• yesterday
House.of.David.S01 E01


00:30Can one stone change the course of history?
00:41Can one act of defiance create a legend?
00:46I will tell you the story of David, a simple shepherd boy, an outcast, who became one of
00:54the most famous kings who ever lived.
01:03There was a time Israel had no king.
01:07Five hundred years after Moses split the sea, the people were leaderless and divided.
01:16So, Samuel, the last of the great seers, anointed Saul of the tribe of Benjamin as Israel's
01:25first king.
01:27But Samuel warned the people not to forget the God that delivered them from Egypt.
01:32For twenty-five years Saul has reigned, beloved by the people, triumphant in every battle.
01:44As Saul's arrogance grows, a rift between him and Samuel festers.
01:51With each new victory, the people of Israel trust more in a throne than in their God.
01:58May the house of Saul endure forever!
02:14How many are they?
02:28Upwards of two hundred thousand.
02:44This is the man, father.
02:55Is he?
02:57How many days must we do this?
03:01Send me your juggler!
03:07All of you, cowards!
03:14Come on!
03:29God give me this ground.
03:31Every step, just one step.
03:33I ask for a champion!
03:36You come against me with a stick, you will become the victim of my wrath!
03:43Keep that up!
04:31So, as the fate of a people hangs in the balance, again I ask this question.
04:43Can one stone change the course of history?
05:14What are you doing?
05:21That's better.
05:23It's all right.
06:13Come on, come on, hurry, hurry.
06:44Little one, I'm so sorry.
06:59I got you.
07:01Come on, quiet now.
07:05Why did Moses die?
07:09Why did he have to die?
07:10Because when you get up, you will be a king!
07:15In the name of God.
07:19In the name of God, in the name of God, in the name of God!
07:26In the name of God, in the name of God!
07:29Why could Moses not go? Why did he have to die?
07:33Because when he was very, very old...
07:36Like you?
07:37Yes, very old like me.
07:42Having led Israel 40 years,
07:45Moses died on that mountain.
07:50Disobedience comes at a cost, you see,
07:54even for a great one like Moses.
07:59So what did Joshua do without Moses?
08:02Well, God said to him three times,
08:05Hazak, be strong and courageous.
08:11Do not fear, for fear is the enemy.
08:14You see, fear is the thief.
08:19Then why must we still hide?
08:23Because his work is not yet complete.
08:28That's right, David.
08:31So we must not fear.
08:35We must face fear,
08:37because God will always be there on the other side,
08:43Aren't you supposed to be minding the sheep,
08:45little shepherd?
08:46I did.
08:47Not well enough.
08:49I saw what you brought home.
08:52The lion has returned.
08:54Oh, a lion.
08:55And where were you?
08:57Off, singing about your mother.
09:01Speak of my mother again.
09:03Letanel, David,
09:06does the story of our people mean nothing to you?
09:09Forgive us, Father.
09:12I was distracted by the shepherd.
09:23What about Lamb?
09:25She survived.
09:27Does your father know you have that?
09:30Abba, go inside.
09:38How many did you lose?
09:42Four sheep.
09:43I'm not a rich man, David.
09:47It was the old king.
09:50That lion is dead.
09:53It was him.
09:54Until we truly kill him,
09:55the sheep cannot graze there.
09:57We will lose more.
09:58David, you know I can graze no other lands.
10:02Then let's gather some men and hunt it down.
10:04They wouldn't come.
10:10Because of me.
10:11It is not because of you.
10:13All of Bethlehem treats me like it is,
10:15just as my brothers do.
10:18I'm nothing more than a bastard in this house.
10:20You are my son, as they are.
10:24I will kill the lion.
10:26You will not.
10:27I will take care of it.
10:28Like you did last time.
10:32I should have buried that with your mother.
10:34I don't want to hear that instrument in my house ever again.
10:37Heed my words, David.
10:39Father, this is all I have left of her.
10:43Where are you going?
10:44Where I belong.
10:46Where are you going?
10:47Where I belong.
11:16Show me your purpose.
11:19Show me your will for me.
11:22Show me who I am.
11:46This song must be found, intended,
11:50you know, like a living thing.
12:00Now you try.
12:05Now you try.
12:35Now you try.
13:05Because you did not leave
13:14Because you did not leave
13:35Because you did not leave
13:42Because you did not leave
14:03The last great battle Israel would face before Goliath
14:07was against the Amalekites,
14:09a brutal nation of blood drinkers
14:11who had tormented Israel for generations.
