ten pound poms S02 E03
00:00Go get him, Stevie! I want you to go!
00:26What's this?
00:27Deeds, plans and approvals for this here boat shed to be turned into a business.
00:32Finders keepers.
00:37You must never approach Michael until he reaches the age of adulthood, which in the state of New South Wales is 21.
00:44Sheila, if I'm wasting my time, just tell me and I'll leave you alone.
00:49I've made it on the television and I find out from me boss.
00:52So it's alright when I'm being the strong wife, but not when I'm standing up and being my own person.
02:23What are you doing?
02:29Shush, Mum. The water, it's the only thing that gets her to sleep.
02:35I can't believe I actually got her down.
02:38She's so peaceful.
02:42She is.
02:43I used to have to take you down to the end of our street and stand right outside the steelworks.
02:56And the machinery at night used to make this weird noise like, um, whoomph, whoomph, whoomph.
03:06She knows her own mind, this one.
03:09There you go.
03:10There you go.
03:12For God's sake, Patty, what have I told you? You need to keep your ring on.
03:15Now Stevie's gone, you need to be more careful.
03:17I'm going to go get some sleep before we all start roasting to death in that tin can.
03:27Australia, a great place for families.
03:30Australia is an exciting new land, a country in the modern world.
03:35Create a real home for your family.
03:38A good place to grow up.
03:40There's a bright future.
03:42Come over to the sunny side.
03:45The cost of the journey halfway around the world is ten pounds.
03:49Look for a new start on your way to Australia.
04:06Peter, just so you know, girls really love being stared at.
04:11I wasn't staring.
04:12Two little birdies sipping in a tree.
04:18Yeah, well, the joke's on you, because birds actually can't kiss.
04:22They have beaks, so they clean each other's feathers.
04:29Leave him alone, will you?
04:30He's going to make a fool out of himself, he's way older.
04:33And I'm letting him make a fool out of himself?
04:35What, of growing up?
04:42Your food's don't go, love.
04:45Yeah, well, I've got to push the store where I can.
04:47It must be nice to feel useful.
04:56Well, we knew it would be hard.
04:57Yeah, but not this hard.
04:59Right, I'm off.
05:02Oh, by the way, I have to work late tonight.
05:05How come?
05:06Stock rotation.
05:08Stock rotation, all right.
05:13See you, pizza lad.
05:30Help! Help!
05:51You came.
05:52Come in.
05:55Everyone, let me introduce Annie Roberts, from Larry's news segment.
06:00Lovely to meet you, Annie.
06:02I thought you were so bold.
06:04It was a tonic for us all, wasn't it?
06:06An absolute tonic.
06:07You really stole the show.
06:10We were also the first country to allow women to stand for government.
06:13And we have more female politicians than...
06:15Yes, but what are those women in government actually doing for the rest of us?
06:19I managed a factory during the war.
06:21You were a woman.
06:22I managed a factory during the war.
06:24You worked in the defence ministry.
06:25Sarah drove trains, for God's sake.
06:28And now we're all just supposed to stay at home knitting and plumping pillows.
06:33How about you, Annie?
06:35What did you do in the war?
06:37I worked in a bakery.
06:39And the baker was... He was very kind.
06:42Taught me how to drive the van.
06:45But, you know, I have opportunities here in Australia that I just wouldn't have back home.
06:50So you'd say that women here have more freedom than in Britain?
06:53In some ways, yes.
06:56But then in other ways, no.
06:58Like in England, the men and women drink together and nobody bats an eyelid.
07:02But here you've got your gentlemen's bars and your ladies' lounges and everyone's separated.
07:08I don't really understand that.
07:10So they can talk about us, I suppose.
07:12I've often walked past those bars and wondered to myself,
07:15what would happen if I just walked in there and ordered myself a rum?
07:19You should try it.
07:20Maybe I will.
07:22I'll come with you.
07:25So will I.
07:29Well, we'd need to think about it.
07:31I don't want us getting arrested.
07:33You're right.
07:34It definitely needs some serious thought.
07:37Then again, Sarah is a woman.
07:40Then again, thoughts can change actions.
07:44But actions can change thoughts.
07:53Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my hut?
08:01Your hut?
