Small Town Setup S01 E06
00:00And I hope you have a great day.
00:09Imagine flying from the sunny streets of Los Angeles back to
00:13your hometown only to find out that your family, friends and
00:16neighbors have orchestrated a series of blind dates just for
00:20you. Tori's about to find out what that's like.
00:27I'm Ashley Williams and I'm in the city of Milton for small
00:29town setup. I'm here to help Tori's parents, Susan and Mark, who want nothing more than
00:35to see their daughter in love. That's so sweet! For Tori, finding an epic love like her parents
00:42is the dream, but swiping on the dating apps in LA hasn't lived up to her high expectations.
00:48Will she find her Prince Charming here in Milton, or hook it back to the beach? We're
00:56about to dive into a heartwarming adventure full of romance, small town charm, and a big
01:01dose of small town magic. I've heard there's always some sort of like fun festival or concert
01:09in Milton. Do I smell kettle corn? Or is that love in the air? Or is it both?
01:30Hi Susan! Hi Ashley! I'm Ashley Williams, it's so nice to meet you! So nice to meet you!
01:36Are you Mark? I am! I'm Ashley, it's so nice to meet you! Wow, so nice to meet you! Oh my gosh,
01:41there's so many wonderful people in here! I'm Ashley! Hi Ashley! Hi, nice to meet you,
01:47what's your name? I'm Rose, I'm Mark's mother. Oh my goodness, how fun! Do you live here? No,
01:53I'm in Chicago. Did you come in just for this? Of course! Rose, lucky us! The pressure is on!
02:00Well, I'm gonna make some coffee. Okay, make coffee, thank you Rose!
02:04So I can just picture little Tori running around this house. What was she like as a child?
02:10She was the boss. She has two siblings. So she is the oldest of three? Yeah. She was just the one
02:18child that just had her goals, and she was an A student, and she's a perfectionist. She's known
02:24since high school, she wanted to go to LA. She went out there with nothing. She built her career,
02:29she found a place to live, she built a community. In this big city. In this really big city. Where
02:34it's kind of easy to get lost. Completely. What has her dating life been like in LA? Super
02:40challenging, super challenging. She's gone on dates on the apps, and it's just a wild
02:47misrepresentation of humans. Because she met them online. And she's just like, mom,
02:53this is not how I'm gonna find somebody. I just need to find it organically. Why is now the right
02:58time? She's trying to work on the work-life balance, and she's ready. She's been in seven
03:04weddings. I think subconsciously, it's like, what about me? You know? It's hard finding love in LA.
03:11How did the two of you meet? My older sister, she was learning to be an aerobics instructor from you.
03:16I started just waiting for him. I would just kind of hang around to see if he'd say hey. You
03:22immediately thought he was cute and started lingering. Yes. This went on for a couple of
03:26months, and I finally just looked at him, and I said, when are you going to ask me out?
03:30And I said to her, I go, well, what are you doing now? Okay, so today is a really special day
03:36from what I understand. This is your wedding anniversary? 32 years. 32 years today. Yeah.
03:44It feels to me like the love is just stronger than it's ever been. It is. Like, I don't blame
03:51you for wanting that for your daughter. So tell me, what are we looking for here? Somebody that's
03:56a really good communicator. We'll cherish her kindness, work-life balance, because she loves
04:02to have fun. You know, it could be blonde, it could be brunette. She wants somebody very into music,
04:08and Tori and I have always had this thing about dating. I said, just look at their shoes first.
04:13Wait, you're saying that you can tell a lot about a person based on what shoes they're wearing? Yes,
04:17and it has nothing to do- You're suddenly very self-conscious of my shoes. Well,
04:20if you'll notice, I'm barefoot. I did notice that.
04:24Okay, so what is it about Milton? How does this energy here influence what you're looking for
04:31for her? I think when she comes home, she's able to relax and be herself. But when she's there,
04:38Tori's more serious. It's all business. So I feel like now is the time. This is the missing
04:44link, and it's time for her to find somebody. And I feel like we're the people that will help her
04:49find it. So we're going to go meet some members of your community and see how they could help us
04:56find the perfect match for her. Absolutely. Absolutely. Thank you so much.
05:04Okay, they're about to come in. Hi, welcome. Hi, everybody. Come on in.
05:10Hi, make yourselves comfortable. Hi, ladies. Hi. How are you? Exciting. Great to meet you. I'm so
05:15happy the whole friend group came. We couldn't miss it. We're supporting our girl. You know
05:20Rose, right? Yes, I do. Okay, good. I'm going to say hi to her. You never know when I'm going to
05:25see anybody. How are you? Why are you the main character here? I'm not. You should be though.
05:30Oh, I'll pay you later. Isn't this exciting? I am so happy to be here in Milton.