14:20King Saul was instructed by the great seer, Samuel,
14:24to keep no spoils of war,
14:26to take nothing from the Amalekites,
14:29and to slay their king,
14:30a vicious cannibal called Agad.
14:34After days of fighting,
14:36my father, King Saul,
14:39and my brother, Jonathan,
14:41were once again triumphant.
14:46Oh, my God!
14:49And for Israel!
14:52And for your king!
15:03And for your king!
15:10My prince.
15:17The Lord has shined upon us this day.
15:20How many did we lose?
15:22Five thousand.
15:25Heavy price to pay.
15:28But the Amalekites are defeated.
15:33We have news of a border village
15:35destroyed north of Bethlehem.
15:36Border village?
15:38By who?
15:39I'm sending a scouting party to find out.
15:42And get me a horse.
15:43My princess is a full day's ride.
15:46And you have been on the field of battle for many days.
15:50Take me there.
15:55Let's go to the border village.
15:58Are you tired, Eliab?
16:00No, I'm never tired.
16:03Let's go.
16:15While we slay enemies on our right,
16:17our people are attacked on our left.
16:19No defense.
16:24Who would do this?
16:28Why so deep in our territory?
16:30What do we gain here?
16:33Have any of you ever seen anything like this?
16:38They have been torn to pieces without the kindness of a blade.
16:47Put him down.
16:51Been through enough.
16:52Boy, this is your prince.
16:55The son of King Saul.
16:57Tell me the truth, all right?
17:05My name is Jonathan.
17:08What is yours?
17:12Can you tell me who did this?
17:35Abba! Abba! Abba!
18:01I am so sorry.
18:06I'm your prince, and I failed to protect you.
18:10It was my job to protect you.
18:13Now I need you to tell me who did this.
18:16And I swear I will find them,
18:20and I will return them to the dust.
18:24Only for you.
19:01There were giants in the earth in those days.
19:05And also after.
19:22You're getting very good.
19:27Are all the sheep accounted for, just as you asked?
19:31I did not come to see the flock.
19:35I apologize for last night.
19:39How I spoke to you.
19:45Your spirit is as a horse that can never be bribed.
19:50Father, why do you keep me in the hills?
19:52You hide me away like a leper.
19:55Why not send me to the king's army?
19:56Let me prove myself.
19:57There is no glory to be earned by serving that king.
20:00Tell that to Eliab.
20:02I have.
20:03Many times.
20:04So why do my brothers get to fight?
20:07And I'm stuck here.
20:08Because he took them.
20:11He takes our taxes and our lands.
20:13Just as the seer warned.
20:14Israel should never have had a king.
20:17He has taken enough.
20:19I am not going to let him take you.
20:21I don't belong here, father.
20:23I know I do not.
20:26I was meant for more than this.
20:29How do you know that, David?
20:31Because God speaks to me.
20:33When I'm alone in the hills,
20:35I hear his voice like mother did.
20:39He tells me...
21:02Oh, no.
21:12Come here.
21:16You all right?
21:31Come on.
22:15Why does God judge me?
22:18This demon attacks my home.
22:21David, stop.
22:23You cannot face it alone.
22:25I can, and I will.
22:28For all of us.
22:29No, wait.
22:33I'm done waiting.
22:35David, wait.
22:59What about the boy?
23:01He'll stay with me.
23:04My prince, children tell tales.
23:08Nothing spreads like fear.
23:10And this boy...
23:11Hasn't spoken a word.
23:15Be with your men.
23:17Enjoy your victory.
23:19Bless the air.
23:21Bless the house of Saul,
23:23son of Jesus,
23:25bride of Benjamin,
23:27who fills our bellies
23:29with the wine of Agag.
24:05Be sure the king's throne is raised from the ground, half cubit.
24:09Honestly, Mother, what does it matter?
24:11Every detail matters.
24:13Michal, put it in.
24:15The work is meaningful, see it done.
24:18If only we had you on the battlefield,
24:20we would have won the first day.
24:22My queen.
24:23The Lord had returned my son to me.
24:29No injuries?
24:30Not a scratch.
24:32Well, not many.
24:36I pray that you stay.
24:39Who's this?
24:40Jonathan, you cannot save every stray.
24:41You could save this one.
24:43What happened to him?
24:44His entire village was destroyed on the border.
24:46He was the only survivor.
24:48Michal, those silks are from Egypt.
24:50Mother, the silks, what is your name?
