• 14 hours ago


00:00Amy? Amy? Amy?
00:04I'll get right to the point.
00:06I think we need to end this relationship.
00:09So, just sign this with your finger
00:12and please don't cry on my iPad.
00:15I didn't get AppleCare.
00:18I'm not surprised you want to end the relationship.
00:20I'm a little surprised you didn't get AppleCare.
00:24Anyway, enjoy your life.
00:26Where do I sign?
00:27At the bottom.
00:28I must say I'm relieved you're not making more of a scene out of this.
00:31Oh, I've already moved on.
00:33Besides, this breakup has nothing to do with me.
00:36It doesn't?
00:37Of course not.
00:38This is just Leonard trying to take the focus off that dreadful table
00:42by sowing discord in our relationship.
00:44He's manipulating you like he always does.
00:47Well, then hang on.
00:50You think he manipulates me?
00:52All the time.
00:54And he knew that as your girlfriend
00:56and I wasn't going to stand by and let him bring a table into your apartment.
00:59I mean, a table? Come on!
01:04It is hideous.
01:07Well, thankfully I won't have to see it because I won't be your girlfriend anymore.
01:11Amy, Farrah Fowler.
01:14Why, yes, I would like to take a survey.
01:19You were really going to stand by me against the dining room table?
01:23Of course I was.
01:27How do I know that you're not manipulating me right now?
01:32I think if I were manipulating you, you'd be smart enough to see it.
01:37How do I know you're not saying that is part of the manipulation?
01:42I think you'd be smart enough to see that, too.
01:49I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time. I just had to be sure.
01:57Oh, hey. I mean, this didn't break up.
02:00No, sorry to disappoint you.
02:02But Amy pointed out that you were only trying to manipulate me.
02:05Which you also figured out by yourself.
02:07Which I also figured out by myself.
02:11Well, I'm glad you're still together.
02:12Yeah, okay, you can stop trying to make this about our relationship.
02:15Which is stronger than ever.
02:16Which is stronger than ever.
02:19This is about you trying to change my environment, which was perfect the way it was.
02:23But it got the way it was through change.
02:26The spot that you love to sit in that no one else can sit in only exists because, despite your objections, I bought this couch.
02:34Me. So explain why that change was bad and this change was good.
02:44You don't need to explain yourself to him.
02:45I don't need to explain myself to you.
02:49You're sick of his nonsense and ready to move in with me?
02:51Keep the table. We don't use that space.
02:59Dammit, I got cocky.
