Coyotl Hero And Beast S01 E01
00:00:00He's dead, throw him off already, let the fucking coyotes deal with him.
00:00:29Shut up, or do you want them to kill us too?
00:00:41My fucking head's about to explode because of you, god damn it!
00:00:45Shut that kid up or I'll run to the coyotes myself!
00:00:48Come on, the baby is sick, he doesn't feel good.
00:00:51You're the beast, bastard.
00:00:53Not some fucking daycare, got it?
00:00:59Now shut up.
00:01:06You all got it? Don't you dare forget who rules the north!
00:01:14God damn son of a bitch.
00:01:19That's a good hit.
00:01:21Hey you, put that shit down. Grab that dude and throw him on the fucking tracks.
00:01:29What? I'm doing this by myself?
00:01:32Just do it, fucker!
00:01:37Come on bastards, get your guns up!
00:01:50Well fuck me.
00:01:52What the fuck is going on?
00:02:17Get me out of here!
00:02:34Get me out of here!
00:03:04The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:09The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:14Give me some faith.
00:03:16The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:17The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:18The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:19The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:20The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:21The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:22The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:23The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:24The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:25The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:26The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:27The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:28The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:29The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:30The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:31The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:32The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:33The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:34The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:35The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:36The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:37The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:38The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:39The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:40The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:41The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:42The story doesn't forgive.
00:03:44What's up Chato?
00:03:49Swing by later.
00:03:51Yeah, yeah, like we talked about.
00:03:53I'll give it to you in cash.
00:03:55Come on, man.
00:03:56You know I'm legit, right?
00:03:59I'll see you later.
00:04:00Bye, laters.
00:04:13Hey, buddy. What's up? You see what I brought you? Who is this for? Who is it for? Who is
00:04:29it for? Huh?
00:04:30When I was a kid, I had one just like that. A munt. It was grouchy as all hell. Drove
00:04:39me crazy. Kept barking at everyone except me.
00:04:42What happened to him? One day we just found him dead from a machete.
00:04:46Man, what a bunch of motherfuckers. No, he wasn't innocent. Wouldn't be surprised
00:04:50if the reason he was killed was because he bit someone.
00:04:53Come on, Don Nato, don't say something like that. He was a helpless animal. If he grew
00:04:56up on the street, what else could he do but defend himself?
00:04:59Attack. When you're done, make some trips into town.
00:05:04Is this for the party or something? There won't be any more parties here.
00:05:12Check it out, boss. Limited edition and all that shit. You got something to wipe with
00:05:21there? They sure are fire, aren't they? Even fucking
00:05:33Pat Bunny wears them. In a video while having a bunch of stag bitches with him.
00:05:38Look, boss, I know you get it. It's like having Escalades but on your feet.
00:05:42You know the feeling of those fucking crocodile skin car seats? And 22 inch chrome rims for
00:05:46the wheels? With magnetic springs that's bulletproof and with tinted glass.
00:05:51Fucking fancy ride, right? They passed the toll. They're coming soon.
00:05:54Over. How many are there?
00:05:57Over. A truck and a car.
00:05:59Over. Which way are they coming from?
00:06:00The dirt road? Over.
00:06:02Yeah, over. Let's go, boys.
00:06:08So those bastards want to go do my turf, huh? Then let's have some fun.
00:06:15Let's go. Move out.
00:06:37Soccer's garbage, bro. Baseball's where it's really at.
00:06:47Yeah, well, which one has the most fans? Which one makes the most money? See?
00:06:51Just a bunch of queers chasing a ball. Why don't they just go by their own and be done with it,
00:06:55right? What's up with these guys?
00:07:01Supposed to be neutral territory, dude.
00:07:04Ah, shit. Let's see what these assholes want. Everything will be fine.
00:07:22Out of the truck.
00:07:33Get down, asshole.
00:07:38Get down.
00:07:46Oh, man. I didn't know the hunters were coming. Should I get things ready?
00:07:52Do you want me to get everything ready for the hunters?
00:07:54Oh, no, no, no, no. It's just maintenance is all.
00:07:58Did you put everything in the truck yet?
00:07:59Yeah, pretty much. Why are you giving all that stuff away?
00:08:04We keep things in life for a reason. For love, memories, respect. But over the years,
00:08:11these things, they lose meaning and become things again. So I'm giving them away to
00:08:16someone who appreciates them. For that value to be renewed.
00:08:21Damn, didn't think you'd get philosophical and stuff.
00:08:29You sure you want to give your wife's face away?
