• 14 hours ago


00:00Mr. Carlin you and the defendant have been divorced for many years. Yes, ma'am. And according to your complaint
00:06You shared custody for most of those years of your now 16 year old daughter. Yes, ma'am
00:13And it sounded as if everything was going along reasonably well
00:21You gave your consent while your daughter was with you to have her lip pierced
00:27Yes a decision which I gather reading between the lines you regret a little bit slightly
00:37And as a result of that, mr
00:38Carlin I
00:40Get the sense you filed this lawsuit
00:42Which alleges that your former wife had agreed to pay for half of your daughter's karate lessons. That's correct
00:50She became rather expert in karate. She took karate from several years
00:55Your former wife had not paid for half
00:59Something that I don't think bothered you too much
01:04Until the lip-piercing no, that's not correct your honor
01:08Well, this whole thing didn't blow up until the lip-piercing. Is that right?
01:15That's correct. And then something happened that as far as I'm concerned was tragic, but we'll get to that in a moment
01:20So, why don't you tell me when this agreement was made with your former wife about three years ago
01:25Sarah was shopping around. She was interested in taking karate. So she looked at one school and
01:32She looked at another one and she liked the the second one
01:36It was it wasn't as expensive as the other one and as a matter of fact, it was a little bit cheaper
01:41But they wanted the money up front
01:43Basically over a ten month to a year period it came out to a little over forty one hundred dollars
01:49I talked to my wife Teresa and she said we cannot afford this. I said that
01:54Sarah's mother would agree to split it with me. I picked up the phone. I called her. I laid this out to her
02:00Exactly how they wanted I didn't expect the money right up front from her
02:04But she said that she would split the cost of the school two and a half years later three years later
02:09I've yet to get a dime. You remember having the conversation with him when your daughter started school. No, your honor
02:14I don't he says that he did discuss with you when she first started karate school. Make sure you tell me the truth that he
02:22Wanted you to pay for half because he couldn't assume the entire burden of the classes now
02:28Are you telling me that he's lying? Yes. I am your honor. That's not true. I never saw one document from the karate school
02:34He never approached me about paying half the money. We we split tokens. He would pay tokens one week
02:40Tokens for school the karate lesson money was never brought up
02:47Something happened with your daughter
02:50Recently, I assume when she came to you and said she wanted to have her lip pierced
02:55Tell me about that conversation
02:57Well for two years she had wanted to get something pierced
03:00She has about three holes in her ear and I was like no more no more and when she was 16
03:07We had discussion she asked and asked and asked and finally I broke down did you discuss it with her father?
03:13No, I didn't why not
03:16It really wouldn't have been a big deal
03:18Alright, mr. Carlin
03:21Then you saw your daughter I
03:26Must tell you why I'm sympathetic with you as a parent
03:30You see your gorgeous daughter and she's got this ridiculous thing in her face
03:36And you got really
03:38Angry, that's correct. So what did you do?
03:41Well Sarah and I had discussions prior to this
03:45That she was getting a little tired of the shared custody arrangement
03:50so I
03:52Picked her up and saw the stud and I just I couldn't believe it. I took her down the next day to the place where
03:59She had it put in and I let them know that she was only 16
04:04I want this thing out now and she refused to come in
04:08So I took her back to her mother's house and I said you're tired of this shared custody arrangement
04:14I said I can't have this, you know either and
04:17That was it. She's been with her mother since July 15th
04:21Mr. Carlin, you're gonna answer me very honestly, sir. Yes, ma'am
04:26Because I think you've been a good father. Thank you been an involved father good parent
04:30to you
04:32Believe mr. Carlin
04:36Your reaction to your daughter's piercing was appropriate
04:41At the time. Yes