05:39Okay, you have all come together for the one and only Tori. Mark and Susan, can you please
05:45tell us about what her life is like right now? She decided to move to LA and has cultivated an
05:51amazing community and a fabulous career and has all the things except for a date. She's been in
05:58all of your weddings and social events and stuff. So wait, how many people here was Tori a bridesmaid
06:05for? Oh, wait, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven? Are you serious? Okay, well that is the
06:16kind of supportive girl that we want to help now, right? So we've all got a big job ahead of us,
06:22okay? We are going to try to find love for Tori this week right here in Milton.
06:30Mark and Susan, so what exactly are the things that you're looking for in a potential date
06:34for Tori? They have to be able to cook. That'd be nice, be comfortable in the kitchen. Yeah.
06:39They gotta have nice shoes. The communication is huge. That's what's helped us get through our
06:4432 years. But someone that can talk about all of the things, not just the easy things,
06:49all the hard things. Grandma Rose, would you come up and tell us a little bit about
06:54Tori? Yeah, come up. I know I'm throwing this at you. You certainly are.
06:59Hi. This is Mark's mom, okay? And Rose, tell us, what was Tori like as a child?
07:08A brat. A brat? Oh, she was a brat? No, I'm just kidding. She's very thoughtful of me. She calls
07:14up and asks me if I'm still alive and feeling good. Who would you like to see Tori with? First
07:19of all, I want a guy who looks pretty nice. Oh, like looks nice or is nice? Well, both. Okay,
07:25Rose. Right. And who she is so excited about. Somebody that lights her up. Yes, that lights
07:33her up. Yay, Rose! Great job. Thank you so much. Who here has a good idea for somebody to get to
07:43know Tori? I see a finger in the air. Come on up here. Okay, tell us who you're nominating.
07:49I'm here to nominate my son, Jimmy, because everything you have said describes my son,
07:55from the shoes to the cooking class he just took in Barcelona last week.
07:59How is this guy still not married? I think he hasn't been quite ready.
08:05Thank you so much. Oh, I see a hand in the air in the back. Yeah, come on up. What's your name?
08:12I want to nominate my friend, Patrick. He's 34. He's a software engineer, and he is very
08:22adventurous. He loves to travel. He has a really big social network, but he's also someone that's
08:28really grounded, kind of like Tori. You know what type of shoes he wears? Nice ones. I think,
08:35if I can remember correctly. You think he rocks Crocs like Emma? No one rocks Crocs like Emma.
08:43Thank you. I see a hand there in the back. Yeah, come on up.
08:53Hi there. Hi. I'd like to nominate Jared Porter. 28 years old. Great. He's a colleague of mine,
08:59a software engineer, and he just loves to help people, and he's sharing. He's got a good pair
09:03of kicks. Oh, yeah. He dresses to the nines. Thank you so much. Great job.
09:12I see somebody right here. Come on up. Hi there. Hi. How do you know Tori? We lived in the sorority
09:18house together. Whoa, that is a sisterhood. Oh, yeah. What do you think her type is?
09:23Probably looking for best friend, but also can have those tough conversations. And not
09:28only a best friend. Yeah. Best friend with some spice. That you want to make out with. Yeah.
09:33Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Perfect. Her dad's right there. Oh, sorry. Sorry, Mark. I didn't hear a
09:38thing. His name is Jonathan. He's 32, and he's a physician's assistant in the ICU. This is an
09:45intense job. Yeah. Also, he loves the outdoors, but he can also play the guitar and the piano.
09:53Very good. Musically gifted. Very good. Music's really important to her. Thank you so much.
10:00I see a hand right there. Yes. White sweatshirt. Come on up. All right. So, my boy, Jack, he's a
10:06third-year law student, you know. He loves to listen to music. I know the other dude likes to
10:11play piano. He can learn how to play piano. Yeah. Yeah. Is he close to his family? Oh,
10:15yeah. He loves his family. He's a big fan. Talk to us about the shoes. He got some drip.
10:22Okay. He got some drip.
10:27Would you be open to sending your nominees downtown to meet us? Yes, sir. Thank you.
10:33Thank you. We're going to surprise Tori with three dates. We're all going to meet back here,
10:40and we are going to watch the dates live. Thank you so much, Milken. Thank you.
10:54Mom, how do you think Tori's going to respond to us? Oh, I think she's going to be in shock.
10:58We'll see. Yeah, we'll see. I hope so. We're going to shock her.
11:04Did you see how she took it? Oh, yeah. Wait. Somebody's home. I'm home.
11:10Hi. Surprise. Grandma. I can't believe you're here. I know I come in for everything. Oh,
11:19I'm so happy you're here. Happy to be here. Yeah. Let's come in and talk about you being in town.
