Australian Survivor Season 12 Episode 09
00:00Previously, on Australian Survivor, Miles talked his way to the bottom of the Brain
00:10Tribe again, and Mad Max was faring no better, until an idol changed his fortune.
00:24At the Immunity Challenge, Brains 2.0 continued to dominate.
00:33And no one could convince them to give up the win.
00:40AJ came up with a devious plan to take control of the game.
00:47I call this plan, take hostages.
00:49The other tribe that are through the next challenge, or these hostages, are going home.
00:54But not everyone agreed with his hostile tactics.
00:57These are my hostages.
00:59I'm completely against taking hostages.
01:01It's terrible.
01:02You never want to back someone into a corner to make them work with you.
01:05You want them to come of their own accord.
01:07Sign me up.
01:10With the captives now secured.
01:12I don't think that they will throw challenges.
01:16It was time to send a message to the OG Brawn.
01:20Ursula, that's five votes, that's enough.
01:23The tribe has spoken.
01:24Sixteen are left.
01:25Who will be going home tonight?
01:26I'm going home.
01:27I'm going home.
01:28I'm going home.
01:29I'm going home.
01:30I'm going home.
01:31I'm going home.
01:32I'm going home.
01:33I'm going home.
01:34I'm going home.
01:35I'm going home.
01:36I'm going home.
01:37I'm going home.
01:38I'm going home.
01:39I'm going home.
01:40I'm going home.
01:41I'm going home.
01:42I'm going home.
01:43I'm going home.
01:44I'm going home.
01:45I'm going home.
01:46I'm going home.
01:47I'm going home.
01:48I'm going home.
01:49I'm going home.
01:50I'm going home.
01:51I'm going home.
01:52I'm going home.
01:53I'm going home.
01:54I'm going home.
01:55I'm going home.
01:56I'm going home.
02:05Everything worked out really well.
02:13I'm pissed.
02:16There was a reason that I decided not to work with AJ at the OG Brains Tribe because he's an idiot.
02:24Guys, I'm sorry, just as a collective, can we bring AJ in a little bit?
02:29Please? Is he freaking you out as well?
02:31Always, a little, always.
02:32This is why I didn't work with him on the Brains Tribe, because he does this.
02:36AJ deciding to ask the other tribes for the challenges is insane because
02:40they're gonna vote out one of our allies.
02:42And that puts Laura, who is my number one ally, in danger.
02:47He literally just said,
02:48I don't care about your life in the game, about our allies.
02:52Did anyone...
02:53Yeah, but he was making dumb moves that affect us.
03:00The AJ plan right now is so individual to his game and that's so frustrating because
03:07there's three more of us in your alliance right now that you need to take care of.
03:11And we also need to take care of the other four brains on the other side.
03:18How are you feeling?
03:21Should we go for a little walk-see?
03:27I think once he gets an idea, it's like monkey singles in his head
03:31and he doesn't hear a single thing.
03:33I'm over it.
03:36Firstly, do you trust AJ?
03:39No? Okay, cool.
03:41I don't trust AJ.
03:42And I'm halfway there with Kyra right now because I think she's being controlled by AJ.
03:46Okay, so that's...
03:47I'm glad to hear that because, like, after AJ's...
03:52What he did yesterday, like, he gave me the whole picture that,
03:54oh, he wants to work with me and do all this.
03:56And then his move is to get rid of my closest ally.
04:00And then make me a hostage.
04:02I get to choose who goes home out of my hostages.
04:06And then even his, like, whole game is, like, he literally burnt all the four brains.
04:10It was just, you do not care for any of the allies
04:12you're working with on this tribe or that tribe.
04:14Like, and you've openly said it.
04:16Like, what's crazy?
04:19Anyway, so we just need to keep this quiet from them because he'll freak out.
04:29AJ is playing AJ's game.
04:33Lie, manipulate.
04:36And I don't want to play along with it because as a firefighter,
04:40I play with respect.
04:43I really have learned to trust my gut, to trust my instinct.
04:47And I don't trust him at all.
04:52You don't want him going?
04:53Oh, man, it's so good because I am filthy.
05:00Oh, what are you thinking?
05:01Like, because now, like, I want to, I want to run ideas by you.
05:08And then you can tell me if I'm insane or not.
05:10And then you can run ideas by me.
05:11And I probably never, I'll probably never tell you you're insane.
05:14But I'll be like, oh, that's a good idea.
05:16Or, oh, I think this one's better.
05:18Um, yeah, to be honest, no idea.
05:22100% no idea.
05:24Have you watched much survival?
05:27Oh, that means you're just naturally good at it then.
05:32You're just so sure and you're likable.
05:34It was very nice that first day when we talked,
05:36you're like, you can play the game a little bit.
05:40I'm just going to play along with AJ, make him think that I'm still,
05:44oh, yes, AJ, you're playing such a great game.
05:46What would you like to do?
05:47I'll do whatever you want to do.
05:49But I don't like what he did.
05:53And I want to get rid of him instantly.
06:10Yeah, because obviously, I've been kind of on the bottom the whole time.
06:26So it's like, besides AJ, I'm close with AJ, but besides...
06:29Why do you think you ended up on the bottom?
06:30Like, well, here's the thing.
06:31I'm a big fan.
06:32And I also love talking about it as well.
