• 12 hours ago


00:00Mayday! Mayday! Low fuel! Does anyone read me?
00:26You've any idea where we are?
00:28Yeah, I'd say we're about two miles of shit creek without a paddle.
00:35What's in there that's so important to you?
00:37You could have got killed.
00:38My things.
00:39The plane will have its own water tank, if only for the toilet.
00:42Well, we can't drink that.
00:44Depends how quickly they find us.
00:46They'll be here before sunset.
00:49What is it?
00:51Didn't you see?
00:52There was someone there.
00:59Parece que se descompuso.
01:01Emilio, it's here!
01:07Right on time.
01:58¿Estás listo?
02:00Sí, señor.
02:02Ocho días en la selva no va a ser lo más agradable, ¿eh?
02:28We need to move him.
02:59This heat.
03:01You know he's gonna begin to, uh...
03:04Kevin, you okay?
03:05You shouldn't have done it.
03:09You shouldn't have operated on him.
03:11I told you the risks.
03:12I don't think we had any choice.
03:15He would have died anyway.
03:16That's easy for you to say.
03:17You didn't kill him.
03:18I killed him.
03:19You did what you could.
03:21Nobody blames you.
03:23You made me do it.
03:25I shouldn't have operated on him.
03:28This is the result.
03:35Let's get him out of here before he stings up the place.
03:47Where are they taking him?
03:49I don't know.
03:52You should help them.
03:56It's too damn hot.
03:58Let's go.
04:03Wait here.
04:13What is it?
04:15What is it?
04:17It's his cell phone.
04:19Has it got a signal?
04:20Can you use it?
04:21No, baby.
04:21It's locked.
04:24Then why did you take it?
04:26I didn't want to just leave it there.
04:37Just give me a minute.
04:49Where are you going?
04:52Uh, into the bush.
04:54I'll come too.
04:56Uh, I have to be alone.
04:58I have to, you know.
05:01Jeez, give a man some privacy, huh?
05:05I'll be right back.
05:25To disagree I travel the world and the seven seas
05:31Everybody's looking for something Some of them want to use you
05:38Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you
05:46Some of them want to be abused
05:54Everybody's looking for something
06:20Two bodies, two days.
06:22Too bad.
06:23How many more of us are going to join them?
06:25Why should there be any more?
06:28We're going to be out of drinking water in a couple of days.
06:30This heat continues.
06:33They'll find us soon.
06:34We'll all be done for.
06:37Always the optimist.
06:43So, what happened?
06:51To him?
06:53To you.
06:54You were a doctor.
06:57You said it didn't work out?
07:01Why should I tell you?
07:02Why not?
07:05I just said the more we know about each other,
07:07the better our chances of getting through this.
07:13I've worked all my life.
07:20Six years just to set up my practice in Jacksonville, Florida.
07:24It was a good business.
07:26I had a wife, a family, and then...
07:31You know what it means, going bare?
07:33You stopped paying malpractice insurance.
07:36You'd know all about that, wouldn't you?
07:38Yeah, I cut corners, but I had no choice.
07:42$15,000 a year on top of staffing, rent, equipment,
07:47lawyers, accounts, all the rest of it.
07:49It was killing me.
07:51One of your patients died.
07:52She did not die.
07:55But she got very sick.
07:59A 12-year-old girl had an allergic reaction to a medication I prescribed.
08:04She was fine in the end.
08:05But her parents sued, and I lost everything.
08:11My job, my savings, my marriage.
08:18I tried to help someone's child,
08:19and now I haven't seen my own daughter in 10 years.
08:28That's what happened.
08:31I'm sorry.
08:35I just hope he doesn't have a family.
08:39My luck, they'll sue me too.
08:58That's the one I've been looking for.
09:00It's mine.
09:01What is it?
09:04Sports equipment.
09:43Does it look OK?
09:45Ain't no reason why it shouldn't be.
09:47We crashed.
09:49Honey, it's in better shape than we are.
09:53We may need it.
09:55Here, sit down.
09:56I need to talk to you.
10:15The pilot?