11:29Okay. Fun. So what do you got going on this weekend? I'm going to go hang out with some
11:34friends. Yeah? So when are you planning on all that? Maybe tomorrow. So maybe not? Why?
11:43We booked your entire weekend. Okay. Why? So the whole community, Milton, came together,
11:51your friends and family, to have a little discussion, to support you,
11:58to see about going on a few blind dates.
12:06Wait. Actually.
12:15Okay. This is all so weird. I'm sweating. I understand. Is that a look of like
12:25anger or confusion? What do you mean you brought people together? And were you in on this?
12:30Well, of course. I was all excited about coming. Oh, that's so sweet, Grandma. I love you.
12:35I love you too. Okay. So we reached- What did you tell them? I'm a single
12:40cat lady and I need help? No. We did not say you were Eleanor Rigby.
12:45No. I said she's everything. She's gone out to LA on her own, found a place to live,
12:51built a community, got a great job. LA is just really hard. It seems like too hard.
12:57There definitely are still great people in the world. They're just not necessarily on the apps
13:01that you get tired of. Yeah. And you're not wrong. Dating in LA has really not been great for me.
13:07Right. I mean, I know that you want somebody to settle down with.
13:10Yeah, I do. Right? And we want it for you.
13:12Yeah, but I'm a little bit nervous about who is your picking.
13:17Okay. So you know our little silly joke that we have between us?
13:20Yeah, about the shoes. About the shoes.
13:22You can tell a lot by a man's personality. His shoes. An interesting choice.
13:28These are awesome, aren't they? I think, honestly, if you're open to this-
13:34Yeah. You never know what will happen.
13:39My parents being in my dating life, I welcome it only because dating in LA has been tough. I tried
13:47the apps. I got off them. I'm looking to meet someone in person, and that's why I'm excited about
13:52this. Can I like some more grandchildren?
14:06How are you feeling about it? I'm feeling good. I think we make it
14:09through today. Tori will be happy. Tori will be happy.
14:13Hi. Good morning.
14:14All right. Mark. Jonathan Ryder.
14:16Hey, Jonathan. Hi.
14:17Very nice to meet you. It's great to meet you.
14:19Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Grew up in Georgia.
14:22Where'd you go to school? Georgia College in Milledgeville.
14:24Might know each other. Probably cross paths.
14:26Probably cross paths. You never know.
14:27So she went to Georgia College as well? She did.
14:29Okay. She did.
14:29And then I went up to Mercer University in Atlanta for PA school.
14:33I'm assuming you have a master's, right? I do, yeah.
14:36If you have a free day, how do you typically like to spend it?
14:38I play music. Oh, yeah? What instrument?
14:40Started playing drums when I was 12. So you got rhythm?
14:43I've got rhythm. So I love to hear that you play music.
14:46Tori loves to sing. I love your look. She wears boots.
14:49There you go. Boots and LA.
14:51Yeah. Is it okay if I take a picture of you?
14:53Yeah, 100%. Okay. I gotta get the boots.
14:56Okay. We get to go meet Jack.
15:01Is that the one that... What's that word? I didn't know what it meant.
15:03Jack's got drip. Oh, he's got drip.
15:05Oh, that must be Jack right there. Hi. Jack Lindsay. Nice to meet you.
15:08Hey, Jack. Nice to meet you. Susan Gleeson.
15:10Nice to meet you as well. Here, honey. Sit over here.
15:12Okay. Thanks.
15:14It's great to see y'all. Tell me a little bit about yourself.
15:17So I'm now in my last year of law school. So if you had a look at your family in the future,
15:22what would that look like? I mean, I'm 26 right now.
15:24I'm focusing on starting my career, finding somebody to fall in love with, and then-
15:30Yeah. Go from there.
15:32Can you tell me about Tori? Yeah. She's dynamite.
15:34She's very career-oriented, and she works for a marketing company in LA.
15:39Okay. Is Tori, is she possibly moving back here?
15:42Obviously, I think it would depend on the relationship.
15:46Okay. Mind if we took a picture?
15:48Not at all. Okay. There you go.
15:50It was great to meet you. Yes. Thank you.
15:51It was great meeting you, too.
15:56Hi. You must be Jimmy.
15:58Nice to meet you. Hi.
15:58How you doing? Nice to meet you.
15:59Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Sure. Of course.
16:02I'm 27 years old, and I work as an account coordinator for an advertising agency.
16:05We hear that you took a cooking class in Barcelona. How was that?
16:08That's correct. Yeah.
16:09My company flew me out, all of us, two months within the job.
16:12So you did some ballroom dancing?
16:13Yeah. I took it back in college.
16:15Yeah. That's kind of fun.
16:16I love to dance.
16:16Well, how do you feel about marriage and kids? Is that something you aspire to have?
