Casualty S42 E01
00:30It's a regular Texas 85, the M's 9, people size 9.
01:09Jodie, Jodie, Jodie, Jodie.
01:12Yeah, agreed.
01:14OK, thank you.
01:16Time of death, 11.57.
01:20OK, thanks.
01:57If I mocked about like this at work, I'd be fired.
02:01I supported the nurses,
02:03believing they were overworked and underpaid.
02:05Obvs, not the case.
02:07It'd been a tough shift. We was on a break.
02:10I'm not saying that you can't take a break,
02:12but to post it on social media, in your uniform,
02:16in front of your friends,
02:18in front of your family,
02:19in front of your friends,
02:20in front of your friends,
02:21in front of your friends,
02:22in front of your friends,
02:23on social media, in your uniform.
02:26I thought it'd make people laugh.
02:27Do you know how many complaints we've had?
02:29I'm sorry, it's not a good time.
02:30Why does it matter what I do in my spare time?
02:33How can you be so naive, hmm?
02:36Patients watching you lot mocking about
02:39when they've been sat there waiting for eight hours
02:41with a broken leg.
02:43Take it down, and for God's sake,
02:45don't make any more.
02:46I'm not going to.
02:48Do you already think I'm a crap enough nurse?
02:50If you're not careful,
02:51they won't be the only one.
02:54What's got into you, hmm?
02:56Just concentrate on doing your job.
02:59Preferably better.
03:01Somebody's been sick in reception,
03:02so clean it up while you're at it.
03:05Go on.
03:06Cam, you stay on minors.
03:07Rita, with me.
03:11I know you're really angry,
03:13and I'm so sorry.
03:14I just think she should know
03:16Jo's just having a really hard time.
03:18Today's the anniversary of her mum's death.
03:21Just thought you should know.
03:24Just get something over your head.
03:26Oi, darling.
03:28Don't let stuff in sort of psych, will you?
03:30One of our colleagues will call you through
03:31when it's your turn.
03:33I've been sat here hours.
03:34You're not treating anyone.
03:36You've been triaged.
03:37There's a sister.
03:40Help, please.
03:41She can't breathe.
03:42OK, OK, right, just come with me.
03:44Oi, oi!
03:47She's not in a queue.
03:51Just try and stay calm for me.
03:52It's OK.
03:54Bilateral expiratory ways, that.
03:56Has she had many of these attacks before?
03:58Yeah, but never this bad.
04:00Oh, she's hit her head.
04:01It's OK. It's all right.
04:02It's just a little bump. It's OK.
04:05OK, sats are 94.
04:09Let's start her on ten squirts of salbutamol
04:13through the spacer.
04:15I'll do it. It's fine.
04:16OK, grab the inhaler.
04:18Are you OK being in my sats?
04:20Yeah, I'm fine.
04:21You know, you did absolutely everything that you could earlier on.
04:23That's enough.
04:24Yeah, well, according to Siobhan, it really isn't.
04:31OK, so I know it's scary because you're struggling to breathe.
04:34You get all panicky and dizzy, don't you?
04:37This is a super-duper version of your inhaler, OK?
04:40So it's going to get medicine to here really, really quickly.
04:44Can you give it a go for me?
04:47There you go. Pop that there.
04:49Good girl.
05:00Room check.
05:02Still in VF.
05:03Back on the chest.
05:05He's not going to bite.
05:07Nephew's charging.
05:12Top, middle, bottom.
05:16Oxygen away.
05:18Docking now.
05:22Room check.
05:25That's rust at 1301.
05:29Let's start post-responding.
05:31I can't believe I forget the compressions when it's charging.
05:34It's all right. You've got it.
05:36And the rest of the module's in the back.
05:39Have you, um...
05:41Have you seen the lecturer?
05:44Pinching up. So...
05:47Total pushover.
05:55Oh, Siobhan, have you got a sec?
05:57Um, listen, the CPS are making a decision
06:00about prosecuting Luca this morning.
06:02They didn't say when they'd call, they just said they'd call, so I...
06:05Um, keep your phone on you.
06:07If you need to duck out, then give me the knob.
06:15Those SATs are beginning to come up, aren't they?
06:17Well, we've got 96 now and rising. Good.
06:20Um, how did she get this burn?
06:22Electric hob.
06:24That's why I was bringing her in. Then her breathing goes.
06:26Didn't have her puffer.
06:28Um, OK, that probably will be dealt with in cubicles,
06:32so you'll see a different doctor for that.