10:17Octavia, whatever his name was.
10:19What about him?
10:23He was killed.
10:28By Dr. Kevin?
10:30Don't you see his skin?
10:32His lips?
10:34The hemorrhages around his eyes?
10:35He was killed deliberately in the night.
10:42Don't you dare tell me I'm making it up.
10:47You remember Mrs. Giangelli?
10:50I never met her.
10:51I did.
10:56What are you saying?
10:57Why would anyone?
10:58Why do you think?
11:01Well, I don't know.
11:03We have enough food and water to last nine people for a few days, maybe.
11:11Now there's eight people.
11:15Now it's a big leap.
11:17I know what I saw.
11:21So what are you going to do?
11:22You going to tell them?
11:26That's the last thing we can do.
11:27We don't know these people.
11:28Hold on a minute, honey.
11:30What are you saying?
11:31I'm saying.
11:58So what about him?
12:14How much do we have left?
12:16Not much.
12:17But hey, you don't need to worry.
12:19Someone will find us soon.
12:21And if they don't?
12:24This heatwave can't last and it'll rain.
12:30So you're on honeymoon?
12:33Who told you that?
12:36You did.
12:37Don't you remember?
12:45Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.
12:48Yeah, well, I think that's true for all of us.
12:52Yeah, I guess.
13:01So how'd you endow me?
13:26Oh, it only happened recently.
13:29I was in a clinic in Santa Barbara.
13:32I wasn't well and my dad sent me there to get some rest.
13:35Dan was the limo driver who came to pick me up.
13:38Isn't that crazy?
13:40Well, it's different.
13:41We ran away together to Vegas.
13:44We were just in a party, but we were so happy.
13:47We were having a great time.
13:50We got married.
13:55Is Dan still driving?
13:57No, he's giving it up.
13:59No, he's actually writing a book on growing up in the Rust Belt.
14:06It's about starting with nothing and then finding love.
14:10I guess you'll be in it then.
14:12It's not really about us, but I am helping him.
14:20My parents don't know yet.
14:24We were gonna tell them when we got home.
14:30Where is home?
14:34Redwood City.
14:37Silicon Valley.
14:40Daddy runs a tech company.
14:42He's huge.
14:45Lucky Dan.
14:57Oh, shit.
15:00I can't believe you found the damn thing.
15:09Yeah, we could have lost it with the tail.
15:17Take this out.
15:30Look, that's the main switch, the GPS interface, actuation controls.
15:37Well, that's great, but that doesn't have to be plugged in.
15:40That runs a battery.
15:41Is it working?
15:45It works, but there's no signal.
15:48This aerial, it's no good.
15:51We need a...
15:53We need a long antenna.
15:57And we're too low.
15:59Up there.
16:05What is the climb all the way up there?
16:07Down here.
16:09It's useless.
16:17Why hasn't anybody come?
16:20It's been a whole day since we crashed and there's nothing.
16:24No search planes, no radio contact, nothing.
16:28They know we're missing.
16:30They're looking for us, you know that.
16:32It's just going to take time, that's all.
16:34So, hey, thanks.
16:37You boys find anything on that plane?
16:39Yep, we're able to pull out the emergency locator transmitter.
16:43It was in the hole and...
16:45Wait, so what, it sends out a signal?
16:47Yeah, but it needs to be on higher ground and it needs a bigger antenna.
16:53So Carlo says he can rig one up.
16:55There's a wire harness that runs through the plane.
16:56Excuse me, I thought Carlo was a wrestler.
17:00Carlos, not Carlo.
17:02I am a luchador.
17:04But my family also runs a shop in Mexico City.
17:06Radios, TVs, electrical.
17:09A long way to carry it, but at least we'll get a good view.
17:13Who knows, maybe Mexico City's on the other side.
17:16So when do we go?
17:17Not now, it's too hot.
17:19Later on it'll be too dark.
17:21We need to start at first light.
17:24We can't waste any more time.
17:25We're running out of water, we're low on food.
17:28Eleven bottles and we need these two to last us all day.