16:19Oh, absolutely. One day.
16:20Yeah. I want to be a father one day.
16:21Do you mind if we take a picture of you?
16:22Not at all. I got it. Thank you.
16:25Pleasure to meet you, Susan.
16:26Pleasure to meet you, Jimmy. Have a great day.
16:31All right. This must be Jared.
16:33Mark, Susan. How are you?
16:34Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.
16:35Thanks for meeting up with us. How are you today?
16:38I'm doing well.
16:39So what are you doing with yourself these days, Jared?
16:41So I'm a software developer. I work remote, mostly.
16:44Have you found that dating is a little tough these days?
16:47Yeah. I've tried the apps. It's kind of hard.
16:50It's really hard. I don't see how any of you do it.
16:52So where'd you go to high school?
16:54I went to Blessed Trinity.
16:55Oh, you did? Yeah.
16:56You did? Did y'all know each other?
16:58Did she go there?
16:58Yeah. So y'all probably know each other.
17:01Small world.
17:02It is such a small world.
17:03Is family something that you want?
17:04Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
17:06Definitely trying to find the right person,
17:07and family is definitely something I've been wanting.
17:10Checking out your shoes.
17:11It's an inside thing with Tori and I. You look awesome.
17:14Thank you. Appreciate it.
17:16Hey, it was a pleasure meeting you.
17:17Pleasure to meet you.
17:22So we're going to get a call.
17:23From Patrick.
17:24Yeah. There he is.
17:27Hey, Patrick.
17:29Yeah, I apologize.
17:30One of those days don't work.
17:31We understand completely, but it's nice to meet you.
17:34So you're a software engineer.
17:36I think that's what Kendall told me.
17:38That's right.
17:38I am for specialty cars, collector's cars.
17:41I grew up around racing.
17:43My dad was really into it.
17:44So it was a family thing kind of growing up.
17:47What's your social life like?
17:49A very large group.
17:51We've all been friends for about 15 years,
17:53and it's rare that we're not doing something somewhere.
17:56That's so nice.
17:57I've been to a lot of weddings.
17:58I just went to my 30th wedding, actually, last week.
18:01OK, you've got Tori B.
18:02Yeah, she's been to like nine or 10.
18:04Are you looking to have a family of your own?
18:07I know my mom and my dad would love nothing more.
18:10Would love that, yeah.
18:12So my wife's got these crazy things.
18:14Just like point the camera down at your shoes.
18:17OK, there you go.
18:18Nice kiss.
18:19There you go.
18:20Do you mind if I take a picture?
18:22All right.
18:24Thank you so much.
18:25Thank you all.
18:25Take care.
18:26OK, bye.
18:29I was actually home a couple months ago.
18:31I saw you.
18:32Yeah, we saw each other.
18:34Like five minutes.
18:35OK, thoughts, feelings, how are you?
18:39I am shaken up.
18:41I have no idea what's going on.
18:43So valid that you feel that way.
18:45What would you say are the things that you're looking for in someone?
18:48And have you talked to your parents about that lately?
18:50Like, do you think it's changed?
18:52I feel like, yes, they probably have a concept of what I'm looking for.
18:56And I feel like it's just going to, like, force me to have to be vulnerable.
19:01You can't build up the perfect person.
19:04And like, it's not like building a cheeseburger.
19:07You know, you can't just, like, customize every single thing that you want.
19:10I wish it was like building a cheeseburger.
19:12I feel like that's kind of like what dating apps are, though.
19:14Don't you think?
19:15Like, you kind of get lost in, like, the wrong things.
19:20And then you're forever hungry.
19:21Yeah, I get it.
19:22Wow, that metaphor.
19:23That was so deep.
19:26I think that that might have been kind of what was not working for you in L.A.
19:31Would you agree?
19:32Yeah, I feel like I definitely would agree.
19:34I think one of the things that I struggle with the most internally
19:39is the fact that I'm building a life in L.A.,
19:41but ultimately I want to be close to family.
19:45I want to put down roots and build a life where they are
19:49and probably coming back to Milton.
19:52In L.A., do you think you could ever have the kind of love your parents have?
20:00I don't even know how to answer that question.
20:05Because I feel like my parents' relationship is the epitome of love to me.
20:12They are just the perfect example of what I would want in a relationship.
20:17And I think that's why it's been really hard to date.
20:20I have high standards, and the person that I'm looking for really needs to be,
20:25you know, in touch with their emotions so that they can talk to me
20:29and see me on a deeper level.
20:33I will say I think that this opportunity is a good time to dive deep
20:39and really just like get to know these guys and ask those questions
20:42that might not be the comfortable questions to ask on the first date,
20:45but questions that you know you really want to know the answer to.