00:08:32I loved Odensha more than anyone, but I'm no saint.
00:08:35Hey, don't say that. You're a role model for the whole town.
00:08:41No, I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life. I cheated on my wife. I made deals that I can
00:08:47never in my life say that I'd be proud of. And sometimes I've even asked for deplorable favors.
00:08:54But I've paid the price. Sometimes, in order for you to do good things, you have to be ready and
00:09:00willing to do the bad ones. As beautiful as it may seem, we don't know if a dog has rabies.
00:09:11Make sense. I'll see you after I deliver this.
00:09:16Hey, boy. Here, help me take this off.
00:09:24It's for you.
00:09:25What? Come on, Donato. It's your amulet. I can't accept this. Here.
00:09:29It's so you don't lose true north. And remember that being a hunter or a prey is a matter of luck.
00:09:37Hold on. You're not sick or dying of anything, are you?
00:09:42No one dies on the eve of something.
00:09:51Go on now. Go, go.
00:09:52See you later.
00:09:53Go on. Run along.
00:09:54Okay. Fine.
00:09:56Be careful with that face!
00:09:58That's what I'm doing.
00:10:07The hell? It's Neutral! Everyone passes through here. If El Tule finds out about this, he'll go crazy!
00:10:14El Tule?
00:10:18I don't give a fuck. Don't need to hear any of that, shithead. The Merchant will continue to pass through here.
00:10:24Except from now on, you're going to have to pay us 20% of everything.
00:10:30This intersection is under new management.
00:10:37God damn it.
00:10:38These lands are now the property of La Raya. Got it?
00:10:42Long live La Raya, fuckers!
00:10:45Here. Go and wipe that shit off.
00:10:49Here. Go and wipe that shit off.
00:10:53Let's give it back later.
00:11:11Don't worry, baby. You got something special that they don't.
00:11:16Like jewelry?
00:11:17A love-stricken rancher.
00:11:20With a rather dirty charm.
00:11:21Who loves you just the way you are.
00:11:23Do you love me?
00:11:25Yeah, just the way you are.
00:11:32With aspirations.
00:11:35Super crazy.
00:11:37Well, Lupe, if you're not here to get yourself had, what are you doing here?
00:11:41To deliver some gifts from Don Neta.
00:11:43Something for me?
00:11:44For you.
00:11:47How about a trip around the city?
00:11:49See a date?
00:11:51It's not like I have anything better to do.
00:11:52Oh, just my luck, then.
00:11:55That's good. See a date, then.
00:11:58Oh, yeah. Stop seeing other girls. I get jealous.
00:12:03You're such a dumbass.
00:12:07Senorita Jenny, the new mayor wants you to have this.
00:12:09Oh, thank you.
00:12:18Well, yes, of course.
00:12:19We had to work hard in order to get to where we are today.
00:12:28Well, obviously, I represent all the...
00:12:31I mean, everything that the party stands for.
00:12:33And who people voted for change.
00:12:38Listen, miss, you're gonna have to excuse me, but I have to take another call.
00:12:41Thank you very much for the interview.
00:12:43Yes, thank you.
00:12:44Yes, have a good morning.
00:12:46Fuck me in the ass.
00:12:52What's up, Guero?
00:12:55What do you mean, what's up?
00:12:56We agreed that you wouldn't call me and that I would call you.
00:12:59Shit. Did we, now?
00:13:02No, Guero, I didn't agree to anything with you, man.
00:13:06But you can relax.
00:13:07I just wanted to congratulate you.
00:13:09Well, thank you very much, but I'm curious.
00:13:12How the hell did you get this number?
00:13:14Listen, asshole, I have your number, your wife's number.
00:13:19Your daughter's number, who's studying in El Paso right now.
00:13:21I also have the number of your lover in Ciudad Juarez.
00:13:24On top of that, I also have the number of your fucking grandmother who lives in the state of Mexico.
00:13:29You want me to call her right now to prove it?
00:13:31Come on, Cima, I mean, it's not that serious.
00:13:33We're friends here.
00:13:34No worries, then.
00:13:36That's why I called.
00:13:37To remind you that a new era is about to begin, starting with you.
00:13:40Yes, no, no, no, I didn't forget.
00:13:42That's good.
00:13:43Oh, by the way, about the dead bodies on the freeway.
00:13:47You know what to do, right?
00:13:49Wait, what dead bodies, Cima?
00:13:50What bodies you mean?
00:13:55Sir, we found a truck that was shot up recently at the intersection.
00:13:58So I heard.
00:14:01But for now, we should probably celebrate, right?