17:32Watching those like a hawk, huh?
17:34Oh yeah.
17:37Why is that?
17:38That's what I do.
17:40I run a chain of motels and it's the one thing I learned.
17:43If it ain't nailed down, someone will steal it.
17:46True that.
17:48So you're thinking one of us is just gonna help ourselves?
17:50One of you, all of you, same difference.
17:56Let's all assume the worst of each other, shall we?
17:58Because that's helpful.
17:59It's okay, Kevin.
18:01Leave it.
18:02That's what we're gonna do.
18:03We'll stay in the shade until the sun comes down,
18:05then we'll take a look around the immediate area.
18:07See if we can find any water.
18:08Carlos can fix the ELT and we'll carry it up first light tomorrow.
18:13Sounds like a plan.
18:15Funeral plan.
18:20Don't you hit me, woman.
18:55Fumosa la Morgan
18:57Tomas photos
19:00Por orden de quien
19:06Pensé que podemos comparar las caras con los pasaportes
19:12La patologa viene de Monterrey
19:14Tengo órdenes especificas de no tocar los cuerpos
19:18No los tocamos
19:20Ni nos acercamos
19:22Tomamos fotos
19:27Pérdida de tiempo
19:29Es imposible identificar a uno de los cuerpos
19:31Una semana en la selva
19:33Los gusanos y los insectos empiezan por los ojos y...
19:35Sin detalles
19:37Que acabo de comer
19:45Y uno de ellos
19:53No, no me dejes
20:01Uno no tiene cara
20:53What is it?
21:23Here, time for your pill
21:29What is it?
21:31I can't find them
21:33Can't find what?
21:35Beta blockers
21:37Beta blockers
21:39Beta blockers
21:41Beta blockers
21:43Beta blockers
21:45Beta blockers
21:47Beta blockers
21:49Beta blockers
21:51Beta blockers
21:53What are you talking about?
21:55You had them
21:57I had them last night
21:59But I woke up this morning
22:01They weren't there
22:03Have you looked?
22:05Of course I looked
22:11Are you your natural?
22:21The beta blockers slow everything down
22:23That's all
22:25Your heart and your breathing
22:27But you don't need them
22:29Once you stay calm
22:31And I stay calm when you're shouting at me
22:33I'm not shouting at you
22:35I'm worrying at you
22:37It's not the same
22:41Where are you going?
22:43I'm going to find them
22:45They got to be somewhere
23:01You looking for something?
23:05Nine bottles of water
23:09There are five
23:11Lisa said there were eleven
23:13Minus the two for today, right?
23:15I thought I would check
23:19Half the food's gone too
23:21They've even taken
23:23God damn chewing gum
23:25Since when?
23:27This morning
23:29You sure?
23:31I mean, why are you even surprised?
23:33You get a bunch of strangers on a plane
23:35And one or two of them decide they don't want to go hungry or thirsty
23:37And to hell with everyone else
23:39There's not much we can do about it now
23:42We can make it harder for next time
23:53Yeah, my needs must
23:59You won't hold them off very long, but
24:03Could be me
24:05You said it
24:07You're stuck with a bunch of strangers
24:09So what makes me the one you want to trust?
24:13I've got to trust someone, Zak
24:17Right now
24:19At least the odds are in your favor
24:21I always work the odds
24:39Why don't you tell me the truth, Zak?
24:43What do you mean?
24:45What you do
24:47I've met people who work in insurance
24:49None of them are like you
24:51I'll take that as a compliment
24:55It's more an accusation
24:57And what do you do
24:59When you're not traveling?
25:01Why does everyone have to define themselves by what they do?
25:03You started it
25:05I'm a photographer
25:07Why should I believe you
25:09Any more than you believe I'm in insurance
25:11Or Kevin is a
25:13Well, was a doctor
25:15I'll show you
25:21These are migrants on their way to America
25:25Most of them will never get there
25:27Cartels on one side
25:29Borders on the other
25:31And they're all the same
25:33Cartels on one side
25:35Border security on the other
25:37Coyotes ripping them off
25:39And all because they're desperate
25:41Can I?
