Casualty S42 E03
00:00I don't need a lecture about going back to work too early, all right?
00:02Which is why you need to take a minute and let the pain pass.
00:05I need you to tell me exactly what happened.
00:07He called me a loser.
00:08Look at what have you done.
00:10Does your mate know? Hmm?
00:11Do you have patience?
00:12Okay, okay, I'm not having this.
00:13Um, just go and take five.
00:14I'm fine.
00:15Yeah, I know you are.
00:15Walk away, junkie!
00:16Off your trot for your next little bump!
00:19Watching you lot mocking about?
00:21Take it down.
00:22I expect the best and I usually get it.
00:24No, I won't let you down.
00:25Okay, I need to get to the uterus.
00:26Can you hold it, please? In there.
00:29You were supposed to save both of them.
00:30We had no choice.
00:31We would have lost the baby and Theo.
00:58Ready for your big day?
01:11Ready for your big day?
01:15Hey, I take that as an emphatic yes.
01:18Ah, don't bother cleaning your boots.
01:21You're gonna have four kinds of bodily fluid on them by the end of the shift anyway.
01:32Am I boring you?
01:34No, it's my module results.
01:36Cardiac care.
01:37Ah, and?
01:38Yeah, past.
01:39Flying colours.
01:40Ah, you are ready then.
01:44All day long.
01:46All day long.
02:14Luca, don't forget your lunch.
02:28I'm gonna buy food today.
02:31You know, I've made you something special for your first day back.
02:34So you can impress the social worker tonight.
02:37And there are cans of pop in the fridge if you want a drink.
02:42Luca, don't ignore me.
02:44I'm not.
02:45Is it what you're looking for?
02:47My phone charger.
02:51Okay, come on.
02:52What's going on?
02:53Are you worried about first day back at school?
02:57Is this about Ian?
02:59I don't care about Ian.
03:00Well, you don't seem to care about much these days, do you?
03:02I'm not having you kicked out of school again.
03:05Because it looks bad to the social worker?
03:06No, because I'm your mum and I want what's best for you.
03:09When have you ever thought about that?
03:11Don't raise your voice to me.
03:13And stop ignoring me.
03:16Just fly!
03:35Come on, come on.
03:38Come on.
03:39This is on scene.
03:40Two male patients, gunshot wound, significant blood loss.
03:43Yeah, receiving.
03:44I hope they've got some other crews on this.
03:46Come on!
03:50India, what are you doing?
03:52What's she doing?
03:58She's got a movie, you know.
03:59No, she isn't.
04:00She is.
04:03Go on.
04:04Fair enough.
04:15That's my van.
04:16Yeah, do us a favour and let us apart.
04:19Nice one.
04:31Are you okay?
04:36It's just, when you asked me to see you,
04:38I thought you'd at least come to bed.
04:40Oh, yeah, well, you know what I'm like.
04:42My brain wouldn't stop buzzing, so I kept on saying.
04:46There were some keys on the table,
04:48and then next to that was a book.
04:49And without that information, I can't find what I'm doing.
04:52Don't worry, it's okay.
04:53His car is outside on the phone.
04:55I'll go and get them.
04:57It's okay, it's all right.
04:58Where did you find the keys?
04:59I know, I mean, where?
05:00I know I saw them earlier.
05:02Um, Cosy, can you take her over here for me, please?
05:05It'll be two minutes, thank you.
05:07Are you okay?
05:08She won't eat anything.
05:09It's been ages since I last feed her,
05:11and I can't get her to take a bottle home.
05:13Okay, um, come with me.
05:15Um, yeah.
05:18Jodie, can I have a word?
05:21Yeah, um, in light of a certain video
05:25involving yourself, Cam and Rita,
05:27I need you to re-familiarise yourself
05:30with the code of professional conduct,
05:32especially point 21.
05:34Upholding the reputation of the Hobbleby Trust at all times.
05:38I'm briefing everybody, not just you.
05:41So I need you to know steps are being taken
05:43to monitor online behaviour,
05:45so don't let me down.
05:47On you go.
05:53Right, running a bit late, are we?
05:56Uh, yes, it's school traffic.
05:58Sorry, it won't happen again.
06:00I hope not.
06:04He wouldn't mind sitting down and staying there
06:06and looking after the vulnerable person
06:08you're actually paid to look after.
06:10Can you believe him? Anything could have happened.
06:13Look, Susie, are you okay?