08:03My husband, Arthur Fardington, left it to me.
08:06So you were trespassing.
08:08Now, I don't know much about your people, but I do know you shouldn't be in here.
08:14You're Artie's wife?
08:17He never mentioned you.
08:19Funnily enough, he never mentioned you.
08:35You sleeping in here?
08:38Then what are you using it for?
08:42I don't mean to speak ill of the dead, but Artie told me that you died during the war.
08:47Did he now?
08:48He did.
08:49He told me lots of things.
08:50Because he hired me and a friend to turn this beach hut into his dream business.
08:57Well, do I look dead?
09:02I'm his widow and I only came over when I heard about his passing.
09:08I'm Maggie, by the way.
09:12I'm Ron.
09:22So, the stream of us, what was he planning?
09:27Fish and chip shop.
09:28Fish and chips?
09:29English tradition, he said. Fish and chips on the seafront.
09:32True enough. Irish as well.
09:35Hmm. It's not a bad idea.
09:39It's a beautiful spot for it.
09:43Be ahead with the folks where I'm staying.
09:45Where's that? Galgany?
09:48In my Artie's bed, God rest his soul.
09:50Then you'll know Terry Roberts.
09:53He was Artie's best friend and the other man involved.
10:05Everything he owned comes to me.
10:09The deeds to this property.
10:11You can't be here without them.
10:14They're mine.
10:35Oh, mate, let's go.
10:48Still want to do it?
10:49Annie Roberts, you've been on television wearing little more than Lady Godiva.
10:55This is nothing.
11:04Come on.
11:15Three whiskeys, please.
11:16Now, now, ladies. You know better than this.
11:20Off you pop.
11:21Just one drink. That's all we ask.
11:25What do you think, boys?
11:26Come on.
11:32Well, there you go. One drink.
11:35And that's your lot.
11:45Well, that went better than expected.
11:47Cheers, girls.
11:51Out on your own, then?
11:58You can see we're all married.
12:00Just here for a drink, that's all.
12:02Got a bomb here, boys.
12:05Never had myself a bomb.
12:12Do you mind?
12:13I had a Dutch woman once.
12:15And a woman from down, but she wanted me to pretend she was her brother.
12:22What's your name, gorgeous?
12:28I can't even get you down.
12:33I'll be your horse.
12:35Climb on there.
12:37You need to get up, Annie.
12:38Come on.
12:39Climb aboard. Ride me.
12:41Ride me, Annie.
12:43Come on, guys.
12:44Ride me.
12:52Where are you ladies going?
12:53You said you wanted a drink.
12:55Please let us pass.
12:56You want to leave?
12:58That's strange.
12:59Because first, you want to come in.
13:01To our men's bar.
13:03And when we get friendly and ask you to join the fun,
13:06suddenly you want to leave?
13:09Come on, chaps. This isn't funny.
13:11Chaps, this isn't funny.
13:14We wanted to stay, Pom.
13:17To stay.
13:18To stay.
13:23You're just going to stand there, are you?
13:27Tell your customers to bloody behave themselves.
13:35You can leave.
13:36Of course you can leave.
13:38But you leave through the back door.
13:39I don't want any other ladies getting the same idea.
13:49Oh, sorry.
13:53No, no, no.
13:54Where's the door?
13:56What are we doing?
13:58Where is the door?
14:03Oh, God.
14:13Meet me out the back. Five minutes.
14:19Was Artie married?
14:22I thought he was seeing some German woman.
14:25He was. Veronica.
14:26Gaga for her.
14:29The woman's turned up claiming to be his wife.
14:32What's she look like?
14:33Irish. Dark hair.
14:35Says her name's Maggie.
14:36She's just arrived.
14:38She's clutching deeds, Terry.
14:40Saying she wants us out.
14:41She said she lives here, but when I mentioned your name,
14:43she got all businesslike.
14:44The only Maggie that's arrived in here is Maggie Skinner.
14:49Her husband died, but his name was Sidney.
14:51And he croaked on the boat over.
14:53I'm going to need you to find out what this woman's playing at.
15:04What do you think they're doing? This is bloody mad.
15:12I'll let you out.
15:13If your husbands agree to come and take you home.