25:43Yeah, sure
25:45That's who I'm working for
25:49He's extraordinary
25:53Doesn't mean you took him
25:57Do you always spoil a compliment that way?
25:59You're right
26:01I'm sorry
26:03So why were you heading to Houston?
26:05Seeing friends
26:07Needed a break
26:09And why Aero Alux?
26:11It was cheap
26:13Unbelievably cheap for an 11-seater
26:15Almost like a private jet
26:17How about you?
26:19What about me?
26:21There are half a dozen airlines flying out of Guatemala City
26:23It's just a coincidence he chose this one
26:27Just my luck, right
26:29Sun's going down
26:31Time we made a move
26:33Let's go find some water
27:09What do you think, edible?
27:11I wouldn't have said so
27:13That's Amanita bisporus aero
27:15A basidiomycete fungus
27:17And it'll kill you very quickly
27:21They call them black angels
27:23So much for breakfast
27:29You should have gone with him
27:35And left you behind
27:41Where are you going?
27:43We can't just sit here
27:45Come on
27:59What the hell is that?
28:03Damn right
28:05Hey guys
28:11What are you doing?
28:15Water is water
28:17And I have been in a lot worse
28:21That's not a swimming pool
28:23That's a cenote
28:25That's not a swimming pool
28:27That's a cenote
28:29I don't even know what that means
28:31It's an underwater cave system
28:33This is just a bottleneck
28:35Could run for miles underground
28:37So what?
28:39Anything could live in this water
28:41Yeah, you want to check a safe?
28:45Yo, what the fuck?
28:49What the hell is that?
28:53There are no piranhas in Mexico
28:55Maybe Barracuda
28:57There was an attack in Cozumel last year
28:59A tourist lost her hand
29:01Oh man, he got my shoe
29:03Better than your foot
29:07What was that?
29:13I don't know
29:25You got them both
29:27Sure did
29:31You ever eaten monkey?
29:33First time for everything
29:35That's when you've been scared of creep crawlies
29:41Where did you get that?
29:43It was in the cargo hold
29:45Sports equipment
29:47Hunting is a sport
29:49That's what she would do in Guatemala
29:51Hunting what?
29:53Deer, bighorn sheep
29:55You do that for fun?
29:57You bet
29:59What a heartwarming hobby
30:01If it moves, shoot it
30:03I bet you got a whole wall of trophies back home
30:05Maybe even the whole house
30:07Yeah, you want to sneer at us
30:09Maybe you should remember we're the ones with the gun
30:11You're threatening me
30:13No, but we don't shoot, you don't eat
30:15So unless you want to stay hungry
30:17Maybe you should watch what you're saying
30:19Grilled monkey
30:21We found water
30:23Drinking water?
30:25Yeah, yeah, it'll be great
30:27You know, once we get rid of the bacteria
30:29And of course we have to draw it out without getting our hands chewed off
30:31But we can drink it
30:35That guy has such a lived hard life
31:35Looks like it'll do the job
31:37Yeah, it'll do just fine
31:39You know the jungle, huh?
31:41It's where I work
31:55Food's ready
31:59You're gonna put on a tie
32:01You're gonna put on a tie
32:19Here you are
32:21Well, I won't say it looks delicious
32:23You complaining?
32:25I just mean, delicious isn't the first word
32:27That comes to mind
32:31Well, it smells good
32:33What's in the sauce?
32:35Uh, tomato
32:37From the Bloody Mary
32:39Um, onion
32:41From the salad
32:43And, uh, herbs and cheese
32:47Lisa, honey
32:49What am I supposed to eat this with?
32:51Well, there's spoons over there
32:53I just can't
32:55You have to
32:57You need to keep up your strength
32:59Pretend it's ribeye
33:03You don't want it, I'll have it
33:07That's disgusting
33:09Still gotta eat
33:19What do you got in there?
33:21Just things
33:23Not important
33:25Is that so?
33:27It's the flames together
33:29That's not your business
33:31I'd say
33:33Everybody's business is everybody's business
33:35Right now
34:15What is it?