06:14You're just sitting a bit all over the place.
06:16Yeah, I'm a bit fried, like I said.
06:25Jackie! Jackie!
06:31Down! Yo!
06:42Witnesses report a drive-by shooting.
06:44Male, 20s, gunshot wound to the stomach.
06:47Another guy shot in the leg.
06:49Now he's gone, I'm going to need you to call...
06:51Take that one.
06:52Right, get on that wound.
06:54Is he dead? Is he dead?
06:56Is he dead? Did they kill him?
06:58What's your name, mate?
06:59Jaz, is he dead? Did they kill him?
07:01He's got wounds that upper right thigh.
07:03Do you want to tell us what happened?
07:05Right, right, where's the pain?
07:06Jaz, Jaz, it's really important that we treat that leg, yeah,
07:08and check for injuries.
07:09Keep pressure on that wound, yeah, stop the bleeding.
07:11Yo, yo, is he dead?
07:13We're going to need you to stay as soon as we can.
07:16Is he dead? Did they kill him?
07:18I'm afraid your friend hasn't made it yet.
07:21Right, keep pressure on that.
07:22Let's get this leg exposed.
07:36Do whatever, get me out of here.
07:41Just keep your mouth shut.
07:43Stop my leg from bleeding.
07:45If any of you say anything, I'll use it.
07:52Right, keep going, keep going.
08:12There, keep going, keep going.
08:21Well, her abs seem normal, there's no sign of any rashes
08:24and her heart sounds good.
08:26I just couldn't get her to take her bottle.
08:28She was just fussy and she wouldn't stop crying.
08:30I just panicked.
08:31OK. And the funeral's today and...
08:35Come on, it's OK.
08:37It's OK.
08:39There we go.
08:41I Googled everything and I've watched like a million videos
08:44on bottle feeding and...
08:46OK. I don't know what I'm doing.
08:48This isn't you, you know.
08:51Mouthwash can sometimes cause soreness.
08:54And they won't latch.
08:56Right, let me have a look. Here you go.
08:58There we go.
09:05OK, yeah, I think what I'm seeing is a bit of tongue tie.
09:08I bet you could explain the tricky feeds.
09:10What I'll do is I'll get a doctor to confirm as soon as I can
09:13and then we'll book an appointment with the clinic for the procedure.
09:16Is that all right? I should have picked up on that.
09:18You did, you did notice.
09:20This isn't your fault, you know.
09:26Thea knitted that.
09:29She said she wanted something to remind us of how small she was.
09:33And that's just going to remind me of her.
09:39I don't want to say goodbye to her.
09:42I'm not ready.
09:44I... Yeah.
09:47That's the hardest part about humans, you're never ready for them.
09:53But this is your wife's funeral.
09:56You need to be there, not here.
09:59Elsie, the, um...
10:01the tongue thing, can you do it?
10:04It's not something we can do in the ED, no.
10:06But I don't want any more doctors.
10:08I just want someone I can trust.
10:10But, look, it's a minor procedure.
10:12So then help me.
10:14Help us.
10:20I can't go today with this hanging over me as well.
10:39Keep pressure on that wound.
10:41What do you mean you can't tell us?
10:43We're the ones who are trying to raise our kids here.
10:46This is our estate, this is our home, it's full of kids.
10:49Back up for me, please.
10:51People like him who make the estate hell.
10:53What are you lot doing to stop it? Absolutely nothing.
10:57I don't know what you want us to do here, mate.
10:59Lots of eyes on us.
11:01I told you.
11:05How's that working out for you?
11:07Guys, he's lost his femoral pulse.
11:10If we don't get him to the ED in the next ten,
11:12we could be looking at amputation.
11:13What? Amputation?
11:15Like losing my leg?
11:19Yeah, we're going to have to act quickly on that.
11:24What's it going to be?
11:26It's hard for us to help you while you're holding that.
11:28We don't want you to end up like your mate.
11:41You see, what did I tell you?
11:43Absolute scum!
11:45That is outrageous.
11:48Right, let's get him in the ambulance
11:50and back to ED as quick as possible.
11:52The police will talk to you there.
11:53I saved my leg, yeah?
12:03Nearly there.
12:05There we go, that's all done.
12:07Is she OK?
12:09Thank you so much.
12:11You're welcome.
12:15Um, Elsie had tongue tie.
12:17Oh, OK.
12:19OK, you had the procedure done here?