06:34But for the time being, let's give the nebuliser
06:36a couple of more minutes to work.
06:38Jodie, can I have a quick word outside, please?
06:43You know, I think all of this stuff is going to blow over.
06:47The problem with this job is that, um,
06:50we're held to account by people who don't have the first idea
06:53what it is that we actually do.
06:55In my 20s, um, which did happen, by the way, yeah,
07:00I dreamt of being a consultant.
07:03OK. Well, what do you want?
07:06I don't know, maybe make ACP one day. There you go.
07:09Yeah, but I don't know where to start.
07:11Well, um, you could start by getting your PDRAP module.
07:14Right, and what, do I just apply for that?
07:16No, I think a mentor would be beneficial.
07:18Yeah, well, Siobhan's not going to do that, is she?
07:20And Faith's too busy with the kids.
07:22A consultant, mentoring a nurse...
07:25I don't think it'd ever be official,
07:27but, I mean, if we did it more in the spirit of friendly advice...
07:30Are you offering?
07:31I tell you what, what are you doing tonight?
07:34Do you want to grab a bite to eat?
07:36Yeah. Um, yeah, I'd love to, actually, if you've not got plans.
07:39No, um, no, absolutely.
07:42Look, in the meantime, if Kim's breathing's stabilised,
07:44er, move her to puberty calls and regular ops, I think.
07:47OK, well, do you want to check first?
07:49No, I don't need to do that, you know what you're doing.
07:53It'll pass, right? Um...
07:55Are you in?
07:57Are you in?
08:02Ha, no way!
08:05And what do you think, Jan? Fastest rush time of the group?
08:08True, though nowhere near as fast as my fastest.
08:12Not bad for a pensionary.
08:15It's lovely in that observation room,
08:17but the speakers are so loud, though.
08:20You pick up every whisper.
08:23Will I see you at my lecture tonight?
08:25I didn't think it was...
08:27No, no, it's not compulsory.
08:29No, just think of it as, um, supporting the elderly.
08:33Helping the aged.
08:35See you there, then.
08:39Excuse me. Thank you.
08:43Er, where do you want us?
08:45Go round to Bay 1.
08:48Erm, are you OK to do the handover?
08:50Yeah, yeah, all right, same time.
08:52What's wrong?
08:53There was a go-cart in place. They can't do food any more.
08:56Something about a cook at the parties in a few hours.
08:58That's all right, don't worry.
09:00We'll just order pieces, we'll have them back at the house.
09:02Yeah, and it's a nightmare. I can't even be there.
09:05And last year I was too much of a mess to do anything for them.
09:08It's not good enough. I'm not doing good enough.
09:11Listen, come and sit down.
09:15Luca's birthday coming around again
09:17means that it's nearly a year since you decided to get clean.
09:20You should be celebrating that for her.
09:22You've come not beating yourself up.
09:24What if this is the last party he has as a kid
09:26before he gets locked up?
09:28Don't jump ahead.
09:29Ian, this is Luca.
09:30He won't cope, and a young offender's a...
09:32You know that.
09:33You don't even know if they're going to charge him.
09:36He's going to be all right.
09:41He's going to be all right.
09:47Right, OK, we have Kim and Mum Julie, yeah?
09:51Hi, I'm Dr Nash, and you came in mid-asthma attack, is that right?
09:55Yeah, I'm keeping on half-hourly ops
09:57just until we know it's settled.
09:59Right, and you have a burn to your hand, is that right?
10:02Do you mind if I have a little look?
10:04Want to sit up for me?
10:08Stubborn, I like it.
10:10OK, I'll tell you what.
10:11It's only going to take a minute.
10:12You sit up, you can lie right back down again.
10:14I'm going to have a look.
10:15Good girl.
10:16Right, let's have a look.
10:26Quite a lot of bruises you have there.
10:28Yeah, she's a bloody nightmare, into everything.
10:31How do you think she got the burn?
10:33Only time she slows down is when she can't breathe.
10:38That's all right, you can lie back down if you want.
10:40Do you have any support at home, partner, social worker?
10:45No, why are you asking?
10:46Just routine questions.
10:48OK, look, that burn's not too deep,
10:50so let's give ten mils of intramuscular paracetamol.
10:53We'll take some photos so plastics can review,
10:55and we'll get a non-adhesive dressing on there as well, OK?
10:58Great. OK, Kim, I'll be back to check on you in a bit, yeah?
11:15Just a heads-up as a safeguarding lead.
