• 2 days ago
Paradis.City.S01 E01


00:30I don't know what's going on, but I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don
01:00don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know
01:02what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going
01:04to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so
01:06I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't
01:08know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's
01:10going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to
01:12happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so
01:14I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know what's going to happen, so I don't know
01:16what's going to happen.
02:42Shut up, okay?
02:46Where's your cash register?
02:48I don't have any.
02:58Jero, come, come.
03:04Come, sit down.
03:06Jero, tell me, what am I going to do? I have an operation tomorrow. What am I going to do?
03:17You know the old music school? There's a poker game there today. At least 100 salmon in the pot. Go there.
03:29What games?
03:30Just a bunch of old guys. They can't defend themselves. I was also supposed to be there today, actually. But I'm in a hurry.
04:00Isaac, don't be afraid.
04:09Don't be afraid. Let's go.
04:30I have a bad feeling about you.
04:44You always have a bad feeling.
04:46Don't blame me if you fuck up, okay?
04:48I won't fuck up.
04:50How do you know?
04:51I'll see.
04:52I'll see.
04:53We also have that feeling.
04:55Always have a bad feeling.
05:01I'm going to leave you alone, that's all.
05:05I'm going to leave you alone, that's all.
05:08I'm going to leave you alone, that's all.
06:25Don't I don't do them in a fire
07:25Yes, what are you?
07:59That's politicians
08:36Don't want to be there at till Dagens huvudnyheter there in Rikers minister Eva Basarto Henriksson
08:42Ebh in Folkmun
08:44Ska besöka sÀromrÄde JÀrva
08:46Orna fought horde critique for wallet of props for shit national dogs tall some of monga bedömare answers vara
08:53warlössens uptakt
08:55SÀkerhets pÄdraget inför inrikesministern vÄghalsiga tal Àr enormt och experterna menar att hon Àr den naturliga eftertrÀdaren
09:03Sedan statsministern ovÀntat utannonserade sin avgÄng tidigare i vÄras
09:08Det betyder att allt hon sÀger fÄr en extra tyngd. Kanske kommer dagens tal sÀtta riktningen för hennes politiska linje
09:16Oppositionen har reagerat starkt och Filippe bonde ledare för medborgarpartiet och den separatistiska kommunen
09:23TallÀnge hörs hÀr inte bara oansvarigt. Det hÀr Àr ett hÄn. Det Àr som att spotta pÄ
09:32Utan murarna och sÀromrÄdes lagstiftning ÀndÄ har vi bara
09:39Jag vet Àr inte kul
09:47SĂ„ bra
10:14Kommer gÄ bra
10:16Hon Àr tvÀttad nu kommer inte bli bra
10:19Vi mÄste ta beslut
10:26Annars Àr inte bra
10:28Lovar att du försiktigt Àr den jag ska vara försiktig nÀr jag Àr pÄ riktigt
10:33Det Àr galet du behöver oroa dig för mig, okej
10:38Men jag gör det
10:40Jag vet att du inte bryr dig om mig lÀngre, men jag bryr mig fortfarande
10:46Jag mÄste sticka
11:18Ni vet vad ni ska göra. Ni vet era roller. Det största riskmomentet vi har Àr torget, sjÀlva talet
11:25Kommer vara vÀldigt mycket folk sÄ det Àr lÀtt att gömma sig i vimlet
11:28Man kan ocksÄ komma nÀra scenen utan att det mÀrks och dÄ kan det gÄ jÀvligt fort
11:32SÄ rörlig blick det Àr sÀrskilt viktigt för grupp B, men det gÀller alla
11:37Vi förvÀntar oss en hel del demonstranter och aktivister ocksÄ, men behÄll lugnet, lÄt det inte provoceras
11:43Det Àr inte de som gapar mest som Àr farliga, det vet ni
11:47HÄll utkik efter ovanliga rörelser, udda beteendemönster
11:51Det kommer vara vÀldigt varmt idag sÄ om ni ser nÄgon som springer runt med dunjacka sÄ Àr det inte för att de fryser
11:57Vet vi nÄgot om talet?
11:58Departementet vÀger lÀmna ut det, men jag tror inte hon kommer sÀga nÄgonting som pÄverkar hotbilden
12:03Det hÀr Àr vÄr uppgift, vi skyddar systemet
12:08Vi stÄr mellan kaos och ordning och om EBH vill Äka ut till sÀromrÄdet i Arba för att tala sÄ Àr det vÄr uppgift att se till att de kan det
12:15SÄ enkelt Àr det
12:19Har du frÄgor pÄ det?
12:39Hur kÀnns det hÀr dÄ?
