring a bell. No, no
10:04Look what we got here
10:10Where was this gun I'm guessing knows how to use it
10:22What's up doc hey arch, how's my new favorite little man loving the raw foods, but the gas
10:29Speaking of don't forget to send me the stool sample. Why are you collecting someone's Abigail's events?
10:36She's helping with a dog. I picked up off the streets
10:39This is my new
10:41It's fits and he's working with us. You got a patient at the motel. No, no
10:47Your people have blocked the road into my house. So I just needed a couple hours a shut-eye
10:52You live out near the crash site. Oh, not that near but there's only one road into my place
10:59Did you notice anything any suspicious activity or any strangers there last evening?
11:04Well, I wasn't I was I was at the Moran farm birthing a breached calf. Oh
11:09What time did the cow go into labor?
11:14Midnight, there's definitely no crash car then. Is this something more than just a tourist on a bender?
11:20Why did you ask that? No, it's just a lot of police presence for an accident. I can see there are more here
11:27I just want to know is there something concerning? No, no, no, nothing like that. I'll call you when it's all clear. Okay
11:34Nice to meet you
11:45What's up doc, hey don't mess with bugs he was my first English teacher
11:50Your friend Abigail her accent was old
11:54How long ago did she come to the island? I'm not sure before I arrived
11:59Marcus to fill you in
12:01If he'd answer his phone
12:03She seemed a little
12:05Jumpy to you a man just died a half a kilometer from her home. Maybe or maybe we interrupted her and
12:13Like a secret rendezvous
12:17Abigail no, no what motel middle of the morning
12:23You've been watching the telenovela as we get here
12:31Forensics are certainly being kept on their toes on a day off
12:34They are swabbing the motel room think we can trace the gun not a for John does a pro
12:38No, regardless if he's a hitman or international man of mystery or whatever
12:43We still need to get to the bottom of how he died you get anything on the prints no hits in either of the EU databases
12:51What about our mystery woman?
12:52Nothing on the bag. She's almost viable suspect Patty
12:56You're on her check CCTV and any of our downtown businesses with security cameras already on it
13:02I'll take the passports running through Canadian customs. See if I can track his movements mystery woman started her journal just after 8 a.m
13:10So she could have been on the first flight of ferry John Doe arrived at the motel in the afternoon
13:16If we find out where either of these two come from, we may be a step closer to why they're here
13:21And if pull the manifests from yesterday, but I did you are and you won't quit
13:30I'm curious. How many times have you faced a case like this?
13:35My time with Lorraine in Paris may have slightly prepared me to handle this situation
13:40But I mean if you feel better equipped with potentially two assassins in the only place you've ever policed
13:48then please
13:50Be my guest
13:52Contacted is it or is it what you are?
13:57You're John Doe didn't suffer a myocardial infarction or a seizure none of the usual suspects that lead to a slow-mo car accident
14:04Is that his stomach contents? No traces of her hip? No
14:08But fish this out of the bowl an SD card from his gut. He swallowed that thing
14:15Stomach acids and enzymes and started to do their work, but not enough to destroy him
14:20So the time between him swallowing it and your recovery can be more than what a couple of hours our friend here is pretty fresh
14:28Rigor mortis had just sent in his facial muscles. How long does the toxology report usually take?
14:33I assume you got to send the samples to France. We could send them to st. John's. We could probably get it. No, thank you
14:39I'll let you know if we ever need help from the new fees
14:42They don't like to be called that
14:47Take a look at this
14:49He was injected with something
14:51You calling it homicide
14:53too soon to sign off
14:55Let's see what the blood and urine samples say there's a toxicologist at the hospital who's a sweet on Emmanuel
15:01They'll be able to figure out what intoxicants. He was dosed with can they check for fentanyl morphine?
15:08Barbiturates. Mm-hmm. Okay. Thank you, Emmanuel
15:12Meet me at the station. I won't be long. I
15:18Didn't know about the new fee thing. We're good. Just don't say it again
15:36Are no good at being a tail, oh if I were tailing you trust me you never would have saw me
15:41I'm just trying to catch up with you
15:44Where we power walk into I told you I would meet you at the station
15:47What is with all of the men not listening to me today? Yeah. No. No, let's be crystal clear
15:52I am in no way questioning your leadership. I I think you're more than qualified to run your own shop and you were right
16:00100% the second I get my personal life sorted. I'll be on the first ferry out of here
16:06So I actually
16:09Saw some of that text from your wife at the motel
16:12It's intense
16:14Yeah, it's not great
16:17And it's pretty much all my own fault so
16:26Can I guess where you're going
16:28Just please don't do that thing. You think you're so good at doing
16:32I'm very good at it. You're holding a key. You're going to your car
16:35Which means it's a drive not a walk and you're super pissed off. So I'm gonna say
16:43How'd you know?
