• 15 hours ago


00:00Hey guys, check it out! The Deluxe Limited Edition Wild West Enriches Expansion Pack
00:04in the signed and numbered collector's stim!
00:06Oh, come on, no! We just bought the regular pack!
00:10Ooh, a Sheriff's Badge!
00:14Yeah, it's also a wand!
00:18With a hologram? Nice!
00:21Hey, do you see this?
00:22I'm in the Matrix, Leonard. I see everything.
00:25You gotta be kidding me. You friended Stuart on Facebook?
00:29I thought you didn't like Facebook anymore.
00:31Don't be silly. I'm a fan of anything that tries to replace actual human contact.
00:38You're looking at Facebook to find out how their date went.
00:41Really? You think I care if a man shared a pumpkin latte with a dynamite lady?
00:47You're so full of it.
00:49You are free to believe whatever you like.
00:52And unfriend Rajesh Koothrappali.
00:55You unfriended me? Seriously?
00:57Oh, yeah, now he's gonna miss all those great updates.
01:00Like, I can't believe I waited this long to make my own potpourri.
01:05Sheldon, why don't you just acknowledge that you have feelings for Amy
01:08and you don't want her going out with other men?
01:11And unfriend Leonard Hofstadter.
01:14Here's a radical thought. Go old school. Challenge Stuart to a fight.
01:18I mean, nothing makes the ladies hotter than two skinny white guys
01:21swatting at each other with their eyes closed.
01:24And unfriend Howard Wolowitz.
01:27That's all of us. Can I use the laptop?
01:29Why? You have to buy that stupid collector's tin?