12:21Yeah, yeah, I, um, I called in a favour from Peter.
12:24Um, it's his funeral today, so...
12:29What I'll do, Aaron, is I'll make a full appointment for Elsie, OK?
12:31OK, thanks.
12:33Um, the, um, the service is at the church at, um, 11.
12:37And then we've got friends and family coming back to ours.
12:41I wanted to come, but both of you, of course.
12:45Our thoughts will very much be with you, even if we can't in person.
12:48Um, Jodie, can I have a word, please?
12:55Um, the department's full to bursting
12:58and you're calling in favours for procedures that we don't need to be doing?
13:01Yeah, I know.
13:03But this was an exception.
13:05And you're considering going to do his funeral?
13:07No, I'm not considering, I didn't say that.
13:09It's one thing to be out of line.
13:11It's one thing to be there for him in a professional capacity.
13:13You can't be deafened personally.
13:15OK, we've both had the speech from Siobhan about professional standards.
13:17Yes, and I never said I was going.
13:19And I don't need you to give me the talk
13:21about how I can and can't be there for my patients.
13:33So you understand what's going to happen, yeah?
13:35Right, call the school 3D.
13:37Right, cheers, pal.
13:41I'm going to get you some pain reliever when we get back.
14:07Hey, mate!
14:09Let's have a look at that.
14:15I need help.
14:17I've got what looks like a second gunshot victim in the back alley.
14:19What's your name?
14:23Sam? Yeah, I'm Indy.
14:25I'm going to take really good care of you, OK?
14:29Yeah, I'm back here.
14:35This is Sam. He's got a gunshot wound.
14:37Hello, Sam. We'll look after you, all right?
14:39I'm sure we're going to find her for you, OK?
14:47My apologies, I just...
14:49I can't stay away from this place.
14:51It's such a great atmosphere.
14:55You want to tell me what you did this time?
14:57Bus was early.
14:59I was late.
15:05All right.
15:07Is this the only injury?
15:09Yeah, aside from my bruised ego.
15:11Tripped over my own swollen ankles.
15:15Compression socks aren't my style.
15:19Let me have a wee look. All right.
15:23Well, the good news is
15:25it doesn't look like it's going to need stitches.
15:27OK. You OK?
15:29Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's fine. It's just...
15:31It's a bit tight, achy.
15:33Well, your pulse is a wee bit irregular.
15:35Have you been taking your AF medication?
15:37Yeah. Uh-huh.
15:39Is that...
15:41the only thing you've been taking?
15:43Oh, wow. You are always so quick
15:45to crack out the pamphlets.
15:47Unclean, Faith.
16:01OK. Big, deep breath.
16:05And again.
16:07All right, well,
16:09your chest is clear, but... Mm-hm.
16:11I'm going to do some bloods and an ECG, OK?
16:15I haven't seen you at the group for...
16:17I haven't seen you at the group for...
16:19It's not for everyone, so, you know.
16:21Don't you find it comforting to know that you're not going through this...
16:23If it's your thing, then...
16:27Well, you know, if you change your mind...
16:29Oh, Faith, please. I'm really... I'm not interested in your pitch.
16:33So we just do your job, OK?
16:37What happened there?
16:39Uh, I'm going to organise your bloods
16:41and an ECG. OK.
16:51It hurts!
16:55I want my mum!
16:57I know you do. Can you tell me what happened?
16:59Received. Over.
17:01There was a burn.
17:07I tried to keep going,
17:11I'm sorry.
17:13What are you sorry for? You're fine.
17:15Look how brave you're being, OK?
17:17I'm just putting this on you, Sam.
17:19What do you need? Uh, we need TXA and pain relief.
17:21Get the 20-gauge cannula from the van.
17:23Right. Listen, Sam, I'm going to be right back, OK?
17:25You keep being really brave, yeah?
17:27You stay in the tent. I've got you.
17:29I've got you.
17:31I cannot move him...
17:49Lots of them need locking up, if you ask me.
17:51Where are you lot when we need it?
17:55Yes, this is Miss Goldwater speaking.
17:59Deep breath.
18:01Here we go.
18:03And one more.
18:05What's that?
18:07I don't know which one.
18:09It's the pink one. 20-gauge is the pink.
18:11Then just say pink.
18:13OK, er, all right, I'll get a line in.
18:15Can you check he's resting the sats?
18:19How you doing, OK?
18:21Take deep breaths in, nice and slow, yeah?