15:20They've made us look like fools, haven't they?
15:31Just had a phone call from a bar in town.
15:34He said he'd have a problem with Annie.
15:50Whose idea was this?
15:51Let's just get out of here, please.
15:52Keep your wife in line next time, mate.
16:02Where have you been?
16:04Just out with friends.
16:14First the bikini business, and now this.
16:18What is it you're trying to prove?
16:19Can we not talk about this now?
16:22That bloke back there.
16:24Telling me to keep my wife in line.
16:25I should have asked him, how?
16:28And I don't even know what you want.
16:32I'm making good money.
16:34Trying to make a living.
16:36I'm trying to make a living.
16:38I'm trying to make a living.
16:40I'm trying to make a living.
16:41I'm making good money.
16:43Trying to get us a new home.
16:46For you, the kids, and our grandchild.
16:51Those men could have done anything.
16:53I could have gone anywhere, Annie.
16:57What is wrong?
17:02So why aren't you happy?
17:06I am.
17:08So what's going on?
17:10Because, shall I tell you how I see it?
17:13You're needed.
17:15But not what you think you're needed.
17:17You're needed here.
17:19She needs you.
17:20Baby Mary needs you.
17:21I need you.
17:22You're barely around.
17:23That's not fair.
17:24You're not loved.
17:25You're off with Marlene, or whoever them posh handbags were tonight.
17:29And your daughter is alone.
17:32An unwed mum, trying to cope in a foreign country with a newborn baby.
17:35So you're saying I'm bloody useless, is that it?
17:38That I'm letting my own daughter down?
17:39No, I'm not saying that.
17:44I'm just saying,
17:46you could be here more.
17:48I'm saying,
17:51if you're restless, there's plenty you can be putting your energy into right here.
17:56Stevie's gone and Paddy barely leaves the camp.
17:59That's not good for her.
18:00I brought her up.
18:03And Peter.
18:06And where were you?
18:09After the war, where were you?
18:13I'll tell you where you were.
18:14You were getting drunk or losing your wages at the track.
18:18I know where I was.
18:27you have been an amazing mother.
18:31But right now they need you again.
18:35I'm sorry.
18:47I'm gonna wash up.
19:35Now then, Maggie.
19:39Didn't realise you were a bigamist.
19:45I'm sorry?
19:46Sydney was your husband.
19:48So was Artie Farthing.
19:50So you're a double widow.
19:52Never got that wrong.
19:55They say,
19:56possession is nine-tenths of a lark, Harry.
20:00The Aborigine seems nice, but he has no worth.
20:04He has no rights.
20:06Which leaves me and you.
20:09Though I have the people walk.
20:17The Corburn Beauty Pageant.
20:19You have beauty pageants in England, right?
20:21And I know it's freezing cold and everyone's blotchy,
20:23but you must have the occasional razzle-dazzle.
20:25Oh yeah, we do.
20:27In Blackpool and, you know, seaside places.
20:30Oh, can you believe it?
20:31Me, us.
20:32Wilson's to host this year's event with them.
20:35Naturally, I'm gonna play hard-to-get.
20:39For the first five seconds before saying yes, yes, yes.
20:45Sorry, Annie, the baby's woken.
20:48She's crying.
20:53Does it want breast?
20:55Are you offering?
20:56No, I'm afraid these are pleasure-use only.
20:58Here, give it to me.
20:59You go and find Paddy.
21:01It's free advertising for us,
21:03and we can get the girls taking part to wear our dresses.
21:06That'll shift some sales in ladies' wear.
21:09We have to go big on this.
21:15Well, Paddy can help you.
21:16She's young, she's beautiful.
21:18I'll hold the fort here.
21:20You go.
21:21Be good for you.
21:22That's a great idea.
21:24What about Mary?
21:25Bring her with you.
21:26We'll be backstage.
21:27You have to come.
21:32All right, I'd like that.
21:40OK, try that.
21:46Yeah, there we go.
21:48All sorted.
21:51You're very welcome.
21:55Does Mr Bates mind you spending so much time here?
21:58It's what I do.
22:00Unless it needs me for other things.
22:08All right, well...
22:09We're just about to have lunch,
22:10if you'd like to stay for a bit.