00:14:04We're just going to clean up things over there and then we can just see what comes next.
00:14:07Let's celebrate, Heriberto.
00:14:09They'll clean it up.
00:14:09Lighten up.
00:14:10Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.
00:14:13Fuck me in the ass.
00:14:26What are you holding onto that for?
00:14:29Do you know why you're alive?
00:14:33You're going to tell everyone that these lands now belong to La Raya.
00:14:39You got that?
00:14:44Let's go, assholes.
00:15:04I think she looks like she used too much Botox.
00:15:07Just shut up, Joe.
00:15:08No, I'm serious.
00:15:09It looks all stretched out.
00:15:10Don't be so picky, man.
00:15:11Just needs a helping hand.
00:15:13Oh, it doesn't just need a hand.
00:15:14It needs a bunch of legs, too.
00:15:15Heck, it needs a whole new body.
00:15:17You don't get it, bro.
00:15:19This truck is...
00:15:21How am I supposed to say this?
00:15:22It's an elf.
00:15:25Really, dude?
00:15:26Yeah, I can tell you've never been with one before.
00:15:29Please just shut up, bro.
00:15:31What's up?
00:15:31You want it?
00:15:33Oh, for sure, Chato.
00:15:35I'll bring you the money later.
00:15:38The hell you doing with that, Chinaman?
00:15:39You don't know shit about cars.
00:15:41Hey, fuck you.
00:15:42Keep drinking your ass off.
00:15:43Come on, you can't even see with those tiny ass eyes.
00:15:46Ah, whatever.
00:15:47Tell you what, I'll give it a wash that it's all yours.
00:15:49That's a deal?
00:15:50Just make it look good, all right?
00:15:51I'm gonna show it off later.
00:15:55It's original.
00:15:56It's animal prid.
00:15:57And this, Chato?
00:16:00Nah, man, you keep this.
00:16:02It smells like ass.
00:16:05Oh, that's bad.
00:16:06The fuck kind of blanket is this?
00:16:07I don't know.
00:16:37You need something for the party?
00:16:41The new mayor just sent an invitation to me.
00:16:43Yes, many guests said the same thing.
00:16:45Any style in particular?
00:16:48Well, I like that one.
00:16:50I have a recommendation.
00:16:51It's something that you'll look great in.
00:16:55It's a rose-colored dress.
00:16:56Take a look.
00:16:57You're going to look gorgeous.
00:16:59And it's on sale.
00:17:01Yeah, it does look very nice.
00:17:05But I want this one.
00:17:08Those who dressed in yellow trust in their beauty.
00:17:11Oh, you have such good taste.
00:17:13But I don't know if we have your size for that.
00:17:16But you see, this is my size.
00:17:19I mean this size, honey.
00:17:36You ready for later?
00:17:37Were you invited to?
00:17:39You going to the mayor's thing?
00:17:40Why, are you?
00:17:45Why don't we go together?
00:17:46Well, I...
00:17:48I don't have an outfit yet.
00:17:49Then let me guess, it's gonna cost me.
00:17:51Poor but with aspirations, right?
00:17:53You said it yourself.
00:18:07Come on, Chata.
00:18:33When have I ever let you down?
00:18:35Yeah, I...
00:18:35That's why.
00:18:36That's why today.
00:18:37But before...
00:18:39That's why I'm fucking telling you.
00:18:41It's an emergency.
00:18:41But in three months, I'll have your cash.
00:18:45Don't be like that, man.
00:18:48Who'd pay that much?
00:18:50Look, Chata, just relax...
00:18:56You motherfucker.
00:18:59You really are an idiot.
00:19:01How can you spend the money on a dress?
00:19:02Yeah, I'm an idiot.
00:19:06What happened to those new heels of yours, huh?
00:19:24Whenever there's a party, we girls have to come.
00:19:27What, like a cockfight?
00:19:29Those mob wives in boots?
00:19:30No, man.
00:19:31Do you try dancing?
00:19:47You're looking very good, Mr. Mayor.
00:19:50Like the photo?
00:19:51Don't be a sucker, Beriberto.
00:19:52Not a good look.
00:19:53You need to focus, my man.
00:19:54They're all going to need us.
00:19:56And the cartels don't know that without us,
00:19:58they wouldn't even be able to piss.
00:20:00We're going to be the kings of the fucking North Bafel.
00:20:05What? Do you mind?
00:20:06No bullshit right now, please.
00:20:07Sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Mayor.
00:20:09I'm not here to bother you.
00:20:12I know this is an important day for you.