20:49You know, I used to think to myself, like, okay, dating in L.A. isn't working.
20:52I wish I could just, like, try dating in Milton.
20:55I feel like this is like a dream come true almost,
20:57where I get to actually, like, try it and maybe meet the love of my life.
21:00Who knows?
21:01Who knows, girl?
21:09So we met Jonathan.
21:15All right.
21:15So let's refresh our memory.
21:17What do you think?
21:18Yeah, I think we should take a look at those guys.
21:20All right, let's look.
21:21Jonathan, I like him a lot.
21:23I mean, he's, you know...
21:23Well, he's the one that is an ER, PA.
21:27Got a master's, tall, drink of water there.
21:30All right.
21:30I like him.
21:31This is Jack.
21:32Jack's my law student.
21:33He had a lot of nice qualities, but I feel like right now he's so focused on his...
21:38Getting out of law school.
21:39No, he's maybe not necessarily the timing.
21:42I just don't feel like he's ready.
21:44So then that brings us to Jimmy.
21:47He was the one that was nominated by his mom.
21:49Gone to Barcelona to cook.
21:50Yeah, he took a cooking class in Barcelona.
21:52I thought he was a nice guy.
21:54I just didn't really get a warm and fuzzy from him initially.
21:57That's my two cents on Jimmy.
22:00This guy...
22:01You like Jared.
22:02He might be that shy guy that, you know...
22:04I think so.
22:05...bring out something in him.
22:06And they might know each other already because they went to the same high school.
22:09And it's nice that he's kind of tied to this area.
22:12So that would be great.
22:14This is Patrick.
22:15I like Patrick.
22:16What does he do?
22:16Another software engineer.
22:18And that's where the future's going.
22:19So, you know...
22:20Okay, wait.
22:21Did we just narrow it?
22:22I think we got it down to three.
22:23That's like hard, but I think we did it.
22:25Who do we have?
22:26We have Jonathan.
22:29And Patrick.
22:29And Patrick.
22:30What do you think?
22:31I think we need to eat lunch.
22:32I think we need to eat lunch.
22:46Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
22:50Hello, Milton!
22:52What a week!
22:55I mean, this has been such an exciting week.
22:59So, Susan and Mark, what a journey, huh?
23:03Can you tell the whole group who are the gentlemen that you picked to go on the dates with Tori?
23:09We narrowed it down to Jonathan, Jared, and Patrick.
23:12Here is the plan.
23:14We are all going to tune in live to the dates.
23:21I'm going to want to know your thoughts afterwards.
23:24First up, we're going to watch Tori and Jared.
23:38It's great to meet you.
23:39Nice to meet you.
23:39What's your name?
23:41Hi, I'm Tori.
23:43Physically, Jared definitely fits the bill.
23:45He's tall.
23:46He's got dark features.
23:47Really nice eyes.
23:49Really lovely smile.
23:50Play a few games today.
23:52So you just got to hit some zombies.
23:54Yeah, I'm ready.
23:55All right, let's go.
23:55So I heard a little bit about you from your parents.
23:58Okay, yeah, you met my parents.
23:59I forgot about that.
24:00They mentioned you actually went to BT.
24:02Yeah, I did.
24:03Did you go to BT?
24:03I was BT also.
24:05Wait, what?
24:05I was a class of 2014.
24:07Okay, that's crazy.
24:08I was 2013.
24:10I remember like going to the pep rallies.
24:12I actually remember watching you dance.
24:16You remember that?
24:18Wow, I'm so sorry.
24:20I guess we went to high school together.
24:22I don't really remember seeing Jared ever.
24:25So I'm immediately feeling kind of bad.
24:27Oh my God.
24:28But I do feel like I have this opportunity to get to know him more.
24:32Backhand in front.
24:33Flick it.
24:34Okay, okay.
24:36Wow, that was good coaching.
24:38Oh, wow.
24:39You're a natural.
24:41She's doing so good.
24:45I feel like I didn't know we're coming to play games.
24:47Maybe I wouldn't have worn heels.
24:51Crazy, like we went to school together like 10 years ago and we really never interacted.
24:56I know, it's honestly insane.
25:01I feel like I'm not normally this awkward on dates.
25:04It's definitely the setting that we're in.
25:05I wouldn't say you're awkward at all.
25:06Oh, okay.
25:08So Ella, do you plan to be there long term?
25:11I don't see myself long-term in LA.
25:15I also really want to be close to my family when the time comes to like settle down
25:19and have a family of my own.
25:20And I feel like, well, I know for sure that my parents aren't leaving Milton.
25:26What's your dating life been like?
25:28My last like long-term relationship was last year.
25:31And that lasted for like six months.
25:32How did you guys meet?
25:34We met on Hinge.
25:36Dating has been a challenge.