12:43En del Àr lite nervösa, men jag tycker det kÀnns lugnt
12:47Jag fick just veta att S-polisen gjorde ett tillslag igÄr
12:52Abbo Garib
12:53Ledare för rörelsen, dansken
12:56De fick ett tips om var han befann sig och gick in med ett team
12:59Men det skets ju, han kom undan
13:01Fan tÀnker de ju
13:03De kommer ju se det som en utmaning
13:06De kommer ju försöka slÄ tillbaka
13:08Vill du göra?
13:13StÀlla in
13:16Vad tycker du?
13:20Det Àr du som ska in
13:22Ja men jag vill veta vad du tycker
13:26Det Àr ditt beslut
13:31Ja, men dÄ tycker jag att vi kör pÄ som planerat
14:48Vad heter du?
14:50Med all respekt, det Àr inget du behöver veta
15:09Vad sa du Àlskling?
15:11VĂ€nta, lugna dig lite
15:13Jag vill stanna, jag mÄste ta det hÀr
15:15Nej det gÄr inte
15:17Det gÄr fort, jag behöver ta det hÀr samtalet
15:19Vi kan inte stanna, vi mÄste stanna bilen
15:25Du, stanna sÄ fort du kan
15:27Jag förstÄr det
15:31Älskling du behöver inte vara orolig
15:33Jag vet, men lyssna pÄ mig
15:35Det kommer att gÄ bra
15:37Kan du andas lite nÀr du gÄr med mig?
15:39Kan du ta ett djupt andetag, Ànda ner i magen?
15:41Nej jag vet Àlskling
15:43Lyssna pÄ mig
15:59Vi mÄste tillbaka till bilen nu
16:03Tycker du att det Àr fel?
16:05Jag har hÄllit talet
16:07Det Àr inte mitt jobb att tycka nÄgonting
16:09Mitt jobb Àr att skydda dig
16:11Det Àr ditt jobb att tycka
16:21Det kommer att gÄ bra
16:23Ingenting kommer att hÀnda, jag lovar
16:25Vi har det hÀr under kontroll
16:27Du kan lita pÄ oss
16:29Men nu mÄste vi tillbaka till bilen
16:35Vi Ă„ker!
17:11Vilken mÄn?
17:13Vilken mÄn?
17:35Du kommer ihÄg att aldrig stÀnga av motorn hÀr inne
17:45Är du okej?
18:15Jag kan inte stÄ
18:45Vad gör du?
18:47Vad gör du?
19:15Vad gör du?
19:17Vad gör du?
19:19Vad gör du?
19:21Vad gör du?
19:23Vad gör du?
19:25Vad gör du?
19:27Vad gör du?
19:29Vad gör du?
19:31Vad gör du?
19:33Vad gör du?
19:35Vad gör du?
19:37Vad gör du?
19:39Vad gör du?
19:41Vad gör du?
19:43Men jag tror inte att vi Àr för sent
19:45Men jag tror inte att det Àr för sent
19:47Vi kan komma tillbaka
19:49Vi kan komma tillbaka
19:51Om vi inte förvÀntar vi oss
19:53Man runt 40, skÀggkÀpp, gÄr norrut
19:55Kan du se honom?
19:59Bakom de trantorna
20:01Jag kollar
20:03Det kommer inte att bli lÀtt
20:05Det kommer krÀva mycket av oss alla
20:07Vi kommer alla att behöva göra upp offringar
20:09Vi, vi, vi mÄste
20:11We have a problem, gentlemen.
20:13A heart attack.
20:15We have to call an ambulance.
20:17And we have to tear down this wall.
20:29That's why I'm here today.
20:31I have a heart attack here in the back.
20:33Not a chance.
20:35It's going to take too long to call an ambulance.
20:37It's an order.
20:39To seek your support.
20:41Roger that.
20:43To give you a promise.
20:47This cannot continue.
20:49The Special Area Act must be abolished.
20:55So that we can create a country
20:57with hope and opportunities
20:59where everyone
21:05can get a second chance.
21:09We will not give up.
21:11We will not give up.
21:19We're being attacked.
21:21Secure the exit.
21:35We're being attacked.
21:39We're being attacked.
22:09We're being attacked.
22:11We're being attacked.
22:13We're being attacked.
22:15We're being attacked.
22:33Fuck off!
22:45Call an ambulance!
23:05Call an ambulance!
23:07Call an ambulance!
23:11We have to...
23:13We have to...
23:15What is it?
23:23I'm listening, but it's already been decided.
23:25We have to enter with resources
23:27to take back Jebho.
23:29We've mobilized a group from all over the country.
23:31I don't think it's the right way to go.