11:18Our kid that came in, Kim Baker in two,
11:21I think it might be worth giving the duty social worker a call.
11:25She's come in with a burn to the hand, a cougar,
11:29but she's, like, possibly malnourished,
11:32she's covered in bruises and, yeah,
11:34Gordon's and the kid last had a bath.
11:36Fine, leave it with me.
11:39OK, thank you.
11:46That's come up quite quick, hasn't it?
11:48Always does, she looks a right mess.
11:50OK, Kim, I'm going to get this hand wrapped up nice and comfy for you,
11:54all right?
11:55So, this stuff is covered in jelly,
11:58so it's going to feel quite cool on the sore bit of your skin,
12:01but it won't stick, OK?
12:03There we go.
12:05Just going to wrap this around it to keep it on.
12:11How long has she had that ration around for?
12:14It slows up sometimes.
12:16Is she good with food?
12:17Sometimes kids can be quite funny with taste.
12:19She eats plenty.
12:21That's you, isn't it?
12:23In the video, my mate sent it to me.
12:25So what, you muck about doing this at work
12:27and then have a go at me for what I'm feeding my kid?
12:29No, no, I wasn't having a go, I just asked you...
12:31No, no, no, I don't want you treating her.
12:33Get me someone who knows what they're doing, please.
12:35OK, Kim, I'll be back as soon as I can.
12:42Hey, you OK?
12:44Need to go in?
12:46No, she's not your biggest fan either, she's seen us online.
12:49OK, er, Cam's not an option.
12:51I'll get Siobhan.
12:52No, it's fine.
12:53It's on me.
12:54It's on me.
13:03Erm, Siobhan...
13:06I am so sorry, but the mum in cubicle two has seen the dance video.
13:10And she won't let me treat her little girl.
13:12You mean you haven't taken it down?
13:14Look, it's not that simple, it's...
13:17It's been shared.
13:19It's out there now, there's not much I can do.
13:22Cubicle two?
13:24That's Julie and Kim Baker?
13:26Yeah, erm, I've not managed to address a burger
13:28and she's on half-hourly ops for asthma.
13:31Right, because I haven't got enough to do.
13:33Fine, leave it with me, I need to have a word anyway.
13:36OK, and sorry, I just didn't...
13:38There's something else going on.
13:39Medically, I mean, her mum says she bruises easily
13:42and she's got some, like, painful looking eczema,
13:45possibly a food allergy or, well, maybe a digestive problem.
13:48Could explain why she's so little as well.
13:50Yeah, it's worth looking into. Thanks, Julie.
13:52You can take over cubicle six.
13:54Straightforward, Lach needs suturing.
14:01Of all the nurses.
14:09Apologies for your wait, Mr Armstrong.
14:13OK, what I'm going to do is I'll start with a local anaesthetic
14:16to numb the area around the wound
14:18and then I'll pop in a few sutures, OK?
14:21No needles.
14:23Well, it's going to be hard to suture a cut without one.
14:27You little guy.
14:29Did you drop water on me?
14:30No, no, I didn't, no.
14:32Are you trying to humiliate me?
14:33No, no, just sit down, sit down, and we can clean you up, OK?
14:36Come on, sit.
14:37Dylan, Dylan!
14:39Yeah, I can get him on this side.
14:44Come this side if you check this.
14:46OK, let's get him to me first.
14:48Come on, let's go, let's go, let's go.
14:54You two, Jodie, please. Yeah.
15:01Er, yes, yes, speaking.
15:05Let's put four milligrams of lorazepam, please.
15:08Can, PPM.
15:11Could this be the head injury?
15:13It could certainly be an internal injury.
15:15Oh, yeah, good suction of these.
15:21Oh, wow, that doesn't look great, does it?
15:25He needs our help, I think, so, er,
15:27yeah, let's, er, let's prepare to intubate.
15:29Somebody grab the airway trolley.
15:31Let's have 150 micrograms of spentanil,
15:33150 milligrams of ketamine, please,
15:35and 100, 100 milligrams of uranium.
15:39Is that subsided? Yeah.
15:40OK, right, let's get him on his back, then.
15:42Nice and gently, nice and gently.
15:46OK, OK.
15:47Right, so, er, we'll just go as quickly as we can, please.
15:50Let's have the trolley in.
15:54Oh, hello.
15:55They're not prosecuted.
15:57Yay! Brilliant!
15:59See, I told you, look, it's going to be absolutely fine.
16:04Look, I'm clocking off.