00:20:13Thank you, Major.
00:20:14Please come in.
00:20:15I'll see you in a minute, Heriberto.
00:20:16Please take a seat.
00:20:18I'll see you later, Heriberto.
00:20:19Today is a day to celebrate, Major.
00:20:23Tell me, what can I do you for?
00:20:25And what is with all this damn insistence?
00:20:27Maintaining balance in La Moneda isn't easy, Mr. Mayor.
00:20:31There's this intersection that connects, uh,
00:20:34the important northern cities...
00:20:35Ah, excuse me.
00:20:35Pardon the interruption.
00:20:37You want one?
00:20:39Well, don't just leave me hanging.
00:20:40Come on, take it.
00:20:43There we go.
00:20:45Now, dear Major,
00:20:47why don't you tell me something I don't fucking know yet,
00:20:49and let's cut the shit already.
00:20:53There's a man who's loyal to the government
00:20:55who's managed to keep the peace in the area.
00:20:59Don Neto Esparza.
00:21:00Yeah, I know.
00:21:01He's managed to keep the peace for years.
00:21:04Because not only do coke and migrants cross through this area,
00:21:07but also 60% of what we take north...
00:21:09I know, I know.
00:21:09Yeah, you don't have to tell me.
00:21:11Corn, tomatoes, avocados...
00:21:11Yeah, yeah, I know all of that stuff.
00:21:13Well, we can't exactly afford to let it all get unstable.
00:21:17I understand.
00:21:18I understand more so that some keep the agreements,
00:21:21they make a secret, and so on.
00:21:23I understand, so don't worry about it.
00:21:25So what else can I help you with, Major?
00:21:28Well, since you ordered our camp to be moved,
00:21:30all I can do is warn you.
00:21:32If the people of La Raya and El Centro start fighting in the area,
00:21:36La Bella Suiza, the pride of the governor himself,
00:21:38will turn into a hellhole,
00:21:40and you will be remembered as the idiot who caused it all.
00:21:47Do you have any political aspirations?
00:21:52The governor?
00:21:57Don't you try it.
00:21:59You know something, Major?
00:22:03Do you want to know what the exact problem is
00:22:05with all that honor and code and bullshit that they teach you?
00:22:09You lose sight of reality.
00:22:12Mexicans don't have a good memory, period.
00:22:15It could be good or bad,
00:22:16but whatever it is, we get used to it eventually.
00:22:19Even if it's fucking hell, to make it clear.
00:22:22So if we miss something out there,
00:22:23oh, well, we'll let you know about it, so don't worry.
00:22:29Then have a good night.
00:22:31Same to you, Major.
00:22:34Don't nettle my ass with garbage, motherfucker.
00:22:52What's up, Doneto?
00:22:56I know how you got that ranch.
00:23:00You think your friends in the government
00:23:01are going to take care of you for the rest of your life?
00:23:06But you know what?
00:23:09I like your style.
00:23:12I respect you.
00:23:14You've got balls.
00:23:16But now it's time for us to show you how we do things around here.
00:23:20Nothing personal, sir.
00:23:49Can we hurry up already?
00:23:54We're never on time, same as usual.
00:23:56We're going to be late again.
00:23:58Why don't you get off my ass?
00:23:59It's just a speech.
00:24:00If you want to be there that badly, go ahead.
00:24:01Excuse me, you're the First Lady.
00:24:03I'm not going there alone.
00:24:06Oh, all right, fine.
00:24:07But hold on.
00:24:07I have to tell Heriberto something.
00:24:09Wait for me.
00:24:13I'll be right with you, Colonel.
00:24:14I'm loving the music so far.
00:24:14Go on ahead, make yourself at home.
00:24:16Good evening.
00:24:17Heriberto, you see that chick over there?
00:24:18Make sure she's by herself, all right?
00:24:20Who knows, maybe my wife will get wasted waiting for me,
00:24:22then we can really celebrate.
00:24:24Make sure she's alone.
00:24:25Yes, sir, I'll take care of it.
00:24:27All right.
00:24:28Listen, this beautiful young lady over here is a special guest of our mayor himself.
00:24:40Hey, your invitation?
00:24:41I'm with her.
00:24:42No, I'm terribly sorry.
00:24:44The invitations are individual.
00:24:46I thought you said you were invited.
00:24:48No, I didn't know how any of this works, but it should be fine, right?
00:24:51Hey, don't feel bad.
00:24:52Go for a walk around the square.
00:24:54There's free beer there.
00:24:57Fancy a cocktail, señorita?