06:34And there were a lot of people that, like, came out, like, chatting.
06:37Also, to be fair, part of it was my own fault.
06:42I came out really hot as well.
06:44And I was, like, running around.
06:45I think I got, like, I was on no sleep.
06:46I was running around, like, oh, here's an idea of this person,
06:49this person, if that makes sense.
06:50Sleep time.
06:52So, yeah, like, I get along with all of them.
06:53Like, there were no, like, dramas with that in that regard.
06:55To be honest, the last couple of days have been really hard.
06:59I have not felt like I've been making strong social connections with these ex-brawns.
07:03Very interesting.
07:07I've spent a lot of time in this game on the bottom.
07:10And then even once I started gaining a little bit of traction on Brains 1.0,
07:14I got shunted in the swap to the bottom of Brains 2.0.
07:20Can the OG brawn go look for some wood to get on?
07:25It's making me really nervous.
07:28I love this game more than anything.
07:30I'd love to be out there chatting to people,
07:32understanding the dynamics, making plans.
07:36The OG brains run a 5-4 minority.
07:39Us four brains are probably in a spot of trouble if we were to go to tribal council.
07:44And it's even worse than that,
07:45because I'm there with my nemesis, Mad Max the Jungle Cat.
07:53And I suspect he's out for my blood.
08:02The new brain tribe is magical.
08:11Before this tribe swap, I had a target on my back.
08:16Miles and his newly found posse were coming after me.
08:20But now, things are going my way.
08:24Oh, isn't our new tribe just beautiful?
08:29I'm working my way into these ex-brawns tribe.
08:33And I am a very genuine person.
08:38Trust me, I swear.
08:40Trust me, I swear I am.
08:42I've got an immunity idol in my pocket.
08:46And I feel like the ex-brawns really have taken a liking to me.
08:51Can you flip the board on the dark side?
08:55I've done a couple.
08:56So I'm feeling good about my position in the game.
08:59All right, so Miles is the next vote, you reckon?
09:02But yeah, are you all right with that?
09:03Oh, yeah, sure, man.
09:05In fact, if you can promise me that, I'll be very happy if I am.
09:10This is music to my damn ears.
09:12This was everything I've ever wanted.
09:18I will.
09:20I want to see Max time.
09:21You'll see Max time.
09:23Especially when that little jungle rat leaves.
09:26Well, did he come here?
09:32They're wanting a Miles first vote.
09:34Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.
09:37Yeah, yeah, yeah.
09:44I've been waiting and waiting and waiting.
09:47Tried before to get him out.
09:49But now is the perfect time to strike because I have a damn army behind me.
09:53I'm lost.
10:16Come on in.
10:18Oh, my gosh.
10:20Sandbags, canoes.
10:21Oh, my God.
10:22Where's the canoe going to go?
10:24Oh, no.
10:25And there are balls there.
10:27They have our names on them.
10:31Brains, getting your first look at the new Broad tribe.
10:36Urs will have voted out last night's tribal council.
10:40Oh, my God.
10:42You took out all the muscle.
10:44None of us thought that.
10:49Oh, God.
10:52Morgan, are you surprised to see Ursula gone?
10:55I am, to be honest.
10:57We all had a few bets last night as to what we thought.
11:00And none of us picked Urs.
11:02Who did you pick?
11:03That's a secret, guys.
11:07So, AJ, would you like to provide some context around Ursula's departure?
11:12So, last night I sat in tribal and I said, I have four hostages.
11:16And I said, I have four hostages.
11:20And if this other tribe doesn't start throwing,
11:24I'm going to walk one off the plank every single tribal immunity.
11:35So, you guys can throw or we can just lose and
11:40everyone can go home and see you guys emerge.
11:47That was a pitch.
11:47That's the pitch.
11:49Three brawn hostages.
11:51What about us?
11:54You don't care about your originals?
11:56Thanks, AJ.
11:57Just hanging us out to dry.
12:02Just so you know, that pitch is just coming from AJ.
12:05Yeah, this is an AJ exclusive.
12:08This guy's delusional.
12:09I didn't know he had so many gonads in those sports shorts, mate.
12:13Look at him go.
12:14He is tough after all.
12:17See how it pans out.
12:21Wow, a lot going on.
12:23Are you ready to get to today's immunity challenge?
12:28See you, buddy.
12:34Once again, immunity is back up for grabs.
12:41For today's challenge,
12:42you're going to race to unload heavy sandbags from a canoe loaded with puzzle pieces.
12:48You'll then drag the canoe up the shore and use those pieces to solve a puzzle.
12:54When you get it right, you'll each attempt to land a ball in a high gutter.
13:00First tribe to land all their balls wins immunity and is safe from the vote.
13:03Loses tribal council where somebody's going to become the eighth person voted out.
13:08Brains, you've got two extra.
13:09You're going to need to sit out two today.
13:11Cannot be the same with back to back challenges.
13:12Who's it going to be?
13:15Yeah, I'm thinking me, provided that you guys are going to try and win it for us.
13:19We trust you.
13:20Let's try and win, please.
13:24Yeah, let's not let him get into our heads.
13:26Let's just win.
13:30Kate and Zara.
13:36All right, Kate, Zara, you're on the bench.
13:38Everyone else, a minute to strategize.
13:40We will get to it.