22:16Yeah, that'd be great.
22:26Who's winning?
22:28Oh, wow, look at these.
22:29Do you two do these?
22:32That is a brilliant bird.
22:33And what's this?
22:35Is that a dog wearing Wellington boots?
22:38Gum boots.
22:39Gum boots, sorry.
22:40I did that.
22:41I did that.
22:42No, I did that.
22:43I did that.
22:44Look at his expression, I like that.
22:47Come on.
22:48Come on.
22:51Is that OK, that?
22:53I hate it, but we're lucky to have it.
22:56A lot of the others don't have any gas at all.
22:58Right, you two, come on.
23:03There you are.
23:06You're welcome.
23:08Mr Roberts,
23:09what's your favourite thing in Australia?
23:12Oh, let me think.
23:15I think it'll have to be...
23:18the beach.
23:20I used to love the seaside back home,
23:22but I never saw beaches like the ones we've got here.
23:24They're heaven.
23:25We used to go to the beach all the time with Daddy.
23:28We still do.
23:29Hardly ever.
23:32I can take you to the beach.
23:38You really don't have to do that.
23:40No, it's OK.
23:41I'll take you tomorrow.
23:43But in return, I want a drawing
23:45of a kangaroo wearing Wellington boots.
23:48Gum boots.
23:49Wearing gum boots.
23:51Do you have a deal?
24:04You've still got my ring on,
24:10Well, if it wasn't for you giving me this,
24:14I might be on a boat back home right now.
24:17We don't have to pretend anymore.
24:30How have you been?
24:32Are you OK?
24:36Over the last few days, this, er...
24:41has arrived.
24:44has arrived.
24:46I mean, not the parents.
24:47They just want a child.
24:49But the system.
24:52That this was allowed.
24:56And I feel that people should know.
25:00Kate, have you ever heard the story of King Canute?
25:05He tried to stop the waves by commanding them.
25:09He couldn't.
25:11Some things are the way they are,
25:12and no matter how loud we scream,
25:15they aren't going to change.
25:17Or maybe King Canute didn't try hard enough.
25:51Your father's death, um...
25:54it affected me.
25:56The man taken before his time.
25:59And I...
26:01was wondering if...
26:02if I could bring him.
26:09Are you paying?
26:10Of course.
26:17You have a deep and unbroken lifeline.
26:20But it doesn't mean you live to be 100.
26:23It's just health and vitality.
26:25But see there?
26:27That line.
26:28That line.
26:31That's a strong loving relationship.
26:34The position, high up,
26:36suggests the middle of your life.
26:39There's a small line crossing it.
26:41It suggests a hazard.
26:45that has to be overcome
26:47for the love to prosper.
26:56Hi, Lou.
26:57Bertie, how's it going?
26:59It's good to see you.
27:02Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
27:04Walking sideways, looking diagonally.
27:06My mate Martin Nonos did that.
27:08Fell down a drain.
27:10Took six days to get him out.
27:12I'm sorry.
27:16You got your eye on the skirt.
27:18No, no, no.
27:19It's not...
27:23She's not interested in me.
27:25How do you know that?
27:27Because I'm not a man.
27:29And what's being a man?
27:31Don't you know?
27:32You're quite old.
27:36Listen, I have no idea
27:37what constitutes being a man back in England,
27:39but over here,
27:40you need to be able to take charge
27:43of a barbie.
27:45You need to do some hunting,
27:46some fishing.
27:47Oh, you need to know about cars.
27:48Very important one, that one.
27:54Don't forget the essential one.
27:58You want the birds,
28:00you have to surf.
28:02How do I learn all that?
28:05You get a real man to show you how.
28:07Like who?
28:42Excuse me.
28:43Mr Matthews?
28:52Good morning.
28:53My name is Marjorie Gibson.
28:55I'm from the London Times.
28:57The Times?
28:59You may have read my articles.
29:02I'm over here on an assignment
29:04and I would absolutely love
29:06five minutes with Mr Matthews.
29:08Oh, yes, of course.
29:09But he's rather busy.
29:13Let me see if he's free.
29:15The name again?
29:16Marjorie Gibson.
29:24Oh, Mr Matthews.
29:26Yes, Marjorie Gibson from the London Times.