18:23Well done. You're doing really well, buddy.
18:31Oh, hey.
18:33I just jammed it in the door this morning.
18:35It was stupid.
18:37Can I have a look?
18:39No, it's fine. It's, er...
18:41Please don't fuss. It's just a bruise.
18:43It'll be fine in a few days.
18:45Faith, the ECG's just come through on Astrid Watson.
18:47You might want to take a look.
18:49OK, thanks.
18:51Don't worry.
18:573-0-0-6, Control, I need a second crew.
18:59We're going to have to take him in.
19:01Control to 3-0-0-6, ambulance is two minutes out.
19:03Hensler, 25 minutes out.
19:05Advise to load and go, over.
19:07Copy that.
19:09All right, all right, I'm going to have to get on his airway.
19:11Sam, I'm going to have to lie you flat, mate, yeah?
19:13Ready? One, two, three.
19:17Head back for me.
19:19OK, OK.
19:21Well done, well done.
19:25He's got absent breath sounds on the left.
19:27Could be a tension underneath there.
19:29We're going to have to do a chest decompression.
19:31I can do it.
19:33I can do it.
19:35OK, all right, yeah, yeah, we have no choice.
19:41Sam, Sam!
19:43Get off me first, Sam!
19:45Sorry, I'm his mum, Sam.
19:47Oh, God, Sam.
19:49I'm so sorry. All right, Mum, all right.
19:51Your son, he's got a gunshot wound, so we're really sorry, OK?
19:53We're going to release the air around his lungs.
19:55Are you ready? Oh, God, I'm so sorry.
19:57He's being really brave.
19:59He's here, darling, Mum, he's here.
20:01Second and third, it's coastal space, remember?
20:03Mum, he's here.
20:05Mum's here now, Sam, yeah?
20:07Indy, now.
20:09I'm going to be all right.
20:13Jan, he's hypoxic and he's tensioning.
20:15We need to do a chest decompression now.
20:17Indy, hand over, hand over.
20:19Mum, can I ask you to move, please?
20:21If you just go there, I can help you, OK?
20:23Indy, pass it, Jan.
20:25This is Sam.
20:27He's being really brave, aren't you, Sam?
20:29OK, so that's at 70% and he's peri-arrest.
20:31Darling, Mum, he's here.
20:33Mum, he's just here, OK?
20:35Sweetheart, Mum, he's just here, all right?
20:45Jaz Radcliffe, 22 years old.
20:47Single gunshot wound to his right anterior thigh.
20:51There's no other obvious injuries.
20:53Obs are all stable.
20:55He's had a gram of IV procetamol and fibromorphine.
20:57Are we going to need that statement?
20:59I ain't saying anything to you.
21:01I'll get some bloods off.
21:03OK, yeah, thank you.
21:05And let's...
21:07No, no, I'm fine, I'm fine.
21:09Listen, we'll talk about it later, yeah?
21:11OK, well, if you're worried about later, just so you know,
21:13we're in it together, a team, yeah?
21:17Am I going to lose my leg?
21:19No, no, no, you don't need to worry about that.
21:21So you lot lied to me?
21:23You're only making things worse for yourself, Jaz.
21:25And when do you lot make anything better?
21:27Calm down.
21:29Guys, we have a second gunshot victim coming in.
21:31Is anyone free?
21:33If you need to go through.
21:35Yeah, a paediatric, cat one, 10 years old.
21:37Second victim?
21:39So this is what you lot were chatting about?
21:41He's a kid.
21:43Maybe if you talk to him, you'll find out.
21:51All right, all right, OK, OK.
21:53Deep breaths, deep breaths, Mum.
21:55All right?
21:57Mum, we're doing the best we can.
21:59We're doing the best we can.
22:01Deep breaths, deep breaths.
22:03It's exhaustion from the blood loss.
22:05Was that easy, eh, Jaz?
22:07About five minutes.
22:09Yeah, yeah, five minutes, all right?
22:11It's all right, darling, it's all right.
22:13OK, OK, OK.
22:15We're doing the best we can, Mum, all right?
22:17We're doing the best we can, Mum, all right?
22:27What is it about him that gives off an air of,
22:29I'm better than you?
22:31The fact he's a surgeon.
22:33I'll catch up with you, yeah?
22:37Hey, Rita.
22:39You remember my name.
22:41Want me to bow now, or...?
22:43No, don't be daft.