13:48All right, here we go for immunity.
13:50Survivor's ready.
13:56This first part of the challenge is just pure grunt work.
14:02Need to unload 50 very heavy sandbags from your canoe before you can move on.
14:09Broad, wasting no time.
14:11They do not want to go back to tribal tonight.
14:14Let's go, Brains.
14:16Isles digging in, giving it everything.
14:18Go on, boys.
14:21All right, lifting on the sides.
14:23Broad, quickly get it done.
14:24You're good, Broad.
14:26It's Kaylin and Kristen at the front.
14:28Everyone else pushing on that canoe.
14:30We lift to the front, you guys push it back.
14:32That canoe is heavy and it is awkward.
14:36Finally, Brains have their canoe unloaded.
14:39Wait, push.
14:41Is it a push or a pull?
14:42I don't know.
14:42Lift it up.
14:43He's stuck.
14:45Broad, showing what they're made of.
14:49Picking up the whole thing.
14:50He's going to carry it.
14:51I need a lift.
14:57Get it in position.
14:58There it is.
14:58You're good.
14:59That's it, we got it.
15:00Unload your puzzle pieces.
15:04They slide out.
15:06Broad have a very nice lead in this challenge.
15:09Can they keep it going?
15:10You got this, Brains.
15:11Come on.
15:12Three, two, one.
15:15What's going on?
15:16I'm legitimately struggling.
15:18I'm just digging in, Petey.
15:20Struggling to get it moving.
15:22Oh, my God.
15:24Question is, after AJ's proposal,
15:27are they really having that much trouble with their canoe?
15:31She's got a throbbing gut.
15:33Three, two, one, go.
15:41Come on, guys.
15:42See if you can lift it from here or not.
15:44Three, two, one, go.
15:48Oh, good.
15:49They're probably throwing.
15:51Broad is powering ahead.
15:53They have all their puzzle pieces.
15:5715 slats need to slide them into the frame.
16:00We've got to find the bottom.
16:02That one there.
16:03Looking to solve a five-word phrase.
16:06The bottom piece is either here or here.
16:08But, oh, no, it could be either.
16:09It could be this one.
16:10AJ taking charge for Broad.
16:13I cannot believe AJ just did that.
16:17He's doing crazy stuff and declaring war on everyone.
16:20That's really silly to do at this stage, I think.
16:22Noonan sliding in the first piece.
16:25Yeah, AJ, you straighten up.
16:26Broad are a well-oiled machine today.
16:29Yeah, beautiful.
16:30Just powering through.
16:32Two, and push.
16:36Reigns finally had their canoe on the move.
16:42It's painful to watch.
16:43It's inch by inch.
16:45How is this so heavy?
16:49Reigns are nowhere in this challenge.
16:52All right, let's go.
16:52Four points of contact.
16:53Good job, guys.
16:54You're doing so well.
16:55They're still stuck.
16:56Sorry, babes.
16:57So impaled.
16:59Wait, come on.
17:00Let's go.
17:01Finally, Brains are getting some pace.
17:04Slowly working their way up the beach.
17:08Come on, Brains.
17:09You need to pick it up.
17:11All right, Mackey.
17:12Three, two, one, go.
17:14Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going.
17:16Okay, you're good.
17:17Start unloading your pieces.
17:19Come on, Brains.
17:20Miles, go and have a look.
17:21Miles, just look at the puzzle.
17:23Yes, yes.
17:24There's a curve.
17:24That's a C.
17:25Broad have half of their puzzle done.
17:28What is it?
17:28In goes the next piece.
17:30Has an idol.
17:32Oh, shit.
17:33Braun haven't worked out that the puzzle is actually a message.
17:40It says one of the sandbags contains an idol.
17:42Go find it, Laura.
17:44Quick, go look for it.
17:46There is no idol.
17:48Get back in.
17:49Wait, come on.
17:50Let's go.
17:53We're out.
17:55Get back.
18:00Get back.
18:06What is it?
18:07Braun have over half of their puzzle done.
18:11They haven't worked out that the puzzle is actually a message.
18:17Guys, guys, it is one of your sandbag contains an idol.
18:21Oh, God.
18:22Should I go look for the idol?
18:23Oh, shit.
18:24It says one of the sandbags contains an idol.
18:26Quick, go look for it.
18:28Go find it, Laura.
18:29Laura and Jesse head back to the sandbags.
18:33Oh, shit.
18:34Someone help me push.
18:3650 sandbags, that's a lot to search through.
18:40Who's going to find it?
18:42Ben going back now.
18:45In them.
18:48Laura, Ben and Jesse searching through sandbags.
18:52Go for it.
18:52Morgan breaks away.
18:53She's going to go for the idol.
18:55OG Braun abandoning the challenge.
18:58Oh, my God.
19:00Oh, we're out.
19:02Get back.
19:03I'll leave if you guys leave.
19:05I'm staying.
19:06Braun's need the idol.
19:08There is no idol.
19:09Get back in.
19:10Well, I mean, if it says it on the page.
19:12All that OG Braun, no help for brains today.
19:16How do we keep looking, guys?
19:18We're not helping them on that.
19:19They don't seem too phased about joining me at tribal council tonight.
19:25No, we need to put them on.
19:26That, that.
19:27Help straighten that.
19:28Just make sure it's straight.