00:25:07You dress me like a princess to lead me outside the castle.
00:25:10Really, Lupe?
00:25:15Come in, please.
00:25:16Make yourself at home.
00:25:48What's up?
00:26:17I'm surprised you're not with Armadillo right now.
00:26:19Actually, he's the one who sent me for this operation to make sure you don't do anything
00:26:33Behind the lights, you dumbasses!
00:26:39What is up with that guy?
00:26:46Boss, he's shooting at us.
00:26:49He already got tacos, Martha.
00:26:57Shoot him!
00:26:57Shoot him!
00:26:58Come on!
00:27:02Are you seriously losing to an old man?
00:27:04Go on.
00:27:05Get it done already.
00:27:10You know what?
00:27:10That's it.
00:27:11I've had it up to here with this wrinkled old fuck.
00:27:14Get here, you fuckers!
00:27:33Come on, shoot!
00:27:35Keep firing, you fucks!
00:27:43Come on, don't let up!
00:28:13Come on!
00:28:42You actually got six of us, you old fucker?
00:28:45You idiots.
00:28:48You goddamn idiots!
00:29:08You there, boss?
00:29:09I got a little gift for you here.
00:29:11Good fucking work, Chacho.
00:29:25We have the opportunity to help when there's hunger.
00:29:40Well, here's hoping drinking water for every house is enough for that.
00:29:49Hey, ma'am, can I get a beer?
00:29:53To help forget that you got stood up, right?
00:29:55Hey, Ron!
00:29:56What is it, ma'am?
00:29:57I want to dance.
00:29:58Come on, Joe, be a good son.
00:29:59Don't be rude to her.
00:30:11What's up, Lupe?
00:30:12You got dumped?
00:30:13Don't get so down.
00:30:15So, how do I look?
00:30:17You look pretty fly tonight.
00:30:19There were only two trucks of beer that came in,
00:30:21but I'll buy you one if you dance with me.
00:30:23No, Lu, you know I have two left feet.
00:30:25Come on, just give it a shot, dude.
00:30:27All right, fine.
00:30:34Yo, what's up, babe?
00:30:37You lost or something?
00:30:42It's good stuff, you know, I bought it myself.
00:30:46Really classy, huh?
00:30:50What, the class of the North?
00:30:51Yeah, what do you think?
00:30:52Hey, even Dux here can have class, apparently.
00:30:56Although we ain't all here for the same reasons, baby.
00:30:59In another context, we'd all be killing each other.
00:31:05How about you?
00:31:05Why are you here?
00:31:07Nothing much.
00:31:07Just here to see some friends.
00:31:10Have a good time.
00:31:13Although, if you want, you and I can have a party
00:31:16over on the other side.
00:31:19Sorry, but I don't have a passport.
00:31:21Neither do I, but I still cross over, shall we?
00:31:25No, thanks.
00:31:30You think it's some hot shit or something?
00:31:33You know, to be honest with you, I shouldn't even be here.
00:31:37Well, actually, neither of us should even be here.
00:31:45I guess it's your first time trying champagne, eh?
00:31:51You're not fooling anyone, honey.
00:32:21Go get me another fucking drink.
00:32:45I'm sick of hearing these assholes lie all the time.
00:32:47They always say the same thing.
00:32:48How much will you bet he'll mention the freeway?
00:32:51That'll actually end all the drugs.
00:32:52Yeah, well, they're all the same.
00:32:54I say fuck it.
00:33:09I don't like this.
00:33:09We should leave.
00:33:10Let's go.
00:33:10Dude, no way.
00:33:11These assholes only want us to be afraid.
00:33:13I'm not giving them the pleasure.
00:33:15Show them that we're not scary.
00:33:16I'm not scared of them.
00:33:17I just don't want to be here with them.
00:33:18Come on.
00:33:21I don't want to be afraid.
00:33:22Please don't leave.
00:33:23Stay where you are.
00:33:24Let us warmly welcome our guests.
00:33:28Musicians, play some music.
00:33:30Because here in La Moneda, the music never stops.
00:34:21Lupe, Lupe, Lupe, Lupe, Lupe.
00:34:49What the fuck, man?
00:34:51Bro, they killed Don Neto.
00:34:56They killed Don Neto.
00:35:05Lupe, this is a crime scene.
00:35:06You can't just waltz in.
00:35:09Hey, stop.
00:35:10Stop it.
00:35:10Bro, just let him go.
00:35:27Lupe, Lupe, you can't come in here.
00:35:34You deaf?
00:35:35This is a crime scene.