29:31Yes, Miss Gibson.
29:32He has a few minutes.
29:34This way.
29:35Marjorie Gibson from the Times.
29:37All the way down under.
29:43Mr Matthews,
29:45I'm really, really sorry.
29:46I've lied to you.
29:48My name's Kate Thorne
29:49and the reason why I lied...
29:51Please, please.
29:53I have a story.
29:54A really important story.
29:57Just five minutes.
29:59This is urgent.
30:00Children are being taken.
30:04They're being brought to this country
30:06and your government
30:07and my government
30:08are turning a blind eye.
30:17I don't appreciate the ruse, Miss Thorne.
30:21But as a journalist,
30:24I think it'd be crazy to send you away.
30:28Lynne, can you take notes?
30:33You have five minutes.
30:45Look, I've managed to find my son.
30:49He knows who I am
30:50and he knows that I love him.
30:53But most mothers,
30:55they don't get that opportunity.
30:58Their children
31:00are put on a boat
31:01and told they're unwanted.
31:06And it's lies.
31:09They get sent to institutions,
31:11their names and dates of birth change
31:13and they never get to see their mothers ever again.
31:17These women
31:18deserve to learn
31:20what happened to their children.
31:22To be reunited.
31:23Or at the very least,
31:25know who is responsible
31:26for taking them to the other side of the world.
31:31I came to you
31:32because I know you're interested
31:33in important issues.
31:35These terrible things are happening
31:37to women and their children
31:38and it can't be ignored.
31:48And you have the evidence to back this up?
31:49My story is the evidence.
31:51The verbal testimony of one woman?
31:53Well, find more.
31:55You have to believe me.
32:03Miss Thorne,
32:04the story's moving.
32:07But we'd be rattling a lot of cages.
32:10We need to scream and shout
32:12until something changes.
32:13You're accusing the church,
32:15the police
32:16and the Australian government.
32:20Friends in those places,
32:21have you?
32:23Same clubs.
32:27This is how the silence continues.
32:32I think we're finished here.
33:01Tommy, go!
33:11I think you're tiring me out.
33:13Do you want to put some more sand in?
33:23They're great at this age, aren't they?
33:27Just want to fool around and play daft.
33:32They're a handful on your own.
33:41I missed a bit with my two.
33:45First the war.
33:49And then, um...
33:53After was, uh...
33:56Harder than we thought it would be.
33:59My youngest, Peter.
34:01I think he's all right.
34:07My daughter, Patty.
34:10She's 16 and, uh...
34:12It's a great time to be a young woman in Australia, though.
34:17The outdoor life.
35:17Attention, contestants.
35:19All my ladies' wear is direct from Paris and Milan.
35:24At least, that's what it says on the labels.
35:26So, if you're interested in modelling any of these samples...
35:31Step this way.
35:40Every chance you get, say the dress is from Wilson's Ladies' Wear.
35:47Good luck.
35:49Right, that's the lot.
35:51Patty, can you back up the rest?
36:03What name, please?
36:05Uh, Patricia Roberts.
36:07Patricia Roberts.
36:11You're not on the list.
36:13Never mind.
36:14Just sign up at the desk and get your number.
36:16Do you have your chaperone with you?
36:17No, I'm not.
36:18I'm Miss Robert's chaperone.
36:21Please hurry.
36:22We'll be starting quite soon.
36:26Marlene, two girls haven't shown.
36:28You'd be doing them a favour.
36:30I can't.
36:31Marlene, I can't.
36:32Look at me, I can't.
36:34Yes, you look fabulous.
36:35Anyway, these pageants aren't just about looks.
36:37They're about brains and they're about personality.
36:39Marlene, no.
36:41I mean, what about Mary?
36:44I can look after Mary.
36:50I don't know.
36:52Go on, don't be so British.
37:01But get rid of the ring.
37:04It's for young, single women.
37:15Paddle, paddle, paddle.
37:16Wait for the wave.
37:17Three, two, one.
37:20There you go.
37:21Front foot.
37:23Now look at me.
37:24Look over there.
37:25Look at those ladies.
37:26All those ladies who are looking at you.
37:27They want to know your name.
37:28Tell them your name.