34:17It's his mask
34:19It's what they wear, the luchadors
34:21To hide their identity
34:23No, no, not to hide
34:25I don't understand
34:27In normal life
34:29I'm nothing
34:31But when I wear this
34:33I'm rapido
34:35And everyone knows me
34:37The mask doesn't hide my identity
34:39The mask is my identity
34:41To lose this
34:43Is to lose my life
34:47Why are we going to Houston?
34:51To meet my enemy
34:53The Governor
34:55The last time we met he cheated
34:57He beat me with a move called
34:59The Powerbomb
35:01So we meet again
35:03In two days
35:05And this time it's mask against mask
35:09He won't take this from me
35:13Two days?
35:15You think you're going to make it to Houston by then?
35:45You okay?
35:47I don't feel no good
35:50Maybe you ate too much
35:55Maybe Monkey don't agree with me
35:59I don't think Monkey agrees with any of us
36:01Here, do you want some water?
36:09Go easy
36:11I thought we had unlimited water
36:13Yeah, but I don't want you making yourself sick
36:15Yeah, well sit
36:17Alright, that's it
36:21It was literally blood, son
36:47What the fuck?
37:47Oh my God
37:55Oh my God, help me
37:57Oh God
37:59Oh my God, Travis
38:01Help, help
38:03Oh my God
38:05What's happening?
38:07It's Travis, he woke up like this
38:13I'll get him
38:15Did he take his medication last night?
38:17It's funny you should ask, no, but this has nothing to do with his heart
38:19Kevin, Kevin
38:21Kevin, it's Travis, you've got to come
38:25Kevin, come on
38:27This is something else
38:29Come on, Travis
38:31Did he wake up like this?
38:35Was he sick last night?
38:37He was feeling rough after the food
38:39He's been poisoned
38:41Is that meat?
38:43I didn't
38:45What's wrong with him? Can you help him?
38:47He's exhibiting hypotension,
38:51classic signs of food poisoning
38:53What can you do?
38:55He's got to throw up
38:57I need a medic, like salt
38:59There's salt packets on the floor
39:01Come on
39:11Oh, God
39:13Oh, God, he's not breathing
39:15Travis, come on
39:25Come on, Travis, come on, man
39:29Come on, man
39:31Travis, come on
39:33Where is it?
39:35I couldn't get it, I'm sorry
39:37It was shut
39:39Come on, man, come on
39:57It's too late
39:59He's gone
40:01There was nothing I could do
40:05Damn it
40:07Somebody wired up the storage compartment
40:11It doesn't matter, it wouldn't have helped
40:15Hey, it's not your fault
40:17Whose fault was it?
40:19It was food poisoning
40:21Oh, don't say that to me
40:23It was poisoning, all right, but
40:25not what you think
40:27What do you think?
40:29There was something in his food, and it was put there deliberately
40:31Black angels
40:37That's why you called those mushrooms
40:39Yeah, you said they were killers
40:41You said they were poisonous
40:43I left them where they were
40:45I didn't touch them
40:47Well, someone did
40:49Someone took them
40:51How else do you explain what just happened?
40:53They were in the food
40:57I know what's going on here
41:01One of you's worked it out, haven't you?
41:03The fewer there are of us left,
41:05the more chance you have to survive
41:09You killed Travis
41:11First of all, you stole his medicine
41:13and then
41:15you put some of those mushrooms in his food
41:21You planned it all
41:23You killed him
41:25You planned it all
41:29And then you did it
41:31right in front of us all
41:33That's crazy
41:35And he wasn't the first either, was he?
41:37Octavio, the pilot
41:39Well, you killed him first
41:41Lisa, you can't think that
41:43You don't know what you're saying
41:45Kevin, tell her
41:47Lisa, you told us yourself
41:49he had an aneurysm six months ago
41:51Then the shock of the crash
41:53Six hours? If it's not food poisoning,
41:55he probably had a heart attack
41:57Did that look like a heart attack to you?