00:35:36You can't be here.
00:35:39Listen, Lupe.
00:35:41I know you and Don Neto were very close,
00:35:43but if you don't want to be a murder suspect, then leave.
00:35:53We'll know if you let us do our work.
00:35:56This is none of your concern.
00:36:11Get out of the way.
00:36:29Move, asshole.
00:36:31I said move.
00:36:32Hey, fucker, move it.
00:36:33I said move.
00:36:35Man, fuck this guy.
00:36:39Move it.
00:36:41Go around him.
00:36:44Don't block the road, asshole, or you'll end up like the old man.
00:37:10Are you okay, man?
00:37:29Are you okay?
00:37:33What happened?
00:37:57Move, motherfucker.
00:37:58Move, let's go.
00:38:11Get the fuck out of here.
00:38:16That's enough, dumbass.
00:38:18Leave him alone.
00:38:26The fuck you think you're doing?
00:38:28You see all these people watching?
00:38:32We already got the body that we wanted.
00:38:38Whatever you say, boss.
00:38:40Slippery fingers, boss.
00:38:54I'm sorry.
00:39:05Let's get out of here.
00:39:07Pick up our boys.
00:39:11Let's go.
00:39:32Thank you for bringing him to me.
00:39:33Now go, leave me alone.
00:40:11Wait, who are you?
00:40:17Am I dead?
00:40:26You will die hundreds of times.
00:40:28You are not a man anymore.
00:40:30I want to die like everyone else.
00:40:35Nothing will be the same.
00:40:41The Awakens within you.
00:40:48Your spirit animal will now become one with you.
00:40:53I'm not dead.
00:40:54This path is your destiny.
00:40:57What destiny?
00:41:00Your Nahual will devour you, after which you shall be one.
00:42:41Goddamn those motherfuckers.
00:42:44Curse every one of those sons of bitches.
00:42:47Do not shed a tear.
00:42:48You don't cry in front of the dead because they'll pull you in with them.
00:42:52Sorry, I don't believe in those things.
00:42:55I'm Chinese.
00:42:56I'm from the north, but I'm also Chinese.
00:43:00Please, ma'am, tell me where you have him.
00:43:03Or at least tell me where you're going to bury him.
00:43:07I'm not burying him.
00:43:11Lupe's still alive.
00:43:15Shh, please.
00:43:19But they shot him dead in the chest.
00:43:22Is it witchcraft?
00:43:29If you're a friend to Lupe, then don't ask questions.
00:43:40Do you hear that?
00:44:01Hear what?
00:44:02Hear those bells?
00:44:04Those fucking loud bells.
00:44:07Shut them up.
00:44:11Hey, I want to hear some real music.
00:44:18All right.
00:44:19Come on, boys.
00:44:20We can chill out later.
00:44:41Mother Earth awoke your inner beast.
00:44:43This ritual is for the sake of your heart, or else the Nahual will dominate you.
00:44:47What the hell's going on here?
00:44:50Why am I alive?
00:44:51You are alive to bring about the restoration of balance.
00:45:11Drink and retain your humanity.
00:45:14What is that?
00:45:16A gateway.
00:45:41You can't escape.
00:45:57Why am I here?
00:45:58Why am I here?
00:46:01The time has arrived.
00:46:11What is this place?
00:46:16Your inner beast is where you belong.
00:46:19You must learn, for being a Nahual is not easy.
00:46:23How am I supposed to get out of here?
00:46:24You're still ignorant.
00:46:26To everyone else, you are but a dead man.
00:46:28Learn your true purpose as protector of these lands.
00:46:30You don't seem to understand.
00:46:31I have to get to my mom and to Jenny.
00:46:35Knowledge cannot be found where there is anger.
00:46:38You're a threat to all.
00:46:40In the history of all, the Coyote has never left his lands for a moment.
00:46:44He has always fought for the people.
00:46:45Your blood rage makes you blind to this fact.
00:46:48Here everyone takes care of their own.
00:46:50Tell me how to get out of here.
00:47:41Hey, hey, hey, no one gets to leave.
00:47:50This goes for everyone.
00:47:51So no one leave.
00:47:53The others?
00:47:55The idiots who think they're a bunch of brave superheroes?
00:47:58Those kinds of people aren't allowed in here.
00:48:00Newsflash, heroes and saints aren't allowed here in Lemoneda anymore.
00:48:05Here you can only pray to La Raya, baby.
00:48:08Now all of you get your asses home right now!
00:48:17Hold it, hold it right there.
00:48:18Where are you going?