24:54Doesn't speak.
24:59Hello, Reuven.
25:00Come, do you like figs?
25:02I love figs.
25:04How was the journey?
25:05Enough to make me vomit.
25:07Palace games must be dull, indeed,
25:09if you seek a battlefield.
25:12The perils of the palace draw off the perils of the field.
25:14At least here, you know who your enemies are.
25:16Not always.
25:18Why have you come?
25:19Father summoned us.
25:20We are here to show unity.
25:23The tribes must be on earth, and battles have heroes.
25:27Heroes need brides.
25:29As do princes.
25:37You have grieved long enough.
25:38Mother, I just want a battle.
25:41Do not wish to fight another.
25:45Where is father?
25:46Up on a mountain, somewhere.
25:47That one.
25:49Setting up a victory monument.
25:51And Deshpa?
25:52Surely you will find him if you follow the plunder.
26:00How else might I serve you, my prince?
26:03Well, my cup is full for now, but stay close.
26:08Appetites replenish quickly.
26:16I have never been so near royalty.
26:19Come, sit.
26:24Sit, and don't bite.
26:34You have such a beautiful face.
26:37Tell me, what is your name?
26:44If I were to be assigned to your sister's care,
26:50you'd see much more of me.
26:54Clever girl, aren't you?
26:57Perhaps I could have that arranged.
27:01Will you be king one day?
27:08I much prefer the decadence of power
27:12to the burden of the crown.
27:16Oh, speaking of burdens.
27:17Lord Prince.
27:22Greetings, brother.
27:24You seem distressed.
27:27Did I miss an engagement?
27:28You know too well.
27:30Missed a great battle.
27:31Did I?
27:34The battle was fought and won by a man
27:36with a hunger for blood and conquest.
27:38You had no need of me.
27:39I'm far too young and cultured for that drama.
27:42Men younger than you fought and died in that battle.
27:44Good for them.
27:46May God reward their sacrifices.
27:51This was your doing.
27:53Brother, be more specific.
27:55You convinced father to keep these cursed objects.
28:03They're quite shiny.
28:04Don't you think, to be cursed?
28:06Anyway, the king did not raise any objections, so.
28:11Calm now, brother.
28:16Revel in our great victory.
28:20It's what you deserve.
28:31Suit yourself.
28:33My prince, your Arven Lord Avner requests you.
28:39Run along.
28:41I will speak of this again.
28:43Well, I can't wait.
28:49I can portion you 50 oxen and 400 sheep.
28:52Why should we be leased among the houses of Israel?
28:55Because you are, my lord.
28:57Avner, double their portion.
29:01You are not leased in my eyes.
29:04May the king live forever.
29:07You give too much.
29:10I am generous.
29:11Loyalty achieved through commerce is fleeting.
29:14As is youth.
29:15But it delights while it lasts, my old friend.
29:34Jonathan, my son.
29:36My king.
29:41Quite the still, I know.
29:43What will it honor?
29:44The defeat of the Amalekites?
29:46More than that.
29:47It will be a memorial of old time,
29:50to the greatness of our house, the glory of Israel.
29:54Greatness of God.
29:55Our greatness is his glory.
29:58Where of the border village?
30:00Completely destroyed.
30:02One survivor, a child, brought him here.
30:06Destroyed by whom?
30:08Unknown, except I saw the print of a hand,
30:11larger than a weaver's basket.
30:14And arrows the size of spears.
30:18Giants have not roamed these lands
30:20since the days of the Amalekites.
30:22They have not been able to find their way.
30:25Giants have not roamed these lands
30:27since the days of Joshua.
30:29Not for hundreds of years.
30:33This is a Philistine trick to intimidate us,
30:36to terrify us back into caves.
30:39Let us hope.
30:42You are still troubled.
30:46Why are we dividing the spoils of the blood drinkers?
30:50Slaving their people?
30:52We're told to keep nothing.
30:55By Samuel?
30:56Yes, father, by Samuel.
31:01Son, his time has passed.
31:06The age of judges is over.
31:08This is the age of kings.
31:10And we are its stewards, the first dynasty of Israel.
31:16Well, we should still honor him.
31:18He speaks for God.
31:20Why can God not speak to me?
31:23He is anointed.
31:25Anointed by Samuel.
31:32Jonathan, when you are king,
31:36someone will always be angry with you.
31:41So who should die at peace?
31:43The leaders of the 12 tribes, men who fought for us,
31:47died in service of our throne?