19:29Braun down to their last two pieces.
19:33Then they can move on.
19:35Last one.
19:38Good, you're good, Braun.
19:43Now you each have a ball.
19:44You each need to land it on the gutter.
19:47Whoever lands it, just go look for the idol.
19:51Everyone have one go.
19:55Logan lands her ball.
19:57She's going back.
19:59Meanwhile, it's still Ben, Morgan, Laura and Jesse searching for brains.
20:05Yeah, okay.
20:06Here's our middle sandbags.
20:07We need bottom of sandbags.
20:09I'm getting middle ready.
20:14There we go.
20:14Stop out, stop out.
20:16AJ gets one.
20:17AJ's being an absolute menace.
20:18He's blowing shit up, huh?
20:20He's blowing up everyone's game.
20:22Well, why, why is everyone listening to me?
20:27There we go.
20:28Kalen lands the next one.
20:29He's going to join Logan for that idol search.
20:33This is crazy.
20:34Are you guys throwing this or is this literally?
20:37Ben, Ben, we need your height, bro.
20:41Brain's yelling at Ben to come back and help with that puzzle.
20:44He's ignoring them.
20:47Desperate to find that idol.
20:48Okay, Maxi, put me on your shoulders.
20:50You ready?
20:51Go, Brain, you're still in this.
20:53I like your optimism, okay?
20:54Go with that.
20:55Nice and high.
20:56The higher, the better.
20:57There we go.
20:58That's a throw.
20:59Don't even get the idol.
21:00Noonan, she lands her ball.
21:02She's heading out.
21:03Hey guys, come get anyone who's finished to come help.
21:06Noonan, yell out to them, come.
21:07Keep going.
21:08Go on, give it a push.
21:09There we go, there we go, there we go.
21:11Finally, Brain's finished their puzzle.
21:14They can move on.
21:15Oi, oi, we've done the puzzle.
21:19All right, last one.
21:21Ben, we got the puzzle done, bricks.
21:24Oh my god.
21:25Oh, we're out.
21:25We got the puzzle done, just get to the mat so we can bloody throw it and just win.
21:30PD, Max and Miles give up on the challenge and just head out for the idol.
21:35We can win this challenge.
21:37Come on out.
21:38No one even cares about the challenge.
21:41I don't even want an idol.
21:45There you go.
21:46Go, sir.
21:47It's up to Karen now.
21:49Do you want to just stop and look for the idol?
21:50We've won this no matter what.
21:51You search, I'll keep going.
21:54These all been searched?
21:56Yeah, yeah, come here.
21:56And they're so easy, untie them and lift.
21:58Braun, down to one ball.
22:01Come on.
22:02What do they do?
22:03It's a real dilemma.
22:04I'm tired of looking.
22:05Yeah, we need this idol to come out, guys.
22:07Come on, come on, idol.
22:09This is wild, guys.
22:11I've opened so many chicken sandbags.
22:26Kristen's got it, let's go.
22:28Oh, you got it?
22:29Kristen finds the idol for Braun.
22:36Karen working that last ball by herself.
22:39Here she goes, going for the win.
22:45In and out.
22:48Bray's still searching through sandbags.
22:51We've gone through so many of them.
22:53God, it's like Christmas without the presents.
22:55Wait, let's just win the challenge and we can all be safe.
22:59Hey, I got the idol.
23:00Let's go, Bricks.
23:01Oh, bro.
23:04Miles finds the idol for Brains.
23:07I've got it.
23:07Let's just go.
23:08Let's just win this challenge.
23:09It doesn't matter.
23:11Right, Tris.
23:12What now?
23:13Miles got the idol, so...
23:16Wait, come on, let's go.
23:17Is it actually the idol, Tris?
23:18Yeah, it's actually the idol.
23:20Far out, he was just floating around.
23:21Brains coming back.
23:23They're going to continue with the challenge now.
23:26It'll be too little too late.
23:30Can Karen do it on this shot?
23:38Imagine if we still lost.
23:42Jessie gets the first one to stick for Brains.
23:45Go, Jessie.
23:46Go, Petey.
23:49Petey lands one right behind him.
23:52Braun had a huge lead.
23:55Brains closing that gap.
24:03Karen's starting to feel the pressure now.
24:05She needs to close it out.
24:07Come on, Cassie.
24:08Brains are getting close.
24:09Let's go, Cass.
24:14And there it is.
24:15Karen does it.
24:16Braun wins immunity, sending Brains to tribal council.
24:19Hold on.
24:21Nice, Kristen.
24:26Brilliant model.
24:27I wasn't on the top, that's for sure.
24:29Good one.
24:38So, Miles, Brains lost, but successful challenge for you.
24:42Yeah, I guess you could say that.
24:43Ideally, I would have loved to win the challenge and get the idol.
24:46But, you know, a little bit of safety tonight makes it all right.
24:51Kristen, I see you got a little bonus also.
24:54Yes, very exciting.
24:55I was trying to keep it a secret, but Noonan threw me under the bus.
24:58So, it's out there.
25:00All right, well, congratulations, Braun.
25:05Immunity is yours.
25:06You are safe.
25:06Thank you so much.
25:07Not going home tonight.
25:09Good job, guys.
25:12All right, you can head on out.
25:13Enjoy your night off.
25:17Keep yourselves together.