00:48:20You three are staying right here.
00:48:23You made your point clear.
00:48:27But let us bury him.
00:48:30Not for being a saint.
00:48:33For being a friend.
00:48:35And family.
00:48:38Is that what you want?
00:48:49You want that?
00:48:52Not for fuck's sake.
00:48:58Then here's another gift for you, my queen.
00:49:05No processions.
00:49:06No going crazy.
00:49:09And no having guts for nothing.
00:49:13Got that?
00:49:16I said you got that?
00:49:20Come on, fuckers, into the truck.
00:49:26Move it, you pussies.
00:49:27We don't have all fucking day.
00:49:29The bus is waiting for us right now, so move faster.
00:49:36Let's go.
00:49:51Let's get out of here.
00:50:06Hey, so what about you?
00:50:13No thanks.
00:50:13I think I'll only get in your way.
00:50:15What about your friend back there?
00:50:17The bargain bin Tupac?
00:50:20Is it any of your business, huh?
00:50:22It's none of your business, okay?
00:50:24Jenny, Lupe's still alive.
00:50:31Hey, when you do see him, tell him I said hi.
00:50:49Lord, have mercy on us.
00:50:51Lord, have mercy.
00:50:52Christ, have mercy on us.
00:50:55Lord, have mercy on us.
00:50:58Christ, hear us.
00:51:01Christ, listen to us.
00:51:03God, our Heavenly Father.
00:51:06God, the Son, Redeemer of the world.
00:51:10God, the Holy Spirit.
00:51:13Why are you here?
00:51:15Have you gone mad?
00:51:17I'm going to make you a fake grave, so don't come back.
00:51:24Why aren't you in the community?
00:51:27What are you doing here?
00:51:29I was in there when he died.
00:51:31I could at least be at his funeral.
00:51:33What that man did to you, I will never be able to pay him.
00:51:44He took me in when I was just 11 years old.
00:51:49I could never forget how he taught me to work.
00:51:54I'm gonna avenge his death, Mom.
00:51:57I promise you.
00:52:00Did the shaman let you go?
00:52:02I escaped.
00:52:06It's important that you do what he tells you.
00:52:10For now, you can't be here.
00:52:12It's not safe for anyone.
00:52:13Well, it's not gonna be safe for any of those gangsters either.
00:52:18That's not your talking right now.
00:52:20I know it.
00:52:22You're not like that.
00:52:24You're different now.
00:52:26Listen to me, Mom.
00:52:28I don't know what it is that sorcerer gave you.
00:52:31Believe me, hell, I should be in a grave just like Don Nando.
00:52:35The only thing I do know is that I'm not about to let the second chance go to waste.
00:52:39Your thirst for revenge and your anger is what the Nahual feeds on.
00:52:45Don't stain your hands with blood, my son.
00:52:48Go back.
00:52:50Learn from the shaman.
00:52:52Don't let anyone see you and don't contact anyone.
00:52:56Please, just go home.
00:53:01Today's a good day to remember, and all of you will remember.
00:53:12But above all, anyone who crosses our path will learn.
00:53:17The first thing I want is the toll booth.
00:53:20We gotta make it clear to everyone that no one's gonna be crossing it without paying.
00:53:24And I don't give a fuck who it is.
00:53:26Come on.
00:53:29We're gonna need some cash.
00:53:31In other words, merch.
00:53:38We'll need to acquire more weapons.
00:53:41What's up, Vic?
00:53:42What happened with our agreement?
00:53:44Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
00:53:46Hell yeah, baby.
00:53:49Come on!
00:53:49Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
00:53:51Hell yeah, baby.
00:53:53Move it!
00:53:53Come on!
00:53:54We need enough migrants to form an army with.
00:53:56Get in there!
00:53:58Come on, move your asses!
00:53:59We don't have all fucking day!
00:54:01Move it!
00:54:02Come on, fuckers!
00:54:03And as for the border, we have to keep a close eye on it.
00:54:07The intersection is ours.
00:54:09We gotta make sure everyone is talking about us.
00:54:11Come back!
00:54:12Got that?
00:54:13Yes, boss!
00:54:14Don't waste my fucking time!
00:54:15Move it!
00:54:16Hurry up!
00:54:20Then what the fuck are you little pricks waiting for?
00:54:23Get a move on!
00:54:24Let's go, motherfuckers!
00:54:25Move it, bitches!
00:54:26Move it!
00:54:26Come on!
00:54:27Let's go!
00:54:50Are we gonna shoot today, Donnetto?