22:45He's always curtsy.
22:47Wow. Well, I mean,
22:49it really is true what they say about surgeons
22:51and God complexes, isn't it?
22:53My friends do call me Zeus.
22:55Well, you got friends.
23:01What was that?
23:05The flirting.
23:09I was not flirting.
23:11I was taking him down a peg or two.
23:13Right, bye, OK?
23:15Remind me again,
23:17when was the last time you went on a date?
23:19Shut up!
23:23Rash, have you got a minute?
23:25I can deal with a second opinion.
23:27Sorry, is there anyone else you can ask?
23:29I've got an appointment.
23:33Oh, like, with your therapist?
23:35Yeah, yeah, sorry.
23:37No worries, it's all good.
23:39I'm glad you're taking care of yourself.
23:41I need a full trauma team ready in recess.
23:43Rita, everybody.
23:47Maria, when you're set, can we draw up some analgesia, please?
23:49And can we get bloods checked? Thanks.
23:51OK, good.
23:53Right, everyone's here.
23:55We have a ten-year-old boy,
23:57incoming, critical condition, gunshot wound to the chest.
23:59Someone shot a kid.
24:01This will be upsetting,
24:03but we put that to one side, OK?
24:05Major hemorrhage protocol has been activated.
24:07Chest drain kit is ready to go.
24:09Yeah, let's be a cohesive team, OK?
24:11Brace yourselves.
24:13All right.
24:15I'll get his fluids ready.
24:21Oh, can't believe it.
24:23I was waiting for a couple of butterfly strips.
24:25We need to talk.
24:27Probably won't even scar.
24:29Could have fixed myself up.
24:31Astrid, the ECG shows you're in atrial fibrillation again,
24:33and with a bilateral leg swelling.
24:35We could be looking at high risk of DVT
24:37with some degree of heart failure.
24:39Heart failure?
24:41Yes. I'm 44.
24:43Your machines are wrong.
24:45Check again.
24:47There is a chance with the drug usage that you...
24:49You check me.
24:51Come on, Faith, I want you to check me.
24:53Check me! Stop!
24:55Well, then I'm going home.
24:57Astrid, we need to get you on an IV,
24:59get blood thinners, medication to control your heart rate.
25:01We need to admit you.
25:03I am taking the meds.
25:05I am sober.
25:07You lot just want to keep slinging diagnoses at me.
25:09OK, and whose fault is that?
25:11Oh, be careful, Faith.
25:13We both know you are one slip away
25:15from sitting there yourself.
25:17At least I am trying my best not to be.
25:19I'm not staying here.
25:21Please, Astrid, come on, come on.
25:23At least let me try and get your heart rate down.
25:25You realise I'm trying to help you, right?
25:27Will you just leave me alone?
25:29No! Look, OK, if you won't stay,
25:31then there's a meeting tonight.
25:33Do you really think you should go?
25:35Sorry to interrupt, I need you and Rhysus ASAP.
25:37OK, I'm coming.
25:39Please, please, just go.
25:43Down on three. One, two, three.
25:51OK, thanks, Cindy, thanks, Cindy.
25:53OK, I will do primary survey.
25:55Raj, just get you on airway, please.
25:57Rita, can we get another line in,
25:59and let's cross my four units.
26:01OK, I'm Raj, I'm the doctor.
26:03Can we look after you, OK?
26:05He'll be home for tea before you know it.
26:11OK, dulge percussion, right, OK.
26:13We're looking at a pneumothorax,
26:15so let's, um...
26:19BP is low. OK, blood's gone up.
26:21Is it ready for him?
26:23Yeah, no, we're going to get a chest read in first.
26:25We really need to get him upstairs.
26:27And we really need to get him stabilised first.
26:29OK, Rita, when you're ready, can we get some morphine in, please?
26:33OK, morphine, please.
26:37That's it, you're OK.
26:41OK, sats are dropping.
26:43Sam, Mum is here, OK?
26:45You'll be fine.
26:49OK, morphine, please.
26:55Going in.
27:05That's got blood in there.
27:23Hey, you all right?
27:25I'm fine. There's blood everywhere.
27:27There was a lot, right?
27:29Like he's just a little kid.
27:31I didn't think they had much blood in them.
27:33I know, I know.
27:35No, I don't... I'm fine.
27:37I don't want to do that again.
27:39So what are you going to do?
27:41Are you going to quit? Now?
27:43I froze.