31:50Or one man?
31:54I have no love for these politics.
31:56Life is politics, son.
31:59Even more so on the throne.
32:02Leave it now.
32:06We have a celebration to enjoy.
32:21Oh, son.
32:26Oh, my son.
32:29What have you done?
32:34What have you done?
32:41Does the Lord speak?
32:43We must go.
32:54To speak the words that were spoken to me.
32:59To unmake what has been made.
33:06Your shoes.
33:15Look at all the joy and prosperity.
33:19You have brought our people.
33:25Enjoy it.
33:26Enjoy it.
33:42I love you, pizza.
33:43I love you, pizza.
33:45I love you, pizza.
33:46I love you, pizza.
33:47I love you, pizza.
33:48I love you, pizza.
33:50I love you, pizza.
34:10Eat something.
34:12Yes, Mother.
34:16When do I not?
34:18You have your own wine.
34:20They save the best wine for the king's table.
34:22But that's...
34:26Then you should stay at the king's table.
34:36Please, sons.
34:38My king.
34:40Lord of all Israel.
34:42I am Adriel, son of Barzillai,
34:44elder of the tribe of Judah.
34:46Greetings, Adriel, son of Barzillai.
34:49Judah has long been aligned
34:51among the sons of Abraham.
34:53Just as Benjamin has produced
34:55the great light in you
34:57for such a small tribe.
35:01The greatest has come from the least, huh?
35:06When I was young,
35:08we were scattered,
35:10hiding in caves from the enemies
35:12you have now conquered.
35:14Leaderless, divided,
35:16preyed upon by every neighboring nation.
35:19But the Lord of Hosts
35:21heard our cry
35:23and blessed us with a king.
35:26Saul, son of Kish
35:28of the tribe of Benjamin.
35:30And you, Saul,
35:32have made us a nation.
35:34You have made us feared.
35:36You have made us wealthy
35:38with the spoils of the Amalekites.
35:41We now feast on their cattle
35:43and drink their wine.
35:45And their mighty King Agag
35:47sits humiliated at your feet.
35:51So, the tribe of Judah
35:53renews its pledge of fealty
35:55to the anointed
35:57of the Lord Most High.
35:59To the house of Saul,
36:01king of all Israel.
36:03May your reign endure
36:05for generations.
36:07To the house of Saul.
36:09To the house of Saul.
36:15I thank Judah for their loyalty
36:18and raise this cup,
36:20not for myself,
36:22but I raise it
36:24for my son,
36:26whose courage and conviction
36:28go before him always,
36:30whose heart
36:32is steadfast.
36:34I pray I am remembered
36:36as a good king,
36:38but he will be greater than I.
36:40To your prince
36:44and my beloved son.
36:46To Jonathan
36:48and his coming reign.
36:50To Jonathan,
36:52my beloved brother,
36:54perfect in every way.
37:00To the house of Saul.
37:04To the house of Saul.
37:34To the house of Saul.
37:48You can stand against the hero of Issachar
37:50and claim the sword of Agag.
37:52Ilya, come.
37:54Fight for the tribe of Judah.
37:58Who will take a bet on Eliab of Judah?
38:05My lord,
38:08why does the witch king live?
38:13I will not gift him death
38:15without a humiliation.
38:18He has tormented our people
38:20for a generation.
38:22His kind of cannibals
38:24and sorcerers.
38:26He does not belong here.
38:28He is exactly where he belongs,
38:30beneath my feet, powerless.
38:34This presence here, believe me when I say...
38:36I think you need wine.
38:41Place a wager.
39:51Fear is the enemy.
39:54Fear is the thief.
40:50On the hill above this feast,
40:53I found the stela which reads,
40:56To the glory of the house of Saul.
41:01He has defeated the Amalekites.
41:04May his fame reach every sea.
41:08May his throne endure for all generations.
41:14To the glory of Saul.
41:19The glory of Saul.
41:24We have a prophet of the Most High God
41:26in our midst.
41:28Greetings, Samuel,
41:30son of Elkanah.
41:32Blessed are you, seer of the Lord of hosts.
41:36Greetings, Saul, son of Kishu,
41:38of the tribe of Benjamin.
41:40The least of the tribes of Israel
41:42has produced a great lie.
41:44Have you come to sacrifice with us?
41:47To consecrate this victory
41:49and this day with us?
41:51I've come to speak the words of the Lord God
41:53spoken to me last night.
41:59We have obeyed the commands of the Lord.