00:55:07I'm teaching you how to hunt and I'm paying you for it.
00:55:10So what do you care?
00:55:11You have to know your weapon.
00:55:13It's very sensitive.
00:55:16You'll be able to do it in no time.
00:55:17The only thing you have to do is breathe, relax, then boom.
00:55:36What are you doing here?
00:55:37Aren't you supposed to be dead?
00:55:38What are you doing here?
00:55:39There's no water, so we went to check the tank.
00:55:41But I see that you either went crazy or you actually believe the immortality thing.
00:55:46It's about to be over.
00:55:46We're in a fucking war, dude.
00:55:48I'm gonna kill them one by one.
00:55:50Well, not on my restaurant.
00:55:52Or what, huh?
00:55:52You want to burn it down?
00:55:54No, Joe, I don't want any-
00:55:55Not thinking at all!
00:55:56Because I'm not sure if you've noticed, but you're acting real shitty right now.
00:56:00What do you want?
00:56:00For them to see you?
00:56:02For them to see me and then come kill me?
00:56:04Then to go after your mom?
00:56:06And then go after Lupita and then Jenny?
00:56:07Is that what you want, Lupe?
00:56:09Hand me that rifle.
00:56:12Listen to me, you fucker.
00:56:14I'm gonna kill all these assholes, even if it's from another rooftop.
00:56:17And they're not gonna have a fucking clue who it was.
00:56:18Do you understand me?
00:56:21Not here, asshole!
00:56:24What was that?
00:56:25You think that was a gun?
00:56:27Come on, come on, get going!
00:56:29Man came from over there!
00:56:30Get in the truck!
00:56:44Over there!
00:56:45In the truck!
00:56:46Shit, Joe, we don't have the keys for that thing!
00:56:48He always leaves them in!
00:56:49Step on it!
00:56:51Time to buckle up!
00:56:53Oh, yeah.
00:56:54Let's go.
00:56:55Let's go!
00:56:58Shit, they're coming after us!
00:57:05Watch out!
00:57:12They're getting closer!
00:57:20Test drive!
00:57:21What the hell?
00:57:23What are you doing here?
00:57:24Come on, Neil!
00:57:25Come on!
00:57:26Hey, Chinaman!
00:57:27Be gentle with it, okay?
00:57:28Get the fuck down!
00:57:29Damn it, I feel like I should have just let you shoot them!
00:57:32They're on the left!
00:57:33Step on it!
00:57:51All right, finally, if we're having a sale today!
00:57:53It's 19!
00:57:55Down, damn it!
00:57:56Hey, I'm a gentleman!
00:57:57Show me some respect!
00:58:05Jump or they're going to kill us!
00:58:06Are you fucking stupid?
00:58:07No way!
00:58:08No, you're a stitching idiot!
00:58:09I'm not doing that!
00:58:11You have to jump or they're going to kill us, you see?
00:58:14Ah, all right, 18, it's all you now, man!
00:58:22Do it, man, come on!
00:58:28Hurry up and jump!
00:58:33One more, no more!
00:58:36Step on it!
00:58:37I'm trying!
00:58:38Jump already, Rambo!
00:58:41That's it, Lupez!
00:58:42Fuck yeah, Lupez!
00:58:54Fine, Lupez!
00:58:5417, take it or leave it!
00:58:57What a Lupez!
00:58:58Oh shit, no!
00:58:59Ah, it's horrible!
00:59:13Well, it's just like in the movies!
00:59:15You know what?
00:59:16I'll sell it to you for 25!
00:59:17Fucking Lupez, you owe me!
00:59:42You wanted to go with the gringos, huh?
00:59:56You got the wrong brain, buddy, see?
00:59:58Welcome to the north, you're already dead!
01:00:00Come on, move him!
01:00:01Come on!
01:00:03See that, dogs?
01:00:04Is that clear enough for you yet?
01:00:07You belong to us now.
01:00:09The second you found us, you lost everything.
01:00:12I don't give a shit whether you're running away or you have a family
01:00:15in whatever shithole country you're from.
01:00:18The next time we catch one of you starting shit on me,
01:00:21you'll get what you-
01:00:22We're going to make means meet out of your ass on the track!
01:00:29Awaken, our beast is free!
01:00:33For even fear shall flee from thee!
01:01:12For even fear shall flee from thee!
01:01:42For even fear shall flee from thee!
01:02:12For even fear shall flee from thee!
01:02:42For even fear shall flee from thee!
01:03:12For even fear shall flee from thee!
01:03:42For even fear shall flee from thee!