25:18Be smart about it, Miles.
25:20Good luck, guys.
25:21See you later.
25:24All right, Brains, Tribal Council tonight,
25:25where one of you will become the eighth person voted out.
25:28Head on out.
25:29I'll see you tonight.
25:30See you there.
25:32This is the worst possible thing that could have happened.
25:36Miles has found himself an idol.
25:40It was going to be a very simple vote.
25:43We were going to get rid of this jungle rat once and for all.
25:47You just had to complicate things, didn't you, Miles?
26:06Good try, guys.
26:08Such a great effort, guys.
26:09That was super hard.
26:12Thanks for giving it your all.
26:17That was incredibly frustrating.
26:20I know the OG prawns through the challenge.
26:24Basically, they were just like, not trying at all.
26:28And that caused us to lose.
26:29And now we have to go to Tribal Council.
26:32I don't think the vote was that heavy.
26:33I don't think they were pulling that hard.
26:42What should we do?
26:42Should we all go for a chat or chat to these guys?
26:46I'll give a chat.
26:47AJ's move at the challenge was completely nuts.
26:52Just openly declaring that he's going to sacrifice one of our players
26:55every time he goes to Tribal Council.
26:58So we decided as a collective to throw the challenge.
27:02We're protecting our OG prawns in Paulie, Noonan and Krista.
27:07We realised we're so close to merge.
27:09And if we can go in prawn strong, it's going to be huge for all our games.
27:14Miles having an idol has really put a spanner in the works.
27:17I've got a few ideas.
27:18I thought I'd just spout out ideas.
27:20This was a simple, simple vote until he found that idol.
27:25So I have an idea.
27:27I think we have to put majority on Max.
27:31And then flush the idol with Miles.
27:35Flush the idol.
27:36Flush the idol.
27:38Yeah, we've got five votes.
27:40Yeah, we've got five votes.
27:42So we have to have four of us on Max.
27:45Is there a chance that Miles could play the idol for Max
27:48because he's got this colourful past with him?
27:50And that he could be like playing some crazy game?
27:52Oh, he still could.
27:53He definitely could do that.
27:56If Miles plays that idol correctly, one of us could be in trouble.
27:59So we now need to really put some confusion amongst the OG brains.
28:05We can just fluster them all.
28:07Can I say, I reckon there'll be one standard response
28:10because they'll all ask the question, right?
28:12So if there's one answer that just says you're good,
28:15we're voting on one or the other, sorry.
28:17Confuse them.
28:20Just make Miles nervous.
28:22And if he's nervous, he'll play it for himself.
28:26And then we can take Max out.
28:37I am disappointed that we're going to travel council tonight,
28:41but Miles is an idol.
28:44Miles has an idol.
28:47Which is amazing because the OG brains are in a minority.
28:52But with Miles' idol, I think we can finally make a move.
29:01I think we need to stick together.
29:03I think we need to stick together.
29:06I know that you want Miles out, but now that he has this idol,
29:09we have to split them.
29:11So if we come in as a four, we can choose which one goes.
29:16They are going to flush Miles' idol.
29:19I think they're going to split on Miles and someone else.
29:24So I need to make sure that Max is definitely with us
29:28because we need him as a number to get rid of these brawns.
29:31Okay. Yellow tier of horse.
29:33Are we all staying together?
29:35We're all staying together.
29:35Yeah, we're staying.
29:36Okay, here we go.
29:37Max, are you with us or against?
29:39You saw them throw that challenge today, right?
29:40He's what I said to Max.
29:42He's what I said to Max.
29:43They are thinking right now what the split's going to be on you.
29:46They will split.
29:48And if Miles plays the idol for the right person,
29:51we come in with a four, we're done.
29:52A brawn's going to go home.
29:54I think they think I'm too selfish, so I'm not going to play.
29:57That's what I mean.
29:57I think they're going to split.
29:59So I think our plan is to play the idol correctly,
30:01which I think is one of you two.
30:04If I was them, I would dump it on me.
30:06I would do it.
30:07And I want to be clear, if we think that's what's happening,
30:08I'll play it for you.
30:13What we're trying to do right now as a four is keep you here.
30:17That's what we're trying to do.
30:21You talk to Jesse and Ben and just see what you can weasel in there.
30:25Then who do we want out?
30:26Who do we vote for?
30:27Oh, yeah.
30:28I reckon Kate.
30:31And the only reason why is because she's very social and outgoing.
30:34And then also, Kate's going to be a real beast late game in those challenges.
30:38What if I...
30:41You just need to make sure that you vote with us, Nasty.
30:45Max, you're in the circle of trust now,
30:47so if you do anything to us, I will kill you.
30:50Just don't flee, because you're just not smart.
30:58Yeah, this is where we're coming from.
31:00Yeah, this is where...
31:01Yeah, this is where the shit goes down.
31:03I need you to look me in the eye, Max, and say that you're with us.
31:10It's going to be a party.
31:11That's for sure.
31:20Oh, my God, it's already open.
31:21Yeah, it's already open.
31:22Oh, yeah.
31:24Coconut party.
31:28Yes, thank you, sir.
31:31Tonight, the plan being dictated to me is to stick with the brains.
31:38So myself, Miles, Zara, and Laura will vote Kate.
31:45Explains your mood.