23:33Honestly, the Minister of the Interior is in a special area in JĂ€rva.
23:38Let that sink in.
23:40You failed and you were responsible.
23:43It's a complete mess. We have to go in with everything we have.
23:46We both know that the movement is behind this.
23:49And we also know that they want a revolution.
23:51If we go in with everything we have, we'll have a war.
23:56300,000 people live in there.
23:59Most of them are ordinary people.
24:03We can't.
24:07What's your plan?
24:09Do you have a source in there?
24:17You have 48 hours to find EBH.
24:20Then we'll go in.
24:45Are you okay?
24:47I'm fine.
24:50Are you sure?
25:35How many did you say there were?
25:37Six, eight.
25:38And everyone was masked?
25:41Could you see anything of their appearance?
25:44Did you hear any voices?
25:46Could you distinguish any language?
25:48I don't know, but they knew what they wanted.
25:51Was there anything you reacted to?
25:54Any details about the clothes or the group?
25:58There was a man that I...
26:04I saw him in the people's meeting during the speech.
26:07I thought he acted suspiciously.
26:10Then I saw him again somewhere else, just before I was shot.
26:15Would you recognize him if you saw him again?
26:18I don't know.
26:21I don't even know if he has anything to do with this.
26:23Why didn't you shoot him?
26:27You were in close contact with the kidnappers,
26:29which a drowner saw before he was shot.
26:32There were a lot of civilians in the way.
26:35EBH was your only priority.
26:40You had a clear target.
26:41No, I didn't.
26:42You had plenty of time.
26:44You trained for situations like this.
26:46And yet you didn't shoot.
26:48You let them escape even though you knew what was at stake.
26:54How did they get to the roof?
26:56Because that's where it started, right?
26:58They took out the snipers.
26:59How did they know where they were?
27:02How many knew about these operations?
27:04I'm sorry.
27:05It's a completely justified question.
27:07We can't rule anything out.
27:09No, but I don't think...
27:10It could very well be a leak on the inside, you know that.
27:15It could be some idea in agreement.
27:20So it's going to be investigated.
27:21Of course.
27:25Let's say thank you, then.
27:28What the hell are they doing?
27:29Do they think I'm a fucking leak?
27:31They don't know what they're doing.
27:33They're going to start a fucking EBH war.
27:36What should I do?
27:37We have to find EBH.
27:38As fast as we can.
27:41Do you have a plan?
27:44I know there's a guy in custody.
27:47Maybe we can use him.
28:03Emir Nazim.
28:04The Prince of Alias.
28:05Three judges.
28:06Two rogues.
28:08A big-time thug.
28:09I'm going to be classed.
28:11Fuck, I don't even know his name.
28:13I'm with Makille.
28:14There was a title match a year ago.
28:16I've had it rough.
28:18Now I need a dialysis once a week.
28:19At least.
28:20Tell him he knows Abu Garib.
28:43This isn't okay.
28:45Mr. Manuel, this is Fredrika Falk.
28:47This is Fredrika Falk.
28:49He's in prison.
28:52He's a sick man.
28:53It hurts.
28:56You can relax a bit if you want.
28:57Come on.
28:58Save me.
29:01You have two minutes.
29:02I have three minutes if I want.
29:04Are you trying to scare me?
29:05I'm not trying anything, but I think you're bluffing.
29:07Oh, you're a poker player too.
29:10Interesting. Tell me more.
29:13I don't think you know Abu Garib.
29:14I don't think you know shit about the movement.
29:16But you're nothing to lose.
29:17You don't want to go down in history,
29:18so you're going to say anything to get us to let you go.
29:22The movement would never get mixed up with someone like you.
29:24Someone like me?
29:25I know exactly who you are.
29:27Where did they get this Garib from?
29:29You're rude.
29:32Do you know the only difference between us?
29:34Are you going to come up with a story
29:35about how it's the society's fault
29:36that everything has gone so well for you?
29:37The difference is that you're getting away.
29:40You're doing exactly the same shit,
29:43but you're getting away with it.
29:44Do you know why you're getting away with this?
29:45I'm going to tell you why.
29:48Because it's you whores who decide the rules.
29:53Tell me.
29:55Abu Garib.
29:57What do you know?
29:59Does he have a wife?
30:02What kind of car does he drive?
30:05Does he have children?
30:07Any tattoos?
30:14He doesn't know anything.
30:24Naila Al-Alwani.
30:25Everyone knows who Naila Al-Alwani is.
30:27You can try to trust her.
30:29You don't know her like I know her.
30:32Activist, engineer, smuggler.
30:35She builds tunnels under the walls.
30:38And she's a whore.