41:59I don't know, but I do know Octavio died
42:01from post-operative complications
42:03Internal bleeding. It had to be
42:07It was nothing of the sort
42:09Oh, I told Travis
42:11Oh, someone must have overheard us
42:13and maybe thought
42:15he was a danger to them
42:17I worked in a hospice. We both did
42:19And this woman was killed
42:21in her bed by her son
42:23Mrs. Giangeli
42:25Oh, she was in constant pain
42:27and he couldn't bear it anymore
42:29He killed her
42:31And the doctors knew
42:33Real doctors, not like you
42:35And they told us
42:37and they showed us
42:39so that we'd know
42:41what had happened
42:43in case we ever saw it again
42:45Hemorrhages in the eyes
42:47and on the skin around the head
42:49And she had been asphyxiated
42:51just like Octavio
42:57Why would anyone
42:59want to do that?
43:01Oh, look at him
43:05Look at what you've done to him
43:09Thirty years we've been together
43:11and one of you
43:13one of you
43:15did this to him
43:19Oh, Travis
43:23Oh, my son
43:27Oh, darling
44:07You okay?
44:11We screwed up
44:13What was it Kevin said
44:15that he wanted? A pneumatic?
44:19Maybe if we could have got some salt
44:21into Travis then he could have been saved
44:23It was too late
44:25He was dying anyway
44:27You can't know that
44:33What do you think killed Travis?
44:35You really believe someone
44:37deliberately poisoned him?
44:39How would they even do it?
44:41There was no heart attack
44:43Heart attack?
44:45Sonia, he was stressed
44:47He was overweight
44:49And that meat was
44:51Well, it was foul
44:53It didn't stop him from having two portions
44:59Still got heat
45:01He took Amy's
45:03You mean
45:05she was the real target?
45:09I don't think it matters, Zack
45:11We all are
45:13It doesn't make any sense
45:15Thanks to you we have water
45:17And we can hunt for food
45:19So what other reason could there be?
45:21I don't know
45:47The food
45:51What are you doing?
45:53This is Octavio's
45:55So what are you looking for?
45:57Well you heard what she said
45:59Who? Lisa
46:01What do you think?
46:03Don't talk to me that way, I'm scared too
46:05Look, I'm sorry, Amy
46:07If Octavio
46:09was killed
46:11I was just thinking there might be something on here
46:13that tells us why he was killed
46:17These are all in Spanish
46:21I thought you spoke Spanish
46:23Yeah, a little, but
46:27They all seem very ordinary
46:31He wrote a lot to his girlfriend Cordelia
46:33This is them here
46:37They look so happy together
46:41But this is what you have to see
46:51Cordelia, my love
46:53It's me, Octavio
46:55I don't know where I am
46:59I've been trying to find an airfield
47:01but nothing
47:03I'm flying in circles
47:05I don't have much fuel
47:09I don't think I'm going to make it
47:13Even if I land, I'm dead
47:15We're all on
47:19They won't allow us to live
47:23You need to escape
47:25and hide, do you understand?
47:31You might be in trouble too
47:35Can I see that?
47:37Wait, he recorded this
47:39before we came down
47:41He said he was going to die
47:43and now he's dead
47:45Well, he was hurt in the crash
47:47It was internal bleeding or shock
47:49You believe that?
47:51We won't be allowed to live
47:53Maybe you're in danger too
47:57First him, and now Travis
47:59Lisa was right
48:02One of us is a fucking killer
48:09So who's going to be next?
48:31Who's next?
48:33Who's next?
48:35Who's next?
48:37Who's next?
48:39Who's next?
48:41Who's next?
48:43Who's next?
48:45Who's next?
48:47Who's next?
48:49Who's next?
48:51Who's next?
48:53Who's next?
48:55Who's next?
48:57Who's next?
48:59Who's next?
49:01Who's next?
49:03Who's next?
49:05Who's next?
49:07Who's next?
49:09Who's next?
49:11Who's next?
49:13Who's next?
49:15Who's next?
49:17Who's next?
49:19Who's next?
49:21Who's next?
49:29Who's next?