37:29Peter Roberts.
37:30There you go.
37:31He'll be back soon.
37:32All right, let's go, let's go.
37:34All right, ready?
37:37Okay, go.
37:40Pop, pop, pop.
37:41He's out.
37:46Can't expect to be a master on day one, mate.
37:49Okay, in the middle.
37:53Come on, pop.
37:55You did it, brother.
38:04Say bonza.
38:25Ladies, ladies, ladies.
38:27Round one.
38:28Day wear.
38:29And most importantly, personality.
38:31Please welcome our first young lady.
38:33A girl with a lovely hourglass figure.
38:35And not one, not two, but three names.
38:37Amelia Rose Parker.
39:09You have a lovely smile, my sweet.
39:13Like you're up to no good.
39:16Now, tell us.
39:18What's a fact people don't know about you?
39:22Well, Mr Bourne, my dream is to sing in an opera.
39:26An opera?
39:27How marvellous.
39:29Would you like to give us a burst of your voice?
39:52Oh, and my dress is from Wilson's.
39:58Our next wonderful contestant,
40:00who's come all the way from the United Kingdom.
40:04So let's hope we're not barking up the wrong tree.
40:08And it ain't a one-horse race.
40:10She's the bee's knees,
40:13Miss Patricia Roberts of England.
40:18No dazzle, though.
40:41So, Patricia, Patricia.
40:46Lovely name.
40:48Now, a juicy, juicy question.
40:52Describe for us your perfect day.
40:58Oh, my perfect day?
41:07I think it would be...
41:14I think it would be...
41:18To wake up to not care in the world.
41:23To blue skies.
41:26And, um...
41:28And the sunlight on my face.
41:32And then to go walking on the beach
41:35with the sand between my toes.
41:38And to just look out at the ocean and...
41:42Be able to see for miles and miles.
41:48And feel free.
42:05So we move to round two.
42:07We have Jane Jackson, Patricia Roberts,
42:11Alice Matthews, Betty Haven,
42:15Diane Adams, and Robin Cresswell.
42:19You really think this will impress her?
42:21Oh, it can't hurt.
42:23Tell you what, you get decent at it,
42:25you can offer to teach her.
42:27Plenty of opportunities for intimacy teaching surfing, mate.
42:34Right, now I've helped you.
42:36Now I need you to help me with something.
42:39With what?
42:42Call it, uh...
42:45An adventure.
42:54What's this?
42:56You remember Sheila Anderson?
42:58Used to live in the hostel.
43:00I'm going to pay her a little visit.
43:07I'm working on a school project
43:09about patients in mental hospitals
43:11and I was just wondering if you could help.
43:14So I've been told you use straight jackets,
43:17manacles and leather wristlets to control your patients.
43:20Is that correct?
43:38I knew it.
43:39You're stunning.
43:44How is she?
43:46Sleeping like a baby.
43:52So, welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to round two...
43:55Excuse me.
43:56Can we get some help with these fast things?
43:58I'll be right with you.
44:02Don't move.
44:03Patricia, why don't you join us?
44:04I'll be back.
44:10So, tell us, what are you passionate about?
44:14Well, I'm passionate about education and learning.
44:18I, uh, I adore books.
44:20So, um, I think I'd like to teach.
44:23I'd definitely like to travel,
44:25so maybe I can find a way to combine the two.
44:28I think you can do anything, really,
44:30if you just set your mind to it.
44:32So, um, I'd really...
44:35What kind of baby are you?
44:40Someone's not a fan.
44:43Whose baby is that?
44:52Who's the mother?
44:54We're looking for a mother.
44:56Anyone lost a baby?
44:58She needs a feed.
45:00Someone needs to be put to the breast.
45:02You know enough about me.
45:06Well, someone must be the owner.
45:08If no one claims it, it's going to lost property.
45:26Patrick, I'm so sorry.
45:33Well, I have to serve you with an eviction notice.
45:36Yeah, well, why don't you try that?
45:38Heidi was not your husband.
45:40Your husband was some poor bloke
45:42who kicked the bucket on the boat over.
45:44I'm sorry for your loss in orbit.
45:46Give over, lady.
45:48I could make a phone call.
45:50But I don't think I can.