27:45A little boy, and I froze.
27:47And I know that I'm not book smart and all that,
27:49but I just thought...
27:51I thought on the ground that I could...
27:53Control to 3006, please respond over.
27:553006, receive him.
27:57Do whatever you want to do after,
27:59but we're going to get through this day together, OK?
28:01Do you have reports of an RTD on hold or bypass?
28:03Are you free to attend? Over.
28:05On the way. Over.
28:07Try not to worry, OK?
28:09Can you hold those doors for me, please?
28:11I'm going to be fine.
28:13I'm going to stay here the whole time.
28:15You all right?
28:17Someone shot a kid.
28:19Or is he?
28:21We've put a chest strain in,
28:23and he looks about stable,
28:25but it didn't look good for him.
28:29I'm fine. No, no.
28:37I wanted to apologise if I was a little bit short.
28:39I know it can be difficult not getting involved.
28:41Yeah, Dylan, we were already involved.
28:43Didn't really get a say in that, did we?
28:45No, but we get a say in what we do next,
28:47and for what it's worth, I think you'll do the right thing.
28:53Oh, Pam.
28:55Pam, I'll take that.
28:57I know whose it is. Thanks.
29:09Hey. Hey, Uncle.
29:11Sorry I'm late.
29:13It's OK.
29:15It's not like I'm going anywhere.
29:17It's the last round.
29:19Big morning?
29:21Oh, yeah.
29:23Yeah, there was a kid
29:25with a gunshot wound.
29:29I thought those things didn't happen here.
29:31Yeah, they don't, not very often.
29:33He's in surgery now.
29:35We did everything we could,
29:37just hoping he pulls through.
29:39I'm sure you gave it your best.
29:41It's all you can do.
29:43You know, Tariq was there too.
29:45Yeah, well...
29:47Yeah, well,
29:49if Tariq was here,
29:51he'd be telling me all about how he was the best.
29:57I'm just glad
29:59it's you that's here.
30:01Dr Masson?
30:05My moral support.
30:17Come in.
30:23Come in. Sit down.
30:25You wanted to see me?
30:29How are you doing?
30:31Another tough morning for us all.
30:33Yeah, yeah.
30:37Is that all that's going on?
30:39What do you mean?
30:43you arrived late,
30:45you're injured...
30:47Oh, look, I told you, that was...
30:49Faith, you're not yourself.
30:53I'm not using again,
30:55if that's what you're asking. I'm not...
30:57Hang on. No, I'm not thinking anything of the sort.
30:59I... I actually
31:01saw you and Ian
31:03talking earlier.
31:05Is everything OK at home?
31:11No, Ian, no.
31:17This was Luca.
31:19He did that to you?
31:21Yes, kind of. It was an accident,
31:23I think.
31:25Look, he was really upset this morning
31:27about, I don't know,
31:29Ian or school or something, and
31:31Chef, it's his temper. It's just...
31:33It's getting worse and worse.
31:35And I tell you, he's just... I don't know what to do
31:37anymore, Chef.
31:39I'm at my wits' end with him. I've tried everything.
31:41I've tried more discipline.
31:43It's not working. Nothing is working.
31:45And I have...
31:47Sorry, but I have this meeting tonight
31:49with the social worker and the family
31:51and I'm just...
31:53I'm really scared that they're
31:55going to take him away from me.
31:57What if I lose my little boy?
31:59I don't know what I'm doing.
32:01If you want things to get better, if it was me,
32:03OK, I would sit him down,
32:05talk to him, have a proper heart-to-heart.
32:07Yeah, try and get him to be honest
32:09with you, OK?
32:11Why don't you take off early?
32:13I can't.
32:15You can. We'll manage.
32:17Take some time for yourself
32:19and your son.
32:21Are you for sure?
32:23Yes. Go.
32:25OK, thank you.
32:27You've got this.
32:37OK, we'll take him.
32:39Just give him a nudge, say Sean was looking for him.
32:41Is that OK? Yeah. Thanks.
32:45Can't have a word.
32:47Didn't expect to see you up here.
32:51Who's saying?
32:53That Tarek's dad?
32:59Tarek doesn't know.
33:03His dad has cancer and he's not telling him?
33:05It's what he wants.
33:07Tarek's been looking out for you. He cares about you.
33:09If I find out he knows, that'll be a breach of patient confidentiality.
33:11He's not my patient.
33:13It's what Kareem wants.