16:05Do you want me to pick him up for your mum's?
16:07Yeah, please. Yeah?
16:08Can I tell him the good news? Yes, you can.
16:12It's sore, isn't it? Hmm?
16:16Have you been to see your GP about Kim's rash?
16:19Why is everyone so bothered about a bit of dry skin?
16:21I put cream on it.
16:22How long till we can go?
16:24Well, I can't discharge Kim
16:26until her breathing's been stable for a good few hours.
16:29So, I tell you what,
16:30why don't we take a closer look at that skin while we wait?
16:34Shall we?
16:39Come on.
16:42Er, OK, Bougie, please.
16:53Can you, um...
16:54Can you do a 7.5, I think, please?
16:59On there.
17:00Sats have dropped down to 84%.
17:02Shall we try 6.5?
17:03Er, yeah. Yeah, good idea. Yeah.
17:09On there. Yeah.
17:12Keep going, keep going, keep going.
17:14Hold on.
17:16Hold on. Go on. That's it, that's it, that's it.
17:22Yes, please.
17:23Yes, please.
17:32Right, cuff's inflated.
17:35We've got rise and fall there, haven't we?
17:37Thanks, Jodie. Well done.
17:38Well done, everyone.
17:43Oh, you're a little girl in two.
17:45Kim, I've dressed her hand.
17:48All right, I thought Jodie was...
17:50Don't ask.
17:51Don't ask.
17:52I've had a chat with Mum and we're running bloods.
17:56But we don't need blood tests to prove she's malnourished.
17:58Well, I think there's more.
18:00I agree, like neglect, possibly abuse.
18:03And I will inform the social services,
18:05but that doesn't stop us investigating...
18:07Yeah, look, I know, but, um, they're already sending someone down.
18:11I wanted to save you a job, so I called them...
18:13I was handling this.
18:14Look, I know, but the mum lied to my face, she won't.
18:17I checked it out. They're already in the system.
18:20She's had two kids taken off her already, Siobhan.
18:25Siobhan, um, Kim Baker's blood results have come back.
18:29Do you know what they mean?
18:32Yes, yes.
18:33It means your instincts were right.
18:36Good spot, Jodie.
18:46Oh, these are good.
18:47Approving's fine now. Can we go?
18:51We need to have a little chat first.
18:56Why didn't you tell Dr Nash about social services
18:59when she asked you earlier?
19:02You think I did this to her?
19:04No, no, listen, it's...
19:05It's actually not Kim's burn that I want to talk about, please.
19:09Trust me.
19:10Sit down.
19:13I'm afraid I can't do you tonight.
19:15Something's come up.
19:17That's all right.
19:18To be honest, I'm absolutely knackered anyway.
19:22I'm sorry, was that not the response that you wanted?
19:24I'm not the kind of woman that's going to fit
19:26every time you cancel a date.
19:31What kind of a woman are you?
19:34Oh, um...
19:35One that likes to spend time with her...
19:42But, you know, not too much, cos, you know, I'm busy.
19:47But I...
19:48Doesn't mean I wouldn't like to share it with somebody.
19:51You know, maybe.
19:52One day.
19:54Is that something that you'd like to do, too?
19:57One day.
20:05Everyone knows.
20:07Is it even a weird smell?
20:10Just cos she can't break down protein?
20:13PKU is usually picked up on the little test that we do
20:16shortly after birth, but as Kim was born abroad...
20:18Yeah, but you can treat it?
20:20The first step is to change her diet.
20:22And once she swaps to low-protein foods,
20:24then her symptoms should massively improve.
20:28I can do that. Cut out meat, cheese.
20:30We'll refer her to paediatrics.
20:32It is likely they're going to want to admit her.
20:35Yeah, but how long before she's better?
20:37It's not really a case of getting better.
20:40Listen, PKU takes time and commitment to manage.
20:43Paediatrics will want to set up a team with your social work...
20:46No, no, no. We don't need any more interference, yeah?
20:50They're going to want to take her away.
20:52I can't lose another one.
20:57Listen to me.
20:58Nobody wants to take Kim away from you, OK?
21:02But if you don't control this condition,
21:05then she could get seriously poorly.
21:08Then social services would have to consider taking her off you.
21:13I just want her to be OK.
21:15With me.
21:17Then let them help you.
21:19Because I am not going to lie, this is not going to be easy.
21:22And if it was me, I would be grateful for the support.
21:28Oh, here she is.
21:32Thanks, Claire.
21:37Dylan. Yeah?