16:45Well, who else would have a hitman's target on his back in this town?
16:49Do all roads lead to Gallagher with you only the winding and crooked ones it seems
16:56Can I come
17:00That wasn't a no
17:28Didn't the latest contestant from Newfoundland's got talent
17:32Egypt car petition. Well, that's to be an Egypt then a delivery on a national holiday
17:38Didn't know you could do that. I expect you'd be looking for me invoice. Make sure it be the duties
17:44no, we have a
17:46Great booze running tradition on San Pierre, but I can assure you that this purchase is
17:52It's legit. No one stocks seven-year aged mescal on the island
17:57This one comes from a small batch in a wee farm in Santiago. That's Atlan. It's good strong punchy stuff
18:05Thank you. Can you take it inside? No, if anyone would want to off you. Oh boy
18:11You're a charmer, aren't you?
18:14Is that a threat don't flatter yourself you recognize this fellow
18:18Oh Jesus, you guys get off and show me pictures of dead people or what?
18:22It's bet you're gonna be telling me I offed him as well. I just seems you're involved in
18:27So much of the islands intrigues. No, I'd never seen that fellow before in my life
18:32Where were you between two and six this morning? I was in bed a
18:36Lady can vouch for me. You want a number constable deputy chief action deputy chief. That's right. I forgot
18:43Look, I'm giving my lads a day off if you need any backup, but you're more than happy to call it back in
18:51Do you want to attend to that
18:54Enjoy your mescal. Mr. Gattaca
18:57Must be nice just to order whatever you want when you want
19:03Yeah, it does
19:11Hey, thanks
19:13Appreciate it
19:17Hey, I don't like surprise guests
19:22Well, if you hadn't run this shit, I'd be out there taking care of our business. Shut your mouth. I
19:27Want you
19:29to find out if the stiff they spoke of
19:33Was coming for me. They're gonna dig about this. You don't know my team. Yeah, that's exactly the way I want to keep it
19:39Okay, that's arrangement started off as just a few favors, but now you are here asking for the world Sean
19:45Don't how long do you think I can keep this up?
19:47Don't you act as if you didn't know who you were selling your soul to?
19:52No piss off aim
19:55And find out what it is. I want finding out
19:59Unless you're gunning for ding-ding round two
20:04Didn't think so
20:06Take him back to town
20:09You can help yourself to a bottle if you like it's good stuff for your troubles, right?
20:30You're up you're right he's technically higher than arches, okay, I'm gonna stop you right there
20:36All right, any cop with their salt knows that rank goes out the window the second the transfer is involved and listen Marcus is not
20:42Here arches your boss, but get over it. Come on. Come on
20:49What do you got on the Vic a customer service agent
20:52I did him and he arrived on the first ferry from fortune our mystery woman arrived yesterday morning from LaGuardia
20:58Name is Zoe Darien no hits in any of the databases
21:02We have access to arch that was after our little foot chase only one store carries those hats patty think you can
21:09Resuscitate this I cleaned it
21:14Where did you get it?
21:16You really don't want to know
21:25What's up
21:37Kill him it's not as bad as it looks I
21:41Just can't pass up a good poker game. You know that this one had different rules obviously and things got heated
21:47You know how that goes on to inspector. You could have at least called my mobile died
21:51So may I quote fits I trust that today was less eventful than your first in st. Pierre. I'd had been
21:58Till this morning sounds like a story perhaps you can catch me up at the station need to get cleaned up first
22:04So let's go to my place
22:06Don't have time to go home. All right Fitz join us
22:10Both can catch me up on the investigation
22:14All right, so the dead guy in this what did you call it?
22:18Parkour real spider woman arrived on the island within hours of each other they both had criminal paraphernalia
22:23Jundles on the slab we think murdered the ladies in the wind
22:27Put it back. Sorry
22:30All the points of entry and exit are being covered. She's not gonna get far
22:33He had five passports and the nightmare. Is anyone hungry? No, no eating. I can just please
22:42Why no eating I mean, I'm hungry. Well, you should have thought about that before you got into the quarrel last night
22:49Hey, VT. What's going on?