30:41Don't ask me how I know.
30:48I'm sure I ripped you through her.
30:52You want to have an ID?
30:53ID what?
30:54The Minister of the Interior,
30:56Eva Bassatto-Hendriksson.
30:58She was born this morning.
31:01And it's said that it was your friends in the movement who did it.
31:09Are you serious?
31:11You want me to go in
31:13and ask Garib
31:15where he has this ID?
31:18My superior wants to get rid of the SKI class.
31:19That won't happen.
31:20The requirement for my superior to help you
31:22is that he gets back his civil rights.
31:24Health insurance, pension, everything.
31:25Is this a matter of life or death?
31:26Just choose.
31:27Yes, Kessa, because you're a judge.
31:30So you know it'll be a life sentence.
31:32He's exposed to life-threatening conditions all by himself.
31:34I am.
31:35But first
31:36I want to meet my daughter.
31:40Do you understand?
31:41No, I know.
31:42It'll be a lot of fun.
31:46No, no.
31:50No, I was going to ask Mom now.
31:54Okay, okay, wait.
31:55I'll call you later.
31:56Wait a minute.
31:57The SKI class is in the city.
31:59There's a lot of people there.
32:00I'll call you later.
32:04There's a lot of rumors.
32:05What's next for Nova?
32:06What's happening now?
32:07And I can tell you that the rumors are true.
32:13So excited.
32:14I have such big news that you're going to love.
32:18I can say that it involves
32:23a mystical summer vibe.
32:27Think Dubai.
32:29So stay tuned.
32:33See you next week.
32:34We'll hear more about that.
32:38And don't forget that I love you.
32:40So much.
32:44Mom, can I ask you something?
32:48Wait, wait, wait.
32:49I just have to...
32:50How do I get this off?
32:52This is...
32:53Now I'll tell you.
32:57I'll just take this.
32:58We'll talk later.
33:17Get out.
33:21I'm trying.
33:22Don't you get it?
33:24I have ten minutes on you.
33:28Yes, yes.
33:30But then you don't listen to what I say.
33:33Yes, but wait.
33:34Mila, please.
33:36I'll talk on the phone.
33:37We'll talk later, okay?
33:38What did you say?
33:42I'm fucking screwed, okay?
33:44They want a half mil before Friday.
33:46If I don't give them...
33:49I have to...
33:51I have to have this job.
33:53It's our only chance.
33:55It's like...
33:59Yes, but what do they say?
34:00What do they say?
34:01What does the embassy say?
34:02You're in contact with them, right?
34:04Is something going to happen?
34:08Fuck it.
34:09I'm in a bad mood.
34:10I'll call you later.
34:11Okay, bye.
34:13Mila, you can't interrupt me when I'm talking.
34:15This was a job call.
34:16Don't answer.
34:17This was a job call.
34:18You can't interrupt me.
34:20I want to go to a camp.
34:21You can see that I'm talking on the phone.
34:23It's really unpleasant.
34:25Pop camp.
34:26I know.
34:27Pop camp.
34:28And I said that I can't give you an answer.
34:29We're talking.
34:30We're talking.
34:31Why do you look like a faggot?
34:38I'm kidding.
34:41How are you?
34:42I'm good.
34:44I've missed you.
34:45I've missed you.
34:46How much have you missed me?
34:47I've missed you.
34:48What have you done this time?
34:53Yeah, nothing.
34:54You haven't done anything?
34:57Fuck you, Mila.
34:58I won't do anything to you.
34:59Then why are you here?
35:00Because I've missed you.
35:03Who is she?
35:04My best friend, Berit.
35:06Don't you know Elsa?
35:08I'm going to bed.
35:11Mila, go to your room.
35:22What has he done?
35:29We can talk.
35:30The two of us.
35:31What has he done?
35:32What are you doing here?
35:33It's good for me to know.
35:34We're a daughter together.
36:00Have you learned to play the guitar?
36:02What do you mean, no?
36:03I'm telling you.
36:04Kind of.
36:05Okay, play something.
36:06What, now?
36:07Yes, play something.
36:08Something I've taught you.
36:10Come on.
36:11Don't make it sound good.
36:12I want to hear it.
36:14I guess I'll go to bed.
36:15Good night.
36:16Good night.
36:17Good night.
36:18Good night.
36:19Good night.
36:20Good night.
36:21Good night.
36:22Good night.
36:23Good night.
36:24Good night.
36:25Good night.
36:26Good night.
36:27Good night.
36:28Okay, Sarah.
36:58I am wise.
37:58It's okay.
38:12Is she my friend?
38:15I love her too.
38:24Hey Nova, what are you here?
38:26What are you doing here?