21:38Have you been sent this expression of interest...
21:41..for clinical lead?
21:43No, no, I haven't.
21:45Which saves me the trouble of having to ignore it, doesn't it?
21:52Stevie, I thought you'd like to know
21:54we're making progress with the Baker family.
21:56Mum's accepted extra help from social services.
22:01How did you swing that?
22:03Well, blood's showed that Kim's been living with undiagnosed PKU,
22:07so it's going to be really tough for them to manage.
22:11That's a good spot. Fair play.
22:15You were... You were right, though.
22:18Julie is not exactly coping,
22:20so safeguarding referral was the right call.
22:26By the way, I just want to say that I was really sorry
22:29to see the ad go up for your job.
22:32I mean, I don't...
22:33I don't get how they can bend the rules
22:35when it comes to an acting role,
22:37but not when it comes to a permanent role,
22:39because, frankly, if you're good enough, you're good enough,
22:42and I look forward to it.
22:44It's worth it. I won't be applying for it.
22:46I wouldn't do that.
22:48So you'll take my husband, but not my job?
22:51How gracious of you.
22:54Much as I love our chats, I've got a social worker to meet.
22:59OK, so we've got the steak.
23:01Oh, that's mine.
23:02Sorry. No, it's all right.
23:04Salad for you.
23:07Can I get you anything else to drink, guys?
23:09No, I'm going to stick to the one.
23:11I'm good. Thank you very much.
23:13So I have been thinking about secondments too.
23:16Teeth, cardiology, maybe ICU.
23:18All of those are up for grabs, I think.
23:20Yeah, it's fine for me.
23:21It's fine for me.
23:22It's fine for me.
23:23It's fine for me.
23:24It's fine for me.
23:25It's fine for me.
23:26All of those are up for grabs, I think.
23:28It's time to, you know, devise for you, I think,
23:30short-term, long-term and medium-term plans
23:34and devise a strategy.
23:37Well, thank you, Dylan, for all this.
23:40It's just dinner.
23:41No, the mentoring, it's exactly what I need, to be honest,
23:44and I've had to be a bit all over the place recently.
23:48It's five years since Mum died today, so...
23:53You don't seem surprised.
23:55I might have had an inkling.
23:58Well, your dad called me.
24:02I think he was worried.
24:04What, so he phoned you, not me?
24:06I don't know.
24:07I think he was concerned that you should have some support.
24:10Now it all makes sense.
24:12This was never genuine, was it?
24:13Of course it is.
24:14What an idiot to think I'd be here because you think I'm any good
24:18or that I'm worth something.
24:19You're taking this entirely the wrong way.
24:21You know what, I've spent most of today
24:23doing in this job.
24:25I keep messing up.
24:26And even when I don't, people think I do.
24:28And then you showing just that little bit of faith in me
24:31meant so much.
24:33Dylan, you don't even know.
24:36And to find out this was all one big bloody lie,
24:39that the only reason you did any of this is because of my dad.
24:42Well, out of pity or guilt.
24:44Whatever the circumstances would have been,
24:46I'm sure I would have wanted to have helped.
24:48No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't.
24:50I mean, why else would you want to meet up tonight?
24:52My mum's nigh.
24:54Excuse me.
24:55I will get another drink, please.
25:08Indy! Ava!
25:23I don't mind.
25:24It's you said you were just having one.
25:27Yes, well, it wasn't until you utterly humiliated me.
25:32Sorry, could we have the bill as well, please?
25:44Oh, my God.
25:45Oh, my God.
25:46Oh, my God.
25:47Oh, my God.
25:48Oh, my God.
25:49Oh, my God.
25:51Oh, come on.
25:53Best VR toy ever, and she goes for that.
25:56It's going to be really exciting.
26:02I expect you're all wondering why I've dragged you back here
26:05in your free time,
26:07interrupting your dinners and your box set binges.
26:11It's not because I'm jealous of your carefree student lifestyle.
26:16Well, perhaps I am a bit, actually.
26:20But it's because you need to understand
26:23that being a paramedic isn't a job in the traditional sense of the word.
26:28It's not something that you can do for a few hours a day
26:31and then leave it at the office.
26:33There you go. Thank you.
26:35Well, I won't say thank you for a lovely evening.
26:40OK, OK.
26:41Jadie, I'm just... I'm so sorry.
26:43I really... I don't know what to say.
26:45Can I offer you a lift home? No, thanks.
26:47Not my dad. I didn't hear that stuff anyway.