25:37Yeah, it's been so hard.
25:39Like what was your experience on the apps?
25:41It's just very hit or miss.
25:42And like there's like so many options.
25:45It's overwhelming.
25:47I definitely prefer to meet people in person.
25:49More authenticity.
25:50Yeah, exactly.
25:55Well, it's honestly been so fun catching up with you.
25:58Can't believe that we went to BT together and now all these years on a blind date.
26:03Who would have thought?
26:04Who would have thought it?
26:05Things are happening right in front of our faces.
26:10Next up, we're going to watch Tori and Jonathan's date live.
26:35So good to see you.
26:36I know, what's up?
26:38I literally haven't seen you since college.
26:39Yeah, it's been like seven years.
26:40Oh my God.
26:41She knows him.
26:43So she went to college with him.
26:46You look so good.
26:47You do too.
26:47It's great to see you.
26:48Oh, thank you.
26:49Let's walk this way.
26:50You want to check out the market a little bit?
26:51Yeah, sure.
26:51Let's do it.
26:52Jonathan and I went to college together.
26:54I'm definitely thinking like everyone I'm going to go on a date with,
26:57I'm going to have some weird connection to.
26:59But yeah, I thought that was hilarious that I actually know him going on to a blind date.
27:05Those look great.
27:05I mean, I like the pink, like the white.
27:09Thanks for the flowers.
27:10Wouldn't miss it.
27:10I mean, this is...
27:11Aw, thank you again.
27:12Thank you, have a great weekend.
27:14All right, you too.
27:17Wow, these are so nice.
27:20You're welcome.
27:21So you graduated in 2017.
27:24Yep, from Georgia College.
27:25I guess I was 2016.
27:26Okay, nice.
27:26So yeah, I mean, it's just crazy.
27:28We were within each other's circles.
27:30I know, that's insane.
27:31So what do you do?
27:33I work for a creative agency, mostly social media marketing.
27:37Oh, sick.
27:37Yeah, it's so fun.
27:38That's incredible.
27:39What do you do?
27:40I'm a PA.
27:41I work in the ICU.
27:42Oh, okay.
27:42Wow, that's a nice job.
27:44Yeah, it's great.
27:45I mean, I really do love it.
27:46The only other goal that I have is I've been trying to start writing music lately.
27:51Yeah, it's been pretty fun.
27:52Do you sing as well?
27:53I sing, yeah, yeah.
27:53Oh, cool.
27:54Do you have a little to share?
27:56I mean, if you really want me to,
27:57I can try to bust out a little Amazing Grace or something.
28:00Whoa, is he going to start singing right now?
28:05Is he going to start singing?
28:06I don't know.
28:08Uh, yeah, sure, do it.
28:09All right.
28:17I can't believe you're about to do this acapella.
28:19All right.
28:20Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.
28:29Oh my God, he's got courage.
28:30That saved a wretch like me.
28:41Not bad.
28:43That was amazing.
28:45I mean, I can't believe you just busted that out.
28:47I'm so impressed.
28:49Yeah, a little shaky.
28:50Probably a little nervous in there.
28:51No, it was honestly amazing.
28:52It was beautiful.
28:54Going to take a hard pivot here.
28:56What about, like, marriage, kids, a future in that way?
29:00What are you looking for?
29:01You know, I'm kind of at the point in my life to where I'm kind of settled in and ready for that.
29:06That's definitely going to be, oh, wedding bells already.
29:14That was bad.
29:16We just really turned a corner here.
29:19I love the boots, too.
29:20Well, thank you.
29:21Do you always wear boots?
29:22Yeah, I'm a big boot guy.
29:24Shoes are coming out.
29:26It's been awesome getting back together with you, honestly.
29:29I know, I can't believe it.
29:31It's super cool to actually get to know you in this way.
29:33It's been great.
29:35Yeah, it's been awesome.
29:41That was great.
29:42That was exciting.
29:44I like it.
29:45All right, last one.
29:47We're going to watch Tori and Patrick's date live.
30:04Well, you must be Tori.
30:06Yes, Tori.
30:07I'm Patrick.
30:08Patrick, nice to meet you.
30:09Nice to meet you.
30:11I'm nervous.
30:13Well, that makes two of us.
30:14Yes, okay, good.
30:14Welcome to Starz at the jewelry bar.
30:16Wow, awesome.
30:17Nice to meet you.
30:18Nice to meet you, too.
30:19We've got 70 different styles and colors to choose from.
30:22We'll measure your head, and we'll look at your face shape,
30:25and get everything just right so you can pick the perfect hat.
30:27I love wherever we are.
30:29Like, it's so cool.
30:31And seeing him, I was immediately excited.
30:33We're going to find yours first.
30:35Okay, okay.