31:48But baby, that doesn't work for me.
31:53I'm down to that tree.
31:54I love that tree.
31:54Yeah, it's a good chatting tree.
31:55It's a good chat tree.
31:58It's a good chat tree.
32:03Zara and Miles, I don't trust them at all.
32:09The brains are annoying.
32:10They were just trying to manipulate me.
32:13Yeah, yeah, yeah.
32:14Because I want to ride with you guys.
32:18Do you reckon he's going to play that idol tonight?
32:21But I do feel, I actually genuinely feel he's probably not going to play it for himself.
32:33Yeah, but so if we could get him there.
32:37We could get him.
32:38Yeah, I don't hate that idea.
32:40I'd buy into that idea.
32:43That means I want to be brought in on the strut chat.
32:45And I want to be part of it then.
32:47Because they want me to try and lie to you guys and get like information on Camille.
32:55But I'm kind of, I don't trust Miles.
32:58I don't trust Zara.
32:59Zara just said, if you flip, I'll kill you.
33:04I like Laura.
33:05She's a friend.
33:06But Miles, he's my mortal enemy.
33:11A lying little jungle rat.
33:13And Zara, she just threatened me.
33:16So I need to concoct a plan with my new friends.
33:21This will burn my bridge with Laura, which I'm a bit worried about.
33:24But I prefer, I prefer to roll into the merge with you guys.
33:28Oh, **** it.
33:30Yeah, let's shake some things up.
33:32I would love, I would love for Miles to play his idol for somebody else and go home.
33:38So what, let's look at the split.
33:39They've got three votes.
33:41So what have we got?
33:42Six votes.
33:44We go three Miles, three Zara.
33:48There'll be a re-vote.
33:50And then all of us six need to vote on Miles.
33:55And if Miles plays his idol for himself, Zara goes home.
34:00Yeah, does that make sense?
34:02Three, three, three split.
34:04And then it's win-win either way.
34:06Re-vote, we can't lose.
34:08This is it.
34:09This is where I can cement myself with you guys.
34:14This is the perfect plan.
34:16I'm working with the five brawns.
34:18This is it.
34:19I am voting for Miles.
34:22Plus, let's not forget about my little sweetheart, Jezebel.
34:32This here, my lady, my girlfriend on this island, she's gonna get me to the end.
34:41Okay, I'm gonna go now because I want to take control of this game.
34:45I want to be in power.
34:47And I don't know if you know this about me, but I love power.
34:53So tonight, it's gonna be awesome.
35:11I've decided to roll with the brawns.
35:14So yeah, I want to work with you guys.
35:19I love that you guys are loyal and good.
35:22Yeah, I feel good about that.
35:24The other brains, I can't trust them for a bar of soap, man.
35:29But yeah, if I come with you tonight, which I will,
35:31that means you have to make sure the other girls vote for Zara.
35:34Yeah, they're on it.
35:34All the other three.
35:35They're on it.
35:36And then who do you think the other crew is gonna vote for?
35:38Don't know.
35:39Who cares?
35:39It doesn't matter.
35:40Who cares?
35:41I look in you in the eye, I'm 100% with you.
35:43I swear on my life.
35:44Let's do it.
35:45Let's go and merge.
35:45I really want to play with you guys.
35:48It's smarter.
35:49It's easier.
35:50People I really like.
35:52And then we can just go to the promised land.
35:55Just go to the promised land.
35:58This is an integral move for my game.
36:01Because if Myles plays his idol for himself, Zara goes home.
36:06If Myles plays his idol for Zara, Myles goes home.
36:10Oh, it's exciting.
36:12Yeah, I can't wait.
36:14It's a win-win situation for me, baby.
36:17But I'm thinking we can make this even better.
36:19I need to talk to my pal, Laura.
36:24Here we are.
36:25Okay, yeah.
36:27If we can get Laura on board, Zara and Myles will only have two votes to throw our way.
36:32Meaning we can't lose.
36:39So, we're good.
36:43So, that's where we're gonna stick together.
36:45So, that's where we're gonna stick together.
36:48I want to go with them.
36:50You want to go with them?
36:58In fact, I would much rather go to merge and work with these brawns.
37:02I like them alone.
37:09I don't trust Myles.
37:10I don't trust Zara.
37:15I'm worried.
37:17Currently, there is a plan.
37:18But for it to actually happen, I need Max to vote with me.
37:22I just don't think...
37:23Why do you want to work with them?
37:24Because we have the numbers.
37:25We could...
37:26If they're gonna split, we could finally do it.
37:28We could just break the brawn.
37:30Yeah, but I've wanted Myles gone for so long.
37:33And I want Zara gone.
37:35I can't work with them.
37:36Zara's got awful bedside manner.
37:38She's rude to me.
37:39She's rude to everyone.
37:40She's negative.
37:41Myles, I just can't wait to get him out because it's fun.
37:44I really don't know what he's doing.
37:45I do.
37:47I'm going in with the brawns.
37:49I can't wait to send Myles and Zara back in.
37:51It's like my dream.
37:53Yeah, but, like, that's not smart.
37:55When we get to merge, you're gonna be at the bottom of their alliance.
37:57Not necessarily.
38:00I'm a people's person.
38:01I'm actually not too worried about that if I'm being completely honest with you.
38:05Trust me, this is...