26:54You could be out, having a night out with your mates.
26:58You could be at the supermarket.
27:00But if someone has a medical emergency,
27:04the second you put your hand up and say...
27:09..I'm a medic... represent safety and hope.
27:15People will instantly put their trust in you.
27:18They will put their lives in your hands.
27:22Can you move? I'm a doctor. Can you move, please?
27:27Somebody call 999.
27:29Can't see my phone. Can you hear me?
27:31Yeah. Yeah.
27:33Can you hear me?
27:34Can I take your arm?
27:36No, she's...
27:38No, don't try moving. Don't try moving.
27:40She's in there. What do you need me to do?
27:42Can you turn the engine off, please?
27:44Yes, yes, yes. She's in labour.
27:46Yeah. OK.
27:48Can you hear me? Car has crashed through Antonio's restaurant.
27:52Jodie, woman in labour here.
27:54Yeah, excuse me. Excuse me. Can you put them away?
27:57And if you can't handle that responsibility... may as well leave now.
28:05OK. She's got quite a nasty laceration there on her head.
28:09She's bleeding PV.
28:11Breathing's a little bit laboured.
28:13I'd say we're looking at a C-spine injury, so...
28:16I do the jaw thrust and you do...
28:18No, you can't. You can't. I'll tell you what you can do.
28:20Can you... Somebody clear these tables back
28:22and can you get the cloths and the towels from over there, please?
28:25What's your name, mate? Leon.
28:27Leon, can you jump in the back and grab her head for me, please?
28:31You can't. You had a drink.
28:33I'm not drunk. You know you can't. You know you can't.
28:36I'll tell you what you can do. Just wait one moment.
28:38Leon, if you can grab her head for me.
28:40OK. That's it. Either side. That's it. Nice and steady.
28:43Just hold easy. OK. Take my car keys.
28:45You know where the car is? Yeah.
28:47In the back, there's an emergency pack. Can you bring that, please?
28:50OK. Time to go. Can you go, please?
28:52Once you put this uniform on... can never truly take it off.
28:58Rightly or wrongly, you'll be held to a higher standard.
29:03It's your new identity
29:05and people will expect you to live up to it.
29:09Whenever or wherever... are.
29:24OK. I'm going to take her head from you, OK?
29:27I want you to come out the back.
29:29Come and grab her legs for me, please.
29:32This is less than ideal, but we're going to try and get you out.
29:35OK, here. Right.
29:38OK, so grab her legs. Right.
29:40Very easy. Just hold steady for the time being.
29:43And then, when you can... her out. That's it.
29:50Gently as we can. Gently as we can.
29:52Well done. Well done. Well done. Well done.
29:57We're going to try and get her over there.
29:59OK. Gently, then.
30:01Can we have some help, please?
30:04Can we have some help, please?
30:06Jan, I just wanted to say...
30:08If you're going to say, a waste of time, save it.
30:11I'm going to be late for my shift.
30:13No. Jan, I...
30:16That's it. Yeah, so keep...
30:18Don't start to sweat it out. Try not to let the neck move.
30:21Can I have an AP, please?
30:28I'm going to put something in your mouth.
30:30OK, just a moment.
30:33It'll help you breathe.
30:35That's it. Thank you.
30:42There we go. I think we're in.
30:46Right, I think the baby is putting pressure on the vena cava,
30:50so I'm going to try and displace it.
30:52And then, hopefully, if we can get a lining,
30:54we'll give her some hypotonic saline.
30:56And, yeah, if there's any brain injury,
31:00then hopefully that should reduce the swelling.
31:02OK, well, I could displace the baby.
31:04See you. Is she OK?
31:06Why don't you go and check on him? Yeah, OK.
31:143009 to Control.
31:20Jan, are you at the control centre? Just, why?
31:22I can't get through.
31:23We've moved about 50 metres in the last five minutes.
31:26Yeah, it's busy up there tonight.
31:28I've got you and every other crew requesting speech.
31:31Hang on a minute.
31:32Ted, 3009's struggling to get through,
31:35so I'll just pick up his request.
31:37And the RRV's on the other side of Holby.
31:40The police were in the area and have just arrived at the scene.
31:43Right, Ted, here I am. Where are you?
31:45We're on Middlewood Lane.
31:48We've got bright lights as far as the eye can see.
31:50They're always closed because of the gig
31:52and the sat-nav's having to go straight.
31:55Right, let's find you a better route.
31:57Is that your partner? Yeah.