30:36He is tall.
30:38He has dark features.
30:40He really knows how to dress.
30:41Like, the physical attraction is definitely there.
30:43This seems like something different and fun.
30:45Yeah, this is like a perfect date.
30:46Honestly, a dream.
30:47I don't know why.
30:48I feel drawn to this hat.
30:49This is for you.
30:50Try it.
30:52See how it looks.
30:55It looks good on you.
30:58We like the way he looks in the hat.
31:00I kind of like the wide brim.
31:02I do, too.
31:03I like them both.
31:05But that one works.
31:06Okay, cool.
31:07We found our hats.
31:10Hey, how are you?
31:13Let me see it on.
31:14Okay, let's see.
31:15What do you think?
31:16Is this the one?
31:17It's perfect.
31:18All right.
31:18It's perfect.
31:19I'll be back.
31:20I trust you.
31:21What's crazy is I've already been on a date with someone that I went to college with.
31:26And then someone I went to high school with.
31:28Oh my god.
31:28So I hope you didn't go to BT and I hope you didn't go to George College.
31:32I did not.
31:33Safe there.
31:36Try to pump your hand off.
31:37Yeah, of course.
31:37You keep talking.
31:38Ooh, I like the color combo there.
31:40No, I'm all for it.
31:41Let me see yours.
31:43Did you meet my grandma?
31:44I did not.
31:44Oh, okay.
31:44I did not.
31:45Just your mom.
31:46She's a hoot.
31:47Well, I'm sure I'll meet her eventually.
31:49Oh, you think so?
31:50Wow, okay.
31:51A lot of confidence.
31:52I love it.
31:53Well, why don't y'all go have a seat and I'll finish working on this.
31:57Thank you so much.
31:58No, thank y'all.
32:00Wow, I love it in here.
32:01It's so cute.
32:03So we got to get deep on this first date.
32:05Oh, bring it on.
32:06Yeah, girl.
32:09Do you like to cook?
32:10I think I'd enjoy it more if I had someone to do it with.
32:13Okay, okay.
32:14So my dad cannot cook.
32:20Oh no.
32:21She doesn't know you're watching right now.
32:25While I am very independent, I'm also like ready for a partner in a romantic relationship.
32:29I've never been in a relationship long-term.
32:31I never really even dated anyone super seriously in LA.
32:35I just, I feel like it wasn't really passing the third, fourth, fifth date mark.
32:40That's definitely something I am ready for and looking for.
32:44Yeah, I agree.
32:46I want a relationship.
32:50Have you ever been to LA?
32:51Uh, I have.
32:52Me and my dad went there a few times growing up and I do like to travel when I can.
32:57So much fun to make our hats.
32:58We should go pick them up.
32:59Yeah, they're probably done by now.
33:01Oh my gosh.
33:05It looks great.
33:06Okay, what did we think?
33:10That was exciting.
33:12That was so exciting.
33:14What do we think about this third date?
33:16Do you think maybe this could be the one?
33:20Okay, good.
33:20Right now, I want to hear from each and every one of you about what you thought of the dates.
33:26You're going to write down on a piece of paper who you think Tori should get to know better.
33:30And then we're going to meet back here tomorrow and I'm going to let you know what the results were.
33:37So I want you to come up.
33:39So you're going to write either Jonathan, Jared, or Patrick.
33:44I'm voting for Jared because he reminds me a lot of my grandson
33:49and he just seems so sweet and they seem so sweet together.
33:54Voting for Patrick.
33:55When you put on that cowboy hat, you can just see it in her eyes.
33:59I'm voting for Jonathan because I think they were just so adorable and he really listened to her.
34:05I was team Jonathan, but I have to go with Patrick.
34:08I think they just are kind of in the same phase of life
34:11and can grow into more and wanting the same things.
34:14I'm going to vote for Patrick because I think he has like a really cool vibe.
34:19He seems like a good guy.
34:34I'm Ashley.
34:36Your parents asked me to help you find love in Milton.
34:38So good to meet you.
34:39So nice to meet you.
34:40You look beautiful.
34:42I just, I'm so excited to hear how you're doing.
34:45I'm excited to tell you.
34:47This dress is amazing.
34:49Thank you so much.
34:50Um, first of all, were you surprised when all of this happened?
34:55My parents are crazy for this.
34:59Yeah, they are.
35:00By the way, I have to tell you something.
35:04I got together with the whole town of Milton and we watched your dates live together.
35:14First of all, you have to know the love and support for you is out of this world.
35:19So I'm so curious to hear what was it like?
35:23It was like really intimidating to ask the questions that I want to ask.
35:27Thinking back to my past situations, I think there was a lot of people pleasing involved
35:31in like me not wanting to actually say how I genuinely feel just playing the game.