22:54Marcus Wow
22:57I'd hate to see the other guy
23:02You must be the inspector Fitz. I've heard a lot about you
23:06Have you now? Yeah, Kadeem
23:10Kadeem nice to meet you
23:12Okay, if it's and I have a lead to follow up on and Patsy and remove can finish the update at the station after a shower
23:18Boss, you reek and you I'll ask you later
23:27Kadeem seems cool. How long have you guys been together? I'm guessing maybe three
23:31Four months, you know what don't even answer because I know I'm right
23:36Presentable enough for you. I
23:38Think I think you look great. Thank you
23:40By the way, I called my partner back home Rochelle got her to look over the Vicks fingerprints
23:45I sent her a pic of Zoe her at Moho
23:47I just want to see if maybe my red tape is a little less red tapey than you're dealing with here
23:52The owner of the shop remembers our mystery woman
23:55She got a cut like this after her great escape and picked up the ferry schedule
24:00Talks report is in according to this our John Doe died of a pentobarbital overdose
24:05Renewals at the hospital as we speak to see if any vials are missing and he's heading to question the addresses in Zoe's journal
24:11I cleaned up the SD card, but its contents are heavily encrypted. I
24:16Know someone who can help
24:18Whoa, you got further than me in like seconds
24:22Well back in Bahrain. I used to do this more on a regular basis. Ah
24:27Are you closed dying to find an actual decent cup of coffee in this island? Uh
24:32We're just in that it's working
24:35While you were hacking oppressive governments. I was slinging lattes to get through South
24:44Sorry to interrupt look like important work you were doing. No, it's fine. We're just planning a surprise party for a boss
24:51Okay, let me guess Espresso Espresso
24:57So you're a
24:59Cop moonlighting as a barista then just earning my free caffeine
25:04Thank God
25:06Keep the change. Oh and bonjour nae
25:14My partner came through
25:17Vic's name Louis Palmeiro
25:20He's the son of a big-time mob boss in Montreal. I know about these people. Trust me. They are not to be messed with
25:27What if they're doing here? I'd like to tell you but I can't open the attachment
25:32I can't connect to the Wi-Fi or I'll interrupt Veda's decryption software. I can't go back to the station
25:54You won't believe what's on this card how long does it take to make a tea
26:01Come see this shit
26:21First we have a murdered hitman a foot chase around town with another possible assassin
26:26And now one of my officers and a civilian have been assaulted look beta
26:29I'm not gonna force you to go to the hospital like I did with Patti
26:34But are you sure you don't want to see a doctor no, this is not my first chloroform rodeo
26:38Okay, don't look so surprised. Listen. I need to be here. Okay, I want to help catch the dickhead that did this to Patty
26:45Trust me. It's our top priority
26:47So the SD card is gone and your entire security footage. It's all wiped clean
26:53Did you manage to get a look at the cards contents my encryption software?
26:58Auto backs up to the cloud. Let's see what it uploaded before the SD card was pulled
27:05Look at these when they look like they belong in a plastic surgeon's office. It's not exactly beast to beauty
27:11I don't get it. I'll go under the knife
27:13If it's not to look better someone trying to hide or someone who testified against the biggest underworld boss in the country
27:21That's Papa Palmeiro, the guy was famous notorious he couldn't be prosecuted until an anonymous informant stepped forward and testified
27:29The old man is currently serving a life sentence
27:31So now one of these guys is a snitch hiding out in st
27:33Pierre and Louis Palmeiro came here to carry out a vendetta. Is there a plastic surgeon on the island?
27:38I wish I'd get some work done myself
27:42No, not that I know of and who would take these photos it's kind of a dangerous move
27:47Okay, my pretty
27:50Okay, my pretty you need to rest hmm, I'll get someone to escort you
27:57I don't know wait
28:00That was enough neither the hospital nor the satellite clinic in me clone have any missing panto barb at all
28:05But now I'm thinking that Zoe Darien brought it in with her. Why would she risk on through customs?
28:11So who else would have been told?
28:14A vet
28:16Funny you should mention that
28:18The last entry is always journal. It's from the mine farm
28:30But don't act like you knew she was tied up in work you thought she was having a fling I was reading something
28:39After years of undercover work, you know with the unpredictable perps you start to pick up on things, you know subtleties I
28:47Was definitely sensing a vibe Oh a vibe you've got to give me this one
28:54What's Abigail's connection to all this it takes what a decade to qualify to become a doctor a
29:01couple more years for plastics
29:05It's not inconceivable that a surgeon who works on humans could shift to become a surgeon who works on animals
29:12plastic surgeon turn vet
29:14Yeah, I've heard of stranger things she's a gentle soul I can't believe she'd be in bed with a mob
29:21so he was talking her I
29:24Feel like she's in danger fits
30:05Know sign of Abigail she's been here
30:35Don't move
30:47State your full name for the tape. Dr. Abigail Richards. No
30:52Who are you? Really? You know me arch and I'm just doc
30:58The penta Barbies. Oh, you attacked me with the same thing that killed Louie Palmeiro again. I'm sorry
31:04I honestly couldn't hear who you were from inside. I
31:12Swear I I don't know this man. We know about the SD card
31:16Do you have it not anymore?
31:18But we assume whoever killed Palmeiro is after you in the card unless maybe you took matters into your own hands
31:25How's it self-defense?