38:05We're building trust right now.
38:07I know, I know, I know.
38:08Then we're gonna be involved in their chats.
38:11We're pirates, baby.
38:13We're pirates.
38:16This is a very, very risky move.
38:19But Max is sure.
38:21And because Max is not going to stick with us brains,
38:24I need to save my own skin and flip too.
38:30What's the update?
38:38I'm really honest with you.
38:41I know.
38:44I know.
38:46Max is not with us.
38:51From what I'm gathering, that it was a split on your words.
38:54And they're trying to convince me to come over with them.
38:57They want me to work for Myles.
39:00And if I don't, if we don't, we're against.
39:03Max is 1,000% with them.
39:07How do you know that?
39:08Because he told me.
39:10He told you that he's with them?
39:13I'm telling you this because I think that it is dumb of us to not vote with them.
39:20I know that I came in guns blazing saying that we need to stick together.
39:23But because Max is categorically not, I know that.
39:25We have to go for it.
39:28Otherwise, we're easy pickings.
39:31I think we need to convince Myles to put his head up for you.
39:33And then he goes home.
39:34And he goes home.
39:40I don't know what to say.
39:42I feel awful.
39:45Myles is in my core alliance.
39:47And even though he's irritating Laura and I, I think he is a good person.
39:53And he's extremely loyal.
39:56But I don't have a move.
39:58There's nothing that I can...
40:04We are keeping our heads afloat until March.
40:10The only thing that I can do is vote for Myles.
40:15Which is pretty brutal.
40:16But that's my only option right now.
40:19I am saying...
40:21I'm saying, yeah, I think that we're in a bit of strife.
40:26They told me it's...
40:31I'm happy to play a part.
40:33I just hope that you and them aren't throwing me on the bus.
40:37But that's all right.
40:38It's me, apparently.
40:40Yeah, no, I'm happy to play it for you tonight.
40:43Let's just keep reading the room.
40:59Max's idea was for us to vote on Zara.
41:05He wants to come with us and he wants to see...
41:07He made a bargain.
41:08He's like, I want to solidify my bond with you guys.
41:10I want to be brought in on StratChats.
41:11I want to be a part of this in the merch.
41:14Yeah, of course it does.
41:15He's a good actor, right?
41:16He is a good actor.
41:17But that doesn't mean he won't work with us now.
41:19I'm not saying that.
41:22So let's talk about this one more time.
41:23Just do we keep saying Max?
41:27We're scared of an idol.
41:28If Max has an idol.
41:29Max doesn't have an idol.
41:30He seems desperate.
41:35Is the 3-3-3 thing a bad idea?
41:38I don't trust him enough.
41:44If there's three of them staying strong.
41:48We stick to the plan, I think.
41:51Yeah, cool.
42:01Who else?
42:01Can I say?
42:02Oh yeah, for sure.
42:03Yeah, we love having you around.
42:05Yeah, you're so good.
42:06To be honest, I got no idea who to play the idol for.
42:11I could just play it safe and use it for myself.
42:14But Zara has been one of my closest allies throughout this game.
42:17And I need allies if I am able to make it to merch.
42:20So I'm willing to play my idol for Zara.
42:23But I'm still gonna have to be on full alert tonight.
42:26I just want to get that little demon.
42:28Yeah, the little fairy.
42:34A lot is going down tonight.
42:38I'm rolling with the brawns to either get out Miles or Zara.
42:44Depending on where Miles plays his idol.
42:47I will be going Santa.
42:50And a tribal council blows up and they all start talking about me.
42:55Sweet Jezebel, my lovely little immunity idol.
43:00Gonna come to my side and drag me out of the mud.
43:04I'm starving, eh?
43:07I'm hungry.
43:08Hungry for some tribal council.
43:10Yeah, baby.
43:21Experience the game like never before with extended tribal councils.
43:25Unseen moments, interviews and more over on Template.
43:57So, Ben.
43:59Do you find it incredible that it's day 19 and you've barely come to tribal council?
44:04I mean, it was a couple times at the start and that's it.
44:06Yeah, I've missed you.
44:08I've missed you.
44:10Yeah, it's been a while.
44:11We haven't been here since the Nash boat.
44:13So, yeah, it's kind of good to be back.
44:16Yeah, it's game on now.
44:19But Max, as you know, tribal can get a little hectic sometimes.
44:24Tribal can get pretty gnarly.
44:26Sometimes the adrenaline's pumping through the blood.
44:30Everyone's a bit excited.
44:32You think you know what's going on.
44:34Some people know what's going on.
44:35Some people don't.
44:37Are you worried about being back here again?
44:40No, I'm feeling pretty good.
44:42I've met some really good people.
44:45I think tonight for me is going to be about building trust.
44:51What about for you, Miles?
44:53Has avoiding tribal affected your game in any way?
44:57Well, considering I spent a lot of this game on the bottom of the tribe,
45:01it's been nice to obviously avoid tribal a little bit.
45:04That being said, moving through into this new tribe,
45:08I'm not sure I'm feeling any better about my position in the tribe.
45:13Additionally, everyone here knows that AJ is probably the only person
45:18that I'm particularly close with on the OG Brains.
45:21And AJ did a very big, hand-wavy declaration of war today against the Brawns.
45:25So I'm really nervous about my spot.