35:37And so when you're, I mean, listen, we both live in LA.
35:39I know what it's like.
35:40I can't even imagine trying to date there.
35:43I think if anything, this experience, like in going on these dates with these guys has
35:46really just taught me like be fully yourself entirely the way, and then I'll just be able
35:51to like be myself and potentially meet someone that like sees me fully as I am.
35:56This town, maybe more than any other, it feels like a really solid place to have kids.
36:02Oh, absolutely.
36:03I totally agree with you.
36:04I know within myself that I don't want to have roots and I don't want to put down roots
36:08in LA.
36:08I also am like, okay, I want to raise a family in the same way that I was raised.
36:13That's something that I constantly think about.
36:15I'll be turning 30 in January.
36:17And it just kind of feels like the perfect ending to this era, but also like new beginning
36:21for me and like the way that I want to date in the world.
36:24I feel like dating on an app has been a little bit of a game.
36:28People aren't really very forthright with their intentions.
36:30And so, you know, I at least appreciate that dating in person in Milton, people are definitely
36:37looking to take the next step.
36:39And so I think being able to do this and just be my true authentic self, I just want to
36:44take that through every step of life moving forward.
36:47We are gonna go and meet with the town.
36:51Do you feel like you're ready?
36:52Yes, I'm so excited.
36:53Let's do it.
36:54Come on.
37:01Thank you so much for coming back.
37:06I've loved getting to know all of you and we did a big vote.
37:10We are going to be hearing the results, the verdict.
37:17I think it's time that we finally bring in Tori.
37:20You all ready?
37:23Tori, come on in.
37:38All right, Tori, so talk to me a little bit.
37:40What has this week been like for you?
37:44Thank you, mom and dad, for setting this up for me.
37:46Thank you to my community, my family, my friends, everyone that showed up for me.
37:51I am honestly so blown away.
37:53Dating in L.A. is definitely really hard.
37:55I feel like it takes a lot of time and energy to get to the point of what someone's intentions are.
38:01And so I was a little bit more open to the fact that maybe I haven't been successful
38:07in L.A. for a reason and maybe there was an opportunity back home that, you know, I could explore.
38:14Do you feel like you'll approach dating differently from now on?
38:19Yay, we love you, Tori!
38:24What's it like for you to be here now, Susan, at the end of all of this?
38:28I'm super excited because she seems like she settled into it.
38:32Settled into what?
38:34To possibility.
38:37I'm just gonna be happy if my little girl's happy.
38:39Mark, that is so sweet.
38:41So we conducted a poll and every single person here voted about who they thought
38:48you had a connection with.
38:50And the results of that poll...
39:00It looks great.
39:01Yours looked like you walked in with it, so...
39:03Okay, perfect.
39:04So now I would like to hear Mark and Susan.
39:08So ultimately I chose Patrick.
39:12I agree.
39:15Are we ready to hear who Tori has chosen?
39:21Through this experience, I definitely did have a spark with someone.
39:25And so with that being said...
39:30I choose...
39:42Oh my goodness.
39:50We're so happy that you're here.
39:52How does it feel to be here?
39:54This is all of Tori's community.
39:57Pleasantly surprising.
39:58I had no idea what to expect with all this.
40:00I'd never been on a blind date before, let alone meet the parents before this.
40:05But here we are, so...
40:07It was like kind of a landslide.
40:08So we've got a lot of fans in the audience.
40:11How did the date go for you?
40:13I think it went really smoothly.
40:14I mean, talked about a little bit of everything.
40:16So it felt easy.
40:17Like you felt a good flow with each other.
40:20I'm so happy I met Patrick.
40:22I'm also so happy for the experience and everything that I learned about myself.
40:26Susan, now that you've met Patrick in person, what do you think of his style?
40:29You're gonna make me go there.
40:31Nicely done.
40:32Okay, Susan approves!
40:38Patrick, what do you think might be the next step?
40:40Maybe you'll get her phone number and you guys can work something out.
40:43That's the plan.
40:45Guys, second date has been secured.
40:46You mean we're not invited?
40:57From this experience, I'm really hoping to gain love in all forms.
41:03Hi, I'm Patrick.
41:04I've heard about you already.
41:06Don't believe me.
41:07Dating in this age is honestly so tough.
41:10But in this experience, I was able to meet you.
41:12And I think it's just been a wonderful time.
41:16I can't wait to see what comes of it.
41:19I think we should figure out our next steps.
41:22Actually make this next date happen.
41:24Yes, I'm good to meet.
41:33Don't be afraid, let go to be free
41:37When we have to go soar and be seen
41:41We're on a journey with no limits above
41:45Been chasing the spark, but now it's been found
41:50New power in us that's breaking all bounds
41:53You've never seen anything like this till now