33:15Look, I'm not trying to get caught up in something.
33:17Well, good. So don't.
33:19Hi, what's this?
33:21What was it?
33:23Well, I was just, you know,
33:25I was having a bit of a hard day and
33:27I wanted to hear your voice
33:29and see how your first day went.
33:31Listen, darling,
33:33I'm really sorry
33:35about the way I handled this morning.
33:39I think I'm going to finish early
33:41so I thought we could hang out,
33:43you know, for tonight.
33:45I can't.
33:47I've got homework.
33:53all right, then.
33:55I'll see you later, then, yeah?
33:57Yeah, bye.
34:03More of a dog person.
34:05Get on with some work.
34:09Look who can't keep away.
34:13I was just looking for my coat.
34:15I think I left it down here.
34:17Or do you just
34:19really like the ego boost of seeing us
34:21lot slum it down here?
34:23Or, secret third option.
34:27Maybe I want to see how you were doing.
34:29Rough shift.
34:31Yeah, um,
34:33how's the little boy? Have you heard anything upstairs?
34:37Let's hope no news is good news.
34:41But the coat thing
34:43was definitely real, though.
34:47Button up.
34:49Yeah, you are something else.
34:51That's what the ladies tell me.
35:27you left this.
35:29I thought you'd be missing it.
35:33Do you, uh,
35:35want to come out?
35:39Yeah, you're OK.
35:53Sorry, no,
35:55you can't be in here.
35:57Sorry, I've just watched my son
35:59have his whole chest
36:01opened up on the table, OK?
36:03He's going to hear what I've got to say.
36:15Do you know, I...
36:17I never liked him
36:19walking to school on his own,
36:21but do you know what Joey said to me?
36:23Do you know what he said to me?
36:25He said, Mum, I'm a big lad now.
36:27But he's not.
36:31I was a little kid they shot.
36:35I've just spent
36:37the last five hours
36:39sat there blaming myself.
36:43It's not my fault, is it?
36:45Not really.
36:49And look, I don't think he's yours either.
36:53You lost a friend,
36:55and I'm sorry, but
36:57I need to know
36:59who did that to him.
37:01If I say anything,
37:03I'll just end up like Dougie.
37:05Oh, maybe you won't.
37:07All right?
37:09Maybe it just means that
37:11no other mum or parent
37:13has to go through what I've just been through.
37:17Is he OK?
37:19Is he OK in here?
37:23Look, please.
37:25Will you just...
37:27just do the right thing, yeah?
37:29For Sam.
37:33Uh, why don't I
37:35take you somewhere more private?
37:37Come on, darling.
37:39Come on.
37:45I'm sorry for your loss.
37:47Thanks for coming. We appreciate it.
37:55Everyone just keeps
37:57giving me shepherd's pies.
37:59What am I supposed to do with a fridge full of shepherd's pie?
38:03Well, right side.
38:05You know, the proud owner of loads of new
38:07tupperware tops.
38:09My mum's funeral got me, um,
38:11four Pyrex dishes.
38:15Where's Elsie?
38:17She went back with my mum.
38:19To be honest, I wish she was here. It'd save me
38:21having to speak to a room full of people I barely even know.
38:25This is weird.
38:29You know what is a bit weird?
38:31That someone's
38:33bought you a cheese and pineapple hedgehog.
38:41I'm really glad you came.
38:43Do you want a drink?
38:45Yeah. Whatever you're having.
38:49You know, it might not feel like it, but
38:51you're doing great.
39:07Excuse me.
39:09Are you the one this morning
39:11with my lad?
39:21Look, I just wanted to let you know
39:23that his surgery went
39:25really well,
39:27and they said that he's stable
39:29and he's going to make a full recovery, so...
39:31Yeah, I mean, that was
39:33not a quick one, but, um...
39:35He's still here, so...
39:39Thank you for that.
39:41Anyway, look,
39:43there you go, Anna.
39:55Faith, hi.
39:57Hi. I made the appointment with the clinic.
39:59So, uh...
40:01What time do you want to meet tonight?
40:03I was thinking maybe we could go for a coffee before,
40:05or, I mean, decaf, obviously.
40:07Tonight? The meeting.
40:09Oh, I'm sorry, Astrid, I can't make
40:13But you said...
40:15Well, yeah, yeah, I meant that you
40:17should go.
40:21Well, so it's not a practice-what-you-preach thing, then?