45:30All right, Ben.
45:30Well, look, in every tribe, there's a hierarchy.
45:33Who do you think is on the top of this tribe?
45:37Oh, look, we've got five OG Brawns here.
45:39So four OG Brains.
45:41You know, this vote should be pretty simple,
45:43but it's not because I'll make my own decision.
45:47Old mate Myles over here found a little floating idol today.
45:51And now everyone's in trouble.
45:56Jesse, has Myles' idol made you guys reconsider what the plan is tonight?
46:02Yes, we had a few plans in mind prior to the idol being discovered.
46:06And the idol did throw a spanner in the works.
46:08So we've had to move a few players on the chess board and things like that.
46:12So hopefully it all works out in our favor tonight.
46:17But Laura, is one of those choices four of you sticking together
46:21and wisely playing Myles' idol and taking out one of the OG Brawns?
46:26It's definitely a choice on the table, for sure.
46:31Myles' idol has changed a lot.
46:32And so we have to figure out how best to move forward with it.
46:37What's your take, Myles?
46:39My take is that an idol will keep you safe for one tribal.
46:43If we find ourselves back a tribal, then I'm potentially in trouble again.
46:47Like an ally is worth far more than an idol is.
46:52So Zara, clearly the OG Brawns are in the minority on this tribe.
46:57And with Myles safe, does that mean you potentially could be a target tonight?
47:03It does potentially mean I could be a target tonight.
47:06Going back to AJ's declaration of war, I came into this tribe as a lover, not a fighter.
47:12I wanted to build bridges and make connections,
47:16because I think come Merge, we're all going to need each other.
47:18So that was my way of going about it, building bridges, not bombing them.
47:27Max, it seems like AJ might have painted you into a corner.
47:32I'm in this position of power, I could a little swing vote.
47:38So I'm choosing who I vote for tonight based on who do I see moving forward to Merge with.
47:47And I think the people I'm choosing tonight,
47:50we're going to be a goddamn steam train, Jonathan.
47:56Wow, Laura, Max has just been completely open about it.
47:59He says, I'm going to be a swing vote tonight.
48:02Yeah, well, I think he is.
48:04He is.
48:05All of us brains have a choice to make.
48:09And I think any way forward, we can be a steam train.
48:14But yeah, we've got a big choice to make.
48:17I mean, Max, is Merge too far away to let it affect your vote tonight?
48:21I mean, some of you won't even make Merge.
48:23I think you've got to start thinking ahead.
48:28You've got to pick who you're going to go to war with.
48:31If you just sit there in cruise control,
48:34you're going to get to the Merge whenever it may be.
48:37And you're not going to be on the right side of the numbers.
48:42So Max, you think you're on the right side of the numbers tonight?
48:45I think after tonight, yes.
48:51What about you, Miles?
48:52Do you think you're on the right side of the numbers?
48:55I've got no idea, Jonathan.
48:56You have no idea?
48:58I have no idea whether I'm on the right side of the numbers.
49:01Obviously, I'm hoping I am.
49:03I'm going to put trust in certain people.
49:06But yeah, I don't know.
49:13Well, there's only one way to find out.
49:17It is time to vote.
49:19It is time to vote.
49:21Miles, you're up.
49:48Finally, farewell, jungle rat.
50:49I'm going to count the votes.
51:04If anyone has an idol and you'd like to play it,
51:06now would be the time to do so.
51:12I'm going to count the votes.
51:18I'm going to count the votes.
51:30It's heavy.
51:38I'm going to play it for myself.
51:39All right.
51:42One more day in the game.
51:44This is an idol and any votes cast for Miles will not count.
51:57I'll read the votes.
52:01First vote, Miles does not count.
52:10Miles does not count.
52:14Miles does not count.
52:20Miles does not count.
52:28That's one vote, Kate.
52:40One vote, Kate.
52:44One vote, Max.
52:52One vote, Kate.
52:53Two votes, Max.
53:02Eighth person voted out of brains versus brawn.
53:11That's three votes.
53:11That's enough.
53:12I need to bring me a torch.
53:32Max, the tribe has spoken.
53:36See you, Max.
53:37See you, guys.
53:39Bye, Max.
53:48Well, you might have spent the last 19 days in cruise control,
53:51but tonight, you definitely pumped the gas.
53:56Grab your torches.
53:57Head back to camp.
53:58Good night.
54:08Sunday night.
54:09So where is he from?
54:10Yeah, that's the question.
54:12With merge in sight.
54:13You've got a sniper dot right in the middle of your forehead.
54:15We're just waiting to pull the trigger.
54:17Immunity has never been more important.
54:21Wait, come on, let's go.
54:22But a challenge deadlock.
54:24Wow, that was long.
54:27Are you throwing?
54:30Would mean double trouble.
54:33AJ, mate.
54:34He's doing it on purpose.
54:35These guys are definitely trying to trade.
54:36I just got blindsided.
54:44The chats that I had with Jesse felt really genuine.
54:49You're a great person, but I've got to stick strong with my alliance.
54:54They definitely made a mistake voting me out today.
54:56I was ready to go into battle with that prawns alliance.
55:01I've tried to squash the jungle rat over and over again,
55:04and I've come to the conclusion that you actually can't get rid of him.
55:08But if he didn't find that idol today, I reckon I would still be here.