31:59Right, OK, well, she's unconscious,
32:01but she's with my colleague and he's a doctor.
32:03All right? Can you tell me where it hurts?
32:05It's just my shoulder.
32:06OK, and what's your name? Aaron.
32:08She went into labour.
32:10She wouldn't wear a seatbelt and I told her, but she wouldn't
32:13and we disabled the airbag.
32:15It's all right, let me just take this belt off you.
32:17There we go. OK?
32:18Listen, Thea is in the best possible hands, all right?
32:21Can you just try and keep this arm still for me?
32:23I just wanted her to go to a hospital.
32:25She's not due for another five weeks.
32:27She was screaming. I only looked at her for a minute.
32:30OK. Do you know what you're having?
32:32No, I don't know. Thea doesn't want to know.
32:35Right, keep coming, keep coming, not too much more.
32:38I don't care what it is, as long as they're off.
32:40What about names? OK.
32:42Frankie Nelson.
32:43Thea's grandparents.
32:45Jodie, call 999 back, tell them we need Hems.
32:49Right, OK, listen, can you just try and stay calm for me
32:52and I'll be back in a second.
32:53All right, OK? What's going on?
32:55Stay there. No, what?
32:56I can't find a radial pulse. What's wrong with her?
32:58Hi, it's Jodie Whitener at Antonio's on Bridge Street.
33:01Yeah, someone called earlier.
33:03What's happened?
33:04I can't find a carotid artery, she's arresting.
33:06So we need them now.
33:09Thea's gridlocked.
33:10What can you take a turn in?
33:13It's coming up on the left down Merton Avenue.
33:16We can't get through, at all.
33:17Hems can't land.
33:18Well, she's bleeding out. Where's the ambulance?
33:20At least ten.
33:21Can you get them to bike some blood over, please?
33:23Is there any chance you can maybe get a bike to us?
33:25Why does her eye look like that?
33:30Jodie, I need a word.
33:31Can you do what I'm doing? Can you do CPR?
33:34Yeah? OK, great.
33:35Can you take over, please? Would you mind holding her head for me?
33:38OK, no pause.
33:43Her right pupil's blown.
33:45Thea, there must be some sort of extracranial bleed.
33:48OK, but the hypophytonic saline will help with that, won't it?
33:51She needs bloods and she needs TXA.
33:53We don't have any of them.
33:54We're not going to have them for seven or eight minutes.
33:56So is there literally nothing we can do?
33:58She needs a craniotomy.
33:59I mean, we're the best one in the world.
34:01I'm not doing it in here and she's not going to make it to the ED.
34:04Right. What about the baby?
34:12No, I have to...
34:14I haven't had anything to drink.
34:17This is the crown again, so...
34:21Do I have to do a C-section?
34:23You want to do a C-section in here?
34:25Well, I mean, it's either that or it's in both.
34:29OK, Sydney, we need more towels, we need some hot water.
34:32Obviously, if you can find...
34:34Do you want to have a word with Dad and explain that we're having to do it in here?
34:37Because there's just no other way.
34:40Yeah, can we find a large tablecloth?
34:42Let's make a screen. I want to do it here.
34:44Let's give it some privacy.
34:46What's happening?
34:50Your wife is in a critical condition, OK?
34:53So we think we're going to have to get the baby out here.
34:55Oh, God.
34:56Listen, we'll do everything we can, all right?
34:59She'll be OK.
35:00Can you back up until you're left on Carr Street?
35:03We can go that way.
35:07How's it going?
35:08OK. All right, we're inching backwards.
35:14Er, it's Chuck, World War.
35:16Daryl, if you just want to get through.
35:22Go on, Daryl. Come on.
35:32OK, can you make sure that that bite is showing on the belly for me?
35:36OK, so off the chest, please.
35:38Let's make the incision now.
35:51There we go, so back on the chest, please.
35:55Erm, Jodie... Oh, no, you can't, you can't.
36:00Erm... OK, forget that.
36:02I need you to hold this open for me, just here.
36:07I can't, I can't.
36:09You need to. OK, I need to get to the uterus.
36:11Hold that open. Can you hold it, please? In there.
36:29OK, I need to bring her waters.
36:34There we go, there we go.
36:36OK. Yeah.
36:49OK, ready? Yeah.
36:52OK, so just hold her there. Yeah.
36:54OK, don't go too far.
36:56Go. Yeah.
36:58Hold her there for a sec. OK.
37:00OK. You're going to need some rubber. Yeah.