42:05The Amalekites have been utterly destroyed!
42:12Is it so?
42:16Then why is the bleating of sheep in my ears?
42:20Why the lowing of cattle?
42:33Why has filth been brought in to pollute
42:35what is meant to be holy?
42:41Come, my old friend.
42:43Tonight we celebrate.
42:46We tell the old stories.
42:49We remember the greatness of God.
42:58Speak with me alone.
43:39Save the sacrifice.
43:42We have sacrificed thousands of men on the field.
43:45Is that not enough?
43:48Now you come and shame me
43:50in front of the tribes of Israel.
43:52You scold me like a boy.
43:54I anointed the boy.
43:56Humble in his own eyes.
43:58As king,
44:00I am what you made me.
44:02I wept for you, Saul,
44:04in rage and terror.
44:06I pleaded with the Lord of all heaven,
44:08but he would not relent.
44:11Now I must speak as he has spoken.
44:14Convenient, is it not?
44:16How am I to know the difference
44:18between the words of the Most High
44:21and the rumblings of a jealous old man?
44:28I loved you like a son,
44:30and you loved me like a daughter.
44:33I loved you like a son.
44:35And yet your sons did not love you.
44:41They did not follow in your ways.
44:43Is that not why the people demanded the king?
44:46Ah, so?
44:48I will tell you what the Lord God of Israel has said to me.
44:58I regret I made Saul king.
45:02He has turned his back on me
45:05and has not followed my commands.
45:44What have we done?
45:46I obeyed the voice of the Lord.
45:49I utterly destroyed the Amalekites.
45:51Dead Agaglibs.
45:53Chained beneath my table like a dog.
45:55You were told to slay him.
45:59I built a kingdom from nothing.
46:02From scattered tribes.
46:05Why is this not enough?
46:08You built a kingdom.
46:20Saul, when you were small in your own eyes,
46:23the Lord lifted you up and made you king.
46:26King now that you are great in your own eyes.
46:30You have rebelled and made yourself evil
46:34in the eyes of the Lord.
46:37You have twisted the throne of Israel to your own glory,
46:41so you will be given to a twisted power
46:44and your own torment.
46:48Your mind will be cursed.
46:51Get out of my head, sorcerer.
46:53I am no sorcerer.
46:57I am a messenger of men.
47:03I was afraid of the people.
47:07I kept back the best to sacrifice.
47:12I would sacrifice them all.
47:15To obey is better than sacrifice.
47:18To heed, better than the thought of the ram's.
47:22Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.
47:26Stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
47:30I was afraid of them.
47:32Why? Why?
47:33Would you be afraid of the people?
47:35Why are you not afraid of God instead of man?
47:43I loved you.
47:53I anointed you.
47:59Bless me.
48:02Sacrifice with me.
48:04You chose me as a king.
48:06You are a father to me.
48:07God chose you.
48:09Now he chooses another.
48:11Because you have rejected the word of the Lord your God.
48:14So the Lord your God now rejects you as king.
48:21His spirit is withdrawn from you.
48:26This is my kingdom.
48:28And my sons after me.
48:31Jonathan will rule.
48:33He will never rule.
48:42The Lord has torn the kingdom from you.
48:45And given it to one greater than you.
48:49Who is he?
49:19I am sorry, my child.
49:23Father, what's happened?
49:27What's happened?
49:28Get away from me!
49:29Get away!
49:31Get away!
49:37Where are you?
49:51Help me!
50:07Help me!
50:09Help me!
50:11Help me.
50:34I am tired of being afraid.
50:38Come to Joshua.
50:40Be strong and courageous.
50:44Do not fear.
51:07The wrath of Saul has passed.
51:25Surely the wrath of Saul has passed.
51:31The wrath of Saul has passed.
51:36But the wrath of God has not.
51:46As your sword has made women childless so,
51:51shall your mother be childless for all time.
52:30God is not mocked.
53:28Where are we going now?
53:35To find the king.
53:59To find the king.
54:05So, can one stone change the course of history?
54:12Yes, it can.
54:16But destiny comes at a cost.
54:20And the rise of David would cost my family everything.
54:58And the rise of David would cost my family everything.
55:28And the rise of David would cost my family everything.
55:33And the rise of David would cost my family everything.
55:38And the rise of David would cost my family everything.
55:43And the rise of David would cost my family everything.
55:48And the rise of David would cost my family everything.
55:53And the rise of David would cost my family everything.
55:57And the rise of David would cost my family everything.