31:28Your internet presence is non-existent very impressive. I
31:33Did a reverse image search and
31:38Even though this was taken it's from World Vet Day
31:42Tracking Instagram hashtags doesn't seem to me
31:45But you know what mobsters do syndicates employ hackers for online business like facial recognition software
31:52Within minutes of this photo being taken they get a hit. That's how Louie tracked you
31:58Stupid internet
32:00I've been so careful
32:02Okay, so
32:04Why don't we start over?
32:06My given name is Genevieve
32:12Mine is Lillian
32:17Lil I
32:22Had a
32:24plastic surgery practice in Vermont
32:27It was struggling and
32:29The US Marshals headhunted me. So you worked for the witness protection program the faces I altered were mostly victim witnesses
32:38But if you were, you know more connected
32:42The mob I didn't ask for details
32:45Someone found out about you my handler called
32:48She was on her way to relocate me
32:51But I panicked I
32:53Didn't wait I just ran I never imagined I'd have to assume a new identity or hide out like a common criminal
32:59I left everything behind
33:03These are on the SD card
33:10Who did you tell about the photos?
33:13There was one patient
33:16When he came for his follow-up, he was so happy about how different he looked, you know, I liked him
33:22It was nice only if you were uploaded to the cloud before the SD card was stolen Baldwin
33:28He one of these no
33:33He's probably the fellow who told someone not as nice as I thought
33:37he was a
33:40Palmaros bag man, and they found out he'd been skimming
33:45And he turned on them before they could on him
33:48These people are serious
33:51We'll arrange for your safety hang tight, okay
33:58Thank you
34:00You think you know someone so?
34:02Louie Palmeiro comes here to find the after photo of the snitch that put his father away and then what Zoe kills Palmeiro
34:11Abigail recognize her we're about to find out
34:22Really didn't work because it's clearly very unfixed
35:03Know I know
35:20There's no exits and I can take you up before you so much as her to hair on her head what no no
35:27I I don't want to hurt her
35:33No, she she's Zoe with my handler in witness protection
35:38You're a US Marshal after she left I still felt responsible for her safety. I
35:45Found out Palmeiro was coming to st. Pierre and I knew little was in danger and you didn't come to us for help because
35:51Wasn't sure I could trust you
35:54Well, I know you're not my problem anymore, but I had to do something these people are no joke
35:59So when we would talk about why you killed a week a miracle I?
36:06Didn't kill anyone
36:10Just came from over there you take care of Abigail I got her
36:26You thought I was looking for a coffee
36:30Sorry for the trouble little but I have no choice
36:33You're the one who killed Palmeiro old associate tipped me off that Louie was coming here and that he knew about your little photo cache
36:40Hey, Lil, you should really be more careful where you stash your deadly drugs
36:46I'd already gone through your place guess Louie was better at hide-and-seek
36:56The idiot didn't realize he was helping me by swallowing it I wanted that car destroyed
37:03By the Pinto
37:05How's the job cleanly?
37:08Normally, he was dead when I left him or so. I thought
37:11getting rusty
37:14Him having the strength to take off in a car was
37:18unexpected Lil
37:20The Palmeiros will never rest till they get the revenge on me for ratting out their leader
37:25now for killing Louie I
37:27Can't have you falling into their hands. You know my new face better than anyone
37:32It's your fault
37:34It's your fault for blabbing about the photos. I took I take no pleasure in this little
37:56It's always gonna make it
37:59Yeah, she probably won't be doing any parkouring anytime soon, but she'll be fine and Abigail staying
38:06Despite the fact that she could be in danger. She's refusing to leave some care
38:11Well, I mean the place does have a certain draw to it
38:34For you
38:36Raspberry and blueberry with vanilla cream. Wow. Did you bake these? No. No, I got them from a store
38:45Who's time to make macaron?
38:51How about some glasses for everyone
39:05Sure, you are
39:12Gift for my favorite customers
39:19See Oh, thanks. Oh, hi. Yep one sec
39:29Look I don't want to get into your business, but but the guy is living with my kids
39:33Okay, and I'm telling you he's not as squeaky clean as you
39:47She hung up on me that was Meredith
39:50My wife well my ex-wife, although technically she's not my ex yet because we're not divorced I get it
39:58Exes are complicated
40:01You still love her
40:04Well now who's reading who
40:08So I
40:10Guess we're even
40:12You know the whole I saved you then
40:15You saved me
40:17Well, you were pretty fearless with that wine bottle I
40:21Have my fears
40:22I've just learned to live with them. Are you throwing an Emma Peele quote at me right now? I
40:29Thought you'd never heard of the Avengers. Well, I got lost in a very long
40:34YouTube superhero rabbit hole
40:37But eventually I found the show and and I liked it
40:41Emma Peele and John Steed are on equal footing
40:44Great partners
40:50Faded life always