37:17There we go.
37:20There we go.
37:25Come on.
37:56Hey, what are you doing here?
37:58You should be... You should be getting ready for your party.
38:01You must have got it off.
38:03What? Oh, come on, stop it. Huh?
38:06The case got dropped, so... Stop making a big deal out of it.
38:09What? I haven't seen any of my friends in weeks.
38:12OK, look, I, um...
38:15I am so, so sorry that I couldn't get the time off.
38:19And I bet you have so much more fun with your friends
38:22with go-karting than sitting at home with us two.
38:25No, no, no, speak for yourself.
38:27OK, yeah.
38:29And hopefully I'll be home in time for pizza.
38:32Mm-hm. About 40 minutes ago,
38:34we performed a perimortem C-section.
38:36We packed the abdomen with gauze.
38:38So when the baby was delivered, I think it was quite pale,
38:41but the slits pink up. I'm just a bit worried about her.
38:44Well done, man. Well done.
38:46I am so sorry. There's just not enough room.
38:48I can't come with you. She's my wife. No, I understand.
38:51I can't make sure she's OK.
38:52Well, that's what the paramedics are for.
38:54Come on, you don't want to get in the way.
38:56Sorry, mate.
39:0535 weeks.
39:07She was involved in an RTC
39:10in which she hit her head on the dashboard.
39:14There's a head injury and she was breathing diaphragmatically.
39:19Do you need to get her across? Yeah.
39:22Get her across on three, please.
39:24One, two, three.
39:26The baby was delivered healthy and resuscitated.
39:30The baby was delivered healthy and resuscitation recommenced.
39:35And eventually ROSC was achieved after about four minutes.
39:39We packed the abdomen with gauze.
39:42We sustained ROSC with blood and FFP,
39:46but GCS is still three pulses, 130.
39:51Blood pressure, 78, 130.
39:53Right, OK. Monitoring switched over. Good, thank you.
39:56OK, let's... OK, can we...
39:58Yeah, sorry, OK. Right, back in a minute.
40:00Right, so we need more blood, yeah, and we need more FFP.
40:05Yeah, done. It's OK. I can do it.
40:07No, no, no, I'm not done. I'm not finished.
40:09She's got an output that's weak and thready, but...
40:11That's good, that's good.
40:13Obstetricians, I want you to be comfortable with the haemostasis
40:16within the abdomen.
40:18And then, yeah, we'll keep on giving her bloods.
40:20We'll look for any more injuries and then we'll get a scan.
40:24Yep. OK.
40:26Yeah, she's breathing fast.
40:28She's quite pale and floppy.
40:33We'll get bloods in her gas,
40:36sort out blood transfusion, get her on fluids and keep her warm.
40:40Meantime, let's get her on some broad-spectrum antibiotics,
40:44then pen and gent.
40:47Will do.
40:49Glad to be back.
40:57What are you doing here?
40:59I just want you to know that you got the wrong impression earlier.
41:03I really want this, 100%.
41:07My third-year placement.
41:09Yeah, with us.
41:13I've got a good team here.
41:15Nobody's frightened to get their hands dirty.
41:17Nobody thinks they know everything
41:19when they've been at it all of five minutes.
41:21I expect the best and I usually get it.
41:23No, I won't let you down. I promise.
41:25I'll put my heart and soul into it.
41:29Well, you did OK today.
41:31I mean, once you learn to keep this zipped.
41:35And I suppose I should be impressed by the fact
41:37that you've come here at this time of night
41:39to tell me how great you are.
41:45I suppose I should be impressed by the fact
41:52I should also mention I make a great cup of coffee.
41:59Don't mind if I do.
42:10Milk, two sugars.
42:15Yeah, OK, she's in PEA.
42:17Start CPR, please.
42:19Maria, let's do one milligram of adrenaline, please.
42:21Stevie, post-radiology.
42:28Would you continue to push the bloods and the FMP for now?
42:32But we probably need more calcium.
42:37Platelets, cryo...
42:39Thank you. Dylan.
42:43She's got an ablanto-occipital dislocation,
42:49and subcutaneous bleeding,
42:52pure grey-white differentiation,
42:54and there's evidence of tonsillar herniation.
42:57Shall we give it to the neurosurgeons to assess?
42:59They've been.
43:01Look, we're not getting her back from this.
43:03She's had two cardiac arrests.
43:05Yeah? Yeah.
43:07OK, if everyone's in agreement, I'll call time of death.
43:15Steve, I'm going to...