38:28What are you doing here?
38:31Are you crazy? You can't just sell your apartment. I can't. No. Okay
38:36Do you even know how much this apartment costs?
38:38Yes, I know how much it costs, but it will pay off. It will pay off?
38:41Okay, you know that you have to pay 16,000 SEK a month. What the hell is that money?
38:46That money goes to my dialysis.
38:48Okay, and whose fault is that?
38:50What? I had to go to that fucking game. What's wrong with you?
38:52What do you mean you had to?
38:54I told you ten times that I had to.
38:56Who forced you to do that?
38:58If you hadn't wasted all that money on a bunch of shit, you would have quit yesterday.
39:08It will pay off. You will get it.
39:10What do you mean it will pay off?
39:12How the hell will it pay off?
39:14I don't know, but I'm telling you. You will get it.
39:16I don't even understand why we have this risk.
39:19It's like you don't get it.
39:21It's like...
39:24You're in the SGI class.
39:28You're stuck in fucking hell.
39:30Okay, I didn't know. Tell me something else I don't know.
39:32You come here all of a sudden.
39:34I haven't heard from you in months.
39:36Mila asks about you every night.
39:38And all of a sudden you come here.
39:40You're a fucking civilian to your daughter's house.
39:42And then you say that I can't sell the apartment.
39:44No, you're the one who put us in this situation.
39:46You're the one who let us down.
39:49Okay, are you done? Can I talk now?
39:54You can sit down. I'm going to tell you something.
39:58Should I tell you or should I leave? I can leave if you want.
40:01Fuck you.
40:03Do you want to know why I came here in the first place?
40:09I'm going to get a new kidney.
40:14Aren't you happy?
40:17Yes, I'm very happy.
40:19You don't look like that when you're happy.
40:24So you're going to get a new kidney?
40:26You're just going to get a new kidney?
40:28Yeah, like that.
40:31You don't even have money for that, do you?
40:33Do you?
40:34Yeah, like...
40:36I'm just doing what I have to do.
40:41And this...
40:43Civilian whore that you...
40:44Fuck her. She doesn't have anything on me.
40:47Listen, you're going to get your money when it's done.
40:49So you're done with all this bullshit.
40:51Okay, I get it. You don't want to see me. Okay, we don't have to see each other.
40:54But I'm still going to help you.
40:56And I'm sure I'll always be there for Mila.
41:08Can you laugh now?
41:09I'm going to help you laugh.
41:12I'm going to help you laugh.
41:13You're so fucking crazy.
41:14Hey, Mila!
41:20Dad has to go now.
41:22Yeah, I have to go.
41:24Okay, see you soon.
41:25Talk to you later, okay?
41:27Okay, see you soon.
41:29Yeah, talk to you later.
41:31Can I have a hug from you too?
41:34I'll get one.
41:36A family hug.
41:37Not now, please.
41:38I want a family hug. Can I get a family hug?
41:57Hey, hey.
42:09If you meet Mila Lalwani, you want to use this.
42:12It reflects mobile phones.
42:15Hold it against her phone like this until it vibrates.
42:17It takes ten seconds.
42:20What is this, your butt plug?
43:33Unbullshit us.
43:34Naila Lalwani is part of the operative core.
43:37This is our best chance to find Abu Ghraib.
43:39You can't trust him.
43:40He'll leave as soon as he's in.
43:42It's idiotic not to bring him in.
43:44It's a risk we have to take.
43:45We have to go there.
43:59This is completely idiotic.
44:01I should bring them in.
44:02We should have several men bring them in.
44:04They're going to shut you down.
44:05They've started an investigation.
44:07It feels wrong.
44:09I'm going to back you up, but you have to lie low for a while.
44:12What do you mean?
44:14That you should take two or three days off.
44:17I'll take care of it, okay?
44:33Hi, it's dad.
44:35I just wanted to see how you're doing.
44:38And that you don't believe the news.
45:23I'll bring him in.
45:25There's no other way.
45:28What the hell?
45:29Fridrika, what are you doing?
45:33Do you want to die?
45:34Do you know what they're doing to the police?
45:36Yeah, but they don't know I'm a cop.
45:39I know you're under pressure.
45:42But if you do this, you're risking everything.
45:45I promised her.
45:46I promised her that we would protect her.
45:48That I would protect her.
45:51I have to do this.
45:57What the hell?
46:01This is the last open tunnel.
46:03If something happens down there, you won't be able to make contact.
46:07You have ten minutes.
46:09Then we'll detonate.
46:19Let's go.
47:19It's okay.
47:49It's okay.
48:19To be continued...
48:49To be continued...
49:19To be continued...