40:23No, it's just
40:25that I'm spinning a lot of plates right now,
40:27but you should definitely go.
40:31No, whatever.
40:33Good luck
40:35with your plates.
40:41Goodbye, then.
40:43Thanks for coming.
40:51Well, that's the last of them.
40:53You alright?
40:57Yeah, I'm fine.
40:59Do you want another one?
41:01No, you know, I, um,
41:03best get going, too.
41:05You don't have to.
41:07Let's drive company, like you said.
41:09Go on, then.
41:13I'm gonna need something stronger.
41:21Thea couldn't stand the smell of the stuff.
41:23Told her it'd
41:25grow on her eventually.
41:27And she used to say...
41:29She used to...
41:39I thought I'd feel differently
41:41after the funeral, but it's just more of the same.
41:43No one expects you to just be OK.
41:45I don't know what I'm doing.
41:47With any of it. With Elsie.
41:49No, you do. You do.
41:51I meant what I said before. You're doing great.
41:53Come here.
42:13How'd you know?
42:15I just came from upstairs.
42:19did you know
42:21the kid from this morning, he made it out of surgery.
42:23Yeah, he's stable on ITU.
42:25That's great.
42:27Really, it's great news.
42:29Tough day all round, eh?
42:31Doctor Hussein, you're needed in resus.
42:35Good work, boys. Good work.
42:41You're really not gonna tell him?
42:43He's your cousin.
42:45It's not your problem to deal with.
42:47What's he gonna think when he finds out?
42:49He's not your patient.
42:51So just drop it.
42:59Excuse me.
43:01Excuse me.
43:05You two have such similar tastes.
43:07That was my coat, wasn't it?
43:09I needed a win.
43:11You got one.
43:13Little boy made it through surgery.
43:19Now, you owe me a new coat.
43:21And an apology.
43:23Or at the very least,
43:25your number.
43:27That was a cashmere blend.
43:33All 11 digits.
43:39But I expect that you're gonna pay for dinner.
43:41Of course.
43:53I mean, I'm not gonna lie to you.
43:59It's been tough.
44:01Life is
44:05Work is always hectic.
44:07And Ian has recently moved in.
44:09There you go.
44:15If that is what's upsetting you,
44:17then, you know, he's not...
44:19He's not trying to replace your dad.
44:21It's not about Ian.
44:23Why do you think Arno went aboard this year?
44:25To get away from you.
44:29It's like you want to forget all that happened.
44:31The drugs, the lying.
44:33Sometimes it feels like it's all gonna happen again.
44:39It won't, Dan. I promise it won't.
44:41We won't let it.
44:43How do I know that?
44:47He don't even talk to me.
44:51what I'm hearing is
44:53Luca wants more honesty
44:55in the household.
44:57And that will help us to build trust.
44:59Yeah, well,
45:01of course we can do that, can't we?
45:03We'll do that. That's OK.
45:07I'm sorry about this morning. I just...
45:11It's OK. It's OK.
45:13It doesn't matter, OK?
45:15It doesn't...
45:17It doesn't matter. I'm OK.
45:19I'm OK.
45:21Great. OK.
45:23Well, we'll take it day by day
45:25and we'll see how things
45:27progress in the house.
45:29Come on.
45:33What do you mean, no?
45:35I spoke to Graeme.
45:37She's gonna let me stay
45:39with her.
45:41With my mum?
45:43Why would you stay with my mum?
45:45Look, mate,
45:47if this is about me being here, then...
45:49It's not about you.
45:51I just want to go. I'm going.
45:55Well, if that is
45:57what Luca wants...
45:59Yes, it is.
46:17I am so sorry.
46:21Look, that is not why I invited you.
46:23I didn't think that.
46:27This was stupid.
46:33It wasn't your fault.
46:37I literally just buried my wife
46:39and what, now I'm doing this to her?
46:41Aaron, listen.
46:43Thea's gone
46:45and you're just doing everything
46:47you can to get through it.
46:49For you and for Elsie.
46:51And, you know,
46:53Dylan's choice give you that.
46:59No, I didn't mean...
47:01Dylan said there wasn't a choice.
47:03Yes, but I just meant that he did everything
47:05he could for her.
47:15Thanks very much for coming.
47:35I need you to re-familiarise yourself
47:37with the code of professional conduct.
47:39Especially point 21.
47:41Upholding the reputation of the Holby Trust
47:43at all times.
48:07Thanks for watching.
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