45:52I don't think I can.
45:54I don't think I can.
45:56I don't think I can.
45:58I don't think I can.
46:00I could make a fuss, you know.
46:03I saw you here.
46:05Snaking around with those other men and women.
46:11But I am not going to do that.
46:16I saw finding those deeds as a sign.
46:19Of what?
46:21That I can make it here.
46:23In Australia.
46:26Sid might be dead.
46:29But I'll prosper.
46:34And this idea of Ardys might be a winner.
46:39You want in on fishing ships?
46:41I do.
46:57But I'm a partner, I'm not an employee.
46:59Got that?
47:00Got it.
47:56How'd it go?
48:02What happened?
48:03It's my fault.
48:05There was a bit of an incident.
48:17I feel awful.
48:19I should have gone with you.
48:20No, no.
48:21I don't need babysitting.
48:24I mean, it's my own stupid fault.
48:26I was the one that had sex.
48:33I love Mary.
48:41She traps me.
48:44She does.
48:52I'm not like those other girls at the pageant.
48:59When we got here,
49:02you said that you envied me.
49:06That I could achieve everything that I was capable of.
49:10My whole future before me.
49:13But I'm going to achieve...
49:22Just like you.
49:34Well, I'm sorry that I brought you up alone.
49:39Through a war.
49:43And I have tried so hard
49:45to give you every opportunity for a better life.
49:52I'm sorry you see that as so terrible.
50:34What's wrong?
50:36You know.
50:57Your mum's a good mum, you know.
51:02She's done her best for you.
51:07I know this is hard.
51:10But it will get easier.
51:12I promise.
51:16But what you said upset her.
51:19I know.
51:26So, go and find her.
51:29And apologise.
51:33Get some happiness back in this hut, yeah?
51:56I can see history repeating itself.
52:00Patty feeling trapped.
52:03She's right, she is going down the same road as me.
52:09I did something, Kate.
52:12Yeah, come on.
52:13And I've never told a living soul.
52:17And then a little while ago, I got a letter
52:19from Terry's mother telling me that someone was close to death.
52:29A man called Harry.
52:31A man called Harry Brewis.
52:35He owned the bakery where I worked.
52:38He wasn't allowed to fight, he had trouble with his eyes.
52:41And I had Patty and she was tiny.
52:45But the war needed female workers, so...
52:49..my mum helped out and I went to work for Harry.
52:57..you're not really allowed to say this
52:59because so many people died.
53:05But I loved that time.
53:09I had a purpose.
53:12Yes, I was worried sick about Terry, I was,
53:15but that job, it kept me sane.
53:20And then I got a card through from the army saying that...
53:24..they didn't know Terry's whereabouts.
53:27Or if he was even still alive.
53:31And I thought I was going to be a widow, Kate.
53:36And I couldn't remember his face or his voice.
53:43And I just kept thinking,
53:45how will I describe him to Patty?
53:50And I thought that I might die of grief.
53:53But Harry...
53:57..Harry was...
54:03He looked after me.
54:09We comforted each other.
54:15You mean you...
54:19We were only together a few times.
54:22And it was like I was in this strange dream,
54:27this strange time where I felt this...this passion.
54:31But then I was grieving and the two things just, they merged.
54:40And then I got word that Terry was alive.
54:44And then I got word that Terry was alive.
54:57I think Harry loved me.
55:02And when Terry was back, he wasn't an easy man to live with,
55:05but Harry never, he never, we never...
55:09..never again after that time.
55:24It's over.
55:27It's all in the past.
55:48Went well, eh?
55:58What are you doing?
56:00Er, JJ.
56:02Took me surfing.
56:04JJ took you surfing?
56:06Yeah. He's, er, shown me how to be an Australian man.
56:11Is it enough? I think he enjoyed it, you know?
56:14Like having a son, I suppose.
56:17I have to check my pop-up with him.
56:45Oh, hello. I'm looking for Kate Thorne.
56:49I believe she lives here.
57:34Oh, shit.
57:53Kids? Julie? Julie!
58:18Help! Help! Help!
58:23Help! Oh, no.
58:27Go and get help! Help! Get help, quick!
58:30Oh, no.
58:45He's alive. He's alive!